The Wilson Advance! JULY 2:1, Fill DAY Wilson S'. C., a wcondtU matter. ; AMI TAKH- ... . tT nu sTi;t.i.i.s. .tftnrr T 'I'riti 'NI(n!iA!N GOING- Nj;'., -GOING SOUTH, - . ' w;1 . . C:10 A M lot M!!c (XHc- ojm-iw daily (Sunday except at 6 A. M. ,in h ''mid iy excepted) at 7 P.M. Sunday olhee is open on "hour after .the anital ? t acl mail. & M C Damki.i. r. M. Local Department. J03EPHOS DAHIELS - EDITOR. A tale of a w.v- -the dog's. (i rapes are beinnni to appcar. iratcrmclon now p'.entifu! ami Cllt'Hp.! " ; .- - i l'eaciKrs, apls and -eam in great j .'rpiau'tities in -bur .rna;;:;C ; . i( ' ! The' .ImV'i ' r fw'om'etli for the gra ded hclioui in Gjld4buro. True merit h like a rivr; tire deep er if !i the less iri iOn ikes. flltyis the letter "G" like mfttri tnony? Ik-cause it is the end of coart- A-younjj " Udy. siioiiM '. be careful ii;r triii'XT. or it riji'it unwilling ly show 1 1 1-r raj;o. H'Acvcr opposed a yom'jf bride may be to ( hj a diet she will nver go li:n:k' on lier-r'mg. Do ym see it ! ! We .return 'thanks to Hie .managers fT :m iuVitaUo.i to atteii'l i'. ball- at Ili(!wcll Acadeuiy. near S-tantonsbiu'g on Friday, "July .'5')'.h. The crops in the Ca.ftalia section are Niill :riiig riih dioii.lit. A correspon dent r.ivs that it ia the ; dry est time kiionu lor several years. v Our TJoldihoro iieighbors areTa - lu-Ht ab ut a grudcd school.- Goininit lw h ive been appointed to employ lenehers provide snilub'e buildings, rtc. ' M'r.:. Wiley tl.e Waviie t hat I he lice mtv .much. l?nriiP4 who lives ".neat1 line in this-' chmitv says ar5 ii j.iriii t!ie cotton I n oi lnr mum s of the .-county, the 'same complaint icadc. In .ing' to li:uero-l,'s iuill' a Xe-v diyVago vv! noticed that on this .side of Ihe iniil the lice were d.-uii iging thj cotton very niiuli. In o;ie D!ac3 the field was while with, lime which had : iMen s,). iwkled over the. cotton Miny Lli o lice. le- The artijle on liioVinjf'-which' we publish on ttie fourth pi-ge is from the 1" a of a learned writer. We call special attention to it.. The South" . Carolina dutl between Col. Cash and voi.. .suannon gave r::o to the l:e!e. lieadit. - ar- Lvlics generally like to have a beau. In fact, so imbued arc some with the i lea of the nerosity:ot Audi uji .ap p. dage that ih-y gpow- perfectly wild with delirium of joy even at : the ao pearance of a rain bow. . Don't tell' us thore is nothing iu a name." - ' (o d shoes. ciican shoes, fit tin: -..wi-s uuhimiu- oi me uest material andjwariMited to fit. and to suit tl'c purciiasfrr. - A. H. ON.iI says that he makes none but the very best shoes and guarantees to sit the purchaser, l ry hnu aud he will satisfy you. The last of the series of match "atiics between t-he Swift Foot and Fanner Mechanic base ball clubs of this" place a"s played Monday ?venin" re cking in vicl0ry to t,(0 sift3A)0t Lb.wiu I -. .... 4 , r l I w.v- u.oi w iu. iniscicar- pu os mat the .Srfif; can't be1 beat. Foot club We have just receive I from Edwards Hroughtou d. Co.. Ualeigh,2s. i.f the nicest and neavU p3per and envelopes we have evct-scci. "printed m.the highest style of the art. These gentiemea rc excellent printers and jvodo not hesitate to recommend them . " V "ur readers as lirst.olass re- .v '"Mt!,s men. itcad th Aerusemnt. . , CU : a;l- Ironi no bow of a o iue u as fruitless as the "bar ! H tree," until it ha Hnio 1 1 it with the flowers of femln inft.L.! ! ten out and furih..rm.w '"""ence ....... ..uu a nuiuan S lOVi e. The suit for a nmidfln., L j broudit in th : uaai ls 't coniP i oitase. m u-nfhoa a fcn,!,,. t ' i w.icn the old man orders ,th J,... .- nut : . . . " F'"inua I k !;-,- j raitery at the fiit e innoSni fo'hli, ,f uS Moore ' V Roberson. -rair sex;" and -now to prove lit M-.,,U;Toyl tajlor, it is aimed in blavfid . . I Miss'Luey W arren 2. Jerry Watson, malice. .7 'r- lu Williams, Miss ltattie I " vvv. am M ir ii : n- . . vowi,. .anu when sheluredie, aged, 58 ! years. Mr. Credle comes ftiA "3.rrJ uie n"t man that i Jionr, it a court of chance- I Aureus America Owen: eiree ! When . . oes lo ask bor obar.innn of apptly aourt when he poesto J ' , 81, Anii ti .... . .. . r-e UIS 2rl everv niwhr ! to s.p l ' - i "v . : 1 lT every night ' iions, aaeiai ses- ' . 7' . ' We desire to Call special attention to the advertisement of ibis excellent school. Prof. R. P. Trot is aa edo caled, christian gentleman a'lid we do' nnt haalHfp til I PCnmmeild II Ilfl 38 9 I I VStr . J ' , f faithful and Competent tea'chW. nd hi school as. desert iug of confidence and support- KM Gloves! Kid Glove I! Kid Olove of all sliadea at'LTTTeilbrbncr & Urb, ag U. . - , J ... . ' Aniftlenr lrrn ionl(on. The North Carolina Amaleur Preas Convention held its annual ; session id Wilmington, Wednesday, July 21st. Josephp Daniels, local edifjor of the Advance, delivered the; ahnual ad dress, rllis subject was Tfce Train ing necessary for the highest success Iid Journalism." A "ew luprr. ..; ' J j I The Sunny Home is the name of a new 'paper Just startedat Toisuot. in this county by Mr. Theodore Ilobgood. ;It ii a neat newsy paper and the peo ple of Toisuot ami vicinity would pro mote their own interests by giving this p:iper'a liberal. support. The subscrip tion price ta the same as that of the Advance. . '- New good jn't received at L. IleilbVontr Hsu., aT'-iit. Slurried. ,' ; K At the residence of the bride's moth jer, 3Irs. Julia -Daniel, July 1 0th, Mr. K..T.' Albrittoii. ofSnow Hill; to Miss jAppie Daniel, a beauti-ful and charm- jug .yr'U.ij lad l-.Jn'rncy lady of Stantonsburg. Kev. officiated. This voting icouple have'beun life under bright auspices and the Advance extends its best pishes for alloiig lilc of happi ness and prosperity. Nii:e stylisfi' dress and blue flannel '.its at L. lleilbruner & Hro., agents. A Vegetable Curlosily. We were shown a few days ago by Mr. M. T. Moye a. vegetable curiosity n the shape of an okra stem with a small ear of corn on it instead of a regular, okra pod. The com, and okra! were planted m rowsside. by side Tiiejesult was a mixture of the two and the production of okra corn as shown to us. There was no shucks nor tassel on the corn. It is preset v ed in alcohol at the drug store of Moye & Nadal's. ' v AlmoNt ultohbcry. Saturday night between 12 and 1 o'clock a noise was heard in the store nfilountree, Barnes & Co., on Tarboro street by some passers by who bailed the policemen and procured a key and searched the store to find ; the burgiars. However after a careful search no one was found, nor was any thing disturbed in the store, although the oilice window was found raised the next morning. It is thought that the would-be burglars were driven off by those who heard the no:se. " White 'goods, .pique and lawn's the finest voek e(;r ollered sale in ini.son at L. Ileiihioiiei- v Hro., agents. : I'lie Denial 4 li;ir. I love it, I I,lVe ir, aiid who sliall dare; To chide- in - for loving: that dental chair As a child 1 liave sat in it oft lor a prize, I've bedewed it with tears embalmed wiih Mghs; it And as since, I've been soothed denta! art, . t by the 'Tis bound by many a plug to my heart. Would ye Ictrn the spell? a good dentist was1 there, Ami he cured my aches in the denfnl chtir: and ..especially do we love it when such, a skill rid den list as Dr. R. W. Joyner works on our teeth. As to ladies Fancy Iloisery, Lace Oloves and Mitts, Kid GloVes, in all shades-, (in cluding all the new colors,) Parasols Cuffs and Collars, the assortment of Hellbroucr, at Wilson, was never equalled. , Beelure on Astronomy. lion. Kemp P. Battle, President of our State Lniversity (in a letter of the loth) concerning Prof. IlasselPs lec ture which was delivered At the Nor mal school two weeks ago, writes : Hls lecture on Astronomy reflects the very ! highest credit on his learning and ability." Added to this the many notices which we have seen in the papers of the State speaking in the highest terms of Prof. Hasscll's lecture we' feel sure that it was appreciated by those who attended the Normal school by the faculty of the lin.versity. and the visitors. , ' 1 -; ; ' A-list cf lettwrs remaining in the Post OlRec at Ifilsoii N. C, July 21, 1SS0. Jacob Ay cock, -Mack Alston... coL Wni; Arrington. col., Jas. J. Boykin, l.unyan Boykin. j Anthany Barnes, Miss; Becky Barnes Jessie Coleman, David V. Driver. U'ilv Diekerson: lld. Isem. llardv. Jas II. Lamm P10 . ; 1 m . j w U"S lf U,e above lct within .30 days th ters are BOt called for the will be sent to the licau better Umce. AL C. Daniels, P. M. Iiel. In Old Fields towuship, Monday. July 12ih, Mattie Dona, little daugh- lul oi i. . and ilary J. .batman, axed 12 months. a ' ' tt':i ri iiueijjc near iiou. tn- day .norning, July 16th, Mr. M.: G. w3 a respected citize p. a good farmer an an upright man. We syrapaUnze deeply with bis sorrow-stricken family sorrow-stricken family in this sad berpamint We regret toW that Mr. Jacob - 'in.', vuxi uiuur oiuu&ij cuiz.eu5, uieu at hU home io Black Creek township Uar"el, one offenr oldest citizens, died at bU hnma i J ni.t, r!, i,: iwo weeks agci Mr. Daniel was years old at the time oflils death. 7G Tlie uett6a of Weigh C A certain geutleofoa in rmr - t has been saying for the nast fPW that if a pefson -wonld drink two potfnds of water ftq would not weia, more than s half pound more than be fore dnHkinij iti Another' fAiia-U offered to wager 3. that apfcrn ancr cr.nKlng W6-:;poiWd"of VaterlP.7 J i A ireG would Weigh more tlian a h,.lr Joseph J. F more than lie did before r drbaltinV A Jew day a ago the test was made and a certain youncr man in town offeree! u drink the water, and after drinking it the balances proved that b weighed two pounds more than before. So the question was decided. 4 Calio, bleached and nuhh.ach.Ml dornc tie cheaper than ever at L. IK-UbronPr agents. The you no; gentlemen of WMcnn l,.L organized a literarv soriof .l- place and have twenty charter mem bers. They hold. -meetings-, everv Frj. day night, and we .certainly -'"speak truthfully, when we say that an even ing cannot be spent in a more enjoy able or beneficial manner. At pres ent the Society meets in 'the court house, but they, purpose, in', the course of a few weeks, to get a ball for their use. This U very commendable on the part of the young men and we hop3 that every voting man in Wilr.n will join and that every ibler man will lend his aid and co-operation towards founding a s-ciety which wili be an uonor to the town, SamUhd aud:ils!! and slipper?, tho best Quality for tlik-iwt money at L. Ileilbron er & Bro., agents. ' 1 Mayor's Court. , The old proverb "like I father, like son" should be "like mother, like son " Miss Fannie Moody, col., ; who l.s the principal disturber of the peace in our little f ov. n is training her son to follow in her footsteps. Tuesday morniiia the monotonous life of ye localizer' wits broken by plaintive wails bourne on boreal winds, to our office, and we hastened down to the Mayor's office to ascertain the cause of sucli "T ,u. e .surprise we say the "old reliable' whipping her boy- for fighting on Sun day at; Sunday-schooi. We suggest that our Mayor buy an urchinchastTser -a new machine recently invented with which to punish the little law breakers. ' 50 pair fine cashmeie pants at remarka bly low prices at X.' IIeilbnuer '& Bro. agents. . . . , t , ?- 7 : r - The Iiivcjolipalor. The Jttvestiyator t an anonymous sheet appearedagain, after a lapse of about two years, last Wednesday. The Advance has always declared that, such publications were gotten up in the wrqng spirit and had a tendency to irritate and justly so, the feelings of those against whom the ridicule was directed. While there are many peo ple who will lake what is said of them as a good joke and enjoy it as hugely "as any body else; thero arc1 others of avety different nature. We think the feelings of the latter classjare deserv ing of some respect. We tSink it would bcnore manly iu the writer if he would write under his own signature and thus make himself responsible Tor what he writes. No honorable men will stand in the dark. " Ladies shoes, slippers and andkis of the beat material at Li. Ueilbroner fc i?roJ; agents. . Dead watches and clocks, musical instru mcoU etc., made alive at Chukciiwhihs teiionnlM. . Prof. ' J. B Brewer Forest. , -M at Wake Mrs. Joshua Home is on a visit to Wilson. . ""' ';"' .''.! Mr. E. Barnes, Sr., returned from Morehcad Saturday. . Mr. Clips. B. Ay cock was in town a short while Sunday. . - , Mr. John J. Gay returned from More head Saturday. Miss Mclntyre, of Rutherford tn is Visiting Wilson. i Mr. FPm. Barnes. JrM and lady re turned from Morehead Monday. . Mrs, G. W. Blount is spcn3iug some weeks in Franklin, i :f- Mrs. W. E. Farmer has retcruod from a visit to her old home. j Capt Carraway, of the Raleigh Observer was !n town on Wednesday. ! Mrs. Wooten left on irednesday for Newberne, where she will spend sev eral days. , I ' ' 1 f ' t . . J Mr. A. N. Daniel and lady returned on Tuesday night from, a visit to the mountains, j Miss Mamie Adams left last Friday ror aii extended visit to relatives in Virginia. . ' ; Miss Sallie L. Daniel left Saturday - ! . . 1- 1 spena a snon wuiie witu relatives in Kocuy iuount. Mr. W. L; Kennedy left Wilson last week for Uuiontown, Ala., his future home. ' ' Mr.;Theodore Ilobgood of the Tois not Sunny Home, was in town Satur day u the interest of his paper. j Mr. C. A. Toung and lady, and Mr. T. Wiggins and lady, returned yes terday from Morehead.. Mr. W. B. Hutchinson, of New York is on a visit to his father, John Hutch inson, Esq. . Messrs. Herbert and James Roun tree and S. R. Alley returned from . m Beanfort Monday. Mr.' J. T. Cob who has been so journing at Morehead for several weeks returned Monday. 1 Mrs. F. W. Barnes and family and Miss Bettie Graves left Monday to spend a while at Morehead city. M j Mr. A. Branch left Tuesday for Green Brier' fFhite Salphur Springs, W. Va., where be will remain a short liuac. ':t : ' r 1" "au "7 refjnesx the follow oi toe Democratic- Committees caaIn,lTfeM 5' riVr T, ' ' W.I ,:iJ.. -"u inorapson, W. -t Old Fields. 4 ifrea IWti w . , SicVoh. Gav.WklU' Arnold htantonsbtirg -Dr. J. T. Graves, II. M.rhompson, J. II. Applexrhite. Ofrin2 Hill. Simon lL.rr.a aper, Wham Watson. .Saratosa.-S. H. Tyson, Benj. A. Howard, T. R. Eagle. 1 . Cross Roads Jesse Lucas, John G. topeland, Taylor Uarne3. Gardners. Jesse M. Taylor, T. V. 1 ender, Wiiliani Woudard. Jr. Toisnot. John L. liailev, J. II. Parclay, W. G. Bsirnes. ' IiiS81Ioiintain t'etalenulal. In f.bedience to a resolution parsed at a meeting of the Centennial Execu tive Committee in the city of Char lotte on the 22nd of June. Capt. W. T. K. Bell, Secretary of the Centenni i Association, will in a few days call upon the citizens of this place persons ally, to solicit- contributions towards erecting a monument ! on the battle', ground of I Kings Mountain, to the memory of the heroes, who fou 'lit and mru m mat memorable American independence. struggle for Remember the battle of Kin taih Was oae of thn r -n revolution; the turning point toward the victory which gaiue.l to us thej inheritance of freemen ; an event Irojn which dates the first dawVof - w niijivimiJK uocny io n struggling nation. ; The, patriotism of those Drave men is wor thy of commemoration, and wc can but hope that every one who enjoys the freedom resulting from Iherr patriotic acideyements in tliis enioralile strug gle, will feel it his duty ' to aid in this lanidabie enterprise. ; The names of thosq wjio contribute wiiji oe hied away in the archives of the Association. Buntiu' bfnitings:! buntingsll! Ueilbroner & Bro., agents. at'L. A LhiH- Citrisily--i:dgecombe Politic etc. Takboro, July 20, lisi. While ail es-es nre turned towards 'Goth am's fasting fool. Who Is so surely eub-U-fiiug a precedent that will eventually end in tlm ruin of the hotels and boarding houses in this country aye, perhaps the worlJ-Vrtiile the medical fraternity are pubfed at the force of will exhibited by Dr. Tanner iu his voluntary fu.E oT forty days, we have In our communiry'a liilnmn curiosity which, were it iii New York ciry wo old attract more attention from niedica men and be of more importance to the science of medicine than anything that can possibly be developed frorn the nnti-gasf ril fear of the plucky man of medicine. Hurl at all events, should Dr. Tanner, succeed in bis uuderfaUnpr and H becomes fashToni ab!e to indulge in a square meal once oiilj- m forty days, there is no ttoubt. in th . mind of your Correspondent, but what con. siderable good will result fronji it, at "ar.;, tafe, a fellow can tln-n bike bis girl .; by lc cream saloon wituput any seriou mis giiinfrs, .he wont have , to go on he oppo site si le of the strei-t "on account of better wjdking' Vtc. Bcside3 this, the new de parture wTtl knock the sftifling out of "Xothing tq "Eat," so to Fpeak, for there will be nothing left but theory. ; ;uWccaii live without dancing, , We can live without boilks, Bitt show me the civilized man Who can live Without cooks,1? - ; wont hate much force when we dine once a month, and consequently the occupation of the cooking schools. , with : 3Iiss. Juliet Carson at their head, will. in a measure, be gone. But let me turn from the mar. who can eat, but w"oi it, to- the boy Who can't eat by the natural and usual method, but who is fed artificially- by means of a rul ber tube inserted into his stomach. Some lline during last summer, Tewis Ljon, a colored bo.V, aged S years, living with his parents near Battleboro In this county, swallowed some Concent lated lye, the re sult of which was to produce stricture of the throat, iii fact his throat closed up so that he, could not sw'.tllow cod-liver oil. It tvas thought by the doctors that he would die iu a few days, as out of the twenty similar caos, from different causos, on re cord, death h as been only a matter of time. Dy some mean the doctors have kept body and soul together,jbut his life was hanging by a thread. Hisj parents moved to this place abont two'dtortrt'? ago, wfieh l)f, L. L. Staton assumc.d entire charge ;4f the case and went to New ;York ant fifij an instrunu'nt made by which he could bdfed artificially, i Said instrument is a rublnr tube an inch aud a quarter in diameter and about two feet twns with a bMl-sjai -ed ,The.boy - cliew, bis oxI and spits" it into thiiube, froni whence it finds its way Into the stomach J The tube t unscrews about two inches Jjom tbe'brwly anil gives hitn'fio inconvenience at ftTlcJJn dyr this trcatmcut, lie has become' tttng andatiT: and plays with tire chHdrcB in the neighborhood with, as mnch zest as ii be vr re not inflicted This i a wonlf'l piece of surgery and a great jdeal, inler eist,U manifested by Wdkal men as to the ultiualc result. H ' ' I here wems to be the very micLicl to pay In the tadical camp in EJgtcomb?. ilnttring sind grtimMingeatf "N: heard on every hand; and Iii" two ar three InstaDces th Hlsn5ibn?liaveniJt.-l In blowi." Me Ca,be, tbc crpc$bfizz-T and wo,4lJ-b leader, has run to tht end of bis tine : and bringht up' witn-ronnd tnni.IIe;now finlds that his inuacaco among the "loyal enjlerd pnssoDs" U of such, a microcOpc ftrdert that all the soft soap "j he can apply will not have him from being thrown over board in this campaign. And the tears th it "will be shed over his pdfitkal bufcal "wrniMnlt Coat a very large vesstl. . The negroes are jiving the carjt-baggtrs; the CO, d shoulder and the taiiw republicans are coming io Uk IxwU WUidi jeadj at OtTD!lltl M-iiiwit 4-Ji - ureiflark that . 1. WHliamn, once "rc eu.ior of the &J;rMo- U ! f ak- ! W JAsCV fJvfr rank i While editor ' MlSr- - uma orDMri,:g.!his eJ:tordp ! ihIirtcr.ivas to.fU ,Pr f. ia:A Wnte,u(,. Old ,sf t,,e wilIVc ,,e!1 AVernaul. clMid,cariuliY fVv'icd avray .to be ul nga,.. nini in ne canvass In ;ca the cik.b ly c.hrcntiJwi iorv the McCabe faction, w!.k?h is mo. prob-bk-.' Aiid from rr.v ent indieatioiu sihl convention prerafs anything ele but harmony, 1 t),e a,piranlH fur roliti:Al honors will out number the delegate?. Your rV.idefs will remember a time ago Dng-Vi and MeC-W Ijal alirtle Hd-g.uhetbi-, wujcii, on atx-r-uat of a mHron.stru.-d tvl.raml anotl ihe dimensions of a. riot la the Halvi-h pji'per. They "shok bauds ucrois 1lm bk-odv "iuiaucu ana "ioaue-iii4" and the two factious seemed to be "setting a!on -mwaniy untu Ian Friday, when Wi?:ia,n son and Mc'ab'.' indulged in which ie.-uhl iiia bruised mnd-lhfovvtii head for Me and wupil A .. .-. . ... unmiinv rnvi ineir way into uie town cunem, Th ibrethren d.:u'r seenrto dwell together in injich unity, ami a ivd hot tiu,(; will be experienced bv the savory (.) Africa! ott the 2hh Ang-.M, Prompted, no doubi, by' ft!)' Wme pnl.-e that caused Leauder to brave the danp-rs of the lhdpont, I paid a ilyin- ..,.. u ioin;.c and neigltb orhood lan week end loupdthe embryo city Mil cf life an. .!t Il!lCSS. an:I vr:i-i o t" ; . . - i' - n. I, tlltj !rre:il .nanSe 'winch had . taken . phice in three ycar. A number of new buildifigs ere not icet! -some completeil, others not. a very good sig:, of prosierity. With such cutcipriMiig merchants a j J. D. Wells .t o. it. iu.s, n. a. wells, P. J. Turn- uuii, h. U. iek and others it can not bo oi.g befire Toisnot will boiW,o of the j.inusomet towiisoa the lit ef the W. & D. O. KU.H. Ilaniburg K lgin-s! Hamburg Edgings!! at h. Ucribroner I'lU agtntg? ' Aml jix Xre AsNoristtiun. . . I'iMliXCirox, N.C., Juiy 22t-lbtS3. The fourth annual c invention of. the X. C. A. P. A., was held' hero yesterday. Business o'Httle public interest was trans--acted. At night the literary exercise took place in the hall of the Wilmington Library. A nice large, halt. Good atten dance of ladies and fentlejimi. Mr. W. C. Peterson, of this city delivered the ad dress of welcome.- After wliicIi'M'r.Robert Nixon introduced as the ! annual orator Josephus Daniels, of the wksou Advance who spoke twt'iity ininuics ion "The train ing necessary to the Wghest fMiocess in Journalism." After the annual- address the following amateurs entertained the an- Idience with orations and es.savJs: K. A OlJliam, Geo; M. Canv J. ft Grifiiu, O. D. Eilswonh, and Robert Nixon with a poem. The audience seemed to be wel 1 pleased. 1 go to-day on an exeu'rsioiii toilsmithtield. Anticipate a Hue time. f ' - jS, TcMlimonlHlM of Irol"i M. JI. : llstr Srovi, oflhc WllftOii oIIial Iit8lilitie. " ! I -! - i! Roanoke Coli.koe, isALKM. ViKOINIA IVesidt-nt's 'JtSce, June o 'SO. J It gives me very great pleasure to state that Prof. M. II. Hargrove,1 of the Carolina Miliary Institute, graduated at Ii -annke College in 1872, with the degree of Dach eloi of Al ts, receiving the ; first, honor of his class and gaining two of the four gold medals given at this Institution. Tlis stand ing was high in all bin classes; bis industry worthy of air praise; his character as a christian gentleman above reproach. Prof . Hargrove's acquirements here and at the University of Virginia, together with his successful experience as an intructpr, qualify him to discharge the duties of Professorship in any College iu this couo try.' The members of our Facult y unite with me in giving him the highest recommenda tion to any Institute in want of a thorough ly qual i'ied teaclior. . j JclicD Dusker, 1 t ! - 4 President. CiVERsrxv o ViiiGijrrA. CHAIIOIAN'S gKKICE June 4th 1SS0.: . DEAR Sib: Mr. M. M. ll irgrore was a student here during two mjs-mous. Ii u a--a most exemplary .studerjf, graduated in tlie scliools of German and Frtrich , and iii Moral Plulosophy; ami n attend'! ; the schooLs of Latin, Maibena.tics and- History, Literature and Rhetoric.! lie lias hd Foveral years experiencai in teacbing,.aiid ba-s givn fat isf action to his employers. I feel coutidenC that he will j continue- - to do his duty faithfully and satisfactorily as a teacher wherever he is engaged. nespetfuHv, f jAMhj F. IlAKKISO.-v, M- D. Chairman of the Faculty.' CAKOr.TJfA MILITARY INSTTTITE. T Charlotte, N. O. June 1st ISS0. J Pro. M. M. Hargrove having been for several years iu the services cf this Iustir tute as Prof, of Ancient and Mkm Lan guage I can bear testimony to his fine attainments audio his c liquids charge of duty. I Itgivenc pleasure to add lhat in bis case I have found tlie aetompli-hiin iitis of Uh scholar in combination with tha tone and bearing of the Christain gentleman. Tbis U'stimontil I consider it a privilege to give: and I fwl 6ire that the Jat.jr.iai'C j employed will tiud its, coafirmation in the I conenrruig juuguient of j thoe persons with whom Prof. Ilargrovc may hereafter be assocku d. . , ! 5 J no. P. Thomas. ) Supt. 0ir !e!st pIiTsicIans sanction ar.d r"eomr mend the ue oi Hall Vegetable Skalian Hair Kenewer. Lct all who are gray apply it: . . . ' . !..' . Caue aid cfltjcU -The vatm muse of oervonKne is. indiges tion, and that is enured by weakness cf tie Eiomach-. No one can hate sound nerve aud good health, without using Up CFUeri to strengthen tlw tt:naelu purifjr the blood, and Lett the liver and kidnejs active, to carry off all tlie po'u-onou aiid waste matter , of the .rystcm. i'e otber CTaiu, - .T - . - v - . .1, 111,..1 1 r - n-yTjt. jir .3 JLJLU &j - e'.-5 " o 3 IH'fiV. MVT-''' " " 'I-'- ,:;1 . , sin ? yi-tm wi -' bio H- (D Q o (0 c Jr - ? I. - - .' ' ' ' - ' - ; ' " S 410 a T A I L Merchant Tailor and Dealer lierc 4iJo6c1h, : ' ; -, : ; ., ; : -.i;i:-.l . .'I -Tift Uas estabiisItcrPa Rat clas merchant t-Vilor caTiir med .bousUutlyforaaloa fine itok of goods' for ,nen aud lupva Cutting done to order on short notice. Also clean iiig and IleiiaUii!i "1 All work warranted to' bo 'first cla-s. Feb. Gth: '80 V -12m . 1111 CHARTERED IN 1820 OLD And is the leading Life W.. IL Crow has bcon the .f?onntvil ArrV m-k n-.i:L . . I neanyiTo vcacs. uunnir thrsf b7o,UU0.00 has begn paid to widows and orphruia of tht Stat. OU.U.C vui vuuy was piua io Carrctt .OSD.UO. : ..' - Acd the late Dr. J. J. Haywood has left a policy of $20 P(K), wh ch the Company are now ready to pay. and they 'harti-'orcr Twenty - Five !Mlllioii:i'rtt . to pay furtlier losses, ; For any the'iuauager. . y oh IV. juucjll-lw Old North INISURANCK COMPANY ; -v .- .- lias been in Successful A TI o roughly Itel WM. S DAVIS, President, F. II. .TARMAN. Ag't. mom ON MAN t j F ACTUU F.U FtXTriit-ure of Every Description, From the fmest Parlor Irr the cheapest Cottage Sail,. "" Prices are not to lie underbid in this and !? convinced. ; SenI for catalogue and price ILst. ' sci2C J2m ' '.. -. . rrRRV, C.A.. Jan. 1.S0. In MS73 tlKre were two prisoners rtm fined i tlie j ' jail of ;tiiH county, woo were very badlv aUlk-ted vithrpKih. Iu my oincial ca pacity,.! rm ployed Capt. C. T. Swift t cin tbein, urvk-r a cfHrart, no cure, no pay. j He adnihu-terel to tbem hisfyphl itic Hpeeifi, arxl In a fw weeks I felt bound to Iay biinoiit of llei coiiity treasury, as Ste had effected a complete radical vtii"c. ! A. S. GILES, . Ordinary Ilmpion County, Ga. ClLTTA5fXXiA, TtX' Feb. 14, f Cents:' We lake il4asure in MVlnz that the Si S. S. ia giving good MiUi Action, ire havu Lad exceUeut rrulf a frpei , a niitatipr of caies. It aaa a well hi primary $3 la eoondary and tertirv ?a'i. v . t illLKrf Prepared oulv by the Swift Specific Co, Atlanta; Oa- vl j by A. if. howlart . - . ; r . ' - - I ntiMTO A f ii-. - " "' I . -' :''- .' ... I W w . . . . , OR S H OP; lHi Tit i lor'm Tri mm ! n v, ' &c. 'it 411 aro wclcomn. -, " -9 ,J . B. OliKKNWOOD. Corner Nash and Coldburo BU Company in the State "itw ii WttlUUIll vmm lotl. iB,B.'f,i...t!Mt. the heirs of tho late DrJ.'U. , r ' f , J ,f additional 'ufonuatioii IdrLs ..... J ' W. Iff. Crow, Italei U State Fire OF WA BIIENTON, N.5 cT - j :-';'. 1 i-h operation for' Hi-ht Years!1 " 4i fable Horn Company. JI..F. LOXO.&trtU " I '-.," - . ' ? As D- BANKS AND "DKALEIi" In' : .i ''5 V or any other market. Oirc tad it trial i ' MUHTON I). DANKsJ V SoutU bt, lkltiiooref4j V - t.i 1 i'i nr t-;jiirt W. J. IIAltRISS;! -tf 4 ? i - S- - - - - . ' i ii it jriioh natc IUtaJl D?lf fri GROCERIES & 1 ui it ft p j't NowolTcr to Uh olj rifali and patrons iu large eiocit o 1 : COFFEE , FLOirn. - JLAIIU, . t of ?-lo III :!' ' '' J- ' 'v. 4' if r h . " i - - prejviou.'i to fhc (fti'fj

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