r-- - ' ' .V is TT '. : r : - -7 ; - ,- . - ; ,;, - Cm M - ' - Tlie Wilson 'Advanco ;r The Wilson Advance- PUSHED nERtFRIDir. " ArTritTi.i(j riATCI Wilson. c In Advance: J) R. K. W i) k'ntibt i. ...liu Wilson, -v.-'-:- - !.. . III T;iibuio!reet next u li t; N T E it. D it. v.: SURGE3NDENTI5T. J,NH!:U. N-- ST Of! rr ne , .'Vr...i r'Uiiess'ltSopposiiioti to extiavaaiicc; c at Ki.!i'- f ,; r : UJ ,,.lh(jalli of s-cliolatsliip. tinnan:;w..'-- t''.7r'l' i ', full particulars. 'apply to tlifi l'rinci- '"' '' p.il fur r.ital.uii-.s. . jy2-2tn. AMES W. l.AM.vn ... - , ,,Vvi L'l'l.t ! - - Attorney-at-Law, WILSON, N- Pr 4 . , ir; I .,.!i;iVl ail'l inter iv ir.'iiil,f "'' ' . . "Attorney - at - Law, of Court OfiS PubiiC llouj. , (),,t. 10th '79. p j.II. TILLEUY. Wil prac' ici' . 1 I.' 1 . ' 1 . ' n ii ,1 in asn, riUruiimu .mu ViUu, CUUIil l'. rttlfii'ioii n!cu t oelleetious in il,4-''m ny l i tiun of tin: hlaitj. WILSON COLLEGIATE SEiAlHARY iFOlt YOIWJ LADIES.) . Bel talent ciiiii.vc1 tu all departments gitiiajion uiiusiiallj ! :iu!.y. ' V Bohi'1, icr session ol 20 Aiveks, inmiliiis (iii'l, jl'ulit. ami fiinii'lu'd loom $-)U,UU. Ullie cliar'fii inoilurate. Falil Session ItC'u'nts Scptciiihcr I'f. Yvi cta!oim or inforiiiatioii. auun'ss. J. H. iIUKWER,Pnufeipal. Wilson Collegiate itistitute for r.o ni scxes STRICTLY XOX'SECTARIAS r t venrs t ic most sueccWiu . sciiooi in Katfru iroiii;i.. The hest. ad'vaiitnirej ttnd loweft rules. Ih althy. lunatiuii. . Ahii nn l.xpeiii ne-i i ewi-it-rs, i-iiuv i.iorarv ihI Aiiarat!i. SnaeioiW uuiuuiix. ' .'. A p:i)mt e.'l "iitiop-i! h'ine. i expenses, sisn ner year. Olnsie, Ma. Session exti'iids from Urst llon'j.iy in September tu lir-t .Thursday 'iu Jiii- A'ldres. fi.r (.alaluuc S. IIASJLLL, A. M., Principal, jl TP tf ' Wilson, N. C. Y.tlnj' P. ami' av vour J. T Young & Bro. DK.ll.KR IN FINE M'ATt'llES, DIAMOVnvi JEWELUY, SILVKR WARE! M;ii.ufa.-tiuer of all kinds .nf' " riain tioU Jewelry, Uiajs Badges. &e The host .!, eator. and . r.Ot) -clock Tfr jjold Aineii.-an ivatehes ;it t!:e lowest prirH. Sulid silver- sp,ous, fork's Set:, rheaper Ihan evt r Yoiir or.Iert -are s.i- lin- i and will-be prutopMy atti-n-K-d 1V- J. 1. VOUNG & HUO. ' rrrKtisnrih; Vi' 6H idiu tf . 1 1 . - t iEUAIUXG .;XI) ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, -I ... . . v,g-tr- 5:-iaiil. ji,u-!'o, wire ttuth. sieves, iVi,,..u, screen,, iron Vwdstead' Lpmon Tabourne, Old ReUaWs 'Barber r HU) be i,-,m,,l oM,:.. Nn-tLwh,,,:, ; Tan. Sh .'Je, -,: .' v-"-i. sou ii!tiin2 ... - --tir. " V. Xeat e!iani ( .-, " i' V,. . : '-Ke. money ' C Uio :i i,-. ,,,, . In lit . i '""Hi I I l. t i . - , . . -uiv ui ev ry town est aiid lH.r p.-, "-'r.'itJ faij 'V LliL;.';.,,, i eUi'-yri- in tl wurld rJiif jl "neeaa be,-,,m.," "nun , aetu. S:v tri:... If . sue-1 nit '"''vs id ait lowtl at a!lijdt i-.'c, .1 '- - l-',1 ,s s?. aeut dav. '' ag.ntre,nnr ' .'!:'! ,;' a far uroih i,. ' over as.- mttin-y fst. s.. ilt, " J'oijr ii:ije to .,, T - iou eau devote . 11- re l"mo 1 Ye,t I ;-',r "-v .Vour x:.lt.sa. "" lerms r, n4U,-?''yourad,' X f0"T Z i'bt,,UM to try il.e bnsi MvT ' fails to make van "Uahd. Vs--." wcorSe fttiuion Co.. VOL. 10. X NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. St. Mary's School, . RALEIGH, N. C. The 77th term of this School begins Tli irsflay, Soptemb.-r Oth. IS3T. F- r ffita'og'ae ailrc tho Hector, ' t jyj. Hkt. Ukxneix Smkdes. , TiUGUSTA '.'FEMALE SEMINARY " " ' STAUNTON, VA. Mi 5"' . I'JaldwIn, rrincipal. This InstifiKion continues to increase in ipro.-iM-rii y from 3 ear to year. ' , It oilers snp'-rior athaittMiC'-'S in location; In it, Ijnililinjj-; ami gronmis; In its' gener- - ! ,il -ipointiiLcJiL- anl ?aiuta;y iirranp-mcnf s; f in-iioi ami .fx pent; need t-ac!i,T-; uisura-el a' 1 vantages .in ! nm-i't. iniMlt-rn lanunu'e, line art. i -I -,ilrni'L .irnl in.-fiiiciion in tin tlieorv !tt. pntctidc : C'iOi-ciiig; f i n t- inii'lt to Kcriri' lieultii, comfort awl caco Institute, 90u,y0LNa LADIES.)' RALEIGH, N. C. The sth Annual Session commences on Wr.lijeKdiiyi Soprcinher Ist. lHS ). Na .nsiitut-Mi jn m, .,, iwic-rs mr- ir ailvautaires fur instruction in all braiicu- cs, ii-uaJl.v taught ii: firt class sc:!i.;fls lor ' yun 1 luuies. AH I lie aepartin-nts ai'e ii'.h-d by experienced and accomplished ti-afiii-r. 'I'llis is the only 'institution in the. South whii'h ha ii i'l (1'ii-in the past scholastic A jir a ppeeial. depaitinet for intniction in ('he tlu-ory anl praetiee of cookery. Ti-rins ra-onahle. Fur circular ami catalogue, 'auMress, I!kv. II. UcuWELL '& Sox., Principals. J .;;a Raleigh, N. C. Greensboro Female College, , Greensboro, N. C. The 40th Session will begin oii2.th;Aug. 'l itis well knowa IiVitituiion oilers su perior facilities for mental and moral cul ture, combined' with, the comfurts of a ple&an., well ordered homo. '. ("nurses per'resion of 5 months Board ('xfhisive of washing and lights) and Tui tion in full English course, $7o. Extra .Studivs moderate. For particulars apply-to T. SI. JO XE3, President. OXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY ; OXFORD, X. c. i ' " In C'.losin the most prosperous session of Ralegh Female Seminary - which' we ,- have ever had, to resume Sep. Isr, 18S0 in: Ox ford, we assure our friends that we mean no more than a change of place. - Our reasons for removal are these: V. The citizens of Oxford have provided buildings -and grounds' more ample than those oecujiieil by us in -lialeigh,;' and better aihtpted to school purposes. ! ! '2. The cost of living being less than in Kallli, we can 'cheapen education. ' I he ears ai;e expected to run to Oxford by the Fall 'The ir'H'.o Pir board, fuel ,liglits and wash ing per month is SI I. Of), For Cat a jyo . italogne, apply to F. F. IIOliGOOD, Prks. HOKNER SCHOOL. OXFORD, N. C. . Thi School has been under its present management -for the last Twenty -Nine Years. It sets up no claim to pre-cininence but in the mental land moral training of boys, it acknowledges no superior. This boast, is justified by the high .standard the Students from this .school have maintained in tin various Colleges and Universities of ih" ! Vu dry. ' W'e assure out ja'trors tlrat no pair.s will be spared to furnish the.. school with the best Educational Advantages. The- next Sci.-i m begins the ICih of August. . For Catalogue uppiv to jy'J J, C.UORNER. GOLDSBOKO SEMINARY - MALE AND FEMALE. Fall session begins September 5th and ends Dev. 24'h, 1SS3. '1 uitioi. from. - ... $J to $17 : for tali -thenies, . -'3 4r ; Music, . - 15 iViatd in Seminary .10 per month. For it, formation address, li. V. TROY, A.:M., -Principal. Trinity College, H. C, The F.dl Tern) will begin.Scp 1st. - and end Dec. o'lst ISSi). The whole expense for ail items is from to $-ni. . We have a good Treparatory departr j inent. and ear accommodation tor tliose w ho wi-h to take a special course. SmuI for c;xtaIogiic. ' 1. CllAVEX, Present. tc-lilm 'r.;;..;i f v.ii,. V TH0i1ASViLLE FEMALE COLLEGE, Thoniasvilie. Davidson Cs , N. C. The Twentv-Sixth Annual Session begins Au-ust 2otlu 1SS0. .. Thorough work- in i i . . .. . i .il . a i 1 r?irv Mnin oi-iii tr 1 i-ria rr m-iir s i.iinittLPi p 'riiiro iik'h iiiiiii;iiti iiitr iiiihi erate charges. Accommodations' for oTr lone hundred boarding pupils. Boaul JflO per mouth. For Catalogue address jy3J 6t. H. W. RKrs-HAKT, Principal. IrVJ DR. DAVID HUNTER'S SYFHlLST4CorBLOQD PILLS. A pwiilc for Sibiii9 in H it forms, and erery. vista-.f tln'riUeae-enuJieatdfroia the nystem. Scrofula auj lilood and Skia diseases s-ptSdily Fr haie by A.w. Ktwi?,iui. au'd an DrugisU l'riee I v-r 1hx. lar?. Ihix t-i Sent bv mail--. w! v ."mvtt.&tlvess .C0vLMSu 'GvnorThoca cnrd in two days.- "'LET ALL THE E5DS TilGp WILSON, N. C, fhe Wilson Advance. FRIDAY ....--........ AUGUST 13.1SS0 SEMINOLE' SAM.". a. ixaofiyrpp. this sxirtr. Won't ye come in an' sec Sara, stranger?' This question was a'lclresstd to me, as I slowly strolled thrpugii the Snake River Minning camp, in IFyoming Territory, one beautiful' Sabbath even ing in May last. The speaker stood in the door of a rough log cabin, near f ie bank of the stream. He was one of those rough, uncut diamonds, which can - .evr be fouild lu mrnin s a ' t whose every expression denoted a soul teeraiag with genuine Western hospi tality.an'd love for -his fellowm an. Dress ed in buckskin from head to foot, he presented a truly picturesque appear auce, smacking strongly of the roman tic. - ' V"ho is Sam?" I asked. - "Why 'Seminole Sam htm as air curled up in bed in yar, a buckin' agin death, with all the keerd$ a runhin' agin him strong, too." I had iode 'into the canip but an hour before and had learned nothing of tlie raan referred to. Iu answer to a question regarding him the men said : "Sam cum over yar from the Semi -no i0 range about a year ago, an squat- tedj down in this yar house, lie's a gambler, pard, but he does his work in a honest Christian like manner, an' y h"ar rse a singin' a level an' squar song when I tell ye that a whiter man never showed up in the diggings! Sam never took advantage o a greeny, or slung a crooked keerd in his life, an' a &hxt never yit went broke or. his game a squalid foul but the poor old boy's a setting' in a hard game now, stranger, an' if t war agoin' ter try-an call the turn, I'd say that Sam'll git worsted ai pass in his checks afore midnight !" 'lla3 l.eb.eenill long?'" I asked, feel ing a strange interest in the man. '"No, pard; 'taint' t any nat'ral ailin'. Ye see Sam sat dorcn in a game with a poker sharp from over the railroad, a few days ago, an' during the play a little misunderstandih' ariz at ween 'em about three ace3 that had mysteriously evacuated from the pack, an' which Sam diskivered a locatin' 'emselves in the strangers sleeve. ? Duritv' the argyment Sam got an u?iv dig from a knife that war engineered by the -stranger, an' now he's stretched oat in 'yar bavin' a cussed hard time, an' its 'bout all the boy 'can do to corral breath enough for actool use. We've bin ad vi sin' him to do a little cbinnin' with a gospel sharp so's tcr fix matters up so thet when he passes in his checks the Boss above !l allow him fur them that the natur o' the game '11 allow. One o' the boys has gone out ' now ' to" -rustic up a preacher, an' thar' he comes now, pard ; le's go in." The minister, was a venerable look ing man, with a kind, sincere face, which was now overcast with an ex pression of genuine sympathy. As he entered the cabin vrt; followed, and never shai'F'I forget the scene within. sfreched upon a rougb pallet lay man of powerful frame, upon whom death lad placed its seal, the partially lazed eye3 and ghastly, pale facd ueioticning me nar uijjnuavu wv- grim monster. Grouped about tuq bed, with heads bowed in reverential awe, stood a score of persons, repre - . - . i ! senting every phase of life in a tier settlement, from the - blue-shirted mincrto' the fcishiiy dressed gambler. TLIavI- iP nn n c.nrl urmnnthV KDOfl m ii it ruu iv j l j v i j each face expressed in language plainer than words how. great a favor ite Sam was with all. The minister approached the bed and with .fervent vrords of svnipathv took the dying man by the hand. Sam looked into his face with an inquiring look for ; aj moment, afcd then said : j "I hope you won't put it" -up, jasj cheeky, parson, fur -mo a puttia you 0 trouble, but dcth has a grip on: j ... - ; ' . -. me that I can't shake loose, au the AIIPST AT BE THY COttTRY FRIDAY, AUGUST 20; 1880. boys thought mebbe l better aend fur ye to kinder! put in a word fur me up above, seem as how I aia't acquian don't teel like intrud- ted up thari an m' by chippia' inter a strange: game. I'll play ye honest talk now parson, an own up that iU a layout I kinder n:vcr could, see; anything in, tharfore I never cottoned (o it ; an' I feel that if I'd sejt in the jgame now I'd lose my grip right, on thi fust deal, an go clear through without! winnln a bet. If. Vd a learned the religious game when I fust struck jOnt ' on' my own hook, I miht stan' some chance now ofqu'it tia purty near even ; but wouldn't it look kinder'cheeky an' unpurfessional to throw olTjOn a gnme fur years, an' tLen call forj a stack of cheeks n" try ter git intcrj.it when I hev nothiu' to siiow upnuhe play?' The miLi5terihad"bcen years an liura b!e laborer in this rough portion of the Lord's vineyard, and was thoroughly familiar with aU the slang term3 so universally in vogue in the mountains In a hied, pleasant voice he rjsplied : "No, Samj, I Jam sure it would not. This blesfsed book which I hold in my hand teachejs lis that truly repentant sinner3 can , be saved even at the eleventh hour. !: The dying thief upon ' the cross found peace with God while the icy hand of death wa3 fastened upon him, "He that believeth shall be saved." - j - "That's consoliu', parson, an' I b'lieve yer givin' me the " square tip, an' rcadin' the heavenly law corrct. I never thought jl'd be barrel entirely outen the game, but felt kinder sno tk- iu' about losni' every thiag on other rackets, au'j aiid then beggin' fur a stake to. set in this- game. Parson. , i . . ' won t yer staii'in an' address a little string o' pious Stalk up thar, an' ex plain matters the best ye kin? Jtst tell the Almighty that I'm a total stranger to 'Him, an' dqii'L feel a bit level a axin' far a favor at this stage o' the purcecjdin's. You've stood in with Him fur years, parson, an' mebbe how ef ye'd'jisj, say to Him that ye'd take it jas a personal favor. He raout ' have matters ihjted up so's I'd stand a little show When I slip mv grip an' cut' ia world, I don't believe He'd give ye the shake, parson, arter you've bin a cappiiT rur tits game so long, do you?" "The Lord is ever ready and willing to hear and ar swer prayer, Sam, but before He gives His blessings, He says we must ask for, them, and must ask in faith, bejievping that He hears us and will answer us. My dear friend you must pray yourself. Can you not ask Him to administer to your spiritd al wants, and 3pen his arms to receive your soul when it is loosened from its casket? "Ask ani ye shall receive, seek and yo:shall find." A painful; silejnee pervaded the room for a few moments, as Sam lay in deep reflection. ; j It j was evident that the word3 of the minister had taken root in his heartjfbr a bright probablyjthe first since his chldhood--glisted upon his cheek. 'Another and another fol lowed in quick ' jsuccession, and soon subded sobs coiild be heard bursting from the bd sonis of those who stood around the bed. The silence was broken by i "Shbrty," Lewis, a faro donlnr who said in a voice choked , - ( i . , with emotion : 'Sam, old! pardner, I b'lieve the par son's a keepin' these cases c'rect, an' a givin' yoil a show fur every turn o' the cards; youY as he calls 'eta, better r51ay 'em jist an' I'll put up big ye' II come ont o' the wealth on it that rriror .'with a ".heftv winnin'. Jist turn to an' crack ahead with 3'er chinin' to the Almiirhty, an' yell fiud it's no trick at all ko call the turn on the last case." . The tears continued to flow from the dying gambler's eyes, and the con vulsive heavinsrs of hi3 breast gave i j r" l .. . . - evidence of the tcrnoie commotion within.' - Then this subsided, ana lie , it 1 a. nl liov .it ? 'ii nMPi rioted Ins eves and lay as it in peace- T, i . , v . ful.slumber. The minister s bps moved in silent prayer, and even one or two ot the assembly, who had not for years jUt. divide matter even a passing -l,v. "- 7 - - 1 " ,ht essayed to ofier up a petition . l . i i , thou .- uir 11,0 c:-itTirpri After a, few in uun - 1 moments Lad thus passed bam oc ; Qi-Ti ft ifn i.Uftves and said, in a votce of aimos heavenly calmness: , Rnr, ' loveli pictur' has jist bin a - . - niin' lefore -me. 1 couiu seesffay back to when I war a little kid, a-tod- dlin arcund Ihe ihcusc at hum,' with ,i.-,t lAett old mother who has bin liiany voora T f,,l an an an: 41 fur rmnMOwbow suc usci ler gu met. r... v..,i- -in-mifl. : n' T dnwn on rev knees beside her, au then &hed say over sich i?weet little rraxyera - . I II I II I I S, THY GOD'S, AXD TRFTirS. ari' coax me to say 'cm arter her. Then she'd kis me an tuck me up snug in bed. an when she thought I war asleep I could hear her a cryin an' pray in in whispers, axin' God to keep o rde, an' gite a lift an help me up agin if I ever stumbled an' fell. When: Sunday coracj she'd wash raa up an' dress me, oh so nice, an take me to Sunday school, allers keepin me in the class as she te ached herself, and somehow it seemed to me; that every word she spoke war aimed right at me. Then the picture moved on an I s3cd myself as a good chunk of a boy, up to all the pranks an devilments that kids hung on to in' them days, I got tobcatuff 'un, butI never done any real wicked rackets, an' I've allers thought that my good j old mother's prayers stood atween me an wroug. Theu I could see mjself as a young; man, a-gradually driftin' outen the path o' right, an'j forgitten' w'at I knowed about piety. Then I tuk my fust drink, an' begin to slide down hill with the devil and all his imp3 on earth a nudgin' ra3 on. ILut, boys, that old angel mother never shook me. nor' never let up on her prayers. Oh, God ! I kin see it as if it war only yisterdy, the fust time I cum hum drunk. She pushed nje down in! a chair, aa' clasped me to her arms as if she was" a afeared she war goin' ter lose mc . from her forever. An' then see coaxed atV pleadded with me, the tears jist a-flood in' down her old cheeks, an her darlin voice a-trcmbltu' I so's. I. -know her 'I heart was jist a breakin' every minute. An' th'n she 'gin ter pray for nie so earnest that it sobered me up in a min ute. I promised her to throw off on whiskey, an' I kep the piomlse fur a long time, but I broke my guard agin, and Satan got his work in once more. Then I fell in with gamblers an' sports, ran away from home au' lauded iu this great West. I heard from hum now an' then, till one day I got a letter with black edges all around it, an' when 1 opened it I found, thet mother war dead, an' that her last vord3 war a praver for hert lost: Saml I, tell ye, boys, it broke me all up, but instead o' getttn' better I went down lower'n ever an' have stuck to i to this day. Oh, mother mother f if yer listenm now, Sobs burst forth from the occupants of the room. These men were rough and hardened, but away down in the depths ot their, hearts a little spring of feeliug had lain hidden for years, until now it had bcn opened and bubbled up with tender rippling, opened by one magic word, mother,. Then the minis ter ofTered up au earnest petition to the Father in pleading tones which would accept do refusal. Strangely blended with his words of prayer came petitions from the rough men around him, reeking with slang, but clothed in heartfelt Earnestness and sincerity. Sam lay apparently calm until the pe tition ceased, and then a smile spead like a rav of light over his wan fea tures. Outstretching his arms toward Heaven, he murmured, T se her, I see Ler. Oli, peace; joy ! Mother, I'm coining; l'm coming!" And with that smile of happiness still illuminating his face, he fell back upon his pillow dead. I visited Snake lliver but a week ago, and in the outskirts of the settle ment came upon aiave marked by a beautiful marble slaO. Upon it was en graved: j' I "Skmixole Saw, Who shook the wicked earth, Aiid landed right in his old mother's arms in Heaven.'' The marble engraver in Denver had strictly followed his written coyy. Gem'len,' said the president, 'Iknk dat'de inhabitants of dis kentry am payin' altogether tooj much 'tension to dis wedder queshun. Dar's a groan o' dispair when it's hat an' a groSl of displeasure when it's cold If it rains somebody raises a row, an' if it's dry somebody else has a; bone to pick wid de powers above. Ebcry red-headed, one-horsewhite man, eber . , , , down old'two-ccat darkey. I eberv broken - has iot de i idea .q bad dat LaWtj ara bouu tQ seria Iilrxi loi; jist de sort o' wedder he wants, no matter bout de rest of I de keotry. De o'e. man iRubottom; . , . 1 - 1. 1 uar u-v, eauu,. ua? gut about fifteen cents worf o' garden truck ; l..,.t. I.;. Ki.on v u l,on tt'a ht 2 .r.M. irfet or drv be a:n t-a aiitated t dat he foriAU'dat knV odder soul in Irontri- 1.95 cnt jriut sa OTiion ori 1 . v . ; . .. . ! iwi a-. , l? - v . T t t I - . ll. fl,. 'n o.Trt l rninn to tie . conclusion n.vrx T nnmft t r dat I j - , ,, ct. AtUr J Lawd krira Ine. no inittcr hedder it as tie brought on chiibla'ms or rheumatics, j an' it was a great burden off my mind, 1 lake it list as .w wiuw,-..mviu r lilt UtUiLfia M .wvi::i..,ai., .i . fc . itioan want to,'-Ltie KiU'Ch! Fr i cicJot'js, Fr& IVc w. NUlffBER 30 rirt-Vaa Snake Ktorle. "Do you want some items aborit snake sf aaked an agricultural roral looking gentlemaa of the Eagle's city editor the o'.hcr day, If they are fresh and true," re sponded the city cditoK ' " "Exactly," replied the' farmer.- These items are both. Nobody kuows 'em but me. I . got a farm down on the Island a niece, and there's lots of j snakes on to it. Near the honse is a jpond about six feet deep. A week j "go my little girl girl jumped into the pond, and would , have drowned if it had not been for a snake. The snake seen her and went for her and brought her asbore;. The particular,' point aboilt this item is the wa' he did it." "How was. it?" asked the city Mi- tor; , ''It was a black snake about thirty feet long, and he just coifed the mild dle of himself around her neck so she could not swallow any watej, rjid swum ashore with his head and tail. Is that a good item?" "First-class." ' " " . "You can spread it out you know. After they got got ashore the girl pat ted the snaki c'n the head, and it went off pleased as M'unch. Ever since, he comes to the house regular at meal times, and she feeds him on pie. He likes pic.' Think you can make any thing out of that item?" "Certainty. Know any more?" 'Yes. I got a baby six months old. lie's a boy. We generally sit him on the grass of a mojnipg, and he hollers like a bull all day ; at least he used to, but he don't any more. One morn ing we noticed he wasn't hollering, and wondered what was up. "When we looked there was a rMtlcsnakg coiled up in front of him scanning his -features. The boy was grinning,, and the snake was grinning. , Dimby the snake turned las tail to the baby and backed his rattle iuto the baby's fist." "What did The baby do?' 1 'Why he just rattled that tail so you could hear it three-quarters of a mile, and the snake lay theic and grinned. Every morning we found the snake there, until one day a big ger snake came, and the b&by played tvi'l. h'.- -'!. j lL.i. - :U first snake came back, lie looked thin, and I reckon ha had sent the other, to take his place. Will that do for an item?" '-.,..-" . , ' . r "Immensely," replied the city edi tor. . "You can fill in about the confidence of childhood, and all ' that, aud you might say something about the blue eyed cherub. His name is Isaac, Put that iu to please my wife." ."I'll do it.- Any more snake sto ries?" -; ' .' ' "Lemme see. You' vo heard of hoop snakes?" "Yes, often." . "Just so Not lonj; azo we heard a fearful row in our cellar one night. It sounded like a rock-blast, and then there was a hiss and things was quiet. When I looked in5 the 'morning the cider barrel had busted. But we didn't lose much cider. "How did you" save it?" : 'It seems that the staves had bust ed out, but before they coul get away four hoop-snakes coiled .around ths barrel and tightened it,np ahd ! held it together until we drew the cider off in m bottles. That's the way we found 'cm, and we've kept 'them around the house ever since. Vere training 'em br shawl-strapsi now. Does that strike you favorably for an item?" "Enormously, responded the city editor. . y "You can fix it up so as to show how quick they was to get there before the , staves were blown ofL You can work in the details. . Irbrerb. .-;-The arth qaake was thd original Shaker. ' " The little peach catches market. thq ear j A jealoas than he looks A jealous man always nnds more for. The man who was stage struck had lhef driver arrested. f yu .wsl I n I, nnpr a 1 1 n. . trvnA , a f . t . n . . ; gdian of a young woman - Mnst npotiln arp liko pt Irirt fnl! 1.. . ... .. 01 tacinscis to uom anyming else. The smaller the husband, the bigger -1 ! the btl5Ml5e his wife makes hinfearry. j ' All tLc'world niay forsake'an au- i thpf, but vanity" will" never forsake him. Moilesty seldom resides in a breast n0 ricb'ed wltli' the nobler i virtues. ' One Srwre 3 Mcnths,. f On? piare 0 Sioat! ...0. One S icain 12 Months, J - 19M LTTrar7cductIoui mat? forUrf tVaiij Transient AdrtrtiucnU kurttl as ; Tm' CeuU per liuei : -.j T- - The Southern Missionary 4 IlcniH dittnl by Rev. .V. Ii. Raven, "at :JFt- iuiuii, i.. v , uaa suspenaea puuiic tion. Nau the artist sketebu Ifuk H:.rpera ireti'y again.Judb YJi Kptlroau long a prominent repoblicatV has declared for Hai.cock. jrl Louis C. Latham has leen nomlaatcT for Congress in the First District,' n Mr. Thomas IL Jernigsn wat nomlfi natetl for elector. Mr Julian ? 3 Carr, of Durham, has been appointed r by the Uishops of the MeUioilik Epis copal church South, as the Lay rep resentative of the N. C, Conference to the Ecumlnical Conference! ; of aJL Uie ilethodisra of the worldj to bo held in London in August 18$ I. H0T4 1L It. V'ance has also been . appointed a delegate from ike Holon .Oonfer euee, a part or which includes Western N Hon. 1L F. Armfield h been rcnoruiuated for Congresi in tho . th tlistnct. T. P. KluU. Ksi'.. of Salisbury is the deiaocratio elector in ti e 7th district.- The Georgia Democratic State Conveiabn failed to. inake a noniiuation lor Governor alter a scssiou of six days. Gov. Colquitt! lacked only a few votes of receivipgi the nomitiation.- -iTfce ltepublir. cau3 of the 7th district have nominal' led luxJudge FnrchesWof lredll for, Congress and Dr. J.f Q'. UaruSiy, ibr'r I elector. Judge David I Vxn$ publishes an opeti 'letter givibg bL. reasons for supporting Hancock. '" Capt. A. Mr. Lawrence tho well kivown) insurance ncnt of lUleigh is dead. -llo'u. John Goode uas been re-) nomi aated for Cougrcsi . m the. .2. district iu Virgifiiaj.- lr-J Tanner is fattening very rapidly. , " iis. uegro who was trying td suppress ditliculty between some of his eplor,cjdb; brethcren a few days ago in HapeUt county, received a blow wliicp killed, him". -Two'negro men wcrc.sutV. focated by foul gas In a wcll CO fcpt. deep, near Fayctteyi'lle recently. , They were rusiorea w consciousness inq, t're now doin? well.- -At IlctchesfrCr, 1. N. Y.. Augut 12th, a mile was mdo. in 2.11. Tho fastest time ever on r,e, corfh St. Julian and Maui JS each, trot in .the same time and beat, the fastest record by a full second. Gov. l'rogdcn aunounces himself as the. IT republican candidate for Congress, and says that as there was, oo.'nomioA, tion made, ho U tio bolter.-r-l Coupa circu:i is heading this way.' li . 'fhe colored insane nsylum is open at; . Golds.boro. i The census! remtrit show that tho population of Nptttj Carolina has increased' sfneb 1870r,-. . 310,077. -A Louisiana lottery that tho eleven electoral voles of that. State will be past for Garfield unleaal: the two wings can be reconciled. Gen Weaver, the greenback c indidaiy ' is in want of money to carry on;tho .campaign; Dr. Tanucr's success, has revived the drooping spirits of the, 'c republican party. -New York bai had another elevatol railway collision. -Senalor-JJrucc and wife, eoWiar fc at a stylish house at Saratoga.4-----Tbi rSnubltcans are just now treublcd,. a'Sont Vermont and Mamcf TUj, first stone in the completion of the .J. , Washington monument was jiaid. Jij Mrs. Haye, wife of the Prcsidcat.- The republicans will give funds to ad iu carrying North Carolina and Florida. North Carolina and Virginia b; j kept equal pace in the ; iucreaso in . population. There is a population of only 20.009 Chinese In San Francis-" co. T. M. Holloway has been nom- inaiieil for Governor in Michigan, by the democrats. Indians bavo aur- rounded Quitman, Texas, and com-f immiiialion with Gen. Gr4csonj is cut otfi they arc murdering citizens . and , driving ' ctT stock.- The; Southfrn - ' Dental Associatiot) met in New York lest week. It meets in Asliciitle. N. J C, next year. Dr. V. F. Turner fiaa ? elected Fresident, (why wau the Sou).U , era association held in a Northern city?) t-r-IIalifax. is to- haro a, big speaking'on tho .IGth Inst.-! Cpt.,, Kitchen has entered the canvas.we ' presume be would like to ran again. Hayes tliiiks the census return in the South arojn excess of Uie Qt , tnal population. -No less thaur five shows arc said to be heading for, tun," State Gen. Walker, Hupt , of, tbe , census thinks- the returns from Uie m ' Suth correct, Hayes to the Contrary t notwithstanding. -A hegro made, , viokut attack on Jlrs, Idoj, ncarSaJeni. If found Judge Lynch will , attend JqV him. 7-Thc rust 'Is 'wild to bf doin somedamage to the cotton inj 1 Wakip,, cotfnty.------Tjio census 4 eoumeratofi . arc furious because tbey cant get their. pay. lue American Jpar Aso- " iciation will meet at -Sratoa August. ' 1 18, vS and gfnlu The trial xf'- :Thonias DpJarnette ; for the cvardcr of . - ui sister til lieeo, jostponLt until Septcaibcr 0V1 account of the absence of wUncsscs.-r AU Ue, obsUwrlrs to , the "auilding of the Wcterri rovI br -iiest secra to have been removed i ' ' ' - r Pi l Tliere are more DUh in America than 1: in Ireland. The population of Ire Hand . li' lsml'k ilman ' Q' Dlossbcrg; Fx. had the dtlirium ' trcl mens, TTuw.li t,uc uwiors gaigwaf pro- cluced by inveterate .iwikinjsjPk The .pop'ul alio n of l'e n u sy J a fei' . !- creased twenjyper cent in .heiit tea Tea.-Lxs. lL Alexander iraa been S. IL Alexander been. placed at the hea l of .he tcparttneat 4 of Agriculture rice Folk V ewgnedV : ' 1 "I t I t i i

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