ii n , -! l'"lin " "H il nit nwiiintiii iwiiiiipiiiM'Tti ' ' ' ' " " ' - : i - " ' - The Wilson Advanco eiviison ttuvauv ill 1 I I l I v 1 mr:w . V -' i Wilson. a .g- p.- .j-. "List all the Hyps THjirfwrjwr imi"V; ."TTT i . jVr . ' One SqLUH U .uZltJtX ii VIn Advance: fi. "NTT I MT3 L ; Q 1 TrrfhMpnt Advertisement inserted il T X jJA f r - si 1 UJ U T A, xlHJi r-TV-, I -N a k i m i-.-r: s u r it II i a v ii iw v . 9 r irtv f hi if r 7 ft iw va s i-a i x .u t it r s 'i r i i ii w, 1,1 av . r v i n i 1 m ri i 1 1 i .i f f i 1 u i l.i rti i - 11 -ti mi -v wjur..T.. v I .. 1.00 X Month. " W. JOYXKU, , I) E ii & mc i'.u.r Tjl. 3-li... E U. D R. E. L. H U N T SURGEON DENTIST. ENFIELD. . C, .. r,,.-,! ira ti at miw 'j yctt ully iioliciU c. iracttce T'AMS AV. LANCAS 1 Eli, tli fViiirt.Hoiie. - (xrppt the Practice a III U Hie cum Inferior rWt of WiUo, cntyj ' . ...:n t.. ivi'M.,... .i..t iKtiuiiriiiir couiitie.s.I n ii id i i n- - !K, HLOUNT, torney-at Law, Offlcft fublic iSinaie, rear of Court IWiiM W'iImii, N. 0.; Oct. lath 79. II TII.LKUY, A TfiORjV E Y-A T--LA W Itorhy .tloant,'.!. V Will prriotice in Nash, Edgcwmho suhI Wilnrtn cwwiitie. '. "" r ' ' ti cinl ittention gieeti t cohcptioiis iu ftUT porti n ot the Mate. : njwi WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY (I'OU YOUNG, LADIES.) - Bent tallcnt employed in all departments .Situation iinusimlly tiealthy. loanl, (er sestsion of 20 weeks, Including IupI, lilitft and furnished rooiut$0,W. Uhr charts inoilurate. Full Session lieiitH September '1st. Fr caUl2HH or inforrnatioiu allress, J. B. M!EWER,rrmciial. Wilson! . Collegiate Institute for noi ;i SEXES BTRW1LY AW- SECTARIAN Fr year the most miecessfol scltool in mi Carolina. The best advantasjes Hod lowe rales. Healthy location. Able and Expe icuced Tt achers. . Fine Library ana Apparatus. Spacious Biii! JIuk. A ph-aani. educational home. Aitm exi.cnsi-s. fI8i) per year. Mui. "145 rxtraL Srnioii extends from lir..t Moadar hi Senicinbef to lirst Thursday iii J mi. Afldres. for Cataloirue. 1 S. II.ISSELL.'A. M.-. PrinciiKil. jlflft-lf : WiUoi.,. .0. k r. p. rme' jeslght. and v your J. T. Young & Bro. DKAI.EH IX ' UNK HATCH KS. DIAMONDS. ' - '.IKWELUY. SILVEll WAHE. M:nuftii tiirer of all kiiids'of ruin Gold Jewelry, Kings, Badges, &c Thf be t 111), castor, and .00 chick tTersold. American natches at the lowest prices. Slid silver spoons, forks Hieaper flikn ever. Your orders are so licited and will be promptly attended by ; . J. T. YOUNG RUO. i Petersblro, Ya. 3Hh 7.-ti WIRE RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS DTJFUR, & CO.' 2G XrUi Howard St., Baltimore. ' ire rai ing for cemeteries . I:i ,c Leni on Tabourne, The 0 Heliable Barber aiay alwats in. . , , boroStn4 .,:""' f'P Ofi.TaP ,,.. , . -r; - ire wui be D (ael lene h frieIlds aml fo P owed C'UUns ap-lS t.f. GOL Oreat chance to inakc niouey ' v " 1 J iowii evote e Yuieednot bea,; jWt? You can do ii JVdla? u l drteotionsand leia, iii w ouiy your 1 - Home over others Klcant unii" " :"3 "'.Ml. free want pi otitic t once f Cos's nothuer tft ... i ness. Xo 'bnewhoenf irreat pay. - wv lil J KV I'ortlauJ, Xaiu Address C o' cT,.7 c r: H G EON i rn Ink- cm - 1 v ' ' v n vn ... i iti-the wJ i I ' 7 Pblilk 1 t' orld. They are K1 as low as any , TiIJOI - Worms, nralgia. Colic,- nle i can become a tiu 1 V's piano and fully warranted for jripes, Dtrtrrhoea, Dysentery, ccssnu agent. Six elant work ,t I five-J"P- .Send forcatalogue and terms Piles, Disorders of tl Liver, arul alt fiiven free to sub-erilKTs 'J'hft nV? to ' ' 'I J i -' ; '- other 4iar refultiiuf fpto a aimlfL . w that ah'nnst vort-wJi . . ,ce o r a oTritPlirt hni j'staic oMhe-4ire'itivi aiiaratu V " Vein wiwrts akin; i uo?crioei. One H.'.d I CVCnd Ot bU., Tf ' V i . - t, I - 4v i j 2 subscribers if, - -. ' As a Umiu r Tdl they nave no eiTQUsJ Wu4r',nT KORFOLK.VA. , ,Wlile ntle in thvir action, these ir.. JT..fr,nt ,u 'aa.vs. All who..,V. AGENTS FOR IOTA RE 4- CO.. K OR ar3 the most thorough and seaivhin-call ar N E W 'AtVKUTJL$EMENTS. 1 UG USM SlACJm art : nary J. Xiald wlfit !PrfBi;Ipo Til! Tnfctifnfion (vihtliitiRs to increase Ini' pronertty', from y"" W yeir."""" - -i It ofrr4J'u)erDffil vantages 1 location; IalU bi(!':agil grountU tnitsjeiter ii! iffsoIhtuientaUaniUiy an-f nementi;. Its full Crl orsipeiior ami experienced t-!U;l:r?j Its flisarprv.sel vltantje in ra(i-Tc. n!S'f'rf Krtgnae, tine irtttliyi ral fii!niiP, :iiiJ iistiuciion in the-theory anil practice of cwking; The successful tf-fnrt-i niaile tp secure health, comfort and happiness Its opposition to extravagance; Its talldanlf o!irI j-tliolar.ship. iv,r fnU n;u ! icukir. apDlr to the Princi- pal for OattloiH. F jv2-2m. ; I -r Peace Institute, (FOR YOUNG LADJES.) - KALETGH, N. C. The Sth Annual Session commettces on Wednesday, St'pfcnibiT 1st, 1S83. S'o insli'tution in the Smith offers super ior advantage-? far instruction In all branch--s, usually taught Tu first class schools tor yoiini; ladies. All' the departments , are ii'.Ied h experienced and accoaiplished teaclifis. i This is tjic only institution in 'the -South jlhieli .has hid during ,tUe. PiiSt scholastic year ft tperial ucpaj finent lot:; instruction in the theory and practice'of cookery.'" Terms r'':iconablu. i .,. fWouIar-aud cataloite, address, RkV, R..CURWELU-& .SOX., Principals. j;2-3m . ; Raleigh, N. C. Greensboro Female College, Greensboro, iV. C. ' ' ' .-l ;: '."."'"! ' ' . ' '' ' Tlie 49 Sessioii wilt legiu on25th'Au. This Well known Institution offers m pcrior facilities for mental tand moral eul turi ieombined with the comforts of a pli iwah'., wc'l ordered home. (,'harc per ression of 5 monthsr Tn:ird (exclusive of WAshing and lilit and Tui tion in full English coursej $7.j. Extra Studies moderate. For particulars apply t . - T. M. JONES, President. Trinity College, N. C.,: 'The Fall Tenri will begiii Sep. lit, and enct lec. 3Uvl$).-' - The wliole expense for all items -is from SGOtoSO. - , Wc have a rood Preparatory depart -menl;-and yvcry accommodation for tlio.se who wtslr' to tk? a special fctjurse. r',T i.SenatoucaT.1l(et1 jJ 1 f-- . ,- - B. CltAVBX, President, Jy30-lm: , ; - .Trinity College, N. C. THOMASVILLE FEMALE . COLLEGE, Thomasvilie Davidson Car. N. C The Twentr-Sli'-lt Annual StiKSion begins Aiiust 2oth," 1S80. Thorough work in Literary, Music and Art Departments. Cninplei. court-e Jyx'i i tandar d and mod erate charges. AccomuToitattoiSTor over ne hniKlnnl boHi-dir.s pujnU. Ioaid $10 per mofith "or Catalogue iiddress jy3(J-Gt. II. WllKi.NHART, Priocipat. DR. DAVID HUNTER'S . . .. , SYPHILITICorBLOOD PILLS. A fpeeifle for Syplutisin all its forms, and every, vestnsrn of ihi-(lisc:ie erarticarol from the system. SerofuU and Hlood and, Skia du-vases npeedily curtil 4(loiiorThopri oiirrd in two days, j , . Vccs;Ur'i,y A. W. KoWlapd. inij all Druegit Priee Uper tox. larjtc lox I. Sntbymail. WOTT, STEVENS A CO.. frup: ie'-ors. mU2i-ly IJallimore. Md. ANDOLPI1 MACON COLLEGE. ASIIELAND, VA. Foity-tixib (FCfcsibn bejpns ScdU JGUi. Elect foe 'course "Te.-ulfii to the degrees of p. S., B. P. A. IL, and A. M. Location eaJ of access on too great through; line, U 6 niiies. Korlh of Richmond, and noted for health. .... 1 I J0c2f"A Busiuess and Commercial Couiso will be established next scss'ou. For cataigae address. , ,. Rev. JF. WVBENXin President. ag2di-4t - - : . . t ...'...' TOT ICE. - I sluall sell at public auction at the court hone door in the eounty of Wilou on Mon day thej 0th day of September next.' three hundred and jcventy-five acres of land lying in Gardner's towjiship, Wilson coii tv foiUhe t&Xci hw on same for the j-t ar IS70 as the pioperty of the SinitlJieirs, amount of taxes due four dollars. . This the "J 1st day of July 1SS0. K. H. WiNSTEAD, SherilT. " :? 'pby B. U. Bardin, D. S. . Auz. 6th ;4U- -.-- -fJ t-c ; ' ' r, , . . . T7T--. i tne most popular piano in the . i-South' is the i ' ! 1111 A ' r ' ! f I Mi I I lor nearly forty-one years these instruments I Constipation or Costiveness, IndiRes nave maintained thir reputation for dma-j tion, Dj-spepsia, Ixs of Appetite, bility. clearness and sweetn ss of lone'. Foul Stoiitaeh anil 13rtath, DiMhiess, UI,,1J . clearness anu sweetness ox tone. This pno now being Manufactured by tUU j EAST E RN. NORTH C AXIOM N A. au-20'SO-ly, S A L E. cheap thrtc paw of fine Red Jersey pigs v.McJi.1 would like to sell soonv V II. FARMER, Wihiuu, N. C IXW a;."wu STVL.IS Manufacturers of Carriages. Buggies, Cartst Waa;ons..IIanu;ss, and all kind's of riding f.cTeh0 I1 gmQ : Which will h sold at tne ToweM nbslblflirnres. We have now on hand a nicu and select stock o work. Our prices are as low as the lowest . 1 lie mire and call oa ns before buying. Satis-faci ton giiaranted In etery . cae. Repairinir neatly and promptly ntxeaded iUK ntll2ml TALBOTT & SONS Shockoe Machine RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Corn and V1ieaf Mills, Shafting, ; Halters and Pulleys Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought Iron tl'ork; .Br ass and Iron Castings, Machinery of ever descrip tion. . , .. GIKXIXG S,- TtfitfsmNG MACHINES 4 A SPECIALTY. Eepairing Promptly and Carefully Done. Talbott's Patent Spark Arrestervf ( 'l'lie Inveiilioii oi'lhc Age. 1 It does' not destfoytho draft. , , ; 1, .. It dees not interfere with cleaning the tubes. :"'.-. ' . i i . y lit vfl n djt choke? up and requirps; no cieanin'gi - il J 1 -l.' f It requires no direct dampers fo be open ed when raiding steam damivers being ob jectionable,' a they-may be .left open and allow the sparks to escape. It requires no water to extinguish sparks which, by condensation, destroysjlie draft. Besides, when watr is used if Crifgh cted, the efficiency isdesfroytxt by j fvapoiation of the water, and the boiler is kept in a filthy condition. 1 I Jt Ubluiple and durable and ean be relied It cane attaeed4j9 tiywSrJ-- t Xo planter should be without one of them- Insurance companies, will insure gin ttftd barns? wheats? tlse-iTTilbottEiigines and Spark Arrester.s'Aijj used at fame rate as charged for water or horse power. TSend for illustrated circulars 'and price list. . . , Bianch. House: GolJioro.' X.'C." J. A, Hauser, G neral Manager.1 T. A. Grainger Local Managei. ; ' nol4-l CANFIELD BRO. & GO. 220 W. Baltimore St., BalUrporMOt.: AMERICAN 'and imported W'ATOIIES, DIAMONDS. .IEWEL11Y. SILVER" W A HE, TRIPPL1S SILVEir Pl.A - . Tf:i) IFAliE. KODGKES ' I SHEFFIELD tabic cutlery, . Ci R 0 O E R S plated t a b 1 e cutlery ,'M Spoons. Forks. Ac. f!lnr-V ltnmi'i:' ( ;hi tin.' Vitses. "F? "narCP.tc. Stock always comtdetc and prices, low'. - - .. . i liadges anu meuals lor scneoi-ana col leges. , . .-" 'rXTK ' All ordei feceivextrdmpt attfeatoti. .1 Gathartic Pills Combine Jhe choicest' cathartic principle in medicine, in" pre'ortiena accfirately nd--ju'stedl. to seenre activfry,' rertainty, and uuiforirity of effect. They aro the result of rears of mrefitl Ktudy antl rracticaJ ex perintent. and are. the .most effectual rem cdy. yet discovered for nseasos caused by deran.e:Hent of the stomai h,, liver, , find bowels, which require prompt and effectual treatme.if. Arvr.'s llt.t.S are specially 5"r:cati!e to this elas of dUease-A. they oiv the flirestive.aiwl assimi lative" 'processes. tif rtstom regular lx-althv action. Their extensive r.j by. pJivswcians in .their .practice,. ..and. by all ciriKred mtionsj-i ohfl-'ofl the many prints of their value as a saie, sure, uuu perfeetlv reliable purgative uedkiu l?ui coiupmuidedjof tlie concentrated vi'tties of " pureiy. vegetable substances, from calomej or istered t cMhlreJiiina 4 if ft. t saltty. I , n.... ... ,,1(111 rnirn f roui swuuwn amiufTwui j lfdacbe. Loss of Memory, XumbtwS tic that can t - nnptovL' andnever -gf 4 l otter ior.sa1e.m3 ,ira ui -f ; brosbes. stammers. eve, jroac,-, ap pain. unless the bowels are iBflamed? fl liariiiou knowa as tlie- Ur. Joe " iroacU. eoiwder tbem Mp tfcV ' of operate to rnrny anu rnni ;i iibt uiwi. - . r t . n m mp;ut uwra m, - whole system--4 f epEictJ Dy Ur. a. Practical uiul Anali tical Chmit . . Lowell, Mass. . EOLO BT DUWUUUTa fcVCfiXWHXSX. ,h ,EW jADVERTISEMiiX TS. glTTING bul ON THE AVAlt PATH. Sitting r.ull Durham Sraokios Tobacco i the best and liestlic WorbLf This brarnl andjjll othergradea of Plug and Ttffst Tor Sale by " . r-lJrftrPOtiUK, -. scp-5-ly ; j Mfthuftetitfer, Durban N. C. ; THE UNITED BROTHER -ov . - , ! J .i I ( rr t-- Feriiisylxanist. ft- 'J '!-- !!. I 9 Is not a' 'Life Jnsuafiee Com pany, nor i$ it a Secret Society ,., ,. - - I '-; ' " - . " . - - i I ' . requiring its members to attend meetings, "jh'' The follOwino: plafi i presented for con s idciutiop to such persons as may J lesire: to become" trientlers: The payment of at the lime of making application, $ aniiu.il- ly tlic next four years, and .$2 per unnino thereafter dining hfc wiih small pro-rata assessments at the death of each menll)er of the class of which yc u may ty, a member These payments secure . , to your, family tlOOO to hi' paid in the event of your death j . m" 4 - ' 1 . . - i-t m I ; Alemnergliips may J)e taKcn lor ninounts ranging from o00 to?l0,O0L at tne above fates by ,,, . i ,1- t:i il i'UJ, any person of , sound health p:ood morals. -jnot youno-er 1 .'4 tliah' 15' 6t older than 05 J ( iT'i years. .I ;! Ail. This socictyTs irfofe tTyfin cWven Vears old and has pjy inofe than 81.0.MMKM) to the feneilciarie3 of its ucettt&tf members. Has now1" j :'!? . ,. I $175,000 CasliAssote a rescrVjO f tind, an 1 assets liar blc to assessment . 1 $S5p QP,Qpp Il.is fiovra m"emberhip"ih .NorjU Carfdirei -who hold certificates covering' an much ; as 1 D not delay!, send in your ' application. Now Is tbe1 thue. ; a ! lUlift (?ood . reliable I Vnsipess irteri .wanted in.evpry. county of North j (. a. v " ; I 1 M J'or t urther pafUcalarsrcall on or address,' BEVi F.B. ANDREWS, f 1 1 ..li District Agent,- may27-3m. Lt-j tut iJ i; "Paxr ; A O F N T S CU V a ,,r a n.r 'Ii 1 l sWwrtntAliBUtpa ijnmttr pf .active, enerjretic cnnrK'ertoen'Kat.iiaJit and proflfcible butiuass. Good men will find tliis a Rir chance To EtKe Money Such will please answer this advertisement by letter . enclosing j statin. s fply, .statins 4 what business they hare been eilijfaKed -In. " iSono but those wIm nu-an biisincfs nil apilv. !' . -febW-iy- UN LKTf H ABTVIiY5 CO. Atlauta,(la GRA rS SPECIFIC MEDICINE, f IADK MARXTHE 1 OREATf RAD MARK EDY. An -unfil-. inic core for Sem-1 inal Weakness, rf S p e rmatorr he; f Impotence, jtandl I Ml uiseases iiiai follow. a ja se- uence . or en- Vnwi us Ions trf ItFORl TAIIRBuemory. nitlTir-AFTER TAKING. alla5spnde. pain in tha back, dimness of Tiin premature ld ace, and many other diseases Hint I Und to Insanity t counnmpiioo and a pretnatur? .j n a -Villi narlieulars la- our oauiDlil:, Inrli we desire to svud free bv mat! to every on. " Tlit Specific Medieiue tsold by alldrusgists nt 1 Mr pickape. or six paekae ftfr j, ir wHl le nt free by hiail en receipt of tb money by addressing "The G ha Yj Medicine Co.. ( i Mechanics' plock. Detroit. Mich. Sold in Wilson and every where, by all druggists. r j no.28-ly. Df, Henry; Mott's We c a row de it s . Will cure iaflamation of t kidneys and bladder. ionorrhoea. Ofc-t. Stri1.ures. permaiorrhoni. nonaiu aid otiTsicaJ Jbility, M-miual imrai.- tious. Uuywteacy. weakness of the eeoital oreans. brought m by virions nnoivs m jii. rMw,, j iwmiirfin' h i.l ...... i mvt .hh r-j'a, ! "."'res blood AnitfliiaiUeW" kc ll!"iLritxa. cared in' to..- a ' ' For 9nle ia WUsoa by A. !W. Kowland. lrnist Pric per boa;. I ; - Sot by mad secure from ofcseTraflon, on t& aipt pt price. U MOTTSTKVKXSaCtl.--MMtfaciartn and Ptoyrietor,, Baltimore, Md. ? ux&nt.-.. k.--rrr:k'V-i' TT O,, I tliM. nremtiCS IS a new nuir rn wititit j 1,. n 1. MXt keufj a k! fwo sfortml frtne ;wiah bim down in', the !,. i n . tj now ktDfj ssoik! iwo sforirimt fWtne& : vi?h 1. .",1-.iiawe4's'?.4 ?l-,"c":': Uee- balance for, depend: C Aver & GO., . , Ti'ims vasj, Kp; j w r ',1-, . mtyzr lti miU be ' s w n sr. i ' r4 Milliard., N. C. sg20 3ta. , '" he Wilson - Advance.' 72 Ammmm ,The Blue and . the Gray-' V3 From the flowery groves pt" tlie Sonlfilahd .( And the fields of cot toirand cane-r To the wonderful lakes ot the Noi thland And pine c'ad lulls cf 51aine. , . "'"' r: ;! 4 - ,w Brave mett are thvelling by thousands', - , .Who once weiQ.so hot to slay," s When some wore the blue of the Union,' ' And others Confederate O ray; i rif' ':''(-; '!.'?,; . " l ; , -.;. . . i ! ; i, '; ' - " " i- ' ' i I. 'VUt passions of wtar bave'aibsidedi ' Its hatreds' have griMC-.with tiw jst, And naT like an Rimy of brother, .. " ' ' ,: They ailcome togeiher at last J They follow a man w!io in: battle- ' " The bravest of the brave, i ' j And who, -when the fighting was ended, j 1 Wa first to console awd save. s , , ! ;,r ' ' 'u -j..",'i?t:J.'"' r v. ;f, : .. With him are his war-fried so'diers, ; ; And those that he fiici'd:in the fray?' 'Hie men who wore bide are for " Hancock. With thbse who have-vriii the gray. I ( n.:.,; nr. .' For peace and perfect uniou, j I ' 1'or brinberhood ovtr the land, ; - They are fyrming sliouhler to hyubler, ? jiiAiid A'i' inarching hauVuu hand. , Now, uIowii with nil thought'of disunion! Say IhoVc "viiobfl?ve "worn lliefjiy, t f 'Away with all ecrii)iinl jelling!;' f , , Tlie blue-coa oil eterau.s say, . ' " ''' - '" ' 'i . u ; ' ' T'hey rally for peace and for union, " 1 And who shall dare "say tlicur it ay?' , I They lady in Blue for Haiicoek; For Hai c cktt ey rally nyiiray. ;, 'IV? never saw a genuiuo ? bashful man who Vas not the soul , of. honors Thotigh such mav blush, and stammer, and shrug their shoulder -..(awkwardly unable to throw forth t with,, ease tlioughta that they wpuld . express, yet 'comriiencfthem to ua forj friends ,t 'Thefo'are fme toueh?s in . their char- artersh'whiet vttmo r will yellow and bring oiU; perceptloneia5 tho faihtest tint is Hoj tlte -unfold.uig rose j arid" theif thoughts aro? uooo tic dess, defined and ? beautlfui.tbafci,Ucy-"do iiot ! flaw with tho impetuosity, pf the Wje are aitoniahed JitbatMncJi .'men are not'apWeciatedfrthiiV ladies' .with really gdo)'iicarta afada ! cumyatod in tellects1 will' reward. !the gaftnti.Sar Miistachlo Brainless ;i with-; smUes aad attentions becanse ji'o cau fold a sliawf graceftilly, ud bandyi 1 compliiBerrta wtth -Fans'ika eleancr, rhjlej -thej' wbafd rtbt'eo&KTcsfceiid r to Jxid ; opon the wortli"? 'raan',! who 4eeU' fofj UertJ a rcVefetice So great that Ms every mate ran'4'! worshin.".-:; v';-,.. -:i --h ! U-t.i l T 1 i 1 'I'be man who is bashful iu the pres ence of iadies, Is their defender when the loose tongue of tlie slanderer would deforce them ;'lt is not he - who .boasts of conquests; or.dtres to taUv of fall ing that, exist in the UnaginaLions alon. : his cheek will flush with reseut- meat, Lis. eyes flash with anger, to hear ! the name of a woman coupled wHh.a coarse oath; yet he wh,o; would die AO defeud them IS least IlOUOred by the ; J majority ot the. leauue sex. , .; ; Who ever heard of a bashful liber tiue? The anomaly was I1 never seen Ease and elegance are his requisites ; upon his .lips sits flattery.! ready to pay court U blue cyes and ( black ;. he.Js never noa-plussed he never blushes, for a glance be is, iu; raptures, , for word he would J profebsedly lay,. dowu his life. Yet it is he who fill our dens with wrecks of female purity ; :i is he who profanes tle holy name of mother, desolates the shrine wheie I domestic happiness is throned, ruins tne Heart tuat tru?n in mm ; vdwies the very air he breathes ; antl all under tbe'masic of a polished gentleman. V Lailles, a word in yonri ear. Have vou lovers, and -too Id you " posse s a ' worthy husband? Choose; Lira, whose delicacy of deportmentrwlK3e sensuof your worth leads bim to stand . aloof, while others stand 'woahd-yoiv,. If he f uis exaiiex opinion o your sex. ,x u Uf . la.l.'''2-i i mm o l trififf a r . I i.aH oaf ' 1 f I .f I. . 3 9 ll.niiij m 1 v . im w. . 1 f iv.... 4, uwir u?o it, with hi n h apier with j poverty I thaa with many.auuUcr surrounded by Khe splendor of palaces, i .. ; Aklie IasLme8Un? of thk 'DetmU re ft. tTQjfiGoU ; comounicaiioh fro Oba diab Giassfoot,' ' tork. , Vaying that he was an enthusiast on the' i ab ject of disgoyjrjnglie North Pole, kr.d adding that he would be perfectly will ins to take command oT Ait expedition ftit&f-out by tli4 ctAorcd race of Aiaeri ca for sjxh 1 k'-- ptrr09.' He argutyi that the black man had never yet done auything to engrave his. name oa the scrolls of fame, and t4iat this golden opponumtj' auontu not 03 perruttteit toslip awayi ImTriediately- upon ? lUt teiAhig of tbe letter Paramount ; Bax ter; arose1 arid 6ffereTY resolution to effecCthat the Limtv-Kitn Club at once appoint ;i comrntttee ot- three, with por to serid forepersons and paper?, to discove the ICoVt fi- tf. ' The read luti'ou Was'secoridetV br thirty voices, aiut there wii't a slight crook to the end 6f the lrcshfenf s nose as he arose afi'd'said : 'J,Doan some o" you. want a oomiriittee 'to examine de hinges on do gates of beahent What do you 'uos down da.' In de body of de hall know about de Norf Pole?- .Do moar' we try to learn j-e.i de less ye. seeui. to know Now, den, in de fust.plflce, do cull'd iiccVfdrsfee'hfrjhai all iUkia do to mi nd its fiah-polfs nod bean-poles. If dc white folk want to tool.., around tnt'a nuffiu' to 11s. . Do man who raises & bu&hcl ot onioos fur r market needn't Be Jealous bf de man whi diskivcrs de Nbrf Polo. yJist tcul "right Uj your bigness an git .yer -feet ready -for a new uropjdf chilblain-? next winter," .(...;..'"-. " . . -..'.."'. a i liUH'.t:,- ft iit llloqiieut Pussngs. ft j ; ji i Tlie following was' from the pen of George DV'PrcnUc fit" cannot be our' life Is a mero bubble cast up hy Wmity tofloal a moment on its waves arid then sink; into nothingness. Mse vt by 13 it iliat the glorious aspirations which leap like angels from the tembTe of one's heart are forever .wandering unsatisfied? Why is Jt tha the- sturs that hold their festival around the mid night throne7 are set above the grasp of oiir HroUcd faculties, ' forever mock ingn3 with their unapproachable glory? And ifnaf!y';Jwby ff that bright forms of human beauty presented labour view are taken fron us, leaving the thou sand' stroama oC affection to flow back ki 'Alpine torrents ,jaa,our hearts? There - is. a realm- where the , rainbow never fades where the stats will be spead out befiow us like the islands Uiat edambcr in the ocean ; aud where the beautiful bpingswhich pass . before us like ahadows will stay ; in yur pres- eace forefer.'i. 'tiomtiUlag About kin Dawgbtcr. ' The author: is not known, but all in our power will be done to rescue bitn from oblivion ' by' puhlishins it . as l- fol low fAl "Tlieran iau aomelhing about ytnf cdaughterVj. Mr , Waugbop - aaid reflcctvreiy tiieeV something about youTilaogbter" i 'Yes,'! isaid old Mr. Thistlepoil, -there is j I had noticed it myself.; r It comcs every : evening at' 8 o'clock, and it Igoes away usually about 2o'clokAod oine of these frights I aragoinglltolift it all i be way from the front pari or to the!, side sat and see what thcrb's in it. Wc met a putc citizen coming np from the depot the t other day. He was greatly excited, and we asked him what was the tfoube. ' Dere vas drooblo enough he replied. I vas get ting my pools "plaqked in .dot depot venda policeman ime alorig und he duhf me to get my eet oud of der vay. so dot-der drain of (fcars cotifd get in4 side deru depot!;)is vas der firs! dime my feet xas efer insolted ! - I vill report him at head-quarters. .1 don't care a shuck for. his brass coat and plue puUons. Tie vill fls It trad I u$ uot t -'i . i- .i j o s Wilmington JUtteicz A rattlesnake was killed in lira n wick county on Friday lastf by Mr. ale McKeithen, of Middle Swamp towoship, which for its age and size gets away with all the snake sborica we have heard of lately. Ml snekesbip was only a 1 httle over sfofeet long but sported twenty-eight rattles and" a button, : and if the old saving. a rattle far krery year isltrue tlien tlie reptile must have been twen-ty-eighr yean and six -SSntbs oI4. Ir. F. TN", Potter, of tUs city, has the ralUt-s, wHch are about nine i.iches .long,',, ' ' -' . ' - ' '.-"'f'-'- 1 Vf, retaura'nt PaVLfouS Sherman mada one of his best tpetcto n WaatffrfcfaBj Aifa 1----Tbe concTavc of Kij5ht'a,T?pirfkI in Chicago last weekt--:--:Tlie Amtr' ican liar A s soc i at op m el lat wek lttA Saratogai .Y, rr- Hianfaosl reel ing of the J? nenawair hVl ts rrietxU villc. Tennessee last wiek. -MaJ. Thos. Sparrow Uaa been nominated far Hi 1 louse ip r Ucaufort . jcpaotjr,-- The iassachnsctts democfaU ir united and will make a vigbfaus cam paigri,- Over 200 deraocratbs rtuaa meetings wee held iu IodhoAi last Saturday; Kx. Gov. lleracbel V. Johnson died at bis residence h Jef ferson couoty,' OcorgUi Offe.l&e 16Q inst , in the 68th yourofiaage I Maj. w. A." , uuUirie, Kapuulicad, n , for Hancock, and is warmlV ' pressed . , to make Hancock speeches. Luti. wick Sutnners in Guilford conaty, fived fifteen jears without toucbtuj; a drop of water- He drank however. milk ' and; ctdor. The N. C. Frtilt ffttrwera Association will holds its Fsbf !lxrl"2.W eigh dri the SilbTSnTaridriOtb, daya oT September. I be duel wmoa was to have taken place between , Col. L'nnb, Mayor of Norfolk, andr jVmea Harron. liutie eilitor of the Norfolk Liiu'lnuirk was prevented by .thfca1jat of Mayor Lamb nV heTwaa leaving: the city. -rhe suiail pox ia tttWeaa ing to n alarming extend M N.J Var simming .luatcU which took rjiaWat Atlantic City. N. J. last: SatttW!ay IJoyntori was- beaten by Fcarnt-" - Judge Spufford. contestant f KfoHoggt- cat in tne Senate fcs ueail. JRwr. D. a. Doggett,-l. I), llUhop- of tbo Metho list Church lies criticattly ill at hitf residence in Uichmond. " iReT J. 11. Hobbitt D. IK has secured about y.000.00 for Trinity College. i The population of North Carolina it 110, 138 under the ucw ' cenhai against 1,071 .Gl ju 1870.-Nortlr jSwo-' Jiua does tut iticreaso .lief fepresTCta tipn in Congress -Rnflf ld has to agricultural club. Bev. Malk Grossof WtlrwwgtettHiclined I tho appointment of UUhop in"North Car olina tendered html" the Pop5 j-Presidtnt ) I ayes is olf on Vslxf weeks trip to Califomia-iSenous. riotanave occurrttl In Ireland, -rTba , deattf of Ole Uidl is announced.- -rnTb harvest m the wst v f Ire land j will ccrtaj it ly tc abtfuaant.' tbefp are bright indication of retumkiao tivityJn business. A ? party of river pirates stole a tboat load of the carjtq oih.o.8unkcn VUk$burff1" mx As!)por,vTennrTuesday"Atn. 17 th. -RMltrl litfve'eVptured a jcon voy of 3,000 mar the city of Mexico; Jacob Andcron ,baa bcro ar rested iu Hampton county, 8. C for the murder of two men named Collins at Keedtlle, Ga, . . -Aai aineitnt Indian cemdary' has be, 4Uv"7Wed alove the snow-line on thevolcfooof I'opocatapete.- The Tnbutte and the Time continue to charge that that census at the South was kfranrV , In 1870thc census showed thai there were over 150.000 . per-ons a, Nr I'iiigiand; who could not read., ojr write. - Servia wants 100.000 AeneMi1, rifles! -The cxpottation of cotton fro;n liallimore' ' U iricrcaslfig:.'- -t he6ttpreme. Lodgs.of the world. Knights i4" l'y tbiaua met la St. liraie -rueUyl - Louisa Sbeldoii a ieautif.l girl jf :19, . whoae r family well off odd ret-pecied, hanpcd.herMlf in a bAtru atCauipton JLIa,, N. JFriday niht,', because Tfef pare ate' stopped her ' Correspobdence - 'with e summer resort suitr.-i----Tue Presi de:, t has pardoned! s Jaa Doujlaasr ib1 Jho. Flood .ojnyicted ia jCen ork ot embezzlemenis in the posts) service. - -Pierre Lbrrilards: flW horses have arrived from f A ft rpoot A boy fishing in the rive atCartbagr, N. J, a few day St agpi hauled, op the body of pat Milloy, atroau o( hi tem perate h-abits. J. J. MCrpbjrJ tho Census taker in New York;' t. rluj yavc the names of pTorairteirttioUUcU anVas residents of a house of ill-fame has been committetl for'; action of the Grand Jurj, bis bail being ftdoced frum S to 3 t hou s a nd dollars. Theie U a deficiency of f5,W5f la th Uichmond l'ct-Office.- The par ticulars of the rioting atiCourtril)e- 4 M is between Greeobackera aud Democrats show that tw were killed ana two woandedl - - v - i ' - -Destructive storms tiak occurred in -France The Poptf;b weak and tWre"ed" -Hisjop Atkinaoa kill uercr rerover, allhoupt he tzav linger several j ear s.vv--' Another divilen uF 10 Pcr cent Ts U 'be paid to the depositors of Freed maoa I ltanlc riip.r la a Tot nn rln to tlie murderer of Gen. Grimes ; CoL Keoan spoke at IVhiteville Satur day. -John Staplers is endorsed by Guilford for the Serjat. Sea- alor Tburraan trill begia , stumping it Ohio on the last of Septembers Jewell, Itepublicaa chairmajj, u 'K ing to send a barrel ot cash to Kortti Carbiinft aod FlorUIa -"Two Hesse cbusetts republicans will accoospeey the barrel. Tbwre are 278 Ilea- cock and English dobs in , New City. Gov. , Jarv'is spoke ; at Troy, MootgotLery coaoty, on Wednesday. " One Alien Jordan replied Co hlmi Old John Robinson is biDed for Char Uotte for September. i I I. ug2U tf. J -' ........... i , ,, , f