M;v- a .ia' r- :. r-r- .. ,,zr . i - t : WWilsoiT Advance. Wilson. N. C. ; t.uN r, .n Tr, l.OO ! I '" 1 l'n"H nmtRJEEE M a4 jl V, ,444,4a - ww IIWWII.AIWIUIIV tJJIlt50il HOP. IW ffitl One SoiwrA 6 ml)m f i T g 1 f JM liIMiVll: SYS L I t r I M . k I 1 W --"C a. Mat. M. I1 : 1 1 ' 1 c I ,111 if I ii i. i - U - II 1 til t I II I! II I II 1 if I 'I til I i . 1TN l"Ti II, I II Ht m mr a w m w m. k i j. - m mm w - i m m w m w . f . t b . & i m m t i w m i 1 J!- -- i. i . , -n It T " . L- f 5 .-.VI 5T...T - T . ., . 1 . ...t ! Wnth, - KUFKSSlONAL. CTrTw. JOYNEU, : jj ubOION - A1 " , i . trms a rTJnii MHT 7'V- 7blr,eu-.l wiMm.it. Jan. 3-12ni 1 R. E. L- H U S T E U. RnnaEQH HE5TI9T. ENFIKU). N.C JIM rcsMtnl rra.-tl.-? at J''' wtiUil roIiuU ac.MiUiiuaiK.tof h foruu i r , ractice. 'oet2.li- JAMKS W. LANCASTER, Attorney-at-Lavr, WILSON', x. c. Omce in the r,urt Ilnnvo. , ' Practice, in nil the courts ovcV - h Inferior court of Wilson." r...unty) ami BTajKom mpt attention tnijiisiwunnr.i... , Wilson ami a.ljoiuhv-Count U him ii G W. 1JLOIJNT, Attorney at - Law, Office Public Sfpiarc, roar of Court " WilHo.i, N. CM Oct. 10th '7t J It. TlLliERY, ATT0RjTEY-ATLAV; Will practice In Nash, Edgecombe and TiT-on roimtie. Special attention gieen t collections in Ikny portion of the State. I4-fim WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY iFORYOUSO LADIES.) UlUon. i.C. 1 Ht talent employed In all tlcpaxtmeuts Situation unusually .healthy. j -' kaard. per ncssioi. of 20 wes including htfl, li(litK ami furnished room $), 00. Othr ehare moile rate; Fall Session betinH Septcinber ft. Fr catalogue or luioriiiauou. addre, J. 11. lilt K WE K, Principal. VSriison Collegiate ' Institute FOR BOTH SEXES STRICTLY N0N - SECTARIAN r years the most auccessfnl schooj in Kakteru Carolina. Tlie best advantages and lowen rales. Healthy location.' 'Able nd Experienced Teachers." rlne Library and Apparatus. SpncTons Bui'dlug. . A leanant. educational lHtne. Aerje expeiiHef, (ISO er year. MnV, It) extra, eanidu extends from first Moariay In tptetnbef to tirst Thursday in Jan. --.Adrp. for Catalogue. 5, II ASSELU A. M.f Principal. Jtyll-tf Wflstm, N.C. V ,Tnfi f., P. ai." ahd ikt yeslght. yoor J. T Young & Bro. y DKAl.KR IN i FINE H'ATCUKS. DIAMONDS. I ; JKWELUY. SILVER WARE, ; 4 ; Manufttetun r of alU'unls of ruin (.old Jewelry,' Kings, Bad?ps, &c The best' i 10, ca-tor, and iji'i.00 clock Ter sold. American watches at the lowest prices. Slij silver spoons, '. forks ' Ac, rheaprr than ever. Your orders are so licited and will he pwanptlv'attended by . J. T. YOUNG & BRO. ! ' HTEItSBUHO,8 VA. bet 30th '79.-H JAY IRE HAILING ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, ttXTFTTR & CO.. 2 North Howard St, Baltimore . " We railiu!? for eeni,.tt,ri..e l ... . oi " , .'v--.. inn lis. Lemon Tabourne, The Old ReUaWe Barbar mm ' "PtS l. , GOLD utdHcc ,o m,e "'.cv. W lata .ubrT1 '1 ' lo.takt subsertptiwu, for veo .cn aa rat and best lli.HtT-t-.i r...:i TK .". tf- n the world. Aay one can become a .ssful agenu vs,x elegant wurka of nvn rn 111 mk,.L .... UT ion He art that almost everyhody subset V ant retpru lakh, 1 nlS't Sir ' You can devote Wri x? f,,e busineS or olv jour fc?!' -Yoacaa do U asVe 1 rF W. r " 1 d"ious and ,term ,ve fi! to make gar- u.u.im uaicouies; wiudw truard nee guarti,, wire cloth, sieves, fdcr s . s, sa.,4 and cl rmns, ir BtMNtead hatrs.-.ttees, 4c. A Wd2q ,Cd' .VOLl'IQ: Peace Institute (FcmjrouNo ladies.) 1 B A LEIGH. N. C. ':TlMs8t)i'A'nnitaji..S.sioii. commences on Weilnfsdty, JStrpteniber 1st. 1880. No institution in tlw; South offers super ior advantage forinstrtiption in ait branch-, es, .uilly.Unght ii; Urst cl scluols lor yuii ia'lies. All Ihe dep:irtmiit an filled by expfricuceJ and accomplished teacher. Th is tbe'onif irttUlntton in the.. South whieh has haI dnrtitgiheipakt chiria?tlc jear a special uVparimeut for instniction in tle theory ami practice of cookery. J Trmgrwinwe,. - i. For circular and calalogiio, address, . BkV, R. Uvhw tL& frvC Principals. THOMASVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE, Thomavilie. Davidson Co., N. C The TtriMitv-Sixth A nnnal Session brins "Anpi.t 23th, 188). Thorough work in T.iterurj Music and Art iKiparrnieuts. Complete nurse, ldh standard and inod er '... charts. Accominodations for over one hundred boarding pupils. Bnatt $10 -per month. For Catalogue address iy30-Gt. II. W. Kkinhart, Principal. DR. DAVID HUNTER'S SYPHILITICorBLOOD PILLS. A specific for SynhillK in all itfi forms, and evrrv. vrst.ic'' of the dise;m pratttcatPd from the y tnrt Scrofula and Wood and Skin diseases speedily cured "Gonorrhoea cured In two davs. : Korsnle by A. VV Ktiwland. niid all DruggisU j Frice 1 per box, tnnre fcox 2. " Sen t bv maifc. MOTT, STL- ENS AOO . Prop ietort, mli2T-ly Baltim re, Md. 01 ACOX COLLPGb" 3 ASIIELAND. VA. Forty-sixth . soision Ix'gfns 8ept. 16th. Etectlce conrsa leading to the .decrees of B. S., B. P. A. B., and A.M. Location easy of access on the great through line, 16 miles North of Richmond, and noted for health. ' . .. WeT A Business and Commercial Course will be established next session.' ... For Citi ' iouc address. , litv. W, W. BKNxijT. President. ng20 4t The most popular piano in the South is tjhc v 1 Piano for nearly forty-one. yuus ;hcse instrutnents have maintained thir : uta ion for dura bility. clearness and sweet m ss of ' " flritie. Tlil- piano now being uinnuuicMmil b this well known firm arc equal to any made in the world. They are sdd as h-vi as any ttrst class" piano and fully warranted - for five years. Send for catalogue ami teinis to S. A. STEVENS & CO., 7 NORFOLK. VA. AOF.NTS FOR KN'ABE A- CO., FOB EASTERN NOIiTH CABOLIXA. . aus20"80-lv, I ' t' "P 0 K S A L E. I desire to announce that I have for iale cheap Ihrttc pair of line Il.(lJcrey pigs, w'ich 1 would likn to sell soon. S. B. .FARMER, Wilson, N. C. " angro -tf r-' I - r v . - . Pq -rr ag E n r s fcia,y Wf A ifc TED. We mnt a limited nnmber activ, energetic canras.-rs t.i enaee tn a )lervant and profitable biihfns. Oued men will lind lUls a rujre chance To IsLsLLe Money Such will please answer thl advertisement by letter, enclosing ftamp for reply, statina ,-what business they have been enRaed in. IS'oile bat tho who mHRn business nevl ajnilT. feb27-ly FIXL.EY, HARVEY k C).. Atlanta.da GRA Y'S.SPVCIFIU MEDICINE. TRADK MARKTHE ORFATTRADa MARK KNUWSllHKM KDY. An un fail inn cf re for Sem inal --Wthn?s, S p e rmatorrhea. Impotency. and all diseases that follow, a a - ileiiic of S?if- Iking TAllILmemory, u.iiver-Af Til TAKIIfi. lassitude, tmla In the btick. dimness of Tision. premature old ae, and many other diseases t'u.u lead to nifanitf or consumption and a- prruwuure araTe. S-Koll particulars in our pamplilet.which w desire to send Tree by inal to erery pun..- Tke leuic Mediciue is sold bv all drticijlsts at tier packiure. or six packofc-es for .V or will le teOlT oj man on receipt of the money by addressing TflEiilAY,MK01CUE Co.. . ?MTtahfc"ock. Ivtroit, Mich. Sold in W iison and every -where, hy U druoits. no.28-ly. Dr. Henry Mott's FKENCII POWDERS. Will cure innainaUon of the iddneya and bladder, tjonorrhoea. Gleet, Strieturvs, Spermatorrhoea, nervous and physical debility, seminal iraraij ious, impotency. weakness of the genital organs , flight on by vicious habits iu youth, excessee v.. female weakness lencb - :!., or , whites, Tmb diseases, v ii, an us forms, scrofula, "f 'V . i-!.HMl and skin diseases, he, t 1 touorrhoea cureil in 4S hours ."a lor sale n Wilson bv A. W. Kowland. Druggist "if .t per box. " Sent bv mail secor from observation, on re V of Price. MOTT STEVENS a. CO. Mrtanfactnrers and rroprtetora. IfcUumore. ild. fe2Ttf Q I C E 1 offer ior s;de my tract of land at llil Haniston known its Ihe Dr. Joe Drake pl.t- . Hjtain'uii; 117 acrt?, 75 acres clear ed uiid in a fine slate, if cultivation. Ot the premises h a new store hou?e in which the P. O., is now kept, a jrood two irtory dwelling and other necessary ut houses. Terms easy, apply to - F. II. BICKS, 1 llilliardston, N; C. t aj20 al (rBrl t '-: - wnniaccurcrs arrmgw.. Burgieg,4 '1. Mp. Mfniej.si unit alt JviiuU of riding vehicleS? Which will b sold at the lowt potMble Azures UieIwest,. . Be aur and call OB' iia beforo buyrnr ' J SBticfnction ruaranuni in tttrr cae. Bepairing neatly and . , , promptly attended to n i m j - f . -TALBOTTTft sores ShockoeJVlachine i-Si ) .MchmuMva.. Manufacturers f Portable and Stationary Engines and Boi!ei-s, Saw Mills, Corn and Wheat Mills, Shafting, Haider and Pulleys i uroine i ater iiecs. Tobacco Factor vl 'ftsi?!',Jy?Jlcl,llier3r o every idesci ip tion. ' . ; r GINNING TllllESnWG MACHINES v a SPECIALTY. f Repairing Promptly and Careriillyfione. Talbotrt Patent .gpar , Arrerter, It does not destroy tire draft, -vr - IS .1 . lM. I ... . I j.. "-.W V-J1 t uws f,v iDiciTere wjui cleaning h tube?. ? clean me. . It requires no direct jlarrrpcrs to be open (Kl wBeit mising Steam jdainVs .beitio- ol- - jectionable, as they nray be left open and allow the sparks 'to escape. j It rcquireb no water to extinguish sparV whieh, by condensation, destroy; !;e (baft Bes .lies, witen water -la us?d, rf neglected " Hit! efficiency is destroyed by evaporation of t lie water, and the 'boiler Is keptiti a til thy condition. ! It io fciinplc aud'durahl.a and caii be lxdied tipoii.1Uv''iiw-. Hi i - It can le attached to any bojlcr. Xo planter should be without one of them. . Insurance companies will insure ins and bains where the Talbutt Engines and Snark Arresters are used at same rate as charged for water or horse power. JQTSend for illustrated circulars and price list, i i . Bianch flou-e tioldshoro, X. C. j. A Uauser, Gmeral Manager. T. A. Grainger LocalMauagef . . nol4-12tn CANflELD MO". WO. Jewelers, 229 Y. Baltimore St., Baltimore; Ml. AMERICAN" and imported WATCfTES r DIAMONDS; JEWELliY, SILVER ' WAKE, TRlPPLrS SILVER PLA TED WA Ii R, 'ItODtJEliS i ii SHEFFIELD table cutlery. ' R O G E R S plated , tabic cutlery, Spoon,FoTkg.c. I Clocks, llronzes, ('hinayases,' Eigures,!tc. Stock aiwars complete and prices low. Badges and medals for schools and coJ h'ges. . . , . All orders receive prompt attention. " mch 19th '80. er s llap; Vigor, FOR-RESTORING 1 GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. t Jt , irj ;msfacaTJe trTressfng, which hCat btrce hamdess" and-effectnai, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and fresJuiesspf youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deen black, as may. be desired. Bv its use thin j hair is thickened, and baldness often though not .'always cured. Itcheckt falling of the hair immediately, snd causes a new growth In all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or -otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. ' The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it, heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and aoft, uadaf which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. . t As a Dressintr for Ladies' Hair The Vigor ia inUmparable. it is ,!or- leas, contains neither oil nor dye, andwltt' .Mtiw&i. Kltite lwic. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as aa arucie lor tae toilet it iseconoiniCJU ana ' Unsurpassed in its exceTleltce!. , , -; -1 Prepared by, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., '0., . ; Practical a a 4 Aaalytieal Ctio-iiate, 'Ul;1 "LoweK, Mlts. f " ' " TT! ' rll irFRIDAj SEPTEMBER '3: 1880. Ihe Wilso.n Advanced rPATUf-....yEPTJCM I: it 1J J Obituary Poetry. IXTOEMORIAM. little ieach-in tlie orehawl A little jjeicU iremeratil hitf; ? Warmed by the sun and wet by the dew It grew. . . One day. passing that orchard1 through. That little peach dawned on the 'view Of Johuniu Jones and Jiis sUter Sue Thern two. j .- vJ . ' ' 'I ". ' ' ' '- : Up at that Ipeaeh a club they threw Down front the stem on which it grew Pellihe Ctile peach of eineiald hue Mon dieu! ' Mie took aite and John a chew And then the f rouble' began k brew Trouble the doctor couldn't subdue Too true! lndcr the turf where the daises grew. .They planted John and sister Sue, .And their little souls to the angels rlew-i Boohoo! ' : ;. Vhat of Uwr peach of ttie emerald fi'uit r.VY armerl ImUie su irand wet-by the dew? iii, cn,(iwinii5sronsoi. eartiw through Adieu! Af.lEAN;TRICK. Probably Ihe meanest trick that was overstay eJ xm a white nian jtai per petrated lh; 'New York arid thQ fact 1. t Is ' . ..(- - &.-. i . , . uiaiuierc isdd vigilance committee there thei only reason the perpetra tors of the triok are alive. , A business man hadj just purchased a new sun nat, and he went into a saloon with half a dozen of hi. friends to tit the hot on his head. They all took beer, and passed the bat around all could see it. 'I ' One of tfW'meahestmen that ever held a country, office, under a Demo- cratic nd-uiaistrtion went to the bar keeper ajkI ha 1 a thiu flice. o ,Lim btucheese cut off. and when! the pariy,waa liking at tbe, frescoed .ceil ing through their beer giwses this wicked person slipped the cheese tinder the sweat-leather of the hat. and the man put it o.: and Walked out. The mail who owned th,e bat is one of your nervous people, who is always complaining of being sick, and who feels as if some dreadful dtaea3e is o ing to'tfke possession 'of him and car ry. him OffJ j ".. f He went back to4 bis plrtde - of busi ness, and took off htsr hit and laid it down on the tab!e and proceeded to answer some letters. II3 thou 'ht be detected a: smoll, and when part n'erakpd jihuii' he didn't feel sick, he said he beliered he did. The man turned pale nad lie- said he gaessed le otiU 50 home, 'and he started. lie met a man on the side walk wno saw tnc air was miasmatic 1 . - a the street car the man who sat next to him moved away to the end of th car. and asked if ' he had just come from Chicago, lie replied that be had not, when the stranger said that they were having considerable small pox there, and. he a ided, with a.sus picious glance at onr . aire id v' half- frightened friend, "1 gue9s Til get out an(i walk." and he pulled the bell strap laud stepped off. r The col l perspiration broke out over the forehead of the man with the new hat, and Qc took 't otr to wipe his forehead, when the whole p cheese seeni3d to roll over an 1 nd the man got the full benefit of it aud camo near fainting away. He got borne and his wife met him at the1oor and she as'red him what was the matter? He1 said he believed mortification bad set in and she look One whirf as be took off bis hat, and said she thought it had- "JThece diJ i01 ' rGet j il 8:-J,tbe mao excitedly. "I bar 41 1 got into any thing, but deadly disease has trot hold o t ine, and I shall not jve" ,---' . 1... " ' . Sj told him Uiat if any disease ;hatsmelied like that had gt, hold of j uini and j it- "was likely to become icbroolc, she felt as though it would be a burden upon lumaclr if be waU tire macb Ion ger wivb ihrt flnm. pbt gii fete fotba oST; 'iotMOhlt feet in mustard water, ' t wrfrt to - He dreaded that A aotaU-jKMflag Via ban jib frdlt hlrhowe.al.cl ttat bVasidlDffitt:sft&toitt Witran to the peat bouae. , 1 The wife aenV for a doctor, and when the man of pills arrived ant told him all about the cas. - . - t The doctor picked up the' patient' new bat and! tried it oa.aad got a whifl, I He said that hat was picad before it was rip I The doctor and the wife held a noat raonem .examination or tba Hat ndJ found tbe J.imburgerl 'j.fJ J ; j 'l ew and - sborCi were lb): prayers they said. They frolic th patient and. to prepare bis mind Tor tbV reve- lalion- JJat .was about to be made, the doctor asked him if Jits worldly affairs were In a satisfactory condition. lk gaSpetl and said they wtre. Thed.octor, asked" hira tf he felt pre pared lo shuffle off. . .. .. 5 Thei man said he bad-, always tried to lead a'ditferent life, and war willing to' be'dOM byr.ihc same as be would like to lo it himself, " 'but be might have made a misdeal i some ,way and 1 be would like tahare a minister aent I for and afi acconnt of stock taken. ,c . Then' the doctor, broQcbt to Um bedside the hat. opened up, the, sweat leather and rerealed to the dying man what it was that smtflled aatjt mmd? totd hitu he was as well as any man in the . :The tci?Ui .8uddeniy. flashed upon the victimir Hepirhedibtnselt to sea if he was really awakey and jumped oV of bed and called for ( his reyotyer- Neither, the doctor nor hi wife could prevent him in bis in ad haste; to get out, and the last we saw of him he was tryii g'to bribe the bar-tender to tell him. which one of those pelicans pat that ..si ice of cheese-liif his hat. ; - !' WINNING A WIFE. IIot lYii.t Became n II nw Van A Liat at Prague in tba autum of 1840. Theday after! hfe- arrival atranger Vailed .upoti . blm, and rep resented hXmself as - a! brother artist in distress, ; having expended all his rncWiAT-ln a"n!ULsuccessful lawsrjit and solicited ; aid J to enable him to re turn to Nuremberg, bis of re dence, Lit-zt gave him a. ..hearty re ception ' and opened bia desk to get suuxe money, but found he) possessed oulv three ducats. : I ? "You see, said tb generous nrtTst "that I am as poor as yburself. 4 How-, eyer, I have credit, and -1 . can coin more monet with - my piaao. I bare here a minnturt i gfVen me hf the Bna peror cf Austria ; the . painting la of little, jralue, bit the liamonds are fine ; take it, sell - the - diamonds, andi keep the" money." .-s? .. The stranger "refnM the rich' gift, butiat eouipelled 9 him to take it, and he carried, it to a jeweler, who. siupect'ng from bis miserable appear ante that be bad stolen it, bad him arrest d aud thrown into prison. The stranger seat for his generous bene- I factor, who immediarely called upon JTLUiUewejernj mshJ was iiMwOcent, that he bad given hi in the: diamonds. ".- ' 4Iut who are you -saidr ,hc jew eler f . j. y f r - w - it t vMy name bt LisatT be eplied. . "I know of no financier of that 1 S . r 't t ' i : j - name," said the jeweler, j l ' - rVery poesible,' said LisaU ; VBut do you know thai these dia monds are worth 0.O0O florins?" ' -Ha imncb the abetter lor bna to lut you must be very flcb to make suqh presents. - you eler. .i "o,"' said Liszt. I bare only to move tlie ends of my fingers W get as much, money as I want.!. .-:'' . Tijen yoa are a sorcerer,'' said the Jeweler; ri - ; ... i. -I will show y bathe kind oft s orcery t-bit I jtraploy said L4szt. - j-.f -.: e s ieeing piMiujibf .back ''.parlor ! HTlf ' fc of artist aat down to it and began to Im- prJov-sA. aravishrng afr. "A beautiful yenng lady made her appearance and at the close of the per forraaace cx claimed : Braro, Lisxt !' cij Z ? - r- : i - . -' i ' .fii y'eoieiUwnunei-ooiiwSta-.ot tnree iecp off j a . vrw v; , i;g4 y -J .) . 1 K.-.lw. Ltlucaisi sa,a -isw i breathe $ 'JJh, jn mi . -. are a loti" said tbe jew- ' i ' laid the NTTMBER 3 lfWS Ir ff Ilia f"ai,rft,.. ' p , Nf l"- bare, weTCT.iwtt'uTa beforejj. she Hjpt- wbo co produce aticb aoijivda from a piaig.;.f.. " .7 ... ...... ,.j .r. ff HjwS Jeweler; satisOed, the" stran (ft was,, released ,aml . relieTed the - - m9 W . . a jr. - r. fTByrv or awzv uetog t tbe city flew, and he -fas, wked uwfiiand feted by the nobles, who besotight hlra to give a concert la their , city. The jeweler. seeing the homage that,. was paid tr ibe man of -genius was ambitious of rormmg an alliauce with tim, and said . , . - --; . epatiuued the jeweler, 'II , tVVell enough to .ry it." said Uzt. f- f. z "What do yptt w'y.Vto a dowry of a.OWWU of , fVancjir:; be Iws' nexj asked. . ., 7 , V''' ! I wiUjaccept jt.',;ras the; reply,, "asd thftnk you tw.'V. .... , !' We lb my daughter. Iute!j you snd you like hor," said, the Jeweler Jibe dowry, is ready. Will yout be my on-inflaw?'j ; i 7 ; Gladly l'7replie(i fc JJui, and. the marriage was celebrated tha week fol-. .owing......... ?; ' '.(- v; . lie LrOted WcAcral. , Tetterday our sanctum door opened .and a man entered ; be bad but one arm and on bia forehead was d deep scar. . Wellf six.', as Id he, 'I am a vet eran, I was with. Hancock at tho ibatr tie of the Wilderness "ir I was three year? ia ser t ice. altogether, ne ver jret ting a scratch, UnfortunatelyfQr in shell dropped sovcr by mc a nd burst i I was strack ou tue arm and forehead ; bow Jong I lay I, cannot tell, biit ' when I awoke I heard, 'poor fellow, he has revived ; bring water quick to Wet hi lips'; ray poor boy, bave courage you willyctsee your friends. J As.. I U- tencd I heard kind. nurds spoken' by. him at the side of other . cots, and 1 could J ear man vv a4 'od, bl,e?s. 'yok$ General.' , That ;.: visiting , angel, was General Hancock, .-f jsir.,1 .am a , Hon publican j i uevr voted anvbu a Re publican ticket, but 1 can tell you that General HiuiCock willireceiye.myotc" as well as the votes of fouriueuibcre of my family, all of wUonj, aro rRcpobbH cans j for a man with such a tender. heart cannot but make a good and Wis frteidtoUi,.. Smaller tbriB Tai Tliara. 5 Germany now; lays claim... to the smallest married jcotipk;, that ever aiood, before at altar, in the person ot ft tnlniature 3Iarquia ' and ,"AIarcbio ueas," wbo have for some , time past been exhibited on tbe Place du Theater at Odessa, 4 Tbe Marquis, a native of Kiel, i thirty yeara old. and weighs only nineteen pounds,. while bia airy like ooosort, a yoang lady r born in Nenrxmnster, some twerl'.y-iwo, turta tbe scales at tbir.een . ponnds, A1 tlioogb they nre oolh German born wonders.-leased by their parents to traveling showmen at an Y early age, they never happened- to meet at the fairs and ,'Kerrnessen of 1 heir.- native land ; but at year ago the 'Marqajs,' being on exhibition at Moscow wbiU Frai)ieln Lillwaa atairing at St..rc? raborgtthey. bC9mo(M aware fof-onc anotliera- ex'a'ence throtigli readinji tbe" ncwfpaer nolkea j itud entered into a correspondence, which soon led to n rendezvous, and oltlmately to tbe contraction of a matrtmonlal engage meat. ISow tliey take tbelr profes sional rounds together, and arc sarins then? earmog with thebbject of ing Into private life in the ' Faderlaiid :.' - a " . .. m mm, m , - w y A girl just rettirried f Iq , .GinTiibal, iio. irorn a Xkatow lugb chool said. IT i. . r "i ':"Wr j jrho wonM evab baedweamed tuch t- HL.' . . ' -, . . . I Z ''.aPwtus a.ywr winiinuii-ve , loosiri api wold hold o mucb waUfd) I. , i k - v - . ' .-.;. .s' Why Is It thai WnnAex'stralghfwlll make a m aa walk , cr aked lziafl Glebe, ;4 FfubaUybecauie , you drink it. Did yott ever think of that?, TTeti leave whiskey In the-Jag : and it 'will mot make you walk crooked. i. 4 at -3 f -i ws F' A yooT-gf ;iady remarked :Uat abe J P1? to hi vVbicc!esV arranged 0at she and her beau could! both rjde. Reiog asked. where iieTfetkfr sUould sit, sl-e - empbalicany retnarked i$)tk the little wheel beLVnd. of course." And still the yonnjincn go on marry Iqwo you dnti, ray daughter?" s?AdorabierVwU the rtplyj; " .TlVuat'dl VOU think of marriao-er f' . CB? Warns of )tJi linashow'anlnoreMl tt 49 nt ictat in Igp)JlUA M4s red Sent"- ton, seiaed atwiBw4io--frgtn team-baft wleiu ,failu for ha.ul-ing- namfsed barrells wbleh had beH emptied 1 ahd I hslirfcpr. deficTd. .Ilia Durham .rjmijftsi mrm fcrYoTiirr The barn ofjAtrgtmin. Wilder In Uar- ?!,lbnV!tl'i fast Week. Butler tor- llahcdetiIUSIjohn rol i To Htnwttea !8eB.- tor Noi-wtioaiMCTitf n0m4QA. Hun of. the ant Oollinaen -Oov-ernor of GerU.--Mf4Jf8 Aoell of the llalUmotA .CWist.-.i- w Bfio W ho dIeJttho1t,tiDKi stDce, commrtted sulcHJe laaf week - l5r.Uol,iFKanart1&rPfirfai!u ; trim was: c ?Ueivarret iarae Bts-tSed - weiilr iiin..;.. a. - . 1 . mins hvo reatlyi)eartJilf euse trict. Co .i n.rt been nominated for Jtuige to uka tbe place of Judije ? liuatoftr-Heje b. Alaynsrd. of ?TtnMm irs4 Isatilled into office as p09fc Maatet.-Oeoera last .week.AU danger .pfjaj Ter i. now oyer.Two brothm named Dukes were killed nVar! CtfcbraVdeor gtas rrr a tie-fry nauletl-Browfritctinz irreeWefeiufiliratiat- jj bis eauiwhenebllb3 Air. 1 1 Idea h credited wiU.,wairibu. ting very bUraJly, to tbeemoratio campaign; fund in ' Ohio.Lbrfllard i'lhave nil bls horses imngljtn,. from J5ogla nf HoW-WfTt? Dbrtch said to be in veryeMeilm epirits L. Railroad.. fir, T.VCi- I issued bis cbnunisskjtv to bo! "IL T iennen as Judge 6f the FotSftfi Judi bis emaDeVtw.txjBg. than be, wanted fayahe bciv fund fs reported mv fnio53cleaVwvl Irwprojda! t6 baVealSfiSri mit c nManmsiee tittgv t uSfHsti gton SepIembrib0L,T. 8Ken.n ? !.bl,M?wost;4nceanUy. 9,ffe?H Milion-Ndneed uf ifHeryrbefewflrToti for tlie Colonel anyhoiah3dJ Ru- 17feen4Qdebla beat a. y.ccnsooro on the Zltb. He pok? ?-it lArcber.1 Eoxl Mnsom 5 county fait llendaylJi-Ij U neroey jq ihi bUU have j?jf-r the ' greenbacjwra.w Wltca, the reenuacniaa jeoftfUaMrf; u-""Cw;-rJas. G, 'Blein'e ayaj tkat all the noses fn Maine TiarCuesn count d add it iiae been' acrUloJ thai the republicans have! gut majority of twenty-fire tlioutnujdTYo jstjroes were rcf used a. t seat ia ice cream parlor at Sari toga, Kew YorkrHesult : the proprietor fcot a blackyeVAs Judge Campjj-eli, of ATfos ssyl Han- vw ma t ar r y 4aiii erniav-wN (J en . ' Myer, otherwaeAllaauild presb" i ,le' "rr:Golr- Jb y nu? jatinca- ..on meeting held fnVW liming loll1 w. the Weat-erer wfthessel1n tbl. wv.' tfams''if'l) will beat Lanoo thin .tvt. . d!ltc r Ie?tor largo BeMsbe.! a "card copeenfog - tbe itKTictment against nrrtf in ndo!pb coufe Suffice It to say .tlkC HrLvertt dotlD de -serve -ccosure.---f-ry' The Brrt bale'bf nar cti. Tectf ived in Ilalthntffia erawatfnrVitrnin 4 !NeiSJT.jztiLxOtrIand A'UW com, orfolk.rail roaiUwill aoois com. P'cieu.--rlbe.lWj ,aTr Is wbita. n?rer.t: sfArmsiardatn. fTeraw town AcottoTi factory ni emabllsbed in Charlotti" The first Cenaua Knm . raj -,- a. .t .7 :hB!i". jfg cy w "" cei v'e iTieir par" were -thoafl In ir... pay" were -tb6se La IFah. ingHrnnadelpifaSl Tork, tbeoUiefis lwiaeiii turn as, lbyerr 0am jJeainA Bnrfcan;ItiietijSiiU4 tart uumthm wilt'lVwi v.fnr.- it J-? v w- i , m wnnruii uzx m . tha -v "thirty T tbotiad v l wfll receite O pV-Ir now an-. s pearl ibu the WlcaXtatCH Tattribtt'te4 Seiiatof f IfatOft ertgmanypjJteftrtVrt rtosx rf- poblican Kerspapet ift VirtfbiGXa&tf U&' a dicrs cf Verns-wir Cnkf edej irflbe etto U ttIti - ff -ts-tHougwC that 4i liftitf-irm ad newspaper, in Dl a ,m VfhvttzislW didate for Cotttrr. In th- Rth-tTi. ivf tlw-m wH! toir&a-a-fV-J (f.fCentao-. Tinat(,wtrii) com. 'You kaow bim, tbvn V ."' x M, . t mil DKWUi-ri sttsrwatiis. ! ? - "v :V .''" V

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