Ilmmmt M mi ... " "" ' "- . tMjamLWBM3erprrrxm ' I!'1 ' "- - . . .'.. ." " ' m f The Wilson Advance : tfUDLB!-! EVE3T FaiD5Y,Bf , WOOP & CONNOR X. C. oN K ATKS-.-In Adrance: - ....... 2J)0 far J'r- piP)KESS10AE. . n W. JOY NEB,; . - . i) V .DM'. Nil i 111" pTllOOielo l.V l't'-:t' " 1 i " ' ( l. C.'lH ill iipcratin win "'' . - .,i;-1I,i t.n.i ,)., ! 1 wi" ... 1 1 ...... t 1,1 vr 'i . r,VU )!: :l i'. r' , i , 2ii i I . . i ' f iu e; e. ; .s T E IE SURGEON D""TIT. K KNl li-i-l- N - fl r. s'ltu lrft:t !' A 1. r:i-l lit ! ,1 F.n:i:-l-ti ! I'' 1 . f ' U 1, "ii li'C J AMES V. W EANCASTEK, Attorney at-L.a, VIES!)N, 'X. C. ( 1 W. I'.Oi'Nl' jr. Attomoy-T L iw, ( Oflii-i;. I'tlh.l'.- Sj'i'.'.n-,1 K'ar of -'oiii! )7-n; v:r-i'r-..i.'i' Vi!I jirai-'li-'1 in Na-.ii, K l-- Ill It a:..; I MH.-nti-t, :r:. "" t ( ions 10 gay H'i'1 iuit ot "i . , '.st no-.- 14 in 'I.. VJILS3N C3LLEGUTE SEiiliilARY ti t u; V'i n; i.aimi:-.) Vi!'iin.A;. " " Bi'-t tatfi it .-iu.. ! io.:.'.i - ih-;.;ii t nseut.- SillLlMwII lilO-'i l!i) ''' . .' ' Eomd. icr .--!-n of U .' weeks, iii'chidmjj fufl. rsr'i's and . f'liui-ht-d kioiu S"0,Ut). Ul'-lur chlV-s ui o K: 1. i.e. ; ' , Fa! .O'... .' . . s ' ' ;o- ! .. I -I . For ratal i ( lie ol I i 1 OH mu 1 mi. .i -1 1. . r I I .,' J. U. !.!. I." I ' If ! -.i , it .. ;-al. -.1 son '(illoo-'i-.tte Institute l ull T. i l I SEXES kTMCTLY A'O.V - ZIJCTAillA Y j Ymr years the etn'-t ' ncees-f nl . k;.Iii"1 .h. tkasU-r'ii I'noliiia. Tie- he-t ad'. aritaj .-j and loVP-l talcs.'.liV lvn atioii. AT.efj anU En-iiene'd Trn'-ln'.i's. Fine Eihiary and Appanitsi-. Spaeii.H ' Ihii'ding. A vplra-Jillt cdneaiioi (it home. V AriHs; rNiieiise-. $1,) per yrar. Mni( Iii ti. S-'kv,oii -extends from lirst day in S'tplemb T to;ii'sday in f Jnn. Adal t--. or 'ala'.ou.'', ' II AS.-liEI., A. M., Principal. vn- n. t;. 1 f I' J. T. Yoim & Bro. i ; ' - Al.KU IN -. FINE lFATi'UF. DIAMONDS. . .lEWr.l.UY. slEVEK VVAEE, M.n.n:;.e',:!. , f n'l i:n!s of - m '"via J.nnn,', la.l-U'V -XZ " i) Th" h-st spi, ' -:' iV'M - 'i '. ' Tfrsold, '..Ami. lie;i'i :.; a" lie--iove-i t -)li(V. Solid Mi. T -. .-,!!-. f.oKs AC. ' ehriiper t hail eer. 'mVr " CO der- : .' hritfd aud will !' liroinn' !v aiteiidi-d hv ? .'. 1. tu.. m; liia). !. '70.-t( ; , . i ort :;c iWlJiE EAlELAli vNir OHNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, -'' No! til II-. ' Ojle 1 v . rn. o!tje, s;u:.! ha-. . ai ' tirejg-.i.o'.K. .m et,.tir. Mmn' s 1 - i !iaii. ii'Uu's Ac Lemon Tabourn Tho Old Kelialilo Barber Sl.MVM,., 1 ,'. ' la !S. " j f,a--- "f' - x' -'id 1 I'l.ttni" - m. . 1 GOLD It:;.:.:;-: -. ' :- vorid v!;;:,;.. t ( f von fro- t , ali.e! lh:.r.. n,:. on' that ahiKw- n,,.!,, " -art is j S. l:.' in !. ii a ' . Ja 0 ig-at retorts hU, . 1 ear j.ri C' ll:ke inoiler ''- -t ' "v , : I 1ifr leu,. ... ,! : i.'l II !1 11 a 1 ' o v ... olii .devi te four f- m - iKl l;,,t be aav '"'TTx- t,f . .. n;,.i,, -. .. , .. We. 1 nu o'tecto'ts .if,.i tert;i . f, .... c!;i id exi'n-iv( nimit f ... .! .I CH'W nnfh -etui iNAiuir mi. ',.. 11 oo-' ritfv?n. to it tt.u : V - i ' I .'oat ..... . -" '"J UllV WHO ( ff'lfni fill In Wraf ; oo.. I'-aliiire i t . U ft ''''lit" 1-1 I.', . IH..; -i o;e.l-. ,(. j -. - ' k t o IJo, i T rA m n I nesWilsonnAdvanco r . - VOL. -10. N E W A D VERT IHEM ENTS. Reuse Est dV.ished. 1570. .TONES. LEE &C.O. 0!icc( .sors t -SAVAtiK, JvN'E.5 & EIE Cotton Factors & coKSiissKW merchants is Kolherv's 'i f;.No::; --)L!v, Va. A lan'e earned. :L i-XtKT ! "llCe AH' 1 ;i 1 - I prr- . - . . , . ' cjmmi'i.Yini uareL.tiM', ! im.ii'." H; t ''.v upon ili" ,Kii.a!"-i Is iJivci, s iit-r v j U',ih of .'u-.-itcv i- .-liiii it'iE, In ih - Uiri 1 L-U ;uiin ainU .il v -i-!-, 'rAe u- 11:1 -in pa-s ii i;.cilifi' f r .'.-ii: g I'.U OeiH-J'l'.I '(.-111:11; illlt i l.ii t .i..vann-:- n Ca-ll, o ., (( ! llcl'i'l !! ii(.-.fl. ,-ifi.l ihat,Miip I H Ij j" f.,r iin'' -ale 1 5 I'M -;;! I oit ill !tii -t f.tV'i.i;;if lnai"i'i i'liil tuc luoct'eu-i j m r.-Mia! ifciitio:! t.o dr '::"i;)iijt.v- s-!iiu u.n ( '..I'-ni at Inn. -r i iif'-s. ;t:il -ii'ti'ii: 4 la- aisM a wi-eUiy '1.1 iulk i.ii-M' .im,i 'iri c o i-r.i $; to patrons , u- v.v,x i)";,iiSur piano, m if'"5 tli'i houtli is for tvai ly rr!y-ni? v ai;li(:so iii.stnnuf'iit- nav ij.i: in.' 1 ili-ir ii i'a' ion f t ijui'a. .-s airM ,vci-' in i- t.n'.- - Olall Ir.W !(-.IH l.i.lliil .iCMIII'-II Ut I i i wtll iiowd li; i:i aiv i ijU i! to a iy ina'l: in ,fiil(I. - I'Ih v an: sold as lnvv as airy lirst ( las- jiiiiio, ami fi;l-y warranted for live 3,,ai. Scml for catalogue ami teiin ,0 . .A. STEVENS :$:C0.,. NOEEOEK. VA. ACJENTS FOE KXAI'E & (,')., F01! EA rFlt NlJETiU AEOidXA. ao-- 'S:t-l v. ( i o 1 1 to i ; n ti i. .v dihs. ) E ALE! (ill, X. C 1 'l'he Annual Session coirircncis on Wcdite.siia'v, Seji i in1) -r !sr. I :'. 1 1 No in-.! il.lli.j.i i:; i s". i.'ii , -.I-, us super-j iop au;i nil;'!-., tor in-l 1 er ;oii i-, ;;!. braiK-n- -s,-.u-u.-iiiy ia'i.'i i it: u:-', i ::i-s x :::is ;or 1 V'l'IM ladies. All the del :l it lllell !rf are ! l.i'lf.1 by exiierieoe..' 1 and jieeoaipli-hed teae'r-rs. ; This U tlie only institution in the South -, hi'-li i; i's i.I li'irin. liu; p it seh'la-tie )i';;r a ni.erial depart nient for in-tnniioil i . ile tiit - ivy-;jtid prae: i(;..: of eookciy. I'...-...' ' For (;irMd.o- italo'U", a ldn-ss. ki.v. II. j2-:hn Ui:n,A"i-:iJ.-:c- Sox.. lVti.:';pals. i.'.tii-i.Vil, C. - 1 , Si hOuiASVlLLL. FuIALE j t-SU tilf i t . Th01a3.s7i.lJ3. Davidson Co., IE C. Mie Twi'iity-Sixih Annual Session bean's A'jioi-t 2yth, IsSd. Thorough ork in EHerarv. M(jie and Art Departments. Comi'letc: course, hih standard aiul mod eratechart'S. A'r com mod at ion-; for over one lmndivd lirvtrdir.if . pupils.- I?oaid $10 jieii month. For Caralouii addn-ss-jy:i-fJt. II. W. Ekiniiaiit. Principal. DR.-DAVID HUNTER'S .Cjvniin TlfA,r?'? scr d f s 1 q .1 A sMvitii-'T-irS-;liili iii iIJ its for iik. and everv. j rsta;; I lie-..r.Hli. -it..,! ti-0111 lie- sv-tc't"... r.u!i."it.-.l -trotu tie' s'-vti-ei. an 1 Man iliseaseg Fpeetiily Si i'ef'.ia ami HiooU Cll'l-fii iJfl-Gonorrhopii curM ta l-xo days. - - - t '--;;.- , A . .". -K'lw'.aiii). :u.'l a'l Ti: iiijri -t.- I't'ice tI o. r l... larire Ik i2. N.'!it l.vioail. iUIT,S1LVL;A5 ill)., IMxp t-wtv. nd)-.V,;h ItahiaiG-e. 111. NE'OLFIl AIACUX CUELEGE. ASIIEEAXU, VA 'Fortr-sixth esc-im h- epf. Idih Ki'vctit?,. cur-iead'iigi'tue 1 -n-esoi' ij; ;' S.. U. ! A. IE., and A . AI. E-eation ra-v ! 1 ol n t!n r'n-at thro- liine. 1 miles Noi ih of Uichi.-iO'.Ki. a id noifd or u. ...ih. ' . t&. IJii-'iness and Cpmiwrehd ' t'ourfc wid he c-tah!shed !ie.t se.-'on. ' " For ralahtrue ad li-e-s. Ei.v.' b'. V. liKNXtn'. President. . Ii S A L E . I d -: lean ire to aioiO'ine.' tha' I have for sab !n.e !ii:-o lioe E d Jeiev t iirs. 'ii-o I onld iik" t -el! Mm'). I . lb "FAU.ME1E -AVUsJii, N. r.nir'O tf. C. AG E N T S W A N T E I) . J W want a liniitej iiniTtn. r if Wi r ii-rt'tie 1 i'nnu.nT t. 'hs:ic n j.'l.:a mt :inl !:;' al l.' I tm-tii., t ILH.M1 m.'ii will Iliia U.'f :i rai ni.iii To M:aJz.e ivlon eyi - fh tt.i! 1 Ua-t'anri'r ;iii a'i (T'e'lPfnt l.v n't iv.- r. staim tor n vi" , s acntr v.! ;-.: iln-'v inive ! 1. i'Mir.iZea i.i. rsuue bui tii.-e -, h,i i.; h'ivines n'"-t Jieilv. I :,:-H- Vl I.KY, UAHVKY & I'O.. At!anr. '.: GRA Y S SPECIFIC 1UEOICLXE. trade MARSTiiE cur at TRADC kark I'.Ni .I.TSHKr.M 1 DYr An eiilail- r1 a i"i- cure f-r Si-lli- ' vay iu;il- i-:U.!!--, s P vnia(irrat-a. fip 1 all iU-ea.-V.s that rV-.S. lolte-w. as a 1 -w. ;-.t TAalSSjii. taory, liuncr .tli TAUrta. 'i-iiui'. in tie- la-k, 01 vi-..a. iiin' I!" i i ir.a'.nr.' o;il a;. a 'id mat' v ui ii r it ae 10 It .-! t- Att rs -i -1 r?m T ii r 'r Vi..i j.anuu!f..a vur ':iiapiiivi,i.u'U Hv.!W..M.-,i,!-,l!e-N ,o'.A l,v alt' l ix r I fit-e lv ntafl i a jt'civ1 l I t muai-y I'V atkiri-eMiig I'u-haze. r mx t:uknc'. tor or will ! rnt 0 i lHK GKAY .'.MEinciNE CO., . Jlctiaiiie in.xV. tvaoit, Aiicir. Sold ir. Wilson aud . bv all dntiigHts. nfivS-Iv. LXDS 111011 (WILSON; N. QM -"JilDAY".. .. . SEIT17, 1SS0 -f V W -s. i I am Iookiii ovi-r inv labors y the liirlit of til.' setting For. I see by thj li-nsin nl: -Isaduw? Tliat my clay is nearly done. .My uork for the bicssi'd Master Is dniwing towards its nlo-e; F;ir It's- have I done ia the vinejard ' 'J'iian I hopd whcii th.'i liioi uin rose And yet whi'e the day'lihUiiiers,' 1 will work as well a? 1 in.ij Nor wa-te the rcmihij;! tnothents liegi-ettliig a tu!ssju'i day. And Oh! it now in the vineyard. Arc aay. led by h i:sd. I g've yo'i this word at our parting.. . .A-s ueur to tire gateway I stai.d: Dj all you can fori the Ma-t'r; Do hetti-r than I have doiie; And then, when the day is 'ended, You, may welcome the si-tting sun. c NEW YORK CHARACTERS. 'Marriage Ealiss and Gentlemen Desirous ot being happily married wilt" consul their ' .interest by applying to tfic uitdcrsigned. who gives all his at to UiU branch of business, and wiio bus already been very successful hi brirging- together persons adapted ju ca'jh ulher by tiim'uarity of taste, tcmpei ment and, sympathy. Terma reasonable. AH communications strict ly conGdetniah 1'Vl w ard I)e Crev ille, Mairimonial Agency, .1207 Broadway New lot k. The readers ot the News are no doubt aware of the existence of stock brokers: shi: brokers, and cotton brokers, out tne utea ot mairimoniat brokers possibly never entered their t i . 'i i . n ' li imagination ..mat tncy exist nere me above -advertisement att ests. It is the easiest thing in the world to get mar ricd in New York. You can proceed in the slow, orthordox way, with its accompaniments of labial exercise, choerrhtte caramels, moonlight exenr slons etc.. or clioosc the rapid transit method, which cotisists of going to a ; mairimonial. broker's office, "paying vour money and, taking, your, choice," or ns ts ireqneniiy me cac.jour ouojuc t .-!-;.- 1, Ula.'.'o J "O ie would liardly think such adver tisemC'nts could attact customers. The idea of seeking mirnnce before one --NX i...-.-?'..T.l '.T.'iSJr- r i Tiiijr"Tr v i i"V3angihg.i-j m m . pTy-. j Almost Sun Down. ! has experienced the affection that ) Smit!i pays the broker $25. takes lies leads t it,'-seems urinaturablo persons j.s'e Manion to his farm as his wife, who regard the relation of the sevvsjanrt ;tuey have lived comfortably, senlimcitallv. ' Eut the majority of i rearing pumpkins, aad babies ever mortals here 1 mean men are matter- of-fact, and look upon everything -in a ,,..r.l,. ..rtll n-ne -TIuw lmiirv as purely practical way. iimy linuiy thov buv a house or sell 'a horse, invest in real osttte or go abroad. 'The reason unwedded is because ithev don't find time to look for a wife, If any one finds her for them "and 'throws her. in their way they ;t;;ke her as they : would any uieeo of property thai seems desirable. ; Matrimonial brokerage is merely mateb-makiug -; Fystematizcd. The brokers do . for money what a:mi'.curs do'for excitement, and from a passion ' i for inaha?i:i. Tl.ev have an uncertain - r - - - ; trade, and ypt more business than would be supposed. They don't ex- pc t much custom from home o Irom cities senerallv, but Eok for it licm ; the country people, to whom they circulars soliciting patronage. . Their mode of procedure is intfcrf sting. 1 . . Cmil'l. lii-na n TnnOS tl? Wasll- 1 OUilHI IHI.3 lit u y f 1. r Snglon coin atv. and comes to town. He has often rea 1 th advertise- ment and it has put the idea of a ;r., into his head.' He' has a small farm niic : is 35 or 3G years of mo. likes wome; fi!1 but is shy afraid of them indeed, ana ! consequently hs never got along I with tLnu -If I could only get some i . flliw to ilo the conrtin"-. Peter has s;id to himself (forgetting the story - Pao'o and k ?ancesca,) 'T d been a, "' z- . . - ' husband long ago. He giC3; tO HC , - O.OikCr md an i&unces lite object of his 1-Le brlker is always diMrus U4t. Tli . . . I ., ., i. .' . I ... t FA V -TOT - ineere, bat after a fewaiautcs talk AlSl'ST AT, BE TUT COUXTRY'S, TUY GOD'S, AXD TRlTn FRIDAYEPTEMBER 17, 1880. j ted to be guilty of a rase, lie soon puts his customer eosi as ! says that be knows a number 'of elegant and accomplished ladies who will suit him exactly. ! "Perbsns I don't know what fin gant and accomplished hd)vn," ob serves ' Peter, "but lnv afraid its rot i exactly the. irt 1 want I'd like a nice good wife, that wouldu't put on too much style, and lo?k down ou a fellow jbecause he wasn't quite as -oud . us her;' , t.-:.. "(IprL.ainlv vnn n nr. A A , . 'j j v v j-uvv. (i f.iiia tic wouiun who love5? lu-r owu fireside and is; buund in children." ; -Wrll, if I lrv my wny." Iies'natin ly.rereaiks Mr. Wraith, "I'd rather she wouldn't have any children that wasn't mine." -Precisely. I mean yours, my dear sir, when she had made you the happy father of a beautiful offspring, that she would devote herself to the -j family be an angel in her home, a presence of love and peace, filling it with suahi'ue and all that Sort of thing." 0 t, yes, tlmt is it," responds Smith caught by the cheap rhetoric of tlie broker. 'I have a lady in my mind now. I shall chnreyou $10 fdr this interview. and if wc consummate the marriage vou will of course, pay -more. Call day after to-morrow." ' '! ' , , As soon as Ihrilh is gone the broker takes a letter from a drawer atid i-eads : i ' Dcjar Sir : I should be willing to accept a , husband who could come well-recommended ; who has good habits: was well educated: and was of a dom'eslio Icrn. I have' scute'' reputa tion for beauty and accomplishments.-; am young, although no longer a silly girl, and would, I think, be nu orna ment lo a well-regulated household. Sincerely. y Bessie Maubion". The broker drops a line to Miss Manion soliciting an interview. She comes, and is not what might be" an ticipated from her. note. She is about 35, lias a thin -face,' faded blue eyes, Iiih tchcek bones, is freckled, and anything but handsome and elegant. She talks rapidly and is intelligent, though not very delicate or sensitive She has been a teacher and a- seam stress, has had a hard struggle wiui life, and seeing the broker's advertise ment one day was tempted to write him by way of experiment. An interview is arranged for her and Smith in the private office They meet and are both disappointed. "I would never have Liia,' she thfnks. "I would not marry her i for anything," he says to himself. After half hours conversetaoa they find tliemselves mistaken. They rather like each othejr.: lie proves to be candid, upright, independent,, and o-ood-htarted. (She is amiable. afTic- . C3. i j S tior.ate a-id truthful. . Whc.: they have been (acquainted three days they be lieve they caw get along together. since The brokers are not men OI er - C ' Ewh principle! .They are willing to make! money iu almost any way, ;ar.d are- j the marriages arranged by them ly turn out well ; but that happens so ifrequ nllf under all circumstances 1 that .t may be u tjust to the proiessiou to make thein re.-po-isiblc Dr it. hi a j huuiber of divorce cases in the Courts 'j it has been shown that the couple seeking separation became acquainted j through the' matrimonial brokers, and do not think Wilis calling can e ve r ; have any legitimate success. Ba-Icigh 1 i '-'- - - - ' ; I- AeicJ - j ; A bear h .s been seen in the Prince- ! 0 etion and in what :s known ss , j. . , Island,, an L-ruu, uas cat .cu -lite a onslemalion among me uur- ikies of that locality. A tew mguts ; . , - ago Colvm KveritX, attracted, by the , pitiful howl 01 maiaiuriui w6, -.: 1 l.t. nrrivful nt tlie lloCr jut in time lo se, bnnn give the dog 1 good Loggin. Calv:n took sure aim exclaiming. "I am go;ng ter kill ye for j4t certain." The gun snapped. - , t,: t tjearhi.) took the woods.- . ' , . , , . than never been seen in our Imagine Calvin's surprise when he,'1 ,R' - . ; "j . fonnlhal his gun had not bad n.t : 1ni.1xE- Rrtitn ts still monarch ; 0f tb; Islacda. Ikswj,'. Oa I'jc Wing. I Soi Tn CauoLinaJ Sept. 2nd. '80. Eihtoks Ai'Vance: Ycm- corres pondent k it home last Saturday South ward bound, stopped rver in: Wilming ton till Monday mb'- v.Cwcd thy prosperity of the city bj the ser. talked with her stirring, enterprising'me'os men. r.nd -bad ca;;e to feel . : j that iu cenmuerciai, is well in po!itical sense, the Cape Fo&r gressivc.and will tura section is pro a summersault iu behalf of the Stale ticket fori Jar is at the ballot box. From: Wilmington we wound our way by night So j Florence, S. C, reaching Florence at 2 :30 A. M. ' I ! w-icn we broke connection and had to lay .over till 1 Lursdayjl 1 o cxk. U e me; 10 or 12 M. D's.J 1,330 people and ( a licat retired little rail ' road city that 'under the .management of our v.'nLl.y impcrinlcndentj, Cap'.. Divine) has taken a new life fr Mm activity and business shifts" made in lailroal man-' Front' Florence Agement at Florence. we wound our way down towards the city famous ror firing the first shot at uncle Sam's boys, that t;auscd - us to wabz four years as sons. bf Mars. In a business st.nse Charleston is prgres sivc and in the naval store branch North Carolina represents the wealth aud push. Mr. I. V. Bard in, a Wayne county citizen, in company ! with Mr. Pittman, a North Carolinian does cti j 1 ' ' immense business in naval stores. Ten years ago Mr. iardin was a poor man, to-day he is worth nearly a; half mil lion dollars and no cleverer fellow can ever live or die than llie Bardiu. Tlfe agricultural outlook along the rVilroail is not cheering or tempting and out side of the scarred, bleeding faces of i the turpentine trees vvej felt; no incu- Tive. Politics is swelling and boominir i.i' and look out for alining times, and a fine eoutit from the game, c'oek Stale in November. The plucky State Sen ator from IFilliamsburg, our! host, is ' L -H-i getting red hot, ' and being a wheel horse, blows will fare thick rcrkt effec tive when Col. Bayard turns loose. We are homeward bound to bask; jn the presence and be cheered by the smiles of our better half,' from whdni we have been absent on? week. j ; ! i Vii)'. a :ceetifiit C'urioaiiy The following remarkable statement has been'journeying through JLhe Con necticut press : "Now it is a Yankee, Mri Samuel Bromle, of Mystic Uiver, in the Slate of Connecticut, who announces his ability to live for ten hours with bis nose aud mouth hermetically sealed Where is this thins to stop? T LI-1. The individual referred to abore tho popular barber of Mystic, ja little village en f the Sound, between New Lond mi and Watch' Hill, j lie has a i --; ; unique ofllce in the maia street of that delightful old-time j baudel, aud is we'd known along the coast! as 'Fat bam. luo.-e who know mm! see no reason why he should vol be jablc to accomplish what is coupled With Li3 name, fur he is able to breath for a time without the use of mputh j or nos trils, communication between his lung and the outside world being -kept up ! throu-'h his eas. When smoking a the smoke cigar he often exhales "though the same cxtrori inary chan 1 i neis, to 'the profouud astoa!sj.iiiJuL of , Ui0e wLkj arc una.vare of tms:ireaiw 01 . 1 - 1 rf nature. Many persona who have seen rt.e j(;t of cigar smoke crcB;;.; out his ears are willing lo tiify to the.j trnlhfuluess of 'Fat Sam's assertion. Ihough not particular loud; of notorie- ty. Sam thinks he can establish his abiiitv to live iiractically f'hejntetical-' W sealed' for ten ho'jr3. Aoiellj lurululor An entirely new novel sight; will be j presented at our State Fa r, j-October ts to 23, next, in the exhibition, for .... P. I . - the benefit of all ititcreste;! in fine j poultry, of the Novdt I cubator. - la this cunoustapparatus Chiekeijs are; hatched bv, steam, the full process of hatchings from the first pip of the egg. until the chicken emerges from, the shell, being expose I to .UI . view j Ar chickens are hatred Hey f j . an rtific al mother. wliijh is a sight of much ipierebt. Machii es with tank heating apparatus; .... - ,, ! .. 1 ! a vc.. will be luny exii.o:iei,j atw rivmulbijUo-As, Ee-her;i$;i Dtal the rahmis i-id B'ack Sf anish foU batched out - i i OSi.V. jtuwt"vw .. -., ..... State be- fure. One of our enterprising firms began prparattons lor i.a display in the procesica of trades yesterday. Ual. A'-'tr . - ' ! ; NUMBER 34 A Rarely Rrantltl Pheaomsuwa. On the 25th of September w'dl occur the perM?el;on of Jupiter. Tbat giant placet then reaches hi3 nearest pcir.t to the sun, nrH is also within a, few days of Ins opposition or nearest point to thr earth. Jupiter comes at that epoch 4G,0t,X)CK u?ile nrar the "real cei.tral orb. He is then, howevcr.inore than EjO.WO.OtnJ rv,drs trotn the ur, fortunately far enough away to coun teract and moll if the incresscsl fnrce of attraction between trofcnch milty masses. It h t.:xfe to fcfl that the tubicon of. Jupiter's perihelion is-priced, for the eighteen days vet to be ww.c-u no-.n.u- ui a rcto- Uition requiring'nearly 11,000 of onrf .liun requiring'nearly 11,000 of onr days, or twelve of our years. N- ai ly twelve 'vear's must nak Wof.irf. il. w. diji ri'l igaiii be as latoraMe far observation. Oupicer comes baiiiiii, abvjve the eastern horiaon about 8 o'clock, bright enough to cast a s! n l owj and afford a gliitrpae of his , unions through a god opera glass. Nothing can be tfforc interesting than to study the phases of .tha four diamond points of light that bear witness "to'thc pres ence of Jupiter's moon3. Jnpitcr l urns on its axis in ten fjoors, so that an observer o j.his cqukter would be car ried round at the rate of nearly 500 miles a minute, instead of the seven teen miles that mark the comparative ly moderate progress made by an in habitant at the earth's equater. . Jupi ter! rises now about 8 ; at the end of the, month the risidg will be about C. The Seiitember moon fulls on the 18th. It is the harvest moon. A l'eJ"ul Muit. 'There is a man," said his neighbor. speaking of a Village carpenter, who "has done more gQod. I rea'ly belicte in this community than any person who cvef lived iirdt. He cannot talk ye,:y weJI4ii.iirayr-iettj, -and he doesn't often Uyj lie isn't worth $2, 000, nnd it's very ht.le he can put down on subscrijition papers for any object. But a new family never moves into the village that he does not find them out, to givb them a neighborly welcome and offer them an' little ser vice ha etn render. He is usually on the look-out to give strsiiCrs a seat in his pew t church. lie usually ready to watch with a sick neighbor and look after his affairs for him, and I've sometiujca thought be aud Li wife keep house plants in winter just fori the sake of .being able to send lit tle jbpquets to invalids. He Dods time for a pleasant word for every child he meets, and you'll always tee thcia climbing Into his one-horse wagon when be has co other load.' He really seems to ; have a genius for helping folks in all sorts of common waya, and it does me good. every day just to meet him on the street. lends on Ponlage .lnm. So far the heads on postage stamps are as follows : ',Oa the 1 cent stamp is 'ii,- hPnfl of 'iuiimii. KranLli,.. . .! ' . : ' r ceni siaixijj, :iikiii:w uactou ; . ceni tan)p George Washington ; 5 cent ceni stamp, anutcw . jactson ; . cent .ta,npf Znchary Taylor s 0 cent stamp. j Abraham Lincoln; 10 : cent btump. ofjJ nis Jellersfirj ; lo cent siump. Dlje, Ubster ;50 cent atamp, Alex- 1 aii(crl,iniUou .!y0 ctui hi3iWK Com- j WA()TC Perrv. Inau ic dead to be thos honored. Word of Windon. 'Irsrsr is nothing evil but what ij witii,u m th(J f tHher rratural I nj 1.-1 ' i . , - oweter thinas mar seem, no evwi. u'..E..iL- 1 . n,sin z 9accee(U . tml no good thifl- U a fai!rc We eacrifee ta dress till household joys and comforts cease. Dress drains our cellar dry, and keeps our larder j ' WL&cver ohest, generous, court- eons' and candid, is a gentleman.' f whether he be learned or trdearni rch or r ' The best way to atlcoce a talkative 1 person is never to interrupt him. Do not snuifthe ciiille and it wfU o out of iUelf. 1 - '-..! "j .' ' '--''' If a cause be good, the most viofent attacks of its enemies will not injure it so much as an judicious aupport its friendv ; One Siam 3 .Month, ,, One imrt Cilai.bjr, .JLi- t Jf MM Liberal dediietions niJ frlarg triMI Cents pt Hne . 1 T1XC ninYs iiVA MTTdtlSlA Thcr has recently bcn a terrible cyclone in the islaud of Jama'ca where buildbig, : wbarx-es, sldp. trees, shrub betj attd .all moveable afUcIes on the fce tf the ilatd neie thrown inter "haoMc conlhnii The ( city of Mobile has had a $ll)U.0lK) fire. (len. Wnlkcr i going tu exhiitie into the .census of uth Glrulna. U is, probably a lie cetssus will b onlered. Ex-Treasnrer iSpihucr rGrant man) is for llanciek -i-JiK. lUii'd. Pres. city bank of Philadelphia.,' ait old Republican, will tote tcrr lianeoi-k. Sejvitfir Esuiaf, of .Missisipit is to take the slump for llanc ek t Indi.-auna.-r Oeni: Weaver ths Greenback I u nil ifln r I th j t 9 tv .1 It a' ralirP in - Tim following are the Oei.ber Stnte elections this fare t'lje (Mober Stn - C dorado cm the wthj Eeorgia ' 1 ?' ". R'Ht ln,.:ana, Uluo aiul Ye-t Virgina on tlrv lidi.-H Cob. Win. Me ll'illiauat, UepublicanU is for IFfncock. He is going to stump In diana and PeuurUAtiia. -Hon " i - AleXAndor 11. Stevens lias iiccjii rcaom- inat .d by biVditriet fjrCoi gl ess. T;.c New Haven Conn j Hajistcr "Ihinks Hancock will have 10,000 ma-, jority in that State. About $Ei 000 has been subscribed in Camdcu, S. to build a cotton factory.- -The He jnibiea'f have 'carried Verliflont by about irt 000 ninjority, Al gain of three or four thousand over the vote of -'1876.i -The Klnston . Jmrmd give the Italeigu Cluistbui A'l'HKider a c-, vcre dose under Pip hea l of "circus and nhiskey'V- 'Senator Cmikiling has not yet. found time to make "that? speech for (Hi fttdd, The new Meth odist Church at 1urlia'ni will be one of ; the finest in the' State when complct- ed --'Tbe UnittJ States ' Govern incnt has scut " t weh ty: lntlisne from i.c v f me wi stern territories to Triiii . . ' ii-.... -.-.!-. c..i. (IV laiilf'Ut' HVCjt )OHl V) V-3 WJJUli illll it- v-f.t il be I ha;. died .12548'UalcigU bales of cotton laat vear."- .-Hon. 3!alt. IUnsora Itati. I cn r.lvited lo speak in several! North ern c flies. Gcji. Alfred M. Hcale says that tho ('om:uiiotier cifj At . culture of the Ignited 'Status aftrr trav elliiii; tu c"veiy State says that North Carolina is the best fruit growing ' State, Col. T. L. HaryroVe, ; Re- nublican Elector- for. tlte 4tli district has resigned oil account of , ill healths 'fiScnat'of Wanico" ays that tha . democrat will carry Pennsylvania. The republicans. have' a . majprity- at 70,000 '.which wil not be 'caif ovef cotuc -The first piece of machinery put in position for the World'aj Fair at Nevy York is the tobacco weighing, filling aud pressing machine. ateutel by Mr. C. djCiaWson. of Italelb, N C. -Saturd:iy night linn Hall, aon- -in law of C.I C. King,-who Uvea several miles fron Charlotte, went to KJnj'a house, and behn umJer the Influence' of liquor-proceeded to raise adiaturb aice. Mf. Kirrg ordered Uim. to leavt : the house, when bo dealt him two a--vcrc blows with a piece of boafd -' one on the head, fcbich knocked hia down, the other - on the arm, which ' broke it'--'-'.Mesira. Andy llet4er son and John L. Iluuter, two (old aoJ jespfcted -citiicns of Mecklenburg" county, engaged In a pcrsoiial liincuU ty in liont of Spring' ". bar-rooto. on yesterday. Mr. llnntcr was knicked down' by h's aut.goni5t and kicked on the head as be fell, which cWied the blool to fiow fieel3'-iThe anni- versary of the battle at North Point was celebrated at " Haltimorev-Tbe hut day oftl-c cifenpaign in Maine wa lively on both hle$. .Meeting were held all over ibe J3late.- X' e'erk H the New York post office lias been caught sle-lhig tnoney letters. - ' Biuntim's bearded woman Is dead.-- Ohio at(d Indiana will vote the tame lay 12',h of October.The Kal' U'h OWmr. atui Ae?t have been ! consV.i latcd.- Col iPaddell ha cousolllatcd. gained much by tris speeches In Ver- mont and. . Maine, ---- A prominent farmer near Wake Forest eaya that the latnape lo the cotton crop will bej very much les than the far me rp have generally cstituatcd.'-Thoa. IE Keogb was .nominated for Congress in ijotiicouttty ' cndoracdEf.- W ti e fifth' di strict. -Tle def)Cratr of - I IVrry Esq . f r SherifE-WFbe 7tu of I O-tol er is tite lOOtli anniversary or the . biUle of Kia' Mountain. Bailroad. jt:-kl will sell from the U to 15Ul I at 1 f cents per bile eacli way, good . i for 50 dav s - lie v. lr, Xlost bekl jibe tjuarterly Meeting at Snow II ill j last week, aud the JluU lakes oc- pay him a d'-serveIy - . tcotfpbroeitt--.-Ju le Itostoni re ,;..t.l .1 .-:". ; -I.L.. high refuse I Irt '' ?ivtil lim Mlfit nnv tlthuwralU aLnt a womaa r.mjd lf.r Gxiley, iu,ftbe employ of Mr. ,T. 8. j-Gillelt, in oue countv, while coavey j 'n2 a of swill to the hog pen, aitu .ed about one hundred jardafrom Uitf dwelling and adjacent lo a pteca of Woodiai.d. was fchot by somebody, at' unknown. President Hive welcome to Utah was verr , y.. j. ut- itaMjm or New otk have declared for Hancock and ;" . , . .. . -i.J. t. J C -i u . "u a uiiici. in ouia Caroling.- Grant has accepted aa I hnitatfon to preiide over.a Garfield Tbe mass meeting in New York! trial of DeJaruette for the murder of his sister in July c 6 tramctd on Sept. oft 6tu. n has beta fou k! guilty of mar. ' in th fir.t frr. , i. " it i ' 4 1 A 1 j i . . .. i - - : - j ; X " - M-' : ' i- j I -

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