The Wilson Advance PUBLISHED EYERY FRIDAY, BT .WOODAKD & CONNOR Wilson, N. C. lUCWHTON RATES: In Advance: F.r ne T-ar. . ... 0!) " ......... . I'ROKESSIOAAL. r. WJOYNKR, I) s i; K O K U N DKNTIS T .1.. t.,t..i ;. Wil-on, N.' . . r OIIW Tartar., l,'t next K. .-Vim.. I n- J Ice. R K. L. H U N r k u. D SURGEON DENTIST. . i:nfikli. n'. c., .. .. , 1 i p,"fMl!TM,lic.t,a lraclio. ' J AMKS AV. 'LAN-CASTKK, Attorney-at-Law, WILSON, X. C. r . in thf Wt II.-.w. . . - Piaotirr in Inferior rouit of WhJf" cutiilv ami wni .t..nti..ii to ..ik'hi.m entrusted t J.i.o iu Wil.M ami a.lj-.mng conntie q YY. BlVwN.T, Attorney - at - Law, "Ofllw .Public Smure, '.rear of Court Hoii'-n. WiLou, N. CM Oct. 10th 79. r WILSON CCLLEGIUE SEMINARY (FOR YOUNG LA 1)1 KS.) Bt-kt talmt f ini.iovo.l in all l part ments Situation unusually healthy."., . . ; Boai-1. jn-r .( -ioii of w-eks iii-liihr,f furl, "liiiht ami (untiMied room $")0,OU. tl'f r cli U"'' nvo'lonitc. Kail Session beii 'September hi. -V , For catul'"ui: urinfoVinsitioii. a'MrrsV " J . ii. UltK W KR,l'rim:inal. Wilson CoUegiute, Institute I'Ulj ROTH SEXES-r STRICTLY NO'S - SECTARIAN Kor years the most sueecsful Pchool ii) 'Ea-vier'n' (,tr..!ii.a. .The hot .advantages and lowrsi rales. Healthy' location- Aide nnd: Kxpei ieiic. 'l Teaeheis. l'ine I.ihiary and. Spaei.onsV r.ui'diii'r. A plra?Tiiil rdneati"! at home. AveraL'v expenses, $ I Sf per year. Music. vri9 "Session extends from -first) Houdav in Si'pti'uihef to tirst Thursday in Jmiih. Ai!die-s. f.r Catalogue, H. llAbSril.L, A. M., TViiieipal. jlflS-tf . iNon, N. C. "Youiij'b I. F. niii.-j" and yes'.tlit. ' save 3'onr J. T. Young fc Bro. HKALEH IN FINE-ilVATCUKS. DIAMONDS. JEWlJLUY. SILVER WARE, ..Manufacturer of all kinds of fUin Cold Jewelry, Mags, Cadges, k c .The best 8 1 0, castor, and ,0). clock erst)!d. American watches at the lowest price. Solid silver i spoons, forks Ac, chtaprr than ever. Your orders' afe so licited and Nvili bj .promptly attended by J. T. YOUNG cfc BRO. . l'Kri:itM!t iio, Va. ect 30th '70.-U Lemon Tabourne, The Old Reliable Barber May always be found at hi shop on Tat toro Street. avI lore he will be pleased -h: ve his friends and former patrons. Shaving 10 els; shaving and cuttiii!? hair 30 cx-nt. ap-lS If. 17 O U S A L E I desire to announce that I havr for sale chmp t bi pair of tine. RH 'Jersey ts w'uch I woiiM hkr. to sell soon S. B. FAUMEli, Wilson, X. C. auglO tf. Big Pay. A C, E N T S W A N T ED . We wat a limi:.,t nnmhrr of ' ne'ive. pnfrcftic f"u,rs V "V-"" ,n l'l-:--t 4ml Dumhos. i,o,ut m. u will Uu.Ulo-. a rare chance To Make Money uu'"1" l!---- ;n-,-r till, ah,.m:;l( ntbv .J'H-r.ddfeinj stamp for reply, mu!i.,r wjru Vo'r h-Yebw '" i-- None iu , , 'n-aivm.ins ue.-,l apply l-ly .riNLtAtAUYl.Y iVu.: Atlanta,;a .Xorth Carelina. . v WiUon County. ) Superior Court. Charles i,uith and wit. .leunie Smith md John lira well, a minor, app0ar Ing by: h,a next Ineud,t'l;arlesMn,U,, 1 ' Kliza Joyncr kud Joo Jovncr, ftSUvMlllU., ' vs. De- Tetition to sell real property fr divisior ion lO said Orleudants. ih.-ir ii -i- t U)rneyst take notice that the plaintiff above named have I u-tiiuse 1 the above entitled Stfoceedhir aga-iast yon i the court abovi aiaed toobtam an order to'sed for divisior ft wrtaiir lot iu Wilson town-hip adiohun U lots, of Mrs. J. A. TyiWs, !, 5. O. I jf. Iuibi. aud John Klhs, which del uded and at- v- -iu w .'ieiK-i i instead t. !. j'i's at law; and that you are required to aim answer or uemur to the peti 1 (f the pbintitls, within six weeks from ate, or thy i!aintis will apply to tlu "Hirt for the relief demanded iu the cir pe- j - Mil -.r. : -i, . - . . Uiveu this August 27th. 1SS0. II. c M)s; !Ur! e,.k ))')hm Superior Court. rmy A V ogdard, Attorneys for ITfft : If tMM V 1- yily: :.;fPP VOL. 10. NORFOLK CARDS. I Sam. IIowiE-i. II. II0OUE3 HODGES & HODGE WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . ......AND...... Ladies Trimmed Goods, . 40 COMMERCE ST., NORFOLK. VA. scj)2i-tf : . ; ;iIonse Est.blished 1870. .; JONES. LEE &CQ, (SucctvRors to SAVAGE, JONES A LEE. Cotton Factors & COrVlMISSION MERCHANTS, 28 Rotl.ery's ll'harf, -Noufolk, Va. A large, capital,' a lnn; 'X'ericiice anrl a commodious warvhoiift, located iniiiiedirte ly upon tlie Elizabeth River, where 'the (lep! h of wiitcv i gulfieient for th larjjest' teameis and sail vessel, ive u un&urpa?s fld facilitiVM for conducting the General Commi-bioii; Husiness. . Liherai advances in cash, o" goods or prodtic ordered to Ik held, and that ship ped for immediate sale U disposed of on the first favi.rahle market, and the iroceed fitfiit. a-s directi-d. In all na-e. giv:n strict personal at'ention to tl e.fRunpimr, ieUinj; und wciliinj; of consignments. Cton Ragging. Ties and , Twine at low est, prices, and shipping tugs and a weekly S rfolk p:tper sent free of cIijujc to patrons 3d. -illl i i:i:iiiiiii is:ti. Arthur G. Freeman, Dealer in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1441 Main St., Head Market Square, : NORFOLK, VA. OQVrs his large stock at .bargains. Ladies double case 'gold watches as low as :14.t);i ; - i; ' Gee.ts' s-tein winding, double case $ l .00. Solid go!l S"t of jewelry for Misses $5.00 Fine gold plated sets for ladies $ t $lu, So' m1 ss.50 to The e are but pmn" of the many induce n ents I am otlering at my iiew store. Wedding grid Engagement Rings always on hand, engraving free ot charge. , Watches and jewelry repaired and war ranted. ,1 vour orders to me and thev will be promptly lillcd. - ? A. C. FREEMAN. ep23- FARMER & WAIN WRIGHT Founders of Brass and Iron, and Manufacturers of AGRICILTIRAL IWLKMEXTS, at their'old stand . WILbOX, .XQRTli CAROLINA. Manufacture and keep on hand anyt and thy largest fctoek of f IMELEMEiSTS i . . i . - the State for the Farm, made of the bes aterial and by skilled workman. AH goods warranted to or no sale. give satisfaction He will cotupare prices with ny first c:la.s house. The patronage received! at the hands of the .farmers and the trade In and out.of the State bears us out in this, for which we return our sincere thanks and hope we-will merit a continuance c'f the same. FARMER & WA1XWRIGI1T, Wilson, X. C? Ap,2.3-Iy Wbotten & Stevens, FURNITURE DEALERS AND Wilcox, N. C. We have on hand a large ani well se lected stock of Farlor and Chamber Furni ture and are constantly receiving additions thereto. We make cheap bodstea Is and mattresses a specialty; ' 7 4 Picture frames moldings aud pictures in great variety sold cheap. ; llepairing neatly and promptly done., ami satisfaction guaranteil, --1 RoseWood and metall burial cases from the cheapest to the best bronzed raes. stp 17-ly. , N. O T I C E The tax books for the year are now 'ia my bauds for collection, and tax payers are reipiesteu to call at my omoe m the euuri hou.-e and tettlo their taxes ' as soon ; as convenient. , ' , K. II, WlXST EAi, SJicrijl tp22.-4t Wihsuu Count y. f'LET ALL THE K.XDS TUOf WILSON, N. C, son Advance. FRIDAY ... OCTOliEU S.1SS0 "liovethou thy neighbor," wc are told, "Even as thyself.'; That breed 1 bold; Hut love her uiorc a thousand fold! My level7 neighbor; oft we meet In lonely lane or crowded street; I know the music of her feet. She little thinks how. on a day, She must have missed her usual way, !.nd walked into my heart for aye. Or how the rustle of her dress Thrills thro' nie like a soft caress, With trembles of dclioiousntss. TFce woman, with her smiling mdn, ' Anci soul celestially serene, . She passes me Un conscious qnceri. : 1 1.-r face most innocently good, i Whee shyly peeps the sweet red blood Her toi'ni a nest of womanhood! Like Raleigh for her dainty tread, When ways are miry I could spread My cloak, but there's my hetirt instead- Ah, neighbor, you vviH never know Why 'tis my step is quickened so; Xor what the praytr T murmur low. I see 3'ou ;rn:d j-our flowers at morn, Fresh as the rosebud newly born; 1 marvel, can you have a thorn? If so, 'twere sweet to lean one's breast Against it, and, the more it prest, Sing like the bird that grief hath blest. I hear you sing? And thro' me spnng Dot musically ripple and ling; Little you think I'm listening! You know not, dear, liow dear you be; All dearer for the secrecy; Nothing, and yet a? world to me. So near, too! you could hear me sigh, Or see my case with half an eye; Cut must uot. There are reasons whj A QUEER CRAZE. I 'Vai 'twas curus the way it hap- i pened, and I ain't got tirtd tellin' about it yet. It was swellerin' hot that day, the sort of weather when folks would be glad to take off their flesh and bit down in their bones. . There hadn'fc becu a drop of rain for four weeks, and everything looked thisty. I went about; n the afternoon very sorrowful like, sprinkling tho flowers and thinkin' that tlie time' was soon a-comin' when some one else would be watchin' 'em. Things had been get tin' harder ever since brother Ruben was lost on liij last voyage, and I hadn't been able to pay the mortgage interest, and old. : "Squire Jones was gone, and everything in the hands of that wild son and I'd irot notice if t - CJ the money wpsa't paid by the thirtieth of June everything would be seized, ' "- I didn t rightly know how I was goin to make a liyin either. I was g-itlin' elderly nigh sixty and when folks are as old as that they're like cats, and don't care about new homes. So I sat down very melancholy at the wiudow, and looked out at the little scrap of a 'garden where I'd work for years, and began to think of the time when I was a slip of 4 girl and not so bad looking, and lollonius Sawyer used, to , come and sec me and bring me a momentum as he called it, from every vojage. Lor, the house was just cluttered up with queer old things and Rube and he brought, that wouldn't bring a sixpence at a vandoo. Poor Pol Ionium! He was wrecked on a , strange coast, and no one knows where his grave is. I reckon he had a present for tne with him ; but Til never get that one. Ah. me ! "I was a-8ettin very retrospective .like when I se e Miss Vanburen a-com- .- . .- it , . .i ..1,4 m m tne gate, iso not wcauier uuuiu quence that woman's ardor for visitin. She had her sunbonnet in - her hand and couldn't stay a minute, of course. But I knesr her tricks and her maa ners and begun a-tufnin over in my mind what I could give her. l'ou see, I'd been a savin lately, and hadn't the usual supply in the " house, but I wasn't goin to demean injself before Hetty Vanburen. She's a mournful looking woman at the best of times, rheWi JPpetxi ' ; t-1 : r ; My Neighbo r. '. . !-' : : " with a husband who drinks and throws, ery and she had a pitcher that matched plates at her head, and six rollicking j it. so on her account I had never given roaring children. Well, that's neither 'it away. 'Otic good of the vandoo.' here nor there. She comes ia witk jl sez, with a sigh'will be clcarin' out JliirST AT, DE TUV COrSWYV. THY FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1880. her mouth drawed down and Ler eyes turnetl op ; and I sez: 4- JIroteYer'8 happened to yoa. Mrs. Van, sez I. "Wej', I thought I must come over and condole with you, she says, a-turn-in' over the word -condole with a sort o' relish. -lis says as how he heard downtown that Life Jones was a-'-oio tlictugbt it only neighborly to come over and see ef 'twas true1. He don't get things straight nmre'n half the time, 'cos he sees through a glasj darkl)', as the minister says.' "I own I was took a back as havin' the affair published afore I had time to think it oyer, as you might say. "It's real neighborly,' sez I. kind o' bitter, 'to corae over and take tea with me once more ; for you see Iyer oppor tunities in that line will be! nipped in the bud if it's all true." - . 'Then it is truer . - j "Yes !' I sez, kind a desperate ; very soon I s'pose, the place that knows J me so well will know me no more ;' and the tears came into my eyc3. Tm a lone, lone woinan, and where I'll drift to I don't know.' ! 'Twouldn't bring much at a vandoo, she says, lobkin' round veiy keon like. j .....j' I'Xo. I s'pose not ; rubbish; most'of it.' : . " you've got some good linen as I'd like,' sha says, in x '? mtnner I considered unfeelig'. 'and this eie arm cheer's comfortable. I'm sort o' used to. this anncheer, and I wouldn't mind biddin' it in at private sale, if you'd wait a bit forjthe money." ; VI was sort o' disgusted at ! her sel fishness never seemin' to feel how used I was to the armchair, or how it hurt me to think of partin' with the thing?. j ! fit's a melancholy world,' she says, the next minute, I think perhaps, that she'd forgot about the condolin'. A pilgrim's progress of. a male, and blessed be them what's got nothiiv. I sometimes wish I was out of it all when ho2et3ltfi3 tantrii ms and the plates flying at my head.! I give you my wordjwe ain't got a whole plate in the house, ;and we wouldn't have a thinsr to eat off if it wasn't for that cement they call stratena, as I mends 'em with continual. And abuse you wouldn't believe it, Miss Haddock; a-tellin' me to go to devilish place, you known. Sh tire, you'd better be wishin' me in heaven, aez I, coz I'd be more out of your way. "Every oue's got their cross,' I sez, sighing. T " i I've got more' n ray share,' she sez, drawiu' down the corners of he r mouth "Sararann Haddock you was a wise a woman never to tie yourself to any male critter, j Why it seems more like heaven to git over here to a little peace and quietness; and wotever I'm going to do wh en gou'fe gone -!" "I ain't gone yet,' s?z I, sort o' snannish cos I couldn't bear her 1 L takin' it for granted that there wasn't a chance for me. We're such curous critters, vou ! see ! I kept clingin' to the hope that God was goin' to work some miracle for me. Now He did, and this was how it came about. I excused myseif to go and put on the tea-kettle, and then I found I hadn't a blessed thing for tea. I had milk in t.h bouse, but narv an ege. and what kin a body do without eggs. I only had a cwple of hens, and they was a setting and steadily purposed to bring up a family, j So thinks I, I'll just throw on a sun-bonnet and step over io Neighbor Parker's and git some, knd Miss Van1 will never surmise the state of my lader. Lor. I wouldn't a-had the neighbors know that I hadn't a bit rof chipped beef in the house for a fortune. So I picked up a plate a qneer lookiug. thing, a monstrasity I calls it that Rube brng home once. It had ;a snake like life curled up in the mid dle of, and for fear it wouldn't be natural enough it nz on the stuff look as if you could knock it off most, and I often ! wisheil I could, for I couldn't stoniach the thDught of eatio off it while that varmint was coiled so there; an asj if that wasn't enough, there was snails all around it and ou the border two lizards and beetles and various bags colored like lile. looking as if they'd just lighted there, and more curious still, if there wasn't two fish laid out with their scales a shinin'. I never set much store by the thing, but trrandma had a great liking tor crock- UOD'S, iSD TIllTU'S." all this rubbidge as I suppose will go for a song." "Weil, I hurried over the track and caught Miss Parker skiinrain her milk and she was very aQCoinmoda ting about the eggs. fFheu j got to vl e road j worth more than your house . and lot, again there was a great train stoppin j and I'm ready , to pay , the money the way. It was so long, thinks I, Pll jdown !" ' " . , i. 1 never take the time to go round, butt I looked at the yoony gal to see just step up the steps and down on how she took her pa's speech, but she t'other side. I was up without givin' j soetned as pleased as Punch, aud was it a secend thought, when Lor ' if the j a-exclaimin over this and screamin pesky thing didn't give a start like it j fairly over that, til I began to- tlii.,k 1 was shakin' itself, and the most diabol-j was dreannn aud I'd soon see them ical snyeort I ever heard, and was off go up. in smoke as smell of brimttonc, like the wiad '. And I wis so sheered j like a fairy story I'd heard on. It I tilled that there plate till the eggs j wasn't for me to refuse this offer hu roolled off and lay all smashed about jder the circumstances, you see. But my feet. I could have cried. I hadn't my heart misgave inc, as it any n)one3r to pay for the ride, and l wasu't doiu right. Would joi believe stood starin about me in a daft way. wonderin' what Miss Van was a. -think' when the conductor came alonn. i j "Vou can't stand ou the 'platform, my good woman,' sez he 'not allow ed." ' I'm lost ! I'm on the wrong train I mean I don't want to be oj no train at all !' sez I. quite mixed up. 'Put me out at tha next station, it vou please!" He looked at me sharp, and then said : ' Ifcll we won't charge you nothing for sitting downr and he sort of pushed me into tho car. I stood, after 1 got in, for a minute scarcely seeing where I was, when a middle aged gen tleman got up. and offered ma his seat He was so perlitc I was quite surprised at the way he kept a starin' at ire; and then he sajs scmcthiu' to his daughter, a young lady in snge green sittin' next to me something thai sounded like 'real palacy,' and I sup pose they was a-talkin' French. "The daughter was a good-looking young woman if she hadn't had dier hair like a Skye-terner, and a large sunflower in her bonnet, and she talked to me very friendly like. And at last I made bold to say : "Wotever is your pah a starin' at. Do I look like a madwoman? "He's a-looking at that plate,' Says she. 'Would you like to sell it?' ! "Lor. I might as well,' sez I, sigh in' ; and my heart was so full I upland tells them strangers somethin' of my troubles. ,lI have a fancy for that plate,' j sez the ffentleman with a real feelin' man ner,- 'and perhaps you've got olhe- things like it at home. We may find a way to help j ou ; who knows?" j "Lor ! thinks I here's another man who likes rubbidge as well as Rube did. bo, of course, I invites 'cm cordiah It would be nice to have a littlermoncy ef I did have to turn out on the ' cold world. And bless us, before w stop pee at Langley, ef he hadn't giireni me his card and a hundred dollars for the plate with all them reptiles acoilln' and squlimin' over it. I could n't. be lieve ray eyes, and took the up train and got home in a perfectly .dazed manner. Miss Vanburen home m a huff, and I sot had gone down and counted out lhat money and looked at it as if it wis fairy gold. I most 'spected it would be nothiu but leaves in the mornin' ; but there it was, just the same, and then I remembered the visit they had promissd, and I hunted about for the truck that had always been in myway, and so troublesome to keep clean. It was all about and lots in the garret. I sot it over the kitchen table, and couldn't help laugh in' when I looked at it. There was the queerest-looking monsters, dra gons and such, rearin' up on their tai!s with gapiu' abuths enough to frighten a chil l into a fit. There was a pair of square little pots, lookin' hke they was shakin their fat sides laughin'. They was dull gray, and had Adam and Eve on 'em a shakin an apple tree. I never had 'era about, cos I thought 'em improper. Then there was one plate of a greenish-yellow glaze, wua sober; uiacK ana brown figures on if. Wal, nothiu' very takin' about' you would ay ; but that there gentleman Mr. Brunhold tLe card called hiiu took it on in his hands with i worshipin' look. It's a Hoary-Doo !- icz he, most in a whisper, with a look on bis face like a fellow who's been to the anxious seat and got religio'n sort of a rapt look as if the world might wag on ; Le was hap- py whatever came. 'Never knowed if it's called a Lonry- do or honry-Ion't, sez I. Rube brought it home once, and seems as if it might be more useful than the kind with critters sprawltn over iU" Well, lfLedida l up and offer tue NUMBER 37 three hundred dollars for lhat plate Sez he, 'i won't take advantage of you, for yoa don't know the valley of tl3 ihitgS an you're tolJ tue yer In a flx. ! Bat what you've got on that table' it, Led paid me fifteen hundred do!- lars for tht stuff I would have sold lo the ragman only lor the sake of Rube and my old lovr 1 Why, I was sot up I only eyed Life Jones five hun dred and there was a cool thousand to put in the bank 1 "The young lady was so friendly when I was huslhV, around gettin' an empty box and straw fur the packiu that I made bold to ask her a question. Her pa was a fixin' the things in the box as careful as" if they'd bin live babies. j 5 "He isn't just all right here, is lie?' sez I '-touching my forehead. 'I see you iudulge him, as I s'pose he has got plciTly of money to' pay for it, huV it's a craze isn't it?" - t "'e!l, if she didn't laugh in a very unfeelin' manner.- "Ves. it is a sort of a craze,' sez ; 'it's called the Keeramic craze." lei!s of the Ileep. The world-renownel swimmer.Capt. Paul Boyton, in -an interview with a newspaper, correspondent at the sea shore, related the following iucideuts in his experience : Reporter. -Capt. Boyton, yon must have seen a large part of tlie world?" Capt." Uoyton. 'Yes, sir, by tho aid of my Rubber Lile Saving Dress, 1 have traveled over 10,000 miles on the rivers of America and Europe '; have also, been presented to the crOwned heads of Kngland, FranceV Germany. Austria, Belgium, Italy, Holland, Spain and Portngal, and have In my posses sion forty-two tredsls and decoration. I have three times received the order of knighthood, and been elected hon orary member of committees, cluls orders and societies.' Reporter. Were your various trips accompanied by much danger?' Capt. Boyton. That depends upon what you may call dangerous. During my trip down the river Tagus in Spain I had U 'shoot one hundred and two waterfalls, the; highest being about eighty five feet, and innumerable rap ids. - Crossinz the StraiU of Messina. T i.-.i -m.- .- - sharks; and coming down the Somane a river iu rance.T received a charge of shot from an excited an4 staftled huntsman. Although all this was not very pleasant, and might be termed dangerous, I fear nothing more on my trips than intense cold ; for, as long as ray limbs ari free and easy, and not cramped or benumbed, I am all right. I carr3' a stock of signal rockets, ther mometer, compass provisos c.z., ana I have bad but litrle trouble. Hety riots. .Tti tPftm attarliPrl tv il.k f,mi!.. carriage of a rirh Galveston family ran away a rew days ago, The JadyJ " . , ";M . and her daughter aere in tho carriage , oil v( cotloahidi was formerly lup aod the, street was full of rebiclea. j 'P?e 1 lo Lc lh.e f iren PP,teioa to .'tl'tbn m,,!,n st !. ..,.bi 1 suiarting pftfrt. ItUthe coa. stop the team, lie said he' could uot but he thought he conld stter it. Then,' said she, leaning back with grecomposure. 'run us fnto some fashionable turnout I want to Ls thrown into good cotnpajy. . Fortunately the team was halted just as it was about to demolish a swill cart. "'-. ' i '.-''" Hub UrTrnt IIfancir. Bob Icgefsoll thiDks that there may, after all, be a" hell, and that it is loca ted ia the State of iJaine. .There is a girl at the South- End ! who has tockings worth $ $'3 a pair, j and she admits that swinging is a j childish aDiusemeat but says she iioes f enjoy the motion. , . . TheWjlsojj Advanco i une qare 3 litUj .... ft One Square J It Jij........ M,Jmmm' One &iKr 12 MWUs,CX;.-. .il.iw Liberai AdMttkit aad fr1a1rftr iyn Tratuitnt Atlvrrtijetnenia iaari4 aVYo Outs xcr hue. 1'.'..' -v-.-X' Till: ; .. ; . l,J . , Tbe monument .parcliascil -by Jhi Kings Mounlain Centennialr Aaaocia tioa cost $2.SfD.- Ttie'Klw Gardnu Agricultural. Society will Itold iU an nual fair at Iheilrgrounds ear Grcena iKiro October Vih. Re. A Jenkins, of Frauk!intoo ItaaJ accepted a call to the Missionary Baptist church at Uxtord. - I. Moody ami Sank;ey have been askod to make H'asaingioo city Ue Njene of their laltors next win ter and have replied favorkbly. Reucn Hardy, Colored, in Pitt county has been sent tothe penitentiary (P years for burning about .a', year ago the barn uf . the late Gen. Byran (Jiites. Joseph J. Dancy, a young ui an' slKiut I S years of age, was lodged in tht Newberne jhil Jat week by Mr -Long, the Special Agent of the Pot Oflioe Depart ment for rubbing letter i!i the post office at Greenville. I ' Ca'il Scliurz is ;tn tho stump for Gar field' and ArUiur. The steamship Isaac Jell, of the Old Dominion Liue. caught fire anil was burned October 2:id. -r.t I'urtsmourth. Virginia'i The daughter of a white . Illi nois Radical recently married a jegr man at liaicsLurg ; ami tiiou tue youug womaii's relatives tiied to kill the no- tiro, l bat ctril rinuw lot" you.- Henry Ward UtHchcr will take the stump in Ohio and Indiana for Gar field and Arthur. .w-Edard L, S' roebccker, aged 30. sou of a promi hent physician in Macon. Ga.J wa finind a few niglits iuco in an nncon- scions condition' yn tho1 wVlawalk "on 'roadway. New York, suffering front opium poisoning irom using optun ciiarrcttes Ho is 'r c verinfl.--v The Dcmqcrattc rally iii Newlork last week is salil to be tho ,bigeat" oii re cord, d'jaisted the Democratic candidate fur governor f ia Iaino ii conceded to have 23 1 imnjorilv I over Davis, Republican.. Near Crom well, Ky., Tuesday night, John Harris, a miner, shot and killed John Browo, also a miner dining a quarrcl.'--. Tne new tobacco crop will be tho mall est . iuViIj for many years in Vir- - giaia. A colored wino killed Ii boss oji the St. Johns and Lake Ktistace (h'la..) railroad Wednesday, attt. was subsequently suspended to a trfcC.' More money is inado off vho coxljj than any o'dier fish in America.-Nlndl ana votes next Tuesday amV it is gen erally admitted that it is Uie pivotal . Slate --President Hayes and par-' ty bad a public reception atRoscburg, Oregon, Wcdnesday.-'--sA' rjuarrel t the standard oil norks, at Bayouno city. N. J., wound up by Jacob Stans. bury striking James Lyricb "oft 1 tho heal with a bottle, fracturing hiiskull and producing a fata1"WOurid. Stans bury is under arrest.s$ew York averages one murder every trv ours. --The epiooty which visited us some years ago disabling' many horses is prevalent in New York.'-wv(7cn. Hancock's letter on wari.cWims" knocks the props from under tho Re publican campaign antjl gave it a black eye. -v. -The October elections are t Georgia, October Gth. for rHat officers and a legisiaturr; Ohio,. October. 12th, for minor fctato . qrlicers, . congressmen anl a legislature, Inttiani, October 12th. lor Statu officers cbngressmea and a4 fegisl&ture ; Wett Virginia, Oc tobcr 12th,for tatoffijcMj and a legishiture ; Connecticut, town elec tions, on Octoler 4th wv-Nswbern NiU Shell: It is oonfidcutly tMerted tliat the white man who arrived pere a few week since. eaNcd himself Xnc ! anujed the role of a tramri ftrinter. J obtained emnloymeut at 6dd times ia I . : U1I VIIU priUVMlg tHICCO I.CIC, Ull n mm known among tliu croft s 'LpogTom was a , first-clafe? detcctiv eAOd had recently feigned drunkteneltt Wah- ington, in order to be imprisoned with the negro suspected of BiurJsring Gen. Grimc-j, and t!at while Imprisoned, tie negro, In a guh of conrtlehH, bad admitted that Parke? 'and feifloself were Hip murderer of Geiu Grknes. ' . 3JidicaI f J",! 1 !. ' .-. , . ; I -. .- ' - .. rial in -j For barrs or scalds nothing 4s mora sooUiing than the wlitfti of tan egj, which may be ppurcd ovcr thcjouod. I: ii sofitr as a varnish for a burn inan couoiuon, ami uciug aiwajs ra '( ljaud Cia U VP1 fS U tact wi',h the sir which 'gives ''tbe sr treme digcomf jrt exrVerijencfed from ordinary accidents of 'this ;k1ad j and anything whicli excludes air tfrtd pre vents inilamrnstion fs the thing to be at once applied. The tgg is also coo Mdcred o ne of the" best remedies for dysentery. Beaten vphVif? with or ithout iuar, atid swallowUt lit a gulp, it te&di,n)ylts 'emoillcnt qualities, to. je-iseo the lr.fl;n ra alien ;of the stomach and iatestuies, afrd by ,fcraieg a tran sient coating on those orgaas. to enable nature to assume her LcalthCd sway oer the diseased bod..; Xwa, or at most thiet. cgg per day vttld be all that would be - required f da iprdinsry caes, and siwre tbe oz la ao merely medicine, but food ai wull, the lighUr i be diet oiFierwi'e, and the qtnetcr tho Calient kept, the more cctaio and rpiJ is the recovery. - ;o '.X t i

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