Mil PUBLISHED EVERT fRIDir. BY YOOPAKD & CONNOR j The Wilson Advance. - ' . . : E " r r : AV . ' I I ho Mil cnn-Ariti ibmsv V JYVl 'A r .X. r A CV . - 1 T " 111 If V tl A. lfOVJ4 1' X l' llil 1,. v IP 1.1 X I " . m ! fl mi ran n rmi ' - zi! . .i r - Wilson. N. C. f B S ' R I T I' I O X U AT KS : 1 1 1 A J van ce ; F-r fi Tear, p X Mnuth-. . .., ...ei.ob ... LOO i'UOi'LsMO.NAL. J) IjUliG EO N D EXT I S T. H; pft iii;iMiiitly located in Wilson. X. ' AH ot R-iMiioiH Ai!! h- twutlv n 1 t a lUl! J MM l'lllll-l i 'Ml Oil i - I II, - I' ' ' ' ; ai po-i!.!-. 'IVetb extracted -vi bout j huin Ollice Tiirburo. street next door to j ft Onie. fJan. 3-12MI, D it. e. L. II UN T E R. SURGEON DENTIST. ENFIELD, X. C, ; II.i-j ivs'itm-d pnir tiee at F-nfi'Il ami rc prcl fully solicit :i coiitiumiacc of hU fornM.'f piulico". oct25Jy JAMKS W. LAXCASTEIl, Attorney - at -Law, WILSON, N. C. (Xfira in tlir Court ll"u-c.. Pi ad iif in all Mm i-osu t (except the Iuf'Tior 'oiirt of Wilson county) prompt attcnMoii to hnsiucss. 'entrusted t him in WilMjii and inljoiiiiu coiinticg. 1 W. BLOUNT, jr. Attorney - at - Law, lil!ic Suie,- rear of Court Hon-' . ' Wil.ou, X. (,., Oct: lOtli '79. WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY (FOll YOi;Xi LADIES.) rilo. ."V . Rest tnlent cmpioyi'd in all depart men ts Situation iinnsiiidly healthy. Ruid. per c.-sjon of "JO weeks tucl'idinC fticl, lilit nnd funrwhed loom Other cliarcs iiimh' rate. Full Session lie-ins Si teui!x-r It. For fiifii'ei-'-tii' or tiformation. aildres, n J. 15. liKEWEllvl'niicipal "Wilson Collegiate Institute FOlt r.OTH SEXES 4 STRICTLY XOX - SECT All IAS Fr years the most successful sciiool in Eastern ('tndiua. Tin lust advautaires nnd lowest, latest Healthy loeatioii. Able and E icuivd Taf!ier. Fine Library and Apiai:.l.. Spaeiotrs IJui'diiig. A plenvant lion.e. An ra-c cxpv iim-s, 8 ISO p r year. Muio. extra. Session extends from lirst Monday in September to tiit Thuiday i.. jHna. AiUln-. for (.'atalo-ue, t S". HASSFLL, A. M.t'iineipal.' jlylS-if VV1Uoii,.X. C. Lemon Ta bourne, The Old Reliable Barber alar nl way l f. mill at his shop on Tap' boro Street, where he will be pleased CeiTe his friends and former patron. 'SMiavin-; ots; shaving and cutting hair :t0 cents. ap-lS tf. "1.".K IIV, Hot S TdX Co.. G.V Y liave known. !,Swift s Syplnlitic Spreitie" te-teil in btindreds--of obstinate case?, of Sypluli, Mercurial Ivhouniaiim. Scrofu'a. ete , and ie-MTy that it made the nVt pei feet and pe: inaiieiit cures in evxry m-. . ' apt. Ilu-h I,. Deim trd; Sam D Killen. dmln Co. t'onrt; .1 L Warren, of tirm t i .1 NV l.atluopiV Co., Saxannah,-Ga.; Ed. .laeksoii. I ep. Cl'k Slip Ct.;Gen Eli H'ar in.; Dr. .1. C. (iillx rt. Irup;is; J W Maim' Co. Treasurer; Wn I) I'ieree. Sherill". 1. am pej'sii;ally Mipiainted with the pr-v pii' tor, and aio with many of the gentle men whose siiiiiat ures appear to - the forc going eeitituate. They uiv men Kf high chat acier and standing. ' A. I!. "oi.riTT. (tivernor of Ge'orgia. 1'repare.i only by Hie Swift Sin-?;;..' ,(. AtUntH, Ga. Sold .bv A, W. lUtk land. 70R SALE. - i Mi Mran:e rc'Kionc in towri. nrar 'be iailroa.1. coil venientlv -ituutrd. eao 1h'-, beughi h.wuid -n time." I will loan half ; 4 ....... .1 - 1 , , i me p mime mov. y taking tirt" mort gage on th. propi-rty." . ' F'or fiuilu r p'lti' uli-r appH-to -111 Gil F. MF UK AY, - AgVnt for the Owner."' NErFicMsXEw Prices. GIUFFLV & MTJliIiAY. GoUUboro St., Wilson. X. C. Manufacturers of Carrioffes.,-- Wuiies. ('arts, Wagons, ilanu-!.-;, aud all kinds, of ll.bilS v'iiu-,-s. Win, h will 1m. sola at tli lowest possible flKrMi.i liaveuowon lKtna a ulce aud .lect lotk p i Our pno .ir a iOVr a. thlowet. li ur and c:ill on u U-iore buyiog. - batiff u-uot. jtuara4it-d In evwy case. l;)-. irui neatly aud , proiUy utu-nded lo ll 12rn VOL. 10. NORFOLK CARDS. SAM. ITodoes. H. HoiJOKa HODGES & HODGES WHOLESALE DEALERS" IX 1 "' ...... AN I1...J Ladies Trim med G co.i, V.) COMMERCE ST., , NORFOLK, VA. House Established 1870. SES. LEE & CO.i (Buccei-sors to iAVA0ET JOXES & LEE. Cotton Factors & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 28-RotLer3''s fVharC xXonroLK, Va. Airgc capital, a Ion-; experience and a coiy. odious warehouse, located inrnedi; tc !v iipoii tli; Elizabeth Ilivcr, wheri; the depth of wafer h sufficient for th largest teameia and sail vessel", -jive m unsm pas. ed facilities for conducting the General 'omini-' io:i llulnees. Libcrai advance. in cas,, o- ioods or pr.i! ordered to be be!l, ami thai. .!iip ped for Immediate sale is disposed of on the tirs-t favorable marker, and tho proceeds font as directed. In all ca-e- e;iv:u stii-t perso ial attention' to Hie sampling, "seliin and eirhing of coiisinmeiits. Cotton Bxri'iier. Tie.-, and Twine at. low--t prie.-s, t f i ppinir tn.r and a w. , kly Xorfolk papr sent free of charge to patrons scp. :M. -lui. -: . i:fsii!iiMMi Arthur C. Freenian, - Dealer in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, . U2 . Main St., Head Market S-ituire, .""!.' - ''.' NORFOLK, VA. Olfi-rs his large stock at harams. La'lics double ease olJ vat dies as low a ! 1 (M) .Gents' stoin winding, double case 00. Solid go' d set of jewelry fr Mi'. S1.0JI Fi' e i p:ttd sets for ladies S to 810, So' id fs.ot) to .fl!). , : T!i'"f are bnt'soine of the many indiire- menrs I am ollerin at iuv new .-tore. Wedding and Engagement Kings always on hand, eiigia-vitig f'r'nl thargei. . " .11 . !. l'at-il L-'!'." d jew elry repaired and war- Sei.d vour orders to me and they promptly Idled. ' .'- i will be A. C, FliKEMAN. .sep-23-" The inusi popular piuno in the South t he 'l O 11 A lililU f'r i":nly firty-one years Uiese instruments have, maintained their reputation for dura bility, clearness and sweet of tone. T! :- piano now lkdng inaiiufaetured hr this wdl novn firm are oqnal to ai-iv made in t he worht. They Are sold' as low as any iirsrL.-s piano' nd fully warranted for live years. Send for catalogue and tortus l S. A. STEVENS & CO., NORFOLK. VA. AGFXTS FOU KXABE .V CO., FOE EASTEIIX XOilTH CAUOI.IXA. au-uSOdy, ; . Ifewis Washington. uUILDIXG .MOVER.: K1XST0X N. C. Orders promptly attended to at shor no'ice. iHpt.3d.-3m Wnnffon Qir--rr.-nc ' wkJutv-j.O)! FURNITURE DEALERS AND Undertakers, Wiuox, N. C. We have on kind a large and, wt! se lected slock vf i'-irlor Chamber ' VvjJ lure and ar- coii.staiUly receiving additions w f.; -i L , , , L ' 1 as'it;a;ry. . ; j Plenum frames moldings and! pictures iiJ srrvat varit-tv sold clieau. i i --jw- v v i m v v v. ? cheap impairing neatly and promptly, dune and s.Ufacii'JU guarantd. j Rorwojd and metnllic burial cases from the cheapestto the best bronzed caees ep 17-1 y. - WILSON, N. C., ine Wilson Advance!:.''' : , NOVEMBER 2G, 1S30 : ! ?tii.Y.. 11V DKWDROIV I met lmr to-lay on the highway, With her 'garments failed and worn. In her hair 'th" white threilCs were gh.-aui- - " V . . i While bent ami frail was her form. I thought of i time when we parted, After a bright, joyous day, r .When each said good-bye to the other; And went ou'lier soparate.wav, With no tho'ight or smailrnvs to come Over the path she would roam, IV i cli'.-eks then Were flushed like the ' roses, . ' .'Where lingcrsilie eparkltng dew. Hero t yes held alight in their glances Which told of thoughts good and true. Many years ha.v pa.-sed since that part in"; What can their change have brought, That all heryouilrs brightnsss has va:i- i-hed, . . . Her looks with 'fiich Padnoss fraught? For vain'y forward I pressed,! She turned hotu my cnger address. In die glance which she gave me in pass . i. g ' A glance which a stranger might give I read that her j -yo had all faded, That to her it AUb sorrow to live. Thus we met in life's changing vistas Full many a shadi from the past. Which -reminds us that here nothing love ly Is ever created to last; Tiiey conn; to 'us day after dty. And say we too are passing away. I'll' meet her again when the journey ThrM'.h ;,: th's varied scenes l d ate, When the f .ieiid--L jin wiium yj ;have parted , j' .' Greet iw Ag.t'in fe by one.-' Will 1 know then what sorrow h?.s blight- The hope of this friend of my youth ? I knew not; but. wrongs will be righted. And falsehood give place to" the truth Wh :. u safely at last we have come To the joys of that betteii boine- f 1 1- ;jfri I v MAN S DAUGHTER. An Lioiilcritin thz Napoleonic Wars. In tt t". rncniiji ai! 'car of 1814, when? the" allied armies , were concen trated about l'aris, a young LieutenaiU of dra'gobns was eiii-aed with three or fjur npngatiatis, tvl-o, after having re ceived several smart, sirokes ft otu Lis sabre, managed to send a ball into his shouider, to pierce his Chest with a thrust from a lance, and to leave him for dead on the bank of i the river. : On the opposite side of the strenm, a boatman and his daughter had bet .! watching this unequal fight with tears j of desperation. But what' could an old unarmed man dj, or a pretty girl of lo? However, .the old soldier for such the boatman as had no sooner seen the officer full from hi3 horse than1 he and his, daughter rowed, most vigor ously for the other side. Then, - when they had deposited the wounded man j in the boat, thes worthy peoplj crossed the river again, but with faint hopes of reaching the military hospital in time. m.-l I. i ou nave ueen verv iiaruiv ireaicu , J niv bov, nid the old nardsrtan to! j him ; ' but here arc I, who have gone farther still and couie home." Tbe silent and f'xed attitude cf Lieu j tenant S. showed tie extreme agony of his pains; anl tU1 handy boatman j soon discovered that the bloo.l which I was flowino interns L- from tb wound I "O J - ! on his left side would shortly termi- I nate his existence. He uraed to Lis voalhful daughter. ! -1 i. i.j jiaiy. ue iiiii, ou uae uuiru i me tell of my bro.her ; he died of jusvS such another wound as this here. Well j now. had there onlv bepn somAllv bv ' to suck the hurt, his life would have bv e;i savJed." ; Tha boatman then landed, and went to look for two or three soldiers to he'p' uim to carry ine c.'iicer, leaving bis daughter in charge -of him The m- . ? ' - - . looked ut the suhcred for a second or two. What was her emotion when ! -i. i . i -;i. i . . i.. .i I he was resigning lijc in the first flower 1 sue utrutu linn uctriuv. iioi Liiai ! jvtth sympathy lFw .Ul & t 'im' tf ! 1 lien she I ; -MM K-A i-m-ff$ i ; father had said1; i " "" ' ' ' : Gone. j FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 without a mother's kiss. "My mo'.her luydear.dear mother ! '. said he, - Idl; without " ! Her 'to mail's heart told her wb-it l'i Her bosom Leaved ! ami her eyes ran cyer. j rememberdd what her I she thought her uncles f have been saved. Ir. an I jCipstant, qaickcr thought, she tore open tha olhcer's coat, anJ the gener- ious girl rcc-lled bim to life with i 5' 11 . A i li n K..i - .: .t if fcu.a uo.y uucupauon uie sounu Ol I. 1I 4.frri J If - lii.nr1 .1 ,1 I It a 1.1.., I. t,4lvt, anu 1C uiusu- illf llPrfillP Hl In llio nlhar on1 rsf ... .. T I. t !.'n t I ... I .rv I, i . ' U1U u"" uiuer laiutrs sur- 4 - ru5c, u31ieaeUp wiiulD two sol-j aiers, wien be saw Lieut. S. whom he! expected to fi id dead, ope i his eyes ami ask for his deliverer. The boatman looked at bis child, and saw it all. The poor girl came to him with her headi bent, down. She was about to excuse herself, when the faiber, embracing her with enthusiasm, raised spirits, and the ollicer thanked her in these prohetic words. "You have saved my life it belongs to ou." I 7 After this she tended .htm and be came his nurse; nothing- would he take but from her hand. No wonder that with such a nurse he at length recov ered. Mary was as pretty as she: was good. j ' . ! Meanwhile Muster Pupid. who is very busy in such, cases, gave hira an other wound, and there was only one way to cure it so very deep it was. The boatman's daughter became Madame SJ Her husbai.Tt rose to a Lieutenant General, and the boatman's daughter beeamo as 'elejiint and graceful as any lady of the court of Louis Philippe A STRANGER THERE. At a camp meeting dwn in Tennes see the exhorter opened the services of , the afternoon by loudtydemanding : "What -hall I do to Iq saved?" There was a deep silence among Ids hearers, I and he again demanded : What shall I dv to be saved ?' Sighs and groans were freely indul ged in, and after a painful pause the they were lost. Then only did the 'countryman j condescend to point out the wav, after which he walked off, as . ! I - if fearirg to be laughed at again. 'Give hitn twenty francs for his trouble,' s:ud the Queen to one of her escorts, whol, going after I he country man, said to him : ' ' Here, my man, is 2. little present from the fueen of Italy, who thanks you.' The Queen !' cried the countryman, returning to the carriage. "Forgive me that I did not know thee ; but I had neer seen thee be fore. Thou j art -beautiful" as a May rose. God biess thee,' And the car riage drove off. Now the countryman, who had once seen the Queen wanted to ste ber pretty fu-? again, and the following da)' he presented himself at the palace. 'T know her, you know, he added mysteriouslyi "I spoke to her yes- terday aud I want' to speak to ber again. Think in? he had to do "with a jnad ; I ! man. the porter was about to have the j poor fellow arrested, hen the very sentlemau who had given him the; franco appeared, aud recognizing the1 man. told him to wait, lie iuformod the Queen of his presence. "Ifnng him here, ty all means,' Was her answer. - . - When the man was, for the second ue, before the Q een, he said ; -Yes . -JllTlITIktl I T WllUIMI I IlIII kHfll Ti 1 1 1. 113 .,...0... . .... . ... - j. ... i . . . . . . , , Thou art like an angel. lUul not leu ;.i . . v ' t v. -. i ii ; luce yes'eroay iuau l ih: ihu ihus- ones without a mulher. Wilt thou be their uiother" ; f That I wdl said the Qieen." "Then tU.c's the twenty francs thou gavest ine yesterday. I thank .t wi ,i.,. .. thee, but I want uo money '.no lnt I tnnt r.T itinnPT." : And he went away, c:i:.g nd smiling like a child. i ! The Q iee has adopted the two little brnpc nmi tliPv srp su institution, un- v"v j - . - der her special patronage, . . " H0V A MAHRIED WOMAN GOES TO SLEEP. There is an article going the rounds entitle I HotGirl3 go to S!eep."The i. uianuer. m nuivu b; --v. cording to the article, can't hold a , ., . i w I, i aI, Va -v ft c !i!n a canaie to me way a j mameu woitau goes to sleep. Instead of thinking t cVn cl. nnld hsva attended to be i - . fore going to bed, she thinks of it af-. 1880 Hhsh matters in ber mind, . aud , souglr lucked np in bedl the old roan n scratching hts legs in front oflhe fire and wondi-rinji nrxt ironth's sajs : Lo he rent. wII W the Suddenly t-h "James did Ton lock the doorf "Which door?" ajs James., "The cellar dor," says she, "No says. fame j. "Well, hadn't youl be'.tt f go down jand lock it, for I heard sotoe person ill l!lolltrV vor lnrfU;l.t ''VO. V tkAU; IlllSib. e ; Acccrdinglv Jades paddles down . .... 1 . ! 1 stairs aud locks the door. Abont the ' . - . . I lime James returns ond is oin- to - T n .rtKad .t,n , . jo ' llu one iciudins ; '-Did yoa shut the stair door?" .vn--- inmo "Well. if it is not shut the cat will get up into the bed-toom. . ."1 . 1 - "Let her cone jup, their, James, illnaturedly. "My goodness, no. a ..'..' his wife. returns "She'd suck the baby's breath!: T 1 "Then Jnme3 paddles ' down ataits again, and stept on a tack aadcloses the stair door and returns to the bod room. Just as he birgins to climb ir. to i bed his wife observes : "I forgot to bring up some water. Suppose you bring up some fiv the big tin." And so James with a muttered curse goes down into the dark kitc(ieii and the falls over a - chair, and rasps ail tin ware off the wall in search of the "big tin." and then ierks the stair door open and howls : , "Where the deuce are the matches?" She gives him minute directions where to find the matchea, and adds that she would rather go and. get the water herself than have the neighbor. hood raised about. it. After which James finds the matches; procures the water, comes up stairs and plunges into bed. Presently Ins wife says "James, lets have an understanding about money matters. Now, next week I've got to pay-r" L. Tdon't know what ypu'llj have to pay and I don't care, ' shouts James, as he lurches around and jam9 his face a;aiust the wall ; "all I want ia'sleep- rhat's all very well for you, snaps his wite, as lie pulls ly ; ''you"never think lie cover iicfous- iof the1 worry and t-ouble 1 have. And there's Araminta who I believe is taking the measles.-' 'Let her take rem," says James. Hereupon she begins to cry softly but about the- time James ts falling into a gentie dt-ze shei punches him in the ribs with her elbpvts. and says: Did vou every hear thef scandal about Mrs. Jones?" "W here?' inquired jjarnef.i 'I declare," avs wife, Hon. ttc ting more stupid every day. You know Mrs. Jones that lives at No. 21? JFell, day before yesterday, Susan Smith told Mrs. Thompson that Sam Laker had said lht irs. Jones had ; ' . " " 't'v Here she pauses and listen James ! is snorning in profound slumber. ith a snort of rage the pulls all the cover off him. wraps herself ijp in it then and lays awake ur, til 2 A. M thinking how badly used she is. if : ' ' - And that is the way a married wo- man goes to sleep. .! A PRETTY STORY. ' ' T XT 1.. iVvn nariAra tot! V VPfV u Jl f-if r ' pretty story of the Queen of Italy. It i .. fl u i iiriviuir iji i n r- - - I 1 .,,.vl nf I. nri n the coachman , one of the ; - mu'ooK l le ruiu. " epn cman asneu a cpontrymab the wav. The man seeing the fine carriage i and horses, and Ue ervauts liverrj, and all the gay compaiy, thought be was betnjr fooled. 'As if you did not know," Le said with Lis big grin. The Queen laughed and assured hira that 1 food man .truck the desk ami sLoated out : What shall I do to be Sivclf A yonag man, about twentyvfour years ot age, who wss Visiting friends in the neighborhood, had been groan- ing very nervous over I when it had been pot ie query, aud for the third time, he rose from Lis' ed: - ,- seat and reply Dou't ask me for 1 am hero from Geor U to visit Uncle Keuben, and I'm ..... i . all tarncd around! Make the ."old acUlers give you a boost '. NUMBER 44 "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME.' It is natnrnl for vonnr people to marry, nd, once married, to fly. from the cJJ nest and build a new one. It i more likely lhat those who woo tied win and are wooed and woo b. court try plces slip old fly farther than those who live in great cities, where, at fur thest, a long walk or a five-cent ride only lies between tb&m. But who can visit the pleasant rural spots to which summer beats drive every citizen who can comtnaid a holiday, without 'feeling an emotion of pity for the old folka who Huger on in the homestead once filled by a large family, where babies were born and children played and grew, where the g'rls budded into a knowltdge of the city fashions and a desire to take lea sons on the piano, . and the boy a whit tled at the wood-work and had pillow fights at .midnight, and forgot to drive home the cows; and where, despite maternal lectures and paternal flog gings, the opinion secretly obtained that there never were tucb wonderful children born on earth before. We can aee it all as we look at the old house. How, one day, SWas, Jones saw Kitty home from afternoon church How mother was a little fluttered when Kitty first entertained Silas in the parlor all by herself, and asked father if he remembered their old court ing days, How Kitty was married, and .Lilly, and May and Fanaie fol lowed her example. . How Jack, hav ing a to go into a wholesale house in New York, went off one morn ing, half glad half sorry. How Will took to the sea, aud ran away with a bundle on his shoulder. How Charlie, the pride of his parents, studied theo logy and graduated, and 'had a call' to some far off If'estern town. And then Jack wrote that be was to be married, and Charlie took a Western wife, and Will the , mother hopes that Will will come back some day ; but the father know that he sailed in the Cbjle, aud that the Clyte fate is unknown. And they are all gone scattered over the wide country, com ing home less and less frequently as years roll on. Now and then there ia a visit, but never again will all that household be together as in the olden days never again. The younger ones grow used toil; some, perhaps, quite forgot that they ever erred, but the old foiks sit and wait. The grsy hairs grow grayer. The grinklss come in to thir faces. They look wistfully at each ather across the empty table. It sterna all right. What could parents wish for,, (if only Will comes back,) asks tho mother of herself ; daughters well married, sops well thought of rising meu each in his walk of life. But oh 1 how lonely they are ! Ob, to have the house full of children again of young people to hope for and plan for! And the laud is so wide, journeys so long and so expensive ! They shake their heads. . We can't expect them to come of ten.' says the father. And. I suppose,' responds the moth er, 'that Jack is loo busy to write more than be does.' Ah. they make apologies for you who grow more careless of them every year. But I am not writing to them but to you, who, growing busier every year, forget so often. It is 'but a lit tle while, only a little Afiiie, remera ber. Don't forget them quite. Go down to. iLc v'.J -lace when you can ; write if you must steal hours from sleep to do it. Show the 'old folks at home' that your Leart it with them still in the old homestead where they bore life's burthen gladly, fur your sake, in their prime. Do not let them feel themselves deserted as they draw nearer to tLe valley of the shadow. Mat Kyle Dallas. HUMOROUS DRIFTS. 1 i ben a man tries to borrow money from a friend, that is experimental philoaopb-; wLen tte friend refuses that is naiural philosophy, A citizen of Fleming. Ky., fired at a rat, struck a keg of powder, blew liia Louse to pitces, stk! had to jump into the river to keep from burnins op, The ratrcmaius unhurt. It is not always safe to figure op a Tirfs we'i?ht bv bieaAurin? heraish. The day wore ou. Fell, what did it wear? . Wore the clothes (close) ot the day. of course. , U n l.-i;-. Jr. ..ttTn'r . .n.t stiade, but: cau scarcely see why we should call stocking. One Sooara 3 Mwitkr.K. One 6jur 6 Months, One Squan lirntLs, , ; Libera ttednetlona saa UtXv, c, TmuWat AlTtrUMmnU taowt sd Cents rr Hne.i" r'"' THE Htm VtArKVTtlZU&l f Atai AfTafn in Ireland 1iastlffSS3 o) more tbreateoing aaptci. A CUl is feared. Peroral . !and,r ttecs were held in Cork, Ireland, i JJjt day, at which tbo proiscation tf fao indicted membsrs of UiOjLoamcW denounced. -Th trial a at Py;aa Nihilista f .rrogresslnjllvo havw been sentenced to dtath,. and tvt to hard labor In the mlnea. Threo ro men were sentenced to nftsen jealra of penal servitude. ' VtV'rii quake was felt Tuesdsj .of laetvoek throogbout Southern Austria, 6frpo Vieona to Adriatic and tie f jolfr of Bosnia. A terrible etploaioa'oo curred in the Ford pit at Ui St, Blir ton mine. Nova Scotia," ITedoesday. 42 men are aaid t bo still in UtopalnoT and it is feared another explosion, -fill occur. KfToris will bo madt to rocoT er the dead bodies. The latest Ho velopuietits of the Moner LetUrLtWf case form the chitf trpic f diaonaaioa in Washington. The prisona will pqh ably open their gates for; jbt ifjp sion of some criminals sooti,---Sena-tor Wade llat&pton says ;he legarda the election ss sett led, mwtt- that ' be shall oppose any action looking t9 reopening.- -A colliiion ocfurrfd Saturday between two freight . train on the Seaboard and Roanokit ' lU3- road, i Virginia. Three ; thx'ilk9 wrecked, and a locomoUvo was. t!y damaged.- Jinlgo Wylit, f 'TJS?- ington, I). C.. ordered tbo dieoharg? jpf Perry, a colored forger and exodujlUT from Lenoir county ut this Statfe?.4 Otl tbeKrouad that tho indictment agatoot him was defective. -Gov. Colqattl was inuutrurated Governor of , Coorgia last Tuesday. -Grant aaado- fttSCh a few da). s ago in New York ,c4tj, t4 yocatiiig railroad extension to Blcxlc- -The Concord Sun says Vaoct 1 theonlr who can save th Stato from thY Hi publicar in 1884. t ? There at a f t prcuv 440 coalcU-oi the u'cttei n Nc.tii Carolina IUro4. Of thee 390 are ahjo bodied 4nop jm tually at work on the' road. Last iroes forty one convicts were" sent "ortLt road from the I'nlvsrsity Railroad, Ca grading of which is now washo4Li ' " The Grand lxlge of Masons wUlfcrirft in Italcigh, Tuesday December 7Uu At Fayettevnie'InTgro wao running fur constablevagaiosV whlto man.' Judge Uuxton voted for tbo while man oho was elected by fen vote. - A. terrible accbdoat red at Jardell Ci; WdfadJr,l:,.. A number of men in a boardlfi , . . were sitting bv a fire, and to, makJl burn better, one of them poartd ac i oil in the cup caught oft fire, aud'2a aasoi u kwivn is iw yon . aoioi o o aw mm man iiipftov If In a nail mm m mm .a ' a a a An explosion followed, resulting laJi destruction ot the liooae aad. Uio burn ing to death of eight of. lie occupants, lour or wnom were asieop in too oppcr story. iiapUat CoovsaUosr ' n fiohlabnra lait weak.. -Uthag!-1 Conference at Winston neat, week, ;gf Folk ton rresbyterlans art to hurt A new church.- Tho BlrtbodlsilIL. sionsi;y society receives f jw.iat during the past jear rb liGTZ viaus have sixty-fiva churches, lo i9 country.- The various cbarchoajb . Amtricahave sent oat a hondredmlt sionaries ibis --year. Tkm North Carolina and Virginia Christian Con ference will meet in its fifty fifth an naal aession with thechocb at.JSeah- . . . . ' . .r r' 5' leuem, Alamance coun.j, iv. Vi mi The annual sermon will be preacli . by UeT. W. G. Clerooot, of MofrUtCJ S. C'.A fortbcomlBg.Lutborxa alamnac will show . rocxeafe f a if tit t'.aavan nfta vlilubi av aa u mm-w m w i ay tions and 11,123 communicants;, iu tie . Lutheran church in' th1? country 'thi past year. Dr. U. J. OalUogtu ,.f 1,a nt ltn, nttt ta aTT?Mlk Carolinian by birth and ie la ta SUt now on a visit to relatives irt Hertford county,-Coogresi meets Ut fiftV Monday In Decerober.'-A-sTbf TJegi islature meets the first Wedaasdsyitf Jsnuary.ArsTho BapUst Uf Gi vention meets next year in' IFmalmw -rsA Chicago dispatch aayesr ;TbL burning of the tttale insane asylum at Su Peter. Minnesota, Monday oigbC proves to have fcesn a terribli distWf attendetl oy loos of life, tho particular to which have not reacbod bora Onl ; one wing ot the Uildifg was oosU The structure occupied ten fears jo-. buddins. ai'd waa compietod Urea years ago at a cott of $500,000. Th lots by the fire will be from f 100.000 to $10.000 on which there It 6 rit-J ' snrance. Tbo cause ot tbo firo Is vm knowa. ! It btigioated n tbo kiao ment of the north wrbg. wklc4iosv destroyed. DifTerent reporti stii tkt loss of lire from three to fifty, but 1 bodies he vf been found aod'abwf to rw iu:rKi:" bo mlasln-,rA ccred rew-.Ierer. Ifamn, WPP waa.Ufcgetl .Mt Montgotntry, Texas 4 last wce.k..TU lH Tt ginta on tU action fr rrtaufent waf 21 l.ZtJ. ot iU rtgolar Desiol cratic electoral ticket reeeid 9AUk j Readjostcr ticket, Sl.tSa, and tho j pnWicaa tickeU 83434. P"WJ (majority oter IlepoWic tSuVi ' W. n,r Rfid iitUf IKKCN w-Tbe prospecUw tho YntOM ' Caoal has Ueo poblisLexTlo IWK 1,1 '"'Vita