.... I -" '" " ' "" " , i i -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmMmmmiwmm ( ILul l .. . - : ...... . ' - , kT The Wilson Advance. PUBLISHED EVERT FRlOlT, Bf TTOODARD & CONNOft Wilson. N. C. r ill 1 ll fcL V JfevJl W I Jill - TAVr I II I - hi inrnn -v QftrTf gtf SCRIPTf(J$ ftATKS:' ? Stance: Fr ane Tar, ff'.r Months, .e-2.00 . 1.00 r'fiOFKSSHLNAL. 13 II W. JOYNKR, : ft vm 0 E O N D EX T I ST Hi prmnnont)' lora'trd in Wil-on, N. f '. A'l pperHtion will he heath' an 1 cnrc fully performed nod on tcrnt a reasona ble a pc-ihlc. Tcrlh extracted without Pain Office TmI'Wj nl reit n'Xt dnnr tfl e.ht Omce., (Jan. .3.12m k l. n u-N t i: n. - SURGEON DENTIST. KNFIELI). X. C, JJat rs'iiiK"l praetieft at Kiili-ll ami re-' peetfully solicits awjiiinuuiiee of lii forn'ier ! prnctiee. " Jn-t 21 v : JAMES W. LANCASTER, Attorney-at -Law, WILSOX, X. C- Oftlre in tli Court IWiu. : Prft:ti"ee"iii all the eourts (xceit tlio Inferior eontt of Wilson eoun'ty) and will pive prompt al tent ion tnliiwiix-s entrusted te hifu in Wilon and adjoining counties. G 1 W. 15 LOU N T, Attorney - at - Law, - Oflice Public Square, I'i'ur. of Court IIoumh. TTiUen, N". C, Oet. 10th '7, WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY (FOUYOUXG LADIES.) IViloon. . ftst talent empioyril in all departments Situation nnnsyalU" healtliy.-' Raid, )er kesion 'IM weeks, inelndii. ftl, lipids and fnrnislied room $-(l,W.. Otheicliaros moderate. Kail "Session lejiiis Se;teinlx r 1st. Fr-ataln! or inf':'. ii.aiion. addies, -- J. B. IilILWKt,l'rineipal. . Wilson Collegiate Instittitc FOIL BOTH SEXES- -STRICTLY AO A' SECTARIAN Fftr ear tlio nioAt sue'os-fnI schno in K.hiitii '.-i oliim. Tin- IxKt. advautnes and lvr.-t rales. IlcidUij- li'K::ition. Abie ad Experu-need Tt a"ln is. l-'ino I.ilnary na Afiparntn.-. . Spaeimi: Building. A pleasant rtlneatior.al Imine. -i Averr ex)ensef, jf 1 S p r year. ilu:e. $15 txlu, Scs.siu txtomls from fut jivridsiy in Scjitcndier to first .Thursday in Janf. . Addrrn. for Catalogue, S. llAr-SKI.L, A. M., Principal. jlflS-tf ViUou,"N. C. Lemon Tabourne, The Old Reliable Barbor Mar always b- found at bis shop on Tan boro "St rrrt. whore hf-will be pleaded cerre bi friends and former patrons. liaine 10 els; shaving and .cutting hair IK) cf nts. ap-IS t f. ' Pr.Kitv, Hot s TON Co ;, V.A 1 have kuo.vn "Swifts Syphifti. Sx-eilie." tested in hundreds of ol-stiuate r:ise of Syphilis, Mercurial I!heuni4iis(i, Scrofu'a. etc . and tesrify that ;it made the ni st perfect and permanent cures hi every ca-e. 'apt. IIuglkL. Deunard; Sam . D Killen. JmlgB t'o. t'onrt; .1 I. W-jirren, of tirni r f FW I.athrop & .Co., Sinannah. Ga.; Ed. daekson. Dep. CPkSup-Ct. ; Gen Eli B ar ren; Dr. .1. C. (Jilbert. Drugi.; J Wfftiiii Co. Treasurer; Vi,i D Pierce. She rill. 1 am persoiially ;.r (maitited Nvith the pn prietor. ami also with many of the gentle men whoe signatures appears to the fore going certificate. They uie men of high character and standing, A. 11 CoiriTT. (i'oyernor of Georgia. Prepared oidy by trie Swift SpeeiiieCo. Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Aj W. Rowland. OR SALE. A very desirable residence in town, near the railroad, conveniently ituatrd, can he bought low and ort time." I will loan' half of rhe pnrehase . nimuy taking lirst mort gage c.n the projwriy. . For further prtieulj.rs apply fo HI GH F. MURRAY, Ag nt for the (tnrr GE IFFIN &; MURRAY. Gpldsboro St., AVilson. X. C. Manufacturers of Carriaaep. Buggies. Carts, Wagtiiis. IJarnesi!, and all kinds of riding vehicles. Which will bt sold at th lowst poibla fljureg, flf ttwuuwou handanlc and select Mock o Our iiricrs ar as low a Ihalowect. l ure and call on us before buylne, iiatufaeiion fuaraiued tu xey ' fae. Krpairing neatly and if J?m vol: io. NOKFOLK CARDS. Sam. Hodcies. II. IIODGKS HODGES & HODGES WnOLESAiLE 'DEALERS IN Hit ts 5iial OajfS f ....u AND...... 1 Ladles Trimmed Good:, .!'' I . -10 COMMERCE ST., k; I NORFOLK, VA. ' si.2l-tf : Illonse Established 1870. JONES. LEE & CO.! j (Succenrs to S.V VAG E, JOXE.V Sc LEE. Cotton 5'actors & COmrtllSSION fvlERCHANTS, 28 Rot Lory's fViiarf, Norfolk, Va. A lait? capital, a long ex)eii.-nc and a eo:.:. vs :tn li ue, located itnuiedi; te- Iv'ifi- 'i! jtlie : Elizabeth River, where the depto of Wiilev i- .-ullieient for the largest te;nueis anil vesscN. give US Ull3Ulp;l-S l f.ieM ties for conducting the General Commission lui!ess? Liberal advance?-in csh, - -oods or prod ofe ordered to be htdd, and that shin- ctl lor inniK'Uiate sale is disposed of on the. first .av..raol; market and tin; proceeds sent, j-j directed. In all cases giving strict persona! attention to the sampling, "ellin" and weighing of consignments. ' " Cotton Iiagning, Tie.- and Twine at low est "prhvs, iiud sJiipping fairs and a weekly Noi foi:, pap-r seiitiicc of .charge locations, s p. '.id. -4in, i:t.ii!iiii i8:si. Arthur C. Freeman', Deal er in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, T.J? T t V" jlj it a , 14 1 JIain St., Head Market Square, NORFOLK, VA. O'flers his Ijrgostock at bargains. L.id!4 doublj case jroIJ watclic.- as low aS ill 4,00 ! : Je.-.is' teui winding; double ease $:l.V.0o. : Solid goitl set of jewelry for MiseS .".(l(l .Fire gull plated ets for ladies. $. to .$10, Solid $S..!) to .f'j. 'J'he-e are bur some of the many induce ment' I am ollcring at mv new store. . i i ' - . I i 'cd d in (j an d Enga gem cnt Rings - always on hand, i 1 ' engra vino: fref ot charge. JUitehcs and jewelry k-paircd and war ranted . ' j , Send your orders to me. and thev Vrouiitly filled.- . 1 j will b A. Ci FREEMAN. fep'23- saga popular piano in llic South Piano for nearly frty-oncytaihihcsc ir.striitncnts liae inainlaiucd Iheir rc)iitatiou for dura bility, clearness and sweetiH ss of rone. Thi- piano now being manufactured br this well "viiown firm arc ciial1to any made in the world. They are sold jas low as any tir.M 'class piano and fuliyi warranted for live years. Send for catalogue and ter ms ,0' S. A. STEVENS & CO., ; NORFOLK. VA.. AGFN'TS FOR KNABE "& CO., FOR EASTKRX NORTH CAROLINA. au-.'-fstr-lv. " ! . - wis Washiiigton, BUILDING MOVER K1NST0X, N. C. Orders promptly attended to at short ! notice. i S ; t. ;id.-.1ni Wootten Sz Stevens, FURNITURE DEALERS AND Undertakers, Wiiox, n. c We have on hand a largi an l well se lected lock of Parlor and Caamber Furni ture and are constantly reeeivii.ir additions thereto. j We make cheap bedstea Is and mattresses a specialty. - Picture frames moldings and pictures ii. great variety sold cheap. ; Ittpairing neatly and ! promptly doue, and satisfaction guaranteed, j Rosewood and metallic burial cases from the cheapest to the best brooded cases. Sep IJN - ; I The !..,.-; the ENABE i "LET ALL THE ENDS THOU WILSON, ' N. C., The Wilson Advance PR If) AY ..DECEMP.ER 3, 1SS0 The Lucky Horseshoe. A farmer traveling with his load Picked up a horseshoe in the road, And nailed it fast to his barn door, That Luck might down upon him pour That every blessing known in life -Might crown his homestead md his w ife, And never any 'kind of 'harm Dcrccnd upon his growing farm. Rut dire ill-fort uue soon bcjah To vsV.t the astounded mau, His hens declined to lay their eg; Ili- b.icoii tumbled fmni the pegs, Am! a:s devoaicd the fallen le; His c ji u had never failed before, Mildewed and rotted Ion the floor: i His grass refused to end in hay; His cattle died or went astray; In short, all moved the crooked w"ay. i Next spring a great drouth baked the sod, And roasted every pea in pod; The beans declared they could not grow So long as nature acted so; Redundant insects reared their brood To starve for lack of juicy food; The staves rrom barrel sides went oft" As if they had the hooping-cough And nothing of the useful' kind To hold together felt inclined; In short, it-was no use to try While all the land was in a fry. - ' 1 One morn, demoralized with grief, The fanner clamored for reliel; And prayed right hard to understand What" witchcraft now possessed his land; Why house and faun misery grew; Since he nailed up that 'lucky" shoe. While thus dismayed o'er matters wrong And old man chanced to trudge along. To whom he told, with wormwood tear?, How his affairs were in arrears, And what a desper.ste state of thing A pickctl-tip horseshoe sometimes brings .- Thu stranger asked to see the shoo, . The farmer brought-into view; Rut when the old man raised his head, He laughed outright and quickly said, "No wonder skies upon you fiowu You've nailed the horseshoe upside down; Just turn it .round, and soon you'll see llov you and fortune will agree.' The farmer turned the horseshoe round, And showers bewail to swell the ground; The sunshine laughed among his grain And heaps en heaps piled up the wain; The loft his hay could baiely hold; His cattle did as they were told; His fruit.trees needed sturdy props To. held the gathering apple crops; His turnip and potato fields Astonished all men by their yields; Folks never saw such ears of corn As in his smiling lulls were born; His barn was full of Ijur.-ting bins Jlis wife presented him with twins; llis neighbors marveled more and more To see the increase in his store. And now the merry farmer sings 'There are two ways of doing thing; And when for good luck you would pray Nail up your horseshoe the. rijht wa3'." t llcu-pri's Miyazinc for Lkcemher, MBapriinirBTBii i imn LOTTA S BURGLAR. It was unprecedented at Krlsham for the students to break oat so late in the term. Still mre unpreceden ted was it for a potest, grave and reverend senior to bae any share in the nj'schief. Yet, only 3 uihls be fore co'.nlr.enceruent the students mue t!i::;us howl," aid Tom Ans trul!. or t.s liead and front of the offending. They nailed up over the chapel door the signs, ''To Providence and way stations." stolen from the railroad. TheV serenaded obnoxious j members of the faculty ia terms any thing but flattering. They built a i huge bonfire on the campus and iudul i ged in promiscous song aud dance performance around it. In the midst of the uproar there was the cry of 'Faculty ! faculty ! followed by an instant hush. The stu dents scattered in oil directions, An struther as List as any faster, indeed, when be lound himself ' closely fol lowed. His particular pursuer ap peared to be one of the younger and more active of the professors, who quite caught the spirit of the chase. Tom found it impossible to shake him off. Was the valedistorian of the graduating class to be ) caught thus jgnorainiously ? An open basement window save I JPoetry. U.'i'ST AT, CE TUT COrXTltVS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1880 uim ao inspiration, He sped pan it: then, doubling cleverly on hi$ foe. r,-.;6 viYSu .1. uu laujuea to imr mark to hu fair captorbut she d;s lus footsteps grow fainter ia hot ptir- j couragr d alt attempt at'coavcrsaMon. suit up the Mrect. - f And so they aat in .avy . whilf 4he ITpstaira Lotta Desmond was brush- j candlo burned low anV? ffrraily fwetit ing oat her pretty brown hair prljSiira- out , an.Uhe cold gray light of dawn lory to retiring. p:, 1 daiittilj-ij crept irito the room. Even this dH frilled toileutable,! looking: oldly ?oiit ; not cause LHta 0 change bef positloi. of place, lay Cousin Jiiojs reolVc? -U j And, lookinj curiously at her, the Thpro had been a great many jokes young man discovered tiiat bis stem about that revolver. Her uncle and j guardian was aaleql f. ,, , f H coun had solemnly installed Lottaas I How long and dark wer tto lashes man of the house during their absence, ; rening on the fair cheek, he thought Jim hadrenJinded her of the exp!U(s gazing down at the sweet, peaceful inn n rr f li vm n 1. ;. ' .1 t i i . , oi urave Mrs. Brown and puckly Mrl. ; face framed in its wealth of nut brown Peters, as recorded by '.he Daibj Cron hair. Surely nono of th young Jady's kle. The first of these ladits had, 1 ball dresses could set off her beauty as alono and unarmed, held a burglar did that old blut wrapper? ' ' captive until help came. The second Tom wns strongly tempted, in his under iike circumstances, had com ! character of robber, to steal a kiss, pletely routed two desperately vil- j but there was a certain, odd chivalry-lain- ' j in his composition that kept him from And Lotta had demanded Jim's tnking any advantage of her unconsoi pistdl and declared that she only long- j ousnes. He withdrew his hand from ed for a' chance; to emulate their ! hers without awakehiu" her such heroism. And Jim had promised to ' cold, little, soft bauds ! And no won watcji the paper for a similar mention j der. The chill breath of lfly f jrjiornj of darling Mis3 Desmond, j ing made him shiver, although it was So Lotta smiled when her eyes fell! June, on the pistol, for as yet no opportuni-j "He might as ivell made Ler comfor- ty foipgJory had come to her, aad Ji ru would be home to-morrow. into the Just then her aunt came room fancying as she had faciei! every since her husband's departure, nioht that see heard a noise, and would dear Loitaj who . was fearless, mind going downstairs to investigate? So iiotlii thrust her littlo bare feet into slippers, threw on a wrapper aud sailed forth, pistol in hand. Aunt Lucy detained her with a last I - wurd-iu case it should be any one, to let her know immediately ; but otherwise not to disrurb her, as she was extremely fatigued. With a dim recollection that the dinning room win low ha I no, been closed, ! the young girl mada her nois less way thither at once. The gas had been put out and a miserablu candle left buruinr. What Lotta saw by its dim light was a till youngman rather j roughly! clad. I ! r: ,e ., Tom. usually s tnothing of a had that night doBued his array, his hair disordered, Ii is Alas ! dandy, poorest clothes grimed in dust and soot, from which even his face had escaped, coolly examining her uncle silver. Spirit of Mrs. Brown aud Mrs. the other lacly inspired her. -Drop Aiat or I fire!" Tom turned with a start. What he saw was a pretty girl in charming neglige, whose voice ! and band both shook as she uttered the doughty threat, and in whose face a certain timid determination,! a look of one frightened at her own daring, ap pealed to: his sense of humor. But it would hever do to laub at her. l . ' i Besides, that pistol in her uncertain, unfamiliar hand was ; no joke. So he said, with due humility : I surrender. But for heavens sake put up tj.at revolver! You are as likely to snoot yourself as me."' Not at all," evidently nettled. "1 am perfectly accustomed to using it." Need it be said that ibis was a do- lierate lie. uttered with intent of strik- j inp- terr-r to. the bosom ot the rob- ber? For the same purpose Lotta conti n- npd to level her u.slol and eye him without severity and not a few inward ; ft . .U :l...l ll.t ...... 1- i tremors, lUlllKlUg ni.uai iut juni ; housebreaker is not the bold deapera j do he is painted. Still keeping watch over one is weary work, heigh ho ! Tom rapidiy determined to see the adventuretthrough. Time enouga to make his escape should she call for help or shoiild aoy fresh complication j arise, lie hoped she was not going to j keep standing aU uight. Presently he i vcuture3tci suggest that she could! mount guard over hiaa quite as well heated. Lotta assented gladly. Her burglar was quite a model, she thought. Aud why shot Id she ioi umber heraelf with that unnecessary pistol, of which she acknowledged to herself, she was much more afraid (than was her prisoner? Accordingly ,fche laid it carefully down witniujreach.' Then, with what fcemei to Tom a most amazing un- SiBL U i'"'"; -.. out iw eUtJ. It docs not often lap. i ' pen to any of us tiat a pretty jgtri win"' fo- - insist on aitttpg Tjext to us and hold- j , m eye ; ing our bunds and that she wa3 prit - j UouSa steal ii back ajaja, ty exceedingly pretty, Anstruther! managed to salify himelf io epite of 1 he quoted low. i THY GOD'S. iXD TRITn't - the stingy light. Once or twice lieresjeiL arg. table before he went. He groped his way. jnto the hall. Ou the hatstaud lay heavy shawl. In it he wranncd - . it his unconscious captor as we'll as. he could, then left through, the still open window. ' ' - If Miss Desmond was not the belle of the college ball it ' was because, strickly speakiug,j there are no longer belles at balls. But,' iu' the language of the other young ladies, she "reeeiv ed a great deal of attention," And how she did enjoy hcrs'elf l. r, , About the eleventh hour. Cousin Jim beggd to introduce his friend, Mr. Ansiruther. Lotta's large eyes grew larger with astonishment. Mr. Anstruther com poscdly requested the pleasure of a dance, and before she could collect hereelf sufficiently to relu3c, his arm encircled hor and ; they were gliding over tho po!ishd floor in perfect tithe and measure. "You have my step axautly, said Miss Desmond, wheu. thevVbafl stou. pcd. "Have If Then it tnu9t be by direct inspiration, for I never was know to keep tune with any one before.! Now did ever a man waltz to per fection without knowing it? Lotta looked at him a little contemptuously. Her thought did him injustice. Tom was not affecting raodety. only; mak ing talk to keep of the question- he ex pected. , May I take you Into ' the" library? There is an anxions-lookirrg youth I should like to avoid.!" I suspect that 1 have stolen his dance.' '. 'Jfyou have you are only. pursuing your profession as a robber,' laughed Miss Desmond. What were you do-i ing that night r;r uncle" 3 dining room? Then it all came out, and Tom ex plained and apolgized, seated in an alcove of the great college library. "And how frightened j'Ou were when I and the pistol appeared on the deene V said the young lady, malici- ously. "I was not!" indignantly, you turned very pale., "Then we must have been well. matched pair for courage. The pis f , .1 tl.Wilr in rmir lion.l ll.rt I . . i ixi onw o. juui . . 1 n-i vuai a nai afraid, -it would go ff accideally. I fcatu're of the! I hat was the worst jcase, for I do hot belief e yet that you would have been bloodthisty enjougb to j shoot rne. J j "I am' sure I would not. I was ira- mcaselv relieved to wake up and find my captive fled, ''rFhat did you do'r' "Counted the spoons and went to bed." The sDoons were all n'2ht. ' There . I . . c I waa but one thing stolen that night." Mercy ! what was thai?" "Only the burglar's WarJieati - mentally. Lotta looked at him and bcVan to lau-b. Then she said : j "You miht adreTti'e for U apeo-j bledofor stoleu article. And you , tniht sav. "of no value to any one butj " ! ' t Iau,h,s. too. kltins bU real P" ' co,or ! nn ..th ysii - NTJlvrBER 45 Lotta was a little glad as well as a ood deal sorry that her ill-used part ner at this mouent appearetl In the doorway. - - ' '' " ' i?efore that fellow come cantyou woraiae me'one inore dancer mar mured. Anstruther, " '"' I va engaged for all but the last,1 ' can give you that que, if you are going to stay till the end. " ? T ' How Miss Iesmond contrived to pacify t ho righlful claimant, and how partner succeeded partner till the end oi the evening, nted Dot bclold. IU certain that she enjoyed n lauce"aa she did that last one with Tom. Aod ttien Tom's worst enimy could not cn'V icise Ids dancing. T As he rclir.quishetl her to her cous in's care, Ansiruther heaved a sigh of exagerated but very real regret. . ' ' Then Iotn put out an impulsive little hand and said hastily: i. - "Mr. Burglar, if you can conquer your fancy for cnt erining people win dows enough to call in a more orthf)- dox way, I shall be pleased to sec ., . - - you. "Thank you," murmured Anstruther. pressing the soft warm hand with quick unnecessary warmth. VJIappy the wooing that's not long a do. The acquaintance ro oddly begun was' prosecuted with ardor, Lott's burglai laid hot siege to her" afTectioni and before long induced her to set tip Housekeeping I had almost written housebreaking with him. AN ALDEMAN'S GREAT SORROW. -,. Tliere is an aldermaa in Detroit who know 9 a bale of hay whrm he sees it as well as any man living. He was .passing up Michigan avenue the other day, when he came across a small group of friends, They had perhaps been wai LiuR for him, knowing that he would paas that way about that hour. Tlley were standing near a bale Of hay 'arked '210 pounds," and beside the 1 - - bale stood a flit -chested," aliiu-walsted consumptive-looking youth of 20 sum mers, who kept spitting ou his hands and saying he would shoulder the bale or die in the attempt." . Tve be; ten dollars that Lo can't' remarked one of the croup to the al- man, as he came to a halt. Why, he must be a fool!" replied the official, as he looked from the mau to the hay. ''Xcan't, eh?" queried the consump five. ';You dasn't put up f 10 that 1 can't shoulder this 'ere hay and carrf it across the street and back. Nothing but cbapi-lighttdng eould have beat the movements of that alder . . . 1 man in pulling out an "X" and placing it in the hands " of a stake -holder. When all was ready the consumptive spit on Ins hands, shouldered the bale and took his walk. The end of the alderman's tongue was in sight, and his eyes could hare been Hepped on as the dj ing youth returned to the curb, dropped the bale and .took the money. ,..' - J "Leramc sec shat hay!" vhisperel the ofiiiial aa consciousness finally re turne I. : " j ' lie walked up to the bale, gave It a heave, and it went rolling over. Then he picked it up and Lefted it, : got reel j clear back te the collar buttom, and walked off without a word. T0 con- snmPU,ie was only half a day Cwng .up Q ba'e witU aMcks and papers and a little hay, and $10 ia good pay lor a dav's work. N0TT SH0TT. A duel was lately - fought in Texas by Alexander Sholt and John S. NotL Nott wasahot.aud hhott waa uot. In . this ease it ia better to be hott titan ! NotL . There was a rumor that JCott was not ehot, and Shott arowa "that he jlefrot Nott, which prores either that the shot Sbott shot at Nott waa not abotj or that Nott waa ; shot not with staod- ing. Circa matantial evidence ia not always good. It any be male to ap-f pear on trial that thu ahot bbott abet .I.,,. Vr.ll r.r I i.tlM-l, ailli fir biouelf. .1. tb. .-bole tfUr -ou!4 ? ""l.'aT" and fehott would be ebol, aoU 2ott would t be n4. ' Ift think, hoverer that the ahot Sholt shot shot not Sholt but Nott; any way it. is Lard to tell who was shot. One SurS Ifontbev One Hormref 2!ntltS 2 i.i or rat uernmwnai brsuc n TrauVkm Advertiit ac;Ul O T Centf pet'llne,j4 M' iz'Vr..i lullh t .'l.irOHTT- .3 rairwrneom man imi t ease hi!e asking n gri U marry Uo. ! The woman who hat A ralnd of ber own $fcHt1j 1aaw r ttrargr ot 'r ; Ctv;d uot a Vow at; tl tor. On Uie contrary, the . U;0a ;, JoC ia dacidf4& , i wiab I w a iMaUaas. iMiXMiifw',. -Why r ' 'Caaa I Id4lJ krA ; of sugar pw-fAteviBUBAeu'vivq r-j q-, TVid v0awW4 tBeMl cornet grocery maaiatfprt the Ctifb ' tpnt ofaW.'buflf wtfa'i feVV ak faral- -i x uThe man who sTgeirTTTdWlTroa W9 are forgoifch has frty t6 leave A ha tel without I-aying hU bill te daA howr adly mistaken he ia. ; ' Love is an Interaai traneport j" ex- -claimed no eutheaiaatio eoet It A canal boatl" aatd a icciidal old 'Jo warding mei chant, 1 3 ; . . ... A young man hereabnuti woke up i few mornings ago and fdfind that hb hair wns perfectly wtdte. 1 1t vu so, Whence went to be. it ' -Do we eat t6oinaclr?a4ed Detroit Frei ,-lVfM, and out of, fire dozen ' boardings house keeper a: itxtir ' I 1 .1 .1- " .. , ausweruu in iue C. An Indiana odiVorvaajat ' Coal, oil I rubbed on the neck f ml head wity cure hog cL-oUra, we have tri urI.'hj , can dispute lcsamoiUk ,thatf 4 . .1 Henry IPard BeecW thmki that Xbm average roan knows as rtUch of ' man after sparkingTxSrfbc a memth me at the end of a fiTeeaN,,cmrtahlp Why is acow'a tail like tfie letter Ft Becauso it'i the end of .beef. ' Here another quite as bad. . Why ' Ja an egg ' like a coll? Because it it not flt to qi until it is broken. ' '' ! ' . ' ': - ' ; -.' ,-r- ! ' - v It is perfectly evident to a. well bal anced mind that ererybodr ebw in the world is . celled jto r te jeligbui, and equally evident that jou.are jeoxtelf J callel ta da juaf, as jou pleaa5 . , , f, ' " The outlook forchcea1i favorablt , for good price ' Thn make In i En-, gland is reported by tee best utborV -f ties to small. r and ' Irb ported jetock haa been sold eloae ufV to arflratr-'' .. .A South Hill debating club ia arrest ling witti,. Cari "a ' cominunity' exlat witliout woman ?" We -.'think It might exist for awhiU, but thea lt woulda'l, kuow whiit waa guipe on. An Ohio girl euel a mail for breach of promise and - profe(L,,ira.t ttJi a mean wundrel that the jorj decided that ale ought to pay . : kiiu eotntUdns lor iwt marry ing her 'Vfsv I . A Krone'. writer tays there wai ooco in the environ of Rotien a mlllerf daul.'or ho pf t'y cfoef thit that t! v hig!:of her lovere alon aerred to turn the aaUa of her fatbeV tnl!f.'v' - n '1 -in Mm A) rtrm wj There is one thing - jroq ; may pat down , in your oote-botki eay wKat - - ": -. . . t . . yon will about toe omen. wa Aerer yet kdew a woman who 4mld keee a secret half so well a a man 1 could tell. it; 0 -? A California justice, in a moeet oj anger, aaH that Uie lawyeri la cei on trial before him wereoo bftte,. than horae-ti.ievef. iThcOf lr,polo guced and Coed htuvaclf dpyara fe; eonte.apt of courv i1(,. , .t it ; On a plantation near Terae.r recently, two.young men of 'equal age had a cotton-picklng t'tnilct. ' t)M of tkern picked 517 pounda of cotldn' b. tween sunrise and sunset, and theotb """ er HO pounds in the Mrne'fime,' Out in kftosaa recently the I local pUlhartnonlc aoctety ofcifcd :Ibf coo crt witTi1iuIIark 'ApoTlo ' tr kie th lyre f lie rouat bare' lit hi ra .V ' tirav ';' rcendous welt at we notice3 Uiwe arae r no Issue of the local baperthe following week. '-' During the fair fn an fowaf to wit young roan felt Arc hundred feet from a balloon and r trtroca the3 efdearalk. The iu&usands of peopIi whoTiaw'' bio 4 arrpposed of course; tlat be a dead. The phyaiclana eenptriboncedl Mm dead. - And be'we. m ' "Oldeet 8n.!ye, eitrgy and strict atteatioa to busioeaa are lbe trc guide to escceaa. Tharty rtArt age a frieniless boy came - la Chicago ami begua life in a coal-yard, working for twenty dollars a month. To-day he is driving a horae car - . t I f f : 1