mmmmmmmmmmmm - . -- . : - , """'"""" ' ' " " " .r... ,.,,.,,, ,i !?Tl"'TJ '. "' """" S J..' 'T i f ' '.- ' " ' -'"' T - ' '. J 1 iiiamjuiW mnn'iiK '-" - ' I ir trr " 1 -WV l"l""H II 1)1. ill riMH UJI. ii.ii . , 1 1., jjxi . ' M'iW.rj , :- '- r -i i " :..' -- -. : - . I...-.'. " . :.i- i . . ! ." - ':.. ' . ' The Wilson Advance The Wilson Advance, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BT t TOOPARD & CONNOR Wilson, N. C. HI Hi r ' 'il l 1 ttfrML M laSrafMlIrl " ' ' lUBSfRII'ION' KAILS: In Advance: For on? V -ar", gix Month-. v . I .on J'UUr K.ShlUA'JL..' 8 U 11 GEO N I T i i Mil' I !' HU l, I'" il ' "I m . All o;;ii-;i;iiii- w ill !' ic uf lV an I nre fi'!!v pi-rfui nii-'l ;ii,m (ii lei in- ti- rcn-fr,:i-!) .vCil,,-. 'I'cctti -xti:Kli-I wUhouf !-i'ni OMicc 'i'ai :rt..'t ni' t lor t D H. E. L. HUNT 1ML SURGEON DENTIST. . :. -EXFI VA'AK X. C, 1 1 a' ri'unc'l F'i:uticf at Kn.'i.M ami' vc- prTtfr.l'.v -uliciU a coiitimiiiiic! of lii foniK-r J AM ES W. LANCASTER, Attornoj: at-Law, . WILSON, N. a I', iu :i! 111.' i?.iirt (x-iit-.. Hit; tufci i.H-'ivui t (tf WilDii j;..iin' v) ail M jriw iroinjil altfiiiion to lci-im' '-ut risU-d tH him in WiUtH auda ij .ini'iJiiiilu': s T Ii A V E I). I My la!"'c l(':i'-A iui;' w. vith lonr liind lici.fs: A lili.-i a! r- --va. il u ill !" fail lv iiifurmaMMii l-atlin to her r'i;.iv.-ry. j W. (i. SilAKI'll:. I f ',1 lt f T.i-:!')f , Xj. . Wilson collegiate seihar (Ft 'H yoi x; LADIES'.) j WiKoii: 7. Tii-st lr!cnt cmpinvvl 1 1 1- till '.d'iar incuts " 11.. 1. .. ; . I'ltllMlcio lUl'lsuauN iici-M). . I HoanL !'' r,-i'""1 "f n-s ittrD iTiiiiT fnfl. .Ui.iit-. -"' f"Hi!-'hn rouiti t 1 1 -1' f'iraii-' rate.. , j V.A S's-ioti li' i'H's Si-itcmli( r I-t. I'ov c-aUth' 'iKor infoi uiatrHi. a'l In---, " J. U. 11ULNV LiiJ' Wilson Collegiate Institute STRICTLY SOS - SECTARUS .r r the IU0.-t' sue Ea-ierii ('irolina. 'l'iie smd lowest rates. II. al'!;, ...'.I T at'!rer 'es.-fnl olio5l in lic.-t -'advai'itaires luea'MMi. Alile . l-'iiie fii'.nary ..,,.1 i.i,:n:.t.t.-. M.aeion.-. lini'dini. -A nlea-aill cdl.icatiol ;il Iio(1;e. Avi-rae eNieo-i-. S.HO 1" r year. Mh-ic. l' t.5?ju -iat , 1 !'iids fi- iiii lir.-t Monday in Hvpi t labrf n. fu -t Thursday- iu Jmn-;. Andrew, l.-r. i aiaio-ue. ' ' .S: I1.VS.-MELL, A.M., riinc. pal. jlylS If 'N- ( - Lemon TaboLirne, The Old Reliarjlo Earbox May ahvav- lie f nitid at liis shop nn Tai lioro Street , '.here !i' will lie pleaded ere !u-'ir;fii(i-jiiid for nier pa! rons. Sliavini; lit hair H I cent-. cts; j-hav'mic and e-ittnip ap IS tf. ) i ho I'i itKY, II. n We h ive know il I ON ( o... ( iA lit s S plnilt le Sp -eaie." ti -n-d. oi hund; :ise-of S I'litii-. M. ie u I- of (di-'ioate i itheinnat i-m.- Serofii , and le-tt'ly thai it made 1 1 u-ur.-i neifee; n..d ic'.:iua lent cures iu evi'l'V '-'-' j r . ' v j fr iiearly f-rly-ouey(ais these instruntent- -apt. Ilnuh L. De'inard; Sain I Kilun.j have iiiaintaiued tle-ir ivputaiion for dura .In. tj;. "o. '.v.,i t ; .1 L Warren, of hi an " f In'ity. eleal ies and sweetjie - or lone. I W. Latin ep iV t'o.. Saaonaii, ;!.; K.l. j Thi- piaiii now being manufactured by thi l.i k-.u. D.p. CTk Sup (t.;(h'ii Lit U'ar- wclIAnonn S;nn I are .equal jto any maile iu ei.; Dr. .1. r. liii'ert. Di uj:-:.-: J UMaun ! (lie world. .; IThey are sold) as l.lw as any to. Trea-uie;-, Win l P.eree. Sherii!'. ) tirSr clas- piano -and fully! warranted for' 1 aiu. peisomiUy -ue-juiuuted wah ti... pr, tive years, i iSciid for eat.ilone aud terms i i noi . an. i ai-e w i, u many ot tne ent le - i to -' ii'-n uho-e -iiin H ure npp-ar to the f .i e- )ii eei t U.C'U e. Titey ale uieil ,Lof hi-'h! ! V". -rand stano.u-. . A. 11 t .i..-l-u r. .(.;.vernor ot Ueor-i.a. Prep uvu ,dv l.v tie- Swift Speeitie L'o I Allan U. t;a S.ud hv A W ir i ?0R SAI.K. A very tle-irabl : ie-'de-ie.' in t. i Hv:i. near i 1 eo i y can ti GlUFFlXixMyJtJfAY.;' Gohl-h. V. ' ' r;';,'u'lC;!'rors. "f arria-,.-. n lidl.,.. ZtzT: Il"rss,-au,l. aU kinds of; rk. i " ... i u.ic :ia uct fcicli oT Oi . -'." u cvfry lj. .'t"-ui,uy WK-uvt. -w lieu r v .I'li'-i...! .... .. ... of h.. ,v: : n,";",;!!"'!'": I , I X t . l V t. " ier.tT:t2ed be 'married! Who is the ! lure two chairs. 1 his ..,7 : -t--t- ; "Say? wh,tcanhe say to ol h , ' in,l(, : p, t:, ,.,!, He is ,a:ner st.u', cf or,u,dterl;:r?;,,i , ; . , , KlSSTOXSl C. Of course he will he proud to have Us . . . . sUluc .,reMes verv p! A-em r ,r the Owner ' i ' - 1 1 ' w ' ia "You willi be surprised. Hugh, and red hair and bar.I. ami lSiirW Flint! ! Vi-, . ' n... ' ! notho ' ; tone. i -.r I .sle K lie lias1 told inn that and ie; sua&lve o:;e a VOIk 10. ORl-OLK CAKDS. Sam. I Ioia K-i 11. IIoiKiES HODGES & HODGE! U IIOLKSALE DEALERS IX .AND...... Ladies Trim mcd Goo.ic, '.. CoMMKIM.K ST., NO i: FOLIC, VA. s.--2t-tf , ! I .House IstiV-islied 1370. I J0iSTKS. LEE & CO. (-tifce-.-ors lo SA YA;h JOX.E-S' v'c LEE. I Cotton Fa3tirs & coririission riERCHAnis, ,26 RotLoryla JViiarf, NoinoLKV. A laiv capita!, a . hinj; fxpci k'tic-i Mid a coininodiou-i varcfi"U-e,i Ietifinl Jmn i- 1 i ; tf !y upon the . Miia'x'tii j Kivcr, w-iicr: tif depth of water i- ,-tt!Iii-itnt if r tlw largest leaiin.-i.- and t.aii ve.-4e- ijiye n- tin-in ias d facilities for" cond-Meiius the. (ietieral Li!-iai adviviee.-- iu a is H, ' " ifot id ; or ')- r. L it-- order-h! t' h - lii'i.i, and that ped for iiiuii '(li;tc .-;d--i i tlisiiosed -01 on he first f:iv"ialj!t' tnarUt't ad Hi.: )toce((!s i eiit as "din -eled. In a;l :a-e- e. .n s. riei pel Sii:ii a;Tt litio!l to tie sain;)iini, ieiim and weirliiii' l eoii.-iiiiin iiis. CiHo!i IJjgisi. Tie- jiiid I wine at, !ov-cr-X prices, a id siei ppiu ita-i-i and a weekly Xoi foIU pap"r sen lice of charge to patrons '.-ep. :id. -hu, " : I - I'.-lilOilshed EN.; 3. Artlmr.G. Freomaii5 - Dealer in j- ' DIAMONDS, WATCHES, . 1 1 1 Main St., llcrui Market. Square, NORFOLK, VA. (nlers- h's lar;i stock .it' .bargains.1 L iipi s doii'We ease irM wateiivs as low j a- s! l.Ud .. -. (iji'i'ts' stein windi'i. do'i'de ea-e $:;." !f). Sol d gotd, s -t of j. w iry f ir .Mi -ses 0 i Kiv.e e-ohi plated sets for ladies t;.") to'.Iii.. Solid sS.:,() l,, jSs'O. The-e Inn nie of lite-many induce ments 1 am ollcrii; at idv new sttire. Wedding and Engagement Ring?, a! wags on hand, i .. , - ; i ti;jr.ravi!r fre of ehargo.i If'atclics and jewelry, repaired and war ranted . . ' j ' -. . . S(;nd vnur orders to tr.e and wiil be pioinpl ly Idled. A. C.i FEEEMAN. Scip- S. A. STEVENS &. CO.. '- , NOIU'OLK. VA. .evvrnp'rv ,,.,.. f. IUi ' AfLN I siFOK , IvN A I.H .v. O., h Uk LA sT K i i X In O U1T1 CAUULIXA. aU-iU'SO-lv, Lewis WaMiiioii, - . - - , j, T,T I ! IT UObbeil CZ aL8VailS: ! r "I ' T FURNITURE DEALERS AND 1, .1 - p. ' W.i I. ..-. ...... .1. . 1 1 ' i .,.f. ,i . ..r ii.. .i. .. i P-P .,' " . ' e.i ii1! ;i. i:ir jr.': rini-wt1:! i sure and sie constantly Tt-ceivii. additions ,1 -ll A 1,,, I . ... 1 . 1 .... . ' aspKa!tv. . j lu.iRv V.IR.!!. uevi,.ii-.i i uiiurs-es lecture frames ' moldings and pictures in j rrvat lichairing. neatly and promptly done : anu s 1 ui-factijn rrmrantced. lio .,11 I . . 1 ., 11 1 ' . . ' 7;.: the e: sct 17-1 v. ddTi trfX FvT '.t'- r:-.V.:? ASA K:x t3 I'l'lie most popular p:ain iu the' South the ... '... .- ..111..,-.. 1 ' '.. .i .. i . , . ; '' -l ""a".' ; j 1,,.,.v ,T ..A f,, ;PAP it. .it is k,ii: frirnd ant . f-xmesSlOIl O CO'liitC .vincrs proinivt v attemieu to at snort ; r r " r 7- -v ' . Se..r -.5.1 .!?,',. , . 1 ' ' "'v h? Hr4t m?t l.sii-l lrst Lmev r.i that Las S(JCDCi:.i:.2 ijctiu. tbc mimjnigT at, i Tuv nuxruvs, WILSON, N. C, fhe Wilson hdvancelrS "RIDAY.:... i;:.l,'I l- K.nA - .' -: f , ' :" J?oetrv. Leave us Not. The following heatitifu! and tonchin;; po em .vas written by X. V. li illis several years u;o on the. departure of a pa-t?ir 'fio Lad served liis eo'grentio.i . Ahh lideli'y. lis appropriateness se-tel it to our iniiid-at this tinic as Rev.'J. A. Cuniin;-' im, !io ha- a in',d..-i pa-tur -f the Metho l t ciinrch iu this plac.'. wa ' leavinv; f,.rio-lier iie-lds of lahor. We ir will lie Kan v. is h plea-'ir !jy hi- many friend.-; who were pained to have him leave. Leave u- not, man of prayer! "Like Paul, hast t liou 'Served (iod with a!! Iiumiliry of mind," Dwellhi, anions u-, find ."'with rniiiij' fa-,"' . ,;. I 'Fiom lumse to "," "or mth and day not cas'n,'' ii:wr ..'.. i, l .;l ihv 1.1 -st errand. L-; ive us L?ave ii-; not n owl The Sahhiitli-hell, so Link.! with tiiy voice tho ireti to to thy prayer r Theeali to us' from Iieaven to cirui. with - th.-e Into tin !rusc of. God, and fr-m t!iy lip., Hear what had' ladhi upon ty In tu t will s'it'.lld Lonely and mour'ifid'y wlieti thou art gone". Our p-ayers are in.lhy werds our hope i:i I." hi i.-t WanuM oh thy lips our d'irkliv.'g. tlioughts of God EollowM thy -loved called upward and so knit Is all. our wer.-hip Ayith thoe cuSsprcarl hands. - And the imploring .vote?, w'lh'.i, veil we knew, Sauk-in the car of Jcpus --that, tli'-e, The angel's ladder seyun removed from Fight, And wc astray in darkness I Leave us not! Yet if tlfon Wilt if. "'bvuvl iu -p'rli," thou i . i . .! ' it . . f ... i .Must go; aim we sea., see . .n uv.n -:T!ie wi i of God he done;" lie do not say Itenipmh'-r lis- -thou wilt in live and And thou wilt be remember.! by fhe dea l When the h; trump awakes thesn by L'i: . . ", v When, of the ".-iher cord,'' whose strength thou knowes' . j Tlie last, thread fails by' tho brfc-.rvid and When the da foiind'st a K cloud, wherein thou ot . Broke by the iidi of merey. lowers aani by I he s-j'l i)uf!i(r p'eadini; for her child. In murmurs diflieuif. thou art m". ne lly a7 ihi.'n- h-a-csf. when the Sabbat h-b-ll ' 15 rings us together, aud the closing hymn Uu-iies our hearts to pray, and thy loved voice, - . That aU our wants hal grown to, only th;:s , ' 'Tv old seelii. artieuiate lo G d.) falls not Upon our ii -teni'ng. ear rem -. i ivhu r' d ihus 11 niemtef'd we'! in all oi;r holie-t 'n .nrs Will be the fait hf, d s'leph -rd we h.i-.- 1 .s! ! Andeer with one prayer, for whirii our love Will find the pi -adlng words, that, iu the 1 g'u. ' Of heav:"n we may behold his face onco Irene! Our 3f-Z ' ;I wonder what Uncle Hgh w'il say when be -hears that - Laml-ert and l are ' engaged.' Laura Kario l.n.ks I up, as she speaks, from the scented j note she has been perusing, winch be i gins "Jiy Ofiore'd 'Laura." and ends ! you know that Ll.cle Hugh is cpu er an 1 old-fashioued, and I don't beiive he Siked the cool wav I trcale-i that favorite of bis-tUat V.naS L J - j "Nonsenie, Laura ; your uncle onlv !, ,; fUkes Mr. . Lesley Srone man 11 j,. no?hcr wLoi" has hL f.bridev a i can t un.agtne for a -moment h--? cou-.d.! :.. ' ; uvu t, isua-i.ic ioi : wuuu-av o: t i?u. i , i , . suppose mav.tny uaunier ccui t ever : think of a carpenter. . ?l . i ... . . ... , '-w eu i m surcj i nope tnat, von are ' r2bt, lor Madamt id a no.: ard s c:i:rges . ' t .. - - . .. give t:;e t:ie uwney .or iny irou3cau." The bell rings an 1 a servant eaters t"c boudoir where the ladies are seated to tell them that Jir. Hu'li Fieluin'r - .- Laura was riuht iu Lcr ' iatujlivc FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1880 "ode ; oUook with any great favor i nvr a;:iai:ce with ,prt l? i . i.l i.. . t . - - ' his t!Kji,.r,t UUL S'JTI ! Ifi rr-tl . 0 Miu;ni! ! niece - Laura, ' so yo. . arc r. t 1 wv . -W.I. ... ' " u,rjTT yoursdt away i.poin Jv"s towiien yon might once ; r.ayc had 8ut a m an as liurt Lfl . ;IIiigh!" cxcluitm his sister, -you are not serious Why, when Mr. Lcs? Icy culled on Linr.-i T f-1t ti,. u I . - v.. nun 1, a.i areat;i-.kce cf presumption, and we I soon showed Lira" that we -thouht so." -P.eluuiptiou! We!!', well we won't quanel. Laura engaged, and I sup-!bv pose a 1 I've got to do is to. hand ' weeding ton r in Europe-la Fiench flat my in.' pocket, bat! l, &id .ilaVisi. liira fashionaWtt part of llreeity dis tliat." tliough my young friend, ; LesUy sipation on.thc part of er husband is.poorjr.n.l as yon so scorn fatly say ; sickiiess harrowing lieknst ; thus we la carpenter," some day Laura wiil be i fi:d her. w' - sorry lljat the lost' the ioooortunitv of! I She never wdl nfr(rTTnrdA If,, d, wmnii gj such a liusban.: for it was easy o pee, when 1 introduced liiia to' her, lie was very ' much attracted. . I mean it; when. I say that 'an honest J- "Cousin Jane look me for a tlnvo j Iia1 11 la!Ct len minnic wuu tuc ueai man is (bod-s noblest work,' and that ? yesterday," she said, in 1 fretful tone cauic oui laUghinjg and walked, oif such a inan, be he ricli or poorly born can rahe himself by. Ids' power of bruin into the highest position iu our laud even io the 'Presidential 'chair.'' -j The old gentleman 'suddenly flops ; he detects 'the vailed' expression in hi nieco's brilliant eyes, and sees that his wonU are only being wasted. After ja little while he rises to go. yWellj, Mar'tai' here's! the money for the; wedding thi2.. i'm sorry I can't co'lgratudate Laura' npou her" choice." Tith those abrupt words Uncle II ugh. t: ccs his le'ave. i ! i Laura 'iopens the package, and a cuil of the lip slows that she is not pleased. '"Five I hundred dollars! Why, ! . ' mfurnnn-it wiil only get my wedding dress!' I didn't think Uncle llujh would boj so mean !"' -Never mind, ; Laura. When yot; arc.Latnlicrt Kodney's jwife you will never know the need of money." Let n 9 i follow Uncle Hindi as hn alks quikly along, striking his gold- headed cane, now and dheti. upon the i . i i pavement and humming softly to him- se p i . j '. . . ! v ,Ic to a neat cottat'e in a quiet i street an enters unannounced. 'Ah brbthei Hugh, how glad I am A i 1 n-i I net I 1 1 it 1 nil r...- . , to see yotk ai'ter all these mouths ! We have I'iissed you so inuch.'j 'I've on'y just returned, from my I rip, Jane" he says, as he presses a kiss upon the smooth placid brow of his sister. ' ' ' Then they scat themselves, and Hugh telislher all th it j has happened since they jlast met. ; , ' Suddenly 'a'fresh young voice rings through lhe hall : ; Tin ower 'ouug to marry yet." . , " - - and, so singing, a '.bright, beautiful girl bounds into the room. It is Janje, Uncle Ilagh's favorite niece. ' He stokes back the soft hair which waves and sweet face. "So von i .nir,.t!.- i , k. l 1 1 JJ . VI "5 ) 1 . 11 .i J I J ,llJLilllt IIIOI ower 3oung,' are you, lit- tel one? You arc not like your cousin Lauro, then, for she's 'wooed and won i and a', already." Tlten he g:;gement; he teils'thi of Laura's. en- -How polish of Maria," exclaims Mrs. Fairlclgh. no allow Lvurato P,ft her luo s 'happiness in i tnat snadow . i if,..'. hiappiness ini that shallow urauici yoi tu uc-cping . now tuanu ful 1 shouUlj be that my little Jane has; chosen one who I know has the fear ol toei in uis jiicaii. i i Jane covers 'her face with her hands to hiile its tell-tale expression, as her , , L , . . - - UUCie UiilHS lltl kO'rUii'U. .1 So ! so ! r six months. I 'in;! come b. k to find' both rny nieces touched by .er hand-oine face and fas- diluting mi tners; but the moment' be saw our Jane his heart went right out of hii IJeepins,' said Mrs. air - Jaac is to be Hurt Les!evs carpenter s . wr f. ...iti. - sure y, . - , a i .,.:,, t : t- 3i3ai,-VVJ .l.v; iiju cuviAiu ' Si V iO-iJ tlULC 1.41.3; T 1 ,er eve wua a-.i incrcau- 1 as toos toi her uncle's face ; but she soon sees that he is only, trying to. ..... . I , , , . ..... ive i.uti(re.i . KJair tntttc, mauuna" exclaims Jane.-aflei- her ur.cie has gone. -I can lay two hundred dollars of it awaT for a rainv ! i - Iday.forBuit U notrivb. and I baU :'uo; ueeJ; aa! elaborate trousieau- Ila thi owv. uu Viiuirv' sood uncle liusih is !' Tr. i i-iii 3 liuiu , IKISS y.l. Time has n .r . I ... I. , ., , . ' .1 . . .. . unoe iiiii s iaca; .out tit j kindly ;.L2art is as youthful a. eJer. ' He often visits Ins ineccs iu tlicir m-irncl homes..'- Ite will o ' with 'lam a ho ;kpp t.U ' a'nne! .r , I hous-. A slip shol erUnt lets him (in -anti at his entranea a thin, fade-1 '... '...I? . nwiiiaii ncs 10 welcome uim. Can it be the oucc s4lih f:W,i,n. Hiii Laura? '"Yes it'ts sW ' ! Married in white S:tl! surrounuo six tulle-rohel hrlde's maids a . sees to that is to him she looks ihA im,.r,,!,Ma. for support, instead of to ...... ...v. ..,.w..v . j riian w'.iose name she heirs' of voice. 1 "Once I took her v how things have changed !", ; Uncle ILih sjicnks ! hopefully as. ho leaves ; kindly and he does not ! remind -her of the conversation which!1'1 ! tu,)Ii place ten years ago, when he first as'told of lie.- cnga-j;cnj ! Oil his way home ,; he passes a walks (jij'x; f stated' atone dwelling, ; l):ut' l!lC!1 returns. I e never can r ! reis' the temptation tb. enter that P0i'tal, aud though 1 e was there 'only this morning he goes in again. In the riehly-furnined ?:ttin2proom. with" its ruby velvet . fianginos aiid'1l,islortu;Lso a's t llU!e 'Usc-Vf- liUn ij n i 1 u e , . 1 a s t e f u I ' a d o n i m r nts he finds a beautiful,, fresli-faced 1 ly whom ie j -still caUs.--lit.tle Jane.'' tit is ca.y tol.of the Doctor's -office a... a trophy while recognize her tho saine '.- beaming goodness of expression. .!iq same ditn- j l,!c'-1 chcc':s ;iP(l 6rt bjwn eye. T-hcr tslk awhile, and it is not long before the conversation turns upon the j husba!,d' abbent uP0!l hM b"sincss. j It does me gofl to hear people speak of Hurt," says Uncle Hugh : 'ev erywhere men say the kindest things of his clear head and his . go'id heart.-! Little Jane, you those wJell, when you married the poor young carpenter: for true it is that the Tank is but the guinea-btanq.' " A might stn'ile .illumiftes' the wife's features as she hears these praises of her manly, worthy husband; but.prcs ori-tly her eyes grow moist with tears. "Yes. Uncle Hugh, I jshouhl indeed be hr.poy. You know a t'tes which are open for 1 these quali the world to eee, and which have mac c him so sue- cessful in life; but .only I know the sterling whrth and. nobilijty of my hus- lrand's he-.irt Ah, 1 ottcnUmes think now well Ibr tlte world it .would be we're there many more like him ''And man'' more you w women scn- siiile encugli to see and appreciate ' sticii cnawicters even when not sur- rounded by the glamour -Of 'wealth and luxury, concluded UucleTIngh. Tho Miracuicus Doctor. For a long time we have heard noth ing 'from Dr. Miller, - only that he was at Kcd SulpberSpriugsJ Va., pcrfarm - i,r Ulirade; by hi, mir.culou, cute,.- i j,,,,., rccentl 0i!ene.i an t:ffice iu ; c. ... v., . .. I r.,A..;r c.r ti ya '. ii lvin -f u- i iv i'pi wv i w iuv . bt.,unl,,u Vin Jdor v,U hud but Jit fuitii m Dr. Jiilt-r's miracles. wt:s .,crmpvlti i:it?rvie-.v hi n, aud witness some of his cures.' We -note from U -.-'. ..- . j i in nn orrici-. ' He found in a small dark room with ' the shutters cio-cd i: its only furni- , rCT: ia,;kalde man m Idle age tiiy witi i jng la rather pleas- j iance, a mild :.a a briiiht fci ot 1 cr:iaif !nn xi its gaze. He a-ks his p IS Lis cotDplaint,- has softie reassuring word for bi n, referris . cases that be bus rc-ei e i anu i cites i biu? scriptural pa-isages his faitlu Th?u he s band1 over rv .-i . t 1 I ! manipuiai.oni p.nsi the patient's head and Lice' an i limbs, i;ng the spine luumpin 4 ..- cue-;. under bis coat- ami rapk ty we.l over toe w i.wc , ... . ; ana ine piueu ea.pi ess bimstlf Unueh relieved and gratefully oJIcrs compensation wkjch tbej Doctor says ca:i be arranged in the next I tbe agent and we pa5;;6nt as others . pu-b in. It eecxas toat no ciiarjrc 1 NUMBER 47 . I made. HIS J .--s- Ho will not receive any large fee ;aml cincs as much ns j, iha aver- : age amount pu'ul Leinj $1. A man who had brought a lame clnlvl and lock j aim back sou ml offered j o, but lie $ I ' K)ME RELTS. , . As our rePf ter wnt l 10 t!ie ,,oue I he saw a entreman from 'West' Vitw. t . , :- '. C- S hopper t, drive up 1 to the Iron; jgate an.fa inan' was. UelpM.-cut . who j had to be Lt'le'd softly to the crouud I a:ul lls rutdlt3 ' il:ced under him I:en : lV!,infa11 J8' dr-;i?cJ Ucl1 -t'W1'?."' the walk to the I IuCtoVs t'flke- Three hou" ,alcr t!,.iS j . Ott, wUo.Uad been in I or- j ture for 1C monttis, had beea treated was free of pain and moving one easdj wuti the qtner, greatly ben ! tflitCil anJ fil,c sl'irits- Another man hcbbled in il!t a stick. j forgetting his wife wjlio. picked up his j followed after. Mr. 1 W. Ilager, who had been p$in- 1 Uu-Y flllit-'tcd with rheuihatism al i t-11118 or Jiars, fueling an attack com- on and suturing so much that he 'uU'd not 6et his loot squarely down. j was treated. After tho first- mauipu- j latiwu tc said he fc'.t no relief. The "j second cured him of all pain aud His limbs were as supple as ever. j LiU 13rown, a colored: barber, has hobbled abovit the streets of Staunton or mouths, one leg drawn up with rheumatism -and one hand and arm One '.visit to Miller' was euough.- IJ'rovyu's crutches stand in the corner IJrown walks the streets a happy man. Dr. Miller said yesterday that three deaf cliMdrcn had been brought to him from the Institution and whe , the went away they could hear his watch tick. Our reporter did not' sec these children, but heard of many remarka ble eases which wcra almost past be lief. 'there is no do jbt that the man hn some .wonderful power which seems to those unwilling to conccdly the miracu ! ious to be magnetism. He calls it forth in every commupication, and says that he wii' give a lecture in Staunton if the people wish to bear him. A Colored Democrat Kukluxed. Fred Shaw, a well-known colored rnan of Whitcville. and a staunch -Democrat,-was kuk'lu'xcd on last' Saturday ni"hl. about one mile below Whitcville Depot, and badly injured. He was set upon by two men of liis own race and cut and badly bctlCn. He would probably been killed had he not succeeded in making hi3 escape from them. As it is he is T.ery badly in jured, although his life is not thought to be en'dangered. The assailants will most likely b.e captured and if so they '.wiil net 'all .'.-the law allows them. . WUiuiicj'vn l'ichir. Inasmuch as President Ilayes, jnj his Message, has much' to say against I n! is' met in.T tho ri "Li to vote C.H one! i .... ..I 1 pleads, hi attention is' calleu lo l,,e ,bovc. case where his pecubar friends are involved. : , . f : . ; . . - : "4M r i a r i t j "I want to see the villain who wrotej I this article. Where's the proprietor j eoi this paper? "He's out." "Where's the managing editor?", -He's out." - - l "Where's the city editor?" "He's out.' . - "Wliere'ro 'm I'C . Uicke': ty-slant-bang jam pane 5 of g'ass broken.) . ' You're out." Man found on sidewalk and carried Verdict Struck by light-' . t . . b... '.:.;'i4ng. Slid. Jney wiil no it j ! "I wish 1 was a star," he said ,g to .fclniil:ir).,nitlirg at hi.1 own 'poetical fancy.; ' V ui j rattier you were a cornet, to strciijgtheui sajj, Jreamdv, His heart beat tutnolu! fc IiVhw!v. -And why?" he asVtdi te..tp5iy. ;h," she aai l vrith brood.n - earnestness that fell upon his like a barefoot r.poa. a cold ul W going preU cbib -becau then you would come f engaged 10 uim T Vberenp bouv. About arouil oaiv ou ev.rv flvt, yssrs." j ou he ed.tcr gets off a very cxtraordi ho trc-trntnt - f j'nary l.e: 1 -We have ; bad n exjieri- The mm win cunoii to tee r.ow .' . 1 ihe w orll can gi wS..w u. can ftnd out by sticking a cambr c Lee l!e into a mill pood and Xbea witbdrawintr it and Joking at , the is ; ho.c. i - . - -' , One SWjiwr 3 Monthf, , .iiif One Stiaro 6 31onth, . -JL 9 One Sqnn Ii Month, .,... .ll.C :; LlVral deduction mvJ fr Itrsff Traiuient AdrvrtiseiueiHt laitr4 a ff Cent pr li. ALL SORTS. Talk is cheap unless a Uwytr doe , the talking. When k girl talks about the two strings to her beau, does sue j mean his suspenders f I A western 'paer headi the inarriagd" of a bachelor of fifty-seven years, "An other Old Liudnmk Gone." The man who desirci a front waMii Life's fijeting show mmt be ou band when the doors are opened. St, Louis has a justice named Taaffo who is called upon by raarrjing pcoplo fiCfiieatly i bo is too swoot for any thing else. . If the sixe of a man's head gear U proof of tnteirectual power what an ito ihense brain the fellow roust bare wtuo sto!e our hat. , The latest thing Kast are short ser mons called serraouettes. A sermsn ette, we should thiuk, would .'bo easily digested. ; ' -' Another poet comes . forward and says : "And I hear the hiss of ft scorching kiss," beats all what a man can hear if be is only mean enough to listen. ' A young lady who lately gave ft milliner an order' fwr a bonnet saU j You must jnake it plain but still at tractive and smart ns I sit In a coa spicuoua place in church." A writer a IvUe that girls who wish to have small mouths should repeat at frequent intervals through the day j lunuie Fineh fried four fl mnilcTiiiz ogs for Frances Fowler's father.' They now say of 'a liar, "He can tire out a fact quicker than any news paper writer living, by the simple pro-, cess of ham e.s ling it up to Ids - imigfc. nation." . A colored mau came into a Galves ton newspa per ;ffico an4 wanted V take the paper. "-How long do jwn .warA it? asked . the clerk vJes$ a 1 nig as it is, boss. Kf it don't fit da shelves I kiu.t'ar a piece off myself.'' 4 Gent! men." said the old man, re member dat it am not safe to form an opinyu on a stranger by the suo of hia mouf or de ntmibcr of , bis hat. No pusson kin teil dc number of mules in a bar ft by hioking at de; atabU doab." Detroit Free Press. A farmer, writing to . friend 14 whom he felt under obligations for In troducing a variety of swine, thus nn- bosomed himself: "Ke.pected air f went yesterday to the fair at Monsbn. I found several pigs of your species! ' There was a great variety of beasts, and I nai astonished at uot seeing "jr'ou there;'. :Josb ILMings philosophy i when I was a young ix.rin I was always io a liurry to bold the big end of tbe log and do nil of the lifting. Xow I am o'.fler I se'z-s bol l of tho small end and do all thn gruntwig. Wiso men male the mistake! and tvA tli blunders, and th'.s is a' out all the difference be- t.,vcca tlicm. ' , r.r.rmin nostril rir.-1 via - t ! . . . ... A . , , . . , . uiafi ix auition..4i, on wLcb was wr.tteu W translation :VI '"f v-- v. uuivra i . . .... j Od j, -). conlammg 1 l.U'JU words, and a pail of a debate in German 1 l'arlia- aientt outaihing 22,000 words. It WJW w ritten iii the Gabelsbtirz' srstem of short hnri 1, witli the naked eye, and thi matter would have filled nine pages of The Lundo l Timt$. "Who are the ran-Presbyteriaas that have been having a convention?" atk'c'd Sir. Slogoer of bis friend Holli boy. T!:at's what I want to knoir myself, said Soibboy. "I never heardJiif tfiem till now, I sdtptct, though, it's nly another came . for tb orthodox fellows who slick to the be lief in eternal punishment. , They probably call themselves Tao-Pjesbj-terlaiis because whoever foarea tfim jps out of the frymg pia into tho i jjf e." . "Koitna. U." . asks.: tbe ' Spqngfietl ' aj (OVfo) '. TVfce ' .tbis extraordinary ;q'i you ngUt for a g w s.i oa.,a joung man a Jap, cei , eucc 4 tuc uwci isientu w. Vly a: !.. t. .. ..If :. . . .. ' f - - " -.u . our isp yes ; h was anotner girl aoa jour lap, yes; uut int was onrgirl and ianou,ec u-uow s. evcr, Lk&,yo I TriWn:. 51 a t V, 1

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