i 1 " T " - The Wilson Advance PUBLISHED EVE B t FRIOIY, BY . r -Wilson, : . - . . .. . WW i ? V'S t , . . i I " mumm a . i r'" .;. " , 11 1 1111 -.-rfc; - - S--B JTI 'l I i ! v t i r iffl 1 1 rmr n r - TU riscRI PT f O'NT K AT E S -f it Advance r for ne Tear, g'x Month -v ...82.00 1.00 Local Department. iOSEPHUS DANlELSr Editor plfiilt" jrintt n To I)flinH4iU 1' Iv l'liur IJpsliiir (J!iu' h'p n; j Ajiwk k )anH-AtUeMiMH; . i Icnl IJrieft ' Arc you in favor o( jirolilbition? Write.1881 and don't ouorgct it -fl)V,,Jarvis will be inaugurattd on the lSUi. ;.VM Vrohibition, or no prohibition that's 'the question. ., Goldflwro ban hal a big public hicctiujj in fuvor of prohibition. Dick Alleu !ms just received 60 bug pics wliivh lie will sell cheap on a lob time. ' ' Tw t nty Barrel extra Early Peas Just Vit rived at ligurts b-lov coitiputitiaiii at Row land . x . ; Don't fotget that, we hnvo moved our rflc to the room over llowland's Drug Store. v I'ut your held in the cold and yoti Kill be rewarded by having a cold in j oat head. t - The present outlook promises a very ' severe ' winter and we advise our readers to make due preparations for 'it.; ' . -' r-y. ATter playing into winter quarters so Ions; the sun has again appeared much lo the delight of everybody. One nipht durinji lo recent cold spell i he oil froze in several lrfinps in town while thry were burning- 7'here were services In the Epico pal oliurch lasi Sunday mofning There wa3 no services in the other churches.- The Spring term of Miss Bettfe Arnflel ls school will commence nest -Monday. She desire3 the ' patronage tf the community. i Our city ..fathers are tfl!(lnr steps io'ward.- rendering o'lr streets and cr',ssir.ps more passabltJ. A move In the right direction. -, - r SmAkihe, ClirWing ' Tobacco' and Cigars." ?,n-gf ami b -t :iort miMit Tru-r.s ever 'brought to Wilson. At KowlnmV.. 1 ' ' - They say its very healthv for youna men to pet out of bed at 6 o'cloclfin Ihc uioro'n'g nnd cut wood for an hour Wc dondt speaVfiolm experience. Why spVnd your ifloney fat otne infprir buggies when you can buy the best from Dick A'len. I cantion Cvs erybody to look out for sby stars bug. i The "roids in this cotrflty have-never in our reinemberau'ce been fn such a lad condition. It has been almost impossible to travel. Since the sun has appeared, there is some improve tnent. j The fa"t mi'iil a great swindle. We shall -be more than glad when the, mail service shall be regulated with some view to the interest of the 'peop'e who live along the line of the - rail road. ' Thff new session of th WiUor'i loc'iat'e .Seminary commences Monday. January 17th. . The session has been a Very stfccessfu Col neX't past one 'and the nest season Will. wa dotilrt not, open atfspicloosly. Etiqtfette"' writes' to to inruire if, in our qvlnion. it wodd ItfJ proper for him to support a young lady if she .was .taken with' a faint evoii if he lia ln't been introduced. Proper, young inan, certainly p-op her by all means. It )s about as hard to find a girl whose marriage " is. annouced in the fiewspapers who isn't "beautiful and Accomplished." as it is to iind a man who has just died who Wasn't "honored and respected by all who knew him' " The w as a 3'uns5 man ir Chagriif ; Aho Ml in love, wilh X twin And whenever he kissed her, fie found 'twas her sister. This f pocucy yutmg man of Chagrirf.- Now is the time to subscribe to the Advance. The tifst 01 t lie year ts- particularly the right time to com mence doing good and no person can perform a more comroendtfblc act than putting the Advaxce in his family for 1881. .. .Tu matrimonial market is ablaze tlthjjxcitcmcnt. The demand' fs mDfe active than for some time past, raid offerings on the whole show some im proveuvont.. Stock on hand plenty larg5 to rneet the demand, but speci iators have to bid high. Kine Uadley & Co. are meeting ith imtriensc success in the sale of John Clark Jr. '& Go's.-, Mile end spool cotton on black spools. It is the oldest cotton in fhft" world. It was the fkst threitd imported iirta fche U S. as spool cotton the fiVst coasigament of which arrived at the port of New tork in the year 1818. Since that date it has held a leadirig position in the American markets amd wherever : sold it haa haett -recognized- as the kiie fuvowte thteAdw VOL. 10. I Go to XnckJlllerl ta buy yonr bus: gie, he 13 selllhg open ihiggies for $50 tops for $60,. antl gives a ood corn sntiier north uh every one. "Dick Allen sells carts couplele $20. for Iffonrlilu HpilnekN wa Secured. A young man came into town look ing blue and despondent, but ho bought one of iick Allen's cheap bug gies and frcnt home happy" Juivt Tb ink of H. Bjfore Dick Allen went Info the bnggy business yon had to pay Wore j ' .to imnn iui a uuggy man j you hare to pay him. i A supply ofthe improved Lee Cook ing Stoves received yesterday by Geo D.Green &, Co. Vflioit CircUit. We arc indebted to Rev. IVm. Ctiingsim pas or ' of Wilson circuit ; for the first rounl of his appointments j which we publish with pleasure ' as i many ol orfr sttoscnweis are imercstel iii them i Bethlehem. 54if:nt;iy Pleasant Grove. 3 ' .at . r 11 a fn 5 p. m. A larg supply of SwVtd, Salt, Fresh, MKCo bt and llupper, Suuft's. it received nt llow.laiid', af prices below the lowest. ttlattriew Court Last Saturday the , case of AnCa Jordan, vs, Daniel Sharp was up for hearing. The case was a lien for working labor on fafirh , Justice Davis gave judgment for plaintiff" for $21 95. Monday. the ce of Mecomh, ; vs, Smith claiming delivefj of cotton. Sic. was tried before -Justice Djvis, who gat - judgement for defendant. It is sai'd th.tt Dick Allen sold more bojjies last year Ibau any one man in the State. - tSug l'ro7-i to alf. The following is vouched for: One ni?ht during the cold weather of Ohriitmas week, a hog went to a branch to get a drink of water, on the Nash road, about three .-and a half miles from Wilson, and before he could get. out of the ''branch Troor to death. This is an evidence of the! severity of col I wpathc 'lto!i prevail ed in this section for several day afier Chrinuias A pood farm horse for sale tfpvty t W. Rowland... - . " CoumiaiouerV leetiugr. Monday,.'" January 2nd , 1881, the commissioners met in the Court llouee to transact the usual business. Dr-.D. G. W. WardrJohn D. Tells, Bni Upward, and Willie Deans were, present John W. Farmer. Treasurer Elect, presented his bond, which being approv ed was oHerel to b j'rec orded. Severul 1 censes to ret ii spirituoneliq our was granted. The usual amouni of rations were ordefetl t be disu ibutcd. 4"acob 2?ynum and CVlvin Powell weVo sent to the poor-home. The accocfuts preaengd, were allow ed. Dufl'!o I.ithia, Ilunyadi Jano?,- Congress and Apo'louaris uiinend 'waters at lluv lad's. : ! IFe are glad to roin that durirg the recent sold spell that the ice in the finds near JKilsou was frozen several inches thick, and Mr J. A. Clark, our enterpiisig ice dealer was able to stow away a la-go cyiantity of it for the hot, sultry summer weather. He has' the ice lioitte Ml. audi al a warehouse filled. Ths supply will last Uim a greater pwt of the summer. ' It' is something, unusual for our 'puds to be frozeu- tc such an extent m to admit of taking fee. This is the second winter we remember when the ice was of sufficient thickness to be housed, in many years. it takes no cash to .buy Dick Allerr's- uggiesv lie sells then? oi a Ion tiu?e,! cj " I ' ! Died . In Nrht?he. Tud.y, . December ; lfle Journejr 01 Ure Uth, ISfrt, MrftCol. II: B. G'riflnt, ged j t tbe residclice of the bride'V fath to years ana 10 montlis. in Bailey's township, Nash county, Aionaay Jan 10th. 31r. Uavul H. irinbourn.3 iu bis eightieth! year. He was a good, peaceable man and had lle good will and respect of ail who knew him. He was a devoted mtember of the Free-will Baptist church. In Bailey's townspip, Nash county, Thursday morning. Jan. 13th. 1881, Mrs. Bles sing .Boy kin, wife of Mr. 'Coa-ncil-Boykin. She was about . 7 years'o-id, and leave a family of chil rJren, a husbaml and iany friend U raourn their loss. She was a consi tent lueraber of ibe Pruitive JBaptist churclif ' Car load of Rockland Lime j est re J.seived b Ge D. Green & Co "LfiT ALL Tlffi EXDSUoT WILSON, If XI,) Scarcity fI10tte. We have never known such a scarci fy'ot boases in Wilson before. It ie almost impossible to rent a house, at any price. Some of our moneyed men ouht to build houses. They bring cer tain and steady revenue. and are con stantly increasing in demand. - .- - Let the capitalists of Wilson bMld houses for reuttlutsj tlie ny ttijL build up a town. If .'people - have to leave our rf-ace becade there 1 are no dwelling ittfuseS" to rfint onf town win never grow a tue proportions it shqulil. : ! ! Uirk Alien seta His bn.ries an lou 2er tiroe and for fcss mouev than tfnf ' uociy eise of them. lie guarantees every one frtiTable Ft'ieTfmoiT From Cold ,r r.c mrc Crppk informs" . that, on ' 1 t.Uo rirht nf th 27f.h of Uetffttil)er. his ! horse s iDoea into a d into" a marl-hole, and remained all night, ifnable to extricate himself. The water nil around him. and over Rita, ecep"t his lie ad' and neck, wa3 frozen, bfft. w'6'no!erful to staC. the next morning when the horse was found lie tvas (in hurt efcept a slight wound on hi.s heel. To gtft him from the mnfl p't a i jTtfli had tbe' dffg,' arjft tfie water drained off from the marl-hole. The horse Wat rttbtted and treited well, and with the exception of the heel, is as. well its ever llii m the ino.-t remarkable pid servati?n from Cold and exposttre we hate ever known. Dick Aden's Corn Shelters, which lie gives away with every buggy,, are worth more than SGi'ii ftuGGiSs SOLD here. Snk'sTER! Pononal. C. IJ. Ayc'ock. Es., was in -town .-this week. , - John E. Wflorlafd. Rsqff the firir of Murray" & Wood ard. was' failed to Selma, Tuesday on pi crfesfsiisl b'lsi -ness; . i; ' , Mr S.-M Warren, jr.. of?urham. is on a visit to his relatives in Wilson. Mr. .7 P. Clark, who has5 been absent from home some raontts, hfta returned. llr. li.JTTyson who has been ab sent in Nortlierrv Citiws for apteral months, returned homo this Week. - ' f- . Mr. 11. M. WTarren. of eountv. has arc,epfed a position ft fth .Uranch, Iladley Farmer, 1 Go to Dick Allen,: the thl original reliable dealer to get yoflr buggic?. Cafts. wagons &C. lie has been', tried and everybody says his work is the cheapest and beat, Advertised Letters. . A list of letters and postal cards wholly vfriuen retnaining in the post office at Wilsfm. N. C, Jan. 12th. '81 : Miso Aonie Brvint, B W Davis, J H I Edwards. John C Finch, Alsey Forbs. Josiah farmer, G W Griffin. Wiley Grsel. Jas. Johnson Miss Sarah Jones, Mrs. Missouri Lofton, Kd mond Lewis. Benjamin Morriss. Jiss Manda Martin, J C .Nitron. Hardy Or man, Mrs Charity Pitt. T W Ponder, Jessie Ii Peele, f hos Potts, Wm A Robinson, Jas Henry Renfrow, Miss Mariah Scott, Jas Strickland. Wnl White, R J IV ilsoif, G W Watsoij. ! If the rbote letter and postal card are not called for in 30 dayi they wil be sect la the deaV 1 letter office. M. C. Daxieia. P. M MarrFedf At Stanhope, N. C-f the 9th. inst, Mr. Tobias 3is9 Alwaney Brantley. on Sunday, Brantley to Mr. John T, j Morgan. Esq.r officiating. We tender best wishes. In ini.wn, Tuesday moriin. at the residence of Mf. J. B. Clements. Mr. W. C. Hewlcti. formerly a resident of tliis place, to Mis Jenni Fitzgeral I one of Wilson's aecoraplished young ladies. Rev. J. ii. Guinn cfffciating. The following couples? ofl&eiated as waiters: Mr. Jesse Fitzgerald tfrfd Mis FvfPe Jones ; S. R, Alley and Mist A. FilJ?gerahl t C. B. Taylor and Mis Viin T I rrAr Hiic A Tin1 r n ty t fto r .. w,- ' Lena Wy att. Our best wishes are extended to Ihe ! happy couple who have just started in T er, ?r. Johrr iL-Barnes; in this- cous j ty, Wednesday December 2Jfud, 18W. Mr. C.- n. K-nigftt of Wake cotfntf. Uf j. iss liergeron or Stamiope. J-no. I Morgan. lL.sqM ofnciatlng. In Old Fields Township'. jV-uiary 2nd, 1881, Mr. B. D!. Stott to fiss Kliza Meaomb, by II. F. Freeman. Esq. . '; i ,, . , , j ' Tbe way Dick Allen sells baggies, gentkiuen walk in. scleet your bugy prices, titae, acd t;tke it, Misff Mary Barnes. Cur best wisheb j aTe qiKing wun iear . wt uuuriy . ex -are extended. rpectation of bis visit. p I We are brate' and heroic aed - sIt On Sunday. Clie 7lh of JatnsFarf, Mr. j we most positively wil not A.. T. StricSfaud. of V7ilso'n. to j a hot because of cowardice Geneva A. DefgeroU, the" bCauti?ul fnd j hllt eCiVtrte it is not houoi'able. and" we accomplished daughter of Mrs. D,enyarH;(jl, nV)t tesire to bCcut of? in thsr oot- lDlST AT, EjTinf tfoOTR V'& FEpJXfT" JANUARY . 14 ,1881.1 . On oar Table. We ie sorry for h.;TV were not aware that we bad. e,ver shown that wj. , ; coal4 t jSpe-k in eight different languages. Dr. Ayer has misjudged us and sent us a neatly bound copy of ! his AlrrJanaS hi eight ifHgtttges. in addition toIlie A'mt! dc lie- has -aUr!jfent; Srn circuldr fttving r1lfCcVUi? jyvr bid ie pills in trlitrfese, thicli is Sf very uaauy thffttf tor have in n printing office ' We once bearo vjf Tgifl ;ttho rebt'tld chew gum u tfc ree UtCM Zti biit o w sed by'yef.- who ;ue is surpasses can take pills in eight different lafi- iruascs. nine puis iau in nnauau. we can try h successfve in -0jri Sweedtsh,' Dutch, Nbrtein. -"Yrrqch. Portugese and Spanish until a cure jis effected. We do not ! know cf afi other pills hi the market which offers such advantages. I CVe suppose that Dj Vgr vatiBdfd . . . ... - . cither to natter our Knowiea-ic or set study us out on a course f the of the language. ' We like the Almanac. It is the correct thing for now we can tell the weather in eight languages. wb,!cl is a great improve rbertt on theold in.'J-4 XUe Keuauval of a Clyar Factory. Mr. P. 11. Martin, Cigar Mniifactur jr n'qiMts us tft publish tlie folhiWing ofrbi ion of E. Zoeller.on the removal of a cigar factoryr"""-""'" 1 -rr . !svf v'J'arboro, A'. C Jan. 10th. 181. 'Mr: Pi It: Minin, Wilson. X. C. Sir:-i- "I.liavo made intfstiglioii. in regard to the removal of a ciar factory and give 3-011 instructions as laid down to m by D -part-inent,jriz".' '. " ' iJ j 'Every cigar manufacturer before re ; 1 moving bis business liomoue building to another location, ir.ctory or where he proposes to" carry on the sauii business, mu-it cai?s? silcli bkange or removal to be iVgtsFafrf wTtTrthe Collector. He must also f frVer to trfe' Collector, through bis Icpfrfy Collector, an inventory, similar to that' .re'gf stefed'f 0 oin;ttj oil tin' tf'tT day lit January, of each ye:f lie must al.-ov pack and stamp all hi manufactured Cijiars-b.'fore such removal is aiade unless aqwiarabSaffrtff a spec! 11 permit for vuch removal trom the Oiiminlsuioner of fnicrnal lieteniie. anil jiruV give' a new bond;' unlets the reseft b'ond is fleeini'd good anal suftJcienr. rfiuf the makers of t hh boml ha Vf endorse? thereon their willing- ness to be f und for the' tiausncliofi at ' the new IoCjHIw.. ahd for the tax 011 all Cigars so removed ' ifitt:fmpV;d." , j iVe .e Liberty fr Give ii DcatA.": The lot of an editor is beset with smarts. When He thinks he is rft tfeace with tlie itt fia there I if( fortes rf Ifngti a Wl liner ffor!: Audi Vrhpn bS think, good va ithin,- fujll His givafffffc:. is a ?V'ning'' he finds tiict bf lrss ventifrci . .. -' j" ' -: ''IjiKc little wanton OTys .that' swim On This many sufjnfcf-? Hi a serf of glory' but far beyoutj hfs 5epth, and sudden ly, Without any prcmorfition, a sense of l ' . rL "! " jl-.'"1 . . . ! ins laise security comes 07cr mm and he 19 overpowered We are led to pen" th?s , doleful and melancholy soliloquy when w'e fecallja challenge to ffght a duel whic'li was served on us last Saturday, the terms of which made the blood run cold our veins. As we entered our office on this memorable Saturday. and an- proacbed.o.urleskj wjieree are wont to compose the brilliant scintillations which weekly fill the local columns of the Advance, we beheld a fear-inspiring epistle. n toe face of -which was; a skull, a Coffin, rtnd two pistols. As' we beheld these instruments and sym oois or oeatn, -visions 01 w.ngsoury ,j XV Galloway,- at Uh. flitted, before us. a we gave vent to an amtmie groan. which fahrly filled our sanctum. j The challenge for such it prated io be-read as foll-iws : ' Mr. JosEPiirs Dakielsi The youngster tcJm runs the local col umns of Of. H on Advance Coii fjcCtice or non combuiive;' i - Sif: ',."'.'.'-' 'j - iJaviffZ called at yonr ofHoe repeat edly to have a jfrronal and private in '.erletf with yo concerning our dif- j ferenCeS, arfd nol finding yon St your I past either time 1 just write this note j to say that my friend J will call upotf vcni anrf nefakC fffrangemcWts tor an early scttlCrffent bttweer us. lie will also act tts rttf secorrd in the blcdy. fray. 1 guafrfntee to give you the 'satisfaction? that 3 ue frcta one gentrVctfan tcr another. j) ToufiT, j tj.m . jssi After we had finished t&e peroral of th's direful epile' vfe su'rt'S: f cir chair Cotarpletel exhausted. 39r, J. has-not yet pjt i if his appearance' jto arrange for the' preliminaries; and we i .!. -- . 1 t.: I set cf olrr bf iSiftit Cnret 6T tfsefulness; and in the blbom of our' youth and heaTofjrUJf t$i9 fate'-iC.thipgs con tinue we purpose to our po sition oir tlie Adyancb and seek- tor safer arid more 'congenial cjharfers! V nrvt norfiin' lva(RW 6m ill rr. i T XJ V OV Vs tMa W r S " t ' West to fight the red-skfus ' or make a voyage of discovery to the north pnle; (Either would be preferable- to pur 'present state of suspense and anxiety. THY GOD'S, AXD TRCTU ; Edgecombe Fair. The first Annual atr of EdgwSmlie and Pitt Agricultural Association w ludd at McKendreesvilte. Bigecofirflje County, alimtt rwo -orfths ago. anrt since it was deirforjStratect that tfv prdjf?r rrfauagemeni, irip(. i;Suitabfe loc'utiop. it could be roa! le su'ccwss our Ed'ecombe friend hate hp'p'rt quite active tri agree upti5tfe,ertgi-j hie point that will be easy cT access.-" Tafjorosid B,cky . MmWt jfill loth make efforts to have the" fstif gr6und5 chosen in Cjr ne.tr thri rpctfte towns, and each piKc'e will cfle'f iffrtdcenienls to the Executive' Committer faith ta viet to hating the rrCntniJs located !t This W nWodrflJHtr nt arwe'feel an aoiaing Interest in the we fare of oth Ldgecombe and Pitt counties, we t fk DCthlf (nfieatNfife' rori&Jntercst. VWT 1. a. I T t 9 . rn iieiuer itocKy juount, or 1 ar-oro is chren d e'3 1 Cft matter. The. fair will ie a success and will be an honor -w f the energy and enterprise of our thrift Hwtylliai apy ofJ4f ?jefifir ltrnl)or- neighbors There will be a meeting of the mer chants and farmers in Matthews' I fall. Rocky Jloitnt. Tuesday; Janriary l8th. at 10 o'clock, to determine wliat actfon wili be taken in regard to tbe fiifr, dntj to determine what induc'orrients "rfock'v Mount will hold out to the Kxdciitle Committee. The Progress has taken a bold stand. ttnd urges the pemde f Kocky Aldilnl : . 1 ' 1 1 . art . 5 " . to put lorui aii. lUy'renonssowants having he fair groarKis located at 04 f.ie ITfarrla?es In Old .tnia. It will be seep from the following list, pf Va7riieiieerwf s Nlasfiicoiiyty duringnKi m v issued in moo Ui pHDe- cemberJjat lucre is, Jife in the p'.d uur iasn county lrieuoa assuredly agre with Ra9ellas that "3Iarfiage is certainly the dictatu - of nature: men and women are made to 'be companions! each other, and therefore cannot be persuaded but that uarriage is one' means of happiness. . Wre extend our most hearfy goVd- wishes to X WeieTconples. pand wish tbem eacu ana all a. long ana prosper ous life. ' " 1 white; if Amos J. Armstrortg afd Drufc'y" A.i Whitley : 1 hoivas Brown and S"alie AUBattffnr; C. F. Rodd'ie and', CleoVaf Boddie f Tobias Brantley and Ali4 tancy ItVantley; WUsfc'e dwar(js and Jane Collins ,' Joseph A. Fountain ajid .l IU.II .J V. .f J .11 Lncindy Bass;.;E.S. Ore'en and JaeepE S'okes; James. A. Joync'r ifnd amI3yeI IfeY'fetf' m jMk hd A Lee; Ivemp V. Leonard arfd Nrinni- J. Cocrperj William XittioUcrtf a.ncrf Jfalinda Tomlinsotf ;. Ardiibald, ,Rib-' crson and Mary A. V. llawkfas: P.- and Mary G. Stricklanc?; Henry ; T. Thorn and William A. Sessums , Joha IF. affghn anil , Mary E. 5ffal?tngs ; Jolm H TicA anrfl Anna- EtliefidgQl Willis VTafdtfndRoaa L. Ricks j lrank i Winsteadand Betlie PuHeff. Andrew, battle aorl Jrfttiii , irake F. liattle and Mary Axrintftdn j' Turner Harrison1 and Sabin a' fiictfs JacTtson If ays arfd I&llmire iills Back A. Hit liard and Cornelia Fox; Monroe Jef-1 fries and Mhierfa Allen : Iv'v Locust Ca?ey Jit, Iiggins; 11 ward Pope andi Hwpidaii liaseuran ; J. U. Pittmart and FrancM Harrison Henry Parker and Lucinda Whitaker J Ifilson Pridgeonlj and Mary Bachelor f Samner L Rjce and Sallie Wells ; Rrbert -fylof and Rebecca Wright; Amos and Pricy Battle. - .' . Weeplnjr after Kliiiy. Great-amusement has--been derived I reading .the 5 commentaries Hhe sage of die Ktrgfish 5 res; ivhich ress have made ori the fallowing passage: --Aid Jipcxft kissed RaCjtel aitd lifted tip " fits roix and ictptg Georxxix. fA.,r Phe follovring are tttg different ex planations : If Rachel was a good loking girl. and bept hei face clean, we cannot sec what Jacob wept for.' Te'eriri. 'II w do yci knorf but liiicbe! slofi ped hu face for kissing her. - and 1e crieu 3 c'Ctaseqnence T'LactteV 7 mis Mry- ;-' -. :'"','':'"" WeeTlng is" fieqrfently canst 1 br excei of pleasure, jrry and cve'rhappi ness; perhaps it was so id the case of Jacob' Cfossip. "The eason why Jacob iufpt was Racer's refiYsing to let Mtff Iffss her the 6c6hd time."' Kontoniforfn iste. ; jfe are Of the ojihi0rf that j'acob wept bec'aifse' be JiaoTnot kissed Rachel before, and le'- wept bXjc'aVse the tittfe vf as lost, PreH. 1 $ Plia tAiinfv mrfrf Waiif ' rAifllA - lmt dansel kissed hnn''' full Mult Cla- fifm- ' 4 ' - ' "' ' -V--" : . '. r ' ' ' ' ' i ' r. le' wept because' th ere was but one Rachel foe hfiuVt fess.'v xVu:r. 4 Jacob; we'jit btecaAiieRacbei threat ened to' tell lienfa rO'xzetfe'. f'We believe Jacib wept b'ecao'se R-a-chel had been eating oniotfs. itaiid art. 7e btelive Jacob went. bscanier he fcAinifJlAt kissmg was not half so gntXt as it was said to bRhmn:- c He wat a fool a lid did" ribt krio whal vaa good' Tor iAatV'Womis A lett er. . ' "iYc wept because' it was not time for him to kiss her ag'aio." jrorM'; .Jacob wept because Racber en couraged him to kiss her twice mote, and be was afraid to do it-.- -.ft -u. Hthsteeeso - Tfc RaltrWria iTJfpIJt ItV " - The JfjlWfl. oirepooderit of'tWe A very reliable ctrlAfrt rot terra in-forti-a"!!! a ter ikiv'iioi ihrV. T U:ucim.mv h: oWiida Urting a tiews paper 111 WiNnn fuion.'wiUi the rrnwed ob-et f Wrt!dhitli lOiverhillw & IHion uarolrt iUssisrauce uv the further- anon of tlfrtt In(n.peU.-ble nectikr, will be aladTr 'fetched s Cesffe tut Stack.!; , n fuVtlieF lltelthir vre Iniaef.inMutug.yoon bernlns: the! pvoposed . new Hlir althort wit If his kiotfWge of U. . iie'papvr bud: .... 1 ' J mm mm . " T 4.w"B,,l(Hi?'!ti u. iitftrue wjll couie iS irdsoii to Aart & iapet': Oiir ex perience ant obVervattioti h:is beetf that iiewspjfjrk chti't b iH.f rU-r' i4.' Fro n die llrst the AdvancU Iiuh tkli; all iu lii power towitrd? lAiildin 1 he rosii, but th mwejrjias ln Jackiug, and jt lri4.4ieV1if.Ml In llje pat that iw arurocHt"c idd Induce our people' Co sucVibj as Ui irxllj asthcy noma 10 Mint! tbe roail. ' ' - t ll ifr. lleanie ig, tefTriar . "intTtT; fa' Wv jut f I ... I... I.. .rf. .1 : .' ' " i .'.;'( 1 J . : , i , Uers as he hub nfade Tt a speclt stifdv for tlrfr kliowle'da,; cootbiue! Jitlf. his exjie ricne", lo bear upon the Wilson A Tar Uiyer rail-road, it wouM rUe Pliuf-ifx-like Irora itji ahes. ; f " J - ;y . ,lfi If he, or aiifcotlier n?an sd itld wo would heartily weleoine hhif ttf . euf' town aifd Would iuVe fcrm 6f tlfeoorcW eo-o'p-emtlni ofrwur c'uizcu. ; ''"t " "a The JrroAsr pliC5 ;in our lubid. to start iho nthusini is in PiM. WiUon has already indie ited vvh It it wonfil if 11 J i( the" people of pitt c 'unty Woifhf only re spond as liburaly tts mfr p' ople If ft j rJr'wn-. iMd to'd4( the road. waitM b'j .-built wUlfout , The Alp vaNce stand V cpmmhfcd to 'tlris Work, aud it pin p xe' to "Vti I'Y . by its rt-e'ird. . We have always-. a Iv iciel every irfea-ntre 4hrtt looked toward the tfdvan.ee, fwitit ud up-buildin j l WiUrrn ami ; we, ra, ti.,: i v , - , .. . HDie ueirenx roour rowu- v(nr. wj luyij suuf hcretuf.re in favor of llrl road, we ruitcrate.- , , ' - , There is -nAthingjh1 the shape' of pnblie nweiutiilftiMi fa wwnUnia put into oW'MwerirrftU.TTiililjiiir if tUft rodiMid M itsi UwjvVmi believ. m4 adroctf fa,. Vilson. x5WrVN I fTx ?t? -i IftyOTbTWMtfiWflifrlto slxty- hti htA fi aJi-coiWtyxxlA. re,Ice of fo-r ruhvr; Bemfersoti-lslce ; itece I sire hid gi frt &iQt$ VrJMras.TiSifdlys. AunTrafeTnclTs!Krrrr aiterdfott Qould levlM; w dune to ;llevi:tte ler f leV6iJi biit a1?vi vll nWrtaeliolif i?r again, out we too, shrfl ..Itave fpaaswd Iti&olrtffe el&&m4p$mjt' death fJr?rte'irrtefi-lf bwkw'er life femystfroi peVfyria passed ttrrougfti tttSnj a ltigh ave, Mit we trnst,' thoffli an chored in tire lufYeti of real, wlre s ail hi Jky, peace, and love. '.". '. -ti Mm. Taylor h?iver mary defir relirtfous nd frientlx tr Mourn their loss,- and a de- voted biuband, uon wvhoju sliouldfs the eros Jfanff most r heavily. Ndver before, has he catVd n pJn Uf Ubar sutfr : !bre irial,!uttifisy tjrererp-fir hao tlie heavenly intrucnce' ot k vork hng lor lfim4 a V . . - r : ' ... fr inntH r tnuIf tir tfttrf 'riil ' tl.riir nf glory, 'for Oh, death fllierc h thy sting? Oli rire' where is lh victory? ? ifrs, Taylor had bVen a e'ousittnt rneth fAr or'tte .MiiioaVy Baptist Clnrtch tMrty ydaV. ' Pffe mrnfled'and unaelfMi hearted wotnaif afbWinrllf frf tlwecrj' cf rwrey ' ffiid luissious of khnbre? .. . . j ' Yes ive feef t'hal te atiaH' ri icMv;lhe'e in . , sputleas wliite, Around tin Ka'ther' Throne Willi bright pahins rn lry liafnds and a' s'arry crown', Fof ie crosj thotifhas obrne,- tVflny in didst. fall isfec'p; info fh irt of our Saviour, i Ah 5 dear loving one; I ."""''"' Tw'a's not fr thee to Rliow Ue "atigabb- wnicn Tre Dorz -Tii paVting f-om otfr cyvn. :: JfUt will.tnist 'tia fo the fjUf wh tt We're Carted te beifr ' -- " "-' - 'While Iw-fe we live itr ffoe," .-. let oiif Dleedrng heifrts st.H year fer ify,-' f'-- MyMotfrer's frU-tJd tnS m3i. .-. i.iAt tfrtsifti,- "it. C. An, Alt, 11 j riloriai News iATfLEBORti built from IVhiiakerS to' ltutQ$tljh LX st moderated atTd vfe arf glaJ to ge te sPn shine out acain. baring had -Ae- d "Ipeir of mca w ath. : baa removed his Coach Miking apa Wheelwright Shop o tnis place. Our.Tgwnahi'sn'. J'os. Ifnbgnoil. Ksq.. ha4 pnrcliaie.1 Uie . W4d Jh foundry fomerlr oWiied ,bj,Hr. J. I'-Foote.' -He will cbmmttice njpeVariun tlfera i ri a Abort time, in addition to his busi neSft here. . The services' Of E: Gv Moor. Eq.. orrisnot has been' secured to teach a cl apical a'ad1 mathematical school htro terteatsolli a iie?oT Ttpusvie xv jVi tne lead rtjvf Gaune' Ruil iRfjruf. to 1 f 1- i---- uoer laecriraueTiTSKr wmxtviyMi Transleni AuvertueuMttU iaserted at Ten TbefVis aohlirffl w4'b6prnis gentleman' will trradecMtt Wuild t't trff Cdwtl iajWf place. lean that Jft3vMftnt of ClU ftfaa ,rroitl iriuUkers ov w near ysiivrre fuV ih;tfVxcf' huing tidier (br his uw ttSttjiUhst rwai'ttiso' hatfl freigrrt frcrribck,pr NasU coukty. .ThrijTfo'auJVOjpjnipleteft HiUjie a,4srcat advantae', tlie peo ple,cfill Counif pftd JPciilly1 ttf oiff Vtetltfir8i Wlfitalfcrtt. ,0 QH 3-; -uj-ajtij? Uie - following iteiqs to ths iStVwver'& SAJfeaic : "Av littlej negro cmht itirnext v'ieaiit tir towr? jWerdayrjCieteiTOMi otpa- h M lite QU .Jirfc,V,.i. lai nlace I lia'axd. Afr.Xmo ll. Gfen. of r;uih Wntyt Wyte M Vtlnant thia year 5 trill fcfaltt fG1tatTbtt6n, ' on 63 ofrYes V 'rfnd tlWT A.aj,t wiather Nasli cirrfnty ?nr,;Wii made 83 baje witfa lrujscs and plenty of corn.- Both good farmcrs' certafnff ' 5 . ' 0 - o w-.Mav. ; -" Greenville Espcfi -A 89 W-S to pres-f vfc leant thai Mr. N. Schultr was waylaid1 anil robSaif6f between T $ff,0C0 itnd .OWabbnc'clock this 1 moftiini !M; Shirttr "melius 1,0a Jeft howe foe TarbotO.t.wiiiqU place the tqrorera to ake passage Tor New Turk. l)fjfiiiurde)'litidred yards from, the bridge tlieMiOfa ot Mir.- tfchtfltf wHssffjfietf.t Uild hU sdn ife?e fielfer nri Ufa lvU ioontaininjj the irftweys tkeifpinUie buggy. A re WArdo f I i as beep offered for tlie ancst ajid copviction f the thieves. WVfaVto Hcordiwtleatt c4 Dr place tfftd brotbir KhiO.rV. M. D. rown?,ijti dtf.aftlacfiitj Misn., on the 24th of Deceaob'er.'Ue was a no- gtristietl:! wrUry,Q, f,w.' After telringf of the' Jistrcss caused in YarborO by tHe'Iacl of wood Iho' ouHier,ter ftjfU?Y4fcrJJtfi juncture; Jfide Itowordeatlargajsrted a phi larrUirOB-St as QXists 111 America, put. 1 Ptl er"nia.'i Hew afoUcff men than Jndge Howard" MirM Ijiven a rotlrt lOtMlUll IU tOO iUIBaiUlltllJ uukiova, whicrtr tcy txttl H ehurch. . Capt. Bordeu's fcpsv tf atrj on the W. & W. KU.XjifltfyiiiA mis--le thrown '. llirofigf lW' Car window, heir Frem6ntftfilftri4 trl 6ld man a IrCfrrniSrr fevKxe'recf hiwaeuieless. I ' - - - IS2 .; Th tolsbtt-gt T(!SereporU th ac cidehtalt leiVUngff faster John Person by l,e'f; WftK g0 while squirrel hfinffug : TheCeWnriHtf ffrprett fays that aMljtewtamrt fsssaoluftLby ttro ne- f jTocf nd" baf U'll rar f4 Z103 bTO! ep,' DCSjaes.re-f lyrnj several utner jiiiuries. at FarirV1lte,x1f fast Thursday nigT,trowf HrfgtefSfcotored. was kitlfer bttftevat Pacto Iiis. JiU ecffnty nWitjwIl pas a wiuiestf against Lwe wbiclj so; enraged him that btVtacKtd Jiini and M'uzell kill&l m & ief4efeilce'.f Mr.t' J; A f S'lf'd hat blen eleetearttne of the Jo- tr lot ItW t netdt.ClirJU Ctce. K. C. Yellowl re$1gnawI,.lkJ . : T ' . -w .".-tt !- 1 Jiotky; iuunt Froyrtts; Last Wed newlay iiight near a p!ace known as Kaso's 6yre, fli Tfasli fcotrnty, Spen cP Harden thw famtnistand a , negro' got into dratuT banpe, i which Spen cer jwf tfaajgerbrtlrif not fatally, stabbed tflf tcf of Six places. . A fte'g'r'o Vjlhcf naTffS cf John John son wa killed in. HaliTai coon ty last week by another negro" named Georgef Tucker.- f members of the L!rd of CrwaJtaipners of .Pitt )Lfuty over wferaed 125 pountisV of Uiat eottoa V j H B .ta cottori crop tuc past year. , van any county shorf a opttef V&K(t.' They are goodf farmerVffrrc! tbebtf 7iet of Comm'is sibnert Pitt br-diiy Uica coouty ever 1A theh- n.-tjafia- ught; lAba. known and Uere itev rti Council Dawson. LChr,v Jee nrftn Nftp lias 23 cbfl fdrhtrvlrif ahdrfasaatT wives am f twefpai ?n1r,ae1w1fey M. C. S. Cflf-rry OtinlucuV -M'oopng audi Noah :'-. ' '-.' Ji4i3C'iUlm ' . '"'''. :- itixiii &r Trip, t o Bt. n-itint, v i J... Ii 1RS0. w & i V. iriH at oer bun....... f doi e Jorn X- - - r y f,4 yDats 75 1J ACDK.-N. C: flldinr tb.U r ' 15 HC SdeUini afMert s. 12f i' .linHmeat vakIe,Wj.w. 9 1-V l'Bbolder--..v.w- ...... 7 Beeswax .,.... - , Badef 'jJLTi, JULMm. to 40 7 . ---- . -. 4mf s f tt J.a Peanuts, ; - SO to 1 J- .... 3 IP 6l lklOP Cow weal v ;v.;v.i ted physician anjTsVlfo'ii' In the war and granatedf ttVolui. Pitt 'county bM jebfdrsbadittisoTC diiliii- (bur4 double teajin wagons 'tor hauling wood MHUk poctrMettrttig it at their Ilk? ) i 1! '. .1 - i ' I i

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