; J . .,r . ; O.. "" The Wilson Advance The Wilson i-Aavaricer PUBLISHED' EVERT fI2i IT "V .. " " - ... - . . - r , - rwg . t - - " " ' - " 111 " -1 r 1 1 rm, n , , . ... - " " " Hf AN " - ervi . a N. j, vua.&- Mi-r?'" W- ; :. l m,;,.,? i 1 v a fc" 1 fill 71 - . 11 1 - ii v 11 n 11 1111 1 ,11 if 1 11 11 1 111 i i 11 1,11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 ill - 1 -4 A .1' i" Ha Square 3 Months, - ;rn Square 6 Months, .. v.' in Mi On Squar 12 Months, .... J.15.Q. i .. 11 .... .1- i i Transient Advertisements Inserted at Tea . Cents per line. I Local Depaitmeut. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor, Local brfeft- j Cbeaj Store next cr to Morris iVbsercatious t ' i Tobacco xt Eyly Poas at .Pc.-tcock JsJIIac, i.: JiiHo'ik,ksip3 23 different rrradcof ; There can be found at Bullock's ten v different kind t)f Snuff. '. I Peacock & ITargravc warrant ttiolr i seed fl to bo frc&li & genuine.. .. i . 'i V': . tMoye & Nadal Ivatc clov6r and imil f. mm 4et ed-7-tl!otoughly cledn. I b " : Oirkn. Tie rb and flower seed at Peacock "5 & llitrgiiive's " 1 am now prepare ! to fill orders for 4 '. trood at short notice. K. 11. Wat - ' son," ;. VTwogood horses for salo very, low. 'Apply to A .'"W. 'Rowland. ; 3 ' ' j - ' Jt'acoclv & Ijr.vgrave caiTy no seoJfoyet; front one fca-'on to the other.' r " "... f, As itvitli ffomat. so vit4i a horse : 'a- back hair -is his maae trouble. ! , jliaiden -lad v's' "aphorism; ."!liere ninKleness is blisi it is folly to be " f trives." )'"'' -'1 .' . ' '-' i-f F ; -j? - -' -? .... - - The ladies are inrifei to a'fend live speaking in h"Cot?rt IIoiT:efljursda- night. . ' ' ' A nice fresh JotVf rallcy of VJrsci n't--butter juV. received at J.. A. Clark's. A' full lin'of Ltndrecb a td " lit ; (i irk f't der? Soeds just re&dved at TcacocK & ilai I . Nit '. I grave t. , if JlCtakps no.ort?Y Ut Xhy D ck 41 lpn'a hiicorios.' wagons, carts. cVC. (.'! able ffott. Eion9)hy i Wealth. Save vour money bv buying your jjusgies irom uict-Avn. . . Mixed Lawdgrass eevjv Cflvnnd ffird? seeds. seecU in papi Ckikl onioti -Hi - . T?,i;i.iiirr ? y I . .. r! i. A 11.'. r ......... - v-- - - mi l .'!....- C 17-...,!, T Ti ine lasi iss i nium i-ic 9 x.i- lntrated NuNVsiiaper contains a - .good likeness ot tlie late liiatiop Aitvinsonf an I also a biographical .sketch ot his life. ..... H Our stock of.Landreth's and Bui.si's need, is :oomp4ceV ancf cannot be equalled ;u this section. All new ami just in from- the abu,ve reliaMe houses. Toland IFe w'erc asked the other day how Dick Allen so'.d sf m my busies ! We - answered bkcaush he sells them so C11EAI ON LONG TIE. Xook to vbur interest and po to Rowland's "for all kuids of garden ne'e'ds. Hi Sills them so low you are bound to save mo:iey. Ladies, if you want a spool of the original, and only genuine John Claik & Co's.. Mile-end Spool Cotton,, go to Hines. Iladley & Co's., and ask for . Clark's on black spools. Rowland's is to be hoad quarters for : garden seeds thi's season, lie has the . largest stock- 'in the city and purposes "to Sretl them1 b'elow bottom figures. In connection with 11. O. Ne it Co's., Variety Store, they have put in . .n fine stock of family groceries which 'they propose to sell as cheap as any " one. Give them a call. It is not the quantity eaten thatgives StrengUi, life, .blood' and health. It is. thfr. thorough digestion of . Ihe food ' : TtafrBh; let it bo muclv'or little. There fore, do not stimulate up ther stomach t to "crave food, but rather assis. diiies tlo ft after eating, by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator. nrnir.Vnent merchant in . Tilson suggests the establishmfent of a .direct j mail route" from .this place to laieijsh . the contractor- to ride a mule, and bind himself not to travel at tlie rate of itrot-i than four miles an hour, as he Relieves this would' put the -Raleigh ii. io-it. iirtft " diiv so.mer than ti.pv reach here by" 'the fast mail.- they reach here 'Aefeis-trc'Tarnj; r4a! I tK-: i r HT,?o r M i k i:6moetilion, and jggapBj jtiu-t prove highly bneficraltfe Wt rcole.: LOilu , l O -i5.f nl" n hv-r frfeezinj! 'to death i '.!Hu!viiiu : , branch near. this l-Jlace. TO UocKy-tn. .y- fl iwavlud' a chdd-like CO..B - Siie,vl -Jo?; &it thi. is Ked a steep one. but we'll swallow lnucCU v l ......... . i, - . i . v."" Oh terrible lire! challenged iu it. fit i-1"" . . ........ yj . . i ; i'-iii a du"l. accuscoi oi iviii, """-'"i light a ii" i ,..,.. . ' - . . i...l rrnimiJ rt iviiiiT. CtCtit (I. wberc shall wo y m s . and see mm, je is ta.cne8pCSl pc xim. rU)li$y iuuvv but i JnwrW-tft houl8' drawing oiUy a few feet of v at.er ' , . . V, " J -1 th him. This being so we' do not r . - . VCoal is .irc' i :i the V est. 'i v L be cirt. '.Xa b.csca, 'we- J-trei'si;n- WI un,w .oiantooaiurs Unginf - - , ;Vv-r- -L;, bebevo that Cnnmsiouer -P . -i- .j A 'in , ! n'j uiwiia Im-io. . ... t l.oU iff;i.vf !.': -ij ' r"tr..p".!',ff "'JAliUV'rift''..',' ' l-t lOflOtt C3 U. . . J "a-11'3" " - ?wirm 1- ". ' - .'-.. ' . 1 etfanis o ccUon carried Jo SU - 5ff. rdnon .ermon ast. Sunday , i ; ; ' V K ' - ' - ph:term l 'o-I)Jffcl abjui thef'-" : . " Tnorniuii-on m un uuLji-n-t - -a- . . i "" jium, - r"A -tc.iiu " oi -TTje-7mntti ififtituMiK s ap ----- BishV AtkinsQii"js pronnCed Jan our cour.tymarT ;-Cd. Geoi W . tynton. j - .: wind.-ram and'ssmwnrcviotts to the 'ii;t;::F-------- I r and there arc few inc., wb dra? rn.iro ..Wednesday night, .January 2Gth. -.i,,,, V.. ' .?r llt0 le.L A t.,. i il.,.,. . , Wl"v i .-'l--- monev from the 2Vond ,an I. fl.. nt the residence of the " brMcs n. Z. r V,.1 n. .t t.ic j ;-'-v.t, u,ru VOL. 11. I Failure. i Mr, A. W. Arrm-rton of Rocky Ia U,e ,a3t issue of OJr estccme:l Mount has faiip.l. lie Y:ia the leud-!cot?11,1'or:,ry: lhe Wils0!, Advance, wc inor merchant o'rit.e place.' He made ! T,ot,ced w,' 1,1 .a feGli,,S ?tii'1 "lo ffrc,f. aniassstenment to II II. i..nn. lUa ltlhe ieJnhe s' nation of 1e.ir Jose- f iHinxilfhr rhfit. tn orwl.tAri rin"'i0iPl,s lanie!s. the spidy local. Some - ' M U VOW lop at Ote Bri'jrj 'it House? ' Wednesday right the yw.npf men of If'ilson gave nn iinprorntu 'iop at Hie Brirs House which was attended by nearly tdl il;e yoUng . ladies and enT ileicen In town who indulge iii dau- "ng. Another via Auudwiwji U-nt... -f Public fleeting, :- - . Wc arc rcqiiod trt'annonnoe that there vvi'l be a pblld -iQeeting in the court house ' Thursday night, iFeWruary 3rd., by thg frieils of tfie (pfoliibition movement, Jud'c Slerxinmn andlother prominent speakers bavo . been jiuvited to be present. conlfal invJutlon to be present is cxtfii.ucd to every tod'. Jppcjintme'hls QHishvU'Czrcttlt. " " Appo.jntmrnttif Riv. J. T.j Lyon. preacher in charge of.flrviUi c:r cuit 3L1-, Churci. for 1 Sl.aion; 11 fc!uiirliit...t...i....;..li A. M. M. M. M, M. 51. Mine U.-.k -2n Sni toy Julj....m 11 A. 'aud.s t" !.-s 2nd t-unl:iv .. : N.iMnille Hunihif, II A'. Mi and I i li J'. iji'iioi u. yu aunrtavv......... . .U ... tivtlilt-Item, 4 h funiliy...;.'. j:'. . vi t .11 A P. ' Moyc. & Nadal. avc just rccjjved a "Ufrrdy of JaudrciJ,' anBuistb gar- len sved, which t'l-v u'urjvvtcc Ito b an fresh and genuii as -at) this marker .; I ; i'; Ma Ml 5 " V Acckk)U, I'uesdSy Zoning. IhtloJ Duncjia son ! i iwr. iaiu u.'irtiner.iieu -Mroii the I & ? Murray's carriage IVh'oji -Jot the jrround; and was-at Cifsr.lUiwnorhf. (fn lie ... ; . I money from the ground than !. ' FT. . nearly alwa s has tli; larjest irnips, ( the est . walernelons and hhiother prbduc's are not behnd the- piquets of oi lier farmers 5?i oye aetaud a half last year he rated 3600 ioVids of seed cotton, Whojan beat :' t.i i i a pKpTved a 6)Ln- . Jlll.IMl ii.ici I it j v v V M 1 l,.,, . .. .. Zv. . j ((LCi jot tji white,- aid yellow uvun - i . ; ; Almost a Fire. ' " . U'nilnosdai nirht wtile Wilsa B Vanii was running, the ib.pr sS i R. 1J. Jwan sjno ornce. ovc-tne. old Urd- ware store, the lamp let irom lliepfccd L . ..T'' f-- tun fl. iAr U'l'fiPk I KlnnPnn I boarirfco tne floor' when it blazefun . ft. A and -threatened to bum up the f Mie. t With a remarkable prepuce of. rtfind Mr. Evans threw his coat.and over Cat over tne lamp and smoliccrd it, tbs preventing the fire. ; Btb ... thy St and over coat were b'irnel. " -- ' Public IVeujhers. ! -i ii i a but As it is a matter in WiibH nu'.nber ofou readersl ar interest ei ve publish, in another colimn' the a .1 ' -1 I. .. 1 .- .1 . . .A recf.niiy passeo m- , inu jjiauH authorizing Uifftppointmerti Jof pab ct Con weiT!)f-rs for the tws f Hi(sot Tl.e town Commissiunera. wilUniee; noXt Friday uitfht to nponit4 om -- -v, . r. . . :..V.' ...1 n.r. n..im PntlV"iaenu 'V r ,v "-'":', 7"r :i w make An aooomtment iroii thl t.,r,rp ;,t. their r'frarmkntilc- v,.,...., - - , ( I 1 v .noe.lr.'T. the first Monday m Vle'i - -i ruar'. . JT'iyf on hand, a few barrels cf ist's Extra Eailv and Premier V Peas. "Trucker-?, make A note of Rowland. , ' i- Death of an Estimable old L uly. Friday, January 14th., lbb I. Irs; . . ...... JL I . Jane B. Hamlet,, one ot WilsfT s mumon ahe djed. Died. Xonr Red Oak Nash ntv N. t A. . iooi t - 1..,..; vi A:i. fi5t.gOid tt Ityc alone took 1 unto L . t.- A , . V, J uch deinwist.rattotis r bv: 4hetr'. fro unuaeii:a wiic. airs, frump. It aurelv on., T , T; n . T , V, i Tie!lt''etiiioii.cauie lo he a Icanijotbeexpcd rthfXevo-r:s!;V VT T ' . - a-.-- last "ibdiy, JIx. R. D. people will follow the example e . bvJw, "0 n f 'f swore tbaMie was rrty4oiHl-4 ad ". t fifti:! Fnrniiun -" V i -r'..--' I and LaT It fthinnpd frim'i -r 4 V,rur:i aild the llnitwl SlaH I J '. ' - . - - (.Most an-J rcl)cic, , j.ibjm. 1( . f , , . ,1" Mr. W. J. KincaM a former resident L " .,K.rg in uuii iw.,,1 wt, 33 cent,. Iamlet w. one of if not tbe ol. ,t c I H .J Mre3 Hand. H, v. J!rrray Ksq., ami A. deep red clay hoapJd i.lo a -IhrC ,7 de.tofW.l.nnandwasverywir "e co of the bmld,,,, frkl. Woudird Kir,, have been in attendance mound above "jj J"" P 'a rwpoctcd by all l.1ineW l.er. te' ".t''re3 furmuirc. eld. IhL upon tbe bnpreme CJurt ibi, week. We tru(,-svpathl-e ri(h tblb.reave.l '? "Y'MV.T1' ':t""U f,ial -rvi-ees :ere-b-e,V,,e ol H A Mr, .adders. Wo ba, been on a moiber "nl,! j rraS a constant and fiiftfatma W -S arms, rrcc-n tbe ba, our I ""f ' f nc, Or. . . .1 - :.!..... ,-i:s . -a oavii vi liuo. :iihi in ijiji. u. . . . i oum, is... ioox .u. u SVom various narts-of the State asking ! nhout. il vpars. He had Ion' been ft y.. .... .. ' .- . n i n r f snflerer with lropsy arvl.neart lsease.;s,imr.e . ,Iftt non r,n, .111Ath :. . . . .- v .. . He was a consistaot and devoted,,. .,!. .: i member of the lVinilive Baptist church at the Falls of Tar River. He Jeavw-a wif(; rcIal.VC9 ; "end to mourn his loss but they J. - to,G 00 0 As near as can be ! ave .the ron.oht.on o knowing that aerla:ned lhe he ftve cosfc of pod man and a true chnvian baigo alntaIni tlie inSMC in -,lu a, I trt inpor. tu ranrnnl in llnivpn. 2. F . - . . ; o meet ma rewara ,n neaven. Vfc:tv poor houses has been $20;00 rnin.'iniii ivnrn li.-nn n Wv:r rrmrtt.v i. " ' . . . . i . remains were i v"'" ""J"" " V .. . , 1 lor interment. - ' ' ' - II - r T ' -- ' - iv . ; . :.r- - - "LET ALL THE EDS . Wilson, ir. c; 1 Cker:Editor ii Trouhle lathe last issue of oar estccme;! I nie tciiimc si nation 01 e ; puns xanieis. ine spict' wci I a .1 . . i. one .seeks ins bloo on the heid of honor. (0, cruel codej'Joe ifyoh are not anxiou3 io icitie liun. send lnm n to i!?, our fihCjng man shaft chastize hi.n 'in your behalf. Rocky, Mount Progress. p , 'Verily, verily, ;A triad ia neadj is a friend indeed." ert. A: Gray. T Gordon. John Ilol Redd in .Tones, Mrs . Alissonri Lofton Fcromon' Merritt, London RIcGuire, Wm I) Mercer J E MussengilL Miner Neal, Fremars O.its, Jerry Pender, L A Parker. 'W.Qslev Priviit, Jno Ilow Bery Tavute, Woodard Mhomas, II li Wells. Jf thej d?ote' letters nnd'postal card are not" called fr In 30 dav thev wil be sent to the dead let ter office. ' M. C. DL"ntkas, P. M. Just received, several thousand pa'i pers of Buist's and Lmdreths fresli and'enirine garden seeds. Remember we carry over no' old seeds at ' Row land's. 8 S-urveyiitg Content nea Creek. ! Thursday of last week Capt. II. -F. Price, chief, jtif.thc iSurvcvirif? oartv came down to Stantonsburg on a sur vey of Contentnea Creek, which was ordered by Congress. ; Capt.J'rtce. after making a thorough examination expressed t as Ms opin ion that the stream could ba fnude navigable o Stantonsbtlrg It is true thtire will bo ntartv obsta cles iti th s wtir but if cf fnmilted tocom pentent hands, Cant. Price oops no) doubt but that the obstructions can be removed from the stream, and tSa. boats, drawing only a few feet of water faliier, Mr- G. H". -Bare f jo-. Mr. l h Best of Qreene. county to Miss Sidie Barefoot of this cont ty, Rey. J. II G.uinn officiating. Our best are extended. . wishes We failed to learn the date when the hearts . rf Mr. John Terrell' and Miss Zoo High, daughter, of If. II. Hiah, were made to beat i's one. Both parties live in this coimty. The Ar yAXCE comes 4p the front with best .wishes. in XVashvilIe, i. (J. January ,17th V-81 by J. C. Harner lUa. MY. R T ifctchelor and Miss Mai tha J. Murray atf Nash county Tf:li: T ' vV Aar Hi iardston . X.ish nnnnii- v y. Jt!r- 20th 1S1 l.v Tf 1, -i v- Drake Ksq.J .-James T- Tisdale and iliss Benneat daughter of Henry L. deceased, all of Nash county. Re be J5cnn The d Insane Axulum. The lored Insane Asylum at Goldsbor full, and is beiiur nian- aged in t .riglt way. Iti foundation win 11 .t uer eiuting ni'nnument to the LegislArs hx ske jt tnto oemg. The Gove of it : rr, in Lis message says "The Color Gol(isbf)ro A ninctv.one .,atl Insane Asylum at I open and has jn it i iivo e naitto r h nviiii,,,, - V'- Alll.V UlVtUUII i !:. . was ..erected . i)ni,iv w,tll ns HUf, . ... V-v. w ni tll,IC i as J" " : S building in the htate, and try pUSh.r tllP Vnrk nni.l ,.. .;.'., J. .. ,V Ullj v,()r'v raPul i '' on raail1 bVling and south l wins the comniissiA, .v,,,.,, f .J 11 A lift" of leaers ahd'.nostal cards i . - IV .-ir lot' iti'uv i tl i J i . A a - . I - kur 1 T . Col V v 1 (,i have it ready for uscl. lhc lst of A llU" s And the fToldsboro wn,,. savs.. 1 t.ii; i. . i. t. . i. a " If f Il'lf l - I I 111.4 v e nave oeiore us iuanM... .f i . J. H'Yick. chairman otV,-.n..-i. c! ? . . . ... v ; urn. appended to which the ,.c. , horts of the -tyunertntendA ,t,J f 0 l loir i n 'jLosviiviLiuo, anu i v'il. o. JJlVmnnl a tn'tJft. America," airording toiial accomi.vA iiuiiuna, i u comfortab'.b rooms foilv 1 100 patients. - Tl.ieThstitution is nowVrtv years is on a visit to relative fi""!" ,l Pac..i cipac. u. am, .r . iJ -ippiicaiw.ns arc now. on uie ; TiumiLLaiufc lor oaireuis. coi. rremoiu he estimated annual cost of main ing the Asylum at its present capac- of lOo'pitients is stated to be fron . inmi l p-ifi in nmf rniir, i!n - e,' iri few IcssV TIIOC AIM'ST AT, BC TUY COlXTItVS. fridat, January 28 IssT ' ; .i i- - ... "':''.'', n ," ; 1'or the past month or two; Jim Thomas, a ne-jjfo of xiirsound mind has been creating sornethinir of a pnn-" K "... C T ! " I tiouiu town by ' proclaiining himselfJ to do liic lvmq or America. Jle has on various, occasions ell7 meetings .and. harangued all who iedt to hear him with the plans tmderhrlifch he lie I pro posed to operaterwhea he took hi toy4 al seat. , . He has - been; j wou tifearly every evening to drc. i&4ivM kltiy robes, consisting of .a .tin crown, and tirt stars scattered over his clothes, and with t urcse tomardi- thrfUglj Mlier .atjejs nuisance,. ans him Goldsboro. - ; i I . 4 Sheriff Wiustead without the use of any violence persuaded him to. accom piuiy him to' Goldsboro, an there landed him in ihe Asylum Tuesdiy inorninafi V ! As The 3!ierl,J was lcavmsr Jim said. - - - ' J .uu., t "L ck a herfe'ltr. riiis:o,ad is this the way yod treat Kings'?'? Jim begued?J,OTfec! broueiit back,' promising that if WS'heriff Winsiead would bring him4ack.?Io Wilson that he ttouhl not , be Kin any mere. JLiyAlviUfHl treatme'n Jim will be cured m few m'nthsv wc.l'el eve. , He was adiarjiilcss'inoffensivc negro, and his only malady, was in thinking i hat he was "King.' ' i f Vmnor for February I . -f Lunor-s predictioiM;' harie heen fulfilled so w ell that people have beiKin to nine - cou- , fidence in kui a Wfjit her- in-ophet a lliey huw , iu no ,u!)ieir. man. 'J'Iuh f ;r In January; n'ni'.r" weatlier predictions liave bcou vtfrilied widi rernarkHble .-accuracy. Fur 1 February,. hc following .ledic l ions , are made; r Tlie inild spell with whieh January -closes will probably j con t.iHli .well into this mn hjwkli tl,e excep tion of a day or two, ' upi; tb"!theHweIfth "f Hh;; month, with baliyT fpiing ..... j i - - j , - bnl!ia;it, mild, spriuiko'weather wfi!- 'g oi, appear, melting th . snow and rendering sleighing impossible in some localities, A few d.ivs hAfAfn h rtttu. ot the month higher wtn'dj; are likely to pievailj-wiilr g;es arovnti New York. l!ong Utand sound and other points, with blustery wether in jCanada-and Iho Northern. : United Statis. The last tw. days are, however, likely to be fair, and ihe month will end ! with a Utile uo v on the ground. i r Personals : j Col. W." F. Greene of FiLir.k' iu town this week. ' ! ' in was JVIisi Annre Bosrers is id Raleigh on a visit lo i datives. j "' 4 Miss Aiii'nnte Suxg of E lgec")mb3 is on a vu;t to relatives in JK.Ison. M's. Susan Kooncc of Jpne.s county is o.i a visit to relatives in this place. Mi John Selby left Tii'sday for Cincinnati in the .interest lor his sale stables. i M -ZRbelt Glenn of Snow Hill in Wilson this week on aisitto his old home. i Miss Pattie RuHin of Ililliboro is on a visa to the family td-her brother D.-. John K. Ruin... ! Mr. Yiley Edwards was absent the early part of the week in Richmond, Va., on business. j Mrs. :R-bt. Tyson of jtt wa? in Witsc'n Monday on herwaytri Dan hlle Va., on a visit to her brotiiorJ ' : , I 3Iiss . Lila Greene, ot Rocky Mount who Uas hce Q(l rfvist rfclaLi...,s ii'ibM,n, i. i iijuuiiiai ivuuucu ilUIIIL' Mrs. Aggie' Piws, vho has been ino-Wafomii - r... r.r.i,.i ,r U Ks.n, the guest of Col. ?uhu W. Vracr. 1 tv. J. E. Carter, aikl his daughter. Annis Carter, are on a visit i . ' - - 1 ' Y'Joro, ; From thcuiti lhe will T . i -r in: i . iiiu.i tirt .mo -li. .,r Arm .it.v.1 ) .- .. r . .. . . - i ...i ... wuuuiami a uu iu jxuriieesuoro; compa" . ff f -t Par?f!l!, Uac" uiey' er. Mt.s Fan- e,ter GrJ"'" TrV Wl1 - .a'JOrO 1' limalP.t VitlP VP" find nis son, VX"U 1 anu .. Vi Ll.1T a.'iri ffirrir M.ir:.f ini r! J 'forrVwu Monday. Horner's school at Ox- I tr THY GODTifD TiaTU'S." --J Chfinjed with Otjatruding the Poll. We met th ice of our friends Messrs. A. Ill Ricks, S: R. Hilliard an 1 A. c; TliOmaS of WhiSaker. tojrnship Nash counts-; on the train Munil.iv nuH.t PJl foxde fur R.il pirV ivnrn ll.n.. . bain? carried hfnrA th r-.. a- - a vav court on a charge' of 'rilistrn ; ti, dav The welUkaown Charhe 13 the anthorof this charge he iJears uuviw" muiie anaiavit tuat ttiesa rin llemen acted illegally as poiihol- -11 -t . . i t r derstpn election dav. Xe"I I.-iWi'jn Ami Malchas "7ly taker j were the' Republican' polMiollers. and they yeso also on their way to Raleigh to-appear as - ?tt:esses against Ricks-i Hiliiapci andfThomas . E! C. Sears and M-rS, Griffin will also bo in R:de?h as witnesses against ine poil-hoMcrs. we arc informed that the char' - which is made is that the -poll hoj consumed unnec essary;- time in distil u the right of colored voters, and it, is claimed that when the polls were closed thero cw -over 125 negroes Svho had not voted and only a few wLitc persons. 7 ... We are reliably informed that tie charge is unfefunded pnd that there is not the. slightest .. evidence against the accused parties. - Of course Wi know' nothing of the charge except upon hoar say but kjiowing the men ?Tho are charged t)?:h ihi3 heirous crime we do not hesitate to state that we bslieve them incapable of. acting as it 13 charged they did act, and we do not imagine that they will be" even u.omui over to me r euerai court. n These three men are known to -tie peaceable, law-abididing ciibans and have a reputation for honesty at stake while Soars ba.s no reputation to stake, lie is not liked by the party to which he belongs. The best elements ot the party hate nothing whatever to do with hirn. This ...... urne'.l thar. 1 lth of June 1802, and die-i in If iUon N. C . on theUih of Jauu iiy 1831 , .. psster liamlet -T in braced re?i-rion and joined the Methodist chpreh wdiile quite young. Her life thus' consecrat ed to God in its early morn was spent in exemplifying the principles of that gopelwhich she professed. . She was for thirty eight years a wid ow, and was for many years a great bijt patient sufferer. ; v ery otten sne seemed t-j be at the oatc of death, but she wrinlH 1 n t come up to glorify C7od bysufi'ering his will. - ThroughaH'tliese afHictions, thcugh deprived by deafness- of hearing the gospel, she found great comforjt and peace in the blessed promises of 'God's word. A few days before her depart ureshe said to her daughter, Mrs. Stevens, ' When I urn none I wautyou to write to friends in Virginia and' tell them tp meet me in Heaven." . She leaves a- daughter, a grardcon. and fnany Iriends behind, but she line: zone to. ioin n lare number win ha,l gone before and , together with them she rejoices on the other shore. It . r-. God ble.SS. rnmfnrt nn.t en..n. .. .. ' ... v i v v UM OUTC tliosi who jnouri her ahscn - . H.'firjiNX Wilson, N. Ct, Jan. 21th, 1SJ1- Died of whooping cougrh in Nash county, N. C. Jan. 2-:!h,--fttfle I'attie. i inf.urt il..n.,li- i" i r , r., , ,. , ! Rice. a2ed three month- a,i tA ! K dav. i Ic wjs our sad duty, to watch Ihe fleeting breath to see the "Silver cord of life," brokeivand know her bright spirit had soared above. Then we tenderly clothed theTr.nilp ! lorin m snotless rui.e nf w nin r ,.i i u n . . . . . j i -. scattered su'eet fb-cr3 ovi r it and j "u" .n'u aim Tii3 ! K, rir in H .iBia n ... j -Vl.r d'-. - n ! ' thinrrc rr.n ro,K! ' . tt r."."' ' . t . vi....-vif ie na said. - butter little children to enmp ..otn me- lie hs taken her into His I Heavenly fold. She has joined the ' , -INppy Angel Jijiud." and i now ! chanting sweet anthems at the. foot rf; theGieat.Whita Throne, where she awaits your coining. .v iew more struggles here, A few more partings o'er. A few more trials, a few more tears, And we shall weep'no'moreJ A few more years ihair rolK .a lew more seasons cotrc. And we shall be with those that rest, .kmflJar tie. The North Carola His- T " fjCZZ .Zr....- i "'! Asleep withiu the tomb.' Uonca! Socift, An appeal fo iffrfenoV. IVV 80 I : C. C. A. 5 hlie i?ol SysteiG bylrof.Geo. T lrtf-i5veet-'- , j; j : Su,uy -Home incase cony.)." j Winston. A. M., and other fUc!es'of rnHfti? ' r2T6 i -"- ' pji 1 w uicrir ff v- tone lo lhe papor; Q -rlow" " , I. ; 1 ' j C- IQCll ee : ' - J " ' ' - ' . - r - . - - : - ' ' - - , ' v - r NUMBER 1 I j ix on: TABLE. .Vs,V-i Howes cu e Hanj 1onvs. j Make your ho.nrs mu-iral, and ha.iph.c, i will iutx)v cwup. v..n.i,..; in...- . . ike j-our homes nm-iral, and iViipincs I Three. Jurmon cider aro ' laboring iwixly cunic. Xoihinij liKe- ,J11sic toj near Iiethcl, Pitt .coudly wltfi lome away care and &!bc xnxMt 1 sueccss . . fc " ' ' .. it. If you havt-n't a Piano or'an'oixn " 1 v one. - If yrvu have pih. n).w L , . ; U-U saU t,,ak '.00. ticket brt'f i scl Pe , enbb t. dm W,v, Wwnaml j vtit yuir Kmnildy thjon -h ksi i, I -wom; c.?i.2.,, and each momhlr num. j glve l.oj worth f Uaufiful music i twit It V.,..i ... r..-. . . ' OOlll IWill !l.il Tna'M....'.... -I ..' . . i .. n ---- 'vuii, tmna v ur n,Ure-srHU -tf-.t.hip to tC a.,jud they wjSL ;.,a.i. vi.n c.-A; copy 0vrt, .Uutt KvuwU A .timely Interest given py the death mor, (. .the nt-w ediiioiT; trf' hoi "' - " ' t s J'iuoia, j ,t tMrd .y ihe . . i i ( " J IftliU'liAit l.,..K I ' . t -.1 i. . f ..ioK.r.criaiigi-, .New York. I lws Hit wpfk at its host and slvot . un(latthsan.cthM,.giv icder l.el "ivuiMinitv to acpme Jati,,iI- f.niiiari t v w.th the seenei and" feiiciely i ! me.J.a-vnl Italy. It issued in hamly and hiauiifu ixtraclop, binding, i,,,je but rare eh-ai.ccnd lastc in dei-,i, and iike lh. other Usue of ihe "Literary K.-vwint ion," its cost is alc.t non.il.;::,- viz;- ;r.' resu lt is one of the ..cihs iuten.K d tb Tonu a li brary of clasVc lie: ion, which wi!ltichid, one represcnta'ive and characterise w,ik of each of ilm -ivat authors who-, liave won hwtmX faui in the .x-alm tr fiction. - Life w too hi,n and Uh full of wort i . It . v i v I 11 I 1 1 ! Irji i.;., , ..ii .1 . . ' . , T . I" W ' -d va.u- but even Teijr 6.:sy people ran iisI time to read oneboiJj by each yf the score of au thors who have won immortal' fame and placo iii th allcctious of iU;i people-" Xot to posW (he.n'i to be' deprive of one of homo.tfiuiiful aifdprofirabfeV'urccs o' fDj-ynient. -Aiiiong . lUse Mued, or nearly. re;ul3., aro-Scott'. dvanlibe,' I5ul- weii, lo.npeiil.vi,, 'Knickei hooker,' Cooper's '.Mohican.,' 'Tom IJ -on, at RnS hy,' 'Adventures cf I)0n '. Quixote,' -and Ua.-da, a rouianco uf ancient Kgyj t.' " Full cataie of .fuulard publications wd I 1 ent on ro,p,en . by tl.e A n.erieui, UorU Kxna.:S3 T-jtui:6 Inidi,, .New . ,Fra;JLLiiriic i me i'foniaiv mm. .i -: . . ! ; periodical b t erf more th:ni u-iall i,'.,.,. .'ins. The ll-uli, arl;dt t.s.)Ci t and 1 I " Alm;r!lilv Olher Johu.-on, iu ; ten .exec Hi ut- w . .... -w.,i n .1 nu . li - . . .. ... Tn- A,1'"-'-'huii article al -o fuMy .Unrated; U cniiHed I,,od.m I-p.ta:saudseV,lo,i,l TlV.m)., j,y w K L. Lees. -Madagawir,' by Abim s. ..Ihwortli, 'A Ifuntfn Parly i KlirfidaV -Mol.ere aud Ids world by H. iJ:irton ker , 'I-he Fi,,t jVyya Aiound ih, Uorld, and 'A Shadow by William' Ark ro.vd, ole, are fv of interest a:U ;uforun. Ihe serial, "Ihe Amber iriteh j., continued, and there are numvrous jho.t atones and sketches, by popular writers ot ,iuiu.nient. Among tl.e many excelFuit poems, Augd Vih,' by Charlen Mackar I and 'A Cahy bon.' bv (J. A. lhke -ne especially good. The .nUceh'any, of whVh I tliero j an ahnnd.o.4 .k ..... v u.i .i.imm.ui jp. eil!)-:H--i t . i . wf sulip-ers, and affords a vast Fouree of eJ ferraioment and ii-ti;uction. . Kach nu-nber of die magazine contain, US 'oo.-M-t,, ,...., ..J i ... L ' '"--v-- :.ut iu...,-nio.-llif.ll..eots, niii, :l iai,. , - ,1 1 1 . wiuu .cojortu irontfrpM-os the Mi'.ji-et iu tb number is Th'e!Si(.-k Child,' from a i.an.ji.iS by Trajrtr. yiijIe cr.pk-s are sold it "Accents each; the BUbM-rioi-ino f...- . t .4 - j f in it vat wr $t0 for six, a:J si fo,--fJi:r nionrhs. P"i-fiee. Ad lrs, fc'nvik L-s'i.' ih. f ii-diing ibjuse. o,;' 1:5 or l'a; k PJace New .Vrk. . . Incite Sane. , f th- iY.rii - i ' . wtay s extremely lj.)tciesl in; vulume'f na 1 1 iU 1 " - tl.e Iji.-tory of; t hi Jiftcpo ,1,1... lttlt-? of th,e f,.lv itlc itirC turoer. Sell rfehU fo wtuc.i a contrary tvem would hnve efseii-1 tialy va.ied th-j draina .f the v.orld in a!l if sJihserpjt;i.t cnes. i I'i-fdv i-sti-rtn-d in. I Oa aM uad.-!.. of htory. It haS a lo:,g! '- hyruer and right for Famfilcg' Wr, tunc been on Harptr'uli.t a one of theirl"11 Wted" as Jionxploilv. tl'l :.indard lKoks, a; the price of iI..VJ. NM- Lhrn to tit mmo . -J . lB . . . . w js i?.ui i in a very luituK.n.o wi.-i. i . . . i l er voliun", by the Am -ricaA Uk Krchau-e lUli. :ll inn nmr,Ti..5! .-i. .." . -iu siiiu ti; Ctrllj, n 1 " 'vwiiiw.-., -ch.h'er Tjnr.. ear ar, aud ctherj. Catrt,UJ ,.t - ,... . . . . "wu "-pntvi nook of the Lit-r- J "' ent. on appl-caikm j i.cvoo.uon wni h, ent. on appl-catio.r -Aaiencan Uook Exch inge,- Tribune '!ng,'New York. ' . ' ; lne firit "'""her fth' ro,&.Cw&a vCtf"'"'' EMioncl Jcvrnal i. on our table, ijfolx JfteTand VfciS'Sr.jV ' j Rev. J.F.IIefcma,,, Editor. It is a mod.! . ' !r-...,..;"irT'lt M ' - j f y jwsrapbj. and it con'eiits whUe of tStfttZ'"'" 40 ? ; ;inrerernt"--e -t JJ j j ted to " ants of 1-AcLtr. Ia ti:U un - Fi -. r? If . I her the arliclei wnn.x i-..:. .:.... lli.l r:rr"---' " nr-Tl , f I I ' j .- Fiji ii i . i - t tui ii tiutra " c f viisoa: if. d SURStRlPiJOXjlIATESIn Adrance: ta.oa 1.00 , S9oUoxJyfews -m- - -J. have been sold inGoldaboro to colored people from this section who Were go ing south to work oh tnrpeatlne 'farm. The jTjroldaboro.JleaaeMo cUa for s lewn halj. The hall Ihern ivery poor and aajio first class compaales ever sIoa. there the Mexsinaer' fonclui! fh'dt U ts lecause of here not Uctnz a .' . GijKi:xKEOX4irsn .MKTAi--iTlvo Jlc tWe ayl: O-r A Albritton. bring thefc miles fei lierc weigh 125 pouu.js and his wife. f0 iwund.' They i dAuglder 10 JtArs tOld i weijh- ju pounas ami tyitTicr uanghier s j ;ars dd that weigh ojily 27 pi)undr Bes:des, we have a,, family of lour brothers and two sisVcra irj 4he county ho wei. t lie pretty.5 lump of 1,560 pounds; ihe smallest one oCihe'titeu weighs 1GJ and the largest bno 500 pounds. The lightest lady Velgla ,183 and the heaviest 9G0 pound tlio-'arcr-ae is.JG0 oounds. -If yon jucittir ti up a little we'd put , Greene on hc metal.. . , v . , .. r ' ?t ddkx InATirV-MrVr.,:T BtU who lived nine mile from hero and d'tstant "fmtn Marlbora VHt founty about three railon-was . found durl in the woods al)otit threo htjndrpd jpardi Irom his house, just ftcf fcttnrtse on Tuesday morning the '4th in&t. llo iia l been gunning the day before and was tracked by the snor, , Dr. Polio-, way 'being notifie. went put and held an inquest.' Tl.3 jury rendered a ver ilict of "death from tome -uhlnown cause, supposed to be apoplexy Mr.. Butts was seen tying, on ? hit left side with his double-barreled i guru. .under, him which was loaded and cappecb Hip faithful dog was silling on top Of him; ; a fox squirrel was found iri 5 hi coat pocket; Ins hunting poraphernalU wai intact, and his pocket were not mo-.'-, iested. No lharks of violence were discovered upon his body. iiodCjalight 'lier.''"'"-'5- Uz& talica plafa from l.U'" no-.i must liave dr? ;icd ns: an,'." dpud, . -,;!ieru ei'- .no jmiiiAtlcui cf ir, l m TiMif-t. ..... !. . uea:l. His body was interred lYedne.' iay- The family haveppr ,ympathic. Counlj' JIATTLKBORO. The Colore 1 1 People oi tht Marry, The ir&riher.IJad . Roads Two of Cut Yfiiny ' :Countymth . Gone to Texm. W Marriascs amon' I'm r.rlnrrl nnmt. ilation Ruoijf.ta tog manic, iu lhlalcln- 'itt, ii,ct nn. It Ji n,j j.i.u. ojicii voupiea icr we. past four or fire weeks within an area of two miles and eever&l 611eri on tbe The weather look a if it might dcar Up at- ,a? - m0'St rtliab,e lo "'." '"T .Ihe road a In clear ud at last but the 'nldt .n4i OSt rfdiablp lrtrnl VrrU a f..i Ml refutation on It In U4 ,fidml of Itrurlrr .iiiiiu aic ,n wurti ev aer4;t oy il 'oldest Inhabitant;' avd nodoubf, cor rqspondingty bd'd all over the Coun trj-. - -'-; Oi voc.'nff' countTtneni JimH A r i . . .. . . Harrison and Williain H. McccjAook tneir oeparturc yeicrdayjuir .llj far away land of Texas,. where tliev ex pect to locate DOTrnanehtlrY 1 Itlbb a pang. of sincere regret thaVw aar ......la. mm " good bvo. to such' lirofuiatnir vmi !-'- j ,a,,l seuial geutlemen . as , these, anl X j congratulating Texas on thg ; ' acqnlai- - i "lion mTiirgh worthy tCen. wi; trust the fondest aehomcs of thitr aobllioa ,"may be realized.. k rj Xotick, Mr. JPillK IVn ii azsnt for Manufacture. Ficiich Itluinlnat' nn!4 n.-e with t-M burncra, "chat 'generate Ml A him r.s. ' .:. 7 r ,:r 'it uiiritei mil a life tim.t jnatri.il fr tn.,f. J--i "JiTi.? ean b ; hw! Ly applyingoiSS (ill nJi 1I.H..1 i . , . "vw and wlttt i ig reprewnrJuili ? He w located in rtle ojHca tJtvbediitxxn. Pi'dby Ir. Moore, . i i " j " j. Jt . fa.uj ia toofcefcle.itfj,erinitJci-w. , "owwimf, B'xrax. rnrrnv v?r . U Jan. 28. 8,"i3r. OBAIN.hca( per bus.. - ' - - k F A " jrn .- JttU...,. Pea..., " . T ivnr v - f. ! 44iiw..l'i is I j y 1 v. . 1 t I .-.r 1 - ! : I i ! - 1 ; . ; 1 V v: