r r-r"Y- ' rr-"- " - -'-" The Wilson Advance, Tho Wilson Advance? ADVEHTISnG HATrs. One Square 1 time ;....-.. ......... 11 jo fif One Square 1 tnontb........ w.MM.a,5; Our Square 3 month's...... -. .. 5,00 One Square G mouths....... U .....,Q(j One Squire 12 months......... ...... 15,00 r Liberal deduct loin made for larjrtr tpe Transient Advertisements iiuerled a 99 Cents per line. ' PUBLISHED AT WILSON, X. C EVERY FRIDAY. m. mm - m. -m a II V Woodard &l Coiiiipr. jKl BMCKirTIOX ItATKS. LET iL1,TTIl EYDS THUI Al3rst AT. BE 111V (OIXTKY'S. TilV bWS, AND TKtTirS. for nc Year, qx Months, ..... ..52.00 ............ 1.00 WILSOX, X. C, FRIDAY, 25, XO. 4 illit 7 I I i ' i i Editor. i:V ADVKKTISETIEXTS. True k Co. $72 a week. " . U. A. Young. Poc.oinoke. II. llalhtt & Co. S'K, a week. Siinson &, Co.. 5 to $20 per diy. J. W. Farmer. To Justices ef the Peace. Chas. Miller Walsh. Cockade Marble Works. IsOC&l Ilrlcf: ' ' . ' ''fsex$ Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.- i Good Snuff, at 50c per pound at Row lands. : ' Co to Peacock & llargrave and get an electric hair brush. " Aw kinds' of field and garden seed at Rowland's. All grades if calico at 5 cents per yard at J. T. MtCraw's. All kinds of dress goods at cost at L. Heilbroner & Bro's., Agents. ''Oh, Them Sun-Bonnets ?" ' at E, 0 JCfie & Co.'s- they are duisk-s going oft like hot cakes All kinys of winter goods at reduced prices at L. Heilbroner &. Bro's., Agen'.s. L an duet it's and Buist's garden seed a good assortment, at Move & Na dal's Druir Store. A large stock of children's fine shoes iu great variety tar sale at cost at J. T. McCraw's. Over 2.j0 bale- of cot.'on were sold, in this market "Tuesday, the bestqualir tybfinging 11 cents Selbv Uiothers will receive to-mor-' row (Saturday) tnorning 'two car loads ot stock. "Tin is Uie best'oj p rtunity you will have to b y. A large stock of dry-goods, ready made clothing, boots and sltoe, hats and caps for sale at JT. McCiaw's at cost. c How much longer w.ll the"' people of Wilson be content to be exposed to the fire fiend without any hing with-. which .'to ward off the dibtroyer?' Mr. John IIu'. 1 in ;ju requests us to return tliauks I. o h f .r Col. David Wil liams and himself t 'their white and colored friendv I r t heir lime!y aid at the fire on the i.ih of the 22d inst. - Our friend H E- Fountain of F;e- Tr.O'.it, iii " conuec ion with two other partes w.ll soon con cct Greenville and W.ashingtou Wsith the .outside i wo: Id. by telegraph. Mr. Fountain is . an enterprising u ai an J what hd docs he dues well. Read the advertisement of that c 1 cbrated guano Focuinoke" &ol I in Wilson by C. A. Young. The guano is all that it is represented to be, and be fore purchasit:ir ikicwhere wvwjuld advise our readers to call on, Mr. Young aud examine the merits of Pocomoke. Messrs. -Hines, Ha Uey v& Co.. are the Wilson agents for the celebrated J nor Clark Jr. & Co's., Mile-end spool cotton. Coiintry merchants should examine '.he magniCecnt new style iiibinet this firm gives free of, charge with every twenty four dozen of this cotton thev sell. . . ' Thi-s s- to inform the frienrs and pattons of J.T. McCraw that he has' moved to the store on the south side of Tarbtro street formerly occupied by W. J. Bullock, and has a large, well selected stock of tobacco, snulT. cigars, "confectioneries, "groceries,' etc., etc., wh'.ch he will sell cheap. H'e are f lad to learn that Prof. Has sell has been so fortunate as to secure the services of Miss Bettie Armneld to supply the vacancy made by the de parture of Miss pjuncan. Miss Ann field will prove a valuable assistant and will acceptably ill the place so .worth ily filled by Miss Du::can; Chas." Miller Walsh, proprietor of the Cockade Marble Works tells the people of Wilson soroeUmig about his business this week. Mr. Walsh fur nishes everything in his line to the satisfaction of any customer. If you want a tomb-stone write to him and get a descriptive catalogue. The largest and best-assortment of all kinds of the very latest styles of Sen's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's hoea,just received at E. O, 2oe & o. s.. Remember that ttev cto not lieep in; a large brick biuldina, but that they do keep in tl.a- old wooden store, where their rents are small, and they doing ikeirown work is why they are selling goods so cheap, aud as their motto is the greatest good to the greet est number, they iuvite all t6 gh'e ;hem a call; JCSEPHUS DANIELS, W. J. Bullock and J. T. McCraw have made; an exchange of stocks and stores, and may be found in their re frpeetive quarters Bullock on the north side arid MeCraw on the south side of Tarboro Street. .. Quarterly Meeting at Slan'.onsjjurg. The first Quarterly Meeting for Wayne. circuit will be held at Slan-tonsbur-- February 26th" and 27th, era bracing' Saturday and Sunday. : Rev. Win. Closs. I. D., Presiding Elder of the New'oern District will preach on occasion and administer the sacra meat .'.'of 'the Lord's Supper Sunday morning. " Rev. L. C. Vu.83. Kev. L. C Vass of New Berne will preach in the Missionary Baptist church in this place next Sunday, morning and night. This is not Mr. Vass' first visit to Wilson aud many who were so well pleased with his effort on a former occasion will be glad of au oppottunity to hear him again. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costive nes3 and Sick-Headache. For Sale by Peac.Mek & Ibirgrave . Bull at the Briggs House. The all givbn at the Briggs lipase Tuesday night complimentary to Misses Jennie Thorpe and Annie Lewis, two of Rocky Mount's bf lies, who are on a visit to Wilson, was a very ple isant aft'- ir. An Italian band furnished the music and a very j!easant evening was spent by all who had the good fortune-to be present. What Avails it? WiUon has had another fire. True t'kat in 1he amount of t he loss sustained it is a small fire, but viewed in the light of what might have been it is of sufficient importance to warn our peo pie of the .danger they are hourly ex pose I to without mea is to ward off the er emj. Would it. n ot loc v.-e'l for our City Fathers -to take some action? If they continue to do. nothing : what avails it to have a fire bell tojarmse t he people from their slumbers at night? Ju3tas well let them enj y their rest as to arouse t.liom to a scene of action where they are powerless. Die I In this county Saturday night, after a lingering illness of twelve months Eddie, son of Mr. Kinchen Batts, aged four years. At his residence near this place Sunday. February 13:tj. of heart dis ease, in the 56th year f his age Mr. Cornelius Jordan. He leaves many friends and relatives to mourn his loss. At her residence in Edgecombe county, oli -'Monday, Feb. 21st, 1881. Mrs. Elizabeth Forbes, relict of Joseph Forbes, age 1 Go years. She leave five children and many friends to mourn their loss. No heat! -ache or back-ache for ladies who drink WINE OF CARDUI." For s:i i v iVucock A: llargrave. Att.si Court. , Nash court convene? Monday n Nashville. As is usual a htrge crowd will doubtle.s be present."..- We desire to' impress-on the minds of those of our subscribers who ire in arrears for their subscription to take their pocket books with them to court as a repre sentative of this pa p? r wiil bo present to settle all outstanding accounts. Don't wait for him to ask you for the money but come forward and , settle promptly and have a clear conscience deroid of cheating a printer We Lave a lare circulation in Nash, and we are anxious b th to increase the circu'a tion and to collect accounts due. ... ;" i Miss Nannie Duncan. Miss Nannie Duncan, one of the popular and efficient teachers of tie B'ils",n Collesjiate Institute, an 1 a highly accomplished young lad y hft, we regret to say, been .compelled to res.gn ner posiuon m mac insuiuuon irom ui-ncaijyi ami can returned 10 uer: .home in Ashland, lrgtnia. tor sev eral weeks past Mhss Duncan's heatth has not been good, and last week she was taken seriously ill, incapacitating her for teaching. m Her sister and brother-in law. Prof. Blaekwell, were summoned, and as soon as her condi tion would petmit she was carried home. Her many friends regret her tteparture irom n uson anu i.i .uc. a . , .. . speedy restoration to health. Married. I Wednesday night, at the residence j of Rev. Jos. E. Carter, in this place,' 1 he ladies ot the Methodist church, Mr. Y. L. Alley was united in mar. j and especially the younger members V riage to -Miss Sidney Winstcad. all of ilbe congregation aided by some of this place. Mr. Carter officiating The waiters were: S. R. Alley and I MUa-Tiila W instead ;'-E.' B. Mayo and 1 i Wir.stead; A. B. lLkin Miss Varin i Wir.stead; A. B. Bayki and Mims F. Ann'is CarUr. """A flop llio mirrir.o thn fnnn.la nf marnafie the -happy coup'o tepaired to the resi dence of Mr-. W. J. Churchwell. where they spent a ven pleasant evening, Mr. Chnrehwell giving, we learn, a sumptuous suupcr to the neHvlv wed. ded pair. The Advance extends. best wishes Advertised Letters. A list of letters and postal cards wholly written remaining in the post office at Wilson. N'. C, Feb 23rd, '81: F P Alspaugh, Frank Alspaugh, Roda ' . ,t. Bottoms, Miss Geo Anna .Battle, Jack Barker, ilirs Olive Benjamin. Mra Jane Brown, John Battle col, Buelel Barnes J F Carson (2), Miss Ella Durham, Miss V G Deaus, Mrs Eliza Dickerson, W G Farref:, Claudius Floyd col, Ovscn Fason. Th s Ii Fisher & Son El 1 Woodard Hooks, J B Jones, Jas F Keller, J A Sugg, G W ; Thorn. Wm Williamson. If the ab ve letters and postal card are not called for in 30 day i they wil be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Daxikls, PI M. "WINE OF CARDUP' four times a day makes a happy household. 'Jr'or sale by Peacock & llargrave. fVfoj is it? Plain Tom, our Caslalia correspon dent asks the question" in his letter, ' Why do all the farmers of our sec tion haul their cotlon, buy their meat and horses and mules in Wilson?" The reason is obvious. , Our Wilson merchants pay more for cotton than any Uwn in this section, and sell their meat as cheap as it can! be purchased in the State. Further Wilso.n is one of the best stock markets in Eastern Carolina. All three of our llivery stab'e men are good buyers and sell at a close margin and always keep suitable stock on hand. Wi son is improving very rapidly, and the farmers of Frank lin and Nash may always be assured that the Wilson merchants will mnke it to their advantage to trade with them. I To-morrow morning Selby Brcs will 'eceive two car loads of slock, if yon want a hcirse or mule go to see them. The New BiZle Quick Work. '- The new version of the New Testa- ment, which has been so many years iu course of translation, and which is un questionably the most important litera-! ry enterprise this century has seen, is being waited for with curiosity and anxiety by hundreds of thousands. It is not generally known that a first edition of 500.000 copies ". has already been manufactured in England, and ! 100.000 copies are said to be already! in New York City, not one of them permitted to be sold. They are await- ! , ' i . .i . 1 mg a telegram trom the autnonties in: England authorizing tlieir issue. Thei first copies can only be ha I at the ex- ! fVo,' ftf.n. ti, ! r. ' T, , . 1 " Ldterary itevoiuiion proposes iuiiy to meet the demands which its army of fpinnda n.j,;,,, u.i !,.!,.' ..j u.i, niuiviu- uptjn ii iij uunii; prooably the quickest work in book- making whicli has ever been accom- ,iioi e i . i I - . .... iu . II 1 .1 11.. I - Hilly made to put the entire bonk into so:.t' c oi i r .i type inside of 24 hours from the time . A , , , a pnnted copy of the Lnghsh edition can be procured, and within three days at least 10 000 copies will be bound; ready tor delivery to waiting purchas- ers, and at least. 5,000 copies, will be mi n n f-nt.riTPi1 pvori? ibiv f hrrps ft fp. ..... . . t. n i until the demand is met. It will be ..... , , ... . . ..t-uiw. and strongly bound iu cloth in a vol- time of about 500 pages, and sold at the nominal price or 30 cents. A fine cdit;on in balf Russia giIt top. Will bG so,d for 60 cent8 anil one in lun Tur. : key morocco, gilt edges, tor ?l.'2o. Of course, the nonn ar- dnmaitd will be enonnous. Orders will be filled in the rderiii vfHich they art' received, with tejnittance. American Book Ex- ihange, New York. Selby B rbs: .will receive two cur loads of Stock tomorrow. GK fled J - - - - T - CXamine m btfure purchasing else- where. Musical Entertainment. their friends propose to give a musical entertainment at Mam'jna Hail Tucs night to which thoy cordially everybody. Besides the . mu'sical feature ot the entertainment a series of I . , i 'ill. ; I UDICSUX Will l!C UUJ. The best musical talent in our towu 1 will be'engaged and as. is known bv j tuCse who are in .the .habit of attending tLese cntertainmeut.3, they are always i OI a superior onier, We hazard nothing when we pre dict that it will be the best musical en tertainment given in Wilson for some time. We know whereof we speak, because we know tint the manage r ment of this affair has been entrusted to competent and experienced hands, and the talent engaged cannot be ex- i . i celled i. rary ireai, is in &tore lor au wno attend. Tie object is a commendable one and the ladies should be aided in their praiseworthy enterprise. The object is to raise money to purciir.se an organ for the- Methodist churcM: and wc expect to see a large audience present at the, hall Tuesday night for two objects : First, to aid in a praise-j worthy undertaking, and second, to spend a pleasant, enjoyable evening! The price cf admission has been fixed at the low price of 2o cents so as to afford everybody an .'opportunity . of enjoying a musical treat at ; a small cost. Take our rdvicc and be e.ure to go and carry jyour sisters, your cousins! and your aunts, and if ymi are not pleased then j it will be because you are not in a mood to enjo3r good musicj for we know that the entertainment will be exceptionably good, and the! singing- heavenly en trancing. Uut we anticipate ! Go yourself and seoi if what we've told you will not be verified, : I . . . . '' BLACK-DR AUQHT " euren dyspep. eia, indigestion; and heartburn. For sale hjf Pvac ck & ll irgrave- Personals Mr, A. L. Rountree is in town this week. W. S. O'B. Robinson Esq., was 'in! towh this week. Dr. J. S. Battle and W, T. Muse, of Rocky Mount; are in town. Miss Jaggie Murray is on a visit to friends at Tarboio. Miss My B irnes is on a visit toher sister; Mcs. El. Byuum, m Tarboro. ! Mr. T.'B. Suggs has been absent in .Richmond this week on business. j Ex-Senator N. W. Bjddie, of Nash was in Wilson last Wednesday, - Miss Tiliie Mclnt're is on a vhit to1 friends in Goldsboro. Ret-. N. M. Jurney of Wayne cicuit was s in town cdnesdav. ! F. A Danie's E.cq.t of Goldsboro is in town this week. I Miss Fannie Benson is on a visit to i her sister. Mrs. J. 11. Rawls in this plaUt. j Mr. J. N. ffannon renrent ina W. iT. Bhigkwell & Co., of Durhamr was in lu vt ii oaiuru.n'. E, .Faroes, Jr., i3 in Norfolk this1 ! week in the interest of the firx of Puntree, Barne? & Co. Dr. T. T. Ross, of Nashvil'o nm pained by Miss Laura Sctt and Miss Flewda Batte were in town to see the; Mergers. ; 0 - Ex-Representative G. N. Lewis, of Nash Pai1 us a pleasant visit last Tuesday. B e are glad to learn that i I,e has about recovered his health again. .ll;r. T,' T t . 1. i i . . - i t , , , Si x lain iviu n-A- 1:1 m.Yll tilia WCCri. ; I. I- i;ifL liCfUUllH lie IKlM JUSj OUgl.t a new lop ouggy anu une buio 01 ciotnes ! :ina wa on ins way 10 a minister.. This looks rather suspicious". i . . ! ! JVe were V1 tt.meet m town a i few days ago Prof, Black well of Ran-I i , , , r " ,, , T i iL u1 i dolph-Jiacon college. J of. Blackwell i represents the college as being in u flourishing condition. Wp pm r,lpw,l m rrtvo n from Mr. J. S. Terry, one of our Casn talia subscribers this wcek He repre snls everything about Gastaliri J "v 'si'1 i "emg in a goo i co.utit.ton. T Rev. Jo3. E. Carter ami daughter T iISS KAniiis, who have been absent i on a visit to Murfreeslioro weeks have returned. Mr ; fi!lc;d bif Pullt Sabbath, morning; ,ma . , , fiir t.,:u., wll:t)lor cKa K,. ,ii.-..f hara-.Bt r: ,i,,:Ji J Speed, who is well know-Tin Wilson.)! ire hope Miss Speed will soon-be re-!? 6tortd to perfect health, G, W. Blount Fsq, and F. A I Woodard, Esq.. are absent this week iu Washington city . whither they have! gone to -exsmjne into some Confede! ratO hnilds which bar ft BnPCinl tiP.irin'r - - - - in the case of Miss Maha la Thompson s." ; vs. General Jothra Baru? TOURNAMENT AND CCR0NAT10N BALL I AT FREMONT. A Large Crowd Present vml a Pleasant Time. , Friday was the day for the tourna- ' . 7 , T S I ,eoP'e jetton had been; , :.. is i i.i i i anticipations. Everything had been done to make it a complete success and we are informed by those present from Wilson that the occasion was a most e'niorable One. ti t "rv..i n. e i . r. a. camels jsq., iortieny aresi-r. dent of this olace. flelivprptl t'io Vhnrno . tv. . . .... ,. iu iuc rvnigiius wuic'i is corppHinenLCU ! very ingniy. me uiii g occupied some time and was eagerly watched,, by the la -ge crow 1 iu attendance. The riding was good, a id some of the Knights are specially deserving of mention for theirj skill ia horseman ship. The successful knights crowned as follows : I . G. M. Capps. Knight of Frist Chance, crowned Miss-Amie . Aycock,. Queen of Love nnd Beauty ; Mr, T II. HooKs, Knight of Fremont, presented the crown of First Maid of Honor, to Miss Did i Dickerson : Mr. R. M. Peacock, Kinght of Future Prosperty gave -the crown . of "second Maid of Honor to IiFiss Penny Yelverton ; and Mr. L. H. King, Knight of the Broken Hearts, crowned Miss Sallie Peacock Third Maul of Honor. " ' . ' Miss Aycock the Queen is-at present attending school in H'ilsoi at the I. stitute, and Miss Sallie Peacock atten ded the Seminary last session. The Coronation ball was a big fea ture, and the hall was filled with the youth and beauty of Wayne, and mpny visitors of the surrounding coun ties. The dancing continued all 'night. much to the enjoj'ment of all present. "WINE OF CARDUI" cures irregular, painful, or dilhcult menstruation. For sale by Peacock & llargrave. . - Fire in Totvn Tuesday Niyht. Tuesda7 right at about 12 o'clock when Ihi larger portion of our citizens were sofely wrapped in the arms of Morpheus, and the 3'ouiig peop'.e on youthful pleasures bent were dancing at the Briggs House, the alarm, of .fire was sounded, the fire bell was rung and,men and boys rushed pell-mell through the streets crying "fire fire" at the top of their voices! Soon the straets were crowded, and a general rush was made for the fire which proved to be the burning of Mr Hutchinson's stables. It seems that the stables were in a light blazs when the fire was dis covered by some young men who were coming from a parly so lie distance out of town on the Nash road, who first 8vt it. A soon as they saw the fire they gave the alarm which resulted in bringing together the larger portion of our male population but to what purpose? Wilson has no fire engine or no facilities for fight- ir? fire and if the stablea had have f been near the house it wjuld certainly have been burned also. The colored people worked heroically and deserves praise and commendation for: theii good work. 1 Forty years' trial hai jtroved "BLACK-. DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in the world. For tale by Peacock fc HargravCi j The Bergers Isist Night. i A large audience composed of ladies nnd gentlemen in town aud from the surrounding country greeted tLe Ber gers al Mauiona Hall last niht. It was 1 . . 1 .1 . . oesi, auuience lu.at we nave seen at ! yIa!rjor a Hall for manv .raonth.9, and l(i e nertormance. w hi e not mminir j f-illy up to the expectations of the peo. i rlet was very credituole. . . r The cornet sol) by Mr. Holbrook was very fine, and was comidimsuted very much. The Saxophone-aud Xylophone, t wo new instruments were the subjects of much" curiosity as they were entirely now to most of the audience. On the whole fie performance was i- t d. . i. : i iuuy w.ortu wie Pmu wi . auup !(.!, 1 T nniovoH ( frti-, cue iuvcis ui uuio -1 J J irt.v i in g very muc.i. The Berrors are morally much better fo- severaf i tha'1 the "ayera'e company, and for that Ur. l5frtei!!reasonArcwor,thyor lhVl,Pl)0rt of lbc I better class of our people. False Al irin' o f Fire. i ,hsi. svrifiiv n v r finnnr 'r r o s false alarm of fire was given which r.rouguL a cronu in a iew minutes, air. wiusr'iad' W,M? 'l5 in : suburbs of IUV , V ni oul to her smoke house to get out some ' mpat for the next ear", and as she opened the door a thief ran out of the ! door and past her at his best speed. Knowing that her effjrt3 to captuie him singte-hnded would be futile she gave ' Ilia olnrm r,f firw tn Vlr n rrmril Ki'-t ! I the thief was safely away before aB jcrwd - asseaiblcd; . " (V - .w V ' u . 1 y II V4 , kLl.f Sectional Tcws. NASII COUNTV ITEMS. Nashville, N. C. Feb. -23rd, 181. . " ' i ' Deaths V7u"s;e7 Distillery vl Chuwje iii the SchednjOf MaiJs-Bitr ghiry Persoiiali Commis sionen t Meetin'ji Ktc.t Etc' 1 Mrs. Peggy -perring aged 90 years 'died on Friday the lSlU inst.,. at the j residence of James Harper near Cis- Italia. Her maiden name was Harri son. ?ne leaves a large circle ol rela- lives and friends to mourn their loss. Mr. Hilliard Hinton an age.l and highly respected citizen living near Pleasant Grove, in this ounty, dieal on the night df Ihe 21st inst., after only a few hours illness. Dr. N. T. Drake's whiskey distillery in the Hilliardston section will be in operation in a few days. Jesse J. Walker Esq., a wcrthy, and in every way competent business man, has been ordere'd on duty at the idistillery as U. S. C auger and store keeper. Tin re wi l be no mo m hihing wl.e ethe Dr. and Jesse hold the key s. There is & movement 011 foot to change the schedule between Nash ville and Louisburg so that your pa per and the other mail can go up the road on Saturday instead of lying over in Nashville till Motday as at present. There is some excitement here ch the burglary question as several at tempts have been made of late to open doors and windows. The purpose is in doubt as attempts have beeri upon the houses bf the poor colored as well as the Whites. It 13 to be hoped the in truders may yet be found out. The hotels and boarding houses are preparing for a Lig lime next week, and chickens, butter, cgis, &c, "meet with ready sales. Jlorse traders, newspaper men, and medicine venders are expected in full force. A petition has gone up to Raleigh asking the passage of a law to prevent fishing with nts and seines: in Sap pony creek. Miss Lucy W. P'oddie has returned from New York where she . has been attending t fie "Home for the educa tion of nurses.'' ,1 understand he will graduate in about two months. I-am pleased to be. able to say that the report that Mr. V. B. Batchelor would go to Rocky Mount to reside, is without foundation. The measles have appeared in the Red Oak section, . 2'Lere have- been no deaths yet, though Miss Ellen Coley I ie3 in a very critical condition. ' Mr. Frank Taylor left this week for Durham to visit relatives whore he will remain for some lime, j I regret to have to report the death of Ir. Richard Conyers, father of our townsman, Maj. I;. M. Conycri, at his residence iu Franklin county. t:.. i.'i...io u.,iii r r; 1 visiting the family of her aunt, Mrs. M. E Scott. t - At the 'mating of the board of County .Commissioners the first Mon- dav in this month all the "members of the board were present, and orders were drawn on the County Treasurer to the amount of$42'J.13. Liquor li censes wre granted to J. T. Taylor, Whitakers Jlili, J. T. Spivey, Rocky Mount, and Y(iC Eason at his store. I hope to see the. Advance repre settled at court next week. - ' . G- . . CASTALTA. - ' .. . r co. iort , io-3i. Feb. 23rt loot 1 ! Marriages in OH Nuh Death Per- son'ds CorreriioH Etc. j j Married" at theesideuce of , Mr. J- j D. Collins on the 17th inst., in Frank- hn county, A. Hamlet, J. P., officiating. Mr. Jarcellus Smith to Miss -Pattie i " vwi " "II UIU same day at the I residence of the bride's father. Mr. ' Jim Gupton of Franklin led to the j hyraenial altar Miss Maud Pittsford, ! daughter of Rev. J . At Pittsford ol JFarren ; and to-ilay Mr. John B. J A vent of Nash was happily united in I i rnarnage to Miss Mittie Joesoa of '-,lt-etn. N. C. Mrs. Margaret Darren an eld and ! . . i j esteemed lady died at the residence cf j Mr. James Harper on the 18th. aged 8 years. She had ben a devoted , - and consistent member of the Mission- I ary Baptist church for 50 years. ! , Miss Lula Gill, who has beer been visit ing relatives for some time in KiUalls, . C. returned home a few days i Owing to the scarceness of oat oatstb3(Ti!?:-;; acreagc will be much amaHer than last Year. ' I am glad to tnte that "Gambler Jack" Gupton is nf't dead, and wrtto " this to correct my last. Why do all the farmers haul tficir cotton, buy ihefr meat audi horses and in Wilson? Why ia it -tha.t we cannot, Jfa ye . prea6hing here nioalhh? . BLACK CRBEK, Ilorsd Runaway Justices ami Mayor's4 Ctmrt School. Etc. A few days ago when Mr. B. IX, Ty- ler and wife of this place wera return ing from a visit to Greenville the horse' ... . 1 beeame frightened and unijuauagoble & throwing Mr. Tyler to' the ground with 1 botii reins in his bands spraining his f Kit so severely that he has not yet v been able to wafk, ) His wife was . in the buggy and kept her seat while the horse was I running , at brok-neck : speed until he was arrestee! by some travelers who meet them Last Iriday Mr. Bultou Scott one of Black Creeps oldest citizen came in aud took out a peace warrant against -one. B'illiam Wadford, lira tenant. Justice Newsome dismissed the caso foi r.ant of evidence,' a row endued which resu'rod in the placing of both' Scolt and" Wadford in the lobk up for the night." Jno. Hubbard, colored, an old ofend. er of the law, was brought befdre May or Harris on a charge of disorderly conduct aud was fined $5 and Hhe cost. Miss Annie Bowers of Wilson ia m' town and will commence a school .In a few daos. She will " opeL- with ' fiae prospects. . SheriiT Winstead was in town lat Monday and s imruoncd a jury to ex amine into the state ol Britton Scott's' mind.' The verdict was that he was" incapacita'ed from attending to his' -own business or carmg for his family from excessive use ofstrong drink. , The guand flags are flying on evar corner in town. Miss Fcttie Woodard of this place is on a visit to relatives in Goldsboro. Zi iv. Mr. J. G. Bradley, of E lgecombo county, near Bittleboro, had his gin house, together withabovt 20 bales of cotton burned ori last Friday night about 7 o'clock It was set oh fire while Mr. B and family were' a'a sup per.' No clue to' t he guilty party. The Iojs fa estimated to be about $2,800. No insurance. FViday the 18th inst.. about 1 o'clock a. ni., the stables of Col. W. F.' Grcen3, on his plantation 7 miles from' this place, in Edgecombe county, to-' gether with one mule, a large quantity of forage, cotton seed and farming utensils, were destroyed by fire. Hun ny Howe. Mr. GVW. Lamb, who, it will bt re membered, was employed in B.' Clement's tailoring establishment In' this' place, about two years ago, com tnitted ehicidc by cutting himlf in th throat in Elizabeth City about; two weeks ago. Cause: ill health and want of support. Some thief entered the kitchen -'-of Mr. John Forbes at toisnot Monday night and helped himself out ftf bis larder. ' The Pitt county poof house- was' burned fiiesday of last week. No , lives lost. The TMjjcld' Bank iW'm opened in' , 1 I f l m 9 o 4 M t tin i: r is kport. WiLfiN N.; C.Feb. 23, 1881. i COTTON4Mid-Jl)n... ins GR A IN. fflitat per bus..... 1.25 so ....... 65 vHOO 15 : ri - 3 to 4 ) Jorn Oats a II A Cf ' . N . " J . i!am per ft u'VA'9, aVf s,louIJf"":-r;" Bulk, luft feidei? . U; ".boulders Beeswajf i Butu-r Cliickenj... ej- ......... ....... Iiik8. Grtcn 4- dry.............. b' 10tol2 Lard:.... . Peanut., Potatoes Sweet.... . Hice. .......-11 60 to 1.2S f i vv. M. iy .f i i