The Wilson Advance. PUBlShE AT WIUSOf,N.a, JSVKBY. FRIDAY. The Wilson Advance ADVBBTlSHli . '' One Square 1 time ....... ... :...1,00 One Square 1 mouth 1,50 Our Square months .5,0 One Square C months., .....8,00 On Square 12 inontha 1 5,0i Liberal deduction made ferlarferirpess Woodnrd & Connor. WBSCRIPTlOIf RlTBSt CLT ILL rrilfi EVDS TifoD AffiTnLYrST -12.00 Transient AdTertlaeotents lasertei si Cents per line. - VOIi 11. WILSOX, X. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 11, NO. 8 ' 1 11 iiir J '" i 1 & I i Local department. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor. Railroad Schedule at WIJai GOINO NOHTII No. 47, Pasaensra-r and Maii......l:3C'a. m. " 43, Fast Mail. 10:57 a., m. " 45. Accommodation . ..12:'8 a. II. Iul Fmjjhr.... ..8:39 a. m. r Goino South. No. 4S Pataenjrer.. j...?:"ft p. m. 42 Paasentrer ...4:U2a a. m. 40 Kt Mail ...... 8 :'.IZ p. in. Ical freight .................. .. .1:0 p. in. Post Office Hour: The post office will be open from 8 a. ra,. t5 p.m., and htur afiet the 8:33 p. m.. train. Open hour after taeli anall Sundays. rta: Pooomoke ! IVCoMok. Pocomokk! POGOMokE. F. Stern in selling out at and below cost. Snow Friday and Saturday mornihg of last week. Dick Allen has juct received anoth er car load of buggies. 1 F. Stern sells his entire and below cost. stock at Dick Allen sells his buggies on long time cheap. Rowland has the best 5 cent cigar in the city. Go tm F. Stern's for below cost. goods at and Economy is wealth,. Buy your bug gies from Dick Al en. Far saU at and below cost F; Stern's n tire stock of goods. If you with good groceries at and below cost go to F. Stern. Rowland still ahead ! Sells snuff at only 50 cents a pound. 50 boxes of ? window glass all sizes. Just received at Rowland s. All kinds of dress goods at cost si L. lltilhrooer & Bro's., Agents. Alt kinds of winter goods at reduced prices at L. IloUbroner & Bro's.. AgsnVs. ? ' Beautify your .'.yard's with Central Park mixture, or Blue grass, Rowland has it. i . ; ' D'ck Allen has just received a lot of two-horse wagons which he will sell cheap or. time. If you want to buy your paints at bottom figures save money by purchas ing of Rowland. , f7ood buggies, and cheap busies I Dick Alleircan't be beat, Buy your buggies from him. Landueth's and Bidet's garden aeod a good assortment, at- Move & Na dal's Drug Store. Dick Allen is having such a rush for buggies he wants to employ two active men to help him. V. B. Balchelor at Nashville, has a lot of good buggies which he will sell cheap for cash or on time. tf-1 4. Rev, J. E. Mann, Presiding Rider of this district will preach at Home's chapel in this county Sunday rnrjrning next. Mr. Heilbroner will leave in a faw days to purchase an unusually i large stock of Spring goods. Then lDok out for cheap good. If any of our farmer friends are in need of guano we call their special at tention to the advertisement of Hins. Hadley & Co. They deal, exclusively in first class standard brands and offer good inducements to purchasers. Go to see them before you purchase your supply. It is evident, from the improved quality and condition of the Seven Spriugs Iron and Alum Mass, that the proprietors have profited by their long experience in its manufacture, as is attested by the steady ir.sxeasing de mand for that most excellent mineral ter remedy. It is now admitted to be the best known tonic; alterative we iavs in use for correcting the acidities of th stomach, disorders of the liver, affestions of ike kidneys a-nd impuri Hei of the blood;, being made y Msesrs. Ladrum & UtchSeld, Abing don. Van irora the noted pure mouiu Uin mirKsrjvl wateps- of Washington Death of a Briyht Chiltl. Little Mark the bright and intelli- j cent l'ttlo son of Prof. Sylvester and Fannie Hassel), died Tuesday morn ing of this wevk of brain fever, aged about two years. We tender our sympathy to the parents in their sad bereavement. '' BLACK-DRAUGHT " makes chills ami fever impotable. . For sale by Peacock fc Ifargrve 7tc Court Room. V are pleased to note that our county Commissioners have had th Court House newly and nicely carpet tcd in time for Court next week. This makes the Court House more coni tortablc not speaking of the advantage given to it in appearance. Here we go ! Look oui ! Dick Al lens buggies are the bc-t in the market rr" O and don't you forget it. Awl Still 1 hey Come. Another I large lot of the fashionable sun lxnnets just received at E. G. No & Go's , all sizes and colors to suit the most fastidious, from the in fants puff top to the oldest ladies double skirts. ' Some for the white. And some for the black, Some for the rich - And some for the poor. Some, for the pretty girls passing by the door. '"'-. "WINE OF CARDUI " for Ladies only. For sale by Peacock & Hargrate. Died, ' At his residence in this place Jon day "ight Mr. Willis Ptpkin. , aged alM)ut f0 years. His funeral took place Tuesday evening. Elder J. S. Voodard preaching the funeral ser mon Mr J Pipkin was a good man and died as he had lived with the respect and confidence of all who knew him. "H leaves several children and grand childreu and many friends to mourn his loss. He leaves a long line of de scendants. Among them Mrs Alex Oldham of Wilmington, Mrs. Denmark ofGoldsboro, Mrs. Fiprlen of Whiia kers, and Mrs. C? )1J of this place. Whoa ! there. - Don't you want a cheap buggy? It so go to see Dick Allen. Wilson Con? t. v Superior Court will be held in .Wil son next week. Judge Craves presid ing. Siveracaies ot irnportapce ate to ba tried and a large crowd will doubtless be present. As is usual many of our subscribers will be in town at. sometime during the week and wo trust thai those who are indebted to us will come up and settle their accounts. In the main our subscribers have paid npvvell, but there are a good many vhnrare sttll in arrears who would please us yery much by settling without further delay. A tritr package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" free of charge at , For sale by. Peacock & Hargra'vc. J" Married. JA- the residence of the, bride's father Mr. K. , 't. Owens, in this county, Wed nesday, Uarch 9th., J. J. Farmer Fsq officiating. Mr. Cicero Bryunt to Jiss Annie Owens all of this county. In Farmville at the residence of the bride's father on March 9th Mr. Thos. Hill of MHrlboro was married to Mis Sue'.-May. Miss Nora King of this place was present at the celebration of the nuptials. J Dick- Allen is now selling open buggies at $45 and tops at $oo, Meeting of thz Board of County Com ' inissionirs. Last Monday Teing the J regular ti me of the monthly meeting of the board of county Commissioners, nil the board being present, they met in the Court ,,ur: rr' U'VJ' U ' ;Y am' CUair presiding. - bhe usual monthly allowances were made. . J. A. Farmer was granted license to retail Liquor twelve months from date j at his old stand below the ra'il road in i in the town of Wilson. Sam. B.I Waters was granted license to sell ! Liquor by retail at his present staud on the IFest side of Tarboro street for twelve months. M. C. Moss. ClerSe of tho .Sutierior Court. renewed his official boud with! Wiley Daniel aud Jotm Barnes as sureties. Various and sundry accounts for pio- j former residfenl of Wilson, we; are in visions, merchandise &c were ordered ; debted fer courtesies rendered while I to bo praid and the board adjourned. A Genuine Article. The $0iubl3 Pnciflc O.nro. adver- tisfcd in this issue by Mr. J. A. Clark, has the impress of a genuine article It has been tested at the experiment station at Chapel II ill, V. C. and was awarded a higher commercial value than any ofher fertilizer sold in frilson. If you want to make an fearly crop of cotton, with fine white lint, buy your fertilizers of Mr.- Clark, who will sell as low as the standard brands can be bought anywhere. Take " BLACK-DRAUGHT " and you will never be bilious. For saln by Peacock &, Harravc. Advertised Letters, A list of letters and postal cards wholly written remaining in the post office at Wilson, N.C.. Mar. 11th, '81 : Bettie Adams, F E Adams 2, Mrs Caroline Boyett, Thos Brovn, Mack Burch, Mrs Francis Barnes, Wileon Barnes col, Miss Alice Barnes, W II Bailey c ljoras Carr. E R Gray, Jno Halt, Mis Martha Halt, Briston Huff man, M Thomas Holland. Wm Johny Joyner, Jas F Keller 2, Louisa Lewis. James Matthews,, H E Mills; John Plown. Marrett Renfrew, J D B iJucks. Thos Ruffi.i.R S Williams, D J Wil liams, Rev B Woodard. If the above letters and postal card are not called for in 30 day they wil be sent to' the dead letter office. M. C. Daniels, P. M. Beauty, health, and happiness for ladle in "WINE OF CARDUI " For f ale by Peacick & llargrave. Persontds. Mr. A. N. Daniel is north on busi ness' Rev. W. L. Cunniggim was in town last'week. Mf.B. W, Hargrave i on a visit to our town. Mr. Sam. C. Smith, of Goldsboro is in town. -. ' Miss Npya J'fJJ -a on a Vls to rela tives i Yilt eounty . ' Ca)t.Sam. Hodges and family left for Norfolk Wednesday J BII. Bunn Esp;.. of Rocky Mount, was in town Wednesday, We were pleasid to, meet Mr. Jas. E. Clark in town yesterday. : James Lipscomb who was in Wash ington at the inaugural returned home Tuesday, Miss Annie Lew's of Rocky Mount, who has been on a visit to friends in Wilson for several weeks has returned home. Mr. Jos. B. S'ickncy and wife who have been on a visit to their daughter. Mrs, Alex. Crrecnc of this p'acc, have returned home. Mr. M. J. Edwards, who has been absent in Baltimore for several weeks on business, returned to Wilson Tues day of this week. Mr. Alex. Oldham and . wife of Wil mington, Mrs. Denmark of Goldsboro, and Mr. F. L. Pippin and wife were tn town this week brought hither by the death of Mr. Willis Pipkin, who was the father of all these latiies. Col. Geo. W. Stanton, who has hcen in Washington attending the inaugu ral ceremonies returned . home B'ed tcsday night. Col.' Stanton speaks highly of President Garfield and pre dicts a successful and peaceful adminis tration. By the way! Mr. Stanton was one of the few North; Carolinians who had a place on the platform near Mr. Garfield. "WINE OF CARDUI " makes rosy cheeks aud clear complexions. For sale by Peacock & Hargrave. TRIP TO WASHINGTON CITY. Desrrrng to visit the capitol of pur country and- be present at the inaugu- ceremonies which were to induct a new president into the highest office new pre within the gift of the psople, t he local editor of the Advance laid down the quill last Tuesday and started on a journey to the political Mecca, where a horde of offrce-seekers and a goodly number of patriotic citizens snd solders had weudei tbeir wav to greet a 1 new presl(1eiil After cur arrwal m VTashinoton we were pleaded to greet Col. IJenry G Williams, a foriurr editor of the Wil son Advance, whose smile and- wel- ! comcwa usgenif as in days-of yore. ! To him ami Mr.-Arthur Barnes, also a ! at tl CapitoL We spent Thursday in the House of Representatives and in the Senate chamber. Speaker Randall, of the House is a dignified presiding cifficar and is firmly entrenched in the hearts of the members regardless of party. We were in the House when-the Presi i i j dent's veto of the funding b:li was read. ' Sun Set" Cox the funny man of the House, ha3 a deceitful appear ance Fi-om his appearance we wou'd neve j "'think him tocontain so mucji wr, Hon. Walter L. Steele, "of this Slat?, is the only man from North Carolina, who is worth-any proper' y. He is an attentive legislator, . Hon. A. M. Scules is consldercj-l the leader of our State delegation inj the House. This chamber the Hous to the eye of the 1 cal editor presented a scene f utter '-.confusion. It seemed that almost every member was iji teut on making as much disturbance as possible, and as the President's mes sage was read we scanned the coiiute nances of the members closely amVwe doubt if half a dozen of them paid the leastjattention to the re&diug of the message. The Democrats soerael dis couraged by the veto of the President. The tiouse passes from their control and their most cherished measure ."'js lost, and the ci edit which. woa'?d iare attached to them for the passage of the bill is lost to them beyond recall. In the Senate chamber in the room of chaos and confusion which pervades the Itonse quiet and order is preserv ed. Thursday, while we were in the Senate the indian question was up for discussion. Hoar of Massachusetts, Wallace of Pennsylvania and others ook part in the debate. ' Senator!; rW. is an ordinary looking man and upjon first sight does not impress one with a sense of his! ability. He is not ah orator in any sense of the term, but is a plain spoken man who says whati he thinks, and generally thinks right. Neither of the North Carolina : Sehi- ators took any part in the debate, and wp did not have an ODDCi'tunitv of , - , -: obs'erving their style in the Senate! On the third page of Uiis paper,. VVJ publish a full report of the inaugura 1 h :. . -i ; tion which will be read witli interest by those of our readers who have already read rer orts . in the daily pers. During our stay in irashington not pa- we insited the White House where we met president Garfield, who 14. a pleasant, sienial, fine-looking man. He is a man who Would attract attention in . any crowd by his statesman-like appear ance and dignified bearing. T Up IV Into lioiise 13 the most insiT- nifioant looking of all the public build . i - . . " ' . - - - i . inosJand its outward annearance is not in keeping with the handsoiuf' structures like the StatGi War and Navy1, Treasury and Post Office De partrhetits, and the Patent Office. The Lastjrcom into whicu we were con ducted is elegantly , furnished - with ill the modern improvements. A portrait of Washington's wife is '-fchc.rn.0st elegant of ihe portraits which grace the rbom. An elegaut portrait of Mrs, Hayes will be place 1 aext to that of Mrs. Washington. It '.vas surprising to! note the high cstoem in wliich 'Mrs.' llayjis is ield by everjbocly with whom, as the chief lady of the land, sho hiis com in contact during the ost fotir years. ShejwiU always be regard!ed with the highest respect for her gret moal courage. , &ne 13 tne nrst 1'resiueni s wife who has had enough strength Jof character to do right in regatd to wine hdrmking and all comt people with thac one accord render her tb3 praise is due, and regret to see her leave a position which she has filled with such credit to herself and to the country. Mrs. Garfield is a very -pleasant lookinp- ladv, but there h not that exl pression of force of character which IIS visible at a glance in Mrs. Hayes countenance. It is hoped' that she will gar nllow Mrs. Hayes precedent in re to wine drinkin2 at the IFhite Hon sc .' A most pleasant visit to us was the. ne we made to Corcoran3 art gallery where the! works of the most eminent ! sculptors anu painters are oa exuiui lion We saw a piintuig of Es-Seni-. tor Cltngman of this State at this- gal- lery which was a master piece of art. Thi4 is the only rtortii Uaroliiiian Nc who sc porttiat . can bo seen m liMS nlace where everv visitor to Washinn- f -r Y ton is certain to go. . The Suiilhoniarir Institute,' the i- i Treasury, Patent Otfice, the Engraving aod Printing Bureau, aud the Botani cal Garden all visited, arc places of in terest which should not be neglected by nay visitor to Washington. The receptian given to Gen. Han cock was second only to that given to Garfield, ami although the -train '-on which he arrived was four hou.-s late thousands of Democrats and Republi- c?ns anxious to do honor to the gal-j (ant solder, waited at the depot in the 1 rain and snow, so eager were they to j participate in giving Hancock an on tion. Hancock's bearing was in keep ing with his position, and his praiie was on every tongue. While Garfield was reviewing the troops, some bold Democrat, whose ardor and zeal on Id not ba 012-1 ched ! raised a banner, baari ng the inscription j 'VinH.l 1 SJ-tf TJu rf.. V urtieKl bctt Hancock Though not elected President, the c'joica of the people." This caused much cheering. Hancock, be it said to his credit, avoided all demonstrations, and restrained Lis friends from any ovation or display in his behalf. When he arrived an enthusiastic crowd met him and hurrahed until he entered, his carriage when some of the more zeaK ous of the crowd began to unhitch the horses expressing the determination to pull the carriage themselves.. Gen. Hancock prevented them from this action byhis decided refusal to allow them to do him so much honor. ) Had we thespaco it would be our pleasure to give -a more lengthy and extended notice of the inaugural, of Washington, the public men and the wonders to be seen &c, After spend ing a week very pleasantly in Wash ington we are at home again with pleasant memories of a tnp the enjoy ment of which will not soon be forot ten. '" - !tuKKi:r itr;ioit i'. HKVISKD COBRKTIDIir ktxuh. nnfimv k Wilson N. U Mar , 11; 1881. COTTON Middling.... 1... ICU GRAIN. If'hcat per bus 11 Join......... ....... 75 Oats ...........6 Peas. 100 BACON. N. U. Hams per lb.... 1 15 N C S'des and shoulders. ... 12$ Bulk meat sides......... t " "shoulders Beeswax"... S 2f Butter Chickens..; E-s.. 1 lides. Green dry ...... Lard...... Peanuts, Potatoes Sweet Kice... Tallow......... .., Crn meal....... ....-25 to 40 25 ;:r:':i ....UiteHj 80 to l .'Ji CO .....10 INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AMD THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOK'.S OF A TORPID lMof apetite.IJausea.bowels costive, P ajn in th eHead ,wTt h a duTl aebaaiion in tlie back part, fain under the aHouMer Wa"deu3Jn88 ateratin;jpith a disin clination to exertion of Tbqdy or mind, IrritabihtFtemper.nNow ap'rita. Lokb of "naembry, witfi a ft-'eting of having peg lected some duty, wearinesa, Dizzlneas, 1 luttering qfthj Heart, Dots before the eyes. ellow 8'kln, H eadache, fiesth-ss- hess at ufght, hishly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S FILLS r especially adapt rd to fuclic:ips,iinedose effect such a change of feelins a to astonish the sufferer. Tliv InrrvaW the A ?! it. rid" caoe I he body l Tk- on FlmtU, thas if vstem ! nHrUhHl.a:ii by Ui irTonle 4rtloon the llireli.vp Otvatn. Kejular wtooia ri?rro- uvular & Mil diic"ij. ri rrny St., 1 TUTT'S HAIR DYE, llAtBorWirrsirf fiS rhanged to a Oneway 1!i.ack by a single spplii-atson of this DTr. It imparls a natural color, acta IntantanouaIy. KiM if r'rusit' n-iit by Hjirm on r-eit of f 1. Office, 35 Murray St., Mow York. AT Br. TCTTO IOI U of Vklaatlr 4 rKfai a(ia tu b him aaa nnt . C. H. Aycock, Of Wayne. y. A. Daniels. Of Wilson. AYCOCK & DANIELS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, v GOLDSBORO, N. C. InT'Will Dractice in the Cuuvts of -Wilson, Wayne, Lenoir and Greene. . - . COL.iJE.JIiO A. fsrtt-AALi r. iir. AVCOCK win ue at riemuui et- . . . . mi.. -v , ery Saturday. ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To introduce nnr new styles and tnflnhortrada we roK-r lae t.x;iiz nniarallll flr Ur a short time: "Tli IV-rlin -acWn ronnini a placed alc3"ehani. fcn haa I fin, lady1 re cmt wt jewelry, r b-mi frnfT tmlion.-ral iwk I:w'".fct of a.-.Os luU g;M plai- 6rd rns. rollar tiuLton. k lint. p k took, inflation rilk hanHnrctiief, jwn. f-ii' il. romn- ruvelrie a-fl vi;tiriK'"r,1. All thfw mailed to yoa for JSe. la Mamn: 4 prk-ia for J1.0Q. The lot can be re tailS at from f: to ' The KoTuKakri o.-'lainieaneaoprbasnthyat rin;, ei int eocal liroucb wt In t o, fany neck- . bra,.,i,,-,.roeiu--finrer4jpiiriuii',-t c'Md ! rwnKi Kirf pn. f iimii) l'nn dianiond 3ioa. i it tiTe bunorn, piatwi roiiar buuon Malte""" eros wita . oiamota -enir. waonuo, lvcTe billions, paim coiiar ouii'jn, pimia waich rlwtD. (.lam cold plat nns. ny i ink cam-o rsnai JIit ear-na won y. ctamina aottinir, mfl' fall cornb. mthyrt t, ly 'a fail piated mn Uh Vhitf no wltiaei and rmM ctX pin. 'tit cO!4-pUia slffve buttona. Th whole of tMs mac-aiflerBt , rolirclion aent tnort by mk!! fcr 1. 2 for ti.TU. 4 for 1. Thia lot can be retailed eanllr at frttn fi tofl'l. Addrcac, y. Y. JEWELRY Of Atlanta, ia. ' T Aruwti Gibe aaya: "Thia rorbpany 1 !M-rffetIy reliable, an t the amocut they fur vaur looaey is asUMindiop." iuooa Co0 reread. Xaiv?. rttfpcptC. bUhuui uf- :Tf. vicUjn or H'Tt-r ut, and jvkhi". the mcr- curirU diseoetl (uurBl. how . 1 !- ri-ouTfrl hfnlih, charful pirit and etfod adjfiii Uwy will tell von bv ikin-x SIM SlOX'S wlVER RESL'LA- TOR. ; 5 Th.c Cancat, Purest, rvnfl Bv4t rtimlly IfIrllclB In Hi" World. For DYSPEJPSrA, COXSTIPATIOX, Jaur.dlc, PillLMi nttlr CTl'V 11 A 111 iMU' H. I Sa. ire-lan oC spiritu, SOUR MOXACH, Ilart j "I d v.. This nortvifjcd fJouthTD Rraedv l. wiirniiil not 10 contiin .t slnlt; rlclc ot ".TIEKCX'HY or any Injuricwi miacral ab'!Xauc, b ac U ' PL'HKIA VECSIITAIII:-!', contains tho Saathera Il-3t and Herb.. whic'i :vn aii Knrvid-ce plated m counu-u- whr Livvt Diseases mast yi-vvail. It will care all DUeain cnuvorl by. Df ranement of the Liver and Uoirelt. The SYMPTOMS of Llvr Complaimsare a bit- f ter or bad taste in the mouth ; Fain tn th.- Ha -k. i Sides or Joints, often mutuken fjr Rhiunia(im : j soi itt vrnii ic ti NOl K;IOUU II tJ..nfUn. D.1.i. lax; Huadach, Loss of Meuiory, wttb a friinlnl ! .sensaimn of liavlne failed iv do sann-tbin wbich r out' lit iffhaTi Vn done , Iebilllr Loir Spirits. A teic! rellow appe trance of Hie S'cin an I eye, a dry Coujrh often mfstaaen for ComunrtpUon. rJotneuraeti many of the symptoms a tied the din ease, at othare Try few; but tbt Uer, che larmist crg-au in bod, is generally the scat of the ditcam if not regulated tn time, rreat -utfi-rtuj, wrt.iclied . ees and JTC .1X11 vrill ensue. CAUTION. I As tbre ar- nnmVr of tmiixtlom oflTiTod to the public, we would cautiion the enmmunitr 10 bny no Porders f Prepared SIMMON'S LIVEH KEGUL.ATOK unless in white wiapers. has the red letter Z and Mortar in front and d is made bv J. II. ZFILIN Sc CO. "We hgve lasted its virtue, personally, and know that for Iiyspewia, Billiouines. and Throbbing Head Ache, it i bit medicine the world ever Raw. We have triad forty other medicine before Sim mons Liver Kgulator. but none of them car us more than a temporary relief ; btt the Benlator not only relievtd but cured us," ltd: Ttlejraph and Mrtscnger, Macon. Go. MANUFACTURKD ONLY BY jr. ti. zi:ii.i A: co, rillLADEf.PllIA, PA. 8()I.U BY AIX DRUadtSTS, THE MmmU Gttoi Planer, (PATtXTED 1879.) . Will, Plant Seed without Prep aration. Is Very M Easily Adjusted Is an t'oor.oin'cal irinchiiu. Ihe quantity ot J freed to'h.1 sowed (?:tn be regulated by, the t-crews under the bottom. It can be inn as i ; n ear the end of tb rows and near stumps i as the prinv.ein o. i - - ". I. Over two hnndrcrl in rwe ui W ilson' Co., Hast neason piTin perfect fatissction and ! rt eorahieiuled 'by ever trox nsinsr tliem. j If yon want the cheapest. tb ,b-st and I nTrwt prnetical ?aiiter buy Jhe Elxecombe. ! For sale by. j uuAxNxir, HadleT t tvm. . ents for Wtfn couttty. i losDhm The chamfjiion phosphate ai n oflered etbe Farmeas. SIX YEARS IN USEl ' nC .nn.nAl!linn A!rl Dkru ; !7t'lK;S CUiiJli-liliuia. .iviu ' "us 1 "cn it-. 11 DlllUtt Oiivr ius uuuuiiiil vunuu i . dcr eon. Fj Sale by JT TTJaao ttot Jtr rr. . Jj. w eaver oc vo. V . GET YOUR DINNER WITH ffUtr ONE ARM SdLDIER.) AT GAEB FRONT DINING ROOMS WELDON. N. C. I v GOOD Dtfr.n POH SO rETJ 1 : .'- - - - - -JrIi; i nn tnwn. Trm and Dnralile Ston , ?ruar I - .-v.: ' TAIB0TT & S0SS Shockoe Machine IUC1IM0ND, VA., Mannfacnirorn i.f PortaMe and Stationary Ei. r;ines and, Boiler, S;tvr Mills, frn inf Whrat .Mill, bhiihiiig Haulers and PulUy Turbine Water W heefs, : f obacc Facf or v Machinery, Wrought Irtvr.fTork, ftraM an f Iron Calh)j;s, Machinery of every deicilp." tion. QIS'SISG S- nWESHlXG XA CII1XEJ A-SI'KCIALTY. nonfiirif' Prrmllir And Parnrnll,. UC?a,n" 1 tom?U "U V""'" POn. " ' Talbott'i Patent Spark Arresttr. riu- lv-Mllon uflU. Ac. It do-r not dentmv Ihe'ilraft. . It doej not infei efu wl'h .'aillnj tlltf 1urc. , It will not: choko up and requires no . canbijr. It requires rro tfircct dampers to be nrteti- .. 'd when ruising steam d.nnuer behig ob jiction:rtTe, a they may b left open and? allow thfe r)arks to escape. J It requires no water to extinirnih park which, by conilenrtallon, JuiStroysilie draft., Besides, when water Is u.ed, if n'Klrttd, th efficiency Is restnyeia by evaporation f the water, and the djoifer U kept ins filthy Condition. r It ir6 Minple rad d drably andean' be relied uponi ' ' It can ba atUfPlwo to any boiler. No planter should 1m without one of litem. Insurance com paries will iuaura gins and barns where the Talb tt En jjjhie and Spark Arrester are ued at same rt as cbarip-d far water or hor3 power. KfiriVuvJ for illustrated circulara and price Hit. Ihaiifeh Irott-e: Ooldhciro, X. C. J. A i Uau-ier, General Manager. T. A. Orainxer Local Mana?ei. nnl4-12 OCKJAJJK 1UUI MARBLE WORKslOOl 8YCAMORK 8TKKLT, rEUTSIH'IUl, VA.- GRAVE STON'ES of every deo.ri)tion mdc to order, ranging; in pftcv from up. Designs !nt by mUll postage r!i1d w ? b sfanipn enclosed for re sinin.' tvheQ orders sue rcceivl, thpv an? jprepcrt'd and forwnrdrd. if hs work w inot mtlsfaciory iurchascr arc rtqutsated to rCTrtrn at MY EXPENSE. Xo pay i enjrM? until the Wti k is exnmin vtl. Jorre)ondcnU rUcUer from' all patU of the eottntrv, f'-y Clf.S. M. WALSII. .rt i 'iik-JCs rite's uVthk i'EC& 1 H'tLSVS COUNTY. Yotf rtre hcrrSy notilW-tf to make rrturn to me of all rluc?, peiitles and furMtur c)lIcCTed by you ns Justices of the IVvwf on or before the fkut dy of Ma roll IM81 See Ch.tpt, mid section page ISO actl of 1879. , r eb. 1881- ", JT. Wl FARMER. . THE 21 AllOW , Is intended to be accurate a Review of leading Ktcrrtry aud political current Upiet that it "hall1 be worth ft' careful mn' wlilln t real it Tfore forrrrlug hla oInloua. Any prwtr unacquainted with the pujer ia ' invited' to end tor a ipechnen. Cbpy. Kut. iialied 'lInir?dayi. ; Price 12 cents er copy 3 "20 per nnutti. Adilreis Uot 25; ScW York. . . . .-'.; . f.: . - . . ...' ENLARGE IND DEVELOP THE FORM. If shrank wholly or In part from nature or dl- -eaw. Ad vie fnt. l-rrne rasa and antid stamp . to P. I I,. Co., Atlanta. fla. No bumltuc. Illh' ct refVreiice. CorresitoDdeoce conOdeoUal. CONDENSED TIME, M Carolina 1 ail lad TRAlN'S (iO'Nf) WK5T. Tat, Srpl. tir't No. 4t . Da H f S 41. ' Hy try ri' Has. Laavr (;oMIxjio . in lOsni. Arrlrw at KalHgh: 12 'ym; Laan? : 3 Ufn: Arrire at Durham 4 Hpi' " lliilIx)ro: h aiipm'. ' frr-aktxtro'. 7 4ftpm' Ive " N W N t;. SOjijn ATr Saifm N WNe:- 1') Mpm'. Arr -llith 1'oiut . : 55jJtn : Salitury '. 10 1 0 pin . C'harlolta : 12 27am: a 34 )i m i A p n an 1130" aa 19 00 a ra 1 1 20 am 10 25 am l H ta ""No. Connect at GoldsWo with I-frain or AV, A W.- rnd A. A X. C. R. RV, at Salishi.ry with V-4ircrn North Ctrobna'.. Uirilroaf. at Air Tine Junction with AH'i J fJne'Tor all poTTit-South and South-wetj , No.'42-iC'onnets at Air Line Junotlork ; wiib A Ate A Lit R, for all point aonthj laud .ontlt-wett, at Charlotlee wiUi C C A ) A R U, fof all point r fou t!i and houili-eajtl.j. TRAIN'S GOING EAST. Ite. hmpt. W."'W : .No. 47 o. 46 No.i?r y at Sa ; . iMily lmre t;harlolM : 4 06AM: 4 4.1PM: ' ' Saluborr : 6 23AM'. 8 JiPM: ' liijh l' if 7JOAM: 7 54PM' " sih.NW.IOt r.ouAM: .oopm: S Arr ir5ntH,u : 9Vik: T.&rx. ireu jOFO - 9.53AM bor : 11 Ssam: : I 2tPM j ';. im;pm IUIAM aVrr-rlmia M2.2PM: i La HatW-B J--v 40PM: $.fKy1- ' jirri Ooldil.. i . : uPM: 10.00 AM: ' i No. 47. onnec: t Chirlotte with 1 tralua on A 4 C A L nw from tha Uoulti and wutb-we: at tfaliabury jwiih Wester.. N V Railro"!, atGrremboro with 11 & D R 1 for all ptjiuw north, eart and i al jjoidtboro with w w r r, aa j a & N gR lit i- &, A and A A V A L U K. troui all potol sourtn !itV-etu and wet, at GreeitboaH with Ui DH K, t all poiuU uorttr, tut aed west, I SLEEPING CARS WITHOUT CHANG ft ln boih ayg with trains No, 43 ai, j 47. ix tweett New York ainl Atlanta via ' Itichmorid, Greeniboro and Charlotte, ami on Train No. 42 and 43 bctweeu Waah j in('n and Augusta, Ga. ' ' v j Through ticket on sale tt, Gffeenboro lUk-ilt, UoWsbro. baiissourv ana v-ur. tte, and at all principal point touih i r.n-li.n-vut'' tf nnrtli ami ru:. For enr igr!Ln. rateg t0 points m Arkansas aud TX iaaaJUc s j , . .l-OPE- 65 . . r . ...''. i