glx tfaatht. 3oocal Iejrmrtmfeiif : .ji.ui JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor. GoitfO NOKTII V: 47, rasaiirr and-Mail... ..10:38 a. m. .10:57 p. m. ,. 7:51 p. m. ....8.39 a, m 4J, Fast Mail ...... .. 46. Accommodation .Local Jf rnjiit - GoiNa Soutu. No. 4 Passenger........ P- m- 42 Passenger. ... ...........4:02, a. m. 4 j v,,t Mail 8 3 p. m. i no Freight -I '3 P- ra- Pt Office Honn! 'the post office" will be open from 8 - i.r,l n.m.. ami i hcur after the l-SJp. m. train. Open hour after eh mail Sundays. I, Mil Brlef:- Poeomoke I -ro-Co-Mokd. " POCOMOKE 1. POCOMOKE. Cat-Tail MilUtt for sale by Geo. D Grce-n & Co: un chPrlfTs nolice of the mn nicipal elections. Another supply of that 50 cent snuff at Rowland's. head L ileUbroner & Bro., Agents, ji(tvertisement to day. Linseed o'l, turpentine and,all kinds of paint at Rowland's. Atkinson. Cobb & Co.. sell the verv best shoes for the Iffst money. A fall line of Hats fur and straw fur dale cheap by Atkinson. Cobb' & ( o. ,0 i - JfUh Hooks, fishing lines, and fish; The Heir of St. Kilda The new North Carolina novel. jtist out is tor sale in C. C Dan ela. . - .. .),. ) f E. O. Noe's bun-.bonrets are going of? like hot cak. lie Las already soW 150. ' pp.--n.:-i.n' v ftf. A L. Ronntree was, in town this 1 r. J. T. Wiggins and wife -ere on a i!. to relatives in Warrenton.' ' jfrtr. J. L. and wife arrived in ipilson last night on a visit to rela- I Miss Jennie Brown of Greenville -is n a-visit to Wilson, the guest ofMr. Alex. Greene. r - 1 M Died. . '. ' " In Ma-lbero Tuesday; April 5th. t - ..... . i . . 1881. Mr, l lios. iiiiusou, who r' f Miss Garretl, of Tarboro' who has' i- ihr. ! ..' i ore! .. .. V. in Wilson a partm ine year oi ioiop peen on a visit to tue tamily oi itev. J. was found dead in bed at the residemsli'l Carter, has returned home. - f:EEfS PREPARED AfiRlCDtJ TURAL LlmE. From the February No. of the Soulliem Cultivator. , i r , - Some experiments made by Mr. H, M.Johnson of 'I'eacck's X Roads Johnson county. N. C.'; Experiment No. 3 was with cotton on sandv land, with red clay 15 to 18 wohes below, i Hds heen irhnroved bv alterfJaliBg cottori and potatoes and using rough barn-vard manure in con nection witli Acid Phosphate. of the late James Joyner. His son-u law in Raleigh was telegraphed p and be carried the remains to the b- ter place Wednesday night Spring goods cheap fo1 cash Ileilbroncr & Bros., Agents,. '.L: Mr. S. C. Weil, who has been north purchasing goods for Welh. Batly & Co., has returned home. Their new advertisement will appear next week. Mr. A, c i j if r B.6'r1e!s boait oul Mr. W. F. Mercer's shoe 9h6p ant is The Protracted Meeting. f The protracted raeetin iri tHIeill- Married odist Church' still continues wfh una tited interest. TIic pastor is Jiborinj; zca' antl his efforts ar being crowned with success, Thus ir 6 con versions, we believe, are repd"ted,wUh fljiJr accessions tb the churii. "Rev. now prepared to with shoos clieap. furnish everybvidy ' r. Vednesd 3T evening a large party ol young people r?pii red to the hospita ble resitfeaee- o-Br.-4oim vH.- Merfcf4 in t K-Weotnbe-Courtv i(r ' wtrfess t.e marriage of Mr. R. S Welle, one of Toisnot's most pro3per- Rows Fifty Yards Long. o o T 3 rr" a m n r, n J CO P ID 3 9 C o --.o fo ra m -rt m m J. II. Cordon, of Toisnot, prfciched last ! ous young merchants, and Miss'IJeltie n'mht. and lus sermon was a very one. lery Novelties in gloves. initt? and bos- t L. Hci bromer c &o s., Agents. With caric'J copied at Row- "if you want a good suit of clothes f ,r a smni amon ,t buy them from At kinwo, Cobb & Co. H e Ule of the personal property of ktrfJames Joyner will take place uu8 Ute residence in iUarlboro April 19 h. cotton Journalists. I Mr. J. W. Harper, ore of the bett editors in Easter i CarQina has w'th dfawn from the Rins?(on Journal. Mr. II. S. Nunn,- wl has been con nected with the fa,et about a year as business manager asMimcs full control of the paper. We ex'.emt best wisnef o hotti the retiring and incoming edi tor. - ana tirX ftcronts fur Cox's The ceaf'ert in tue mariict. Geo. V Clothing I clothing ! clothing ! of all kinds at L. Ileilbroner & irp s., Asients. : L.Mercer, the pretty, attractive accomplished daughter of Dr. Mercer. Rev. J. II. Cordon was lie officiating minister, and the following couples acted as groomsmen arid1 bridesmaid : S. C. Wells and Miss Maggie Wood ard ; J. M. Wester and Miss B. K. Bar ron ; Win. Wells and Miss Nina fier cer ; J. 'II. Barnes and Irliss Lou Bat tle ; J. M. Ilorjand Miss Kate Cotton ; J- S. Battle and Miss Bettie Woodard. An elegant and sumptuous repast was given by the Doctor, and all who -verc an fortunate as to be present en joyed ft very: pleas int evening, We extend our best wishes to this - young couple. wlio have bcjunjfeso auspiciously. We 1 1 inter. Eve v oie Warranted. Green & Co. Ex Gov. W. -ir. Holden has Veen t,.. I.a I,rein'"nt lO bP rcnominatifu " " r- nnsatC't at lUleigh. Hw conQrma ti.nv by the Senajb Is a certainty. Wd are receiving a largo and wel J f BntirTcr orood8 of all Kinds and qualities wh en will be sok cheap. Call and examine. Atkinson Cobb & Co. 1 r : v.av K S. Bronson will deliver on Srndav night in St. Timothy's church . -t" 1- ..iTnn tli ScriDtural Au- thority oCthe rite of Confumation con .trusted with that of the, Observance o Sunday ' a the Sabtfdtl Day. Read L. Heilbroner & Bro.. Agents, new advertisement. This fhm has a l ime stock of well sclecled goods which they will se'.l cheap, and we ad- vise our readers to inspect tneir siot of Woods before purchasing' elsewhere Read notice oKJoau Y. Moore. Reg. fKler of Deed; givthg the list' of the ix assessors of this county for 1881. and the call for ft joint meeting, tbe hoard of education and the County nf manirtrart's for the purpose of electing a county Superintendent of j'ublicTnstruction. j A new systflm' of dyeing infroduced iw Mpaars John Clark Jr.. &; Co.. im- narts to the delicate shades j of their spool cotton a rich gloss 'which close ly resemble and is only to b fourd ,n 15c threads. 'Ladies, go to H.nei Hadley & Co s.. and get some of their cotton to make-.your sprin ith. ftn account of tho Imwense number 6f -penf humbugs many hesitate to .. l. .n efficient reme- purchase pracnt a hPn absolutely needed, and suf rQ, .ImMimes death, when a safe and ..i;'mu roYt is close at hand. The s.ven So-in2 Iron and Alum Ms ss is n .rvntf burobcas but is made, just as ialt ls? by boilVrigf AeraV -water n,, extracting tbereirom. m nnnensed fotm, properties so efficient pilHfyihs ih4 blood and lnviSorAtiMg 'dlllVflHrl fever, rftalarinl fevers, m tar miueliti rserupTions of the skin bronchus. &cX because it arrests an. Cleanses bad blood'. Which is the root of these, and so many oth'er disiasds. A is manufactured by Land rum Litchfteld, Abingdon, V.a Memorul Day j fnasnfich as llio 10t.U of iliay Has been made a legal holiday, would tit not be 'desirable for thu ladies of the Mcmorhil 'Committee . to isfce teps toward having a proper observance of that liny in Wilsou ? . . We just write this to call the atten tion f our ladies to the Tact that there is but little time to spare, if the day is to he observed. - .Mr. A.B.;0eil is tfW) making fitst class work' lower than ever this spring, lie guarantees to make boots and gaiters from fifty cents T to one , dollar less thari nyiL'ffnd made work, that is otfered for sale in toTn. O Oi O Q I- 3 -f 7 -r 'o y rt! -; 3 - ro to i n a rv 3 a O 'J rr -o SO " .7. CO 5 H N (A O OiO o o o o o c ' D C ( "3 o n o -i CO iu o; 'fforft ' U h(! 5cVJrt 1 Carolina. - ! J fl On entering pur saspvtim. Wnylaj QQti morning we found, a gei)Uoiian sitting i at fke UXjrjlQling Jtorfrfa changes whom we soon recognize a one ofibe orpstof engf noerepiced j iri completing the nermtvp of North j an3 Zenith CaTOlntrl 5 A few miu'ites convesiiQbso iiftere'sted us in the work goingon that e obtained per mission to make' an item tor our read ers, i j The progress of modern sci ence and ikill are nowhere shown more nicely than by an examination of the draw- ngs and proof-sheets of llis State, now in course of preparation by Prof. Chace and his assistant?. As the pol iticians say, every square mile of tcrri tory "from Currituck to Cherokee" is receiving equal attention. Every ty pographical featuie is so clearly and deGn'itely shown that net a post office. stream, rail-road station, mountain, or -other physical feature is omitd. The copper-plate engraver has brought out the ftork of the engineers and draughts man to perfection. fPben ..this map A iI.a A t m . I. . art 4 m trrrr vm i IT if published to the world, it wdl ans.wer a thousand questions about our noble State, and must greatly ail in iur ia terial development. ,i .. , ',' "i G R A-TST-t) 01 It -; . ;va :i.w n'jw " : ' ' 'ii,. V!1 IM.iT 1 .'- . At the well known Clothing and.Dry'.Gooilii EsUbllbhmcnt ol L. HEILBRONER & BRO., Agfe, We ar - ofTorins; this season one ol the uobbik stocks of Mens .Youths i Box and dttklfonS CLOTHING. -' os -i 4 r - O OT o t o o o o -o CO 1 ! (0 I - ,1 C 3 -1 tS Kl Kl W CO f . OOOOOOw'OOOO o p o o o o o o 175 CO o Experiment No. 4 Similar land though pot so well Improved. j Satin aod brocade J silk trimmings, and a beautiful" Hue of buttons at L. Heilbroner & Br.'s., Agents. jfied. ; : ..V'v';.-v;. " J In Gardner's townsliip. this .Sounty last Saiurday, Mrs. llolioway Ethe ldge aged about 55 years. Mrs. Eiherfje bad been in. delicate health for some time previous to her death, but tier dea!h was unexpected b3 her friends. Shi was a consistent member of the Fr'miiive Baptist Cuurch. She Haves a lusband, several children and many friends to mourn her loss. Childrcu's suits, boys suits, youths' suits. The nobbiest styles, ' L. Heilbroner & Bro' s., Agents.- jor dresses Advertised Letters, A HsH. of letters and postal cards wholly written remaiuing in the post office at Wilsou. N.C., April 6th. '81: Allen Bailev. Lemou Barnes, Thc-s,v j ' Baniford, W. II. Bonaparte, Reuben ByniiMi, J. Gemmett Denson, II, T. Evans 2 Miss Sidney Ealman, W. B.Ferrell.Berhad Lew. Wm. Lucas, C. E- McGuigan 3, S. R. D. Hill, Anderson Mertit, Mrs. Gatsy Snmblin, Miss Charlotte E. Smith, Mrs. Susan Taylor, Joseph Ward, Charlie E. Win- bou, Harriet W'iikins. Jf the above letters and postal jpards are not called for in 30 day theV wit be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Daniels, P. M. Commissioners Meeting. ' . . . Monday last being the first Monday in April, the bounty Coinmissitners met in the Court House. John II. Barnes, J5enj. Howard, and Wilie Deans were pr esent. In the absence of the chairman Mr. Jno. H. .Barnes was elected chairman The fo'lowtnsz wcr? appointed to hold the town elections in the different towns in the county. y ; o M Wilson. Wm. F. Jlerccr, Registrar. Poll hojder : ,E 1. Waters, J. L. Feaver, and Wm. McCowan, (col). Black Cteek 1 J Meachira, Regis trar. '" :' '' Poll holders: A, L. Hardin. A. Barnes, and Ben. Rountree. (col). Toisnot. IV. S. Barnes, Registrar. Poll holders : Jno. D. IVells, W. B Barnes, and J. T. Sharp. The following licenses to retail liquor were granted for twelve months'. A. L.Soolt Wilson. . W. J. Harris-"WiIson.. Joseph Lamm Wilson ' Barnes Daniel Black Ceek. R. G, Privett Black Creek ; i & oo o o o to - I t C; sssoSKas-sa roc US 3 5 3 a a) tc Hrco3oo' ? ? . -5 a 5 CS B. kR rr, -3 C O - m i " r- CT i. ; N ft) CO cn On Our Table , . . - , j .... i - We (i'Hve received from" the publish-r ers, Messrs. El wards. Broughton & Co.. of Rdeierh. the Heirs of St. Kilda, a story of the Southern .&fst, by. Major John W. Moore, author of tte recent History of North Carolina. The scene of the story is laid in iVorth Carolina, its characters are all southern people, and a perusal of the book will recall many pleasant recollections j Jou(Jiji em countrj' life in ante-beiluik'i Uiaj al The s ory is w;ell;.wfiEteTr;4injjaCT the author to be a man of considerable literary attainmints. As a purely lit erary work, there, are several f parts' of it which might be very successfully, criticised, but as d whole it iis a cred't to the author, and deserves to' be. well received by all' North' Carolinians. The bi.iding ind typography; o( Uie we'rk will compare fai. rably with that ... ,".. ' . ;J ..,r, s '.- done, by any .northern house,, aod. re,. flectsAgrea6 credit upon the gentlemen who undertook the task. " CO CO rsO r 000 O O O O H-.-0 ,o ' o -o .0... QA and ermine. No trouble to show t'oods at L. Ileilbrorer Bro's., Agents. The Weather for April.' ; Here are the predictions of Vennor of the weather for " Apr . 1. They are calculated for the latitude of Canada : "Theie will be sharp frost in the begin ning cf April, with a snowfall on the 0 -i . ..1.;.. . 4th or 5th, but :theVspring will open ty well advanced by April the 15 Floods may be expected in Chicago about the Grst week in April with high winds i-ist preraiUrt&jfl early partpftbe months Delays are Dangerous. Dtlays are proverbially dangerous and whero one's health is dbnderned how Serious may be tbc consequence of evs'n a short delay. If the teeth are always ati.ended to when the least 'defect is observed such defect can be Checked bu if a person a-2$ t'4 - i c c tf os t cr CP u- o It- a a 13 -1 1'' 1 a o '. o -CO t I Ci 1 . a i o n M W Ever oftretl W WiUon... In asUiton to that we have received one 'of the handsoixest stocks of ' . - " -cr v - '. ''. "' ... : ' . : ' K ri- (-',..;'.-., '.'-.-: '-r ,') htiMMiisifavA'.- , ' , ' SATINS. . ""' .. -. .: . -- lacks. IXVKk 3411XS, ; s : LADIES, MISSES, ant CHILDREN'S HOSE. NASHVILLE. ...ft .- yvi Meetimi ami PiJoceedingS o?- 4h& Bkitd ofUouHtfr uommt88iqner ;,j County. Superintendent of '. ' Puttie 8d!ttolPer' . ' ' soriats. "in ti ''. I owhicli we call attention and ask toe public for examination before Dtircita-iirJr elsewhere. "i?: DRESS GOOD. Our PticV i! i-irjr tean usual, and our motto La QUICK SALES and &VALL 1'BOFlTtf. SHOES, ( ' : . . . .::..-,",.-'- ' i ':' ' 1""'."" Onrsteck fs'compl,tein.thatlfne-and conslsU of a handoAe line it ' Buttor, Lace, Ki.l, and Fox Gaiter. Sandal, Newport Ties and i Slip",, per.. Also a full line of Mi scs and Childrmrs. 45hx?9, we can ai tcntien to on bat:doin line of ' " ' HESS' GENTS? HANDMADE : ? '.."J '-i ' n f jf tn .' .''':," .-r ''' . Gaiters and Low Quarter Shoe which wo make a tpoiialty. HATS. '.?: ; : . .r " . ;- " : '. AND FURNISHING GOOD8. A laie stock ol the latei t styles and best quality. Thanking you for past pat rename and ask for a canUnuance CT thtf " )Ve. Remain Respectfully Youra. : ..f , iaM'- 'L'ssi i GO 'sltj Ml If i7oji CTiirf Tarboro, V. C .4 8tf. 5V a; o: TI lb . 1- - m Ct-r -(' :s-- j a C O -1 iOO 00 00 (Jf! 00 1. COW-llM-IOWW-' On -. CT 0 C;, wl Ot i)l P o p t3 1 is careless about his teetlJ- he can no? expect but to be troubled with the toothache, and with ill shapen, painful teeth.- Dr. R. W. Joyner is a fine practical a M iy month. what' So,ow falls are prcbab! Jabout April 5 Navfgatio is likelv to Open on Lake Ontario about April ?. The St, Lawrence will be open about thc 3th and, 11th, and the hrst steamsnip mii prooaoiy ar- rti- Krnt t.!t I7t,h or 18. The. weatli HI V j t pt will be vcrr stormv in the lower - province about tie 20th, with very high water prevailing.' fciit in the West April will be a dry month. There will tffe warm weather just following the 20th endincr'in'tbu'hder starms on the v 1 24th and 25th. Sroow storms are probable in the far" D'est on the 25th and 26tb, and snowfalls ftVenot unlike ly to occur in England at the close of the month. The month will end wet and cold.' but on Ihewholi will be like -fr! ; 1 - : - - Experim'eHt No. 5, was conducted on fery thin1, cjuick, sand land, wtfere cotton invariably rusted, to lest whvh- erfLime would act as a preventve TlieT natural soil only produ'cedj.i.80 pciiindi of seed cotton to the act e, and w th ft)0 pounds Stono Acid per "aijre tbe-vieljr vTan Q0 pounds seed coltpn ; with 320 Ipod'nds of Lee's Prepared Lime, the yield was 3G0 pound of seed cqtlofY. Where the Lime was useu the j oot- dentist.- If votlr teeth are not you desire thern' to be, he' Can remedy obd Snuff, at 50c per poulnd at Row any defect' Remember this. lands. toWheld out much better than where anything else was used", as the result shows. ' , 1. : $ I J By the above it will be seen thai in1 experiment No, 3, Lee's Prepared uuue psiu more luan vuree imics lis cost in the increased yield .of. cotton and the manufacturerj thinks . that if less had been used as in experiment 0.-4, tne recuit better, and the cost that much less and the profit proportionately p-teaer In experiment No. 4, it will b5 ob served that putting cotton at 10 j cents perponrd it paicTffve times the! price paid for it, wliile some of tlie high !. ... 1 priced fertilizers did not pay their cost These facts should induce our far mers to buy .this ; cheap" and valuable fertilizer. 1 1 Messrs. Hines, Hadley & Co., are the Age-its of the manufacturers, 'and will be glad to supply all the farmers in this section, r j ,.,,, , Editors XdS'junce : The board of county commissioners we're in scs9ion la:t Monday. AH ' the members present. : - .: r . The foUowuog Hrons were appoin ted registrars and judges of election for the mifnicipal elections to be held in the iricb'pcrM ted towns of the county on the first Aionday in May : Nashville' L. M. Conyers. Regis trar; Jno. I. Proctor. J. E. Neluis, C. E.liarnes, Dr. T. T.'Koss. Castalia Joseph Collins, Registrar ; W. II. Arrington, J. S. Terry, W. F. Taylor, Henry Hedgpeth. Ror.kv Mount Dr. It. C. Tillery, Registrar; D. Tbrams, A. W. Arring ton, T. H.. Griffin. Col. J. H... Lindsey. I?attleboro J. H. Herbert, Regis- trir; W. D. Stokes, ii. B. 'Union, fe ter Ellinor, J. T. Stewart. Whitakers .1 . AvV Tlwmpsx)nReg. itfrir. V T.. lnnen. rr. Trailer .wv. , . . Si . Broddie, S. P. Hilliard. W. It Cobb. Yhitaker's Mill -Caswell Williams, R'egistrar; Henry W. Whilftker, B. F. Bass. Charles Ell?n6'r, It J. Shields.' The following ffere appointed to take the Tax List for the year,.18$l : Castalia, James 1 1 arpe r ;' Griffin's, B. F. lJrake; Whitdkers, J. Wr; Thcm-ison ;' Stoney Creek, W. R. Win- Stearf; Cooper's, It. C. Dixon f Naslr. ville, J. C. Harper ; JanDing8, Z. K." Hinton Ferrtll's, J. S. Denton ; Bai-l-v's W. B Wiiiborne ;' Jackson., A. IL D'er.ton; Rocky Mount, 0. J. Win- stead. The Treasurer reported $1 222.59 in his hands be!"6iiging to the school fund. There were in town several cinh dates for C6unty SuperinteDdetit of, public schools. The electioo comes off the first Monday in May. This is a m s 0 s t.l GraLnd Spring Operiin! r WHITE IRON! FROWT. ... 1 . jf t tan tfdl f - t.Mn ijJa)- t j n'w CF! With pleasure I inform mj friends and Customers that I am now DlC f'ngthe Ilaodsomest, Largest, tn'J Best Selected Stock of Goods JT shown by me. 1 . j . -" " -: . . . . i -. .. i- "I . : . ::':-: TDress c3-oocis tLnci JDry Gfoocla f. Of Every DESCJJIPTIO!tV " PABriA.SOIS AND TJ2EHttFtT ,T , AS. EMBROIDRIES and TRIMMINGS, and al7 nU of FANCY tfOTfONS.- As wellns'a Fine Assortment of Lidles Slipper?, Gaiters i.A ind Shoes. 11 Warranted. 1... ml A "TXT" MAD E Fine 'Boots and Shoesand GaiUra; Farand jJ.J X Clothing, Straw Hats, and every sort of Furnishing Goods, including Best Shirts made. X New Assortment Carpeting. M fcttinj; and Oil QloVhs. x. Crockery and of das o Wa c, inclriding best FrenceChlcra T E A. B E T very important position and -should be filled by some , one of energji skill, tact, e-secutive ability, and, thorough educatiori;".-- " ' j We regret very t much, that J. W . ; Blount, Esq., and family have left our j town. Greene county may well s be j proud of the acquisition - of so useful a j citizen. Dr. T. T. Ross expects to open a, store id, iown soou. . , :j 4 .. i - 13-18. T"VfFrct, a complete Assortment of all good I am in the haWof keeplatr li Allof th e bait uali y and lowest price. Everybody is invited to qsll4 Jxespectfally. wilsojnt isrc, I:;r

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