ssss ilie Wilson Advance. The Wilson Adyanco. -o C, EVEKY FRIDAY. ADVEfttfshU tlAI r -i vakj ryjure i men in WobIard & Connor. Oar Square 3 months One Centre c tnomhs..... v 'lJtTflt hI)3 I'HOIJ A 131 'ST AT, BE THY COrXTKY'Sv: THY Sltf'S, AXD TWJT ffs.' KJU -"Ul V I UiVU IUI mlM mmm Liberal deductions mads fsrUrjSFifti Trannt'idTertisements Inserted ai ticl Cent perllusi1 VOjL. li. NO. 12. v... v r -ir-ar r 'it t: v .yn hyi v -mi . - r i .it .ni i?s i.-n II III .1 111 11 laUTO is aHM I III f LI v H?5tr it 1 1 i 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 ..i.ivid1 H uun r adtewsi?i Hatki , , ,' : - $p hk .ih .r e Year ,! nv. .... tr. . . ...Jw..w -T I X; C., FRIDAY; V ocalepartpient. DSEPHUS;DAKIEI,S, -? Editor. 1 -GQpjd NouTfi i Xi. 4f, Visef?r aMrflK..SlO:3C ft. in. 43, Fast Mail ! 45, Accmnnodlim a.:'..-, litfi Local yrtight........ ...J. :t.a, .m. 'ifm.A' rlssiiiirrrr.-.. .""r...'..G:"0 p., hi. 42 Passenger 4:()J a. ru. " 40 Fst )1aily.. .....j...T-8 M'-i i. lit. L.caI Freight 1 . in . Pt Office ltuur: . The. pot office, will open ijjnio a. 'h.. lo5 p.m . anil - liMir after the :3 vpiy. traiiL., Opcu J hour of let 'si l.ernl Hrief:- ro-Uo-MoKo. 1OCOP)l ! roCOMOKE. Ct-rail Millet? for sale by Geo-. D? Gre-n & Co. s Kocombe county Superior Court C'tivenos Monday-. - v . - ' . ' .- Af'rjU.dr supply ol that 50 cent 8:'itl .at-Rowland's; : . ' 5 t Rsad L. Ileilbroncr & IJro., Agents. hdverlldeih'e'tit to day Ltnped o'l, turpentine Kjttsli tjf-paint jat i-towiand Spring goods cheap for, cash dt L. lloUbroner & Bro s.. Agents,." The Grand koJp0 of Odd Fellows "wir meet in Golusboro May 10th. N vc!ties in gloves, mitts, and ho pl'.ry at L.'iHei'broncr & lire's?., Agents. G ll and examine. No ' trouble to iimw goods at L. Heilbroner & .pro's.'; A,r-'tH. :-'iT : -O: I! Ki-f.ih lemons, oranges. ; nppjes and. )iinfiAs received Weekly at E. 0. Noc Fish Hooks, fishing lines,- and fish i j p't'os with canes combined at llow- Clothing ! clothing ! clothing t of all kin 1 at L. Ileilbroncr & Bro's Aye .U.- Mr. A T. Bun n is , b4'iing a new li..nHT In i1o In fi'1oc4n thfcjeoruer of Barney Allo.h Mundrfy. colored, died in this c Inst Tuesdav at the. advanced M'man(i bfocadstik .trlrttmingsj a .d a beautifulline of buttons at L. Heilbroner & Br J 5., Agents. J . i- Children's suits, boys' suits, yotUhs' nobbiest styles, aV: L' Ve?re.rcauesW WafthmTmrcrxiiai; ts u..v T. Wmfiolil. of Newbrue. will preach Tuakmtiy mormng vcainar in thef PLpcffcTe cnurchi.l Tbefhe r 7fifvGSlr : iniifl' to Jtt t , .w...-... v. J'- ' - tend t., Jlouutree, BaroeS;A Co., ; have ist rece:.Ted.4 uOloiii of-i'reston's' guano. WTtse aefltlng tourchase . a gdod qSiAlity"of g'liano would do well to pur liniev lisraiidfmm thisTOld Reliable Ann. I . Read the advertisement of Mr. W. ailing,'. wiiv.csi fchantiJtruitsSiny priMuci and atrawbcrpcsC anything, oi tue kind' that you desire sold. We know Mr. Tlling to be perfectly: 'reliable cad wc recommend hira to 4li growers .s of pro luce an'd fruits1. " -We urge OUr friends to reSd the' new advertisement of Atkinson, Cobb & Co., which appears in this issue of the-Advance,-- Tbs firjB.has opene4 a large stock pf ; 1 jfejeqted goodj suited to the snrinff tradd and those desiring to purchase anything in k- . cm ' . . line wouia uo well to can ana ejuumue their goods and prioe'before p-iVehas-ing elsewhere.iVA ' I r:; ;- , - C '' A'h f that child of yours has had the crotfp badly, v and you -.--haye " . been ou ofjC'lr sVuses, and you tttgiiHy wofrt .ftcf pCor litt!6' thing oat lfy!fi?dn lelrMf 6: medicines. Take tnir for" Gnei and try the Seven Springs rrdrt dft(t ATiini Mass. toada by Undrura & Li'fchfield, At Ingdon.iVa.. au,i you (ij never b without bottl9 Vn jte house. It goCd (aplendid) for croup, io re throat.' affectiog.s ofthe kidueysand liver, and Ja-tyarities of the blood. ft --ii ii 'j - " ii i Aw..:itn ProhiL it io n Co one iitidn, W- .... T V f I We' ftre refTtlFlfi(l-.ta nnTftf'-ificfrt! tbero1 V.l be a iBectiti in Yfle poart K.a 4(iert I Intusfl at thta r fnofa &n mvH 5"r4;! ! 23rd. at 2i.o'clfep:' of, forll 8"ir. pose of electing delegates to the V luhaturT.Coiiyentipft wiiaclu tiett in J Kaleigu tha tuot tins month. J2v teryi&Brvi-.tlie comity iri favor of Uis niOYenvMivb requested .,1,0 atteBfl! 1. X' 'Mftavr a& A goc iat'io a . Those coneerne(Lin the affairs and t he future bftMsrgniiizaiion would !. jrurravl fulmfi resideiiro4 ciat'on hrVs1 "resigned and her place louvt he hiicM at once,, ana prompt action tak&n toj-evUe he -lupguijilttng it oou J)eop!c I in i this sacred interest cause i , .We arc gtadrtoJesrn rm msr, ale exc1)jfn'it3'thal f)r. l'nt nie itchard. i'residenof ffjake Forpar, College, ha leiitf Kake Forest CuIIeie. ha I iio ld!a oT accepiihi! tHi call to tu pastorate b!' the first Baptist church il Bapt Savaunali, Georgia. This is one of the best patorstes in the Baptist church South, .and the call is a com pliment to so-eminent a divine a3 Dr. i'ritchard. North Carolina cannot afford ib jet"suth $ titSLrl asThomas II. rritchurti leve l1 Krate. ': We would that Wierc were a thousand other men iii'the Stale accomplisiiing as much as Dr. Fntchard is ! Nea,r Ilocky Mount, Wednesday April 6th, 'by lJ U. ' Chapman, Esq t Mr. John Willifo.d was'; happily .mat - netl to trs. .larlha fctnith. ' rIn ttustconn'ty'.'ftir the-esidSwbe at the . brides" sisterrMarch 31st Mr. Richard " It." CairTTSilssTen nie Speight. The following were the atten-daUts-;f plQ " ; Jesse Speight and Miss Bettie TFooten Willie 'Murphy aho! Iiss Dicie Turnage Heber Coward and Miss Nannie Jo3-nen Ap. Fields and Miss jQlia'T-vitfnage. Personals. Rev. I?.. S.- Bro n-son , and ''lawinyafe absertt on a visit to friends in Rocky- Mount..- : L Miss Alice Harrison of Battleboro is on a visit, to the family of 1. G t h a I, Eso. i'if ,it : IF ii Connor. Eqj.? lqiaieit 'he ,ebly paftfof the wclt-k-dnUas in TatiriMburg, N. C. ' ' l Frof. PI W. Adams, who has baen ftbiffiiit on buAiMS tn fRiehiTiond, ra., j-et'urneel boijlsjiyJc.'ll ; Ms. A: 11 . Rowland, who has been abseiit on a visit to relatives in Eliza beth City has returned home. ReV. j. L. Nash is in town this week assisting the pastor oft!eMelh qiiist.Cfiuii acTotpactjneeting wlitcbia, .in -l-ifciH t UWdhu-rch. "c was jrearjucu every nigut tins weeK to good ontrrePatLons. Mx Nash is iri earnest pfefteher s sermons hef liav-e beeiPmakea unuithat xvor and earnestir Mhrtt cblrracterires . .lap, impressive-speaker, ; d The Btantleif Case. ?- : v. i she ca'se 'ffTcy Urantlcy charged with murder, a full accoui.t of which appeared the Advance at the time of, tk&jaurde r will be remem ber ed, triedat Nash Superior yMHgt last year and rae eviucnea ucuen wa jiblished ifPffcll in the Advance. At th ttial the? qbdiifeKfr Iftaatley ap pealed to the Supreme -court, where it arnrtied several weeks ano. We see-y reference u to1 ilie s drJcVsion lr Judge Ruffin ?a new-. trial Jtal been grunted. judgo Ruffiu's published innihinn reads as follows : "As a condition precedent, to thV adndbi!v o. 'evidence, 'the" faw W- auires ai onon and visible connection tclwWn'Li,e rii;tiloTiiekilK the evide tiary;Wbsibls.dckimean a nec essary connection, which, would ex v elude all nresumntive evidence "but "Memorial Day..' tl.i P'"0"' , " 5'fn Lon,, 0th of ,,xt ,. Mr,, I.ugl, :F. iJtSi tl??f& UlCASSO- 'Hsuci-rs treasonable and nr latent and conjectural p Tlio i'scts that a prisone wai in Lcuniplicity with Ins -"vvfeait'd the fe ceasexl in stealing cotton, and that ft was thfi same cotton which prisoner and deceased has sold. -, and that the "urfsbrier knew lhat the owner of the cotton had id discovered s loss Ktheir dutt, at thijpulfa as might be expected to fcrq? . .t. - , ' - v v fdiable. natural inference of I " " ll! bc aeen by rt not such hip a rcaJfcliable. natural inference oft the existence of thejuain. lacL.,o wit : A diolive on the ,art otii.ff prisoner for slaviiig the deceased. , '. Sdbli eviden&l.. w-s-. ti.,r -uu; and should iiav i-ee-i wr-tlr t . 1m m tne omsiiieraliOa of Inejui Gd to Peacock & ixurgrave and -et au electric hair brush. whoify 'wrjUeqAunjMsiB3 J' .tlidf post whoiiy 'wfllqfiia JI.itlidpost fcrr.UfRnr IVIUnn "V A.,;1 19.1. office at Wilson, N. C, Anrilr13iJu'8l "Wtn Appletrhitc, Mis? JnUi3A E Barnes, Mis Uenecca lsarns4!ioInait Betlie, H,Dar)ji tifrllMAXrjir Farbil. Thomas Gordw,' Xa!hVfl faftlv.'Kli 11 owe , x j en ne i ill, -air, Jir3 J ALrnAOfdV G L SicQwij:in, Robert Moore, J II Moore. J U MedftTirWUs . J r lvuiiiu. rryaui x uorn nson Col x a tlie -.above letters and postal cfirds- are hot ctillct iot in fnr weeks thev will be sent to the dead letter office. Almost a !'ire. N i Vvedijsdav ui.Iit a man '-name j BrownwentlneTetprc Uehfe ig"to'5tri7rAtkiiison,Vw wh'.cli is nov now " " v " J -Goldsboro reels' :and , being in toxica ite.lhe built up a "fire on the 4Voor . b up a tire on tUok iVuor - by which fiO warm himself. History fails to record the Whether i!ie iimh warm ed himself cr not, but it is thought if some one had not been luckily pass ing and ex! inguised Che fire ' that tie new building would have been burned. Yesterd .y morning4 the man was car ried before Justice Davis for trial, but both, the bni ders of the house, an 1 Mr.'A. li. beans, who has the house insured, refused to prosecute and he was discharged. Miraculous E:aPe. The -Greenville Express gives the following particulars-of an almost ini f c"uT6 usnescap e Tr om'"cl c a t h of a ytung Judy of county : Qiaiv0fd:iirt fffk Miss Hen rieut feafidtiJ a'tAWy Mji'Isuine and intelligent you.iig lady, left her home near Hanrahan's store, for the purpose, it. ,WAs:$Ltppp$ed, liofAriiiitn some .neighbors. -iNot. ie!tvi'4iiu'J hiae lier taAayMjocalne'atafmccI and on Wed nesday morning began a search for the1 young lady;) AbtflH.d, I .oaJUiik Wed nesday she.vYas foujjilyin insensible in Uio woods,Ujf6CyirVie :. neighbors, ' n'id was immediately carried to house, and Drs. V. L. Best a'hd t." B Woods were called to her assistance. The young lady, jt'se.cnis, wai taken .vilh a fit about 8 o'clock Tuesday jrnmg and remained out in the woods .until' she being cxiioscd to - a" terrific hail storm Tuesday night. . V1ien found he: clotlng-had u&Ylyiyevtor .from her fio-Jj during UeiriufA'llsioasj Jib ing her almost .iU,e. We are pleased to learji Uiai-Ms ffcTQKefing. Concerning Pr.ihUlQii. We are indebUd'td'a friend for a circular issued byja firu. of Baltimoi e l'q-ior se Lrs Klljjijpk. all the whis key dealers in 'NoIr parIina 1,0 do their duty at th"e I()offlsSjnd to defeat the prohibition-oill.- After printing the piohibitory bill enacteil by tha, Sl3.9.lis firm of Solons'vhtattiljijjta linuor .tcaffip.; are.J-ppse(JQ''cf;f '4: act"; to k"ce 'elllTgr.'rdft' -Tront NprtJ C.aroW;t given why thi-riii-H'-SlioftW faiTo pass : "We think tbemoYOJ-Ms IJili i$ read the less chance there will ba of the sanction ofthe people of North Caroli na. We btlieve if there were eaongh fanatics "ru the State to carry Uie:Bill that it would almost completely ' stoj) emigtation, and consequently' the value of every aC-wafiiartiihiOforU Carolina SWrTy two reasons, and thee are hundreds. 1st, The wealthy k -class and land holders will not vole to depreciate their prcerVVi4cAMTtft4 'of taxatio'tf dbUble. rt ' 'V u 71 Kl u ' 1 - nti Uie )0-jrar czf vwi-voe aajstjajoiljat pfjid lor iTjo wealthy to drink, but makes e nave not xue most remote idea j that this Bal to J&ipf-'irilrinits from ff'e state can pass, but every liberal m;in in the x State omibt b-'lo what he can to defeaJ this, Fanatical Bill by such a large majurity as to cud" the ruatteV lbrtver. Our traveling aent Mr, wilt call ou our customer s and oiler Our genuine C1J IThiskies. &c, on tisual "terms: " but his special j mtssiotV i-suo ttr'te ' cir custoi.zrS to dj xiy,ltl oe seen by vac lorcgc.n that! (the rVasouf tJiraat4y( . jthta tfugkej jnnn are ; lhev 6;IV purely Sii. ones b cau-e C-nf Oi; ytj'a" &"C.' ; - -. . i t , r " ; . W a utiue thai tite people of Not ih Caroh'ua are cCmjlefeat. ' to inanage their pvrn atfairs without advice or a:'d -'froiartVcnj'iniiy dealers, r i v I ! I- i inn oivu , ill 11 Tl J (Ui 11. University Normal StZoot. - .1 " ffe have received from Supcjrinten ent Scarborough the programme of t'lie Univtrsitj Normal School of 1881, he school Will ;begitv June 16th next. and continue five weeks. .Provision ii'l be made as heretofore to defray ravelling expenses of necessitous orsTl Application. su W6uld 94 maflft'W rHiJcTt Haltk.MLt !hapel Hill, who will also furnish any lesired inforrnation. The .Railroad Ipmpanips will grant rcxlucaxL iaterof BrV: Those" wn5 Sfisb to practice j . - .- ,i"3!!iris ' t"Mnm? I hayoaehFOlJ'lr3u atr ended th-8fc!rool at: an expense of - All t Imaa u-icli I n t to nur fr f tlim'- ! ...vw a-" 1 """"i elves iit their rcat .calling hquW be ure to . Trained experts wid be on mnd to show the, best modepf.! nil. an.a lnstruccon oi i - 1 . . inestimable f, tf i Those 'who desire to make arrange ments as to board,-&c..- befofe leaving totiie. (Should write to W. , A. Mickle, Chapel Hill. He is the b'.siness iigent. vicar - ; . ' In Nash county, April 3rd, 11881', Mrs. Mary Dozier, wife of Fred Dozier. Esci.".!! her 52nd'-year. ' . She was, a good woman and her many friends will mourn her loss. ; i " -' i i ; ! At her tesidehec near this place Thursday nijiht Mrs. Diana Pittman., wife of James F.ttraan. She was a consistent member: of the Metlodistj church in which communion she died ' i , 1 1- In Whttakers, Edgecombe county. Saturday; night, April 2nd, at the res idence of Dr. Bullock, Mr-. Arch Bra$wellJ a devoted chnsti in lady who was beloved by all who knew her. j She was a consistent member of the-Mcth'4 idist church and died tho death !of a hristian. , 1 , la this i county Ealjman A-ptil wife 12th, ilfrs. Elizabeth of German batman Esq., ami tfiothef of Rev, T. J. i .. Ealman, j of typhoid fever agfd 73' ears. hue has been a aevoteu ana consistent member of the Methodist, (Church for nearly hnlf a century, and: "has live an exemplary life. j5"Fe long line of decendants to leaves a mourn their loss. The Sunday Magazine. The Mav number of this excellent l)erio deal coutau?, as tTsuiI, ait abun- ance of interesting and edifying read- n g matter, -among me articies ct particular excellence are a seasonable que eutiiieu "iuay.uay vuserv-.tiiue3,i uy . t. . i . i i- r j rt k. I osephine Follard, with nine illustra-' tions: 'Ancient and mortem caurcn inu3ic,' by AlfrCton Hervey ; "Egj'pliant liovitcs and homes,' by ftara Heables Hunt: 'Medicine and the Missionaries,'! l y L. A. Ballard, M. D. ; -The Britishj ayd the Boers,' etc ; each article jsai-j ipirably ihustrateu. 'Out of the world, j iirs. U Rsi.Ui:Iintere.3tia2, serial,? is (fontinuetrCd-theire eVetal short' i;toaes$ind sketchesbyiGle'jja J. Ha-j grXtjaas CliaaA-odrMitnd oth er popubip wrtterSi-tT-eyare by! Parson Vji R jr., Alexatidjr', Jiletol, lev. Jah,c3 M; WbhttOn; D: Iirattie and genera e'-jreatm'ptiV Besides .i large ainonnt orenteTtatniTi ani in-' struct iVtf miscellany re thtr following1 ( !xced ingfyCHnCeStln ftyatirr's't' The Ioiue:Fir!p1t.' scions -byllevs' Jo- (ltd bible.liy Rev: Dri'Deetrfs Q(t4m- jexaiixer taift.H. : Th a r ravtflid5'8.f-jjoriI5u and thoagbts forie'altctedv (jtlimp the reliaious tvorld InteTa- ti oifcil S unday School les.sp:e't5tc. iFiALre ar 128 rtifartfl ' nd'iei iff ; 4ach number.: ana r.eany.auo -iuusitai4Sas-. i...-. CrVx. M)inlt innliiol 'rice ofai1iglrildE7f, 23 Ceut4.- ianoual York i ill 1 tzJVcM-Uk-iCoiiiarid iav Far.. i. - A Wai bive;twice be fore? edited Wen - f 'o t''e "tar.--rrepaiataf ott"eet5y you uVjeJiyip 4 jmpmei'ot: ij&eZ (poLFolki thesewetary. Jm'yfatored tis jv i tT;- "'tplwy,5 fiufif and rules in regard to them, which we kuow vtll be read '.Vita great !ntdrest by tne enterprising, voting people ct the Stated j. TtrE Yocjrcf 3tAKs stav r imstrtrss l ilhe unmarried man under 24 years" of ae, who hall brin State fair th5 gtcatesi aiid best 'variety j f ajtocts cFrbi? HVxrix&iZi 3w .rejSJfejtfof toV tovovxo ivo.ajstaii FRopr Tothe .uimarried lady under .25 earn ol , who shall brjng : tq ; tbte State fair the greatet and best vane- y of products of her own hands, a pre - uiium of $50 in koKT. f i.'L For tic nest b-csiajpyof feubicripttpn-iyp.$tpwp?AWQP' FcVqk, Leslie's Fublishing "l tlpusejrw, nd oi rafk: flace, jNevy Xori:: t ?nan autf young woman; asabove. $25 .uswuiqeacn.M. 4 i antes competing f.r the hove prtmnun wittle rwnredr -to bise?T the following rules : 4 ,v ' 1. Each eshibjlpr nptw&nish the ecretivry.wtli a. rull4Ut-o? all the ar- Jjcls ? fMbtea, on or before i'iTi lhe 8lrOi! L ! m.ir5t. b Ln I06 fUcady, fpr e- am.naUoil by f i m. on Tuesday, thp. lltU. :-".) ! j ' n 8.' Tlie, Iit ..of ;k)rcioXfurnrshoi' the secretirv, under rule. l.o must, bo ac- oonjpwnied by the affidavhof the partyy making the entfy.-settinfr ToTth that tlie jxtbitor does nolceed ' the a pre-' ... .. n j. - . ' r I sfiribed ; that each and every at tide exbited is the pcoditct-of his or- heri own hands, and that .id articles have all been made since the 1st day of V...l.i. ioan U rrinte4 forms of afiUavit ill be furnished by the secre'tdrybtr"appnca tiou. V 4. The names of exhibitor mui not appear on nil y of the arliclea.- Tlipy will only be '.made known after the pAemiuois have beeirawardad.--, '5.' "Etch display will b3 raadd as a wlidle, and may le arranged under the persoual " supervision, of the' exhibi tor. 6. Fersinr intending-to compete" far these -premiums trmSt ivotify th&' Secre tary on or before the 1st ot August. j 1. These exhibitions will be subject to the saire rules governing entries made for other premiums, and will-hot be removed until the close of the gen. eral exhibition. The awards will be .nado by committees composed of la dies and gentlemen so chosen as to guard most efftbtua'.ly against injus tice and partiality. These judges a.s well as those for all other departments, will be belected and their services se cured as soon as possible. All award ing committer s for tin coming fair, will be chosen beforehand and witbr an! eye single to their. pewiltarlithess rtd qusliGcatioris for the work .to tfhich they may bo assigued". Cot. Folkasks that all the young' men, srhdj ladies, who desire to enter the lis't ,or this . b,igb honor and this splendid i premium, will communicate with him. ile will an swer all letters and intjutries pronirtly and cheerfully, State papers please copy. . Sectional ' News. Death of an estimm?Jli&bi-tDet'.h of a I "; ' child-Fire; Etb:i ' "." " Editoi Advance :- With sad feelings I report tke death of MrsMarV ftozler,, . which'.' cccurced on Saturday, 3nd inst., after a liager-' ing illness of raauy weeks Do- zier was the wife:o:Maj Ened t Iozier, and daughter of the1 'late' Bfempsey Trevathan. She was aTnost' estimable' ladr.'arrd'ouo wribse ''ios-1 maynipst truthfaHy die'tAtd ! ttr bK if re par able. Charitable and sro"pathiXlri&! UltL 1? V ; nature, she. was. bcloyecj )$ j.ejeryrie (Jiat know her. She p.is3ssed: ia ft rare and '. : lo'vefr' co,mbInaU6h those .beautiful rtuaiities .of-miauv, aocj -beart that rendered "h"er! home ' an earthlr paradise. aud caused bar io be idolized as a wifei ' mother, and ;fr.iend.': She leaves a largej circle ,of grief-stricken relatives and friends to mourn' : their sad loss. .... . ; Mr. B. J. Archall lost his youngest ctiikl (iofint) lastivee frpra bronchj- slf il i . il i ' i ' ' .;'-! lis About 2 or 3 o'cloc .oa the after noon ot -oue of t,hoiB ruadiest-.rays last ' weeky Mr "JohnH.IIarrU was alarmed by the cry ef fire, and running oat he discovered that h"t3 dwelling was pn fire oa top of the house and the flames gnshing through the shioglesr IBs own presnca cf mindT - however, e, muscular c-jcrylisptayed by Messrs. Stewart,' Dilliir.J, 1 Dozier and others, sooj succeeded' in" arresting its progress, and averted what would have been, but for its timely (liscorerj, a most appalling calamity. B '" 7our3 Trul 3. ITASIIVILLE. A Lady Found De vi in her fje'LStkil ing a X"'J- Charged- tr icli Malici ously Iitjuriitfa hog. Lift ft? Pert 3 UiJcncxn. 7 he Nfish viile Brass Band. Pcr- so NnviLLE, "N, ft. ATpxiT, 12th. Ih?'. AiJVape :. , Mrs. Joseph S. ivae diet!4 ytataymoi nig near j pcach free Gte ,n tbis C0Unty. Uirs T3lev Ilass nuite arf olcT'lady j noar Pleasant .tfrofc vras found , , , , 4, - t .,wi ! dead m her bed this ttornmg. I could liarn no. further rjarticu!ars. ..: . . . - j .'-Measles U very prcvalcct in this Ifttuuty.lut gexerally i in a n ornu- 4Iary , Williams .cot) was btfore Bqnlre Hurter etei day chargfd with sttjaUrtg Joauh,a: Lucas plg.V.'Aa; uul lib "said he. boijglil the Trom an u n known man bnt t lh 3 Squire thought it best to submit the caso to a jttry h-ln default of bail he was tnrned over lb the jnifer for 4aTe keepint - Lawrencts BmWitr-Rnt! John Harper hAthor. R5fr. tK.,f; Coopers ho fiiB panics paid $13. 5)'ond were discharged. i J . Rufus Floyd, (col.) has left for parts unknown, Ben Pulley's whiskey was the prime cause. Somebody broke 1'nCo Bens bar. Rufus had whiskey which was thought to be Ben's and so look French leave. ! ' "';- No marriages to report. ' .; -' ?Wh"i4e I have been writing otir-ex-OTlentrHs ipfLtasJnjarchcd up tltc 'siUlhg this beauttlu! mooMligh. night .melodious with' the sweet strains of "Old Folks at Home" -Sweet By and.By" Verily there is life- in the old town yet. --".' , Miss Mela F. Allen a most estiraa- young lady, niece of T. Webb Esq. is lying dangerously Bl at" the ' residence of tier brother- ia-law, Mr. J.' M. Tia da Jo late of Selma. ?,; , Tlenie Boddie'ivhalias been isjCTqg "Nashville for several ddys b?!s retbrned horn el MrGeo. VI Boddie who lias been on an extensive visit in Missouri and Tennessee fettfrrfed home to hay. air. ST. S. Earl has returned from Baltimore Willio Brantley who was convicted oTmurder of last August court has been grantfed a new tria? by the Su preme Court. Oi M l? BLACKWELL'a III TOBACCO G RAND fx . . 'i n.f .t-'i " : CCD- ' ' - rj At the will known Clothing nd Dry G00J4 Establishment U . L;;HEILBRONER& BRO., Si We a iTel5iivj;tl-3atou one of 'ayrfand'childrens . V . '"'.i.' J CLOTHING, yef;ojrrcjr h) Wjion. In afluiton to that we have receive 1- one cl ihc aa:d.soL:cl etocks of ' . SATINS, UUTTOXS, . ' LACES. ' 1 To wh"ch w'e call attention and ask pu:chaing el-.where. O DRESS n o ' Ourtcck U lirger than usual, aud .S'-YALL PKOF1T.V. SHOES, Ourgtock is complete in that line and consist ot a liaiidome line . of Duttap, Lace, KiLand F x GtUter Sandak, Si'iKriTW ind Slip-. ptrC Al?o a full line-ot Mi os and Children -a S:jtrf. vVe call at eiition to onr har.din line oi o v . . .V i vUJSSK V.K1NTS' llAiM) JIADJi Gaitrrs and Low Quarter Slioes whk h we make a porial'tj. . 5 HATS. AND FURNISHING GOODS. ' & large stocct the Ir.Veal styles and best quality, ,; 'jrhaakingyou forpast patrcnac and aa'ig for a conUcuance of the s nie . We Benialn Kespcctfally Yonr. 1 1 H W Wilson and 4 8tf. It HiiiierlEiu.M .MAftuirr iii:ponT. t. WlLBOX N. a inr L J I3,,iul. 0 GRAIN'.-rhct per bas...". vuru Oats - mm-mm ' BACOK. XCC' Citrus per lb 111 u X u kIes and Kbouiuers. "I Bulk meat sides i t,hoalder3v..V.:.-;:..y:.- Beeswax. . Illlf lv . X airckeiis...:: 4 '5 t40 ,21 1 iklei. G rren .... f 1 T lOtH IsrU 1 l'canuis , 10 U l.tS IVXatoes Swfet...L.M....M..... via I'i ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... .'.10 J alluMr Com meal a ........ w ...... ELASTIC TBU33 Hm rw ha at I Ml It crataafa, ! SAaWaKat Baila aaw.dMalkwlTtaa3 ' iMIIiataaw I af Dm I I ka4y. valla wk Ifca Fii,. Ulrt lliM Uy tm4 alfkk 4 afc)iUwa riHiH. It anaai 4ckaa. BaaikyBMU. Ormku, (rm. ' - . EQdLESTOV TBOaS CO Cklcit. TtU - KrtaMhiwI la far tka aaa af utw, Taaiaia. Plna Wai iflt t tais ftawa, k m at f art afirnlWa- ebr, l.M .i f. taifa, w la af iln. ka4 UU faak "Dr. F. L. rOHTD larera, Kaa CI II BEST 18 THE WORLD I j Impnri! Bl-Carb Soda fa 'ft --' Msbtlr dirty fttlt eofer. It Hif appear whltr, examined hr lt fir. bnt a COSTPAUItrON 1VJTH CIllTRril Ai '0.4 "A Kit! Aft HAimrmcit " uuand wui ibow the dlllercnoc. 's that yoor Caklnar l h I ; a ml PX XI K mm thia Id Im A r.U Bin i La if vxjastxscc ud rr toed. it 0 t.9 I the uol lobbie t tocks of i!cng ITotit?!3 w IH td fed & 11 td O "Lp vf-BCMt,n-cJ c m rv ... pi H! EMHROIDEUIES. GLOVES, MlTfS, ' r LADIES, MUSSES, anc C'tllLDBEN'S -TbsE. the public for ejainhiation before GOODS. our motto is (JUIC.K. SALES and . --4- . . , TO O 09 Tdrboro .y. C. -1 ' -. ' v ,i4: ' ...VI! - ; ' .. .-. '.. - : -': - ' '- - ,: - ' , " ' ,. - 1 . : , . :.'.-; . " v - - 'v "-'. - . " ' - - '-- 'SJ t ' . .,..,,,,,,,,MaaaaMaMaaaa"jaMWaWaia-aa

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