The Wilson Advance; fEho.WilsoamSice. feljBilSHEDAT TYILSON.N.C, EVERY FRIDAY. OtirWinari thaer.;..,, nmmmm UJO 3ititm r indnlh ?Z,t months , ;...r... .t,6 One ftuare C monthi::.;:2 U:LiJtdLltCl One SrfUar V2 mnnth l U M ' Liberal deductldrti rliJi firlaff Sr tfMk TnuasleAt AdTertOiwnti UarU4 a4 Cc3 Cenis per line. - IVbbdard & Connor. Let al(7 th e vds THOU AUI'STI AT, BE THY c6CTfRY THY op?s, AXD TRCTirS." Tear VOL. 11; mv ... 1.00 WILSOX, X; ., FRIDAY, APKII, 22, 1881. NO. 13, a. liOcal Iepartmfent: JeSEHUS DANIELS, - Editor. Eallroad Scliedule at AYilion. ' -Going Nohtii Jf. 47, rasGmj:rr tinU Mail.. 10:36 a. m. 10:.) 7 p. in. .7:-l p. in.' ..8:39 a m. , fast Mail , " 41, AccoininoiUtion ....... Lcl Frtighr , Goixa Soutu. ' 1 it . ; 4t Passenger... t42 la.8cii2:or... 40 Fst Mail.:. fi:0 p. m. r....4:;2 a. ru. .....8 :3:J p. tu. Local Freight. ....1:30 piij. ' It Office EI our.: The post office will be open from 8 a. m.. to 5 J p.m., and hvur after the , , JiSJ p. in,, train. Open 1 hour after a.l Brief: Spring ; "oeomoka fofPo-JIoke. Toco moke ! ,AxOCOMOKR. The tiaie approaches for Nimro Is. Joe McOaw haa just raceived a tuce barrel of cucumber pickles. Go to Dick Allen to get t!lb fyour money in bUggiffl. - ' worth Noyeltiea in gloves, mitts and hos ier ji It L. llei'broner & tiro's., Agdnts. . Call and examine. No trouble ta aiioir goods at L. Ileilbrtaner k Bro':, Joe iVcJGrnw hasjHst received a nice 1 t of creaui'sQcla biscuit and cakes..; : Try ttrtu) I. ' ;- S ' tJit received at E. O . Noe A Co'. 150 bushels of field peas, also a . fine 4 . . .. , nt of sweet potatoes. J net. Selby, of Selby Uros. - is; north b.tig,lories for his lirery stable which will be opened soon. (jiiildrcn's suits. bir3-sV suits, jgi!Iis' fills. ' 'Tiio nobbiest styles, a', L. lle'nbroner Af Bro's., Agents. It i a'moat time for the municipal Mecl""ff to take place but as yet thefe' k tin moTo towards nominating tortn oiliocFS. . ' -!r.y. S. Clements has fhdVed his uck of goods to tho store next door ttmfntrwrBarn es & Co.", formerly rccupird by L. J. Weber. ' Tne; Easter-Tide festival of the Sun. cIy Sxihjoo( ff ,ot. Timothy's cburdh will JjiiEeidi on Sunday n.xt t 4 o clock p.m. All are cordially invited. Th rcrrjite department of the free prliool for tbis ' town will bo opened rxt Monday at the old Methodist ofiurchj Mrs. W. F. lef ce"r teaciie'i. Selby Bros., ire building a livery st bijj on Gojdsboro street and as "iinfis it itgiabd they will open a 'tit't class IfVcry stble ! in connection "wifB Ahcir aale'slables. Rev. J. L. Wiufield. of, Newberno, . editor of the" JTfUcJi Tou:er the organ or the;Di3vipJea, church: in thisState V..'. -- f p-rc'ied in the Disciplea c!iuirch last Sunday, morning and cV'emng. ' sMrvV; W.' rtartrrrtv'e "tias purchased' - s' Mr. 3T.R. Pea cock s i nterest in Pea ck K TiarirfaYe's Drag Store and will continue' bhsiness at , the same old stand. We wish him much success. "The tegular quarterly meeting of Son'lh lgecombe circuit will be held 4 in 'rbisjot neit isunday.WRcv. J.;.S. Neli on, Ptesiding Elder will preach in K'kUhodist jchurcL finorniog and uight. ! - "'Wa are informed by a gentleman who has recently crossed Tar River on tfiie new bridge recently completed at J?lrickland'sMUl bfy V. V. Clifton, tiiat it is a complete structure, perhaps the best bridge crossing the river; and learn that the citizens of Nash county living ita thef vicinity of Yorkis Bridge are anxious1 to Setufe ilia services of the same gentleman to construct a bridge at that point. Do, if yon please, let politics, alone :far,aw1iile, eaoecialK' while the health 6f3our family needs looking after. One day's neglect may cause you great distress, If you rfre prrident yod wib be no longer without a bottle of the e'fren springs Iron and Alum Mass. rHsdVb-y Lanarum litchfiebt, Ab- i iftldfji vs. JFor rervonsness sict heaftrfcile; dyspepsia, indigestion or a ioiirstortjtijt isqne 9f the best rem edies known, and for general de'ulity JanS'i'emald diseases especially) it far surpasses anytiri ig made. ' it is raan fafjtnrdffOnj the'pur Miinera! Tratera of Virgidia; Thi uua! taster scrrice at the Episcopal cbllrch lafet Sunday wer not held At this place because of thd ab- senca oi lln Hronson in ttocky Mount j : 1 -. ... 11 . 1 whefS he hell cuslomarv Edater feer vices. . : TUv doe- Dick Al en sell 80 ninny buggies? Iiect.UfC' he SelU a gdod 1 o icst buggy. .',.' Thanks l fc We are in receipt of an invitation to attend the comraenceme nt exercises of liinghani school which . takes place April .29th. 1881 J IV i- no' ice that Ad jutant Wl T. Dortcb, Jr., of Goldsbo r is Cliief Marshal. The invitation is a model of leatneas,. elegance, and keaoiy.: ; tf-. ! r J l . Don't you forget it! Rowland .sellfi snuQ' at "50 cents a pound. t Persunals. m Misi Alice' W.ntz is absent on a vis it to fiiendi in Kinston. Miss Bettie Woodard, of Ulack Creek, is visiting relatives iji Wilsor. llef. Dr. Bernheim, senior editor of At Hdine dill AWo ia, a first-class lit erary magazine published at: Wilmiug ton, was in town this week soliciting subscribers to his m'lgazina. We aro glad toj kndw he met with success. Ditk;Allen is selling buggies cheaper tha'i aijy in.-m in tlic State. Election of Vestrymen. At:a-nieeting of tecongregatioii' of S.. Timothy's, church' last Taesday, Messrs. J. W. Lancaster, T. C-. Davtf; II. G. Connor, II. F. "Murray, Dr. J. K. Kafflu. C a tr A: J. Ilines, J. Gf Rwls. J. V. Black well, and A. W. lion; land were elected vestry meu ; and ilessrs. J. W. Lancaster. II.' G. Connor, IL. F. Murray and A. W. Rowland were chos en . as delegates to ' ilieCopyention which' meets in Raleigh in May. Dick Allon has just received anoth er carload of those good, cheap, relia-J ble bttigies. Mr. P. Hi. Dusfiiell. f w'e afO pleased to -l?Jarn frorrl narieston eirs ana (jourier that our yoilng friend L'. J?. Dashiell now of Greenville. S. C passed sdocessrully at-the examination of the. Piiarmaceu tical board of examiners on the loth instant. Mr DaShiell's friends 'in Wilson vrill join ds iri congratulations. A large lot of window glass and put ty at Rowland's, j Runnivcvj. ; u ' Monday Cf thig week in th'o suburbs of thd tcf vn while ,Mr. Jesse Dcv was driving out to his farm the king bult dropped out of its place jerking the front wheels from under the buggy, and fright ening tho horse who ran at the top of his.spced about throe or four miles with tll3 two froiH he'e'ls. Mr. Dew was slightly injured, but the bug gy was not hurt. Linseed oil, spirits turpentine, copal varuish, and cvsrything in the paint line it Rowland's drug store. 1 Shoceo Sprimji. . . . . We call attention to the advertisement of Sh'occo springs which will be opened for visitors June 10th. These springs were celebrated before the war as a summer, resort end we seo uo reason why'tbj&y" should not again become popular to the oeop e ofthis setioa. ! The proprietor Mr. fTm. II. Brodie ! is a clever gentleman and intends;! in!- hie fit.Nnnra q n'flnfnr.l ti I ec itr t - 1 - - - I - IJ1Cmu 8cClS. 5 bushels of No. 1 ceived at Rowland' . chufas just re I Advertised Letters. ! A list of letters and pistal cards s i. ! wholly writttn remaining in the' post; office at Wilson, N. C. April 20th, '81 Mrs Lendia Blow, R W (Daniel. W m t.. w-.J fn,i;n n no Jno Flowers, H.e!rh'es. Mrs Miftic Johnson, Miss! Carrie Le, Julus Locus, : Miss" Ella Piace col, Cnpt J W Perry Rev G ar son L Powell. Lucie L Smith. IVJJP I - Spence, W K ann. Elick Wbitfieli Miss Harriet Wilkcrson, Geof.TfWood, Mary Ann Ward col, 'Griffin Walson. Alexander White 261. f the above letters ami postal cards are noVca'lled for in four weeIs they will be sent to the dead letter office. : M, C. Daniels. P. M. Soren Springs mass at lfargfave's T 1 - . ' . We are pleased to anncunce that Mn). Robert Bingham, Piiotipal of Biugham School, Jias accepted an in- vitation to deliver the annual addreat i : 1. t . ti at tho Wilson CullegiaU Seminary, Wednesday. June 1st, at the occasion of th commencement exetfeiSSs of tha School. , . , . , - Mai. Bincham is la pollg!edi writer and a leai'Hed. educator and his ad dbiias will be, wo predfet, one of supe rior merit. 1 , ; Head h. Heilbroner & 13ro. advertisement to dav. Agents, Rock; bridge alnm ma33 at liar- gr ave'a Dru Stored Go r l Momivg ! "Good morniag. Mr. B I . What brought von to town to dav?" was the qusstion propounded to a gentleman 'from Nash cauuty the other day, and the reply, a very natural one too. waa that Ue fajd?boe.;y readiug aboit Dr. R. W. Joynct's skill asS . dentist in the Advaxce so long that he had deter mined to have his teeth filled ov a dentist who understood how" to iI j the work in a workmanlike manner. And we tlioujht that there was one wise man left. Reader : Go thou and do likewise ! Clotbiiijr I,c'.otJ.iing ! clothing ! of all kinds at L. Heilbroner & Agents. Bro'l Protruded Meeting. - '" Tlie protracted meeting at the Meth odist church "still coYltiailcs witli tlna bated interest. Teri of twelve persons haye been ' converted', and others are concerned as is tnanifested by the iium ber of penitents1 at th5 altar. ITevV IX T7TNash, who has b'sen assit ing the pastor for the past week, was ealhf'l4iorae W edivesday on rece'pt of teJeVftm lofi;f mijig him If the death of his brother-in-law. Rev. J. S. Nelson, Presiding Elder of the Wash-ington-District, a " preacher of ability tis 1 nor -assTstiftg lhe ! pastor. Ho preached a fine sermon last night. HevJas. 10. Carter, TaStor of the Jissicnary Baptist Church and . Rev. IV. J. Cay of Pitt iission have been rendering aid. Services are held daily at 9 o'clock a. m. and 7 :30 pj. m. Good SnufF, at 50c per pound at Row lands. - I " ; Cat-Tail Millett for sale by Geo. D. firem & Co. r New advertisements.' ' Read Mavor Hines notice of a bog taked up astray. ..Dr. B. F. Arrington. Surgeon Den tist tMblishes bi. card in the Advance tnis week. Dr. Arringtod m':!! be in Wilson at his room at the dri?gs House the 4th week iii May. I Mr. Benj. H. Sorsby, Clerk or Supc: rior Court of NasU "rjounty pub'ishes a "notice to Creditors" which you fcould do well to read. .. G. W. S!iallcfbss'& Co., Fruit and Prod ice Commission Merchants, are too well known to our shippers of pro duce to need any word of commenda tion from us They make a specialty of North Carolina prodhee. . Struihers fc Wood, Produce Commis sion Marchants of Philadelpliia, f desire to handle consignments from ! this section. Read ,nenhand lf t0 sl'ip your produce .to thoroughly reliable gentle.: !.: -J .- SAtin nild brofndfi 1 fill!; trimming aud a beaulifuNiue of buttons at L HejjroacrBro'iaAgents. Of Vfcu Centp.t; Cooiittee, I KALfci(?n,- Apr il 1 5 , 1 8S I , V 1 To tJts Ciiizens of North Carolina : I An effort is being male to entertain : ; delesates who iil attend the prohibi- lion couyealidu i.i this cjty the 27th ! instaitt Those who will be eatervain- Cu must send their names 13 the cha-ir-j man prior to the meeting of the coa- voniion. ",..-,-i Reduced rates hate been granted ou several railroads, and1 it, is confidently expected trral all the' toads wiil make similar arrangements. : Delegate? ittist inhuire" at ihei,r re spective depots for return tickets. Tvcry peT?on wto feels a suflfclent interest in the cause to attend vfill be admitted as a delegate. The convention will be addressed by eminent ciiizens. : : Tnos. E. Skixxek, Ch'ih'n. Mjiotber uppiy ol that W cent SCRAPS. An Acrostic VVrtten for a crap-Book. Man ia a "scrajM of coinplac.jHcj', grand in own co'iceitj And woman a "scrap" of tenderness, faith f till and loving, a id sweet, noving along life's pathway, toward the iieavcnly Gate. Yokd in bonds t affection, content with 'their 'Scraps," of Fate. " Kisses are "scraps' of ecUcy, gathered from day io day. And love is a '"scrap" of heaven, sent to illinniue their way, Together they form a poem, fit for the vol- ume of li:e, i Ending like all otlier poems, with beauty and happiness rife. - :! "' ' " Collecting 'craps'' in a volume, is peculiar toj man and his male, Of'poein and proe infi-iitive alas! this diseasu hns seized Kate . No otlier ; animals write "scraps," and print them to vi how thy look, No other animals read tkeur., and paste them away in a bock. . . Of all such collections may this be the most 'injti'iTsting and nea' , , Rich, racy, lare, and peculiar j tended and true, and complete. ' PlirLo. April 20th 1SSL ; Jjinseed o'l, turpentine kinds of paint at Holland's. and alf CoZl Pone's Letter. A. Pope. General Passenger Agent ofthd Aisociated Railways of Virginiat a id the Carolinas, has sent the follow ing letter to nahy cltizf na in the State aiic we hope all our, readers will re. spcii to it promptly : In order that I may give to matter that I am preparing fot publication in vitjing Immigiation into the territories penetrated by our RdllTy Lines, the greatest possible completeness of at traction, I wish to obtain from rai tent citizens of North Carolina,' short but comprehensive articles upon 1st. The kind of agriculture best Buited ' to in tending Immigrants, whether from the Eastern, Middle, or Northern States, or Great Uritain or the Continent of EuroeJ 2nd. The mstluds of colo nization lie3t adapted to enible small farmers unacquaiutod with our climate, soil, ctlstoms, (Jfcc , td sacceed iti the Planting, Itsisiug and gathering of Cotton, Corn, V heat. Hay. Clover and ether grasses. 3rd.. The Stocking, gathering, caring for and preparirg for market of different kinds of fruits and the raising of Domestic Fowls and anb TmVs-for market. 4th. The most cornel for table Ctyle of a house consistent with absolute economy, that. will, suit the cliaiale, be healthful, and of a ca pacity for a family of two to four per sons, not considering or" providing for, iuterior finish of any other than ordina ry comfort. 5th. Aelhods of dairy ing. 6th.. The best sections of the State, in our opinion, for liamigrants to settle andbectroe most quickly sat isfied and self-sustaining, and - any oth er jsubject with which you are familiar. The result of these inquiries will be in corporated in published maUcr, and in due course translated into other lan guages to be di3trib;at6d abroad. All methods of trans&ortalin enabling Foreign dr itomestic Immigrants to come into the territoFy traversed by our Lines are- complatea; and I await com pilaticJn of proper information: indica- veu utieiu toiiuaita- meiuooicai eiior;s during tlfo enduing Spring. Summer and Autumn that will attract them thither in tinie to locate and prepare lor the crop's of 188 2 iprtt!g goods cheap for cash at L. IleilbrfccV Ss Ero s., igentS, Sectional ews. BATTLEBORO. Lod'je of American Legion f Honr, A. J. Hob'good, Heputy of the Su preme Comicil, American Legion of Honof instittlted a Subordinate council t)f that noble order in Battleboro, N. C, on Thursday April 14tb, with 76 Chatter niemlfers. Tho followine of- i firs ece and (July installed : y m. H. rowelli Comnpander ; T. P. BraswelV. yice-Comnianu'er ; J. W. Pbweir, GTratcr ; A. j. llobgood, Past Cmraauder; E. T. Hamilton, Secre fary ; B. Cl Guion, Colfector ; J. F. Taylor, Treasurer ; J'ose'pb Holigood, Chaplain ; G. W. Smithson, fiuide : d. W. Ward, Warden ; J. Stewart, Sentf y 7 Vt. W. it Whitehead. Medi fcU Examiner r j. U. PhllHps. G. L. TT?mbrly ud M. J, battle, trustee. . ; X C A R D. HavrDg beenso'icted by my friends, hereby announce myself & candidate I for the otBce of 7owo Constable in the ! coining election. W :- State News. The Halc:gh Netrs Observer gives notice that hereafter its weekly will contain 42 columns. Raleigh Visitor : R. W. Best. Esq . special ageat of the agricultural de partment for North Carolina, is in the city looking after the statistics in re gard to the manufacture of tobacco. cigars, cigarettes, snutr.&c. n says the old North State stands head and s shoulders above other States in the . . . amount of cotton made to trie acre. He will canvas? the State in tl!e ariove interest for tlia census department at Washington City. A letter from Rev. F. W. filliara, lately the Prdtestrfnt Fpiscopal 'minis ter tit fJUntoii. North Carolina. ad- f dressed to the editor of, the Raloigh NeJ:?C!senler, announces that Mr Gilliam is hb"w at St. Mary's Seminary Baltimore, where he will shortly be ad mitted into the R.maan. Catholic com munion. Mr. Gilliam will then return to North Carolina and make Oxford his home'. . ! . . . . Turboi'o Soutf'zmer : Judge Howard is having the ord Edgecombe Hotel taken down forth purpose of erecting two large brick stores, which will be occiDied bv S. S. Nash & Co. We understand the Edgecombe Agricultu ral H'orks is working on double time, turning (lilt twenty llantlfrs daily and can hardly k-ep up with their orders. Thersave'ral stables now' training at Runnymede Park will give a number of trials of speed on FfidajY April 29tb, 1881, With regret we have to chrouicle the death of one of our old est citizens, Mrs Lucy Parker, who de prrted this life on Monday night, in this place, at the advanced age of 78 years. The new drug store occupied bv Mr. T4 A. Macnair is fitted up in unique style. j We learn from one of cur exchanges that Colonel McGehee. our Corarais- slonar of SAgriculture in Raleigh, waa IS called on last week by some Cerraans from the North, w'ib wef e' here pros pecting for the best timbered sectie'ris of the State in which to found a colony. A fttr receiving full information they visiied the: designated section, and re- - lurniug reported that they were satis Bed in ferery respect. They will re turn North with a' favorable account. Their inteation is to settle iu a colo ny, and after work have their b.-ewery for refresllment, and so keep up heir language and nationa! habits. Ihe commissioner informed them of the j N settlement! of their countrymen in Sa lem, who had now preserved thuir lan guage in tactfcr twtf hundrfd years. These gentlemen were most of all pleased with ou r people, and their own words were that, not even a remnant of prejudice did'they discover iinst the Northern people. If they comthey will manufacture of the t?rrbe'5 JJorri a toy to the 'most elaborate specimens in wood work. 3f ARSilVr KKPORT. REVISED AKDCORRICCTIb PT PTXCM. XIK1 .1. . Wilson N. U Apr , 22, 1891. COTTON-iMiddliug;. GRAIN. p'htat per bus..:;:.. Corn ......... ... ... Oat?...:::::.L...-. :::: BACOX.-'- Ban'is per lb".:., N C M'Je and shoutil?rs. .... Buik nieitt ifcUles...:..:....-. " "ffhSuldefs..1 - .... T, i 10 1.3 8J ....79 12 15 n2A -10 if iees as....- Dutter i. (Jliickens...i - Eg-s ... . ..t . Hide?. Green r " dry...:l ;-25 to 40 21 ....10toi2J ............11 60 to 1.25 Lard ......:.: i Peanuts, 1 Iotatoes-"Swcet. lUcf Tallc w .....: -......... Com meal...": . K K i N U P. There has been taken tip ia the town r.r Wi'Hnti rl-u nlaed in the not nd one red. curly bmred boar bog, with swallow fork in eadi yeaiv . -. S " t . . . If .1 a.c .vt rall fr,r li'm III' ten daiyi auction. will b'e sold at public P. E. IIises. Major. TEACCK ASV HARGRAVE X D I S S Cf U (J T I ON. " The abc' entitled rfrm, heretofore doimar tlie business of Druggists in the town of vVilson, has this ot been dtssolveo, j ar-f ties indebted to the late rirrn ate lequested j to eouie forward at once and make pay- I nient to the undersigned, and those having 1 - T . t . . . al.A . . . n . a ..... . K . . . . ... Ci:iii aai.isi. lire es..ic iu ic9cu hkiii hira for payment. The bus'mebs w ill be eoutiuued'ui fu .ure by I W. W. tlAEfilTAVE. i April 16ih. 1681. SH0GCO SPRINGS. These Springs, so Ctt rated be fore the war will b ivonnM fs - wvjrvMVV IVI f Visiiorg n life 10th Of June, 1881 l.F or Circular giving full particu lars, apply to WM. II. 1'ALMEk. ,K Brodie, N. C. p- S. PosttMS-e at the Springs af ter 1st of June. Good Hic'k lini from Wdrrtfi! Pepot, MU. Esta.tlisiieci isjo. ST WITHERS 5- WOOD. PRODUCE COMMISSION No 3S8 North Delaware Avenue, . Pliiladelpbii. Pa. '2onigninenls folieited. Returns promptly ' uade. All letU?rs of iiifiiiry proin, tly answered. - Send for quotations, Stencils and Stopping cards. . ' . Yonrs Truly, STKUJ I1ER- & NYOODi 1 2-2m. - N OT1CE TO CREDITORS, NORTH CrVRtfLTNAT ' Hash. CouxfY; B. H. Dunn, of A. W. V , Arfington and John R. Green J- laintiffj, ) JoLn W. Blount, Adroinistray tor of Thomas J. A. -Cooper, deceased, Defendant. ) The above entitled fpecial nroceedirijr uning in.istiay oeen mtirurei lor an nz- count and settlement- of defendant's admin titration, no i ice is b irtby given to all cred itors of said P8f ate to appear ix-for! the. u uJergigned. the e'erk nf the (Superior Court of said county, at his oftice in the town of NHfivilIe, m or uefur NniMiaY the 13th day of Juno next at 12 o'clock, M, and file the evidences of their claims. - ; BE:U. ll.SORSHY. CI k Sup. Couit, Nash Co. N. C. pril 18 h, 1881. 4-22-3t. : - At the wli known Clothing and L. HEILBRONER We ar : ofTering thrs senson one of J?oy and cldldrens CLOTHING. Ever oflVnd in Wilson. In the handsoirest Hocks of TRIMMING SILK.', SATINS, BUTTONS; . laces. : . : EMBROfDEnit3. .....j.. jr - GLOVES, MITTS, . ... M. LADIES, MISSES, and CillLDREICS ll6iE.iS : " ; . ,; -. : '-'.. "'".- :-- 'i-'J j,i To which we call attention and ak the publfc for ejualnattoa befort purchasing elsc'whcre; . .. ' . ' ' . ! DRESS Our Mtck U 1 trier thaa usual, and out nlo'tto Is QUICK SAitS and SJAI.-L PB'JFIT,V. ' shoes, Onrtock U complete in that line and eor.sis'ttof a b.'fndiome line of Buttor, Lace, Kid. and Fox Oalftr, SaiulalH, Newport Ties and Slip, ptr. Alo a full Hue of Mi ? and Chd Jreu's Shoe. If e call at-1 ml ion to onr Iuir:tlm line of ' - HESS' GENTS' HAiSj) MADE Galtr rs nd Ixw Quarter ffiocS wliicb: rft make t rpe rfalfj. O (4 a Hi ANI FtlRNlSIllNG GOODS. A larse slofik 61 Ui latt frtyles and best quality. , M Thanfcrfg you- or past patrnagc We Recafn Respecttully Tours L lliiier Wilson and 4 Stf. 6.W. SHALLCnOSS' &tCO., i Riirr and J 326' 3lS NoVti f Detaif iriXndt 1 ri : " J ..- -P1 ?"'r" Td make 8 Specialty bf Not Crtfclle. WmlA3AltKfeEY ' f ..." ' f i ( DEALER IN .44 ? PRIOBLIST. N K W HOME, ....r .-.-.U.. ST JfllfV . . , tJ .145 n 35 00 TiiiTE,.ii...v.:...i.....i.:.., 83 eo KEMIXGTO.V SO 00 l..'Jt.l. 30 00 , v O t a r w f . WHKELKR A WILSON,. 30 00 SIXGEIt (Latest liaprDTOd).MMm..r. 30 00 VICTOR................ .U..........A. a cd . Any oilier as Cheap, a ao be' ,boitfbt 111 the Stat. If yil want A Marine Ixr offer m the Cash. I will deliver,' tostnto tions aud keep up warrant., y ri,t &R. b. r. jminsnort; Sr&Wn Dentls1! IdWill hi tn Wifaon tiff 4t!f wtek in May,, r 1 . , QOfflce roora at ifrfg-ri' Hotfff Q StlMn 4 C.Pirttata. MaU; Dry Cools Estblbbrant o & BRO., Agtoi tho ucTjUest itocki of M&'n 'toutn ' ' j.:i additcb to'thA have rrficifed a4 et W M trj O w trj W O T, GOODS. m o and askig for a coiiL'ntanct oftli & Ik, Tarboro, Kl CV Driri Store.' snnff at Rowland's. V3L H. Fat-h r,n. 7 7"' '