- - - I m iinw " 1.J.-.JL The Wilson Advance. Thc Wilson Advance. One Squire 1 Uru . wm., W, One Square 1 rhcthi:.:.j,tl OaV.Squkre 3 tfWOthtl.; One ftpiart 6 iuonihsHw.. njlf )n Square 12 mmths..rf. w .il Liberal deduct ions made UrlarCr anint Advertisements Inserted at Ttji 'cnii per llte. - ' i j , , . ; i THWOJ,'. Cm EVERY FRIDAY. LET ALL THE KVDS T1101J AIIPSTTt, BlTllY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, if D kTRCTH'St; jpor ne Tear, ......... r - ..... 1.C0 VlLu 11. giz Months, .. j- - : ' - i ! - v- am liOCrtl IepartiuonJ. JDSEPHUS -DANIELS, IJU " -1 tat or. Giubiraad Schedule at Wils. V Going Nojrrig-r ? ; '" N'e. 47, Passenger aiWi Mail 10U3C a m. ...I'ast Mail....;... .10:.Tr'p.; 111. 'jaAo. AcconiiiiCKlaUon ......... 7:.i t. in, Local Flrixht. .S:35 a.' m. -Going South. 43 Passenger. 42 Passenger. 40 Fast Mall, -cal Freight.. G:50 pj m. ...:..,..4:')2. aJ m. ... .... 8 'Jili p. in. :30 p. m. Pot Office llour; 'I he post office will be open from 8 - t ;1. pi tooi p.m. ana .hAiirfter. the p. tru Lraitii Ooen A hour after each mail Suul i l.oear l,Brief;-- ) nioVr many voles; does tho barber's It le'f v " : ',. i.' l)c.td watches and clocks made aTive at CUurchwell's. 7?' dentist's sign Drawing, mnsic and d -mcing, FincrgauZe un'dfit-shirts at E. 0. Noe - V Co j.. at 100 peij pair. C A large lot of rents' spring suits just n caved at E. O. Noe & Go's. Jr Tc'-rr.w hos fold fcinee April 29lh $125 85 worth! of Leraoade. . 1 i ! ' ' The iliethodist Suri'lay Reboot will pic-nic Rt Pinkleton next Wednesday. Mr..Jno. Y.Moore. Register of Deeds has H i hand copies of th school law ! .'Tor distribution " Eilitors get one j important item of mbsistsnce at a low price. Thty get horel for nothing, f lino. Relby & Bro's., stables. arc ftdshel. Their advertisement will nppar next week.; tick W. A. Bar prey's advertlsemDnt- of iwin macbine It strikes us that he is selling them cheap. Prl ies desinngjice cream in any qnxutUies'can be applied at reason alc rates by Parker & Daniels. ! Mr V. B. tVinbprn has, resigned ids pHre on tne policls force and Mr. W P, S.. ikeuburg ha been appointed in his plrce. .1 We are requeste'd to ask wbatyoung man it was who was married a few ""-iTvi""orrt iliat received a. cradle . as a t)Fidl, present? 2 - t .If) a McCraw delivers lemonade anyr ' i ' wlicr o in town for 5cts a , glass or six , I, jjjcs for twenty five cents. You can avc lime by buying lemonaae lr.om -. I ' J - x- - . . .- At? excuange has n artiela "olt 'How to An liewsDaDer.' This should be rend only gliy editors, a3 every other person in the world knows just how to , . run a newspaper. - V Thanks to Mr. I Jordan Stone for a enpyofthe proceedings of the last tf tho -North Carolina Press As'-iation. The; next . meeting will ,to held at Winston Jane 2lst. THank4 for an invitation to attend a pic -nic at Barefoot' s Mill nextFria);. Ti e manngeis arc! boys of ;luck; and energy and they are determined that fiTti anionic shall bp a success. . VeiVc.re requested to announce that tiierc will be no services ai tue xueiuo- U -ttist, church Sunday on account of the nvsence of the paator who is in atten dance upon the District Cpnfcrence at . i - .i i i i." CUIOII. .rro-ii i3eal ilbav is beins bought lv our farmers, anil i " n inquiry we are ; informed that it i,J "t of A ex. 6'i eene. who' nl way s he on hand t suonlv of the! Ht Timothy hay Buyers may relyyiipor. getting the best at bia Feed Store! at the lowest pri- '.Wednesday w die Mr. ie Singer Lindsay Machine book-keeper for t company, and Mr j Robert Pitt Jr.; were ut riding their horse tooK ingux anu began to run, and Mr. Pitt jumped out of the buggy spraining his ankle. 'Tbe injury though painful is not seri ous. - ' -- . On the inside of this paper we pub lish, an account ofa parricide which took place in SoutbCarolma a few days ago, - Since the inside was pnu.ea wo learn that the murderer has been cap tured und that he is now in jail in Greenville. S. C. His wife thinks he ir Insane and has been for several months. Bishop Geo. F. Pierc-s, writes . 'To all who may need" a simple and effec tive remedy. I take pleasure in recom mending the Seven Springs Iron and Atom Mass. To some of my friends it has been invaluable as a tonic and re. storative. I know one caso of remark able recovery from chronic dyspepsia. It is a -panacea' for sick headache, both to core when it comes and to prevent if taken in time." Th Iron and Alum Ms?s nlmnlv 4l MnAnmA mwlWml rtic orrTUrr Apply t, voiirdruamst. or nro.e T.ndrum.A: U, a.-ugWJ of W.1,,:.. H. 0. . Ttl ..this- county near Toisnot la?t Friday, Mrs. Pridgih, relict af Buck Pridgen rieceascd.at tie adtanSedage of eighty five years. Go Earl. The first person who goes to Hat: grave a drng store this morning will be presented with onef Ahose Jtnctiars which he sell 1 so cheap.- "oje such." Delegates to the District Conference. '..' Messrs. T., A. Wainwright, Moses Ronntree, K. II. VYinstead and W. i T. Tt l 1 4 ,1 Ji a 1 . LiarR were eiccieti ueieaies iq me District Conference of , the M. E.1 church which is in session at Wctdon this xrek. . ( if -A., f i. r i,cf i0m. onade in town buy it from Parker & Daniels. Episcopal Convention I The Episcopal Convention of the Stats nil! meet-at," Raleigh May 18tli. Tlie following are the delegates from this place: J. V". Lancaster, . II, G, Connor, 11. F. Murray anvd A. w. Row1 laiul. Killed by epi Officer ' One day this week the deputy Sheriff of l'itt shot find killed. a nero who was trying J.0 escape .from custody. He gave himself up but it was proven that tlie negro was killed by the said deputy while complying with his lawful duties aud he was thereupon discharged. Dick Allen continues selling his buggies at low prices. He has sold a quantity of thent and still they go ! The Barbecue Club's Pic Nic. The barbecue club spent a pleasant day at Dew's seine bole Tuesday. A l;n U rr..n.i. t rtlr r lo(n liottvnpn n n nlfl Pinber of the ch.b and -a voun2 ven- dcr of the "ardent which resulted in j ... .... thii'voonwer man pettinj? a lick on his . '"?. - .? r . ", ...... head. 1 his was the oniy lnciaenu hkil .occurred to mar the pleasure ot the day. Sudden Death. - , we learn from a leUcr received by a friend from Tarboro that'-Mr. Robert Pender, formerly a merchant of that place was killed la st-Monday by receiv ing a "kick from a colt which ho was trying to bridle. At the ime of b'i3 death Mr. Pender was living m war ren county and was about G3 or 64 J years old. His remains were interred inTarboro. A fresh keg of creamery butter for sale at Geo. D. Green & Co's. Bishop Lyman's Appointments. Bishop Lyman .has1 published the following appointments for his yisita tiona in this sectidnV . June 1, W ednesday Faison. " I ' June 17. Ffiday Wilson. June 19, Sunday Rocky Mounti Con secration - v.-- I June 20, Monday IFafifax. , ; , June 21, Tuesday Scotland Neck. Chapel Hill Commpiceau.'at r . , Our thanks are due tQ.Prof. J. De B. Hooper for an invitation to J attend the commencement exercises of the Uni versity of North Carolina which takes rehire June 1st and 2nd. Hon. itatt. w. Ransom of the U. S. S. will deliver the address, and Dr. w. P. Harrison, f'hniloin of Comrres. and pastor of r j 1 w- - - - - t Mt. Vernon M.-E. church, Washington, D. C.l will preach - the Baccalaureate Sermon. Mr. Mclver is vniei Marshal of the occasion. The Fairy's Climax A woman who had saved a Fairy Qtwen from an Ogre, was offered three gifts.". 'She asked first for a dress, 10 pe noldJ suverv or azure, as ""cu' and to be onlv one garment. It came at last, a glorious changeable silk. She asked second, .for a : eans to talk with her husband, who was ----- ml . and et his mind ivbout the suDoer and to tell him how the baby tvqe nvprV TOM T 1 II Ik! - JLUw i. rtinv- She next asked for f omethin g tba- when the sultry summer either should mnlfp her lannuid and listless, one conditioned that it should be aweec. cold, wid serve in styie. When the third request was " known the fairies held a raeetiug ana said it couldn't be done, when two kind mortals came to the front and onerea owootw ht the ladv wished in the shape of a large plate of ice cream for only ten cents. Parker & Daniels are selling the - . . AX' ,U ,u' " V 1 .. r . u K.,t SO aud try for jou.hu. j TT Prohibititfrt Meeting " The prohibititm fhcStJng ftil! bo field in the court house Tuesday at 2 o'clock Let" all the frlefTdt rjf tbe morcrhent lo the country ba present, as this meet Ihg Wlll t)eone of iWportatiee tolf tEfc 4duergnU of prohibition: " Aew AdVcriiseiMais. , .; ; , . , ; Read notice of town expenses which we publish in this issue. , . xt id , a h iriit otinnnl Hint in t't--. uinr. the Readme notice .of P. E. Ilines. Ma3?or, jxuiring afl pefjous to have their lots cleansed at once; To pave . ,t ,, 1 1 ji nA f .4 troUbIe aU wu1J wcl1 to compjy with this requirement. Simpson & Smith tell ths people thrt week m an attractive advertisemet what they are selling. Thet have su- perior aUvantag3 lor bottling oeer and ! persons desiring pure beer by ret ail or j wholesale can be accommodated. Read their advertisement. Old papers for sale at this office at 50 cents per hnndred. Advertised Letters, ; A list .of letters and postal cards wholly written remaining in the post office at Wilsori, N. C, May ll'lh, '31 r Cager Archer, A Barnes col, Blount jBcnnctt, Miss Douise Clarke. W W Cooper, Mrs Clrer Davis i II Davis, Mrs Ann t urnacc. iiiss Lula Gard ner, Mrs Caroline Heath, W II IlaTi?, John Lamm, J J Lamm. Mrs Abba McManning, Mrs Tolie O'Neal, Mrs Jiary Peel,- Bob Rogers, Wilson Ren frow, Peter btrickjani, John Thomp son. Jf the above letters and postal cards are not called for in four weeks--they will be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Daniels, P. M. Anything you wjsh at L. O. ZVoo ryv . . .1 v o. v-uca. f" "x . . fr,- - v.f. : , . . iri javor or if. The account of the Iowa girl who is said to Jiave been hP2 ed to death by her lover has. cause 1 'quite a sensation' among the young ladies of a towiiTnp.t more than a. thousand miles distant from-our burg who j recently held' a meeting to devise ways and means t6 prevent another case of death from lugging.1 luey .unanimously passed the following preamble and resolu tions : Whereas, it is reported tha. an Iowa girl died recenthm her lover's .arms while being hugged, ind WT a r v nereas, judging trom expenencr wc believe saeh an ecnt to be- utterly Vm'rfossible '; therefore, 'X . v Resolved, That,, notwithstanding said report, we are i still p favor of hugging. We prefer to run all risk 01 aeam ratrer tuan uave ins oeauu- ful. lovely, delightful, perfectly clegaut custom aiiolished. Resolved, That a copy of these rtsi oiutions vbe scattered broadcast I throughcfcttt 'lho i country, and; the Torchlight be "requested, to put lish th same. Tor-Might Rowland's drug storo is the chief cen treof attraction to the ladies ;JUio agent bf Fatrehild's f?reen House having on exhibition and for sale a large , coll ec I tion Of rare plants. '-Give biua a " call. PersonaU. Mr. Lat. Ifilliams Is absent visit to relatives in Pitt ccunty. "i ' Sheriffs Graatham of Wayne, Cockrell of Nasli were in town on a and thu week. Mr. .Willie Daniel was in attendance. at Wavne court the early part of the week. "V ' Mr. E. Zoeller, Deputy Collector, ! was in tOw.i the earlvnart nf tlie weoS I on business. '.-. J. W. Lancaster Esn.. and' F. A. Woodard, Lsq. were piesent at Wayrfe eouri mis ween. Rew J. II. Guinn left Wednesday to be present at the District Conference which is in session this week at We don. Mr. Geo. H. Griffin, Jr.. has accept- i bv. 1 1 i uv'Si.iUU Uil vuw j.i-cirjt'ir ciai agent. this week attending the Chowan Bap ust Association wnica was in session i aear Murfrcesboro. Messrs. G. H. Griffin. L. D. Tomlin Son. JK. P. Wooten. T. Ste vens. J. 1. Cobb. Jno. 1. woodara and J. J. Barefoot from this lodge were in attendance upon the Grand Lodge at Goldsboro this week. :i were pleased to meet in taaru yesterday inenas iron onr neighboring towns smon; whrm were P. ; J. T urn-Fre- I JcUuat. P. M,Ajoct . of MUOnt,4. J. Oieacnam and W. & An derson of Hack Creek ? ! RirlnUfOnd ivi McElntlis Dramatic This company is-new -.in oar town ext6rtting n'gbtly t Mamona Hall St ihfi s&tiifatlion of tilany who at tend. It is thovgbt by some thSt the erlrtaictncnts arS superior to any of the kind that have beth siven here in ayeftrs Certain . it is comijanv eviiice a f55a'd to that the company evince a crcSa'er 10 arrr tuo cUaitftble.i!usUlsu.Ajons cf the State, a:id by so (doing they &a:u the good-will of a large number of our best citizens. '.. ..ill. .1 . :u 11. fUijiaa." and the proceeds wilt be given i . . - Uo the) Orphan Asylum.- And to-ihor- row right lue proceeds ot tho pyay 'Her -Diary,' will he given for the Cas w'eU 3tonurnnt -w.'iioh is to bo erected at Jyioetcn. -".. r'Thwrt is a commendable one apd we;trust our readers will show enough apprecuticn-QfhPse objects to give a laV"e latteiidVnce. - " ,l& - iiiCay jlagazine For June. ; Js I ec niiar ;- atiractive in its literarv and artistic d !ifru:;r.t?, and brilliant iv clo aea tLft t .Ah fccini-annnal vol- ume.. Jt is a publ ca which should be found, in cverv houseliold. for its . . t . . . . . . literature is pure ana healthy : it is always vivacious, aud edifit-s while i" entertains and instructs. The 128 qtinjrib page re crowded hilh good tliinjr.; among . i:.-.i, mosi - prominent articles are A peep at t;: V Jormons ;' CuttiUry e ;: r i ' by JoellFoutch. R. T. Stex. s. Bento1 -Experi-.-.ces i i Australia nd Ceylon,' by Phillip Phillips: 'The modern Sunday Scho,l movement,' by Charles B, Stout ; 'Adonirra Judson. by Rf. Hey. W. Pakenhanv Walsh, D. D.; 'The 'Methodist Ecumenical.V by Rev. p. II. Tiffany, D. D. The above M. W. Dep. G. Master Junius Slocumb, are ppofusc'y ilhisLnttcd. 'Odt of the Nuse Idge, No. G. World,' a charming serial, is continued. M. W. O. Warden J. F. Payne, Itone and there are admirable snort stories, 1 wan Lodge, Jio. 99. SKCtChes. essavp. etc.. nr.cl nnems of ureat mo! it. The miscellany is abun- dant nd exceedingly comprehensive. The Rev. Dr. Dec his contributes -Hard place's in the Bible,' and 'Tho home pulpit' contains a sermon, 'Salvation to th? uttermost.' by the late Rev. W . r. -'lder, D.Df There are also 'The in valid ,8 portion and thought tor the afflicted.' 'Temperance talk,' -Glimps es at jtbe religious world.' eto. etc. The engrayiugs are excellent and very liu-! neroU3, .The annual hubscriotioii is $3r a single copy -25 cents, sent post I'ree,, .Address. Fra-ik Leslie's Pub- lisliin'Jiouse- vo, So atd 57 Park Place. New lYork. Recipe for Making' a Lice Toiv. We commend '.lie following-receipts for making a live town to the people of Wilson. We would modestly suggest that, the 10th rfioint. ia nnt rv? t'ia loitf iinportaace : -I - -1 . .Sell vour building 'lots at reaso n- kme "fir-ice s '2. 11 can ni..ra to cio so, annate Idiog lot for some !urr2 busines'? a build enter priso and thereby enhance the t value! of vour own property f : '9?Induc. business men to locate ia vour town. 4 Patron ;z3 tha Irjjincss men of your own town. 5.-Always "sum up your expenses wnen you visit places oulsiue of your owiV own to bjSjr goodj Jr; -Speak-well pfwcrfChy public f en- tterprisesi', 3JpB, f ?r 1 If l 1 t 1 T. .1 . ' fihat iiTOtipeak ill of is to others because you may happen to bi a. little preju diced- ."' t. s 1 " --'" r "v t " " 8. Speak yrell tc? strang'srs of your town and peop;e. $Crlf vou have surplus rr.or.ev don't Liareit m ssnia far away speculation. but'giva yourselt aau vour -wii the benefit of it by establishing same profi - table fat to ry. 10. Encouraore vour nowsnaper by subscribing: for, aciverLiaia in and lamir ti ani i pay i jig fjr it. TOisxor. W. Taylor Elected Consl-tbleCom- mehcemefjt -Exarcisza. &c, : 1 -: : - , Tho contest over the t ffico of Con stibfe concerning w) i wrote you last week, has been decided by the election of M Ti) . or. The Commencement Exercises of the male and female school at this place will be held May 31st., Juno l?t and 2nd, On the night of May 51st., 13.. P. Tucke wiiF-deliver tbe annual address I am informed that his subject on this occasion will be "Woman as a Factor tn American Civilizaticu." On the night of Juue 1st the yoM ng gentlemen of the school will declaim recite dialogues, aod there will be other interesting exercises. June 2nd at night the musical eon cert will ceme off. This will' be quite j fine performance jadghg from all reports. Yon, Mr. Editor, ranst be" certain to come. (Thanks E l.) Rev. C, W. irestbrook, a local j preacher of your town proached a good scrmou here last Sunday, j It Q O- F ANNUAL MEETING AT G0LDSBi)RQ( Grand Lodge (Cr iQeied fiottt tbe Mert&ifer.) The Ri W, Oralld Lodge I. O. O. F.. of North Carolina met in the Odd Fel low' Hall. in Goldaboro Tuesday ev ening at 8 o'clock. Tho M. V. Grand M iSte. RevV N. M. Jurbey, called the body to order. V- ' A large attendance tras present, and 43 lodges were represented. J. J. Barefoot of this place was ap pointed Grand Conductor and AV." T. HgIowcH Graad Herald. The session of the lodge wat o very successful one and was well attended.. The Gra id Master appointed the following committees : On Credentials J. F, Payne, Benj. liell, J. ll. ltoberts. . Ou Returns and Reports J. II. Pool, Vf. W. Morrisett, J. A. Spruill. On Correspondence A. 0. Davis, If. D. Duckworth, C. B. Edwards, S. H. Taylor. 1 v On" Unfinished . Business W, M. Crowell, J. IV. Moore, J. L. McLean, W. B. Barnes. . " On Finance J. E. iroodard, J. G. Brown. I). T. Johnsou. On State of Order W. F. M. E'i- ringhouse, 71' H. Baglej', J. J. Bare foot. j .. . On Petitions W. O. Wooten, II. T. Un decisions V. J, lopp, 11. I. Clawson. H. A. Blow. Ane "o"g is a list or uie omcers ciecica lor uie onauing year : ; . M. W. G. Master-C. M. Bosbec, Manteo Lodge. Na. 8.1 xt j t o t t t i .!. i hantco LodNo. s M. V. G. Treasurer Bieh. J. Jones, of Cape Fear Lodge, Ne. 2. Gr. Rep. to Sov. Gr. Lodge !f . M. Jnr- ney. Grand Kncampicent. Thn Grand Encampment of the I. 0. O. F.. of North Carolina met at the Odd Fellow's Hall, in (7oldsboro.Tues diy morning htV 11 p'fclock; BI. V . Grand Patriarch H. T 'Clawson, pre siding. The following aro the Grand officers elected for the ensuing ttrelve montbsi M. W. Gr. Patriarch -II, T. Clawson Baleish. M. E.Hlgh Priest--W;P. Wooten, Wil- R.-W.Or. Sr. ITardeti J. I. Master, Winston R W Gr. Jr. Wafdeu Benj. Bell, fVilmlng-ton. ' J R. W. Gr. Scribe & Treasurer A. Duggan, Tarboro. "R. T. Gr. Sonlfrtel T. B. Tahtpmipo. Rocky Mount.-? i 1 -' Wilmington ! was selected as the nest place of meeting, TAe Final Restoration of Israel. Mr. Editor: The final restora' lorn erf the Jews, or Tsrael' to their .4?ocI-giren inheri- J tance; has, for maiiy centories, beepa subiect of ' Drofound ' interest lo The I T. . jwish christian - world, and. to uay, eruaiie tueoiogiaus arc. uktuuii much study aad research to arrive at a satisfactory and scriptural solution of the problem. Dr. J. T. walsb, of the Christian cbnreh after many years de voted to the investigation of this sub ject, desires to present his conclusioas to the people of Wilson in two sermons, which he proposes to deliver in the tv.;..iV.i,,t,U, n 4..nriv hert r rn.ii t ! v I t iost. fsre-noon and night. Atl saint?. Jews and Gentiles are oordlal'y invited to attend. l s M. 1 ! : : A C A R iD. Editors ADykNCE ; Please publish tbe enclosed card and oblige the old chronic candidate. Wilie Lamm. To the Citizens of Wilson County Greeting : j I once m or o come before yon as a candidate for Old woman. why old man, what in the world are you doing? f. Old man. why old woman I am go ing to let the good people of wilson county: know through the Advance that I am a candidate in favor of Pro hibition, and if necessary will stump tbe couDty. j Old womanl well, old man I thought that you bad beea Treasurer long enough to retire ff em publie life. Old man. well I tell you, old wo man. I have lost so many of my fi lends from the excessive ne of alcoholic drinks that I am afraid I may go by tbe board before I get ready." That is the caase of my coming out o strong. 1 Another lot of those fine ladies' hats Just received at E. O. Noe' s. 1 Seclioiml XeVs SARATOGA. I The town eltetion which took place t Saratoga JaU wfe!f ; tcSulted in the lec iou of the following! H yor. J L. Scarborough. .Commissioners. It. T, Owens, J, R. Burriss Withe Cor bett.L. S. D'ddy, " j'acksoa Flowers. Constable.' Retb Anierson. No other news hee worth publishing-: :;v;v';.-v c.'v '. - . - . . -a. State Siews. The Baptists anticipate the largest gathering of Sundvyv School workers ever assembled in tins State at their convention" iu' Aehcville, June 23rd and 26th. 1 - The .Plant says thcro will be 22 handsome brick. stores erected in. Dur ham this summer exclusive of those in course of con structien.aud those rer cently tiuishtd. FayetUville Examiner says thee is a colored man on Mr. G. M. Ray's plantation who is a real wonder to Ids neighbors. . He has lived wi.h his old has master ever since the war, and never asked fcr apy money, has never missed a day's woik, has never left home, has never associated with bis own race, and has never been known to do a culpable act. Commercial. New York. May 11. Cotton quiet. Middling uplands 10 7 16. Futures closed weak, with sales of 77,000 bales at the following quotations : Afay 10. 19 to 10 21 cents; June 10 25 "to 10 26 cents; July 10 34 to 1035 cents: August 10 42 cts; September 10 20 to 10 21 cts ; October 9 87 to 0 88 cents ; Novembcr O 75 to 9 77-cts; December 9 b&to 9 67; January 9 cents. bG to 9 88 Mn nni ON LIFE & PROPERTY.. IO.OOO will b. pjj.y !. r p.nn wh. c.n htPLOOB A i.AMf flttcrf wit ""TT ATTACKHKNT. 1 IU2.frMrrrt(. Fnarfertl. " AfmiM Www. MU m FtKjk J . b. KEWTOM-i iirnr lamp oa, BiwoiiAHTair. H. T. . 85 Cts. SPRI1 B f G RAND : At the weir known Clothing and Dry Cooilj EstaWUbroent ol v ,LrHILBRONER& BRO, Agt9. We ar t offoring this season one of - Jteyt anTl etirhtrens Ever bnVred in Wion. the handioitesL stocks of TRIMMING SILK., SATING, lilfTONS, LACI-a.' EMiatOFOERfES. GLOVES, LAMES, To vthicb e coll att ention and ask pitrcharng clswheTC. O DRESS Our.ftcck i hrjcr than usual, and our inoito is QLTCIi SALES and sjfAhh morns. V SHOES, Our6tock i" complete in that line and conslU of a hantUome line of Buttor, Iace, Kii, and Fox Gaiter. Sandals, Newport Tie and Slip jKr. Alo a full line of Mi aud Cbil Jren'g Shoes. We call at- enilon to onr hai:dynie line of HESS' GENTS' HAND MADE Gaiters and Low Quarter Shoes which we make a pejialty. HATS. AND FURNISHING GOODS. A Urge stock of the la tot t tt jles and best quality. - - ,'., IVtzi O M W Thanking you for past patrcnage We Rerxiain Itegpectfully Yonra. L Hei Wilson and ! 4 8tf. nAKKET REPORT, Vir.SOS N. (1 llT- 13 ISll COTTON Middling. 1 GRAIN. Ifbcat pei bus Ijl J0ru . in mi .. i OaU.. ,Ta i eas .M. ........... ...... .... lit B ACO X. N. C. Hams orr !b. 11 N G Snlei and allouldew... Ill Bulk oieat t.ite8.? lu Beesvraxi.A.......wMj..-u ; jr Untler. . in . jn d' - - " "... . W ucKiMia.......... ...u...:.:Z ' ' 25 k7S.t....... ....... ....... w;i:MI?rt....I2i I tide. Green , MaMk mmmm f 1 fardi... l l I'eaauu, - 80tolJ3 Potatoes Sweet...... M..M....n....M. 60, ' .. .. 10 1 allow.. . Conrtnoal Tltttltt 4 N T I C K. Mxrorrs OfTlcE. Mny 12 th. 1831. I All persons owning 1 ts in the tofri of Wil )n are he: cby or e.rd to have them clecnse l at once. By order of the bjardot Town Cmniioners. P.E. I1INES Mayor. Win. A BARBEEY DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES NEEDLES, OIL &Ct PRIOELIST. NRW HOME, ...... ......... m.m.mm...m.943 0$ ST. JOHN, ............. M 35 00 W HITE 55 90 KEMINGTOX 30 00 DAUNTLESS...... 30 00 AMERIi -AN 30 (XI WHEELER A WfLSON,..! 30 GO W F1I I 2s KTT, m 30 00 SINGER (ltert Improved) 30 00 VlfTOlr ' " ' .? on Any other ax Clieap as can be bonglit iu the State. If 31011 wnt a Macfiine Low offer me the Casli ! 1 will deliver. Instruct, aud keep up warrant , SEAS01 0 the uobWtst stotkMoCMent Tuuchl In additon to that we iiare reccivoJ opt of MITT, ilLSSES.ahc' CillLDREXS HOti. trj O W trj - i the public for examination before GOODS. O f o m and askig for arcoiiUnnanee of the? a 70- I Tarboro, C. o n h i 'A k r . -7

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