iie Wilson Advance. PUBLISHED AT ff ; - , . WlLflQN, N. C.r EVEBY FRIDAY.V BSCltlPT" BATE tLBT ALL TKK EVDS TnOB AIU'ST AT BB TUY COUYf Y THT GO'S, JUD TRUTU'; Mi I -82.00 .All ni.'i Uu!'X ."i'it7 . --v-. 4'-? r '1 'ents per line. U. ii j u i. i. r Mr-Eu VI- " frt rT?"- ;-:I-..Ta.- f Ml i . . i . i . .. - t - I i JOSEPHUS DANIELS, - Editor. - ;3 -; . I' V ;"- -. '" - . j Allrmd Schedule at Wilson. , i-GOixd Noufn-Av Xe. 47, Passenger am? Mail ......10: IS a. nT 43, fast Mail..'.............. .11 :-"7 p. ra. GoincJ South. 48 Pasengcr...... ......... ...'...-V-? P- 4) Fast Mail '.r-T p. in. 1 Freight.................. .. ...1&0 p. m The post office will be open from 8 iT rfC to 5 p. m:, ami lirair after the 757 p. rn., train.1 Open hour after Ifth mail bund ay NorfcAk as d J?M4i Centre. PROHIBITION CONVENTION e are in receipt of a book elpnuWin rT "T "Tf T t f i ly printed froni Gary W. Jom of N5r-1 rkaorbi4(n!nvlntron met in folk ith Ibeaboro Utler r Tbislf ' theuhe Court Home Tuesday at 2o'clocfc. second ediin of the wrrniid if ij jn-.ij'Qintiofl of Mn jhVf Sharpe ; JJ'dl in Norfolk- Every lawyer" should tiave' one, Can be lound at Haroravo'dfus sWtif. - - - ' ! J i r iirlefM:- X'ic-nic at Uarefoots mill to day Snirfi 0 eut a pound ii Rowland's. The latest noVelty at Hargrave's ,liug store. i .-''"' .' ' p. :. - O'Ch'l ficent rains Lave' given the j.fas a fresh stan. - D4 wfttches.iand clock made alive CtmrchvreU'8. v ! Stop that cough. y getting a boUle of Vulraona at How land's. Kthing beats that assortment of line pcrfuirerj at Rowland's. The streams near JFilson are swol len by the roceut heavy rains. - 1 . -V, - ' i:,V; The commissioners of Carteret coun ir lmvc, refused to grant license. A fresh ' lot of confectioneries , and i rjickers just received at Joe McCraw's. ' i Pulmona. the great remedy for col is oou'ha and consumption, at Rowland's A '.arge number of shad' have been i nugh'iin Contentnca Creek this week. Smoke the bostcjejar in town, , the j UuHl Flavor. u E. 0. Noe A Co"s., rtc I can tecoiumend them. Only t 9 , tion of 3r. Thos. J. Hadlev as. Chair- bair. matte some appropriate remarks stating Iris fisns-fur4eing kififavor of ')t ohibi- tiorimrKi urging- ih people of1 nison I.. i i-. , f . J Ejxptrls Young. People.' This weekly periodical issued fo: Ibojs. and girl ta full of-merit. .Every hoe of it lb images every engraving ihat einbellishei its columns SDarkles PROHIBITION POiNfS, T'i Cmnraenrtiiiznt Exercises' Thfe cloSlng ekcrctpcs of SHs Leu SE'jooliii tills feourttV.toak tdao:.:lasM Friday. The editor had Intended to b? present but was pftventGd from so5 do ing. The speeches of the children were creditable ilikb to the children and teacher. The address of Dr. Kinwas on iduch practical interest and reflect-, ed credit on d& doctor. m Mayor's Court. A large number of onr ; young tneff were up beforbt,he SaycJ Tuesdsi' morniig bii'ji charge of shooting ad air gun hear Rounti ee IJarnes & Co's siore. They were .Ht bagged thisH'tirhe' and ordered not to repeat the offense. Several parties were up before the Mnyor also on Ttiesttar horning for driving fait horses through town. l,Tdiey were fuietlian discharged. ; As the season approaches when t lie- public school s are to be closed, parents will find their cares lessened by plic- inr in tho linnrla nF t Ut lililo mi a a a 4iV1,JM'Vt"4fc"V1 - -i hJ" 'w rlcrtis and, -valuable nnh iffition iiirl in J. C Price, tWe eloqnent colered or atorvMll stump the State in farcr of rrohibttioo. . j i j , - and glistens . and In SVall memters P-OddFellw ianna; t hp household wdl Cd entertainment. Goldsboro no liquor was- allowed, L ' pquotlou, Itf r, J, j T,n Sbarpe and Josephus Dan-els. vrere appointed Se- tVVWoodard Esq.. moved LLja the chairman appoint a committee of'oitB; from each township to consult together and recommend township executives rSrker'JC Daniels M'ill deliver ice cream and lemonade in any part of tbf town without extra charge. Deafi of a Foriivir CUifpif We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Charles J. llountree which sad' ev ent occured at Boerne, 'Kendall conn--ty. Texas, May 12th,,' of paialvsis iff the 8;h; t year of his ge.-lie was buried at floe.rne, the home of his h- dop'ion. Friday evening May 4tb., im'nfnei iicrsrToKT elect a ount eedivJcoihiiUce. centra' oounfy The fullowjnj.cominillee, wis appojo-i 1 fToisM. Hr. N. Hefnng. : . Saratoga. llobt. Owens. . Sttintonsburg. K. M. Perkins. , Btaelf"Tr3nLIeScalh. s Spring lliil. Rev.W. L. Guunig- giin' : A n n Old Fields.Eryin.C.aTian, Rev. Jos, OlTrer'ffas called op in to deliver an4Jwldresb'iit excused bim self by 8ayU'git!iatjjhp would address the citizenf intfie poiurt House Wedr nesdav i)'ighti"nd Suggested that Rev. J. II. (TfflrttritQLwas present would reilie 'Conve ntion. MfiuYnriin te'spbnseto bud calls, the jQtcrcst3 of youth. As a sale guide and instructor it is of inestimable val ue. '.The Cruise of the Ghost,'' relat ing the cruise jof four boys in a small tyjiChtHui a dense fog they drift to sea and mept, with many adventures Two dew serials are begnn in the rssue of bilay 10th, 'Susie Kibgraan's Decision;' and a story of a M ay party, for girls. It is fresh and breezy. The Magazine and -Young People will bd sent one y'par for $J, or tle latter alone far 51. 0. , A sainplo 'copy of the Young Peo pfe will be sent on application to the publishers. Score 1 for Prohibition,- Tae.Town Commissioners of Golds- Ooco, if. C. haire refwed to , nrant li cense fo retail liquor iillat plrfc.;,- , v Greensboro is cerainly a 'dry 'i town now so far astho.sale of spirituoas liquors is concerned. , The saloons clo-sed at 12 o'clock r. m. Saturday. April 30th, and have not been opened since. Patriot. ; ' ' The commissioners of Darbam coun ty refuse to allow whiskey to be V1J by a vote on to 1, lhy have decided to allow liecr to be retailed bjr a vote of 3 to 2. dntJ lidUor dealer will mote to Danville Ya. Loss to I nWktri. - Last Monday nightvJfr, C. IV. WesC brook delivered to the express agent and had billed 18 quarts of strHtlcr ries'SndSl boxes of peas for shipment At , the . same time Mr. T. J. Newsome had 22.6 d harts df Strawberries, and J. S. ttestbrook ft- Co.. A. P.'Faucett, and D. L. Hardy had a quantity which were also billed for shipment but thu express agent tflised to receive them stated th-.ife could not allow such an oppotnny!OpJxP(W9-wLlfoift saying smetfrgir"'of ''tfits "cause in jlilHLteJlL .i;-a?Wer.?st-ka!ccoujlt-of lack of room rrocEeanrg 7ir. tutnn -maTie an "rn fcst, iirgumentatire, .able .addrees In favor of Prohibition. In the lcour5e of his speech Mr. (Tuinn brought the ques tion home lo the-people of "tVilson by producing the ff Mowing rigures and tactoecerBidg thefihcensfjjlifv in this recoiuinena inem. vjniy ? cents. "tfestetn editor. whj sta'fted a rrwjipapcr called it The Smallpox, so t fVaE' cVerybody would take t when they ot where it a as. . ' U"v. Jos. E. Carter will, sp-aV on P oh!hifon at fjrcenville Monday night My 23rJ. and at Washington Tuesdsy rYight. May 24th. Read the new advertisement of Selby i. Rro's.. and when you desire to hire a luiirse and buggj go to ee thb'd. return thanks i to the Marshals f r ar. invitation to attend the Com .fsncement Exccrciscs of "Wake For &i C llege June 7th 8th, and 9th. i - - , - ; . . IRev. J. II. Guinn, delivered an ad M6 appropriate to the occasion last i ght at the Anniversary of the wo inans Missionary Society at Goldsboro: iVr-r " i ij , ' .,' piie Methodist Sunday School which to bve had its piic-nic at Pinkle f ri Wednesday was j postpone 1 un til ijxt week account of ithe rain and in clment weathjr. ! lJrV!JIYWalsb according to' notice in TrTAliANCE last j week, preached Sjindav maininw and jnioht and Mon day night in the Disciples chrirch ' tin Ht Restoration or Israel. A-W.Rowland tilts riccepted the i2tr.cy for the sa'e! of flower and jdAntslrorn Fairchild's green house at Raleich'. ' If you desire flowers or rWants cal' on him and if not: in' slock nt .will order tb5m lor yoa. LUtfl grabs' off sar. . Xiittle drops of brand -':Yl make yqur,noso as rea i 'A anv Hi the land. ' Jind doo't yoa forget it, young Tnan - We were hatecr a few days ago cy 5lr. J. T. Cobb a bill of , fare for the banquet of ll 0, 0. F.. at BonWi Hotel. Goldboro; last Thursday night. Ev erything good was a provided and the occasion was a very enjoyable one. A more elegant supper Could not easily be prepared. Rev. Mr; Mr. Iiountree was for manv ' years a resident of Wilson and Many who liave known' hidl -well in other years will read this- amlotlncemrtit tfKh r-ftufeignedj sorrow.' ' , : '. ' . ; PrUtlibUttn SfcecJi. r.ev. dos. uarter aaaressea io't'i'jri people of Wilson; dfl th I rohilntion in the Cou nesdav itiuiit: lirs speeoa wntcu was nearly tvo hotirs in length" wa3 an rible one and was listened to wit'.i interest by the largo number present. Mr. Cot ter makes a strong soeccii n laror' of Ihe purchase tax list lor xue year 1880 shows that the amount of purchas-iPP-ifM0" Uauucs, for Wilson cVlfrfftiialliTf & & itiix of 1 8.032. .The, .aoaout received for revenue lr5irslr6m rtitfiera of sp'iiUous liq uors for the year 1880;. Amounted to 2 03."). This includes' both State nnd ountv .' whi(h !s mvirled en'iallv be- , - . i j , n Stale and County &0i John Mcirrts of" troldsboro who th subjeet ryj wcnhVnp in a rt House Widr-V;wim,eaCUfUy Jrnarks de- clared himself hear'.i'y iu fav-r ot pro- prohibition and the .'friends of the cause wU be glad to know 'that he purposes to speak quite -. often during the campaign at various phees. j . Condition oj 'the Crops in tkf-Vou:ii . A gentleman who has ; travelled through a lar-e part of the county am)1 who knows a great deal about the con-. liie corninilteeaorjointe.l tnrecom' Jeriil a.nyxchA&e eomiiwtSeeifoP- each township mdo the following report wlwck'ftas Vaahittiously adopted : 1 WiiEiiE4s. .,isM necessary in order .to have a iucxrnU'zli canva?s in bhalf oi tlie liojiibition movemejit jLhat suit able mejx be entrusted with tli6inana geirient of the campaign in their res poctive sections therefore be it ii jQesoyfi'jr T1 e, a, ommitiee ap- pointea to recommend smtabie.persoas for the towiishiD committees, "do herc- dition of the crops in the Crfty in oy llittfcf foWoWiiipajned igcnlle- Ixtra fi" . f WeterJva'y lorms os that the crops are and the grass is growing apac. In Old Fields township ho say several laroe Melds which hare been llere'-ofure planted in cotton that are now waring with young corn. Mr.0.!B. Bailey has he cay8,50 acres 'Of the flu est cotton he has ever seen at thist season of. the year and, the gentlcniau , says with fuch a go'td start it iv lropetf, that j he wil I have better luck in housing than he did. last year: V.:. , , ft . ; ' The whedt prop Js xathcrs poorer than usual firid tfte acreage Is lss than heretofore; '.-' - ii;- "? - i - ' ;! fitted! to serve on said committees : iQqwnVJ.'Xfy Barnes, J. II. Baker. F. W. Barnes Prof. E Moored colored JKashington Sugs, (col) Black Creaky Wyatt Yclverton, Dr. A. G. Brocp! . FiuchMIardy Uiu- nant, (col) Newsom Locust, tool). r Cross UojJj S'das Lucus Jr. Noe Matliwr-?';w.!"' k." " SpriQ t.flViiliam Uinn mt, Elias G. iiatiVef7AVJA. I easily. Alfred Ay- On Tuesday morning Mr. Wcstbrook had 965 quarts of j strawberries ready ior suipment out tueae were also re. fused. ': -'K . u - ' 'i . . ' 4 . -" j. ' - ' It seems strange t iat the Express Company -should refuse to receive sue! perishable freight which if hot shipped lmmeuiateiv is worthless, we pre sume the Company will be made to pay for this fruit which wbs lost by the' lack of accommodation, ' . " Will Small Cotton Factories Pity ? Ju3t,at this time when some jof our people are interested in the establish'- Tyictit of a. cotton factory in this place tle following from the Columbia (S C.) Register will bp read with interest . 4 It is thought and stated bv' some that a small factory will not spay. Now.'surroUndeil.as we arc. by practi cal proofs to the contrary, we aro at a loss to say how such an idea could be entertained a moment."' It is the expe rience ana opinion oi an mm men that a factory running .from ; two to ten thousand spindles, making a good mer dium class of yarn, will give a more ready return for . the money invesfet than if started on a grand scale, pu"r posing to makp a finer class' of goods we need not ed'verv far to make cita-; tioiis, ,,.'Ik8 tha Rd Batfk factory : That company, a few yeafs ago, statti cd heavily i.i d6ht, w?th fro'n twelve to fifteen huudred spindles. 'It is '.running two tfiCMiisaBd odd Spindles to? day, in dependene of the world, and paying ten per cent: oft the stock. The Saluda, with the exp-jpUlb'xCUiieVSf the fore b orlVlJt Ba.l terfectiy s.hmiHSUm' A The Farmer and Mb-shantc ys i 1 gentlertiarl whose business carries hi among the people, says . that LWarfejif coarty wilt gife a prohibition xJajorit?? He any a the negroes are beings dargelj' influenced by t4eir preachers aad their Lodges. -"; 7U olher exreptloo. On t&gt. J" m i , . toe ,,Uo,U ,,fcm uoi'SS-S, ;, The pig is six.retro!rn It carries "'P u,eHt w. 10 . IMS (2 ... ...M. 9 LV " TiiilTv rnes j . . v, : . . its hand inrrontfaJid-KaWft.l .--n., Ui.:??11 body as if In a s. and runrW its ua.t. to 49 three legs tnuphaslemlvemTP' other V:gs with fttr.!n this pig wants $500,forfctCrrblP. drrctl tMJL.S&.tPtotoll Observer. ji?A. $f&vi!X"m-?Arr'imrt 1 Advertised Letters,- ' i . i - tyiMI If A list of letters and qH-X' . Z V WliOIIf-vriltni. . : : . . ni..v ' - - - psSjiitf fife :mm Co-ton: Mrs -K.liflT -nnnhTr fui V . .! ! 1 JT ,SIC weVFlolrs;MrsffaiiiLS Af The Wlimrljtdn' !dr savs: "We have talked ith several leading citi zens of "'Columbus'' county , as to the cnances oi rrolnbition, and they are unanimous in the opinion that tho sen1-' timent of that county is overwhelming against it.' 1 ' ' 11 The Internal Revenue statistics for taxes for the 'manufacture, and sale "of intoxicating drinks for the rear legO in two States of nearly equal popula tion were as follows :. New Jersey un der license, '$902,358: Maine, under promouion, iu.'jzz. , .... In every place in llinois, wliere pro hibition was made the issucf this spring it carried the day, with only the excep tion ot blooinmgton. Prohibition lSi the coinijirnssue. Tr.e salootirsts would like tonroid ? U, ' but," like Banquo's ghosts, it will not ' down at their bfd- ing." .' .- .-" - - Jt - Rev. Jos, JE. Carter, said in his speech-Wednesday night that there was only one inmate of tho Northampton county jail and he was a d octorr who was' in there because he whipped his wife while drunk on Weldon whiskey 1 North spipton does notissue ' icense to reta'd-liqUof, and . is1 io'a prosperous condition. . nmiercial. ji tne above letters and postal d.Tt rrif5vn,''tffi.'T aic.iioj, cauea loin T't,tkX thy hi 91b1b1: noqal.? xaettq will be sent'to the djeatj jtjtof ,fficW I.lJunl t'o BUCfaGilKli' .tU --- '- - . a 'J a -f cents, Uvtat f2"t9. -91 hir tfiri2is.acf5.ua. reaonaLiiLe as cents ; Nor. ce HIM JJanboorl and Jill dliuM .w 1,1,3 ' cenuMj'cb 10. A -11 r v. : .JrfAJO KH0I v iaraJF9& M.tmf3iats iritis v."!1 r1 r 'l"':jlj''--'' RAI V "' .."ii-rrTi iwiuaV II vii'kf-.L- .... RF.I.HY. RQ'a... SaaMaaaaiaaBfcBMa Board of? Pltamtacy. Cunnygham, of Mr. E. M. Nadal was absent Tuesday in attendance upon therrfeetiog of ihe State Board of Pharmacy at (?o!dsbo ro. We loarn from him that the board organized by the election of IV. II. cock, JfiyV'y'O11 Atkinson, (col) Saratoga. A.nosuwcri Jr. Lycurjus Fanner, Col. R. W. Singletary. ; - Stautetburg .--Dri D. Q. ,W,: Il'rird, J. HJlVpptewhite;n Frank Brothers. Green Musgreave. ' -'v Lawrenetf Ward (col). - : - - Oidi'iald-T-Irvia - Eitmin, Wiley Lamr-Pr: I;Tay lor, Sidney Eafp (col) John Bykin, (col). ' Taylos.A W." Farmer. J. W. Green of Wthrfirigton as President and ; (coy Porter, llilliard Ellis, Toisnot. J. T.13. Sharp, W. Carter, yo). Hoover, J. T. Louis Deans. Saturday evening in this place an inebriated woman was arrested rind put in the guard luviae, and! later -in the evening her husband who was also intoxicated was also placed in dnrance vile. The exihibition of such specta cles will cause maay j, men to tote in faver of prohibition. Rev. Dr. W. G. E. the So. Meth. Pub. House. Nashville. Tenn., writes: 'We owe the hearth and strength we enjoy today, if not our lifo to the virtues of the 'Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass.' Suffering with ner vous prostration, without appetite una ole to sleep or work, we were but up by its use. It is no humbug." The Tiruothy Sull-ns. Athens, Tennes 11 e says I firmly believe the 'Seven Sptincs Iron and Alum Aass saved! ' ny life. . There lire thousands of liv ing witneses who cantestify U the cur ative virtues of this great "Natne's , Remedy .', Get it from Landruoi and Xltchfield, AUingdon, Vt , '-. fr sale the DfugisWbf Wilson, - N. (. ' , T . Wei- SimpSbti of Raleiglt is Secretary. The bcafd decided ta iSsue a circular letter to cticU druggisc in the State setting foTth what ueniM!t do in order to comply with the law passed by the legislature. Some business of private nature was transaoted'after whicli the board adjourned' t$' meet in Raleigh Auguit SOtlr'. : . . guDjCct to the approval of tha conven- Perronalf. Mr- E. a. M'vrse was weeis: - - v . rii town this Mrs. R. V. Alley of Klnston is on a visit to this place. Gardners. Frank (col). . ,. ' The ?6i.tfee deeftnrg Webb, Joe Co, it better Factory,, d few years back. when first owned by ifr. Johnson alone, hdd a miserable, shaky, wooxV7?!am Look at it to4ay the wooden drtf 'gone and in its stead a bc'avy storie.dam every- UiirJg paid fdr. tfnd in -a condition to pvft Mpf in addition to "what is now thre, $3Q0O" wortK of rtuchiaery. With these facts staring us n th facevTtfid a sirrfilar e'ipe'ric'nce of many 5thct8.we could cite, theris no rjcsou why"eterprises'in tins line should, for waut of a 1 Tge ciptaT'stockstop. If a 5,00 spi'ndlo mill cannoV be bhilt because fthc capital stock 1 does i hot reach $125,003. put up a 4.003 &pUdie roil jr$100.000. and if caoital .ckn't reaeH that - start a 3,000 spindle , mill far 75,'000YXr,!: Tf nicessary, ?tftrt a smaller.mill on a less capital ; for, just sassa fe rtS the sun shines, all monevs invested in mills, particular! v cotton twills. wi!l give a constant, readw fair tnctarn, in small milis as well as large. " CharlMe Observer.' ' fcays i Some of .the 'iiet.'i men a c chuckJiugover whfft they consider a good joke. A box wa"f marked 4,hardware," and sent to the depo ye$Urday-4,Or4ie dipped to Gas tonia. a drv" wwri;. The drayman ac - a - - a aV - V j . . cidentally let it drop at the perot, t broke open and rolled out ivjj fugs'of whiskey This is what they tell. 1 y Qbldsboro 31esseiujer :There are cer tjio Repuolicans who-a're laborfohard at their dirty trick te drag the prohibi. tion question Into poirtic3.t'sTheyt will hot succeed, As Judge Merrimon : so well said Democrats and, Repajpljcans white'jfrrd'colored, side ty side, are un ited in the icovecent. There is na pol itics in!prohibition- ::oAi . K The liqdor dealers' of FaTne corinty met in tris city oil. Tuesday: . for the purpose of organizing themselves is a prorectiye association, wa motion, air.. A. Lehman was mads president, , and Mf. John W. rd wards, secretary, lurv astas Edwards, JF. DobsonJ W. B. Bowden, Jp. Aaron, N. A. Moody, Joshh Watson and Calvin Baileys were elected delegates to represent ,the as sociation at ire anu-rroiijuiuou ouie Convention to bo held , in Raleigh the 1st of June. O i motion, l XbTS presi dent, Mr. A. Lehman, was added tQ the delcration. Ooldsboro Mersenger, -pjr2TQ , llotacrHT tsaaliD sl f, ..vi-- ysj W . " i . i i i i i ii jv i ii it i i i m L.m mm. w awi w m, t a.-.m i h --4. v; . .TTfOITT following who T. Jtavis, tion recommended the were eiectefludnirnbifily : Central Fxecutive IComrrfittee J. iiSrlTAWoui3lf.ar:JC G. W, Blount, WHlram Murray, MrC Gartef, thpp reiCcTiT cfrilulaf let. tec feoli tketlidjudr delirs tsoctation calling a convention to meet in Ral eigh and iri-jm.tljm to tiiake ch ac' tive canvass a"ud followed with a short ngspneTiCb vrhtih ivas'el strong spe? rell received. Mr. A. Branch, who has been absent in Norfolk several days returned home last uight. Elder, P. D. (Told and wife are ab sent atteuding a Primitive Baptist As sociation in Maryland. Mr. R.I E. Blount of St. Louis a for mer resident of Wilson, is in town on visit to relatives and friends. ' l ..... t - r-" J f : Js W. Lancaster Esq., and H. J. Connor Esq.. ara: in uttendance ?opon the Episcopal Convention at Raleigh'. Rer . B. S. Bfohsoh. Rfector of.St. j On motion the Convention adioujned sine tfte.". : K T. J. Hadley, Ch'm. Josephs fooler? . Of- Scclional News. TOISNOT. "') f t v s,,r . , Rey.tB.Cravcn,D;D. ' dent of Trinky- Colleg LUT!. Presi- ty-' College pTeached an able sernpnjtbc Mehj2dist church last Sunday night toa large congtega The crons in ibif ectioii -are grow Ren B. S. Bronson. Rector ot.&i.jjpppeli. . I . , Timothy's Church. iUbsent'lritatrid ixedUor b'f tWfc' &Wiil ance upon- the Episcopal Aonvtntioriabefirtijyirseit on nrisitlu Pamlico P-Acadetny' last Si I which is iu session at Raleigh, ,yj.- ; county. .U !j , 1 1 Lnig'it. fPrtftttfUtCTtDistrM Cb'nfer'eitix t: Frof.E.P. TutM:., Tlii ncws in rur 'wideawalrr little city fWery tiaarCe this week. : . Several of our citizens were in .FP!1 stn in attendance, opon the prohibition convention Tucsdav. and thev returned hoVrie'ronch'nMjre in earned than they haoT been bsfetofcre. Amoug those who atiendet were Vr. N'. R. Heiring, JVT." jShar., J. D. Williams. J. D. Wells. P. Tafnbull and others. 'Rev. J. il. Cordon is -absent " at the District Conference wbichis'in session at Washington. ( .' Prof. E: P. Tacke and' wifc'will. open a school here next fall. : I lear that 4ATr. Tucke and' Jlr. 3. Y;Tay)or have formed a partriershtp or surveying. . , Rev. IF. J?. Blake preached in; the and ai Tdi aialaV umml t.M kiMll A v i'5nfTv s.'di cxjsr B9nii ;!t At well kiinfrfi Hlnihinw-rfJulTaValfiAfc 4f fiMiif iJrfTl i-T .sciluad 4 la Mnba43 itfft o 7 r ;o i 1 i I "tVT ar roM'rie t his tM-'n'ii. , - -e ar,i oTCrfiig this seacbiwoui and ctiildrens 1 outlii as let r.f iedJ43w lot ( ,Ss:. fo'sdl nwii itjil 9i -ii'i'w 9 02 5a ver ",:retl ,n "'son. Jn sduiton to LUz'biwtxmMtt4atul(pwm9lU uriaav'." mbrnin'z" The Tarboro S(Mtfierner calls' upon the people to build a cotton" factory .' Mr. G E Webb , of Durham has purchased tho Recorder. - Hon. Jos. J. Davis and C. M. Cooke made tig speeches in favor of prohibi tion at Louisburg. The Right Rev, liishop Lay Jjrea'ched a nie'morial sermon iix "Christ church, Raleigh, .Wednesday -morning, com inemorativeof the services of tba la mented Bisrbp Atkinson. . The Kftos Observer pronounces it tfn',a4jle . eflbrt- The colored' people' of the State held a confection at Raleigh Tue(iay'. and Wednesday of this'.week for the pur pose of fnding out the best means for the advancement of the negro race. A comraittco was appointed to' wait on the' President1 .' ' ' WeWon Neics. says :'Axmt miles below Seaboard inforthampton coun ty, there are 13 cases small pox. The disease w'as'brobgli't from Port-i-moail by a colored' man a'short time since.It i aboat tweptjr, iiniles froai here, andYtere Is little or no danger o'f its coming here. . , , . , On the place of a gentleman ' cased j McKee. in South Point township. -f7as itbn'cottntr, about fifrecd' trifles' frW.- 0 o (4 o ..BX4llltttfii.tfl4,!9 tj r-! TdJetT ? ?J;iii cfil jsil -iliq sdl 3!S! i to vhici. we- emjnif& MimimiuHkm 1 piiiCliJtsintlSeWhCfj;. ' j . : . I)TH' Ct00I)Sr'i V fiur Mr cVl hrger tVan ti-ual, and elr tto (ibKlXCi4,'sna ? -!Jtf A IX riiVb ITS. ; rft . af ? ;""5". Our stock iTjoemtrlcte in that lil ptr. Also a fall rlcte in that li1aul pr.&tjo f aiJiapaiet me 4ir iJ. aud,Fox Oititr, .inay, Kewricjl TWf and 8!ip Uue of Mi s id CluWrtnV Shot.' 'tf' calf at- enuon to onr nafdine line oi liaX t t aiai ja3d fc ; ' vTj:Ta3IJJTltn o (jaitrrs auclTJ-warte Bmc gw hicli wa.nsake'jqwialty 7 10 HaUiRTiiJ A. I HtS ST.4S13 ll Sul1 !2 f'td 4fiMnail srvj? iav' I ' ' rtMTt i aw r.si3 li Sul1 .21 Than ran -ycu fr. iatitslaru4aiki f$r a uaufie ite tabtl V! )Vgy A ' 'zU twjMU A,t.i y3 l-3S ' VT4W-i,3 !'1cxT -daiaJf uiifi ill - . rillilttiW M o . Vf f.i '4 Stf. 6 I i U I bs4 ,.tiw difwiavait 4io4rt .-I TUlTi ila-. W , . M .U;'1 - .5Mi iu3 oJslo'f .stja tacjffMf .iffffi J' ft;isl frw ttstf' 7 : .... . 5 i i r i A

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