' - . f- J- : r- ".rT;r.:--m a, I - TKmlsb'n 'Adtairce: j3fk- : - ,- TWlftT. :.,.. . irra r.i..i -iy aryi . : . v . 1 . 1 --- The iVilsoii AdVfliiCfli M f. -. - . Foiie' "Year, . .; Months VirBSCRITIO HATES. t - 1.0U LKT ALTHIK EVbrTIIOU AlU'jt AT DE THY COCYTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AXD HlCTIl'5.- VOIi. 11. fe niOAY, 27, 1881. NO. 18. One Square 6 months ..v.- One Stmare 12 mdntfaft.& ; liocal Department. A - JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor. Kuilro:id SrHeAulc sit WiUon. Gorta North .11: So. 47, VAf.wz' i n! Mail U: l." :i. 4J, fast, U:UI Local Frtight... f p. in. m. ! Death of a Youmj Lady. . . Ycstrday evening ia this pUce at the residence of Dr. ) E. Barnes, after linering illness of many weeks. Miss Lina Vines. an excellent young lady of this place.. Miss Yines was an estimable christian lady and her death, though daily expected, was universally regretted. W Q joiii our' sympathy with her many friends who mourn her loss. 1 if av a icw -so much il ...S.ii'J a, m. , . Goi 0 Far-t .Mail; p. m. ":"" p. in. .. 1 :M p. ui For Young lCu. ' . We heard a lady (lavs ao, I would like- he wouht have his teclh deane.t .and filled,' and ; then we thought of the; large number of young men MwVwobld be so attractive if one defect their teeth did not mar their beauty: Young man. if you desire to be at iFiirn r rin dnsirn to be nobular o Alarke lot of toilet . soap. just re- ' ' ::,t:mX m ;r.i. n. tfVYu v uj"- itui v., i ' I ' . - ... f Copt. George 0.v Lynch, a faithful and frleTeBrconacior. on the V, A IV. Uailrdad has been promoted to the positibir cf TraiijDispatchec and As- Wilson State Normal. SchooU, 'As lieretofora annQuced, this school inCe h had frequently tnrfeatened to die but yet lived on miserably, wilh no '1 JIUfMsn in" m IT J A One Square 1 Um.4ii.CS,CI ' One Square 1 month Our Square tnont hi . L7rain1rctil mad. Mldifg, Tranlt Adftttlrtilif Hll IhsefUd ti 1 3 Cents ptt lift?. sistant Mastej of Transportation at hhur lasting abont five we V-. ' .i,x: 1.Af ttw irillbe held in the -Wilson Collegiate j pnuiwe yi Tcr u:u y fnct.tntV lt wl!1 bein Wednes(f?V.iT,iey accordingly tied a rope aronnd Jtan,eJ5th. and end Friday, July loth. his reck and swung him up to a joist of the hoaso, where he .was found a f tuition will be free. All publ-c oU ,ninute9 l,y a' co!orc(l wPra9n of i . '-' , ' , ;Jist - the neighborhood who Dkssed throuob Floreiicc-i S. C, - Can Lyittrs!plfce will be filled by j vate'schobl teachers, k or any "persons j hmt.iirr. ronfJUollv Lvnch. an Ur- exoectuiff to teach, can attend. ins ceived at . llarsaves Dijg which ill be sold very cheap. Snuff 50 cent a pound at Rowland b. Farasols alii qualities at Uoscnthals w lot of bordered lawns at-Rosen 1 - ' ' 1 Dead watches and clocks made alive atCuurchwell'sj. r r j Vlien otir baiid gets in harness we'll have plenty of fnusic. , 100 Bushels black field peas for sale tE. O. Noe 4 Co. " ' Stop that co Mgh, -y getting a bottle1 of Fulmona at Rowlaud's. Sun Jay niglit somc dogs killed sev eral of 51 if j . G:jy's sheep; 'Nothing bents that assortment of i fiae perAimerj ac Rowland's. : The &7'e Jdnrnl is to be resumed as an ami prohibition paper. ; i SceAVrWA. Uarbrey's price list of sawing machines. They -re low. I - JCRcady made Clothing, New and cqin-4 plete and si-IU bg cheap, at noseumais. , Pulmonai; tlie great remedy for col I s roii dis and coiusumpiionTat Rowland's - " i .... The Methodist Sunday School had their pic nic at Tinklotou Wednesday. Matlinos. (Ml cloths and earpetting only good qnali ties for sale at Rosen thal j" - Fifty pieceb new calicoes the pret tiest of the Season just received at Rosenthal's, j , ;. My stock tsfkept complete; and is re -plenished thrpighout the season at Kosenthals. . All kinds of (lae'moss-wovo. ' Fiench rliina and i-tlier Hue craekeryvery Di-d. " Kear CastaUm,1 NaUi county, May 24th; Mrs. Alice RrassteU, wife of Mr. 0. I7raswell. aged 20 years. - In this county on tlvb night of May n.i, ir .l.iiiii'u E. Edwards alter lSbU. r . . , 4-4 He clerked in Wilson, we bel.eve.'sev eral years ago. your, teelb jeu(vhitcr Uan the snow and your breath sweeter than the per fume exhaled from the rose of Sharon- bane gentlemanf;' The Typographical Art. the neighborhood who passed throuob the lot on an errand to another neigh bor. This woman cut the child down and laid il on the bed, when it began to lectures will be open- to ' s leacneis ui iiot, all. whether f I ' I. I kk. .-I The art preservative of all art is perlntendent of Public Jjutrticlio M ncss; 55 ' 4lr iT"fW i a. it ik w t'on of whicli is given below : t , (" (." The Wilson Comet Band i The outlook for a good ba.d in Wil son is more encouraging now than 'cy er before. Twelve of our youog men have joined and they purpose Vj pur chase instruments at once and organ ;ae a first class bahdl We know of nothing that would afford more pleas ut 0 to our people than a good band and those who propose to joiji ought to be encouraged by our citizen!?. Rlarrie I. ; - In Beaufort Mayll9ti, l)y;Rev. K. A. Yates, D. II. Mr. W. Wf Shaw, of Wilmib'ton to Miss Mamie Chadwick. ' ; 4 '. I, vi -n We extend best ; wishes. A : Wednesday night at the residence or the bride's father, Mr. Charles B. Ay cock promi&ing , joung lawyer of r.Mfldmrn tn Miss anna ! oodaro, VlUlVt'V.VI w I - , J tle accomplished and popular daughter I ho fan wno ioc4 ... r ' ... not aavcruse. of Mr. urn. oo(iaruoi ims .cuuij , p:ider Sylvester llasseU ofTicialing: '1 he Advaxck ettends' best wishes to this young couple; fcrjii long life of peace, prosperity and unalloyed hap pi.icss. . , .. . ' ' - constantly developing new beauties. ; commissioned Prou a Jlassel The most recent la tba f portraiture of cipal of the school and the following the -Human lace uivine, an uiusira- ) The man who docs advertiese. stopped again at Brown's house, when she ascertained that the brother ami onntlpmen as'the' local Board of Man a. "era ; MessrsIl. G. C mnor, f7. ;W.sislcr hflJ taken y"S child fTol lilouat John E. Woodard, 'Win. Mur ray, and R. W. King. Frofesaors J. B, Brewer. M.-M. Hargrove, and h.. to. the bed, carried it out behind the gar?- den and buricti it. She hastened to the scene of the burial, dtx the child The finest l,t of jsoap ever .brought to Wilson, at 11-irgraves' dn store. Inferior Court. ; " Inferior court was in session this week. Justices Lancaster and Brooks urcsidin Tlie Grand jury- was or Flease notice the frightful, cadaver ous expression 'of the man who fails to make his business known to the public through the p'iplic print, and the smil ing, contented and satisfied appear anee of the man who has made money by investing In! printer's ink. . I ... ... :-J:.... i 1 I. - .1 1. . , , , , , nr,0rt i a tooc'iprs I up, carncu ti iu niu nousc aim imu iu . nflqt liiv heen en?aCci as icaciers .VMVkMB w ----- 3 ia the school. Mr. James W. Hayes. i " m m it- Commencement Exercises. i The commeiKcmcnt exerpis93.of the ffilson Collegiate Seminary Witf ? em bra e next Wednesday and Thursday. M.j4 Robt. Bingham, -, of Bingham s School will deliver the annual address Wednesday night. The musical con cei t will be given Thursday night. r These commcncement?exer.cJ5ea at the Seminary are always pleasant and entertaining and will this" yer prove equal to former occasions. Jn Important Decision. Treasurer Worth - has just rendered ihe followin? decision, which is of in iffs in the State : Since the ratification ofuhe present machin ery act, March 11, 1881. land sold tor taxssandbid in by the slier ill must be bid in for the county, and not for the State as formerly. The committee which perfected the present revenue net no doubt deemed this a change ir the better, as did al3o ;; the , Legislature which passed it. ' " I aanized with Simeon Ilolden as fore- Twelve cases were tried r and and six that hareyet to aot spend a ring the cympaiu.: r 4 cheap at Ricul hats. - ; We don't (know anything positively. - f - . " . , i . i If but- we- presume that tue muenera favorite part is Chaucer. When can a tooth be clothed : with the purple (f royaltv? When it is aclring. l'aient npnlied for. I The nice turnouts whivh can be seen n fillorrniin tin our streets, indii ato the rei;n of jprosperty and show there is life in the old land jet. Wa return thanks for an invitation to attend th 1st grand excursion down the Hudson which will be given Eusl man's Business College, May 28th. The pic-nic at Uarefoot's mill last 1.Vi,iw v A vprv nleasant one. e hear of anyone who did pleasant day. j There are now two string bands in town one ja home band and the olh?r an Italian baud. Both band dis coursed sweet mush: last nigh untii j. Fo$t 0Ji :e Hours. the wee sraa hours o morn. i Wftiifrfft- home cntcrDrie. tlavc your boots 'and shoes made ar-l. D Gardner s'hop if you want a fit. He uses,- the best leather and employes gout woikmen and guarantees to please customers.. r r : .i;;v.- ' . ': l ; ! " -v ha to Rev. B. S. Uronson for n copy of Bishop Henry C. Lay's sermim commemorative of the late Thomas Atkinson D. 1.. LL. I , liishop of lortb Carolina delivered n Christ Church Raleigh, be fore the Con Tentlon or orth Carolina May 18th, 1881. . j : . ; Give It o the babies.rThe . follow- irg letter speaks for itself; Saltjvill.e Va.j Feh. 7th! 1881. Mesre Ijandrum & Litchfield, Ab ingdon, Vol.: You need not sendlhe 'Baby Fooid" (G rauinm) ordered of you nfew days! ago as we have found some thing better. We, got out of the med icine we hjld been giving the baby for t . Ihe last month or so, and we happen- , eul $everai 1 fco-have Lame of vour Iron and Alum Mrs. II. G-. Wh Mass on hand- I persuaded m wife She did so. and it acted like We have, been giving it to hira now about a week, aud lie has a tter appetite and rests better at ttiffhtthari for a long tinie. If it con- . - 0" 1 : - . Vmnes to 4I0 him good we shall not need any more Baby Food, Corn breid and graty agrees with him: since he bppnlnliinor the '-Mass," and we man. t.hure were nine convictions, other cases disposed of. : . ? . ; : A tramp named Iman, a foreigncj. was convicted for stealing lightwo'od from WmD. Farmer and was sen tenced to the penitentiary tor one year. - Tt is, lUimghVby.a greit many j that Iihan is crazy. n J Wm. II. llarfison colored, was con ..;i.io,l rC ctp'-ilina shoes from B in. - H. lVtM VI L V ' O Morris, and was senlcnccd to the peni t.cntiary for five year 1 - Prohibition. " . : " v Rev. Jos. E. Carter will speak on the suhject of Prohibition nt Enfield Fri day night May 27th, and at Kocky Mount, Saturday evening June lUh Mr. Carter is an able speaker and his speeches in belalt of prohibition have been productive pf much ioro mul plspwhere. and we have " doubt but that he will win in'ajiy to the cause which he so ably champions du- i gooa no Sagacity jrrf il e-Horn. s , We heard tho other 1ay of a i most remarkable exhibition of the sagacity of the horse, .and when we take into consideration the fact - that it was per formed by a common, field horse, it is more wonderful still. '"The horse went to the well, and, not finding any' water ,io the tub, took , hold of the handle of the p imp wth her mou h. and fde several efforts to pump up the water, and really seemed worried in not ef fecting her purpose. 1 his is a tact, and is vouched for by a gentleman of the highest credibility. A gentleman near Rocky Mount has a horse who will unlock the crib door and wallv de liberately.ia and help himself. If any of our exchanges can beat this, let them trot out and then we will 'bring in another horse. j Frank Leslies Popular Montniy jar June. . ' I Al.nunds as usual in attractive fea- mi. . 1 4 Intn ilNlQlO & t.ures J.ne icuo-mg new Emperor,- Alexander III by Al fred H. Guernsey, is highly interesting. ind! its tea illustrations are admirable. Among the other note-worthy contri butions are: ''Beggars in Italy,' by Jun" -r -..!. .n.. I. a 1a ,1 n O t 1 V fl - ms LiOrramc ;i -aiuuus iuc v..j iu; Dutch,' 7illustrations; -Freaks of Lanllscanc. 12 illustrations ; he Empressj of Austria' 7 illustra- ! ... ,! -i m 1 ' K V tions-; "iyroi; ana xyiuivse, jj . Selou 4 U'ustrations; 'A week in Hamburg by Alfreton Ilervey. 12 ub.strations. ; etc. Tho sketches, in clude 'J- Fen ni more Cooper 'Tiie loss of the 'Kent East" Indiaraan' ; Sport in India,' 'Benedict's powerful serial novel, 'A Late Remcrse is con- tinued,and there are somo exceeding ly interesting shott stories by popular Writers. Bret ilarte contributes a po- eni, finely illustrated, entitled,; 'What the chimney: sang and the other poems rr of rare merit. The miscellany is large! and embraces a great variety of sulked s replete with entertainment and embodying much useful information. T ie number contains 128 quarto pages and more than a hundred engravings. It ts also embellished with a beautiful colored frontispiece, 'Baby s awawe. from a painting by Meyer yon. Bremen. rjhe price of a single copy is only lb ents ; yearly subscription, i. Ad dress Franl Leslie's Publishing Houe ub, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. ofToisnot, who has been for three years a highly successful student ' at. Cooper Institute and the , National Academy of Designs in New .York City, will teacFi drawing and penman : TVfr. J. S. McDonald, the- best Teacher in the Graded School f-.t Ral eigh, is expected to have charge of a model c'ass of primary schools. And Prof. Alexander Graham, who has had several years' exper.ence in New York City aud Brooklyn Schools, and is vow Principle of the Graded .School atFay- etteville, the best Grade 1 S ool in the State, is expected to give us the bene fit Af hie ovo.eedinlv v.uuablc experi-. saw w k k - o r t - ence. The branches taught will be School Organization. Discipline and Methods, Spelling, Orthoepy, Reading. Penman ship. Drawing, Geography, English Grammar, History, Arithmetic, Alge bra-Book keeping, Latin and French, If a sufficient number of students de sire, classes will bo formed also in vo cal music, Uie Natural Sciences,. Ge ometry, Trigonometry, and Surveying. Prof. Ilassell is makiw' arrange mentszto secure ihe ueryices of Mr. J, tT. Scarborough, Dr. J. L. M.,, Curry, Prof:' Henry Q- Shepherd, 'VxofVY'3i Kerr Dr. Fgene Grissom, Dr. S. S Satchwe!,4 M-.j.- Jfd Hotfchkiss and others as Lecturers. It is proposed, by means of the oxy- calcium stsreopticon. to illustrate 'the sciences and interesting trips into for eign lands. - . The managers? ? afe :1 determined tn . . . kT 1 . . 1 . make the-Wilson iNormai equal io any in the State ; so that thei c may be no rcasb.i for any of our - eastern' teachers Isewhere for normal instrtic- j DnlicfaAtiAi, rf coAiniT it nrriin rliiri ! n life under her treatment. Her good offices, however, only p)stponcd the end a little. The shock to the -deiieate brolher'e system was such that on the Sunday succeeding his execution and burial tie 'died, surely enough. Stales- i villc Landmark. . tfamoilki - Tli nwmnlihd Snnthm r?ai ' tiooikt In tramaW'Xb4A Reading RiWttttdRsf ji; ? ;ntai4rio64io& ot t tt r'.'- a- Character, ehK 3 ft .. . j f?: L-j't- 'atji'i XH Humorist, Jimio and ChrCte In his langhable RaUrtah)rttrrV& 1 ' c rt . Introdficlng comic ' andenarclr songi. laughable inipersunatloftf li humorous sayings. ' . t .-. Admissiox . ' '. ROCeriUl Chilikem . . . s ISCenti. Performance tcjlns at ; ,8ucloc Reserved sat9 for'sate WlthoH extra charge St llrgrare ; Stwe. ' - ' ! " I. tx: ' f 0 . "OLD FOLKS it p market ni;poisr. 10 1.2 ; . . ...4-1 125 - u 12J . 10 9 Wilson N. C May.; 13 1S81 COTTON Middling.. GRAIN. IUKkt pei bvw.. Join Oats Pea BAOON N. O. llam per Uv:. N C-S'dc and shouluers... Uulk meal Miles...., " "slioulders.. Beeswax ..r. 2f BnOer ......... ...... ...... I ..53 to 40 Cliickclis...... Ess..:;..:.. .:. 12 1 Hide?. Green 5. " di y... ......... i. .......... ..., ....A0toUl Lard... '...U ;..l 1 Peanuts, m to 1.2i Potatoes Sweet.. : , 60 1 ilC 99 V ' - 10 . . 1 Lorn njuai ...-. r M.r Cltarlotte Observer r Mr Harry Her man was voted immense byl i -ftlUa-Ul' character acting. especially i Uie -School Boy" created mneh nertiptfAf and he received several encores, t is,t Lincoln Prrtgreut: IUrry" lWi is an orig ii.al wit,7am1 .bis humoreus i npersonations created roars or lauii . tcr- . r ' fTt?w!iort Sars. Hsrry UornwJrfs chaeacter impersonations were xcec!3 lngly amusing, and folly established his claims as a horffsrist. ' :rAt i Rtletth VitUor t s Hsrry JTermonnfe his cnaraetcr song and tmprsorjt received round of ippb' ;; ... . Fayeteoille Examiner i J Ilsrrt: Hlt mrin i. imltablo si a rooster: -lif TM SO I shanglbal. i . 1 . ill II. I Our Postmistress rernests-is to call the nUentionof our citisensio the fol lowing office hours andto request tl.em to attend to whatever.; bnsincs they inay have while the office is bpen. n;Ti rmpiis tat-8 a. m :- closes at ..-v .. AHA.Atn;rAii hole tn 0 ,ou p. m , upvu iii't iui """ lionr after the arrival, of the last train at 7 :59l On Sunday the oifice is opened one hatf hoar after divine ser Personals Mrs. B II. Blount is in Greene, with her daughter Mrs, T. H. Best. " Jiiss Myrtie Young is on a- visit to relatives in Petersburg. Ya. Mr.Thad Vuhr:. of Petersburg. Va.. has been spending the week with his brother, J. T. S. Young. , V Mrs W. S Farmer and Mrs. w. X. Harrison are on a visit to relatives ih wilson. -1 of Nash. Tv-Ki'jht. !"';. j FrOm'aU accounts 1 JFilson will be favored to-night with an entertainment of the highest order of excellence. Miss Louise Cla:ke is an accomplished snnt.ilrn. elocutionist, asid a ladv of higli social standing, in her native city Her readings have been universally commended throughout the where she has given entertainment ?i Harrv llermon,. it is said1 is very much like Sol Smith Russell. The pa pers do not tire in his praise. nVe not heoitate to recommend everybody to attend this exhibition, believing, as we do, that it will be the best that nas lieen in B'ilsou for some time. Read the advertisement in another column... t ' I Scitioisal Xcws. BATPLEUORO. Murder DzaVi, c. spii wm. MM is;i to go tion. " 1 In regard to boardj table faro can be had at the Institute for for the ses sion table fare, furnished roora .and i;i,i0', irt nnd all these items 10- llIIV,j V gether with servant hire and washing for $12. ? Every teacher near the Wilmington and Weldon railfoad.' and between h: t road and the Sounds, Who desires A higher position and hhjher pay in his or her profeseion, otfgh. to be certain to attend the WiUon Normal. m-i -.':,:. . t 1'j .. At the well known Clothing and Dry Ooodi Establishment of lo Editors Advance t Two ne.snoes cot into a difficulty hear W'hitakers. last Saturday when one nocked the other on the head, whicn resulted in his death:; Did not learn particulars.' 7 j 'flie difficulty arose.' we understand, Uncernins the wife of the murderer. i . Miss Nannie, daughter of J. P. NcaleK., died on Monday the 23td inst. ;.j r... i 1 Farming matters satisfactory, except a slight over plus of grass m, cotton. Many farmers are not half over the first time, and cannot getextra labor at L..HEILBRONER.& BROrAgls.' Wc ar ofT(rin2 this season one of tho nobbiest stocks' of Mens .Yontht CLOTHING. I State News. f '' r ... . .S f to try it. a charm. can now rest. get a pretty good night s : Yours truly. Wm. Buchanan. For sale bv tht Druggists of ilr 3D, N. Ci, ; . Miss Alice Harrison j of Nash, re turned' home on Saturday, after having weeks with her cousin, itehead. w. . Mr. Howard Barnes and sister. Miss llattie. were in Washington, city, last week, we learn from the 'Messenger 4 Washington correspondent. They ar rived home B'-ednesday. -Messrs B.' li. Buon and J; R. Tillery of Rocky Mouut, and W, S. O. B. Robinson, F. A. Daniels and C. B. Aycock of Goldsboro; were irf town this week attending Inferior Court; iirs. Stith a former resident of Wik this week canvassing for Jeffcrsoo Davis new ,oook. on the Southern Confederacy. We wish her success.-, .. . . , - : . ir r TT ti.iiln v.C5t' Tinnici! nn a visit to relatives in wilsoa. Advertised Letters, j A list of letters and postal cards wluifjy written rem ainlii infthef post office at Wilson, N. C.7 M-ftyt 25tlr,''81 : f Jeseys Ajrtis, J'Mrs' ftainef Beasley. Mrs Minnie Barnes, Lice Barnes, Mrs Mary A . Biiet, Johnsoa Dew, Misa Avii Darden col, Jame3 Fryer, Jamof Fountain, Mrs Susan Golf, Mr3 E Goff, Cane Kaket, J A Hayes & Co, If R Jones, MV Jones. James Montgom- erv. Miss Ella Price, . Miss Cirnelia Parker 3. Wm Puts, K Perry, James A Stone, Paul Y Smith W D Sloan Mary Stmrhs,' Miss Martha AnriTyson, JPisslny Tnompsoiv, M'rs1 Vemie Viclp; Miss Maggie Whitley, Miss Elizabeth Wilkerson'; Samuel Walker, Miss'Mary A Ward. Haywood -WJid. Wm Wil- liarhs, Easter fFilliams, Henry B Wil liams. . - : ?, !' ? If the above letters and. postal cards are not called for in four weeks 1 they will be sent to the dead lejur.onice.i v 3ZT M.C. Damels, p.m. any price. , , , . WhPftt and other sraaiu gram iooks as well as might be expected after the long and severe winter. r s. SNOW HILL. Ball Fire, c ' A friend of ours who was in Snow li:i last week gives us the following items of.news: , r ,rov , Last Friday evening a little boy was playing with matches in a shop and cot Mm. shon on are Which was con sumed toiether witba kitchen nearby. It was only by great exertion new Methodist church which is being! built was saved. j Hie ball eiven Friday night was at Tarboro Southerner: Ardcn Cherry, Jr., a lad ol 14 yeare, was uiuwucu a marl pit on the Jand of W. S. Barlow last Sunday, with a party cf children too small to rescue; him.' He was fish ing in the pit, fell in and wa? drowned. being subject to -epiiepuc ins. rii Ua t imniit ron canturer. is deeply grieved at the loss of his sou. Murder ik Nasii. A Negro Brains Another w ith a Cai:t rix. Whitakers, May 21, 1881 On one of Maj- James M. Jiayo's Nash county nlaiitations." riar Bellamy's factory, this evening. Blake Ricks and 6eorge I . Gritfni, both colored,, ha-1 a difficulty ,J2J concerning the wife of the former. j ' i?;a mv Gn&n a terrible blow on . X I x-- km p I 1 the temple with heavy cart pin. kill- p ing him instantly. iXter which Ricks j fled arid has not yet been arrested. : Sew Observer .y. i j -f A STRAXGE Cr.IME A TlIKKB TEAR OLD ClIlLt ilANGED BY ITS UTTLE ! BROTHER AND SISTER A sATtox is Iredell ooux- TV. j r.vtr' nfTered In Wiin.- In sdditon to that we hate received sns ol, I the hand.-ion e.it stocks of TRIM MINT! SILKS, t ; . - LACES. ' - si-, .'. .EMBROIDERIES : 'C ULbVKS, 11U3,. . . t ..... v: LADIES, MISSES, anc CHILDREN'S HOSE 'v wti.irh tn call it euilou and ask the public for c: animation Iwfors t -i. . . . ..I 1 .1.. 1. Afirr an Pa' m1 Our pff ek i larer than usual, kiiu uur iuvmm m uiviw Mwwif .VAI.L PBOF1T.S. . , : : i - : v- v Our slock U cotnnh'te hi that line kf id consU of a hamfWme 'line tof i Buttor, Lace," Kid. and Fox Owter. SamUls, Newport Tkfk and 8Up. per. Al-'o a full Hii! of Mi ; and UlnWren s &Uoes? 5e;joaU, eution to our hacdsmne fine of r hess' gents' handmade if ' - - f f ! i1 A i SHOES, Gaiters and Ixw Quarter Slices wliich v. make a perislty. ' vnATS. AND ; FURNISHING G.QQRgg A Iarje stock of the latat tylcj and best quality. , . . ThankinzTon for past patrcnac and akig for a coutliitjaoes of thi1' same. 1 - 1 i:..: i bytu. yi.u.-.WW, oft Ab.Sw . . " -"- Greene, aud was a very enjoy aoie - near UU1. ;v. v-. - - - -fair. J'.:,. . - - township, wen, sway from home lav On Thursday, May 19 .b, Mr. W. S. ; iag his three children aloac on the lot. Farmer, of 6?oldsboro, came to Snow ! TJjC youngest of these children, a boy Hfl! in 4 hosrs. on bycicle through j some three Xfiir.s1as all his life over hills, and returned oa : beea wea ana sickly, and the two oia- Soon; horses and buggies er chddren, a boy and a girl; the eldest j( j sand and Saturday K nrniiCQirT if hVliiclCS CSQ l)C brought in to general use." abut ten years ofage, conceived the' Idea of putting uira on ; o " We Remain Respectlf T01" I I, lliroiif r I Eiuiift ft - rkk ' a; 5 p Q a? i