.. " - - ; . . i ' . . ' " i ' 1 - ,.r. ' ' : .,-. , --. um - -.rv . The Wilson Ad vauce. PUBLISHED AT . ' ' : . . . WILFOtf, X. G,VERY FRIDAY. One Square I time -t'Z.I'i.fl One Stuart 1 oSiiftL,,iM:-t.i;rJ,f Our Square i montgnrgTSS?..'! - ,j TPfl a vr'rl W I T jv'il! vLS ifi'' ' : V. vrnfiAll l:71Lfit:K9NJfcii-.jr - ...Uii:.r. vif:rr: -r ... t fHr ouc YtiU'i :. gix Month5, ....... 1.00 57 JLocai Iepartnient. JGSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor. ItiUIroaa .Sc)i-diil at AVfl.n. Going Nojimi o. 47, P:is-(;nM' am' Mail 10:t.Ta. m, V 4:t, fast Mail ...... ..I. .. .... .11 :"7 . ui. Lt-eal Frtiht ......... ..... ...... ..S:3'J a, m. . GoiXi Sot HI. X. 4S V.i?Rcv2vr.-. - 40 Ka-t Mail. I.ocaI Freight... . j. in. p. in. .1:30 p. in l.ncnl BricfHi Parasols All niialities at Rwscn- Dead watches and clocks cade rdiv at Churchncli's. IiOt of bordered l4vns at Ko.sen- Forty Jjushels ofldack seed ports for planting at Geo. Di Gijecn & Co' 8. j Another lot of iliat pic3 fresh cream. cry butter just received by Geo. I) Green & Co. lli'ady madq col romphte ylid st ltott-tlial'. bi'nff new and cheap - 'M t! i ii it J1 1 1 ( v iie;es oi now calicoes the prettiest 'f the sca.-oi jut reevived at jto-eiitha xfa(tingf, oirelotj!if s, a 1 car pet - .ling," only gootl llostnthal's." rpiajliticE lor - sab: :it All kind of ni4:s Ware, French. china and other fine cheap at Rosenthal's crcCkery, vet y A Prohibition Courention 13 to be held in N.shviUo. LJune lith. .friends of the cauc at e' invited All "to at- tend. j Kev. Joseph E- Carter has been invited to address f-he Pohibion Con vention at Nas ; vi'.lev June l l:h. It is more than probable that he:ill nc "cepr. Wc can insure our Nashville friend a treat if he .consents to speak", f : ' " I : - It t Very nnnoyiirg to newspaper readers to take up a paper and just as they expect to become interested to read that Parker &' Daniels make tho best Ielflonauc in ttjwn. And yet it is J so aiid every bodyknow it. J Mr. Geo. II. inilin Jr., of that ufauuch representiiti ve Methodist pa in r the jfethodipt Advance i on a vi.sit to his old lidine tliii week. 'e are glad to .leuria of the increa&iuir j'opularity of tv Advance. , Dr. George T. Harrison Assistant I'liysician to the i woman's hospital, New York City, makes this statement : I have found no one single remedy 't-o yield such satisfactory results in the treatment of chronic gastric catarrh, usually kuown . jas dyspepsia by the Unprofessional, as the Seven Springs Iron and Alum Slass, in chronic diar rhoea, In Anscmja anT in chlorosis I have prescribed iilargely. For chron. ic ecltcraa I deem; it invaluable, aso. ciated with appropriate topical treat, ment. Calbon yor druggist lor its formula, or address, Landrum & Litch. field, Abingdon, y.. for a pomphlet. For sale bv th Druggists of Wil sod, N. C , Jlunatcay. , On Tuesday morning of this vrrek a big commotion was caused at the depot hy a mule limning away and upsetting the express crron scatteriug crates, t raw berries .V:c. After the mule had been checked Mr. Uarly, the ixpres ageot sur veyed tiie debris ami was heard to remark .Bolemnly . and moiirnfullr "straw berries have fallen." Married. At Speights JSridgc. Greene 'County fc - Thur6doy June. 2nd, at the res idence of Jibe baidt's fitler Mr. S. P. Cox, Mr. H. G. .Williams Jr. an(I Miss Eugenia Ccx. W. A. Darden Tsq., ofliicating. The attendants were, ,Mr.K. L. Jordan and Miss Lillic (Jay, Mr. C. l F r I iner, and 3Iiss iiizzie Williams. The bridal party rcaohed Wilson yesterday' evening and wexe the recipients of - congratulations jfrom numerous friends ! extend our; best wishes fbr a life happiness auj.1 prosperi;, : ! j : r ' In this place 'yesterday, evening at the Residence ;f the1 bride's brother, Mr. M. B. Aljcinson, Col. Geo. W. Stanton and Miss Annie Atkinson, Elder F. I). Gold officiating. We hare not the plea3i:r. of an acquaintance With the brid but we arc assured that the it a most eitimable, charming lady. We know Col. J Stanton to be a clever genial, hospitable gentleman and we tender our heartfelt congratulations to both parties andishtbcm much hap . piaew in iheir tnsrried Uf. i V- vol.. ii Quarterly Meeting. ' r j ; 'Tlio scc0nil quarterly meeting of Wilson station will embrace next Sat, urday and Sunday. IlcV. J. K. Mann Presiding Elder will" prcactT 5n"tfie 3etluKlist cliuach Saturday morning al 11 o'6loclr- nnt Sunday, botU iuorijinjr and at niglit. Prohibit ioii Convention. : Th r? will le a .meeting of tlie j Township Executive Committees in j thecourt house at thii placj S i.jr- !ay June 1,IJ It is important tnat I . . V miHiin mi! every member of t!ie, Vommiltee and and every tnc.nd 'f prohibition in ' the countv shall be propent. 1 ronu nrnt speaker. have been in-ittd .to be present. 1 he names oi those who ; will epeak -will be published next WLck, Tlit Ball. Mamonallall, Monday nigbl was 'alC scene oi one ui ' ios - leam v.- j thrones' for which Wilson, with its iarge number of pretty and attractive ! fnrls ttnl charming beaux, is uotea. .The occasion was a ball gcttenup byour yoang-men and we 'are pleased to ".learn that the affair proved to be a a most pleasant and enjoyable one. The music was fiunished by an Itsdian band whick is now sojourning in our town. The whole party danced till a lie hour and departed wi:U pleasant : cmembranee. ., - Paramour's Eh mb'timji. " Mr, W. Ii., Paramour, who con victcd of poisiou'ng the well of, Mr. J. J. Lar.ghinghouse as the lat term of Superior Court of this county, buf who touk leg bail5' has timed up agaim His bro'her committed s.iicide at Chcraw, S U. and Paramour went to get pos ssssionof the properly accompanied by a lawyer" He was arrgstcjil butcs cnied and was arrested again and committed to await the arrival of the Sheriff of Wilson County and again esc.iped. ' Vve und'erstand that thw prosecutiorl did not wislto prosecute Paramour' 'after he h-ui left the State. This arrest 13 i.ot at ms tin ccijon-uecause ne was unwilling to prosecute after Par a room' had left Eastern Carolina-- In Memory of C.J. Rountree, Who died in Boerne, "Texas, May MiU, 1881. ; Ml. Lebanon Lodge, No. 117, A. F. & A M , of which lodge i ? he tas for a long time an active, useful, and hon ored member, ontue lGtb of May 1881. at a regular" commnnication after an nouncement of death, in a number of spteches expressive of tlie deep sorrow of the bodge, appointed a committee to draft a suitable memorial", of 'our de ceased brother, which isjis follows : To the Worshipful Masie? Wardens and Brethren of Mt. LebkAOii Lodje No. 117:.- J '.., fc - . Past M.ister, Charles! J. Rountree our brother, well beloved is no more on thccaithi His remains Mj buried in a distant State ; the last sad rites were performed by strangers; the honor so justly duo to him in masonic, 'uri-d. if paid him at all, w 9 at the hands ot bre'hrcn" of the mystic tie, who did not could not, know the deep worth f Ids masonic heart. a:.d could r.ot feel that true 'masonic ..-ympathy, or so tenderly lay him away or so tear, t'nlly drop in hiStgravoUie sprig! of acacia, as those whoj Spiew Him and loved him aa did we But he is dead. We shall no more see him on earth, never more give to, - or receive from him the strong grip of fraternal greet ing. Never again liave whispered in our ear by l.im the tcord of good coun set and friendly admonition which he was wont to do while traveling with us on the level of d ne. But his faith mis in Gml his life was a beautdut exem plifiealion of a living faith. We have hope that, through that faith in the. re deeming merits c Jttdah's Lion his pure spins is row basking in the suu light of the redeemed fast by the throne of God. .- There is much around 113 : in. our lodge-room, on our records, in the beautiful 1 i To of masonic and christian faith he lived, to remind us of him and to keep his memory freLi in our minds, but' that it may ever remain on per petual record, we will devote a raerao rial page, with date of' birth,: death, and masonic recorrl lrnne the lo.lie room in mourning- and Avear the usual badge for ti'.irtydays. iCraterna'Iy submitted, G. W. Blount, A. B. Dz.vxs. - V Committee. w ; :i On motion report of committee was donate.! to be spread upon the utes, and qepy furnislid the uilox Advance with request that same be j -"v'MO published, and that Kinston Journall coun',60 and the -aainatbns. 40.. and Wo7dU2Wo ; be reouesled to rPupi la rho failed io stand their: exami copy. . Attest, G. W. Blount, Secretary i' Ml. Lebanon Lodge No. 117. LET ALL THE EDS THOU AUl'ST AT, BE TUY COLVTKY'S, THY WILSON, 'T i "'f7rJT:i. Tyi 1 'T"""fl ANNUAL gommeNcemsnt; WILSON COLLEGIATE SEMINARY. Wednesday itnd Thnndaf Jim As ? Lixioutr Addkes.s h y Ma.j. Kocekt 1'IXGHAM GUADUAXING A.4 a Musical Entertainment Etc.' - The commenceinent exercises of tnis jutiy celebrated institution of .a-hin embraced Wednesday and ,Thurt(1 of , lhi3 wefek A large 1 number of visitors from a distance were present and all the exercises were con ducted ia an emiqent appropiiate siyuv . H jfiJefure dark ' the people took up their line of march to t he St minary and long before tte t'ujo' for the commencement of the ex- " , !. , . I ercis.is. tlic nail was iiuea witu a;i ea- 2er and attentive tHrpr.g. At 8.20 the exercises legart with , nn appfcpflate, impressive ' ai prayer by lie v. J. II. Guinn - id ; earnest L pastor of the Methodist, church, after which the "Chiming Announced 'Miss Sue- class r ljells;' -ndered iaf chorus Prof. Brewer then- ttiat the graduating essay o Foy would ie read, at her request by Mr. W. HBlountrhosuect cho sen, "Wc live in deeds, not years; in thoughts not breath ; In feclingSjnoUn figures on a dial " - , IIeres9ay was a beautiful and well .. 1 11 . 1 It. 1 wiUten one ana reucciea creun umu 0:1 herself and her Alma Mate?, and was highly appreciated by, , the audicrce. few young women combine1, the origi nalily of thought and beauty of ex pies6ion,to such a degree as iliss Foy dots and W a'h but Compliment her efTort, - . " j -' 'Airs from Scotland," an instrumen tsd duet was rendered by J two prelty little" Mlssej -liiwsio Barnos Aud Fan nie,-rrues in such a manner as to de serve commen.dation. j Tlich-cninlh evenC" p .tiie: eve ning. In a few "and appropriate words Prof. Brewer introduced Ma.j. Robert Bixdu.vM as the orator of the occasion 2Iaj. .Bingham , for over an. hour made, as hepersisted in filing it "a talk' to the girb which was appropri-i ale, instructive and interesting and - .- ., winch not only pleased and instructed thegiri, but entertained the audience in au inimitable way. , It wag, we be-? licve, rcallv the most- or ml nal and striking address we have ever heard delivered before a female-school and it stampped Mnj. B. as a strong and original thinker. A feature whiv'h we. ndmired so much throug tout the 'talk, was the speaker's veneration for wo- man. and his unbounded faith in the weaker sex. This together with, the reverence for GoJ and his earncs'ness - - 1 in Impressing devotion to duty on the ; girls made it, yte think, able, earnest, practical at once an effort which could not "fail to accomplish good. That the speech will be fruit ful of good resnUs wa do not doubt fur it contained much practical advice .and counsel to the young ladiea that it can scarcely be doubted but that his advice will inspire them with a dt sire to emu late thq example -of the good, the beautiful and the Irno. : . At the: coaclusiou of his address Prof. JSrewcr in behalf of the faculty, scholau and the . commurity thanked Mai. B. for his instructive, entertaining and able. address. iNext In order..wa.s some excellept.tti-l .f. . t, . . 4 i , j i tj.u i'T jv,.- . 4ers Misses Brown, Rhodes, larmer, struUiental musre, 'BvBaTadiao DuaM -- t; m by Misses Egertoa and Dewey, f-after which was the . . i .... - Again have we catisejo be orofowndly grateful to Gcd for ldspleasjngs k ,us. During the session we have had "very little sickness. -During tho six years we have been connected wjth thawj!iool there has been no case Of serious sicSX ness.'' ' '' : . '-?;;, -j ' In "our Literary Department we have d 83 pupils; . in Vocal .and Ifctru mental imisIcSO. - ; r ' Al We think most of these pupils bave ; ! jn a d e, com men d abl e- pregre sf . V ' We have raised our standard and -cpnse- -rqueBtly luere re .not so maoj.-i biab ! marks as wuTeporteof lsst. yean -In making up ihe Reports for ; the .TOanslcv;Farr 'iiia Chorchwell A" . r , M . . nations cannot receive more than ,60.-4 i Several young ladies failed to stand ! . ' : - .i 4Besjexaminations and their., grades have suffered. The following hare ui tda an averegc x. c; jmiriiiY, IJXE , issf. of 90 or more : Minnie Adams, Annie.Bryaal, Julia Brewer. Ella Cle&ents, Sallie Cox. Mary Cox. ilpija, Coi, Daniel Cone. Minnie Deans, Kate Kgerion. Sue Foy, Hattie Gardner. Addie Hardy, Chr'ie Ilarrris, Corca Jnrman, jNannib Jar man, Sallie Jarman, ! Maggie Pafker, Jelsie Parker,: Ca!ltej (guiles, lla RhodesAnnie" Rountree Lily ISmfth. liennie Selby, Lillian Simpson, Robert IFyatt. Sallie. Wool en, J dia Yelverton, Mollie Herrhig, Bettie Herring, Eddie Barnes, ; Pau line JoynerLou. fMoord, Mollie Weaver, Mai tin Murray. Cv TbipSon. Helen Rieks. Geo H. Con nor, Nettie Hansley. ; Total 39. . - j . , Pupils have given ns very little trotlble in discipline. niake a note of all violations df rules and for any unladylike conduct we deduct ..fro in the grade on deportment. In cast's of se rious violation of orders, or in rebellion wc resort to demerits or suspension. I am happy to say tVe have nefer found it nec?s:arv to cxdgI a vouns v w lady. ;' - ' : . The fol'owing have been perfect in deportment during the eutire session : Annie Bryant, Zilpha Cox," Sue Foy, Addie Hardy! Lizzie "Barnes Fannie Graves, Lou Moore, Mollie Modrd, Cora Thompson, Helen Ricks, Corea Jarman, Minnie WyatC, Fannie Ilar rell. Atlanta Peacock, Total 14. ; Thfi course of stud v is divided into seven. schools English language and literature. mathGniatids, "natural scien ces, ment d and moral philosophy, Lat in',. French and '(German. 1 A yoUng lady who has accomplished these schools receives an English Di ploma. 1 ' T-'-ose who in addition to l these, schools have prosecuted successfully one language receive a diploma' of full graduation. Miss Sue E. Fov of Mexia Texas has complet,cdYall tTie fchooU except that German, She is there ore entitled to a diploma of full gradu ation which has been conferred on her j by the board of Trustees upon the rec ommendation of the faculty, ; , with appropriate words of counsel Prof. Brewer presented Miss Foy w ith1 her diploma which she gracefu'ly ac knowledged, v' ? ; The exercisers of the evening closed with a "duet, 'Queen r of Fairlies.b Misses Gardner and Warren, which was rendered in a highly creditable maimer. : 5 , The'eXcrcises last night consisted of vocal and instrnmental musicmnder the. direction of Miss Mollie Dewey, the" accomplished imiicl teaeher Each one performed her part so well as to reflect creditupon herself.her pair.8 taking' instructress and opon.the Sem. iniry. .The concert closed loo iate to idlow'il to make ant extended com. menis orcrUicisrns, fur where all did srywcll it Is, we " think, invidious to make disinctions. - . The following" well arranged and nkillfully executed comprised the ..evening's entertain mcut;:. ; . . : - PART FIRST. Our Greeting Full chorus , welcome to Spring ? Pianos, 9 per formers-Misscs . ' wilkf hsf Lyon, A. Lames, Herring, Hooks-yi A lams, Ap plewhite, Uryanl and Bullock, Poo T?ortAnKlo. 9 Vi'inAs fi nprfnrm- unurcnweit, l alter anu vex. Come o'er the Moonlit fa Song- -Misses Applewhite. Hooka A) Barnds and warren. - .JH Ruines 4' Athens 2 Pianos, G per. formers Misses Lyon Bryant, JL Herring, Young, ;A. Peacock aud L! narpcr. ; ; Haunting Eyes 2 Piano?1, 4 per. f 0 mer s M ises Graves. L. B a r ue s , Bullock and B. Herring. -4 A'pine ' Maids vocal duet Misses L. Parker, and N. Young. r S i mam ' ' "Mtsere T) no. Grean 2 and Piano Misses Ixjcr ton and Dewey, PARI SEGOUD. . 4 i i . Joys of Spring Chora . by Class, Little Komp-'2 Pianos, 6 pctforjn- Itmwn. RhodefAl Lorctta Entrance-2 Pianos, C Ter. foriers-3IUsc3 Egerton, Thoitpsii, Hooks, K, Dames, -Harsley and Ap. "Cjnceft ''of "TffemTengales Semi riinrns Misses Herring, wllkins and others. i!;3.f fT t Lo Tourbillo'atrD.uo-i Misses GOD'S iD TRUTH'S." Barnes, and L. Graves. ' - The Reapers Vocal, trio Misses ParkerYoimgJaiuI B. Uerringaj! I I Dinah Medley Overture 3 Pianos p pcTraer3-i4Iissea iEgertoii.Barrwji, Thompson, Gardner, warren, K. Barnes. I LadItaf;tralte.Vocal . bU$f ss LeeParker.', ' r ' ; M:iaiiilloPvertiire. 2 Pianos i performersMisseb Ege: ton A.llarnes L. Barnes, and F. Graves. Accident Last Monday, , ,V Last Monday morning, an aedldent tesitlUwg In clic injury of two men E. O. McQcyu and LJavid Nolly occur pA at Geo. D Green and CoV s'ore caused ty the rise of the elevator with abilost li2htnlr)t raniditv. 'Mr. " . . , ... . Gowan, book Keeper of the firm was on the elevator when the key that holds the iffain wheel that Cootro's the ascent ordesjent o.tho; eTevator Tell oui anI Mr? Mcgowaa's weigh! balanced it '-. tnft cotfld not oarry it dowiu K':f :"-.-' f m1' Tuiuttbg ui griL oat .on . the Becond floor. Mr, McGovvan made a start to do so when tha elevator flew up catch ing his leg between an iron tailing on the elevator and the side eff the flooring lacerating it sefCfrify, and preventing him from moving or the elevator from ascendin f descending. Mr. Lat William's and serefal OtfiCr' gentlemen ran up stairs , and . knocked ofieq the door (it was 1 ldc'ke 1 from the inside) and thre of them jumped on the ele vator to carry it down and to relieve Mr. McCowan of the pain ho was sflf fering. . Mr; David Nlly was the last to start to get on ..the elevator i and: just as be stepped down from the floor to get on the weight already on ifci was sitifdeieut lo carryit d6Trn rapidly. Mr. i.NoIley .was J precipitated to the flo'br n'd'snfta.ined injuries On his face which' have confined him since, although his injuries are not serious Mr. Mc Gftwan's injuries though pr.laful arcj not seriou3, and although he is yet con fined it is thought that his recovery will be sneedv. 1 i Drs. Barpes and Kmg were called m and rendered efficient iid. j The others whoweretm the elevator, were badly shocked but received no lr.juries. Tt is surprising to see ,-kew 'ittlc damage resulted ' from the aoei - defttS revipltrrator has now , been fixed anniiaHnerc tfl yiger from the sam cause, it is sate to say,. wiU J be likely to occur. 1 Advertised Letters, A list of letters and postal cards wholly written "remaining in the post oflTce at Wilson. 'N.'C.j- June fst. '81 : ;Martin Bect6n,,ilJrVJ 1 Parties, Al fred Cook, Eafro'm Davis, Dennis Ev ans col, Ginett Hardy, W C Pullen, George Price, Mrs WPlic A Perry. B Y Perryi Iliciiard Pate col. Miss Manda Stokes, W F Trogdon, P E rhompson, Wm Taylor, Miss Martha Taylor, Miss Nan lie E Taylor. J F.L'izle & Co. Ire dell Vick, John Watteaburg.SFWhit- If the above letters and postal ca are not called for in fnr weeks . they will be sent to the dead letter o0ice.r J ! II, C rDAXiELs, P. M. , Commencement Jxercistg at ihe Indti tide. ' I The cornciencera-jnt exercises of the wilson ! Coifegiftte v Institute wilj embrace i Tuesd ay, y Wednesday and 1 Thursday of next week-,- ; ' Tuesday, June 7th., a p. m. Sncrui j; given by the Stonewall Debating So - ctety. ; . ,.,,;. .- ivednesda, "June 8th.,1 9 a. ' m. An nual meeting of Board of Trustees. ""Thnrsday, June-0th.. a. m. Annual Address trrt Mr. T.B., Kinssburyy Cf wummgion. Thursday, 8 pi tri closing Musical and Rheloricaf Exercises, Annual Re port of t t'rincipab Announcement, of Distinctlo ns,- aihL presentationioflZaey-: f-mtoa J diplomas. .iftfWP!0 Prizes and 2ft? Band, Theyoung men who expecto Join, Hthe band will meet at lr. 1. U. ig room 5at. night to ebmpbeta their organ izatioa. The young men Jrho are ia ested'in MthU riovrDcat -are Inoral young and will orgauize a band that wilLbcTan honor to the town. In con aide ration of ttat ct that tbebah proposers to organize oa strictly brsi- ness prindptes ar. to purchase; their owia lntT3iBict3 it does seem .to ns thatsJDttiii oar citizens ought to aid them in employing a teacher. Every - 1 1 iui it Tw 7 r 1 rn ict 1 1 1,. mosiu aiiu i - - u , ra v 111 v . a aa.ii: : . h , thing towards tue iormMon jf;,;"'?'. 'mure, of ?P:ColIier,Ti; Riband. mowilUiQvelnihe mitt ;er? He inercr says a word (ion;UUcoV. V0i dnt?X C0M1VIENCEMENT IXER " ; V V'-. Ofrte ; V Toisnot Male and Female High School It wa our pleasure to be'prcscnVot Tuesday night at the commencement ! exercises of the Toi mot "Academy which has just closed a prosperous ses sion under Wui. 5. Barnes', manage inent. It 13 with Univeraal regret that the reopl4 crXoisnot part t with .JJr. Uarne who goei to Kittrells: tfe has baiU up a gOtJd school rintt the neohle of Tofsuct and Viulttilv afft loth M'nVrt w 7 1 - with him! However Prof. ftp. Ttfcke and ttife. well known here, will take1 Charge of the' school and itnder tbeir managcrnen I tte may Safely ptetfict UiM fhe Schoof will ntaluLiin its rffsCut de gree of eiceifence, ' ' V C i:: TUESDAY NIGHT. .1 I, On Xuesday .n'cht. as afihcJnc'e'd in JJe Advance, FioLE: 1. Tdcfcfi de. li , Qsbd the annual address efore the school onv,,Hroniftri as a Factor fn American Civilization." Prof. Tucke's speech evinced niuclr research and his fjequei i citations from history, and his kn.0wlcge.0r woman's vorks made his speech a very Interesting' and enter, taming oneJA. synopsis of 'his address w6 had intended to publish is,-we re gfet very much, crowded out. f , "' Suffice it 16 say. that Trofi Tfticke de monstrated to the satisfaction of Ids iattdienbe that worn An had rind 'could fill positions of trust M well a.1 man, and he predicted tbat.thc time Was not far distant when woman would be ad mitted into jail the professions and av ocations of life. At the conclusion of hie address Prof. Barnes announced that on i (i WEDXI2SDAY XiailtiOl ,'-:T ..... , the , entertainment would consist of rhetorical exercises. ? ' ... rROCiRAMJTK. ''.V i: Let there be Itghti John Williams. 7-"" Tell the trntlr Saal Atinste'ad. u3ttU!bfrda , Grandmai always dofes,' Willie Tay- .Musie.'rsTQ .. fs - tlncompletcness, Revcrdy Jordan. : yf A Ufr'of at4sermori.amiiel oyion. S' I'm nine years old, Jacob Dixon. Vengeance. Joshua W instead. i Mtilici I -In r a. x 1 The warriors wreat reath, Laney uells. ... '.. . Greece, Fordiee Selby. , Schoolboy's Soliloquy, John; Taylor. I'm a little husbandman',' Joshua Dixon. The hand for me, Willie Herridg. Rum's work, dialogue. i Think ot the poor, Willie Williams c,:i. - t...i i.' 4 CarltVollcOMf, Th Cousins . -' ;.; ' ; Liberty. Etnmett IJobinsoO; Jusic. " Eatrat from4 Shakespeare Mef- ct oivinlU&Igut;) Q " Recess. Courage,' Joseph Farmer; 4 AH's. for the best, Edwin Barnes. Crattan'slep jjCoery,3 gillie Sharpe i : Music, i '.-:' ,- , n J , ' S ' America. James Watson.'- The storm, Joh.i,Thigpen.f ii a' The old paths, John Moore. J,MsiC7-v' , ;rj.0- . ; ; Aery for help, Blerk Borocs 5V Roora'at the top, Frank Howard. T he drunkard's solikqaj the nigh 1 before execution, Sidney Carter. Mi aWSalaiia ontLMalek: Adhel. " t"'t- j! i J f :: " Program me. Of mmical cxcfcises.l , -Grawljdpculag maroli, Kittie IVio- . -Little duett, Lou jiprri.v fe'. Jnvm that ire r uL ? vcu4 so n s t tvui v uarnes w o t i rt y .t ; ; -r- 4.., ... ierywaItilc;RrfrJ r1 f. ; ixmeato tus wiUow m tae.icU$aonj Cora Williams t Little gem waltz," Xola Wells. - Jrt Mandelinta, Loo Wtlllamv, ; 2 Silver bells of meirwryl (song), Ida Lewis. " ;, )?. 'S ' ' t ' : y Cfrilla raszatka, Lily Parker. StiaoeanV iVattzvoer:llerf)ns::f . lije runes, uaortui.rTTT 24t Mocking -bird ichottlcLV, J Sidney Carter "'.f ,- i ' ' ji'sei ;Marcb,IdlLwii int Straare i i-innn, IS.PT, UbviZi deTnt?tT5nl nimiti for k& TnuWnt AtfrrfriyeiSeHtJ iKSeftWtl '.J CeuU per line." .'""-'-:t?' . Marcli Uk- Norway MWU$m Barnes and lily, Vtkir, liUs i TZVtn still a frieml jmiMxzU CroVclf: wc, t r pdiz4?f" Snowdrop redows, Cnira Williap Daisy Dale fwnX Itoii.NHjms), Rccessisi -MondalnirT waltz! Guy Barnes;ix 1 :' drandrna,9lidvic Beatl grant! tm'ait, lauirnXJl y tliotiiUeSy WorJlfeoia'poaiaft BlitMa FArtttti "-'-. Hf " Serenade. b Ida (ion, JJarfUcfc Iollta, lania WlasteaUdi tzJ " ffuesirbtf (Mg; Ewllbrtr, lleavenwatd iBawmifejJt breams ong, GeaWiH2tt h4 Syracuse iKjltaboejrHeffftigV, , CvHkI dj oldSbdrae S fw&gj w(l B3mesT. I . ,i.Wl vbt&m ' Christrfltr mom log. MUo Cc?per4 ? The ikl aUe!deerJj0Bir),56i5By Carter. ; mvyids :ki$.ttm : . Toilet march, UtyJWpyit etiT Hark I hear an ongcLaiagvi jeUgrnf. Woodland echo i.jll try IJarncJw 1 Bees, wings and flaa. cbom, Thne flies wiftljr faraj(co5oaK tion), iJczte CroweQdii j Oo awa galOf Hanb lrMt?. Tfife eSerthSJ throcgtat tifatr credrt aliWe oil leaeliera and fdllara. and the pfcasdre dtfttred froBttlKlny prfsent will not ftxfn b tftirgntiCl by ll Vtw here to (brtmatdas totteodr l-ZU'JL 5 .it. ) .. TTTir.. , - Cinmitfiialedi fAs Tristc,in1.iriri1mtler to the Tcisnot Stinuif Horn fssonaa- j tivo in'tjotlcfngrery lUtfo tWfcrrcura Lon our 3rce we, juik frujrjBtaca nov sam - OTDeiuiojabni ajiUprjbicU bUndi-jin frotiWof bis. And yearly 1 opposite a millinery Itorc; ' A MurdWThU Count f. t News " reached liereTewrday of a murder whlcVlooV'pTact fo tt2i bounty on WfarinHlr?Kdwirf BlTijs Sr. It seems that there had bae&'.iC ftud of long sfa'rtiflng between I IMy Kllh ariVI tffigtr Jiib9tw&'JT09t and It came io Its fiulmlauiasstsr day fn ihe sliootmp-' erfNsw souc at life ban Js'of Wkt f!lia.4Coro ner Pcele held 'in ftnqTwatTjiterday cyen'ng ,and rendered' Sreinj In ao crdance-'wlth the Aoot vf,F-U nol been seen iuWll iaoryu J IJoth th f ? werf wrrt gOxcUborers ami tmrro 'lieUl fftdgJ4ejC3trttf thetf employer' MrhoV 4vltb- silrf;!?) ksW iiiem, 'firgtets lafsi amijsijfortoas wfs' ifa!P 1WUl iiiiC5 C-t Of o f t fie mwdet ' and? thteirc?3tncs' WtLSOrT $taTwCiAJ5H00L t .QsUnegrarJanJ TfttTnd ends Juty l5mTifitlilfr4aard in- cludin; fufotalitd JftiiU and sr, vat fislO-Jftj Jjessjo All th ' MagcinteTfttttas caldtws Hglitit fcAtA Qm deaerjptrVectures, sd U.Ubstrtthjfcifnc .. ad a oyg if twdiUrC.qi which will castles, pathrdri U,Joaariic nu, j ark, gardens, fountains wVtf1i, eels. or ate a prrrrgsiasesf :9 LJ. roout. taw s, neys tfses WtiQPCJ Hrtng3 yfidf Jairfct IsfiJespeciallf' I hots iecrjs9aaco(Sf4lf:ibHat Uard bf EdocrnipfWa? m ef? S lLlSSKLIv. M.up ateadent. wiiltQTtji tit inte. n. . iciuiiicaeii HDDAMOP"r:!ITC All teac&erf -kowilj timyrore Vhjaipselves jQlbcJrnobTe lalfiag. amL roeanwhne; to iravei tnkbtful tiiot slio uld fot ff firiftenctSSSl MnnHJMwriiiiriM 1 n v f tVOteTtU&SKMQZ&if 1881. t iJIrj thfJaetJA r.eoKs.f nd attfacUrt . excuraignpoiois 01 weM.iiaonu uax wnmingtoh & eUUvZ.JL tomrtencd JnaenwtJid . sxptring, IJcLobea Jlst. Round trip tickets . will be on sale at wilsoa ontil October lst,"188f,nri:Paie; Trai Transport tiil fVctnuts Z2 fc-rtrt the 4rasn flOlI tr 1 1 a na ia4e,rin;;uc rouerai ous joints raC'rcdi-O meUbl ?ct to. pest 1 j corafortfY . iog xonxjr 4 (J y - -JT it . r. I A ',-..t