The Wilson Advance; FtjfBLISHED AT . WILSON, X C. j VHt FRIDAY. - ' i -Hi lISCniPTIO.X 'flATle The Wilson AdVatiWJi One Srprare 1 inouih. ' - - i Our Square 3 months.. One Square 0 months LET ALL THE EDS THOU AHl'ST AT, CE THY COIXTUY'S, THY GOD'S, AXD TIUTU'S." CM FRIDAY, .KIXK IO, 1S81. One Sdare It month frills 11 1 ' imimii" ,..,m.i.9M U.09 liberal deduction msta for larger ? trntent Atl!rtlK!Ht8ln8te3 it fn Ceul pcrlilte. ' " " s ,III'C7 voii." ii HQ, SO, glx Months, ..... ...52.00 .'. 1.00 liocal lepartiiieiit.- .:: - JOSEPHUS DANIELS, Editor. ttiiill-otid Kt-ttednle at Wilton. GoiNrj NonTii No. 17, Pas:cn'r ane Mail. 4:5. Fast-Mail..:;.-. lOll.Va. m. 1 1 !7 p. In. ,.8:J'J a, Lota I Freight ....L.... ... Goin Sourit. 'o. 43 Paseni;i r., " 40 Fa-t Mail 4;....... ...... Leal Fieiht.rJ...... .... 5i3J p. m. 7 :i7 p7 mi .. 1 :30 p. iu liHval Hrietwf Nice summer coats at Joe McCraw's from 80 cents up. Dead watches anil clocks roadenliv at Churchv.tli'a. ; The Slut? Joiijhol lias been revived as anti-prohibition organ. Dress goods ai cost fur ,c&sh. L. Ileiibroner & Brdv Agents. 4; ' Forty bushels of black seed peas for plantin;4tt Geo.; D. Green & Go's. The daily Buttle Ground of Greens boro 19 battling for the prohibition cause. ! I . ' The i?arbecue Glb will have anoth er" one of tLeir ;teues" Wednesday June 15th. , - :.'; j -' From now unjtil August 1st. all.sum mer 'goods at reduced price. L. lleil- broner & liro. Agents. Cair early to get a all yocds are pi'cKed n- Cvi'ore Ueih over. I broiier fc i?ro,,, Agents. - J. II. J9attOA & Go. keep on hand a well selected stfck of groceries, con fectioners i &e cull on them. Rev. Jos. K, Cartsr will speak on Prohibition at iiockj Mount th s ev ening let him have a large crowd. Head the new- and attractive adver tisement of L. lleilbroner & Bro., Agents, in this tissue and profit br it. An immense quantity of ready made clothing for ln; summer at reduced prices hi L. Ilejibroncr l?ro., Agents. "Our sale of xvy at . reduced pri. is is good only for 60 days. Call Ktoncc. -L. Lleilbroner 4 Bro., Ag't?. Mr. V. J. Bullock has sold out to J. II. Batton & Co., and opened at F. Stem's old stand. We wish both par- tics. Prohibition jiieetinjr ' in the Co'itr Jlou.-e to-nn r.ow; f-peoehes will be eelUereri -by! prominent speekers. Let every body attend, , ltemember that E. O." Noc & Co. will have 4(50 more bunches of those benutiful renin ants of lace bj today4s rn:l and don't you forget it. The excursion to Washington City leaves Wilmington M'indav, June 13th. at 3 p, in., arriving at Washington, D. rl., Tuesday morning at 10 O'clock. -Fare from Goklsboro and return $5. When you want any boots and-shoes or harness be sureito call on Mr.D D. Gardner, over Battons stare, opposite the New Hardware Store. lie U9es ouly the besinterial and warrants all woik.' Wc are ploascd to note that the tJn i)iver.ily of North Caro'ina has conferr ed the degree of D. D, on Rev. Jos H. Foy -of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Foy's many friends in. tins section'-' will read this announcement witU uufeignqd pleas- me. ' .' f ' : , :.-:. Bv the exclusive use of the best ma terials 2100 linen, 3 ply neck bands. 3 ply linen . tiosoms the ' Scratch Pocket" 19 thej best and in-8t perfect fit fi. g shin, in the world. For sale only by E. 1 1 F ulcher, v i - - ' Six of the prettiest cirls in Wilson. from fifteen tbjtwenty, the initiab or whose given names when placed to gether, form the words a lemon, are still unmorlgagt'd, but we wouhl not like to say, how long before some of them might beisqueezed into a cove nant. ' j .. The trial of W. X, II. Hunter, Clerk of Superior Court of Lenior County char ged with burning" the Court House came off at Duplin Court las, week re suiting in a mistrial, the jnry standing seven for conviction and five for ac quittal. TI.e.casc was removedto Car teret, county. . "You look so lipppy that I suppose you have been to the dentist Dr. R. W. Joyner and had that aching tooth fi'lcd," said a Wilsonian to a friend he met on thestret. a few days ago, who had a swollen jaw. "Wei!; yes, I've had the blamed thing pulled at last and, I'll tell jou. it didn't hurt a par ticle and I fucMike laughing all over mv mouth. Dr. Jovner is and don't you forget it the best and easiest dtnt ift I'via ever seen " And so say we all. Men of Business. To you the use of a Mineral Water Keraedy would be of incalcuablef advantage. The con stant mental 6tra'm, nerve tention and sedentary babits of life, necessarily in indigestion dyspepsia and headjehes, from which other; and more serious troubles result, All these things are re lieved and positively Cured by using the "Seven Springs Mass." " The cost of a few bottles is as nothing ootnpar ed to the benefits derived. Call on your druggist or aderess, Laudrum dLilchfield, Abingdod, Va. For sale by the druggists of Wilsou. Publie. SpvikiuQ. ItiV. J. C. I rice, the eloqnent col orcd orator will speak in the ' Court House in this place Eriday night June 17Ui, on the. subject of Prolrbition.-- Let him have a full bouse! The Cotton Factory. News fl'es ! . A few weeks igo we Uteri that a movement was on toot loeftablisb a cotton factory in Wilson. A few days ago life Post Mistress re ceived a letter from a firm in Hartford. Conn., inquiring as-to projectors, kind of mill wanted, &u. :; Shall vra havy a) factory? ' Another lot of tliat nice fresh creamy ery butter just received by Geo. 1). Green & Co. " Adcideitt. A lew (lavs ago, wo regret to earn, Mr. II. M. Thompson of Stantonsburg, in attempting to climb :i fenee fell olf aud brak,e his leg. ..- The accident though painful is not expected lo result in ierious consequences ".and we "trust he wi'.l soon be out again. The Mu.rdr. ' We are mr.Me--t-o pjlish .tny new develop'r- -r.i oenctrning the murder i:i tiiio county last Thuis lay, an ac count of wh'ic'i was publwued in the Advance last weeg. The murderer, Manly Ellis, is still at large but hopes are entertained of his capture. 1 ' ' Come to the Normal School. !- Wo desire all of the school teachers throughout this section 10 attend the Norm T School .which opens, IFednes day June. loth at the Institute at this place. All persons desiring to become !c;icher3 are also requeste,! to attei i. Distinguished lee! urers have consented to address ihe school. In -this con. ncction we aro pleased lo stale that the lectuies will be open to everybody, and Prof, llasse'l extends; a cordial invitation to all the citizens to attend them. - 1 A Dastardly Attempt to wreck a Train. Tuesday evening as the southern bound (rain that reaches this place at r ,aa ; .. r.. 0 ,38 m- v as "Pitching W- dson at a rap,d speed the engineer detected and r.emWd a bar of fad road iron from the track between Toisnot swamp and town, unquestionably placed there to wreck the train; and but for 'the aid of the air brakes .the purpeso of the ras cal wouli have been accomplished. Covnty Commissioners, 1 The county commissioners met in the Court llonse-Monday, June. Gth. Perry Taylor, Joel Lamm, and Joseph Farmer were ordered to be notilied to appear before the board the first Mon day in July' to answer to complaint made against them as iiquor dealers. A. M. Thompson was appointed as school committeeman in the place of 1 Benj. Run tree in District No. 34 ' Rations and accounts were allowed to a number of partie:. Died.- : . ? In Nash county Su:1d.iy, June 5th., Mrs. .-Willie, wile of Mr! B. A. Bo'toms in the G7lh year of her nc. She was an estimable Jady, loreri by u large circle f.f friends from w hose compan ionship her smiles will be sadly' d. To her bereaved husband and chil dren wc lender our f oart-feit sympa thies. She was bilried Monday, a lurge number of friends and aequain tance accompany nig resting ph ce. i her to her lust. The First Wilson. .Battle for Prohibition in Last Monday, according to adver- i lisement published in the Advance. the magistrates 01 the county, aiut tne county board of education (the board of county commissioners) met in the Court House to elect a Superinten dent of P..'. lie lnstructious tor the couriy to diold olfice until the first Monday in December 1882. A num ber of magistrates arc anti-prohili-tionists and after caucusing determined not to voto for any man who was i j favor of prohibition. ? At 1 ;30 p. m., the board met. Jus tice Brooks 'presiding. Mr. James Murray was placed in nomination by IV. J. T. (raves, a id John E. Wood ard was nominated by Mr. T. R. Ea gles.;: 1 ' . The result was : Jas. Murrav. 13 ; J. E. Woodard, 10 ; E. M. Nada'l, 1. The result, although the positions were not clearly, defined, was a victory for Mr. -Murray a", prohibitionist, over the candidate the anti prohibitbnists nominated Mr. JToodard. Injustice let it be s'aul ".that M, Woodard was not a candidate, did not know his name would be presented, and was a warm supporter of Mr. Mur ray, and desired his election. ' - - Our thanks are due to Miss Annie Moss of this pace for an invitation to attend the Soiree Musicalc to be given at Misses Nash and Miss Kollock's school in llillsbdro, 2'httrsdav . evening, June 2:ird. 1881. j Our thanks are due for an invitatioi i to attend t:'C Ani.aal Celebration of the riuielian and Euepian Literary Socio tie3 cf Hollins 1: 1881 . .'..f e note isiituLe uune lou. that Miss Mamie ' Bicunt of Wdson is a member of the! committee from the Euepian Society. ' - '. J. A. Clark will begin thi morning j to sell IcGtit li per pound. Fhose per li'iidiu tickets, obtained heretofore may take advantage of this reduction. He Wauled Some Pills. ' - - . , H A few nights airo some vounsr men went to the front door of one of our j drug -stoies and one of them called in a loud and plaintive tone of voice "Mammy wants 'soma pills! I say' Mammy wants sojie pills !" which aroused the vender of pills who afjose from h'n '"Saffron.:- colored couch" and rushed to the door in dishabiile reJidy to relieve suffering humanity. Jade of his rage when he disbovefed that a1 cruel joke had been perpetrated j on him. lie did.nt say' janythlng that druggist for he was a pibus boy but he thought in language in ore fore i b! f 1 5. uu elegant ! .- I . . He is the most modest man extant and the man who aroused him from his noctu nal slumbers woilld do well to steer of thatisJore until said Pill -unless he dc- vender's wrath is cooled! sires ' -1)0 buck shot. ant ot a load of The Cornel Way. J We p.rc recei;f a letter from the Edgecombe aif ictu'tiral works, of Tarboro. which was written with an en closure of tl?e amount due us for ad vertising from which we cknnot forbear publishing an extract; ; "Your bills hare not been one per cent, ol our sales in j'our town, so you ma3' be a-snred we remit very cheer fully, with thanks." Such an expression as this causcth an editor's heart to run over with thank fulness, the more so because such let ters are few in numlter. There are so many men who ailvertise and pay in a grumbling, complaining way, that it is a real treat to have a person pay a bill promptly and cheerfully, I he Vote on Prohibition in Teuton. A reliable gentleman from J ones county who was in town last week, and being interviewed concerningHhe elec tion at Trenton on prohibition concern ing which the Wilmington Star has had so much to say, said that in the first place the vote could (riot-- have stood "271 against and 7 fjr, because there were not more than 75 voters in the place, and second, that a number of those who voted against prohibition for Trenton are prohibitionists and will vote for it' in August. The Star and the other papers who noticed the overwhelming (?) majority against prohibition at Trentoa should make Has sorrcelion. I Parke'- Daniels make the best lem- aue, and don't you forget it. Justice Court. Monday night of this week, a fracas took place near the old Afr.can Meth dist Church between Jonas Gay and Ephriam McManen. both colored. The facts adduced at the Justics Court were substantially a$ follows : Mc Manen isstep father of Jonas Gay, and he (McMaiven) and his wife had fccparatedr McMa.ien being a memb'. er of the Colored ilethodist cliurch was directed by his class leader to see his wife and become reconciled, and thereupon he went to his wife; house and had an interview with her which did not result in a reconcilation although it did not appear that my violent temper or very harsh words were used on the occasion. However . . . Jonas Gay came cut of his mother's was leaving, to stop. Some hot words ensued and Jonas struck the old nin senseless with a c!ub.- i. .c'niiu a severe wound on his head, ihe old man began to cry out "Jurder ' muider ? and a crowd ran up and Jotrasleft, and on leaving the crowd some quarter an uour aiterwarus tue old man -., was again ',.d:ed by Jonas wtbr a club and ki ;kcd down. A crowd ran up and separated them, although before this was done McManen had cut Jonas on the head and arm. Jonas was brought before Justice Da,vis and was required to give bail . than he but that . his devotion was; not iaverage grade of 05 and upward Ja for $200 to appear at Superior Court. I Mind or infatuated but sprang fromjcob a and EraDk It.' f'rren : afterwards he give bond aud was re- j . - leased. ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT. WILSON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. 1 .i Zrr n .1 ' r'ZX Vtn Z 1 A triable br society, lectins of lard of ntee A IIitor of Hie Wilmington r Muica -'traiii incut. rtf Pr!nr!nal Prinforrlnfi Di- j plomas. Etc.. Etc. ' The ( Jonimencement Exercises of the Wilsdn Collegiate-Instiaite t'.is week were of a superior order. Fin? stuge was beautifully and artistically ar- ranged and reflected credic upon the skill of JJiss Ilamme and tb.e Younir ladies of the nstitule. Tlie wprds "welcome over the door added to the decorations 1 TUESDAY EVENING. ; ! The rp.nnion of the Stonewall Do- bating Society with the present mem-1 bcrs in the.r hall at the Institute was a very j?njoyable occasion. A number of additional honorary members were elected, anions; who 11 were C . B. lAv II11 0. cock, jllodolpii Duffy, Jas. W B. Taylor, J. J. lYtman. I as W. llays. ' H, E. Bigs, F. A. Daniels, Law- rence, J. E. N. Gorham. II. W. 'Stubbs. j A. Matthews. G. W. Ivillehrew an 1 Jo-J sephiis Daniels. Short nnl tlens:iiit ( speeches were made by tl9 old mem-1 ber9 present and the boc.ety .was placed on a firm basis for future use fulness The Stonewall has in the mt dded greatly to the advantages offered at the: Institute and wo look forward lo au increase in its 'useful ness. - Tuesday night. - Thp Society gave a Sociable which was an .oecM'siou of enjoyment to all who j.Uended. The supper was all that could be desired by mortal man, and ye local did full justice to it. WEDNESDAY 3IORNING. The Board of Trustees met and transacted the business that came be fore t he board. There was nothing of public importance n the proceedings except that the Board recommended ihe granting of diplomas lo those r'ec- ommeuded by the faculty. Thursday MortNiNC. Ijing neiorc tne appointed nour a stea4y throng cf people made the!r way ;to the Institute to hear the address of Mr. Kingsbury. J he learned editor of the Wilmington Star. Tile exercises opened with an instrumental Sole 'Ciipriccio Urillante' by Carrie C Coghill. 1 Miss Coghill is quite young and her' progress has been remarkable.. , Her skill Ins T. performer is equal to that of many ladies we kuow who have : spent many years' in the prosecution of the study. Her rendilion of this piece was jthe srjbject of muclvmcrited praise'. Next on the programme was a chorus by thexiavs -'When the Suni rner Itain is over." j An instrumantal Solo "Home Sweet Home," by Miss Lillie Gay whose nccornpliahmcnU as a pianist are we'l, known in Wilson followed, anil we deem it needless to say that all judges of music pronounced its icndi- tionj as worthy of all praise. It was! a very difficlt piece and no one bulj a 8lviUful pianits could perform in the mariner she did. ! Next comes the event of the moriiig In n few well timed and appropriate words Mr. Hugh F. Murtfly introduced ; Mr. T. B. Kingsbury . . I orator of the occasion. a3 a man the who despised cant and sham, and a man who in the' day of deception dared to express his honest convic tions. I j '.Mr. Kingsbury announced as the subject of his address. North Carolina and some of her deeds in the past. And for over an hour in a leared address, abounding in citation? from the history of our Stato he showed forcibly and eleoquently th'e grounds for our State pride. He held up for imitation of the youth of our times the achievements of the great men j who have adorned our annals. He S payed a glowing atiiibute lo many; of our leaders in the revolutio iary war and tha late w ar. His summing up the charactej of Graham and Badger were unusually fine and were highly appreciated by the audience ocl: a3 they did fron on" eil pualifiel to phue a true estimate uion the charac - ter of our public men. i -n;;i-i3 t ie dawn of a brighter day 1 He -stated as another grouad of our;" " . ?. .- , ct.lA .. . S. , 1: ! for our beloved State. laie oriiie lilt? uiverwiv oi our m and the ifcrtilitA of our soi' i.r. ducingall prtxluets montionel in the U. S. Census Jleport ot l.sso. He ur- 'c-l oil present to cultivate a feeling carefully for the man who knows her best loves iter mo-1. Mie mrima or anv any other tate m thf heroic achievements of her son.- j and though, we have not been is blat ant as "Tire our. sister States it was not for the reason that we were with out chaece but that we've been excees sively moderate. But it is time! for us to begin to assert ourselves and take the rank we deserve among the States of the Union. lie asserted that no one of Carolinina's sons loved her, more 1 tho iir.nrpiiTian rif n:ui f i 1 111 iiif rus oVthe State and the character of her people which he had studied a .Tr: j might have been expected from one i who enjoys the retmtaion of Mr. Kingbury. His -diction was almost ultless; his quotations were apt and beautiful, and the beauty and terse- ne - s ofhis periods showed that he had lrunk deeply of the "well of English ; uiKlehled." At the ctnCtilsioi of the addrc Prof. Ilassell on the pnrt of the faculty and the audience thankel 2lt, Kings- bury for Jiis approiriatej able and in structive address. The ladies of the ? Institute' presented he orator .with a : beftutifnl Ixxpiictj for which he return ; ed thanks. , , i "Fantasia on A irs fnnn Xornia" Instrumental sextet (twd bianos) by ; Misses E. Gay, 1. V'oodard,A. E.xuniJ I Ali Pippeii, C. Coglnll and 31. Hodges : which was; rendered in an inimitable ) manner. I j Misses E. Gay and C Coghill jdaVed i a duo "Mazeppa" which was well exe- ! i'nted. 1 ; ! The excies 'ncluded with a ' chorus "Sweet and low." : TiiCKSDAY XIOHT. A Larjre audienco W38 prcscr,t ast !nl2,lt-. -XJie entertainment was au enjoyable and entertaining one. To i M:Ss ilamme. the skillful and accom. pushed instructress, is due the praise for the pleasure of the entertainment. The concert closed too late for us to publish anything in addition to the programme. ritCGRAMME. 1A ItT FIRST. ; Processional March. j Cliorus Like a Fairy Creature Miss L. Gay.'L. Woo lard and others. ! Declamation. . Close of the Year. Jesse .Speight. . Instrumental Solo. Ill Travatore. Miss Pattie R. IFoodard. Octet J Silver Trumpets. Misses Cj. Coghill, L Ilamme, M. and I. Hod gW, E. Taylor, B. Grillin, A. BreVcr, and C. Woodard. f Vcal Quintet. Moonlight, Music, Love, and Flowers.- Misses M. Hod ges, (J. Davis, L. Ilamme P. Woodard. and I. Hodges, .. Octet, ilaidens 7?!ush WalU Miscr C. Woodard, A. Exum. E. Tav lor, J, frinstead, A. Brewer, B. Taylor j M. Gold, a. id M. Newsom, f Declamation. Character of 'Wash ington. W. J. Exum, Jr. I ' Duo (Four Pianos). Home Sweet Home. Misses I. Hodges M. Pippen, M. Hedges, and P. Woodard. Vocal Solo. Storm and Sunshine Miss L. Gay. Duo. ( 1 wo .'Pianos). Christmas Bells Polka. Misses A. Exum, and I Hodges. , . Declamation. Sunday Religion. J, R. Nelson Octet.i Heavenward (March Celeste) Misses E,Tav(lor, C. Griain. A. Brewe er, E. Witrcn. C. Woo.Kftd, C Davis, M. Gold and B. Taylor. Duo De Norma. (Four Fianos). Misses Gay, Coghill. P. Woodard and Ilamme. TART SECOND. Quartette. Overtuie to IPdliam Tell. ilisscs L Gay. C. Coghill, M: Pippen, wrtdjP. 'oodard. Vocal T:cL O. Restles Sea. Miss L. Gay, Li dfid C. Woodard. Declamation. The Wine Cup. Zj ns J. Vhitfield. Instrumental Solo. Introduction et variations Sur Elisird, Admore. Miss Carrie Coghill. Vocal Trio. Rowc Us Rowe Us Swift (Barcar(llo) Campana. -Misses, L. Gay, L. Ilamme, and M. liodges. Waltz (Four Pianos) Meters. Wl Simms, and lias. Barnes, and Misses M. Dodges, P. Woodard, Exum. C. Woodard L". Ilamme, and Coghill. Declamation, working and skirk- lrr.jL.e-OIiiuas l . woouaru. Instrumental solo. Martha. Afiss Lillie Gay. Octet. Cancoruantia (Al'gro Macs t(V))J. Archer. Missess. Coghill, (hiv, L. Ilamme, M. Hodges, Exum, E. Hodges, P. Woodard and l'lppen. Dec-lamation. True Happiness (ienrge K. Denmark. Vocal Solo "What ItPVt'irc" (Che REPORT OF PRINCIPAL. The spirit of cdacation ! r s certainly revived in North Cr r iina. The sta tistics of nc.u'.y all our schools and c 'ices, and thd- establishment of eight new Norm aVchools by our Leg kilituie. nivc proof! of Ui fact. Wp, ! nnnt i,t hone that this educational - c . , t . i,,or - ; Oar own patronage has been better t than at any time during the .pr 3eveil years; and our boarding, inuse, t , Cf,minercial patronise, better than fore. the year wc have ri,o mnmrifvof our students uavei been welUhchavcd, and diligent and! successful in their studies. Oar dis cipline has been kindly, yet faithfully severe. Our standard of scholarship has always been high, on the prinplc that honors indiscriminately distribu ted are nothing. During the entire year, out of 121 pupils, but two ruUiinecL on all tneir siuuies, an - The conduct of lrhll j been unexceptionable. Mr. warren Las been the chief commissioned officer of our military company. . Mf. Ilalea has. with est raof diary success, pursued eleven sludie at once (nbout twice the osndl nrjj3ber). and is blessed by .the Creator with a flaer mind than any otlier stiulenV that we ever bad. Eight other stndeilts have, on all their studies, reached an average er!e va rying from 90 to 95 -. Misses Lulic Gay. Bessie HadlCy, Nonle Taylor, and Co ra Woodard ; and John Ci Daniel, .0. M. T. Fountain, lirnesl lr. Nadal. and John O. Oa'es. Several o'.hcrs ob- j taineu a grade of nearly DO. The av erage grade of the entire school on all their studies for the whole year ha been 60. The entrance of our male students into the military department is option al, we have had a company of 30, who hate been furnished with the Spring field rifle, and who have been dril'ed from half an hour to- three-quarters of an hour a day, after school in the af ternoon, thus not interfering at all with their studies, but, oil the other hand, promoting them by physical exercises. Target-shooting' has been practi'v d from time to time, and a silver cup is present"! by Prof., rsatlal, the drill master, to the, best marksman, Frank B. Well. . j To the best student in his beginning Latin call, Prof. 1 Iargrove offered a prize, and this reward' Chambers Cy clopaedic of Fnglish Literature, is won by Frank It". Warren. We have had : :$0 musk; pdpils. Higher ami more thorough instruction has been given to tliis class than ever before; and the most of the pupils have m:tde made excellent progrew. Three of the class, haying satisfactorily ac complished the sitme course in music and thorough bass that is iursuel in the large conservatories, are 'entitled to the Diploma of Graduation in music : Missess t'arrie C. Coghill, Est-i?Ilo. 1 )ayis, and Lillie Gay. Mr. J. it. Nelson 'attained an rtverafje of 90 in Book-keeping, and to him is awarded a certificate of Proficiency, in that department. We have had 2." pupils in the com mercial course. In order to grat nation 111 that course, we repuire an average of 90 or upwards on five studies : B(Kk-keeping, Selling, English (i rammer, Arrithmetic, and Penman ship. The seven following young men having attained this average, are en titled to the Diploma of Graduation in the Commercial Department : Wm. J. PiXtun, Jr., JacbC. Hales, JohnO Gates, JohnT. Quails, Frank It. War ren, Zeno J. Wrhitfield, and Leon ides P. Woodnrd. Our .Fall Hession begins the first Monday m Septemlier. The Wilson State Normal School begins in this Building next Wednes day, June the D")tli, and ends Irulay July loth. Tuition will be free; and board, exclusive 'f washing, can be had in the Institute at 10 for the ses sion. All the usumI branches will be tiiught. - The scrvK-es of the following teachers have been engage!: Messrs. J. B. Brewer, M. M.; jlargrave, E. M". Nadal, Sy vester Hassell, and: J. W. Hayesr of Toisnot. Mrs. ami Miss McDonald, of Raleigh, ; Prof. (Alex. F Graham, of - Fayetteville, and lrof. W. B. McOilvry, of Kicnniond. ! Mrs. ami Miss McDonald, the best teachers in the Graded. School tit Raleigh, will have charge of Model Classes of pri mary scholars. Prof. Graham has had large experience in the New: York nnri Brooklyn City Schools,: and is the Superintendent of the Graded School at Faycttville, the best Graded -School in North Carolina. Prof. McGilarey has been connected' with the '..-Public Schools in Richmond, Virginia, ever their organization, is now principal of one of the largest of those Schools, has been engaged five years in Nor mal School work, and wtls last Sum mer one of the leading, instructors in the large State Nornisd School held at the .University of Virginia. Some of the most eminent lecturers are ex pected to visit -and address the 8chfol: Dr. J. L. M. Curry, Mr. J. C. Scar borough, Gait: , C. B. Dcnson, Dr. S. ,S. Sate'iw ell, Prof. W. C. Kerr, Senators Vance and ltiir.s)m, ami others. Every teacher, present or pr'spec tive, near the .Wilmington and Wel don Railroad, and between that Road and the. Sound-, who de-iiu-s proies sional and iKeuniary pn)mtlon, ought to attend the Wilson Normal. (iroja). Tito Mattel Miss Lillie Gay. tion Duett, "Gm1 S;iye the Queen." IE Herz et Labarre, Op. 104 Misses. Gay Coghill, P. Woodard, ..and. A. Vh"A Quartet. "GikxI n ght. ' From MenTrt L, and1 C Wwj.Lirti, and Missi s. Ij. Gay, and L. Ilamme. : Advertised Letter, sy -, ' . -A lis.t of letters aqd , postal cards wholly written remaining in the post office at Wilson. N. C. June 8tbT '81 : Mrs Henrietta Barnes, Turner Buc- ber.Oliat Zdla Baggwell. B F Bowan Joseph C Daniels, E L Edmundson. A C Hunt: Mrs M A Hood, w S Harris. Mr; Louisa Jew, wtllie Land, It A MaL ley, J F Moore. M M add ax, Mr Faen llafe, Jesse w Pipkin,' Jamer M Privett; Miss Harriett wVkerson 2. Alexander white, Mrs Nancy wilson, Mrs Fannie Williams. Alsey Williams, Dutchia Wil liams, Mrs Sarah Williams. , j f the above letters and postal cards are not called for in four weeks the wil 1 be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Damels, P. M. M r . J . L. Pippen "of "Vthitatfrf It la Wilson Visttih relatives f J :! --":'-" ; r fa i ft Mr. IT. N Iiadley. ijs, Abetit to Vhit to relatives in Lenoir. 1 '..--';:; . . Miss Lon Bullock, a former re Wr I ot wilson, is on a visit to relative in this place. i ' ' Rev. J09.K. Carter and Trof. J. II. Brewer are absent attecding comraerj Cement at Wake Forreat CollegV; "- Mr. Edgar Bornett nf FarmVUlf af in town Monday em-out ,, for Oxford, and Wake Forest DoHese .Commence -'- , . . 1 ' :- . i - ''' '. . " " ' i ftV:' . Our young friend llerbert And Frank ltountreo arri veil Monday ff ili ltah dolph Macon Collego where Uiey haVd been attending sdioolj 'n We received n verr , pleaaant, call la.t week from Mnj, Robert .Blngtnan, Principal of Ringman School, wbd de livered the address' at Prof.i'Urijttfcri school Wednesday nlghti Hf-i n pleasant, affable gentleman anJ rita- tinguish'id educatior .and tn ado . many fronds daring his stay 111 WifsbnY lAtlIlli:D. At the residciu-e of Mr. T.. AVilllarrw Fp., in Nash County, X. CY hy'll. C. Dixon Ksp., on Sunday Jane -Bth, is81 Mr. (iray Williams aiidMIss Zldana Marshall, all of Nash county. - - ... .. - .... 1 ' OI1IHATV, Near Dattlcboro. Oif 23rd. ipsK partrl ihU Hie, Mis Xnunie, eldest 'daujli-' t r f Mr. J. M. Xt al,' Hgi-d'ntnteeu. It can he .'truthfully5: said iliat Nanfilo waa one amongn the brightest and brt, her, . accruing, untirteiy death has cast w gloui over her may relatitfp and targ 4cjrcloo( frkml. But they inourn tiot, a hone Who hope, for tluy, have etlderiec to A bt-lie ve i hath has fillon'' asleep In Jeso. and b!e.sed are they who die hi the Lord. She w.n a gem of rare f price the Idot of her father, the pride of ker relaljorii, and the favoiitu of lirr manj IrUud Nurtured in h cradle of u-ridfnifss,i reared In tba bosom of lnve and affection, aereencd flora every care, fvt-ry pnslblo 'adxaafaa bestowed, and every latahiBb'.e Vint wip plied, her lifo lieeii un unbroken t roand f ."ucces-, an J tier f 11 tare hsld oat a jTouila Itg career rf. the bright jt, .hoprt and faire.-t iton"At. ller Jinauuiilag man ucr.4 and amiable diiqnnhVn thad WOti lift many friend. She Was cheerful and kiwi jremToiM and iff.'Ciliiate,jTTipatrietic and forgiving. Those wh knW'bst, loved hermit. SIkj poesaed ' a pnrj and an sullied nilnu- DtuitWUnt pei oii. portray the many sterling qua! it ice tff lm chaee mind. Who caiiy faihomthe hfarf rending fcorrow of that grtcf ptri6fceif father, and inconsolable relative, to We tlieft5 eliorUbcd idd Snatched from ; tficflf lOvlttflftembrac as hb was , jnac entering UicMltebold of woinaihootU'uri a c a 3 tnll IK)k unto tho lrddcarini wirnr. fla wuimdif hut ,to heal and "wipe away all tears. The 1tJ, who. hear tho yonrtf ravens r when they cry,'l(ike aeeouut tft little parmw8. nd number the tery hair of our head. ye. tu'aU tile lick and itadf the b!:n2, hearfl her " MA RU KT U L'POQT, XIBLAe4k WiLteos ,N. C June , JOIMl.r COTTON-Alid(nhi..,afiLl2. 10 QltAlN-flicatpei Jbus. ; 1.24 Oat... nun - e 1 e e WU 7 5 r e ..... BACOX. N. C. Ham pern.. 124 13 N C Sd and ehdtlldei- Dnlk nit-at fide ......... M..,.fM.,.M,MMMa. Id I er -rrrt Beeswax Jfuttcr fc. - Chicken..!.. 2 Eri. ....... 1 1 idea GiVoit, "dry lt)tolJi Lard.... 11 t t'c - 80 to M 69 Vnt-.iiei Swfct t ! li i:tf ej pai 1I Corn uijtial.V ' eeeee 4 8 f WIIIIN'OTOX &, WEtBojflit? K. PASSEXGKIt DDPAimrDfT; -; wi LMrxoToa, way 3 1 at, 1881 ExcuiI6iiI!hSiket FOR THE SEASON Of 18S1. 10 ine neauu resons'snu auraruT excursion point ot retantortli Car o'ina. the Virgfntapiriwjt tc rtm wilmiogton A,l'Wa.B JL "lommenccd Juna lit. and trnirinv Octobca Slit, Itouod. trip tickeU will be on sale, at iribion4 until October 1st, 1881. and Passenger Tranaporta tion facilaies will b rjfect tu meat the demaridsforamf1 refd it cumforta ble service for all . InUndhig tuarista and Uie public generally, j lo the ran. cos poiuts reached yw Go'iliboro or For. tickets, time tables. kc ea. qtiire of Ticket' Agen, or ARRANGEMENTS