i . - . " .- I . . T- . j ' - ; -- - : ; : . . . . ; - fit;' M i i Si t i If I; i i! ! '4 u 'if 1 ,' , " 'I! 3 1 I f .1 ! - '" '.; " ' ' The "Wilson Advance. ! -1 FRIDAY..:. ..... ........ JtTVB 10, 18S1. 1I03IE AX1 FAIOI I". H that lT tlie plow wmiM tlmve. 1 Utrauslf must either hold or drive.' Tht Produfttttn Of Colton. Colton is raised in seyenty-flve ftoflntics of the Slate. The ninocoun tie Wake, John?on, Wayne, Wilson, Kilgecombc, Nash, Franklin, Halifax i hnd Nonhampton produce 155,000 balcf, or about 43 per cent. The : v erase of the whole Slate it one bale to 2 acres, while the average in the nine counties named is 2.15. making the a ftrage hi the other counties very nearly three acres to the bale. Wake, as in ' nomber of bales, stands highest on the yield per acre, the average being fnio bale to 1 1 acres. Not oritj county ; ' Cast of the Wilmington and Weldon railroad, lying off the road, will average with these nine. ' Pitt comes the near est, and repor. 14 3CG bales, Lenoir ' next. 8,144." and Groene, 8.000. The ' , f. yltld in Greene is i acres to the bale. - Elgecojobe stands nexl 10 Wake in nomber of bales, 26 170 being "pro duced. The average to each county, of tbe nine, is upwards of 17.000 bale?. The statistics show that ihis belt ol ' counties comprises the best cotton growing region of the State. Wheth . er it is owing to the nature of the soil ,or o'.ber causes is left to Prof. Kerr or ome agrieultural expert to explain, j First Working of Cotton. Light stiring of the earth about young plants makes them grow off bet r Knt. ilppn nlowincr. before tllC rOOtI r r " . . . , 1 11 I I I. n n..!1 rf 1 3 ImvA trnrk down well in the sow, dis-- iiirVta ?inrl ininrps them. If rains have ' J , ...J - fallen and crust formed "since . colton was planted, ,"fun around'' it a 3 soon as it is up.' A light harrow is the verjp best implement for the wjrk it break? the dirt and will kill young weeds and i u ras. AU the teeth, but the rr.c 'nearest the cotton, should be made ilik small coulters. In a week or ten days after the crop 'has. been gone over let the hoes follow :and chop out. Use a wider hoc than .. 'that employed in subsequent homings .' :to give ample room between the.hills, ': :and thereby avoid bruis'.ng and cousc Quent ''sore shins." ' ., Jf the plants are healthy and strong ; -nud tho seasons favorable, briny as 'near to a final stand a9 in your judg ... 'mtntcan be done without danger ol 1 ' Uosing a 8tand." The sooner all com M Ipeting stalks are gotten out of tbe way n,1ie better' v , . t It the cotton will not bear bringing ear a stand at this Orst working tun ' orer very rapidly, so as to gett'oack second time as quickly as possible. Bringing to a final stand at the earliest "7 moment is txtremely important with J a cotton crop. If the soil is bard the :j second ploughing may be deep and thorough, but a' 1 subsequent ones should be lig'.it. Farm and Workthop Notes. .? :A limited number of poultry can be kept upon erery farm with profit, but an increase of numbers does not always produce proportionate good results. There re a many as 4000 known apedes of grasses distributed over the world, and there not a soil to which some of tbeu.are not indigenous. ;,." Codling moths fly and do not crawl trp the trunks of trees. ' The females of canker worms are wingless, and vrawl up the trees on warm days in winter and early rprijg to deposit their eggs. From recent advices tbe probabili ties are that tbe crop of winter wheat will be somewhat lighter in 1881 than hi 180. but tbe deficiency may to a groat extent be made up by an in- ereaseu acrrage sown witu spring .irbeat . : . 1 . Ibe plafnting of elra. roaplc nncl oth-,- ? er : forest jtree at nroper distances V' J along the highway increases the value f adjoining property and adds to the i reauij auu comiurbs m iue stxtiou. in Germaoj fruit trers adorn the way-aide-: - ' i . r la order to have the best sucress in ; . . growing potatoes, and to sccwe a crop . V, free from rot, says Thorntmrn, rt is aecessaty to plant as early as the ' . groond co bo got ready, felect a ? fV ritfi soil and plant in rows, three feet : J apart, and1 the sets one foot in the rows. FrenerU statesman after carefully -sWiclTtng the beet sugar question as ' fong ago as 1853, eraid? "The beet ''' riqptres (reorient bandhoeing and con siderable fertilising, improving' the rsiL, ' It Is a fact that sown after a erop'of beets produces Iff "r?cr cent jnora than after any other cnllnre. Ja fact everywuere that the beet i? grown the selling value of the land las colDfiderable increased. Grand Discovery. Heal Is Weal! DR. DON VAN PEDRO'S Linlnunt i cauM'nc prrnf oxcItt-m'nl in t-Jiss country ly thn womii rfal cur ' it tfrf.-fiin. It is the most plfrclive rcmwl v fr Sinnal I)i.f;a Son Throat, Liiptiwria, Tcrtha:hi, Hack;tth', lU)f UTri:uitri. Ni-:iral.ci.a, jw-fniir:,.... I.rtmhasn. SPn'T.t-s of 'licht. tiii!il-V( Swelling, Spmin". r'rotort Yeet anl I-Uirs. it urn find Sc-aWs ll'a arhf, rtt-neml IJxliIy afn!. and other Pains anu ."ch: iliat has vcr Ih-ph diwwrHrcd. Xo 1'n-jjaratkia on carlh equal this I.IXIMEXT 3 a safp; F'lnple anil clM-ap Extprnal Rnitcdy. A trfal nt.'f.il!! lnt tli? comiiaraviTfrly lridmir ontlar of 1ktv cftNTf, and every op sufTTinK wlt'i pain can have clipan and iositivit proof "of its claim. )K. lOS' VAN I'EDKO mH tht; uUeoVpry of tlii cn-at Lin!!ntht n-hile in thf MSk';ln armv, v 1CT. lit- un-d it In tu army for Jar with -.arkt'd siiccis, and he lias now placed it before the American public Price ene dollar ppf l ottle or xix bottles lor five dbllarnor trial lxjttle tiftv rentf. - Send fur !fi:il hOttlO artd le convinced oi Uk r.erlN-. .Vor Fale-by yoltr-r dnipjjist. For tria bottle, addresn 5IEDICIXE COMPANY, Oneral AgciU for the UnilciLStates. I'ostoHice Box !t7, Xansinjrbnrcu, V. Y. Free to Everyone anv of the "fol lowing receipts : How to make flavoring: extracts; how to mriku aliin powders; how to keeii elder sweet: l.ow to make cologne wa ter: how to cure coi ns; howto cure deafness; how to cure ery.-ipelast low 'o make Florida water; how. to ctirn fionorrbjx'a: how lo makA a hair inviiroraror: hovv to mak all kind of ink: how to cure Xetirafia; Imw lo m:bl;c an ointment which is a mire cure for jiiles; how t cure spermatorrhoea; a ciire'for tape worm": how to cure warts: to t cure sicM or nervous heudache how to cure sore or weak eyes; how lo cure tooth ache; how to raise a moustache; how to cure bun ions; how to muUe an ointment to cure chilblain. Ve will send any f the. above receipt for 2" cents each, it barely covers the expen.su of print iucr. Address- I.A XSI.r?li;iUiH UKCKin ' OMPANY post oilice; box. WT, I.an.sinbuiph, N. Y- .""-. AGENTS WANTED. . THJCHNSOIT EEVOLVING- BOOSi CASE, ' WmrlSDKFEXDKXT S11E1.VER Adjustable to Boom oir Asy Height. AX ELEKAST PIIESEW. 1XVALUABLE TO Lawyers, Clergymen, Piiysici.vtis, Editors, Bankers, q Teachers,- jMERCHANTS;', STtmNTP, g AND ALL "Wn7 ft KEA.? BOOKS, CHEAPEST, STRONCEST, BEST Made of Iron, beautifully onwmentfd. Can .not warp nor shrink. Dimvble and convenient, A novel and handsome rtrticlo of fnrnituro. ' Shelves 16 lnciff stpi.-ire, ev-h will hold a set of I A i.W....' '.'.-) . . 1 . . . T . .. r- ...11 thrw Riwo for fifp. Ilnldi moro kx 'n less ep'actf- jwry other device rtTtAtes nt a. liuer'2 touch, JSk1 Pt dca' eriptlve prioo list. . CORRESPONDEirCE SOLICITED Address, BAKEIl, lJRATT & CO,, fVhool Fumisherfi. and dealers In everything in tho Book auU Sta.tioiu.Tj line. 19 timid t., ?itw York . Send 2.T cent for VT Ko-w Illustrated Cata loguo, with over 300 IIliMftfatlons vt edsftUoiiai n4 ygeiij articlea. - r lOHp CLARK, JR. & C0' BEST SI X - c o RD FOR Machine or Hand Use. :0: THOMAS RUSSELL k C( I - JOI,E AGENTS. V FtTt SALE B Hines, Hadlcy & Co.. wiLsaxrN. c. ocS - ! COCKCADE M ARB L E W 0 II K S 1 SYCAMORE STREET, PERTSEL'Ua, VA. GRATE STONES of everv k;crintion m ids to order. r:in"criii n price from 'T up. Designs ?ent by mail testate paid w iih stamps ' enclosed for re urn. When orders :ue received t tltey aif pre pcred and fprwnrded. ff the -oi k i. uot taiisfacory pmchasers a-e requested to return nt MY EXPENSE- o pay renuin-il muiL the vrk is cxamin- vd. xjorresnon lents solirited frmi nil n-irts of the country. feb 25-Iy " CIIAS. M. WALSH. PILLS ui i'iiJ""nK?Yrf.'553 : INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. ' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER- Jjoss of tppetite.Nau8e,boTrls jiostive, Pa.n in theHead.Vitha ou.i s - j? .;rnin' f&eSacFpart, Fain under t&e shoulder- blade, fullness tffter eating, with a dism- cliuation to exertion of tand'x "crjnin IrritabiliW tit temper, Lo iplrns. IjOo ojjnmojy, jrirh a,ieehrjg of having neg lected" 8me dnty.:Wefirin?ss Dizsinesa I'lutte-ring of iht Heart, Hots before the eyes, Vello1 SkUi, Head'aclie, Hestless ness at rught, Mghly colored. Urine." IF THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUiT'S PILLS are espocially adapted to Btick ranes.une dose effects nuchirhHnge of feeling as to astonish the KuflVrer. Thry Incrme She Appflllf. and catw the body to Take on Flnli. thus ih svstem is rlhel. and by llieirTonl" -tlon-n the IHfrRll ve Onrmis ll4--sitnrStot prn dwed. ITice g fvnts. 35 Murray :';.. X.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Ghat HAiner WkirkfRs rhangM te a ouisfy Bi-ack by a sincle ppii-ation tf this Dye. it Imparts a natural coh-r, arts Instantaneously, by Irn2i!. :r -.l iiv p5),rts 011 twvi!t ol $1. Office, 3ti Murray St., New York. Ctr. Ttm lt t ValMhI.- lrim(lla 4 Ik rwfbl Benlptt rlb auiM 1 Mill oa (rl)lltaUwu afwi 865 88 TUTT'S HUMS BMPl M Printing Binding' ; TiAleioii, N. c. lli:ivn the most complete ertaVlish- 'pignt ji the State SOlicH OlXlZTS fof l t ill iibskIs. A-fositt ?faio, fttutrttK'iitw. .llentoi-slndllin. Cards i:hTJlop-J, 'rs, loIg;vr5 Voxteru, Ac. Insur.lnce "fniitinr, Ullilioad Prinlinir, Book and Pamphlet Pi inting School Cntalongcs, Ciiculara,etc. PRINTING AND BINDING OF ANY KIND, Flavin, or Fancy Orders' solicited Edwards. Broughton, &. Co. PriNTEKS AND lilXDERS, RALEIGH, N. C BOOK BINDING ; AND - M ANU F A C T U R I N.G , H e rebiiul books of every kind in th neatest style of !ho art. ' Blank books of every M.e ancL quality. made to order on short notice. ITo have a -complete Bindery in charge o a thorough .competent man. . Record Books, Docket., Iivlcx Books. Ledgers, Day Books, etc.. made at New York prices. , Send us your order nnd we Avillgive you satisfactory job and prices. PERTIY, HotTgfTON Co., Ga Wp have known "Swift s Syptiiliti Specific" tested in hundreds of obstiuat case; of Sypliili, Mi'i csiriai Hheiunatisu. Scrofu'a, ete. . and testify that -it made ih in'ost iei feet and permanent cures in ever -n c. ' ":ipt. "ITuff'i L.Dciinanl; Sain D Killen Indue Co. Court; J B Varreit, of firm oi J W Laihrop'ife' Co., Savannah," Ga.; Ed J;ickson, Dep. Cl'k Sup Ct.f Gen Eli fFar rev; Dr. J. C. Gilbert. Dru-rgtst; J W Man Co. Treasurer; Win J) Tierce, Sherill'. 1 am personally' uefjuaintcd with the pr. 'prietor, and also with many of the gentle men whose signatures appears to . the fore oinp: cei tillcale. They are men of'higl character and standing. A. II.! Colquitt, Governor of Georgia. pred onlv by rue Swift Specific' Ci i Ca. Sold by A, W. llowland. JONES 35 COMPLETE DEPARTMENTS. ?mouxt, iH9 E0C3EIEEPIS8 OUTFIT! milBHU. iilUe sad iatins, SsUf tui Cloaks, ' f5S Gcod37 STi' Siu'ta, Millinery, 3$ Domestics, gj 5?4erwear, ss Litis, - . Lineai, gj 8J JONES Eighth Avenue Kiglitk Avenue AND Nineteenth Street, Nineteenth Street, New York. JONES Shoes, g SJ Cutlery, Upholstery, J . rnrmtnre, g lass Curtains, Carpets,: Bags, Etc. Crockery, Glassware, Refrigerators, House Fnrtighing Goods. Mail Order Department a Specialty. Prompt attention to all requests. Unequalled in. ducements to out of town residents. , Samples sent free. Catalogues sent to any address, JONES 8th Are. cct. 19th St.. Vtnr York 6:ty. JONES ilson Collegiate Institute . FOR BOTH SEXES - STRICTLY NON - SECTARIAN For years the most (successful school ' in Eastern Carolina. The best advantage .ind lowest rates. Healthy location. Abb nd Experienced Teachers Fine Libran Mnd Apparatus. Spacioii8 Building. A pleasant educational home, i Average expenses, $1S0 per 3'ear. Miiic $A) exira. Session extends from first Monday in September to first Thursday it June. Address, for Catalogue, S. 11ASSJSLL, A. M., l'rincipal, jl VIS If Wilson,. C. AY IRE BAILING AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, DXJFXJPt & CO, 20 J(orth Howard i?t.-, Baltimore. Wire raiDn for cenjeteries! . lawns, gar Jens, ouicesand balconies; w indow guards, tree guards, wire cloth, sieves, fenders cases, sand and coal screens, iron Bedstead, .chairs. settees, ic. sep2G J2in. WILSON COLLEIAT E SEMINARY (FOR YOUNG LADIES.) Wilson. Ti. C Best talent employed in all- departments Situation unusually healthy.- Boaid, per seskn of 2-0 weeks, includics fuel, lights am) f ornished room -jU,00. Other charges moderate. Fall t???!fin leins September 1st. For calah)ue or information, address, J. B. 15JlEWER,lniicipal. D U. R. Y. JOYNEK,' S UROBON DEN I I S jl rtJsp-rrHftnently loeated in Wilson. N C .... nui oe neat y and care fully perform and tenhs a, reasona- Die as rcib e. 'r...tK pain- Ofhce 'larboro srot . .t.l i'oet Offke. iii. 342m FUMTtW CARPETS S. A. STEVENS & CO, XOKFOLK. YA. The largest establishment m II Prices fire ctmrnneeed ns low as New York. Everv grades of furniture nd ciirpeiing known to the trade. We invite a call or correspondence from purchasers for they will find it to their interest. I Our house Well known in North Caro lina, as we hav during the past Seventeen years d ne a latjre Caro.nia trad? Orders solicited S.A.STEVENS&CO. NORFOLIv VA. 4tf. Wootten & Stevens, FURNITURE DEALERS AND Undertakers, iWiLSox. N. V. j llj e hovt on hand a large nnn'trell se ,,rted ftf.i k of Parlor end Chamber Furiu- j'rle audi nco btantly receiving r additions re? J : . T flo uetlst cads and niattresse? . .. i ' ".; V't n.es molding! and pictures in frca l vr y sr 'd cht:ip. j Repairinjr neatiy aud promptly done and MtNfaefi jn usrantced. j Rosewood and nietallic burial (jas from the cheapest to the best bionzed jeases. Sep 17-13' " I C. B. Aycock, . Of Wayne. F. A. Daniels. Of Wilson. AYCOCK & DANIELS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GOLDSBOIiO. N. C.','" : ' I ' ', .:":'" IrWill practice in the Courts of vVilson, Wayne, Lenoir and Greene. COLLECTIONS A SPKCIALTV. Mr. Aye ick will be at Fremont ev ery S:Uu;tlay. I TAME9 X. LANCASTER, Attorney at -Law, WILSON, N. C. Office in the Court lions". '. Practice. iii all the co.irfs (e?rrept the tiferior court of Wilson couu'y) and will ive pn nipt attention tobuiness entrusted o 111 in in Wilson and adjcrhiiaif Icoiinties. s P. F. Olwra" ! eyesiglit. and save your I . T. Young & Bro. DKALKIt TN FINE rrATCHKS, DlAfONDS. JEVELRY, SILVER WARE, Manufacturer of all kinds of PlaiiiGoid Jewelry, Rings, Badges, &c T1k best ! $10, castor, and $1.00 clock ivc'rsold. Aineriean watclies at the lorrest prices. Solid silver spoons, -(forks &C.M heapcr I hah ever. Your orders are S'- icited and will be 'promptly attended by J. I. IUUMj & UkO. PETEIlSUtno, Ya oct 30th '70.-(f GET YOUR DINNER W 1TII (THE ONE ARM SOLD ER,) Rooms -AT GREEN ; FRONT DIKIKij WELDON. X. C. fGdOD mr.:: roii so ce.'vt.s GET THE BEST. 'MOTION ,. 3Sa? . If yori lttfecl same day to get WEBSTER UNABRIDGED, "DO IT NOW.' THE NEW EDITION Contains over 118,000 itords, 1928 Pages, 3000 Ei?ayiiiss, Ftmr Pages Colorc-l Plates, 4600 JEW WORDS and Mcauings, Biograpiiical Dictionary of over 9700 Names The most tx;autiftil aaJ comp'cfd Enr- fTI lish Dictionary." - ! J, Has 3000 KngraTtPss. nottrlv 1irf TT tiries nn imny sw any otlu-r Dlct'ry. Jtl Every school and family should hire it for constant rcfercnee. i 1 GET TllE STANDARD. . Sate of WcbiUr'i U orcr 2Q tims tlie sale of ny other scrica of Dictionaries. 2 Tho "highest authority of the Courts in TT dcfiniUoft.-' Chkf Justice M ai?.-. B An mmost universal autnonty in decid- A ing t5l0 meaning of word. Nooiner;jJicrionarv bas Iwen honglit by any State to supply its Sclioola. i AM TTfcictfonary on which nmc-tnth9 of the "fV JJ School Books of the country aro leased. M m Authority in the Gorernmcnt Trinting A Office at Washington. Jan. lvl. jSL. Rcerrnmrndei by State Su-nt'a Schools in "H 36 Stateo, and 50 Coiloge Prcs ts. Xt Dictionary that lias Loon placed in more TV than 32,000 public jbthooU U.S. JJ IS IT NOT THE STANDARD ? Fablished by G. A C. MERRIAM. Springfield, Mass. Also Webster's Rational Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 Pages Octavo MO Engravings. SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FARMEBS "BONANZA.." Maxixe. a new vetjetl.le from S. A.. 4irennjt irom anything rref tr'-vn here. delici9 raw cr rooked. Seed irct .y mall cts. a ps.er. Soysr Ran of Japan, half beau ftalf pea. sa.dby chem ists 10 be tbe richen human fooJ knewn. Fine fftdder plant, also: Seet 14 cts. a mfr. Cltban Queen Watei-mrln. t .nip-rted. iartt vanetr ever grown in IT. S.. Arm. l-irnis, crisp and ucary ; best to keep er hAip. C5 cts. a paper of T .ed. S papers frar fl. Vrrt ccaree. I.oz ot-Vood ' Muakmebm. larfM. krfr.vn. 2 to3 feet Itn-.r fine quality. early ftnl proline. 15 cts. a paper C!;;nax Tomato. riclu'M ilvror. early prolific. Kvbd-un-qualedinevTT wav.lirtlatAper. Wbtte fcvp ttan Corn ft-ora the Xile. vield? Immenselr In tbe Sotirh whr o;her rftriY fails. I Cnqualed for table or stork. -) eta. a paper. T5 cts. a poo nt)-. Teosinte.oti plant fertam twodavs: I0tol2 . Biijh. Ij cts. a paper. CiiiroHv.rn. erai'ns 1 in. lohjr, 4 iu. broad. ee( will brineTahnto-is prices, ITjcta. ' a paper. All tbe above sent for $1,3 of eab for ti Address C. K. OILKRBT ati CO. AUaata, fim. Reference: Bon. "Tf. L. Calhoun, 3ayor of S7t3, hiv- u a dnT at home mmI.v na. - uinai iree. Ams Tiae k Co S001R i i IZZi i f FARMER & WA1NW Fo'unJers crCr2?s n:! Ireland Manufacturers of AGRICrLTtRAL I5irLii3IEXTS, at their old stmid WILbON, XORTII CAROLINA. Manufacture fnd keep on hand any, aud the 'largest stock of . EMPOLEMENTS tho Stat for the Farm, made of the be? tel audc by skilled woi kmau. All good .-warranted 'o give satifactieB orfto sale. IT will compare prices with any first elasV house. The patronage lecelvedat the hand f the fanners and the trade in and out of the State bear? us out . in this, I'm which wo rctHni our siacere thanks and hope we will meiit a continuance of tin- uiis. FARMER & WAINWIUGHT, Wilson, X. C. Ap,25-Iy. Ohristman Cctton Flow. Guaranteed to in the Market- be the best as the Best recommen dations For Sale by W. S. ANDERSON, BLACK CREEK, N. C. If. lIonEs ;HCDGES& HODGE 0 WHOLESALE DEALEHS IN HaLtj iiiid Gap AND Ladies -Trimned Gco.is, 40 C'OMMEHCEST.. NOKI OLK, VA. sp24-tf New Firm j Kicw Prices. (JRIFFIN & MURR AY, Gcfl'dsboro-86.," Wilson. Jf. C. Sljtin.facturcr? of Carriaen. F.nsratcs. Cart?, Wajf"ms. Haines8, and all kinds of ridiii!r veliiclep. V'll jth will be sold at the lowest possible fiinrpF; J We hate now cu haiid a nice and select stock o rtork. ... Ottr prices are as low as the lowest. Be sure and call on us before bny.ug. . Satisfaction pnaraiitpd in every ' case, llepri-irins neatly and promptly attended to 17 : " uii Artliur C. Frcemaiiy - Dealer in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, ; 144 J Main Sb, Head Market Sjuare, : ' j NORFOLK, VA. OlTers bis large stock .it bargains. j Ladies double ease gold watcJies as low as 814.00 ! ! Gents' stem winding, double case 435.00. r Solid goli act of jewelry for MUso.OO I Fine ol'piated hets for ladies iJ to A 10, S)Ud $.S..X lo I Thes-eae but some of Hie rryinv induce-1 ments i am oBering at my new ttore. Wedding and Engagement Rings I always on hand, ensnrnnsr free oi cWge, irfrffTbcs and jfiweW repaired arnd Tfar ranted. Ser.d your orders to ae anrf tlier tMH be troinjtj' lld. ' h. A. - C JREEMAJf. "'"mtt mm eSUkli ffCm, mm AND SPERMATORRHEA. A TSlnafclo IHacoverr and New Departure In Mod Ical 6;iati, 4n onlirely Ke and positively oScctiva Kemedr tt the speedy and permasat Cure of Semi oal iubiiBioii8 and liapoteacy by the only true way, Tiz : Direct Application to the principal Seat of the Disease, acting by Absorption, and exerting It o f pacific iafluence on the Seir.inra pciclcs, Eja ulatory Ducts, Prostate Uiana, and Urethra. Tha asa of the Kemedy is attended with no paia or Incoa. Tcnience, and does not interfHrerith th ordinary pursuits of iffo; it is qaictly dissolved'and soon a' sorbed, producing a a lmmodlatesocthios and restor atire effect upon tue sexual an-) nervous organiza tions wrecked from self-abuse and excesses, stopping; the drain from the system, restoring the mind to health and esund memory, removing? the Dimness of Sisht, Nervousi Debility, Confueioa of Ideas, Aversion to Society, etc, etc, and the appearinc of premature old age usually accompanying this trouble, and restoring perfect Sexuul Vigor, where it has been derm ant for years. This mode of treat ment bas stood tbe test In very Severe cases, sod is now a pronounced success. Druga are too much pro scribed in these troubles, and, as many can bear wit ness to, with but litt le if any perm.ine-itcpod. There is no Nonsense about this l'reparat.. a. Practical obr, servarion enables us to positively guarantee that it will give satisfaction. uu:irr r..e ew-t years u it has beer in genial use, we haf thousands of testl imnilRs to its vaiue, and it is now conceded by the inialsas to its vaiuo. and It is now conceded by the Medical Profession to be tho moii rational moans yet discovered of reaching and curing this very prevalent trouble, tbat is w.il known to be the cause of untold discovered of reaching and curing this very pr.va.lant misery to so many, and c .oa waom quacks pmy witr their useless nostrums scd bigr ff'.ri',bc Kerned., is rut up in neat bT". tt lurco sizes. Ka. 1, (enougi to last a month.) ; Ko. C (suScient to effect a per miiiAnk mm. n-itpss in savcro easei.) $5: No. 3 In M: UBin? V.-1U eccompesy fiAn jou rtietut TOT seaia tr mm '- letHaivina rlnaUtmirallllHstrutiOHH ami T est ttnony, Thtrit tvtll convince ft the tnomt nkcptiml tnat tneu ean be be I If- I .ten tor inc niuws vr ttfmnrizK iu ttevcr affected. Isold. O.Viii by HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC ' Market and 8th Sis. St. LOUIS. Mo. OH. BUTTS D!iaA Treat all Cbf "tlic Diseases, and enjojs a nation el reputation thi-oughtbe curiDBof comiilicnted esses. I V. DISCrETlOW- EXPOSURE1' rac, ectious of the blood, skiuor bons, ireaUa wltb suc cess, without usi'ii? Vlercury or Poisonous Mfdicines. YnilNfi rVlPW Tho sresuBerine from the effects sssnsi iiiiwisi I sill of a diben that unfits its vie tims for business or mnrrintfe. rrnianent!y enred: peroul consulialM.n is prfcrreJ, which 11 FREE and itmt ed. List of questions lo be answered v plients desiring treat Uient mailed ftv lo any a-ttirrss ii ap'lir5?irm. PrrniiK auftorinc from l:itt.ri' wliouWI rn thp!radtirf,X am! h :irn omflliinB tu tlitir aiUant.-lge. It i not a truaa. loimuunicannns strict-, confiiv t.-i. ai.dshnuld baldrsied UU. lltTTS, liortL Ct., St. Louis, Ho. G. W. SHALLCROSS & CO., ... j . FRUIT AND rilODUCE 326 & 328 North, Delaware Avenuo, ruihulelpliiu, l':i. We make a Specialty of 4.22-tf S:irul s Address- worth 4 free. hunson ttCp PorUand. JMuini?.- A ' 54 Ji'AN'Tt:!). A rc.ci ifl woitlr tt ,' n every btisiiiis ui.iu,- viij sint to ago-' is? for ?5 -in with riptit 'io---ll all, everv ayeut should npjily ii-r it Add. ii. GEOCdK iS .N 1. O. Ui.x .r97,- La b'irsh. N. Y n Tlf t ,' im TBTTiTl.1; IB lrffTrTiTi DIR,. RYDER'S AMERICAN FRUIT DRiER, ptstpt a Tin . m jui w aiijj. -a- SL ,si ,nnA. J - . - . I i - J r t . A i ii-.lJip.frSj IM TCCI IV :ti?.'r nal, and K iUically - New iu SM Iremi.ims Awarded It durin 1873 at State in tl ILbUX, xN. C, Agent Old Nor INSURANCE LUAi AM Haa bee- m Successful ceratbn for KHn Terr. - . 'f'oroughly IJeli;irjlVHomcj CompjuT; iVM. a.. DAT Js, Trctum, V TT Ya,T.. it. Oii.It 111 Lrrjuorc, Groctrrtes, Ccnicticnrics, cca Cfgar,, iioUicrs of PhiladcVliia Lager Beer, From th Largest Urewery in the world, wf r fea1IC ,lstcrcc(1 refrigerator m wJiiefi ttfo kce-r C beer before bottling, and thereby retain the ohm&e as pure as the draught beer. summer lonr.than any other beer that iboiUed. We kjep from the fin-esf ard ptircst Iif,nFs fo sac. AH orders ior beer or la uors from-t' iceive our prompt attsntton. WmA, BAHBBEY -DEAIiER IN SEWING MACHINE NEEDLUS, OIL Tarboro Street. NEW HOME. -.i... v.. .......... ., iv JOHN 5M!i rt- . ..'!!. . .fl) . ...... .U"mV?' 111TE..... 1KM(OTO DAUX rEES"..i. .....i ....... W EKl), ..... ...... ..... ..n . .. .... .. vmeki ax...;... r. . .. iVHKELGR & WILSUN, ikiii TNEY....... ...r... SINGE It (Latest improved) ViCTOK, ......... .:V...y.. ..... . ) ft) . :m ft)- . .10 Of1 . 30 0. . as Any other as Cheap ns can In; n the Statv If you want u Machine K..v UVr mo the (,,:t!i. I will deliver; instrnc: mtl keep up warrant. 'I he above priees are for covered, ''roprleal anl two drawers, inclii'lu uekcr, J olid s tan Ruffle r, lieipmcrs, icf ; Esteublisned o. STRUTHEltS WOOlh produc cc riv ir f o Xo 338 Softli Delaware Avci uo, t riiilade.lphia, I'a. i JCST'Cou-inmeiilfi- solieiteil. Iletnnji promptly imi'le. All ' letters of i.irjnirft promptly ansvre'ret.. : Sent! for quotations, Stencil? anil s -ipjiirj cards. Yours Truly, -STUUniEH & WOOD. 4-22-2m. ELEGANT JEWtLRV CHEAP. To introduce our new styles anl influt-iice trndrf we make tit. ftillinp; (br'aralleleil ofTera fori short tinve: "Tut? JWIWi I'.tcket c(niinint a tolj h. jVrlUt I'.tcket rtniliulu a KOl3 plated watel) Clloln, iigiiie tiyawl put, lady's trant set iewelry, spa tV:n cull but tons, rural n k- l.ice.set of nittn slit'ls. (fold plat b.nd rine. rollnr button, kffy rit'c, pocket l tk, iniitatixti aillc ban Ikprcliier. pen, iwncil, comic envelopea and Visiting car.lar AU thrfie ntailfQ lo you fur Mr. in stamps: 4 pftrlcets for jt.W. The lot can fcr ri tailed rtt frntivf to K..OO. The Knyal Casket contains onf superb amithyat rin, rleSiint coral bronrli scl iu boi. fancy ' lace, coral sleeve b'lltns, eiiBraved cold l ist, bracelets, rcwencarf pi M( cf Id pin led lady's .set rnl plate sleeve button, hfa vy cold plate suidv.lovHv cnHied scarf pin. sreiinino Jnriaiiti dianioml ttjiL Maltese cross witb 1". diHitiond center. beamiM jet sleeve buttons, jilated collar button, ilatd lint: r.'alcb clmii, liai ttold plate rlnir, nehliy CainiK ri;. tftl'eie lnr-ritirs with I, iliaimtml sttiit, tints' fill I comb. ameiUyst set, Ui!j-- nil plated sft iih w hite stone sctiinits. j t :uiJ eaiiH" sr'uff pin. eiij,'. Kld plate sleeve huthMx. The tIi'!e tf this inaitniticpiit rollectlim wilt secure by mail for'ti. 2 fi.r fl.70. 4 for ft. This let cn be retailed rasilv at frm " to ?1). AilSrcsf, V. jKWEhMY 'f.. Allafila. (la. , Th K Atlanta UWb fats : " This rompnny Ii perfectly feli.tble, and the amount thty giv tut your mbuey is asvouudluj;." ON LIFE & PROPERTT. SIO.OOO w'H P'' aii t.!W h.i ran f.rr,tllK A LAW- MM f. ur 1FI.TY AlTAdlSHI. alai!el Irc for art. F'tunor It, v Affrol. Wnntrd, Hale or Fvaji ' S. S. NEWTON'S SATETY I. A HP rnj.'' IIIOHAMTN. ?!. 1 . ,ou f-V, J Ton 35 Cts. SiLiBtocai, 13 VT UawauvaT, S t ENLARGE AND DEVELOP THE FORM. If shrunk wholly or in part from nature or ease. Advice free. IVsrribe case and sen.1 f.Taoi? to i'. I. Co., Atlanta. ti. No uoiri'm;. H;gu oat rclVrence. Corn. ondence conlidcntlaf. 1 Eyaporater, . - . Fairs. Cheap, Prrctitr! F'.rtshi. IKI,'AN DRIER COMAAXY, Chambersburr. fi. lov Central and Eastern North C tit State Fire V OF WARREV-mv ri ' ' I .' : ,?. '' it . r mb r.at. . x .w'w, mmmr. - iAr !g t. i ; " M"v' . " .. till! Si impsoii