l!ie IVilsOii Advance. FRIDAY. JUNE. 10, imi. misunderstanding, on the previous ev ening, ami almost eoiae to blows, and wereuoYV as unhappy' a3 it was possi-. j Ijjlc for ttfo well mean. wig nea to be who had both been very foolish, j 'Was it not so?'t repeated Landrove r . 'It was sir.' ; ''And what did Mr. Cooper say of The Paramore Case. 1ml ou need Hot be . afraid to tell the Lips That TpmcIi Liquor Mut Never Touch Mine. i'ou are camin to woo me bill not a? D of yore, When I hasten to Welcome yoar rin at the door. For I trusted that hc.w.ho stood wp.it- inr me then, " ' vVas the brightest, the. :" truest, the no- j blest of men, Your lips on my own ;when the' ; rir.l ed f-.rewe!! v. ;. . - I Had never ber ' -u ' 'l;y the 'bever- j si m: i ii C 1 1,' ; ., j (tie? V. j Inc. - j dames Worcester became Calm and I self-possessed,, Ui'Vi'.; a trifle paler ; than usti i!. I te knew that Mr. Lan- Jiove had employed him, that to hirri he must look for the retaining of his situation, a. id yet he resolved to be a man, ! Mr. "Land rove,, you must excuse me ' Ah! Did he place you Under a ban of secrecy ?' 'No. sir.' tThen what did he lo vou of linen wnai uiu ne say ft cannot tell yoiti sir.' 'V.mot? Then you. mean that yon will not. - ' 'As yon please, sir.' Ivmdrove was silent w'u'n While lint they come to me riovy with 'IJjecha- j awiaisefticr.t; I '.his deportment on the ninl sign i .-."'j part of the creature of his bounty the And the lips that touch linuor can t;. nrocPfflf.l never touch mine. nigLst i'.i the tfafrden your 1 ihlnK of that t aione i When In whispers you tokl me heart was my own, That your iove in llie future should faithful be, Oh ! sweet to my soul is the , memory sun ;. I-'' Of the. lips tlpl niet J htine. when they inurmnred I wilh' ' lint now to their pressure no more they incline. ! For the lips that tbuu'h lin'ior can nev er tooreli mine. me, when I- Fiend' had : writ- lence and tears 1 from" the chalice 'Oh. John ! how it crushed . first ill; your face The pen of the ;Rum - ten 'disgrace,' And turned me in si from that breath All poisoned and foil of death. It shattered the hopes I had trusted to hist ; It darkened the future and clouded the It shuttered mv idol.i and ruined the . i shrine, . For the lip" that t ouc . touch mine. -, - - - ! 1 loved you oh dearer than can l ell, j And u saw it. von proved knew it loo well j , Jut the !i:n of my1 l(ve '.v,3 far other than be - : I it now from thp j tap -room comes reeling o me, ' . ' In manhood ami hop or. so noble and right ' V' . i ' - : II a lieartwas so. true, and . his genius so bright . . ) And his soul unstained, unpolluted by wine, : J But t lie tips that touch liquor can never touch mine. f 'Mr. Landrove, as Go is my j idge t am your humtdc friend ard '' v,.-i'.i servant, and if i have a love more strong 1'onor.e of my employers than the other, that love ia for you. I5ut I cannot do an unmanly thing. What, ever Mr. Cooper may have said t;; me was in 'confidence. I know he would ink like that. T should repeat his words. I h dd them as I would - hold Lis -money ihat he has placed in. my keeping.' Mr. Landrove swore ? big oat li and again demanded . lo know what Mr Cooper had said to him, but. jrorces-t-r wa3flnn. TLen the manufacturer thr.catenotl discharge.' - I camp lo you sir, with an honor untarnished.' said Jamas, 'and if I must leave you,1 I wish to. take the same priceless possession away. When once I have betrayed a tr.ist I. can no more have my confidence 'even in my- l liquor, can never language it, yen sell Then you flatly refuse?' f'l refuse to betray theprivate specc't of Mr. Copper, us I would refuse to tell Lim. were he to ask me, what you have said to me.' .'Very' well,' y on may close up your accounts ami p:ss your books over to Mr. Nickerson ;.for " and' here Mr Luulrove, wiih a fierce oath 'swore . o . The tm'S'tcriuu' suicide at Chcraw, S. C, concerning which we wrote last week, of Henry Powers, hasbeeniden tified with Howell Paramore of New bcrn, N. who with his brother W. f Ii. Paramoje wa3 convicted of pcrpiry and sentenced to ten year's in the pen itentiary. The latter had also been convicted of well-poisoning. In Wilson County, from which place he made his escape. Both have been in hiding for some time, W. 15. Paramore at Ross villej Md.. near Baltimore, the oilier in our midst. Illness an'J the melan choly induced by it. lY'.th that strange idea of what disgrace realty is enter ld.ir.ed by so many, probably induced Howell Paramore to prefer a vi-dent exit from this world's stage to a prob able term of i tiprisonmout. Soon af ter the death of 'Powers' a letter to his address was opened by permission of the authorities, f, om which names and some of the facts were obtained. W . B. Paramore. accompanied by his law yer, ex Judge Mo:?:?, J N. C. arri ved in Clieraw on Saturday for the purpose of identifying the r err.:.' is and taking charge of effjots of deceased. A war rant was obtained and he was arrested as a fugitive from j-lkc.- but on a i before trial iustice Prince was dismissed for want of eridence. lie was immediately rearrestc l by the town Marshal for tho piU ioe of hohl ing him until the arrival of the Wilson couir j iheritf. A writ of habeas cor pus was granted by two trial justifies and he was again 8-et at libertyi Al io jst immediately he was en route for safer quarters, but was rcr arrested and committed by the Iutendant to the guard house. Another writ was sued out against the ntendant. and a hear ing given to Judge. Moore before the Town Council. He denied sheriff Bryan's account ot t . e well poisonii g (see letter)', and very much, mod if! 3d the entire charge. Paramore was released and went to Gasherie's 7otcl.but when wn nt ed for some ournose the door of " ; - . it his room-, was opened and it was found Lliat the bird had flown. The pherifTof Wilson county had come as far as Flor ence, but was notified as above. We publish below, the information which was inposscssiotj of the authori ties on Saturday last and which caused them to pursue the course they did Letter from W. B. Paramore to de I'.pased. directed to llenrv Towers. Cheraw, and mailed at Baltimore : moved to Tikoti. I expeet he will go to your place to see about his brother's property. I have jncttued the U. S. Marshal at liuregn ana asuea utm to ... . ... . . ... jiarsuaiai. , ,r. mnn r which met in Raleigh at Jetroiwlitan attpiid to the matter. Hie man Ijon: , Moore spoken of, is a bern lawyer The Ahri Prhibltin CenvfenliSfi; The utl-frohiMtitm Con rentlon and defended1 them. Any Other in formation wanted, will be given freely. Yours Respectfully, i b. BnYAy. glierifT Pi Izecorabe County, per John H. Staton, Deputy . i Ti -The descriotian of W. B. i aliout the same as that of, Howell, Vfith the enceptioa he has red 'hair. ; . j j Xt earfle the' follovYintf ffoirt the Marshal of Baltimore J POLICE DEPARTMENT. OrVicH Of trtE MAltsitAL, S Baltimore, May 25, 1861 Tl. M. IVctli Chief of Polkc, Ckeravh DeiW- Sir Your letter ot the 21st inst.. in reference to deah of a man at a hotel In your city, received. In ani swer. will state that Uhe brot ler of the deceased Is here nb'.Y and.will leare for your city to-morrow. Frooi hinl 'y tt will get patticulars. Most respectfully, yoUrs. J. T. GHat, Marshal, p. S The man Paramore is the bother referred to J. T. G, Telej;rim from : Hv?puty 9heritf. Cheiaw: Cheraw, S: C. May 23. 1881. To Sheriff, Wilson County Wilson : Lo vou want vV. B. Paramore? Ari swer immediately by telegraph, . j E. M. Weixs, ' Deputy Sheriff. Wilaqn County1 Sheriffs answer. IFilson, N. C, May 28. 1881. 1 E. M. Wells Deputy Shertf : Yjs, hold him, will send for him. K. II. WlXSfKAD, Sheriff, IFilson County. Acting on above, Paramore was ar- rested and every effort made xn the part of officials here to detain him, but of no avail. Cheraw Sun. i Sheriff Wlnste ad did not goto S.C as the above report slates.J H.D. attended. TlitrC i were delegates present from ncfirly etsry settion of the State. It is estimated that about The Scotch - fasting girl, Christina Marshall, continues to live on a tea spoon fu I of water two or three tiifle a day. She is thirteen year? old and lives at Chapelton. a small TilUgf near Strathaten. lief illness dates from ILIVERY SMLES. the best friV dvVff one fourth of the delegates ifite co!or- j Atrguft or Septemter !a.ft, tften sL'e ed. and bv fat the largest nU-liber wa2 t'cated ftfr imlmonarr f eld. She "jken that bids yo i speak it should You promised refo. pi, but I trusted in vain . ' I Your pledge was made to be Lroken again ; j And the lover so falic to his protnise now, If "ill not. a husband, be true to his vow. The word must be s depart I Thou-ih the effrc shat ter my heart : ' . Though in silence, jwith b.'ihtcd affec tion I pine, Yet the dips that Iquch liquor can never touch mine. If one spark, in our bosom, of virtue remain, ! Go fan if. with prayer till it kindle again ; Kesolve .with 'Go ' be Pr(jni wine and its lollies and f;ee ; 111 VP Pl"' And when you h ofvourf'i: In manhood anc control, that the reticent youth should leave h the morrow. I will go sir, but 0 ! why cannot I see you and your partner reconciled before I go? You love him. and I can swear that no man liwcs -xsau i.e loves better than he loves you. Landrove would not listen to any more. Tin4, n'ght these two very impulsive men met, and their ill will was blown to the wind as quickly as it had enge.i- deivd. Over a Dottle of. wine T, ... drovc told his interview with young Worcester. Of one thing I can -assure you,' said Cooper, 'he loves you truly and devo tedly. I know it from, the words he spoke this morning and. from.lhe warm tears which crgpf out upon his eye lashes as he gave them utterance. His refusal lo repeat my words was from principle.' 'Ah! and from principle very sel doin found in this poor, wot Id of ours. By my lifeAlbert, heil be .worth his helping in future to ! weight in gold to us ! :ir. 'ickersan tock James Worccs- LL.kfoC j ters books us Landrove had threaten- I ed. but it was only that the youegor honor beyond hi'i 1)0()j-. iiCC.,cr might be transferred into Kossville, Md , May 18, 1881. IloiceU: Yon.rs of t!ie 11th was re ceived a few days ago, and I would have answered it before now, but have been busy all the time and wher. night comes I aTn so darned tired, I go to) s!eiM as'iioou as it is dark. I com- ! An Editor's Debt. In the years agone, when Do Witt, Clinton coanty, was the county ses.t and a right siuart village in the wocd?, or on the way to be, the edilo" of its weekly paper had some subscribers who paid in wood, others in produce, others in fur, and others yet who didn't pay at all. One of .these latter class was name 1 Lemon, ont to squeeze anything oui of him Nts next to impossible. He had excuses at his tongue's end for not paying, and the longer (he debt stood the more reasonable his excuses seemed to his creditors. One day the editor mt him on the street, and after a gen eral greeting bean on him with: .'Mr. Lemon, y hi have been owing We can trust unshackled thci-nne: rooji, or sanctum, where he This heart will nain beat rcspousivc j wag in9uUctl ttS confidential agent and to thine, .i ..:. , m-iencp .in time, he be wcl-1 1 '.'"v-v. And the lips free from liquor come to mine. . 1 inln o' eliiro Jf tllO t This little sketcii bears a well ness. OUR F1KJKSIIJE, ty lesson for those who have eyes to see and hearts to understand. As th 3 new liquor law of Xeb-stekr. ;s exciting much comment cvcrywiiere, we give below -ov-.c ol the princqval fc.ruic-o of the same: A licence of si nftflner vcar for each saloon in T " ' L THE UNEXPECTED TEST- James, Ifound.you and Mr. Cooper trclhfci this morning, and as I enter ed the office I knew my name w.as up,' cilie3 cf ovor 10,006 people, and !?j00 on Mr. Cooper s lips. Was it not so? in cities of less than 10.000 inhabi Thc yonn- book -keeper tumbled, tantp ; the salooivkeepcr-m.ist give a and was silent. ; $5.C0 bond, and must present a pel.- Tm, T.:n,iL.,n,l Albr-.rt Conn- lion si-ned by thirty free-holuers be- . r r.rr. Mn nttfiiii altccp.": no oonus rxr . I nn.l t"r C. r f I O I nTS' D I flllP l-iv. ..v. v... v.- Of the largest wholesale inanufactnring establishments in the west, and their business was increasing daily. Landrove ; was a New' Yorker by birtb, and Cooper caite. from New Hampshire'. James Worcester vi'as a youth of; nineteen from Western Mas sachusetts, audjkaving gone on into a new country with a letter of recommen dation to Laodrove from an old college mate and chum of the latter, he was at once employed, and thus far, dnring the space of six months, had 'proved hiaiself frOLhy ;and well qnaliflcdr The partners, warm-hearted but I mnn can go upon more than one bond ; no liquor can be given away ; no screens are Lo be permitted ; exeep uenced work out here the next day after you. but am getting but am get ting but little pay, $15 a month and my board . is all T can get. I am "ettini so now lean do a full day;; work and a:n the best hand on the place, The old man came out here the other day and told me when George went to tovn, for mc to take charge of all the business for old Smith, that his overseer was so darned old he would not 5ay anything, if every hand in the field was to ston and said he would make everything easy for me after a while. I think I may stay. The young man is a good nice young feliow. He wants me to go to every place with him, but I don'f want to go much until P: case is over with; If you hear from them as soon 'as it is over please write me as soon as you ctn. In regard to the forty dollars', you can send a post offiVe order. Make it payable.lo George D. Fawcitt ; that is llie man I am with! &nd it will be y 11 right. I had a letter from Lou. Moore and thought to send it lo you, but for got it and left it at the farm but will send it as soon as I get back to mor row." I came in tnvrr lu-i.igut to nice! come stock that is to come from the It'est this afternoon. But I can write you just what 'he said, he said they all went over and Laughmghous was doing all he could TGgainst us, and h: ' you called out n"d. a juuiuent ' taken -.: your bond. My case wa? con tinued and capions was ordered; that was about all thev could do of course. Let me hear from you so6'n T am yours, . B I Upon receipt of this. addressed to ditferent points, where it was thought probable, more informa tion eonld be obtained. is one ar.iong aaVeral received : Letter from Sheriff of Edgecombe county N. C : TakbOuO, N. C, May 23, 1831. Mes.va. Cast on $"McI:ert Chcniv: S.C. Gents ; . - . ; me for two years. Y'es, but 1 had bad luck in. ray sugar bush.' ... v i- '. ' ;. j.. 'Bat you might have brought me wood.' . , -So I should; but I brole two new axes and couldn't buy another.' I offered to take it out in turnips and corn.' ' I ! 'I know, but the crows ate up my corn and the Injuns stole all my tur nips.' Well, how are. you getting along . i now?' asked the editor. ; ' 'First r?tc.' j Have you got a good run of sugar1 'Yes.' I .,' 'Corn doing well?' f 'Splendid.' Wheat all right?' 'Yes. all right. 'W'cll, iff corn, wheat, potatoes and turnips turn out good, and you keep well, and you have no losses, will you pay me in the fall?' ; The farmer scratclied his head nd it be- iieard from Su;? tOok a full minute to think over fore he replied : That's an honest debt and orter be paid, but I won't positively asfree to square up this fall until I know what sort of a com season vt ar lo have 1 It is needless lo say. that he never squareu. u-.iron x;cc coo, Fauamore. letters were Yours in regard to a suicide commit ted in your town on the 15th inst.. to hand. Fiora the desenplion ana copy lions are made in favor of the sale and 0f the letter from W. B. Paramore, of as I tv." His brother, or the one writing quick aud impulsive, had fallen into a use of liquor for medical, ehemical and scientifl.: purposes onlyVdrgl4ists d) not have to take out license. ' but are obliged to keep a very complete record ,.r n cnW Another law known . .... "'.- i i : from JMar Sana, is war.ieu now m mai the anti-treating bill was passed, -it for -lho sarne offence, and in the one man treating another t ate Courts for weliqioisoningj he was convicted of the utter c .ciice in the Superior Court of W'llson county, this 5?tMe. a few months ago and when thejarv rendered tucir verdict he made his escane at or.ee. Thev. both lived ,davs. in Pitt county arid the ease was re- w The L:.quor Dealers Convention cap tured a solitary clergyman, whose name was Brown. He hails frgm Yad kin; In the course cf his speech he I told-the followinir anecdote : lere X llv. lunu it it'p v- . r j was a drunken, v. h te man w o was blacked by some devilish boys one night at a hotel. The landlord waked upearly in the morning. He went oat to a pool of water, and in it saw the reflection of his face and exclaimed, 'H'ell. Jim, damned if that landlord hain't waked up the wrong man.' Great applause. Rev. Mr. Brown, continuing) thought the Prohibitionists had waked up the wrong man. in wak ing up the makers ' and dealers in licpjor, instead of the drinkers. We can safely say that the Liquor dealers arc welcome to their preacher. from Wake county, and West cfHal- j cigh. Representa'jves from ITCrthcrn liquor houses were present and were given seatsln theiall. Me rtppCnd the proceedings in a condensed form. At ll i30 a. m. the Convention was Called to order by Mr. T. N. Cooper of Iredell, who stated that the purpose wa9 to organise a party in opposition to the iJrohib'tion ffloYercrr.:, arising from the actio prohibit the manilfac tnre and sale of spirituous liquors, as pas;ed by the last Leglsla' tire. 1 A committee of five on permanent organisation was appointed, vi. : Messrs. E. P. Powers, II. E Mcott, W. A, Eliiason,. J. J. Stewart and Natt Atkinson. While the Committee vfere prepar ing Its report the Convention was ad' dressed by Mr. James 11 Boyd, of Alamance. The committee selected the follow ing named gentlemen for permanent officers of the ConVentio.i ! President R. C. Badger of Wake ; rice Presi dents, S. Angle, of Irdell ; J. 11 Byd. of Guilford ; J. T. Itespas3 Beaufort, J. E. OTIara, Halifax; Henry Nor throp, Richmond; J. II. Renfrow Wake; D:miel Kel'yl Moore; M.N. Leary, Cumberlandi W. II. JJailj. Davie ; E. W. Turner, Vance; W. J. Doughty, Carteret, D. R, Johnson. Warren ', A. Moore, Cumberland ; G. A. Bingham, Rowan ; William Johnson. Mecklenbtlg. .Committee: on Resolutions Natt Atkinson, George ilatthews, S. M. Carpenter, J. E OTIara, John Spel man. Executive Committee State at large, S. M. Carpenter, T. N. Cooper, li. E. Scott, II. Brunhild. - . First district W.' A. Mocrc. of Chowan ; second district--J. E. OTIara or Halifax; thitd district Ed. T. Pow ers, of Cumberland., fourth district I. II. Ilenfrow, of Wake ; fifth district W. B. Stafford, of Guilford ; sixth dis trict J, J. Simms, of Mecklenburg; seventh district 0. J -Baily, of Ire dell; eighth district Natt Alkinson, of Buncombe. 1 Secretaries II. J. MeDuffle, George L. Ton norfski, James McGowan aud VV. V. Turner. ' j I Upon taking the ch.tir, Mr. Badger addressed the Convention, compli menting the assemblage by saying that it was immeasurably superior to any" over which he bad ever presided. The Convention was then addressed t.y Messrs. J. E. O'Hara, J. T. Respass, Natt Atkinson and S. M. Carpenter. The f jllowing resolution was intro duced by Mr. S. M. Carper.ter; and adopted. Rkholved : That it is the sense of this convention that no formal allu sions of a discourteous nature shall be indulged in during the session of this convention, against any person or persons, present or absent, whose views upon the subject of prohibition m-iv not be i accordance wi.h those of the delegates taking part in tl deliberations of this convention. ' AFTEUNOOX SESSION. The convention reassembled at 5 o'clock, after a recess of three haure. The following was introduced : Vhercas, complete' organization has been perfected in many of the counties against prohibition, therefore be it Resolved, That this convention adopt the name, to be known in future as the "Anli Prohibition party for the State of North Carolina." The convention was them addressed hv Mr. .T. K. Cobb of Person. At th close , of Mr. Cobb's remarks the com mittec on resolutions through its Sec retary, J. E. OTIara, presented a resolution which was unanimously adopted. Wc would publish but the address of the Liquor Dealer's Association which we published last week embraces the same point?. Speeches were made by Rev. S D Brown of the Missionary Uapt.si Church. Hamptonville, Yadkin county and Mr. Eaton B'.edioe of Wake. Tfl5 NICEST AilEf grad'JaHy got better; btftj JnJtead of feaching ccmplete e'ontalascence, fell into a thonghfi'l mood and l?etook her self to bed. 3!iS expressed the greatest disinclination for all ki.tds of food, and it was only by the most urgent entreaties that she conld even be per suaded to take wine or grapes. At the New Year.' however, she expressed herself unable to take any kind of food at all, and her parents, :jeeing that their entreaties only caused her pain and sorrow, forebote to ask her any longer, and since then she has subsisted solely on a few leaspoonfuU of water per day. A thorough exami nation of the patient failed to discover any . trace of internal disease: The girl isi, of cOuse,' growing gradually weaker, but so slotyly that th?.chauge is almost irnserceptiidei At first she did not care for any cue sitting up with her, but latterly she baa insisted on having either her father or mother by her bedside all' n'ght long. Ah though not earing to enter into Con versation, she answers all questions put. and appears -ty be fully sare of whatever takes place in the house, either by night or dayt roR nmflf Wc have jst comjllfit iir stables nnd howhaveiyaiiui bcr of fine horses f for j hire. Our terms are as reasonable aa those of nDy-fir8iasstabie and we guarantee to?plea$c all our patrons. ;f -rit .x If Aon desire a nire tuf ii? Jt an)' time call on its ''rtifd 9 will aire it to yoii:rf' :rMtx One Vaccination too Many. Brigh: and early 3resterday morning a middle-aged man, of. anxious look and much corporosit y, called at the City Hall and weul for the Chief of Police with : j ' Haf we some shmall-box in dcr j City?" :' - - . ; T believe we have a sporadic cast or two." was the rep'y. -. ; i Und doze somepody hafto got wac cinated to keep hiua away?" "Every citizen should protect himself."-". ' ; ;. ' ; 'How many dimes was I get wacci nated to keep dot shraall-pox out cf riicin bouse mid saloon?". 'Oh, 1 guess once will do." "V.once ! Great shiminy ! no mon ash dot ! Shust wait a minii 1" He jerked off his coat and pushed up his skirt sleeves and poinlcd to fou pofs on his left arm and five on his right, and said : j I. Four und five makes nine dime Jot I-vims waccinated in four days !" "How is that":' H'jwish dot? D;jt's vhat I lil myself to know' I; vhas shust reading at but dat shmall-ppx de odler d.-ty in ler Sherman bapers when two men halks in mine saloon und says : Sharley ; dot shmall-pox is liofer down und you must b waccinated or dei Gommon Gouncil vhill close opp. So was waccinated for two shillings und zwei class b3cr Yeir" ll vhas shust dwenty minutes ven a man comes in und say he vhas sen to waccinate mc on der odd ar arm. und I pay-him two shillings und class of beer." "Yes?' Before night a man mit spectacle comes in und says he vhas sent by de7 Healthy Toard to sec oof 1 vhaa wac cinated. I ehow him two blaces, but he shakes his hcadt und say : ''Doi waccination am too high oop, und you vhill nt der shmall-box in der hands." Den he makes dot blace here, mnd I gif him twenty-five cents Und clas teer." "Yes?" Vhell, in dcr course of four days six more men comes arouodt lo wacci nate me by order of dcr Mayor, der Gufenor. dcr Bres'ulent. der Poard of Bublic Vorks. and I doan't know.vhal else, und efery dane I pays two shilr' ings undclas3 beer. Ylien f vhas wac ciuated nine dimes I pegins to pelieve I was a greenhorn, und veen dereutl -rNo, 49 ifflt Street, fri. rtcttm "of fr.r , lid. DM gMK UW ourlal dlwusd .n.iaat. how ' thoy . . health, cUrful prlt Uwy will ltlfo r kW-SIMMON' 7g7).ivF.u REG U LA- Tbe ChcapMt, Put, M4imt ramilf .Tilirlii In Hie M OtlOt For DYSPHASIA. nOMTtPTl 1?T. Jtrnmihtr, .'K HE lACHK,t' .lr.--t.n of sptritn, tiOUii STOMA.Un, This tinrU-nilwl Srthni RemMr i trriflted ooliocouluia a c tag la pnrticla. v( "HIllltX'MT ur any lnjurijiis tnluer.-tt UtWtatlce; bit U ii;ici:i.v vi:rTAnrG, contains thoo Soithnrnltooii ahd'Hrt."wllcli an all-wU 1'rtiY itttt'e ' hat U(ir4 ia mu trt v here Livm DUeaitcs most prerail. It tvill run nil 1liMae rnnr4 lr ! rnnyeumat mi thm Um mmA . iiawtln. TheSYMITOMSofLlv-r bMTiplalnl ' bl tpr or Ml iatelu thn mouth I Pat Hi tb B -vrk , SideHor Joiola.oftwi in t taken tot BhuuMltaw ; soi; irroMACii Tjo of A p rtH. Boweh Altrftlr cotr n4 lax; Jh'.id.-M b, losn tf JWwry. ith t plsM uMiKnuon of Iiviii2 U(fl lo dir soiutftblng wbkfb Qught ioliav 5'n t,'rif - i 1 teick rUarvajrM'iranca of tlio Skin anit eya, . Irr Cotic!i.ofnn mlftHcl) tori kHMiHnfKkiO. , .Someiiiu many of On? nvmpton aiunl th dt iiaiw, at otlur v.rf fwj bilt Ilia Livr,cii4 Uft I iTgau iu body, li snTall)r tl at of lb 4iea( I if not ivfrnlat.M in irw , tcvXatvtii, WlNtched , eesfcaucl OKAXII will eunue. - J CAUTION." ' - ; - - 4 ' -i- f '.. j Ath-rar nurabet of lmhtti.!-Crd 9 tin; itiil.llc, we viill cmtiion th oominanlir bay bo Horrr rmwd XOM LVK Ktil'IATOR fc Mta wiaMrr, h mt tftti-rXiMiitlttortAPlnfrnK. and fn4i by 3. II. Xf'lLIK AcCO. . . . . w l''vn uu-tnt it rtrt&Cr tnmvmf. " thatror lypciilar IHUrnfmw. tnf Ttralt Hind ew, i i btt inwlirtiit ttM world -r mw. Wk ha V irt.Kl forty othvr tnoflc br-fr HimW moot LnrrK'giiUtor. bntueiw of ihWBu tT m inor than tpjoporary rrimri; bntUu), IJfsrulatr not only n-HeM Uit rwvd IU.M 4i Wfrf and JfKS0cngtrt O MAN UFACTVBED P?IT irf r j, ni:iim to, . TALB0TT & 051 ShockoerlYlacnine Kossville, Md.. and the circumstances oenerallv I think it it Howell l'ara- Inore, who was under a heavy bond for i Battle Ground his appearat.ee at the last term c ...v. , . L. : ' ' "' i.'- J 1 IV i.i ...f cm-linrn tfir j.h;: i : fuel il uimi - -- prohibit: and makes it a tmsdemcincr punisha ble by a fine and imprisonment. ,13oth ! of these lasts go into effect within nine A young man in Yale College trent n n iUrber shon to be shaved. It ;W3s the first time that any other hand tjisn his own had performed t.ie oneratpn. and he allowed his beard to gro b?r a -ftpk in order to JU oear as il'he need ed shaving. He sat down in the,chair. The barber passed his band Uglitiy rr his cheek and said : 'bhavca once One of Cup'd's Capers. MantifaetrirVrs of Portabtoftmrt HUtlonanr Ki.jcines nU IMlrr? Haw JJUta, Jlorn atttl AVlM-at MiM-Shartiu?. Hilitntfs and Pj!Ury rnrblne ' Vtr VitvK lotmii Factory Machinery WnniKht Iro rk Jirin and Iron CaeliDg", Jlaclunery of Verjr dcsctlp- man comes aroundt I hit him on de. GIXNIXG nfA'O JCZ.V ueau milt a WUic uuu umjva uuici a see yOu about it. Vhas It all rightT' ' ."I auess the boys were guying you. ;jrhy, you haven't really been vac c'.nated at all."! "Xo, and you'd better be vaccinated agatn. ov to-day, sir, haven't you.' In the town of W.arren, JFauihara connty. lives a man named Ilyke. who advertised for a wife. A lady in Mich igan wrote him that she would come tn Wisconsin und .marry him if he would send her the expenses of the trip. He forwarded $15. . The woman arrived in Berlin and proceeded thence on foot for tne home of her soon -to-; be husband. ' She happened to make inquiry In Ilyke's i neighborhood of a man whom he was plowing for. The woman was taken ii.t the house and Hvke sent for and be took her to the nearest Justice of the I'cace, who j tied tbe knoti - Waccinated aga'n ! Wa c'naicd den dimes ! Nefei I'efure I vhas wac cited den dimes I catches der bbrnar. box und roes to ped mit him all. zum mer ! Dot's some close pins like I am? ' rtepairiuj rrotnplTy anl Carefully Dod. Talbott'i Patent - Spark Arreiter. 'I'ke I nvrnlloB pf lit Atfe. It docH not dtrtmy the draft:. ' i Itdx-s not lhteilcre .nrUb 4uing tli It will not doke op ' and rrqulrci no anif.g, , -. n It reaiilrenad1rtt!mtrlo be ooen- 11 ivheu rawing eteam fd-nijiirs beln tAr jeclbnaUe, as t! tey may "left open and illow i he pnnui to eff Jtpcj- t It rcqtUre no water to txingaU park w hy;h, by condensation, destroys th draft. BKi!o, wW o vr filer is odcif t nejjhtUd, hw eflieiency i UjStrycO b vprtiou .f tlui watfr.aud the Duller ..'Mr. G'Rlferty' said the recotd'r. why did you strike Mr. Murph-' Because Murphy wouldn't give roe i civd oucslion, ver honor. hat wa if kept in a .llrhy condition. -It i simple and duraM ajid can be reQed iKn. ', ' ft can !e attapJid lo uay boiler. No ; ptanu r klioulij J, lutlmat on ot luxn. Itmnraiice comiiftK'S will iniire the civil question y.u asked hiai? J iis and barn vrlwre UiMiDdU fcninf. skedhioi. as polite as you please MJirIT' nl9 r , V i - .u ciuirci u lor waxer or lKre power. 3Iurphyvuntyour own brother th ,.ui for III unrated JcirctUar and uijjcaw uuic um uaucatuii I3I4IHI, i-v i price iut . i iimt '-tltl cepting yourself and uncle, who i ab- : Iaicbltoa GldhoroX. Cw hi sent at the penitentiary in Huntsville? Ard what rude aner did : he give to such a very civ 1 questiou?, He sal' to me. 'Av cnurse. nruli.t comti.Vnf excepted ; so I said, 'Murphy, yon are another, and sthrnck him w'id me fist hMaucli lloivc; ogianoro, j k Hauler, GcnerarMiaager;-T.A. GnUefT LocalMauagci ft" .i.aki noli-lla for ttaf-Wy Kttiifeuj.,l WakoiM, L Mmtboot mnt all 4ivt iru4t4 on by Iu4i- iTWhia or txmt m. Any ln$teM bm ih Inr. . tii!. A lvwMr 44tV VM 4k I t, U 1Tt tiita t rr i,' VlarvM li, 12