y jf-e Advance Fiiblklung Company -LET AL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH S " YHL.SOX, X. C, FKIIUY, J! LI 8, 1S81. vol. 1 1 1 - xo.?ssrr "Six Months $1.03. r. Tfie Wii son Advance. Wji-sox, July h, Am. The Slali'jii Aerii's Story. Taken scat in the shade, bore, lady, It'stiresome. I know J to wait, ' lint when thotraif i .reaches Verona' It's always sure tq to, late; 'Specially when aii. one's waitin', Been gather jn' llmvers, 1 see? r Ah, well! they're hotter company i Than a rough old 1'eliOw, like me. The President Shot. President MarOeid SHict I?oVn -" h lu kIciciis A&sUsssn. THE AKUEST OF THE C It 1 31- Charles J. Guiteau, the Assass'n, were to go to the White Mountains, staying at Maplcwood or Ik thlehem and remaining over f"und.ay. On i Monday they were to go to tbe top of (Mount Washington, and on Tuesday to Port land, Me.; from thence to Au- gusta, whorothey were to be the guests i of Secretary Blaine. The 'Secretary jjiad secured r. revenue cutter, : and the j party were to take a trip along the The same was done by the Secretary Unit. a tea . I presume! the President ! Treasury lJuiling, as the President of tlie Navy, who directed that tjie vvjas a Christian, and that he will he ; drove on the 4th of March, surrounded marines should be held lor similar or-' nappier in l'araaisethan here, it win i by the i leveland Horve ' Troors, 'to- ders. .'. MeanwHile; wont was sent to Surgeon General Barnes, Drs. Norris, LiiJcoln and Woodward requiring their immediate presence at tlie depot. With the messengers trooping 'oyer the;pavements it was not long before every part of .Washington was :in- grn'ves 'noath the the blossoms I Maine const, -Visiting Mount .Desert i fo.vaied of whathad happened, and the land other places of interest. Thev ! fa?i became renorally known. Thien Intense Jlxcilcins Jit and 5 ml i You noticed th( willows, Down there when grew? , i Well,' yes,' there's story about them, Almost too strange to be true; 'Tis a stranger, sweeter story, .Than-was ever written in books: And (iod made the ending perfect There, now J see by your looks,- I will have to tell the story : -; Let me see; 'twas eight ears ago One blustering night in winter When the air was just thick With snow; t As the freight eanie round the curve there, ':'.- j They beheld a than On the track, liravin' the stonrj before him; but Not heed in' the, foe at his back. And, ere a hand could gra-p the bell rope . . j :" " 'r a nniror reach the rod, 11 y.c p 'from the cruel snow-plow ..adseiit the mair's.soulto its God! They laid him out here in the ireight hoi;s 1 And 1 stayed with him that night, He'd one oftjie pleasant est faces, hoeful and young and bright. There was only a worn out letter; I know it by heart it said : "Dear John? baby: May grows finely, I send you th's icurl from her head. We will meef at Bra 'krnboro,' The grandfathers sad and lone, lint I read him your kind words, say ing, 1 , I , " When we've a home of our own; lie shall sing tlie' songs of old England Beneath our own-willow tree." That was all1 there was of it, lady, And 'twas signed just " Alice JsiyhJ So we made a grave in the morning And 1 uried the man out there Alone, unmourhed, in a stranger': . land, ; ; ( - " With only a stranger's prayer.. IVut when he'd (slept in his lonely grave ', j i Out there, nigh o:i to a year, 7i r.y'x freigh run into .a.' washout ' ' liy the cul vert, away down there; There were oc'vj two passengers that night i j ! : Dead, When wie foimd them there . A sweet, little Knglish Woman, And a baby with golden hair. On her brea4 las,-the laughing baby, lis IUSt liliyt I HJ'S Still warm, anil tle fair, young "mother With a frozen Sjnile on her lips. We laid the: ji out here, in the-freight-house, . j ' st-iyed tiiat night with the dead; I shall never forget t he letter We found in her purse; it said: Dear Alice; praise God I've got hero Pll soon hve a home for you now, But you must come with the baby, As soon as you jean anyhow. Comfort thegraijdfather, and 'tell him That by and byj lie shall come And sing the songs -of old England, 'Neath the willows beside our home: For, close by the door of our cottage . I'll set out a .willow tree, For his sake ami the sake of old Eng land, . i j Lovingly yours, John Leigh.' The tears .filled my eyes as I read it; But I whispered "God isjust!" For I kuw the true- heart yonder .'. Tjiem'1only'a hmilful ofdiist Had drawn this', sweet, little woman Right here and God's merciful love, Had taken her from tlje sorrow, To the glad reunion above! No, close by the. grave of the otlfer, We laid her away to rest; The golden haired, English mother With the baby upon her breat. . 1 planted those trees above them, . For I knew their story, you see; And, 1 thought i their rest would be . . sweeter ; 'Xeath their own l(ved willow tree. j were then to return to Bangor, Me., j and froMi there to Boston. Tlie Legis . j lature of New Ilampshiri', having by i' resolution invitt d the President to make them a visit, the party was to go to Concord. From there thev were to W( publish to-day a. full accoui'.t of j go to Xew Concord, Mass;,- then begin the. dastardly attack 'made, on the the. homeward trip, going to New President's life last Saturday morning. ork by .way. of ' Hartford- and New I'l-esidenl's ( )ur reportjs condensed from A he com-; plett:; and exhaustive accosuit pui lished4n the New York "' of Sun day, Sand gives a correct accorint of the act: .' ' ' , A s Pres i do 1 it Jan i es A . ( iarfl el d , ac comp)anied by Sect'y 'Blaine,;, was en terimig tlie. depot of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad at Washington Sat urday morning to take tire train for Long Brack-h, he was shot twice by a scouno'rel naiiiel Charles' Jules Gui teau, who ' had been lying jn wait for him.' This occurred at 0:20 a. m. The first ball from the Haven, expecting to get back to this city about the 17th or Isth of July. TIIF. I'lirSiPKXT sIIOT )0.V.V. This was tlie programme -marked "out for a pleasant vacation, and the last of tlie party to complete it had not ar rived when the twenty minute- past nine a. m. train, pr.;e ling the limited express, departed from the depot;' A few moments later the President's carriage drove in front of the, depot, and the President and his onlv com- a crowu soon assemuieu, ana in less than ten niuiutes Sixth street and B street were packed with people, and the news of the horrible tifiair Hew fjom .month to mmith and spread oyer thej city like . wildfire. An attenipt was made to rush mto the building ahd cries were raised to lynch'theassassjn, hula strong force of policemen, sum moned 'by telephone, had. arrived promptly on the scene and preserved order. In the meantime the Prcsi- . i . i , j. i. . . i t . ' ? i i . oeui iau ueen carried to a room up stairs and the physicians summoned be no worse for Mrs. Garfield, dear 'day drove the nmbylanec stirrounde! soul, to part with bar husband this J by tlie mounted police. Arrived at way than by natural death.'.; He is liavj the inaii'-Um, the Preshlent vii car ble to go at any time, any way. I had ! ried up stairs to the large ehamber in, no ill-will toward the-President.-.'.; HiH-the south side, and the bedIde w:is death was a political necessity. I am soo!i surnHmtled by physician and a lawyer, a theologian and a politician.' j 'agonized friends. The regular troopp I am astalwart of the stalwarts. I shrtly after arrived and all the r 'jrate was with (iencral Grant and the rest ways leading to the " Presidents of our men in New York during the grounds wen closed. Armed entries canvass. I have some1 papers for the ( took their places it the main gatewav press, which I shall leave with Byron l and only those having parses were Andrews and his company,.' journal-; permitted to enter. r ists, at No. 1,420 NeW York avenue, ! It was now half-past ten. A feveri.-m where all the reporters can see them- excitement - added to the intense iieat I am going, to the jail.- of the day. "Will ' he die?" 'Ms he CnAur.Ks tirn'nAt'. :.)' badly woundel? President Garflld . cre&ied-Jatense; x- citement, and a tq&l&i Qt Mfttt&T horror was exprfe$ft4 far the utrodouA act. wThrgrttt mpat!iy-!-far tzm presVil for the Ptesldohf., JTnJ -Kraner called a meeting of ciUxgni . thi vYeuintj tu take RuiUblactioClai" rereuce;ta t.ii. w t WiLMixoTox, n. c ivfyMWtnM . Tin' neWs of the Uootinf .,ot Pl- dent AJai tiekl wiui nxejvpd.tere Vft a, muvemd cxprepix of ofjftcd regrot. ilia avt $ severely epjyneea and t he President's early ' jNavrj earnestly hopeil for by all closbCf. I'OLK.'KAIAN- K LviixfiY's stouv . Policeman Kearnev, of the Island precinct, who first tried to arrest the assassin, makes the following state ment of the shooting : ! "Guiteau arrived at the depot alwut half an hour ahead of the Presideh ial ',, r! across the ladies' reception room, in t the tirst shot audi ,. . . . , ,. . if . , . . ! which there was not at-the time half n's rev iv r s. ruck l ie Pre-dt'r :t ne r tlie ef shoulder and passed out by the shoul dei; llade; the second struck him in the iiif .- -r tho leit Iri'leev ' hp ! President turned a fell tbrward on his knees at receivinjjr the second b'nllet. Pistma-ter (Jeneral James and others of his party who had preceded hinvru: he 1 to his assistance. The assassin was imtantiy overjiow ered arid" arrested. The President wss carried to a room on the floor ' above, medical aid was summoned, and stim ulants 'administered. The great, strong man thus basely stricken down soon rallied from the shock and was at oncej borne in an ambulance, to the White' House, where efforts were made t: ascertain the. nature of tlie wounds. The graves fears were en tertained. The patient remained con scious, conversed cheerfully and hop'e- fnllf l.r.t. liis nnlse v;!.s bi-!i. lwi. v:i-? i suffering sonierjiam and ljnternal bem orrhage as believed j to be taking I c. Morphine wa by pbdemerk al ly injected and he bceame easier, ob- panion, Secretarv Blaine, alighted and i party ami moved about and acited r stls. The orlicers attention both entered the depot by the main ! entrance on I J street. There was a j slight pause on the step!?, and a mo j'ment later the President and Secretary of State, side by side, wet1 walking ilf a dozen persons. One of these was a man of short stature, a wicked 'ex pression in liis face, who moved about nervously until the two statesmen had half crossed the reception room, a dis tance of not more than fen feet from the door. A report as of a big' fire cracker challenged the attention of the policemen at the main door, who thought some, boy had tired it in hon or of the President's departure. In stantly another report was heard " and President Garfield lay prostrate upon the floor of tlit' reception, room-wounded -'in tlie right arm and in the .side hist above the hip. The mvsterious nervous individual was i.narie.3 ouu- eau. a half Frenchman, now from. Chicago,-about, thirty years i f age, who hail. been imploring tlie President to give him fii 'ons.ulato in France. Ills ixc'A 1 eon.dition had cliahged in the 4... ! .' J t . ........ ..l.u.tt fPTw niml lii .lit . Mimt ru--j..- j in: uaii.vi m':u ( ....... , , . ,. , ; i )i ese; n." '1 ins j n leiioovi . i. i ii it, mi le stood as firm and a calm as a stat shock and from internal bleedhig hay ing been, in the estimation' of his phy sichtns la.-t evening, tided over, it was hoped the remaining danger from in Uaqiation would lie, surmounted. Nothing occurred up to the hour : of going to pnss to destroy this liope. Atelevenp. m.- the President was cheerful, pulse 124, ' temperature lA respiration. 0. All the symptom wej'o lavorable The most intense excitement pre vailed through the length and bread :.h of thecguntry on the news becoming known. I To Mrs. Garfield, convalescing at a ng DrancJIi and awaiting her hus band's return from! the national capi tol, the news eame'with terrible shock. She instantly -proceeded to Washing-, ton On-.a special- train and was admit t ii to her "husband's bedside, bearing upj under her weight of sorrow with true Avomanly fortitude. TIkv sympa thy of the world goes out to her. Vice President Arthur, who arrived j yesterday morning in.i.us euy o uoai f.-oneAlbaiiy, in (-ompany .'with : ex I Senator Conkling, was shocked on j htjaring the news.1 A telegram from i Secretarv Blaine summoned him to Washington, whither he deiiarted at ;-.wa: midnight. . j flie story of thejassassin's life, wlrch is given in our columns as if was irath ered from various cities of the Union, speaks of a man of erratic tenipera nient and low habits. , He - was a per ms, tlie ."English bull dog" pistol. still drawn and in liis right hand. Secreta ry' Blaine had in turning the corner of the seat near the main entrance to the hall of the depot gone just a little ahead of the President. The firstshot not being noticed by the President or his 'companion, the "second and the fatal one found Mr. Pla:ne on the sill qute wjas attracted by his movements, jmt he did not watch the assassin particu larly until he heard him ask a Jiack- nian at the Sixth ; street depot if he could drive him off in a hurry if re quired. "I ihought," said Kearney, "that that was a peculiar thing, but before I could follow it upViOser I saw the President's barty driving diuvn. Sixth street to the depot and 1 had to go and look after them. They drove to the I street entrance. Secretary Blaine was .with; the President, and the t wo entered the depot together. The President walked up to me and asked how much time he had before the train left." It, was twenty minutes after nine o'clock!, I sa w by looking! at my watch, and I told the President that he had ten minutes. Just 'as he thanked mo I beard a pistol f bot, and I . i- turning, I saw tha man that -1 had been watching, previously 'standing about ten feet away, in the sbadow'of the main entrance to the waiting room, levelling liis pistol -aerosH.iis arm. lie fired a seeond slnrt before I could spekk to him, and, darted between " myself and the .President and Secretarv - . i Blaine into the street. Tlie Pvesident reeled and fell just in front of me,. As he fell he said. something I could lot "What do ! tho On his way to iailthe prisoner said ' .un. a mmurwi simdar that the President's assassination was mll,ines were; addressed to .'anybVxly premeditated, and that he went to ! sl,lled to hsve superior facilities in Long Branch for the purpose of shoot-1 tt,n neWs the WJiite House. i iivr ln'io tliere. and was deterred bv M lK sidewalks frontiny hr' WlTit O " - " 7 " . ' . v i - - - it the enfeebled and saddened condition j Ibmse grounds, and the square:- oppo of Mrs. Garfield, which, appealed so lute M ere packetl with people peering strongly to his sense of humanity that through the iron railkiuatil-lMMiHe a became back without carrying out his j hundred yards distant,. as, -tlunigh intention. Those by whom Guiteau m simiething e.uld be disein-ere(r"iu the has been examined since the shooting j atmosphere that wuld tell theni just say that he shows no symptoms of in- j the coiidititiii of the Presidents sanity, and it is understood that tlie wounds. . At eleven oVloek' Dr. letter "To the White House," is the l Barnes, the Sui-geon General, sent only document in the collection which j over the wires front the ,W.hittr H6n.e supports the theory of insanity. By- j suitenient that.- the wound In the .would, probably of the door, '-who instantly called for hell')-. It is believed that the second shot was intended for Secretary lilaine. (iuiteau wanted to be Consul at Paris. 1 'wt lill ivf bi-rorf l?l;i!n'e w itli sinmle- niinded 'etfers proposing to take the i stump'in Maine, and was not regardeil j as a useful maii in the campaign. He i has been stopping at the Jtiggs House, I and has shown no peculiarities during his stay to lead to the lelief that he is of unsound mind. -Secretary", Blaine's ! private secretary says from, what he j knows of the persistent" ap eals of Guiteau that he must have intended to shoot Blaine. The second shot gave ! hiih a very narrow escape. ilJUKAT KXt'lTKMKNT AT T11K DEPOT. i - i Colonel ..Jameson, who was to have, had charge of the President's jarty, exactly understand, and Secretary Blaine, with a terrified look, pushed toward him, exclaiming, "My God, he lias been '.murdered. What is the meaning of this?" V ,'In God's ua-.he, man,'" I shouted, "what did you shoot the J 'resident for?" ; - j t ' .: ; i . ' . enTr.Af in .iaii.. (harles (uiteau on being arrested was hurried off to the ' District Jail. lie When the prisoner arrived there was neatly attired in a sait of blue, and .Wore a drab hat pulled down over., his. eyes,, giving him the appearance' of an ugly character. It may be worthy of note to state that some two or three weeks ago Guiteau wenj to the jail for the purpose of visiting it, but was ; refused admittance .'on the gi (Kind that it was not "visitors' day.' 1 Ie at that time .mentioned his najnie as (J.iuteau, and said that he came fnun Chicago, j .When broughj to the jail to-day he wa admitted 'by the officer who had previously refused to allow him to enter, and a mutual re ran Andrews, who is the Washington correspondent of the Chicago litter Octxin, says that 'while'' it is true a package of papers is in the hands of the police, accompanied by a note ad dressed to himself ( Andrews), lie has no 'personal acquaintance with Gui teau, and never heard of his existence until this morning, j From what he has gat Tiered from the police Andrews believes that Guiteau' homo is in Freeport, 111. I " A IjTBTTKU TO liKNTHAL KlIKHMAX. This letter was found on the street shortly after the arrest. The envel ope was unsealed and. addressed :--"."Please deliver at j once to Jeneral Sherman (or his lirst r assistant r in charge of the War Department)": To Gkxkk'aIj SnKKMAX :. Ihavejnst shot the PresiiLnt. I shot ; him several times, as I wished him to goas easily : as possible. His death was a political necessity. .1 am a lawyer,' theologian and politician ; 'I am a stalwart of the stalwarts. 1 was with Genend Grant and the rest of our men in New York during the canvass. I am going to the jail. Please order out your troops and take qiossession of the jail at once. Very resjiectfully. : CH.AKI.K.S (Jl lTl.AU. On receiving the above General Sherman gave it the following in dorsement :-- : HKAPQiwivrKusov Tirn Aiimv, 1 ' Washington, 1). CM July ISSl This letter was handed me this minute by Major William J. Twining, United t.ites 1 KngiiH'ei s, CommLssfoner of the District of Co lumbia, and Ma.jor William G. Brock, Chief of Police. I tdon't know the writer, never 'heard of or ssiw ; him to my knowledge, and hereby : return it to the keeping of the above -nained parties as testimony in the ease. ; W. T. Shkhmax, (Jeneral. tiik imrsoxKivisorATKi). The District Ja'l wits visited by the press reporter' shortly after eleven loin i AMtnsinatioii of X.ihoiil.' , jfh shooting of v PrwklciitOjcChViiripr naturally reeivlLs the aalniitlfBtof j4V7 President bndjamLincQljW.iyll,, . b)nterUng,ther : i. .i" . -- J It was on the eyenb Mr fltlA, April 14, that;;ydJ Mrs, Lincoln, with Miss ''Mary IlArfU prove fatnl. though nothing could be decided until consultation. y It was not five tes that this sal uewt4 was tin the a:id the eager crowd whispered a ; j. j . - . - seub n to every part ol the city. Tlie possibility of tlie .".'President? flying was realized now for the first time. Tliere had been hopy that Providence which prepends the minis of aassins had turned the bullet in a harmless direction., but too fooji was it snspec ted t hat the do weF wound wa- of a nature Jnm ! whieh the Preident could scarcely recover and that death was only a (Question efa tow hours. 4 ' KOfTHKKX SYMPATims ' r RAj-Kroir, X4 July 2, There is great indignation here at the attempt ed-issasstnatioii of the President. A piifHT?- niet'ting of the citizens has ' been- called to denounce it.-:' -. -' '-' -; '-'-j'-' v. :-' -c- Louisyibi.K, Ky-.; July SAB1 v There is considerable evcTtemWnf here oyer ; t he no wsTof the 'attenij ,u4 assasination ' of President Garfield, and gr&it anxiety is manif'.-ted to hear . from; Wrc-fhingtorl"" IStWNew York. Tlie i hi f .region " Is! Hhhf tne outlook ftr. the country, ami. for the South' especially, would bo very mueli less bright with Arthur than with Garfield in the: Presidential chair; but there is no anticipation of any serious trouble' in any ; event. Much tsymjuv- fhy is expressedor President (iarlield and his family. At the Board of tmde a resolution was adopted .expressing abhorrence of the attempted murdex mid proffering the i-yiujathy of the Bird to President GarfieldV funily and to tlei country. , Thu,!(re?oIutjon was telegTaiihtd t the? Swretary.of State at Wash'i gfcy . . . , ; ! ! , ; On a ui, r;sfo.x, S. C "July 2. IKsj; , Tin news of the assassination v-of ('resident ( iarfield 5 exeite! unB-frsal grief and' horror in Charleston.1, The ! sorrow felt by the "community w'scen on the faces of-all classes. -Hope is everywhere j evpreissel that lie Will and Major IlatKbum of 1 AlbntttS &T i n-ia w bfSenator IliirrbV fcHedTbfirV?! Theatre, at Vashrngtorf, fortthe'iniJ rr poso :off:witn6ssihtrJ IbAnrIS9Q Coiisin," whieh Wtis?iTnhhliftif2t!lff theidre. Tb !fae ;JbaA-iji4tfj gufshed party mm to locprjfifitf (4iw performance had been duly tfnnWK)f4 In all thoJialitii)5rsi ttn thilMfatroj was denly r4DWdedLTlie ,p)e4l'nttrf tlaf party oijeuphxl a .lqxnvjUMjri fg&sgg ond tier. The scene wan a brilliant ... - jST . I mmu-. one ana all Went inmlv wltli llMmi- FT wiiifffdience ami actmsidikeuHtfrtn WastM ! it and of the third act! when tlififtrf relioff bf ii pistol was lu'ard.ivndlfWar? w afterward 'a .-man ttU tPipfiptell from the Presjdent's box to 'tKgtaCT;'411 wbere trikliigr Wi tragic? attlt!ffiiettxtf? j brandishiiiK a long, dagger in; hlrigMif J hatid,he cried oht, 'J1o tettipttiijtr&n rrlf r.i l " and then, i- timid tl3t; berwlWCTsar meiit f tlie hudienceV rmhedt thxOughfrt tle bnpositePidetiitheBtaniliamlfiji hU escape from the rear 6f tbitboaltfii f rThe screams of MisU4JncobvtoklitiijMMt ' audience but toHlaiuly that the Pe, ttheir feet ftiul , the wH" of the wildest ix4'lblet (ripilpnt rusb as made to tli rcMQipbjc where, on a lulty exatVdnalii jjjJltJ made, it ; .was ' ; found bet wJhatt tltrtmgli the hwxd; The Prwidf pi quHklyreiuove.1 tf,tt trUfIuv nounced to be mortaK . rTiS J-- rnr " curnmce iiiinicHliatel put a '3i tlie U'tfiirmaneo and the theiitre a.-r do.it m'lckiy T, ju.ias4l'n,Aln hl4 InirVlctl his hat ii-id' a iiir, m tfic-TOf583 b-it w'identirted iwHfnh?1 WUkes1lypth J apromljB 'jSelfflriSftl61 tam'cjl fiv imitVi.feffffia4'4l4 , BoX kn d. ilm;eyeneeV omia AlOUDiai tUlQ. JWUnor m U17 I bliHKlyttragedy-T1A W$t "fWUL kiK...V;i i;mt thl;51in.. jBsH?!.' ' - ago." The only other remark ' 'made before being placed in his he cell irrive Five years roltod along, and lady, My story may now seem to you, lake a wonderful piece of fiction; Rut I tell you it is true. As true as that God is above us! One summer day, hot and clear, As the train rolled into the station And stopped to change engines licit", Among a company of Mormons Came a treriiblin', white haired man, Heask'dme with voice very eager, "Will vou tell me, sir, if you ran, Of a place called Bracken noro . And bow tar have l got to go "It's the next .station north;" swereil, : "Only thirteen miles below." , His face, lit tip for 'a -moment, With a look of iov complete; Then he threw! up his hands ioward j heaven, ! ; i And dropped down,dead at my feet ! ; "oi.i ir.,,.1. 1 .,;.ih ; rii-.i o . ; . 1 . 1 MonnonJ And sights o' trouble he's be'n. Nothin' would do when we started, on the lirst to communicate the' .'sad 1. cognition took place, Guiteau savin news to the Cabinet officers.' rom t "'Yon are the man Who1 wouldn't let the scene to the rear of the train was a! me go througli the jail some time distance of perhaps, two hundred feet As though drawn by an invisible pow" er the residentiat party in a second5 was that! Gen. Sherman would was surging toward the ' room where at t lie-jail soon. The jailers st:de that sistent office seeker, and his crimes ; the prostrate form ofthe President lay. j they have seen him around the miav have been the result of malice Five members of the Cabinet wore ; several times re -ejitly, and that from disappointment or of sheer in- then present, Messrs. Blaine, Windom, ; one occasion he appeared to le under sanity.''- ' ' A Lincoln, .Hunt anil James. In a few the influence of liquor. Onoif ofhis ' 'Despatches of condolence from for- 'minutes Attorney General MeVeagli, i visits, subsequent to tho or.e mention eign governments were hourly re-1 who was at diis ortiee when the deedUnl, these iibeers say that Guit eau was. done, naa arrived. 1 no irc'Si-.!;ueceetied-'m retiehing tlie rotunda of dent's son 'Harry, scarcely realizirg i the building where he was. noticed : what had happened, for but little ! examing the scaffold from wdiich the blood Tell from the wounds, stood ; Hirth murderers were hanged. readv to tight or die in his father's de-.--pursuant to Ins orders from the l MH1V H" till.' MU IF F.-t I'l IMFiaiUIMU IU ! . - i. . . 1 1 , i soon recover The C harnlx'r of f 'nn. interv.ewwitlK Juiteau. Hie men,. hel(J a ,ari?ft meeting at two refused admittance to the bm lng, j (M-.k A,,(,rf WPm niftde decLir staiing as the reason therefor tnat they i . . i - - , . instructions re. i..'"5 , - t ' 1 i the net of thf ussfis;n ?4 th lf'it (Jeneral Mc-i . . .. . ., . . , !.. ... i crniic, e.ireiii iih isri mm mi; were ' - . " Presidnit will Morin hA.retrrl fcr th " ' " l ! l.eotl( if tU ItliitMl St;i.; l wlKiml 1 . , ! A. a: 1- r . . . 1 , I i . , . . r 1 line prisoner. jvi ui.-i, iuura, uw. were " acting under eeived from Atiorney Veagh, the purport of vhii-Ti' that no one should be' eeived in Waviington. to be done must be done, quickly, as it would be impossible to proceed ! heard atbe ?i-ed aljout lite news iu an- i thi: l .UMK. -' WAsiiixniTox, July 2, 1S81. ( 1111 r CS M I L III Iltfc I " r 1 - . . 1 X l x. - Washiie'tou this mornnV on the lim- nee. The scene beggars description. ' Attorney (Jeneral the officer in Charge ( with me lica. ana sur0u ai iruuii iu j an1 in(iuiries for news are .cUspatched. . iHi'ovnW fM,.'ovt,Mii inrrnevi A beautiful summer mom, warm and i of the jail declined to give any furltiierfiht the depot, it win. dedded tp renip.ve f frur fan'p. ;6f tj' state:';-.;' ,.;-i,l'.:, t rouK -ture in eirly information, -old he Stat in the w,n to comprise the President and encouraged the brightest l; what evil the prisoner was coimnejl. - , s,n. ( arefaldy t. 1 at rt. " f The m Mrs. Garfield, who was to meet bint; thoughts and happiest feelings in the. This officer wa, on attendant the j bo lay ;e. up and 4 "t. 6- thnlout- th city tbe at. -. ...... ,4 ..rfenf. ...-r,,,.i- fhit wtis .Jtv i-ti I ot tho time ,f the :msJissi- the long flight of stair.-, to tlie -.police . m t . . in New ork, their two elder son,' J,w"1 r . . r- -; - .'- t,-o. hi ,m;iv ftemptea . assassinaupn or i rreiucn Harry,,,! toJH, M..1I ur.:j".,r,.y ,vilh the K. ali.nr.-r.,i,W11t l.m,oIn. '"' "Z Z", 'S J,.il cl.l.'. '.AW , MJl.Yiwipa, iKM'.nwn.ni'i iriiiiis ------ r . oiticers emphatically -denied that the niaa had been conveyed to the jail, he is go dear, withont regard to iPllti cat opinions, awd declaring b: the 1rosKlont nnd hi. fft.tnllv h -svmna. 1 j. 1 .. j. 1 1.1 - -1 " --j 1 ieanng,lia.q.eareov ui:u, Miount ."v, - . , - lacioe "'ivnmwiu . . ithem in their affliction.: the .building would he ..auacKeu oy aj niob. Information had reached them Charleston with out, luikdAbii PvaPP- ft Kl lit vwrU tad . Bitaiur Is the ' miTfWrtatltyf : The purest 0 ford M lft? WWUJ lUwmm A jni mut, leai?wl ttyy own.exrww fop uTmq a mt&Shdi livery tnaftha Jrwtliafc ymVYbaM a bo uii uudttndinaifl 4ivl eJ it Moderation lhv rtlkfca wXr tHt t nmg throagb all vlrtuci d rd tgdi,UM 1 n tbcduy ? Hvc flgnt ffr ttrn NAsiiviLbR, Tnxx;, Julyf, l8lr The Community W:w shocked at tlie d. A large guard, composed of reinews ofthe attempted atsfevirisitiOadf ars fi-orn riiA-arracks, and a metro-j the President and ipular indignatiou that such a movement was contempla ted mars iroiu me u;u 1 avrvs, uvi u politan police force, are at the jail, to ;'"!. abhorrenc be in readiness to repel an attack. sal. (ireat axietyji feUo Jie iiIing : ! tlK' w(uiHied l'renlent's conaition and ex preitWtf of yJHAtiiyi and hoiK fur his 11 ItiMMtte recovery are T11K I'ATIF.XT AT TII K It was evident that' WJIITK ItoCsr.. whatever was . , 1 -l. j.r.jf-ir- llnrit From New A ork they were to goiu-;"f"" t-v.w.. ... . i it) , . t) "V.-. Sf.i vi1)iuri;rnna l It 1 'V'.' . - victim it reetlv to Iivington, on the Hudson, The following letter was taken from the prisoner's pocket at headquarters: Jri.Y 2, lSsI. dble. Secre-iToxnrs WjiiTKHocst:: ; started, I i x, . 1 s,,i.,,.-- n'had shKrleil'lurn'out a -its Bat that he must come with us then. ! wnere xnej cic ;ins51 - .t ; Ar-,nil-iv-lonrninir t nev wereio to iui-n' .L,- To find Af ire, John arid the hnby; J Jomniencement! exercises ofWilliaihs 1' posit ion. The son of .anainatedj neify! but it unites the reptibli- College of which the President is a: rnwu..mu te . '''lean party and saves They were to remain there anotner vicum oy uic ii. i.au, With waitin' and watchin' in England, "V For letters they ncrV wrote." o we buried ' bim there with - the 1 graduate oiuers j Tienealh thewillowtree. 7 H ilS God's W5IV Of (Tirli'nrr HiOtorV More perfect than nutn'r could be. day at that place. From nmtained the prostrate 6rm of tm: President driving rapidly along Penn sylvania avenue to the White Iloue, surrounded by mounted police. When tone remembered in what excellent pirits. General (iarfield had ridden mines iiie if ;uuu- .. . i i- 1 ii.A ij 4. ' . i over thfi fcime mvenmii -ariTiv u President is at rreMe..vau 1 te - ,can party and saves the ltenublie.1Wfe , . !j .-. ri iiuv ilrMm nnil it matters littln! " . r i li V""- ' , on d nn( t i ilflll lmill . . ..... -.1 w mivo thn rrf pr nir llie . . . ..r ; i ,v . ... 1 until Thursday noon and men taKe iiie; . v- 'lw , . w!i?:pme goes a, numua ine.is 01 1 'cars for St. Albans, Vt., spc-nding Friv troops stationed ai ine arseiuu "f.ni value. During the war thou- thcrc thev themselves ior lmnieuiaie, f brave bovs went d-jwn With- nnwsmierVaretif fortrfesey? Ti golecj wt-U ajnfing oiq inin -almost eiiualt'viny entlng nfcVonftC; r .. . . . "Ji... j..... Uq brle.for it if wUliwpcOltU,, iianljcam,tthu!tmfri they tWtfS&r- deiied the decpe they lmni 1 J There narrow I; hvcjj.thyu?ht morxmt thai that ti 'iovftlT great, and try to teach It, and yclW" ' f ; Vr offices ThegiXKltniapiujear.-u. mlxtdtet' : Uke txhpdM?; lujlIdHyvf; itb ataKamxcd WthVital! f i t t. !. In.njlmftnt tut ill im'ri''' cousi j-iiv- i uu ns,M4.4vfcAt H rr fry i tlie great xuarko: wfierefnH!i0miiari and fearfully, awaiting the .reuUmaUe8trl)VQTkw- Around the newspaier.pflice. about 1 pay IW',tnoawf;xn?f fija .; Baltimore and HoutU fttreetd ",-the Hide- ha!lmr.bfwloVfnd ytrt cur. AZT?? walks anditreetA;arebhHJce4 byKAyJtltlcroi crowd of men. The papers arc JMaOincinntU MemttCl u te-Cr? an- juration four months ago same route, in the rear nllng bulletins rvw nail nour. 1 ikwj ure time la icaraics jdicvzju. IZZZZz .,'t'is a univciiexpressioB of fcojrowlwhen pW ffol nUupXtSsl '.TSTr.tr t his i-;and indignation. ,.: -slr ; tJSlfei hair anFBcmtxhcl tie-ji Jil . And bv : L i rri.n nocic, Ark J u 1 y. i asiy other woman: would, it cu - j - r ' 1 it - t. . .t..h Art nivvHiit'i-r iiuiiiaii - j- a t of the The news of the'-" asBassinauou . . j T --vV y . y ''')