The Wilson Advance. WilsoX, - Friday, Jn'y at Siaiisioiisbun?. ". Our thanks are due for an irtvitation to attend the fourth annual -ball Jit Hopewell Academy,' F Auirust 5th., 1881; The James K. Peacock, Charles Taylor, John Ii. Exum and W.M. Darden. Floor' manager. W. J. Daniel. JOSEPHUS DANIEL, Editor. ! Grand Prolasbitaon Kally.- . - .-- ipa ....... rmy . ,. .1 f : A .'tn TSinnkc ' I Marlboro. ai ocny f . ry nd Killcbrw prhh 1 ! Having heard thrt O'llarrr would f ToProf. ITa.selt., Rules, c, of Fair read and correc-. A representative of the' Advance meet IMce at Rocky Mount Tuesday Supt; or tjik Noiwal iikxu, !edf . . ; . "... . '.. ;rhlav pvpninn-' was at Marlboro Monday bf this week ! and that they would d'seuss the Pro- vs e, the unuersigneu oci jjoara -ct , Mr. Frank W. Barnes declining1 to ernnerP in the interests of the paper. Several I hib'ttiori pestionf the loeal editor of Managers of (He ib-dr orma acrept the position of Chief Marshall e Homagers are , ., .5, , . ,. . i . . .. , .'..,.-1 i,,'!!,i u J ci,.u-. ir f Ihp fiir(Mtt itnH . - - in this excellent littltr Village. We ran up to hear. It seems that ' the unselfih.rhf:nner .n wlwh. tire Vuper- elected in his Ftead.-. are pleased to, note that the eror.s all ! Anti-Prohibitionists of Edgecombe intendent conducted the ine fee! j The Secretary was directed to have aloii" the road are in an Excellent con- i were to speak the same day and so j impcHed to puMiciy exvrtes out high ; im of the Rules, Regulations, O'Hara and -price were prevented appreciation oi:;i coiuiuvi mm i-e'u-;. 0f tnC fair printed s earlv as Taki: .Notick!-mnt-uf less than te will be inprel on in lirst column - V from this rule for anybody Register. Haterioelons are Xew turnip seed yur turnip seed of Ilargravei TJatii R;urn turniv Fur the MoCraws. local advertise linrs in length this page except ti will .not deviate ' nw plentiful? ht Hargrove's. TW; young men. .of Wilson propose to have a grand Prohibition rain- next Wednesday nighL speeches will be mad ly. -several gentlemen and i grand time is. expected: All theyoupj men in the county are especially in vited I o he present.' 8 sed at Rowlands. best lemonade, go to J. T. Ilargraves' Jacobs Oil. is he id'iiiartors , for Ht. ias Iual f"JootiiVii. The club lias been shooting three times a week.- The best setfre each evening has been as follows: Friday evening-,- J aly 2Jhd II. G. irhiteh ead 10 out of 10. Mondav evening, July ")thi W; J l. Scott H out of 10. Wed nestlay evening . July 27th, 11. (J. .Whiteiiead iVoutof -lo. ' A large lot of tiirniseil of all kiixls at 1 lowland's. Dead watches and clocks-made alive at Church wells'. The -racled SchooS. The gla-s ball sport these dull evening-. Mri J. il. Worrell is xre furnish wod at short notice. dition? and the farmers correspond- ; ingly cheerful; MnR. : limes, a Wilsoni an is having the old Joyner gf ist mill at Has iaee repaire'd and is fixing to gin cottirn this fall: A pro hibition meeting was held at Farni ville iTatiiftla'y, afifl 3f?f GernfSln IJer ntrd iral. a tellm speech; After the speaking a fracas was indulged in b twen a white man named John King rtnd a negro by the name of Oscrtr Joyner-. Whiskey tfnst'rie cause of the disturbance Thi is another mPnt in favtJr of prdhlbition "pop fekull," and became quite bois terdus. The nolieo thoucrht that our rgu- booting! furnishes to Every isnagin'ab. t'iijd at JIargrave'4 e variety of tu'rni drug store. If you wish 'new turnip seed you .will tSnd tlii'iy at Margrave's drug store. largrave buys turnip-seed in suc;it I; rge lots 4 iiat he Helies corn pet ition (J'llara who w here last Friday time. vs to nave sr)OKcn fa i lei I to come to 11 e have added 2o new isubscribers to otir list this , week and: still they come. '; -".-!' - ,:v:; Tle ' iruuni:taioiv.of ttie nume of the would-be murderer of GarrieJd is Git -o. ...' .' : ' !'' f .-"'. f" Notice is hereby giveh itliat Move A- Nadal's drug store will be open next Huuday . . ; ' r , From present prospects we think we! will have the' school.-'. I he only con tingency is as to whether the county Commissioners will give the amount of nioney.uow in the treasury for tlve district Which will be formed and the1 amount which will !e collected.. He see" no earthly reason why they should not do so and w e -confidently expect the school to be opened this fall. Ai:tj-lioSjj!afiojJi Speaking, Next Tuesday, August '2nd, Col. Geo. V. Stanton will make an antt- prohibition speech this place. As Col. Stanton is theoidy white man who has or will speak against prohibition in the county he will, doubtless, have a' large crowd present to hear what he bus to 'say. A division of time will, rwe h'jirn, be asked for by the prohibi ! -tionists and if obtaiUed, as we think it ! v ill be, -quite -Hii " interesting debate u ill be luul. I ., Irice at 5iilivllie..' Rev. J. C. Price, the eloquent col ored orator, siKke oil Prohibition at Nashville Monday. There was not. a verv large crowd present the Court House was comfortably filled but i most oi tnose we were mioi men pn- hibitionists. A number of the ba-t men of the county, including Ex -Sheriff Lewis, W.T. Griffin, Capt. Rridg rs. and many others were much sur- from having a f?nr,? ana lull discussion of the question. Price lead oil in a powerful tnc? telling speech for an hour when ht? was informed that his time rrs wnt; To which he tiroteftod but the committee would not allow him but 20 minutes-lnori and 4ie had to close. O'llara f.llowed 'in t tivc order of exercises speech of theame length after which the following Republican anti-prohibition ists made speeches : Williamson, (white) Clinton - liat tle, (col). JcJ Sharp, (white) Sheriff Hrvant. (white) JJred miberiy (col) terms. " uit v.i i.icn,.x.-. , ; iKisiuie: ani on tne oesr ethanK mm m tne r.ame or met Afur adjourmnent of the.lK community for the high character of th'ct(a-klokiers were-caik'd tc Lin- fiiicTiuiuiiieut luniwu nn.- iuu- j,y the President at 2 p; m. V 111 wiv 1.V llllV - I .vl..fc... ---- ...... certs given during the irogress of the School and for the varied and inst rue- furnish ed and devised by his activity and energy. Wo thank him in th name of the teacliers, and bthers who attended the Schol for instruction, for having such i an nrray of teachers, affording such ; an opportunity lor improvement - in the jnd Uancvi the coloretl mayor of lar-1 art of teachintr. boro. A large majority of the crowd And for unselfishly devoting the were anti-prohibitionists and we saw j whole oft he amount provided for the few nrohibitionists in the crowd. j School the the pavmcnt of teachers iill l IV.lLiti. will i A., win. inim an give largo majorities prised, and pleased at Price's elo quence. 1 It is said that many colored converts were made to Prohibition by the 5peeeh. ; It was the. third speech we have heard Price 'make during the cam paign, and we think it was his best ef fort. We added a number of new subscri bers to our already large list in Nash. e are gratified at the reception given the Advance by our Nash county friends, and, we are much pleased be cause, they appreciate our effort to publish a good paper' containing more Nash county news than is contained in any other paper. N. a'i indication atrainst I'roliibition We were glad to meet many of our feiends and to add a; number of new subscribers to our large list at Rocky Mount and elsewhere through the county. We were pleased to note tlie sign of progress visible at Rocky Mount. Fountain and Green are building a foundry which will be finished by the fall. Mr. A. W. Arrington is hav ing brick hauled to repair his store. He will open again this fall. The fair is booming and its success is already assured, beyond any doubt. The grounds have been purchased and the race track laid out, and the people are working for it with their characteristic enerirv. They have our best Wishes for great success. K-.H Ji II. Guinn has been this week assisting Rev. Ji 1J. in a protraeted meeting at absent Cordon Toi'snot.- Rev. Jos. K. 'Carter is in feeble health and his churches have' given him a respite rqiu his labors which t- rest.'. " f- ". - ' J '"' . Theyung xnen of -Wilson. will-. or ganize a debating - society: in' th e old Methodist church to-nigiit Country merchants and others re Invited t cuil and get their. supply of turnip seed at-"Rowland 'si - On Thnday of last week the Wil son colored base ball club played the Tarboro club and beat them biidly The' brick i?'li-hinery : of ( A J. Jiarnes has been moved to Sv 1, I'ar mer's ohl brick yard on Ithe' .railroad near town.- U Geo; w; ioke h'i Prcs ant'i-pyohibitioni.-t, Thesday. ie were not in kjeaK a: to the hierv town and cannot its of the, speech -i - It is unTe,,qssary turns to no more than merely rait atti'ution to. t he ad vertisement etthr l ntversity ot ir-' irinia one f, if not the best Colk ces '; ui toe S(i,it li. ' Mr. - W. IUtrnes hitvhig rcrigr.d as .'lie of the .Trustees ' of the "-Graded i Sciiool, Mr. A. Branch ' lias been . ej-ec-i ted to till thet vacancy. A good se ection. 'C-.. I , ' Kites' Kdww.rds (cob), living on Mr. Iavid 1 lines' farm, about S miles from town, was awakened about 'i o'clock lost J'riday -morning by the crying of a child at his door.lfe opened his door and found a female colored in fant, a bijit. months old which .some God forsaken wretch had placed there; in the rain to die. Flias traced some up to the 'foll-houe near town, and tifi') lest the Track.. So far the mother has not been found and Elias is taking care :of ; the little waif. 'T2iSsvt' at Speight's Bridge. ThP pic-nic at Sieights' Bridge last Tuesday w as a'great success in every wayv 'lxther we view it in tlie nuiri ber of pretty girls, manly youths, sturdy men, excellent married ladies, who contributed so much to the suc-cc-sol" these picnics, or in- the abun dance of everything that.: tempts the appetite, it was -unsurpassed." ' A representative-of tlie Advance was on Iiand, nnd .could tell some tilings he saw and heard, - 'that would rather surprise the belles -and beaux, who", sate'ly ehseonced m a bugy m a sliady retreat, talked of temperance, truth and love but the greatest of and expenses, taking nothing for him self. His reward is higher ami more elevating the consciousness of having done duty to his 'fellows,- his country, and his G d. G. V . HLOl'XT, II. G. Coxxou, W M. Ml KIlAY, . I R.W.Kinc; C JXO. E. WCKIDAKI). Minutes of last apprved. ti. C. meeiing Cliairmitn Mayor cottld tximlhlv Wnl mm off n! prt?inptly jimted him. But Wlh. was not so easily wioled m be was request ei by Mr. Ilnrrb, th$ Mayor, t5 de posit live dollars iu, the Treftaurr of the townj. not fot its intrinsic worth of villue, but that it might be a strik ing lessdfrtd him in the future never to indulge ttx freely in Vpqp auii." Privileges t6 th detriment bf othert. Win. thought the deposit father heaw" j and remonstrated, btft the Mttytrf xrtm - read iuu ' a" "r,n ft ,n m decision, , i whereupon he , depositeil a couple of r , J n,n I blows on the Mayor's head $-f tfi Ins . Com. order ; , tlmugh Iron grates. Mond vottf.for pfbhihition: Vox: itt.iirifh n st. Justic-e Brooks wa- aenm civlll eVOrvtl,r u iKr(,rrin!r ,w s ! l lt0 rcjUIMt lOU- Am, i3nOW lOOHlnj; could le expected, 'that the track wa-; cleared off, that the lumber laid been engaged to be-. delivered'" at su . cents per hundred on the grounds, and V!s under the impression that the entire expense of. the building, dr.? woulJ not exceed $3,thH). ' The Treasurer made his report of collections amounting to so.00, and had expended $Kfc.i"S. The roll being called 71 shares" were represents l. Motion made and adopted, that Sec. 2, Art. 1st, of ByLa'ws, be changetlto Toisxtrr.- A'ci:ifthiTJ ih General and Sothintf in Judges nti1 tion. of EScc. "WSiardcIIcad!" A colored gentleman walked into S. Ft. Alley's photograph gallery the other dav to get a life-size tin-type made of himself. Fifty cents was the price chanred, but he objected to thi and wanted to know if the artist could take 'half of him"! for twenty-tive.- ,The obliging operator told him "cer tainlv." He placed his subject in the proper poxe, and very soon handed the customer his "proof." The colored jman turned it upside-down, sideways, and linally it crawled through his wool that the artist had taken his low er half. "Boss," he said, "dat's a debbil uv a pictur'. Whar's de head?" The artist smilingly reroinded him that he hadn't told him which half to take, and he had taken the best-looking half. - The darkey looked non plussed for a moment, and said, "Boss, -dat won't do. I'll gin you ha'f a dol lar to take de whole uv me, life-size." lie got his picture. Unveiling of Caswe53 Monument. The unveilinjr of the monument erected to the memory of the long neglected, distinguished Caswell, will take place August :5rd. j There will be at least half a dozen military companies present, a large number bf distinguished . citizens from all parts of the State, and people in numerable. The following PROGRAMME CEUKMOXmS has beeii announced. Procession will be formed under the direction of the Chief Marshal, in front of Nunn's IINotel, where the Governor of the State tnd his staff will be re ceived bv the military; The procession will then Move, promptly at lli30 a. m., to the monu ment in the following order: 1. Military. 2. The Governor in his carriage with his stall" mounted. The following are the Judges and Registrars of tlie Prohibition election to be held the first Thursday in Au gust: Wilson: T. C. Davis, Registrar! T. J. lladley, A. W. Rowland, B. II. Ty son, and Richard Kinsmore, Judges. Blaek Creek: dr. A. G. Brooks, J. B. Registrar. Wyatt Yelyerton, T. and Isaac these, was lovk, but he won't. He were pleased to receive a call Wednesday from Prof. V. P. Ilobgood, Principal of the Oxford Female;Semi nary." We are glad to know that this school is succeeding so well. "Because we are gating in a number of ne subscril)ers those of our friends who have promised to aid Us iu that way need nb think that we don't want ar.v inore aiul stop wurk.;: Send t im I'm ' - D5fd. At his residence near Battleboro, 'ilondaV. niirht of heart disease, Mr. Tfos. K.' Harper., aged about 80 years. He was an old, respected cttizen and 1 1 is death breaks another .chain that binds the present: to the pat. ' In Rocky Mount very suddenly Wednesday1 morning Mr. A. P. Chaik, aged about o" years. 3Ir. ChaJk was well known here having been travelling salesman'seyeral years for the rirm of Stater, Meyer k Co., Richmond, 'a. ! lie leaves a wife nee Miss Maggie Muse a former resi-dent-of Wilvn who has our heart felt sympathies in this hour- of sad bereavement. -' :" :- ' ; 'I'l: Daaereni Ways. A minister in Granville county has We h:ve. lwri hrtln" ji ..-rH!m".1 o ordered the rec-Lnnre to Stop las of proticienev in i iraniiner : gi ven by i sui'Scription because the 1'W.e-Laitce Prof. McGilvray, of the 2N'orr.rtl publisiied an advertisement of a. liquor sciiool, um iss c.iia More, ttaugiiier.-nop. , of our countvman, Mr. Thomas -J. I A liquor dealer has stopped Aloor.-. Wtiieb'is verv tlatb-rinu-,; f tisitisr in t!ie Elizabeth City ' ':. i -v?-.. . ' -, . i ;.,u:i.: because tne eotior iaoieu piouioi- eid exaggerated large 4 -stock in adver ! ft Icon flu ncome speeches idvertisemants are a trade" of many in which we have tie frtith and le-.w patience, but Moyc" 1 c 'adal k;ei nsjuff. aitd pure a stvk j of medicines' and drugs,' as genuine and reliable seed, as good cigars and' tobacco, as any store ill Wilson. ' j ' 1 .''!'-''''' '-. , " We call tlie special attention of our J readers to the advertisement of Ran dolph lUacou College which' appears j in this issut?. -'"It-is the oldest Metho-j dist College in the United States and; stands in the-front ranks of the best Colleges. Its faculty is, unsurpassed! and its healthy situation, elegant) buildings, s and" leautiful grounds makes it deservedly ".popular.;. Read: the advertisement and get a cara-j logue. . .. ;! " j tion." ; 'And We - have, had several subscri bers bstop tlie Ahvam'K because we are a p-rohibilionist.-. Still again we have: received a number of new sub scril)ers th.s w.eek"l?ecause we favored prohibition. We cannot see why a man should stop taking a paper be ca use. the views of the edit or differ from thc- he cntertaines, provided always that the editor docs not in dulge in abusive personalities.. The Row at Farmviile. Fast Saturday there was a row at Farville which threatened at one time tb became a regular riot of negroes against the whites. The facts as well as we could learn were about as fol lows. John King (white) and Oscar Jovnef fcol.1 were on bad terms and on this day, after having "imbibed pretty copiously." of whiskey, Joyner said to King "Ive a grudge against vou and I am not satiitied." King re plied that if he was not satisned he could have it out tlien, whereupon Joyner struck him and King, having u buggy whip beat Joyner . over" the the head. The next few minutes pre sented a scene of utter confusion dur ing which sticks, and pistols, and hard lists were used pretty freely, by fully twenty men. j During this confusion Joyner Was arrested and while being uhdcl" ar rest .King assaulted him, beating him. This infuriated the negroes who rose as one man to defend him against anv such treatment. They rescued Joyner who left for parts unknowh and had not, when we received our infor mation been heard from. The damage though not very serious, are" quite painful." King was cut on the head with a stick, Joyner knocked down with a bludgeon, and a white man was stabbed in the back. the a. The Orator of the day and Pres ident of the Caswell Monument Asso ciation in carriage. ' 4. The G rand Lodge of Masdns. r. Dependents of Gov. Laswell m carnage a sUnto nffierr. Mmnbers of Cou gross, Members of the Judiciary,, and Mpmhera of the Legislature in car riages. ' 7. Members of the Caswell Associa tioiii S. Other dvlc" organization.-; 9. Citizens generally. On arriving at the Monument Masonic ceremonies of laying the cor 'ner stone will bn. conducted by the Grand Master, afkn- winch the prp- p(Nifin n- move to the Krove m Court House Square when the exer vises will be opened with prayer bj Rev. vF, lb Swindell , . Music bv the Choir".- frftioirvv the lion. Zebulon B Vance. Tim nrrrrrsir-n will tb.en return to the Monument, nil persons on foot, and take a position around the Mon ment as directed by the Chief Mar shal. , The d) will'bft rerilovcd by the Meacham, A. Barnes, Bardm, Judges . Cross Ruads: :Ti A. Thompson, Registrar. David A. Scott, Taylor Barnes, Lafayette Lucas and Solomon Lamm, Judges. Spring Hilb-W iih Hmnant, Ilegis rar, Wm. Watson, Fi L Gi vries. Washi PoiK-ock and Henrv Kirbv, Judgesi , Old Fields' J. T, l-Mnian, Regis- trar, JaS Bryant, Jr., Dr. Taylor, sev erson Bovett, and Eat man Flowers, Judges. Tavlors': Joseph Farmer, Regis trar. W. W. Farmer, T. J. Thompson, Wright Porter and Thomas Eatman, Judges. Toisnot. W. IF. Flowers, Registrar. TFi G Barnes, John L. Bailey, I). W. Weaver, and AY". D. Carter, J udges. Gardners': hm. Woodard," .jr. Registrar. Thad Pender, Oscar .bann er,- Simeon llolden and Thomas Bndge'rs, Judges. Saratjga:-Seth Tyson, Registrar. Elbert l'elton, Lycurgus Farmer, J. T. Eason and Josh . Scarborough, Judges. . Stankmsburg: J. II. Applewhite, Registrar W. II. Applewhite, J. A. Laue, A. Bagle-yaud J A. Peacock, Judges. Xehmii of I in portauce luts liappen wl in mr busy tittle' city alhee last week and I write' f L'is wih;Tv more from read -a capital stock of $.",U(H) instead of i tlmn because I liave anyUiing to $3,000: thrtt her. i Aw . hv ,rtiirw1 1 rsay; read by vote of Ex. Com. instead of by stockholders. A motion aviIs niade by the Edge combe County Grange, that the Ex.. Com. be increased from five of the Grange to ten. and from three of the stockholders to six making a repre sentation of ten (10) Grangers and six (G ) stock holders, as the Ex . . Com ; ' 1 he President oirected Messrs. B; H. Buun, T. P. Bras well and N. B. Killebrew to retire, and sugjest the names 'of the 3 additional Ex. Com. to be elected by th stockholders. They reported the names of Dr. F. J.. Thorp, Jass II. Exum, and 1J.- i Jenkins, and tlie same were duly eleL-ted. The grange elected Messrs. S. T. Cherry, N. B. killebrew, L. B. Knight, Dr. M. R.. Pitt and D. C. Moore, as the additional fix e of the I ant veiV irliid o see Wilson .mov ing on the subject of (Jraded Sflityjii and am glad to note that your most enterprising .men are at the head of the project. May you have succem! The protrkcted meeting, now. In pngress atthe Methodist Church, hids fair to accomplish much good. AVe are much pleased with tlie .able, clear and forcible.sermoTfs Of Mr. Guinn. Pasttfr or tlie Methodist Church ill yonplhTrY Mr. Goqrge W. Arrington, who taught school in H'ilson ft nfmbejr of years ago, has, with his family arrived here, and will open school the 8th day of August. Ae is a most excellent man, and has already , won hosts of friends in our town. I our cbrreBpondent saw a man yes terday w na KtteiicNHi the Anti-ironi-J hibition speaking at Upper Town ' Creek, Saturday,- Our glorified old I friend, John Sharp spoke his speech. j W;- II: Robbins and J. J. Farmer, fol- Ex. Com. of tlte tlfangers. Moved Rnd adopted that five of the Ex. Com. constitute u'uoi'ul!. The. Secretarv was reiuested to no-1 " I tify of the election of the Kx.'tVmi. i "wed. . . f . . ; Mo-Yen and iHiohted tliit the nro- b . 1 v. . . . si;.tt. iniii 'r. ceedings tit this meeting lie published i in the Jtocky Mount 1'rogfessj . II llsn AdVaxck arid ,Sunny Home. Adjourned to meet again Aug; i:MIi: J. D. Jenkins, Sec'ry. Sectional News. BLACK CREEK. and family have returned home. I regret thtt his health Is poor. -r : W. H. Iter. ROCIvV MOTJXT. TEieJEasiel'ii Carolina Agricuilu- , ral And ITlecEtanicaS Associa tion at Rocky Mount. EniToit At)VANt'p;:-- "The way of the transgressor' fs hard." - Last Saturday Jul v l!3rd: Win. Watford, of Scott notoriety, was arraigned before Justice Brooks for ah assault on the daughter of Brit. Scott. After hearing the" evidence pro and con judgment .was postponF until soineieal points could be made clear and satisfactory to the Justice's mind. Later m, the clay Wm. gave way to hii. Julv Tth, 1881. ln.jfvuoivj l.uu ill PU(J)I ,I To the- Advance: It is our sadjdHty to cronicle the supden death of one of our most respected citizen, Arthur P. Chalk. Mr. Chalk was 37 years of aire.5 He was brn in Rlttimbna; Vn.j where he lived till the close of tho war; then be came to Rocky Mount ana cohimeiiced hierchandlsinjf, which business continued until about 1876.. "'Mr.Chhlk was a membtrof theKpW copal (,'hurch. -Tho cfluscof hit tiealxi was Epilepsy. - "l'eace be to his ashef.rnd the tfodd Lord comfort his distresed wife." A FltlEKD. IHL WAUNER S The conimittee of the Dental Hospital, London, National pub lis lies the following which Dr. R. W , Joy ney, our proficient dentist desires to imprest upon the minds of the readers Oxford Friunlc Jieuiinary. We invite attention to the adver tisement of this School, F, P. Hob good, A. M. Principal,-' to be found in an'ot h(;r eolumh. "Oxford is the i-eat of the school, and js one of the healthiest towns in North Carolina, and is noted for the culture and refinement of its social life. For years schools of high p-ade have ex isted there, but at no other time has th6re been one' so flourishing as that 1 .resided over bv -President liongooo Governor, the Grand Master; the, President of the Caswell Association, and a citizen of Lenofr county, while theAssemblage sin: "Praise God from whom ail : blessings How, ' Praise Him all creatures, here below, Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Benedictionf of tiic AdVaxck: "It is of the great-It IkhiitIi the buifdings occupied by the est-importarfce, that.-'children four years anil I '.upward sbouM ..have tloir teeth frequently '-"examined by the dental surgeon, to see that' the first set, particularly the back teeth, are not decaying too early, and to have the opportunity of timely, treatment for the regulation and preservation Of ttft second set: r school are iar trer than tliose in v. nici be conducted"" his sc hool in Rale'gh, tor t.Mi - vonrs : vet he has necessary .to make large additions to accommodate the increasing patron: age. These additions are; now lemg made. .:' " The town is in telegraphic commun ication, with the outside world, and tlie luuuoau the office Kv tlm t:.i'i!li nt" m'list. Marinade by Landruni Litch held, .. inrhuiins ccial unities in Atnnguoij, a: :- j, - v.j etlucation, the schml makes pronu- z Q(me fr0m there, and the press 1" fA"lth2. ?J I nmt tbe departments ofmuse',French, iunning, the prink wcrSat work Stoppiiigllis Paper. I , Having had several -of our" subscri bers to stop the Advance' because we favored Prohibition, we are reminded of a little incident in the life of Horace Greely, Editor of the New York Tribune. Passing down Newspaper Row, in New York City, one morning he met one of his readers, who very excitedly exclaimed: "Mr. Greely, after the article you published this morning, I intend to stop youf paper!" "Oh no," said Greely, "don't do thtt." ' . , " Yes, Sit, my mind is made up; I shall stop the paper." '"Well, now, I do hatethftt rmghtly; let me persuade you out of it." But the angry subscriber was1 hot to beappea-ed, and they separated. 1ate' in the atternoon tne two im-i ngmu, when Greely remarked: Mr. Thtfnirson, I am very glad you did not carry ou your threat this morning:." , f "Why, you said yelt vere goin stop mv paper." " And so I did. I went tcf and had the paper stopped." "Ymi itresureH-rtfbtaken: I have Feon!Isi Prof. J. De R-Iloopef ot the I-ni vers it v, a former Wilsonian, spent a . ' ... . , ji" few days this ween in our tow n, guest of H. G. Connor, Esq. the to Miss Mena Branch left Mondavi for Morehead City, where she will spend about two weeks. Misses Mamie' and Pauline Blount, Mauh? Adams and Olivia Haters, are on a visit to relatives and friends near Rocky Mount. Mr. F. W Barnes and family are sum mering at Morehead City. Mr. G. IL Griffin, Sr. Beaufort, for his health. is absent at called to pass off through the proper channels.; -2. It acts uVu the stomach and; bowels, foreign aeids and troducih healthy action, ". -a. Its leffect upon the system is progressive and not debilitating.- 4 . . It iili the only single remedy that removes the cause of the disease and improves the health at the' same time. o. It comes nearer oem a spe- aiiil Painting and Citic" for diseases peculiar to females,.! .J l'iUl ul and uterine complaints than any oth-fmpl f b'ti fc-rriMiiK-, t ,SClHM)llS one ' -iith. ;- 4t,is an honest remedy, and e4ery can-understand what it is. and use it'witn or. without the auiee- of a physician i - ; 1 aud (iraminar. Drawing. ' ' In their deiwtmrnts, the school challenges coin pafisd'h with the test schools in the land. A flrst-claSs German Professor is in harce of the music, and an arcompltshed gentle man who .-peaks both languages flu ently has charge of French and Ger- i man. in ijilnf i. f buildimrs. outfit, the of the teachers, the the very best in the South. The price for board, per month is 11. Other charsres moder- ! ate. Write to the President for catalogue. was running, the printers and business was booming." . "Sir," said Thompson very pom pouslv, "I metnit I intended to stop mv sCibscipticn tr? JMir parGr. ' . "Oh! thunder!'? rejoined Greelyv "d nvctrr snbstriptin! I thought you were going to stop the running of mv paper, and knock me out of a liv ing. My friend,- let me tell you some thing: one man is just its one drop of water in the ocean. You didn't set the machinery of this world in mo tion, and vou can't stop it and when vou are underneath the ground things Mrs. H. IL Daniel was Rocky Mount, Wednesday morning, by a telegram, announcing the dei-h of Mr. A. P. Chalk. Mr.'J. IF. Thome and family left, for Beaufort Monday. Miss Celestia Arrington, of Nash county, has been spending some days in this place. . Mrs.' John Phillips of Edgecombe, s visiting frientk in this place. Mrs.- B. S: Bronson left for Warren toiij Wednesday cf this week. Mrs. E. Wi Adams is tives at Garysburg . Visiting reht- Miss. Dora Little friends in this place; is on a visit to Miss Ida Williams is spendlnf days in our town; a few up on the surface will wag ou just rite . nnitrconyiHc. same as ever-' i , Mr. WilliSnt Bitrnts, Jr.,- left yester day evening for Morehead. Mr. W. V. Hargrave is at lore head. . Mrs. Adam C. Davi-, of La Grange, who has been on fa. visit to relatives in this place, returned home Tuesday- Mr. It. T. Barnes has returned uom m What it is and its Objects. Iast year, it will be remembered, the farmers of Edrecombe and Pitt or ganized a fair and located it at Mc Kendreeville, Edgecombe county. The fair was held last lall ana was a decided success in a small way. Deeminjr it expedient to locate the fair permanently at some point on the railroad the directors made a ptopi- sition to citizens of Rocky Mount and Tarboro to the effect that which of the two towns would contribute the larg est sum of money should have the fair located iu their midst. Rocky Mount raised the largest amount the people of Tarboro taking little or no interest in its location and the fair was loca ted permanently at Rocky Mount. When the Tarboro people woke up to this fact they realized what they had lost by. their lethargy and made proposHsons to buy the Rocky Mount people out; None of their proposi tions we're accepted whereupon they determined to have a fair at Tarboro anyhowi and have gone to work to get Hup. This much as tb the origination of the fair may prove of interest to those of our readers who are not famil iar with the facts in the case. The fair' at RockVkMount bids fait to be a success, anil the officers of the Asso-" ciation, men of energy, evm'-e an in tention of making tlie fair such a suc cess s shab rewound fcothe honor of Eastern North Carolina. The officers of the Association are John J.-Rattle, President. v 1 )r A B. Nobles, 1st vice-President. V. P. Batchelor, 2nd vice-President-Jas. D. Jenkins, Secretary. 8. K. Fountain, Treasurer. The Executive Committee consists of tlie following named energetic, en ternrisiiur ercntlemen: T. P. Bras well, B. H. Bunn, R. IL Ricks, Erastus Cherry, Jas. II. Exum," L. R. Knight, Dr. M. P. Pitt, Dr. r . J . Thorp, Jess Brake, Dr. C.L. Killebrew, B. P. Jenc kins E. D. Foxhall, S.T. Cherrj-, D. C. Moore, N; R. Killebrew. We have bc'e'h blinded the following report of the iroceedin'gs 'of the meet intrs of the Asstciation which, by re- ', quest oi tne iirtuii, i- yunn.. a-- i thy contain. much of interest to those ! who are desirous of the success of the fair. On July Oth, lsl the Executive Com mittee of Eastern Carolina Agricultu ral Association met in Dozier 1111 at i o'clock i. m., President Battle in the chair. Messrs. Hraker BnweU? Killebrew and Ricks present. Rules, regulations. Ac, of the fair presented bv the committee appointed at last meeting were read and corrected. Hecretary rad bee. of Art, 2 of By IiiWS; The electron of omcers being ir! or der Dr. A. B. Cobles wjh elfectci 1st Yiet'-President, and V: D. 'Bachelor elected '2nd Vico-President. A, W. Arrington was elected Assistant Secretary-. Mr. Frank V. Barnes of Wil son was elected Chief Marshall, H. K. Fountain, Superintendent of Trans portation. John B. Vaughan, Super intendent of Forage, and . Y B. Jor dan, Gate Keerer. , A The Treasurer to ordered to call for balance of stock subscribed. Adjournal to meet again July rd. On July 23rd, the Ex. Com. met at President Battle in xne cnair. G of a Sii I'ERFEC "T COR& ET AT LAST. no Mrtnii . BROKEN WH.LHBONBH: C "After spending ctve'i $i2.0(i0 iu experiments, wd haye pcrfec'l td a material forb6nill corsets, called Cortilinc which is viajjr superior to horn or whalebone. Its advantages are: ' - ' . 1st. It cannot be broken,- ' Mers. Brake, Brabwell, Bunn, Cher- lit wil be jiaid fdf'ecry'istnp df C?driliiii! Which treakl 'trith four Months! ordinary wear in a corset. ; ; Slnd It is inore pliable than whalebrjne and so adapi fUelf morcv readily to thd iriovements of the hoQy. This makes it rtiuch more comfortable' anU healthful , , . 3rd; It is not afTected uy cold, h6'at or moisture; A :cdrdt boued trith fjottiliitt will last one-half longer tbafi btits boned with whalebone. ' -. ' -.-i .. : ";- - The C?0 f(1t hit corset is made throughout with,superior mt- terials, and t vtarfanted in erery respect If ffot faurid , entireljr satirfattorj- the pttrchase ra6ney will be refunded; FOR A LrJlJ JBY ':. ; '- i- ' : ' - '- - . lliii'iiiui' il lliu, ilrfs, WILSON, N. C. -. :. t :