: 1 . H .SCHOOLS. Kl.WS MOCNTALS HIGH SCHOOL.. KING'S MOUNTAIN, N. C, t (CLEVEIjAND county.) A business College, under the direc tionof Prof. K. S. Collins, will lx opened in connection with this young vigorous and progressive School in September next. Prof. Collins i the finest penman in the Southern States. All ' transactions in liook-Ket ping actual. Send for specimens .of Pen manship, circulars, and .catalogue to V. T.K. HI-XL, I'rin. ..- . i V- T :- - ! Goldsboro Institute. For Young Ladies GOLDSHOKO, N. C. iroME-sciroor., ix waVne coixty, XOKTlt CAltOLINA. Miw. V. L. M. Chapman A rincip.iJ This School re-oiens, (1). V.) loth. September, IftKl. Limited number of . pupils, so that almost the entire teach ing is by the ."Principals, j No "assist ant" music teachers, i:vi;uv pupil leine under the direct and thorough instruction of M. m: 1-a Ci:ojx of Parts whose -''.instructions, vocal and " instrumental, are hilly up to the re tirements ef the largest city sthools. No Hehool in the .-State; offers supe rior educational advantages. Apply! , (or circulars, during J ul y and August, to Ilev. Dr. Chapman, Asheville, . Buncombe County, North Carolina., '.after 1st Sept. to J)r. Ciiapman, at ; Goldsboro, N. C. July:!:!-3iii Hollin's Institute. BOTETOUT SPRINGS, VA., The37th annual session closed with most fatLsfactory results. Seventy ("0) Diplomas were award eel in Eclectic, Literary , classical, and scientific courses of study under most approved stand rarda." The Department of music num .bered more than one hundred pupils ;anil made a chaste ana impressive ex- nhibrt.oit Commencement day. Art i&lnotwaa conspicuous. The facilities i Ihercflflforded for board, varied and levated instruction, the advantages! xf locality,. climate and comfort and eesitJiy fJic care of health, .morals uindtiiajiam- of pupils are.. most invi ttiruj to UiOHglitful parents. Eighteen 7oeriautUeudiers, seven of whom aretJtiaanrt. The &sth Session will open on UmXitfi of September, lS8t. iFor particuUjfc: ipply to the Superin tendent. , . iCKvW'. L. COCKP3, Supt. ,.'Ju;ly J$m ilnstitute. L.IDIES.' ItKV, R. JiUJlVvHi L, I JOILXlUliUHWlilL, ) T The ninibsstnnuiileesion cominent"es . Utte7tii, J8ii , .iRStiuctioiv ffiveu in aUtnaJii'tets y'suaJly taught in first S.riaseifexiM'Jechools. AulvantagtKr for iVcdland intjriuaoiaiial music niiHur .pasieli JiuihiusgiJHiatad throughout Ihy stefciE- LiX-'OtkMitfiJal to any in .J4&Mdg&JtPt vibiiailitfiine.ss and ae- Vf!ibility, jr Lirailtrs and cata loguo, addro, July'iKtf.' rilbleigh, N. C. GIKJjiN.SBORO, C " r?The'4H!t.efri.H;n of tliin well-known IlttttlUen Jbeginvou W cdnesday , lioqrd -and Tuition in ifiiS Englili course, $75.00. Charges. f one xtra stud ies motleratc v flr'or. particulars apjjv Jr Cstalogue to T- M. Jt'ES, l"i!Wiident. July .lrtt. rr. u. & aw ii, rj.LVKR'rt Classical mi Mathemtieil School - UEXVERSOX, N-iO, The T"a11 hesin of thL Sckaol opens tthe 41 h Monday iu JaSy. "For eirculnfv ind jjarticuSars, address the Principals at Heiiderwn, Vance July 8-lt . county, N. (".. , ; OXFORD : Female Seminary, - . : OXFORD, X. C. ' : TL-IV HoBtipoxie A- M'j. President.-. T- Fkey, Musk l)ir(Htor T. vv Jasmi -i, P1l, and I)., French a.nd (.crinan- The Art Department is ini'laaray'. of mu BojaorGnidiiate oiX'tper lmtii ute, 'Sew- York City. Five 4ker xperieucod and alCe ; ;-. ; - ' ! teachers. ' -J ;: , Fall:txipeti August yi, 1881.' lias ju.t eloped a very proiierousssion For thoroughiwtss of it work in all de artments, the School invites compar ison with anp other cJu.xol iu Iho Stute. lioartl, Fu?i, lights jer i niont h ?11.00 I Juiy 8tf. Apply i)rCalakgue- KittrelFs Springs. JFemtdc High School. ' K1TT11KLIAS ps. C. : Seriiion begims 4th A'ujrat 1881. ? The Zluilaings ajid j Sj)rings have 1 . leu MiiiLha.tHl by the Irindpal. fan .aonaiiuUtte ilOO pupils. AVill he , thor f""' tnhly reiTtfiirtnL AVe leave the Tpis not ehools tlte spring session of which numbered ,73 scholars, ; 22 of whom ; -were music pupils, fcr yariOuw reasons ' chief among these are, kupehiokity n OF BUILlrKS, MEDF.CIXALr -"WATKllSj TURK A ik and a dtsire to establish a - - :- . ' Practical Female School 'of Ylie i:i ';: Iilsltcirile. ' a, Toitiou In Bf ulxroourse rith Board . ,i ?S7 ., "rand music 110.00 Session, twenty weeks Xo extra charges. For further information ap ply for circular. : 1 WTBRNES,'- Principal. TTESLEYAN FEMALE iSSTITCTE, STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. Openi .September 20th, 1S81. One of the Fiuht Scf iools I for Yolxg IiADIES IX THE UNITED STATIC. turrpundings beautifulJ Climate un f artaaBCd. PupUd from seventeen ' rEKM5TAMOISr. THK BEST. 1. TUB UNION..! . - Board, wasWng, English course, Lat in French, German, (Instrumental music, Ac, for Scliplastie year,f fronv SpU td Jnine,.S28.. For Catalogues write to - ;r . ;,,.' t , . iiBimffiM College, Htauhton,: V'a. TAIBOTT & SOKS Shockoe Machine - - ' RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturers f Portable and Stationary Engines and 'BoilorsSiuv Mills, Corn and Wheat! ..Mills Slmf ting. Hangers and Pulleys Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrtmjrht Iron H'ork, .Brass and Iron Castings, Machinery of every descrip tion. GINXIXG $ THJlESIttXG MACHINES A SIMXIALTY. Repairing' l'romptiy --arid Carefully Done j ! - - . Talbott's Patent Spark Arrester. 'I'lie Invention ol'tlie Age. It does not destroy the draft. It does not interfere with availing the tube. - It vlll not choke up and require clcanir.fr. It requires no direct dumpers to be : . -d When raising steam dainnei s Oi-in-- - j jectionable, as they may be lefr ; allow tiie sparks to escape. . It requires no water to extinguish i- ks which, by condensation, destroys ! i i - ; ;) f:. ; Besides when water is u-ed, if neglec; m; t Ik eificiency is destroyed by evaporation oft lie water, and the boiler is kept in a filthy condition. It ia simple and durable andean be relied upon. -.....! . It can be attached to any boiler. No .planter should bo without one of Ihem. Insurance companies will insure gins and barns where" the Talbott Engine. and Spark Arresters are ned ai same , rate as charged for vvateror horse power. J8jTifeud for illustrated circulars' and price list. ' !' ! liianch House: Gpldshoro, 7. 0..; i-J A Elauscr, General Manager. T. A. Groinger Local Ma ting"":. no44-12nj r . a I in Lvtni vamili t W. PINE S WALNUT MANTELS,' uEOEQE 0..5TE7E1TS, -No. 49 Ligrht Street,- BALTIMORE. I JOHN CLARK, JR. & CO'S EST -FOli- Macliine or Hand Use. p: 0 : THOMAS RUSSELL SOLE AGENTS. & CO., FOK SALE BY Hines, Hadley & Co., 1 WILSOX, N. C. COCKCADE MUSLE WORKS 1 Sycamore -Street, Petersburg, Va. GRATE STONES of every, description, made to or1.: ; . ranging in price from 55 up. Dosii.'-.j-s sent by mail postage paid withmp-j ci&viiscd lor return. When or ;-. rewiv.d they are rilled and fovv ur d-. e: If the, ' work is not satir-ia 't piirchasers are requested to -return :a"f, MY EXPENSE- ' Ko pay rejiiii'ed hiiUI the work is oxxmin td. C)iret;p(n(2o:its tolkufcd from ali iiarts of the uiitcv. fcl 25-: y ' CI IAS. M. WALSH. INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST FIEDICAL TRIUF3PH OF THE AGE, I 8YMPTOM3 OF A TORPID LIVER. Iioaaof ippetlte,Nu8ea,bowela coetivy. Jftfin ia theffeafl, with a dull sensatioa in tEerback part. Pain unSer te shoulder Bladeuilrietsa i after Vating.Jwith adisin ciinatipn t-o exertion of body or mind. Amiability of iem pT syi apirita. Xioas otmemorf, with ieelingof taviBneg- Slnttering of the Meart, Dofe beforo th eyei, VelloVl"kia. Head acKeTBeatlFss nesaat nigVCMghly coloredTUriHe. IF THESE WARKT5TQS ARE TTSKSEDEDr SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOfED TUTT'S FILLS especially adaplcd ti sarh raarti,one dose effects tnrhafbsngo of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Inrrrna the A llelite, and nuM tb body to Take on F1t1i. ttairs the sirstem is urthed.and by iht-irTanle Aetlanun tUe IMKratiYr Ornan, H--iilxr Stool are rro ducttd. l'riee 2S wnw. as W iirrT St.. jf.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Oht tlAin orVTHiSKlcRS rhangeij te aGtussr Black by a ningle phraiion of this Dyk. It tmparus a natural color, acts ImtaiituceoiifslT. Bold t'j Druciats. er iwil by,esprsi on.r-opipi of I. OfTlce, 35 Murray St., New York. g Dr. TrrrS XlXI'l-L t Inftln mmt PHESCRIPTI01T FREE! Kur tle sjiwdy Cur of seminal Weakness. Lost Manbood and ail disorders brought on by iodis nation 6x exfew. A cv Inigsrit b.a the tnvre Cf di. .4 !!-, Dr. W. lAikfrti A ,4 ) i 865 188 Eflwarls SCMOB k Printing Binding Raleigh N. C. Having the viost complete 'establish mod in the State solkti orders for Iellrr IIoskI, rVole leal, Hill l3esl- Account .ales, Statement, .lleinoi-amlutn, Curds. , I'lnvelopCM, .Tuge, od:erSv l'osters, Insurance Printing, llailroad Piintinjr, Book and Pamphlet Printing ; School Cat alonges, Circnlar9,etc. i PRINTING AND BINDING i CF AXV KIND, Plain or sunor Order s'jsoUc'de'l Edwards. Broughton, Co. -PrlXtfiKS AND BlNDEKS, RALEIGH, Nv C. BOOK BINDING AND i S V F A C T U R I N G , the ''ul. books of every kind in .. ' of the art. . ! t.v.iks of every size and qualify, . .. ii-r mi short notiee. . iV's 1;:.;V.' a uomple'c Bindery i-i charge o ;t 'TiioT'-ng' competent man. i' -c i'i Hooks, Docket,- Index Hooks. L ..i-n is. Day Books, etc.. made at New .-ik prices.. ' 1 Send us your orders and we will give yoii satisfactory jobs and priceg. - ; I'ICRHY, IIOITS TON Co. , C,A' We liave known v'Swift ? S'pliilitio Wpocilic" tcstd 'hi hundred.s' of ob.st'mate cases of Syphilid, Mfrcnriai Rlieuinittifri. Scnifu'a, etc , and testify that it made 'flit most pei feet and permanent ernes hi every est-: e. , 'apt. ITu;ii L. Detmard; Sam D Killenl Judw Co. Court; J L Varrcn, of tinn of J H J.athlop & Co., Savannah, Ga.; Ed. Jackson. Dep. Cl'k Sup Ct.; Gen Eli IPar- ren; Dr. J. C. Gilbert, Druggist; J V Mam Cj, Treasurer; Vln I). Pierce, Slierifl". 1 am personally acquainted with the pn-.- pri'-tor, and also with many of the gentle men whore signatures appi'ars to the fore jfoinn: eertirie:i". They are men of high character nd standing. A. ll, Coiquitt, Gov. of Gn. Prepared only by the Swift -Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Sold hy: A. W Rowland OF MERIT AT AND IQGQSSI AWARD CENTENNIAL. BmivrCauOogMi STEAM' ENGINES LB.fAE(iTJHlB,IoTk,PL, Cheapest and best for all poeea aunple, strong, nni rable. Also Hone Pow bra and Gin Gear. Saw, Ortbt Aim Cob Mn.i.3, Giirs, Pbe9sb3 AKDlIicnHrer.T gener ally. Inquiries pronipUy answered. VerticalEngfnes.wtth otfritUout a S w ' complete in every do van, jus i, una cLeapeet Vert ical m the world. Fig. 1 ia engine inusa.FiR. 2 read v for oad. The Farauhar Seoarator . 1A' t .1 - Tenia. Agricultural Tort,ra. eeonomloil ad mcTM ta SnJa, cleaaa tt AND B3E1ST PS2Z3 AWAB9FJ , TUB C AT Pails ExnositlML SEPARAJORSw AVIRE RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, JDUPUR&OO., 20 North Howard St., Ballhnore. i ; .liling for cemeteries, lawns, gnr , s and balconies; whitlow guards, -. wire cloth, sieves, fenders i- .s . i nd cal screens, iron Bedstead, . ::.. Ac. sep2G I2m It...' W. J O Y N E R, - s Surgeon Ivnllf, las permanently located in Wilson, X.jC. All opperations will De neatly and carefully performed and on terms as reasonable as possible. Xeeth extracted without pain. Orricc Tarhoro street next door to Post office. Jan 15 12m. SEA BREEZE HOUSE- MOREllEAD CITY, X. C, The ahove named House will be open- the reception of cuests. The House , nunc --Jin, xcoi, ior fronts the South and Ocean, and is near the New Atlantic Hotel. It has good rooms and can accomo date 40 to 50 guests. And while I do not propose to charge the rates of the Atlantic, yet my Table and general accomodations shall be satisfactory. I'll add that through the Courteousy of 1)b. Blaeknall mv guests will have the privilege of the use t.i i Atlantic'? magulfficent Ball Room. Board per day, ?1 ,50. T. S. HALL Proprietor. QOAL! COAL! COAL -fTFor thB n ven nce of onr Wilson friend ! hao nrpointecl Mr. A. W. llowland Ace" t tor Bid 10 iicPLiin tec-. FURNITURE & CARPETS S. A. STEVENS & CO., XORfOLtf. YA, The largest establishment iu the OUTH Pricss ait gnarftnCeed a low as NeW York. EVerv -grades of fi'.hiit tire and Carncimg known to the traded We invite a call or dorrespoiidence from purchasers fof the)' will find it to their hitefesti Our house. U Well known in North Caro lina, as we have dltrmaf tlie. past seventeen years. done a l.tigetttolina trade. Orders solicited' S. A. STEVENS &C 0 . NORFOLK. V A. 3 4tF. Wootten & Stevens, FUHNITURE DEALERS AND ! XJncier-ba.is.ers, ' -. AVilsox, N. C. , "o have on hand a large and well sclecttnl stock of Parlor and Chamber Furniture and are constantly receiving additions thereto. p We make cheap bedsteads and mat tresses a specialty. Picture frames", mouldings and pic uree in great voriety bold cheap. Itepairing neatly and promptly done, and satisfaciioii guaranteed. Itosowood and melalic burial cases from the cheapest to the best bronzed cases, sop-17-ly. C. I. Avcock, Of Wayne. F. A. Daniels. Of Wilson. AYC0CK & DANIELS, ATTORNEYS LAW, GOLDSBOROIC. SWill practice in 'the Courts of Wilson, Wayne, Lenoir and Greene. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY.- Mr. Aycock will be at Frcmoat ev ery Saturday. JAMES W. LAXGASTER, ' Attorney-at-Law, WILSON, X. C. t ' '. Ofnce in tlic Court. Iloimi'. Practices in all tin- curls (r-xcepf "the Inferior court of Wilson cu'i'v) aiul-will give prin)j)t at tent in tn bii-ini-s. cnfrnsrHl to hhu in Wilson anl aHjoiuini; ciin!ie. Use 'Young''s P. P. Glasses" eyesight. and sate your T. Young & Bro. DEALER TN FINE irATCIlKS, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER U ARE, Mannretnrcr of at kitifls of Plain Gold Jewelry, Rings, Badges. &c The best $10, castor ' find $-".,00 clock ever sold. -American m atches at rlic lw.i prieep. Solid silver spoons, forks Ac. clicii per I lian cvf-r. Your orders are".-solicited and will be promptly attended by i J. T. YOUNG & BliO. Fetersbueq, Va. oct 30th '79.-1 f GET YOUliDINNEU WITH B- L. BARKLEY, (THE ONE ARM SOLDIER,) -AT- GFiEEN FRONT DINING ROOMS '"WELDON. N. C. v good ifi for so rc.-Ts : - 4 - SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FARMERS "BOITATfZA." Maxixi"-. a now vegretaMe rrom fi. A.. rtifTcrinK from anything -ver ktowii hrt"rieli(.-ioiM raw or coolted. Seerl sent by niil ' a ct. a paprr. Soy ' Kwhii of Japan, half bean b-tlfpfa. said by chtn iM to lx' the rit-liest liuwn.n futMj nown. Kine fodder plnnt. also. Swd. l. -tH. a ppr. Cuban ! Queen Wan-rnielon, lust tmportpd. Urges t variety j ever crown in U. S.. firm. lnst-ion. prisp and Bazary ; best to kpp or Fhip. IS eta. a paper of 20 weds. B pipprs for l. Verv acare'e. I.OK-or- Wood tu8kmeIon. lirnt known, i to3 fn-t lenir-rliia ouality. early nn-t prolific, is rt. a ppr. Climax Tomato, richest fl ivur. earlv, prolific. oIiJ u j eqiialed in every way. I5r. n pair. VTbit Egyp tian Corn from tiie Nilei. vields immenrtly In the Soith where other corn fails. I'nequaled for tabl or stock. 20 ci. a paper. 73 eta. a pound. Teosinte.Mie plant fed.ua cow two dars: lOtol'lfl. . high, l.'i rt. a iajer. C'nr.'-o 'orn. frain I in. lon, "a in. broad. .eed will lrin falm'o prie. 15 eta. a paper. All the above sent for $1 . 3 of eaeh for $1 Address C. R.UILBI'.RTtO. Atlanta, fim. . Reference: Hon. W. L. - Calhoun, 3d ay or of Atlanta. .- Daniel Pratt Cotton Gins, MAKIIF&CTURFD&T PRflfTUM I F II IMIA e lire soie agents in isortli caroliT na for the sale of the Daniel Pratt Cot ton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. The best machines-in the world for Ginning Cottton, Gins faster. Gins Cleaner and we guarantee the ma chines to give better satisfaction titan any in use. We are also the sole agents in North Carolina for the sale of the 'SCHOFIELD' Maeon,!Georgia, Hand, Horse, AVater and Steam Pow er Cotton Press strongest and best adjusted Press in use- If you are in want of a gin or Press write to us. WILLIAMSON & UPCHURCII, Raleigh, N. C. Befcrs to Raleigh, National Bank. Jim. 17-3-m. DOUBLE TWIN SPRING QED. 48 BessemeT Steel Springs, for $5 00. TEIilUTORY FOR SxVLK. . The best Springs ever made. We arc tUe sole acnu for tnes excellent springs for Wil son, Pitt, vVayne, Jolinaou, Greene md Craven. .We will tell territory Ibr eiiUar cjaoty, exempt Wilson, Arldrps, ... J. G. RAWLES & BRO., July 15-3m Wilson, N. C, IY1 P. P O W E L L , . FASHIOXABL.E BABBEB. TAKB01U) ST., WIISOX, N. C, Having opened a first-class Barber shop solicits the patronage of thoe who wish goixl work done. Satisfaci tio Giiara!it2?d. J July 15-1 y. t'ARMEK V. IV A I Ni 1A.: U ilU'll. Founders of Brass and Iron, and Manufacturers of AeRICCLTUtAL IMPLEMENTS, It their old Etacd AYILlsO-, XORTII CAROLINA. Manufacture iantl Vttp Ch hand dhy, atd the largest stock of MPOLEMENTS ?n the State for the Fttrni, m&iU of the est mutetial ttnd by skilled workmen ! All goods warraated to orno sale. g-iv satisfaction JFe will compare prices with any first elas bolide. Tlie patronage received at the lmials of the farmers and the trade hi and out of the State bears us out in this, for which w retiu-n our giacere thauks and liopewo will merit a eontiuuance of the sams. FARMER & TAINWRIGEIT1, Wilion, N. C. ip,25-Ij. THE Guaranteed tor be the best in the Market- H us the Best recommen iMions For Sale by W. S. ANDERSON, BLACK CREEK, N. C. 4.29, tf. GE II. IIODOES HODGES & HODGES WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats and Caps AND Trimmed Ladies Goods, 40 COMMERCE ST.. NORFOLK, VA. !-p24-tf New Firm j s?ylW New Prices. GRIFFIN & MUKRAY. Goldsboro St., Wilson. X.TJ. .Manufacturers of C-arriaef!. ( 'art.. Wairons. Harness, and all kinds of lidin; vcliivli-s. AVlikli v hf sold at tlie lowpst posfible firnre h:tvc v.' ?u hand a nice ana select lock t work. - t V;..' j,!i;i-s are as tow as the lowest. Be .--..rt- and cnll on ns before buying, isaur-faciiou guaraiued in every Reiiairini; neatly and. promptly attended to 17 . r KHfablUlied 1850 Arthur C. Freeman, -Dealer in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 1141 Main St., Head Market, Square. NORFOLK. VA. Offers nig large gtock At bargaing. Ladies double case gold watches as low as $14.00 Ger.is' stem winding, double case $35.00. Solid gold set of jewelry for Misses $5.00 Fine void plated set for ladies $.3 to 410, Solid $S.3G to $40. . . These arv but gome of' the many induce ments I am oflerin at my new store. Wedding and ' Engagement Rings always on hand enrarinff free of diarge. j fTarches and jewelry repaired And wnr ranted. Send Tonr orders to rae and they will be promptly filled. - A. C. FREEMAN. Coiion Pta To intrtxiuce oir new eiyien and infl:i-nretrade we mik tin- follow insr liniiamllclpit (TtT for short tttiM-: The J'x-ilin I'm-Wh rentiiins a geld platvd walch chain. b I !", rant set j-rlry. "tr l;u: toast ohrSI Hstkj l-ie el.f R:tttsinrt.-. B!I lt:il b iiiH rtiyz, cU4r buuon. Tins. lwK-kH l ok, itnitauUH si lie han'ikorch'.erpi-n. iwnoil. cimiic 'iive!bp and iitin--nr1 " All tlis' niailcti trt Vbtt lorc. in maiutW: - packets fur fl.VO. The lot can be re tailfil at Trotn f: to W. . , . Th Rovii.ak rnUlns onpsnprrb nmpthyst ' rins, eh'g mi coral' hrouch sol iu lox. fnvr nwk-l-iei. cural jleVv Pillions. fns:rav-l cola ptnie hrarcl'.s. rossdarf .in. eolil pined lady's art. fold plate slcoVf tint tons. ho ivy ro'l i1hib tuds. lovely Jhhipo s-.-arf pin. seil-.iiii-' Parsmli ,rtiaiiiond slud. Jlalte crs with 1". riiamoiul fmer. bvattilfiil Jt slei-vo bitions, vlaleil collar' button, platrd finlc w:il:h ehtiri. (iIhIh pnld plAte rinn. nobey caineo ring. M ili f ir-rins with I. dla.ne.'nff lifttinifs, eents full rornb. umethj-st Set. IttSy I full plated set with white Mone sell:iiK. jel and caineo scarf pin. elin. ubld p!ate sleeve buttons. Thff whole! fif this masiitlieeut collei-tion snt e-iire hv niSU -for 2 forl.7il. for This lot cn Ih; retailed 'easilv at from tofttl. Address, V. JKWKLRY t . Atlanta. Ua. Tkk Atlanta UJbk says : "This company Is l'rfe tly r.-liable, and the amount lUey giv for your money is ajtoundiuc." 1 elBC VI AND SPERMATORRHEA. - A Ttlaabla Discovery and New Departure la Med ical Bcnee, rq entirely Kew and positively etlecUve 1 r. the speedy and permanent Cure of Semi- l : ' or. and Impotency by the only truo . j -eet Application to the principal Seat - .-.! iictia? by Absorption, and exerting r -j- ; . .. ii-ace on the Seminal vesicles, Ejao ' . . iii- :t :. Jroetaie Gland, and Urethra. The -. ' t ly is attjaded wiib no pain or incoa- -, J does not interfere with the ordinary :-r-Hr f i:If-: it is quickly diaolved'and soon ai : -fhed, prodoJtagan iajinediatesoothinjrand rertor : u-"e n i :.;T.a tiie sexual and nervous orgoniz.i- .orsa Avrm-Xed iroin 6elf-abuse and excesses, stopping : -.h ('.r.-jia irum tiie cystein, restoring the mind to i ts hb ar.d ssund inemory, removing the Dimneea i i fiijrbt, Nervous Debility, Confusion of Ideas, Aversion to Society, etc., etc., and the appearance of prematura old age usually aewmpanj-ing thli trouble, and restoring perfect Sexual Vigor, where It fcfiM been dormant, for years. This mode of treat ment has stood the t-st In very severo coses, and is - now a proncmt)d bucco53. Drugs are too much pro scribed in thase troubles, and, as many ran bear wit neKSto,with butlittleif any permanent nod. Thore is no Nonsense about this preparation. Fractleal ob servation enables ns to positively guarantee that it will give satisfaction. During the eight years that it has been in general nse,wn have thousands of testi monials as to its value, and it is now conceded by the Medical I'rofession to be the most rational means yet dlscovbred'of reaching and curingthis very prevalent trouble, that is well known to bo tho causa of untold r. ispry to so taany.and upon whom qua'c'is prey witii their uscIosj nostrums and big fees.. The Iiomedy Is put up i n neat boxes, of throe si zes. No. 1 , 'enough. tolastamODto,) 3; No. 2, (sufficient to affect a per manent cure, unless in sovore cae,) $5; Ko. 3, (lasting over throe months, will stop emissions and restore vigor in the worst casoa,) $7. Hent by mail, sealed, in plain wrappers. Full DIBECXIOMS foi using ill eccoir.-nasy EACH BOX. i lets giving A. n ntoniim IM Itttatrations V M anaToHiintmiy.frfiit-ntvtlleoiitilnee m B the most ftktritlical that they van be B restored to perfect manhova,and fit- B 1 fed for the dutim of life.Biinto a if f never afected.. Sold O-ViiT by s HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFG. CHEMISTS. Market and 8th Sts. ST. LOUIS. Mo. OR. BUTTS'DffiM Treat all Chronic Diseases, and enjoys a nation al reputation through the curing of comiilicated cksps. INPISCRETtOMorEXPOS U RE1' sKssssesaHBBiasB9JSBlasnEvaBSBS3Bj9:ssaai inff f eutions of the blood, skin or bones, treated with suo css, without using Mercury or Poisonous Medicine. YQUNC MEN wuo ur" ""fferinKfrom tnopfleits taHDsasillsmi of u disen-o thnt nniits itn vic tims for buRinews or msiriHjm. i-crmonfnt!v cured. PATIENTS TREAT ED : t M-' "d ep"- OBESSMnnBnpBZnRwAiBNHBMBHea tut' wfrc pcMrbte prooaI cottfuiution is preferred, which ik FREE and iutit . 4. Lilt of question! to be answered br pat ie Is doiilug trtat 11 nt mailed free to an 7 address on api-iicitintj. Perstui suirvHiit; from Rupture thouM send th4r :MretV n4 learn ftomtiiltit to tliolr adrnnlafre. It I Kot ft truss. Jr : Conintuuicttttt itnrtlv conliientUl, ai d huld te atMressod Dlt liCTT-i, US orth Hih 8t.. St. LouUai. 5 tn 6rtP r day at liomV Sam jtli'.' StiUson & Co., Portland. Muiue Arn WANTLU.-- A r(ic-i.i voW!i i'-- ' f tf pvory; lusir..-s--mhii, will') ' sfnt to aco ts for 25 ii!.s Willi ril"t-l ' ir t; :ill, pvi-y jfJWit 8houli ,v,,iv. f.-r lit : Add J (I. OEOUttE k -I? . o". lr,A j ' t burh, N. Y - ' est r wlsW And H Liquors, Groceries, Confectioneries, tobacco Ci, 3. -- . -: .- . ' - ' - 1 -. . Tinttlors n Tl'i 1 f .1 rl r1 1 ,1. ! . T ..T. v. "liaucijjiuti Largest Brewery in the world, ' Wilson, X. C. " - hv'G just erected a refrigerator in which w keep oar bee- before bottling, and thereby retain the gas, wh ch nukes it s,v 7 tlie (In.ught becrr It will keep iu the heat of the 1 c- than any other beer that is bottled. s -j L.-.; 1, from the finest and m,rt. t ; ta the ciioupefctm .:lson, hich will b e gtdd either by retail or whole-u:u- Ak luerh for bcer or liquors from a distauce will re ceive eur piompt attention. . J , l Simpson arid Smith. R E 1 (D If 4 Merchant TaUor and Dealer in Oents FumisIiingGooas, Iiece Goods, u wnat Store on Nash Street . Wm.A. DEALER IN MEWING NEEDLES, OIL Tarb PRICE UsjT VEW HOME ... ST. JOHN, .... WHITE........ liEMIXGTOX........ DAUXTLKSS... EH). VMEia- AN....... : W H EE LE R & WILSON', "- innTNEY.....;.. ......... VICTOR,.. ' 30i - ; t Any other a Chearr m enn wTT" n tlie Stat. U you want a Macuin.74 Ifer ;ine tho aM,. I irlll deliver, fifc tud keep up warranf. l he above pricC3 are for oortrti lrop-)eaf arnl two drawer, incldV tuekef Jolulston Ruffler, bemmcn 4' LIVEfW THE BEST IN TOWN! - r-i ... 1 . - - - THE Is I C EST AND Mm BUGGIES AXD TIIE FINEST HORSkI 1 FOR HIRE IT SEZsJBIt JBROV I- - .'1- : lAvcry Stables. jTTe have just completed Uf stables and now have a num ber- oi line horses for hin Our terms are as reasonable m those of an j first class stabiei and we guarantee to. please ail our patrons. , If you desire a nice turnsjt any time' call on us and wj will give it to you ! 8iaHv imos. W JXSON I?. C : - -' WLSRCE ifJD OEVELdP THE rORW. ! tfi)i: noiiy-or In pnrt from nature or U- i;u!v"?fr( Dmrtb om b4 m4 ) ', 1 ' o ,Vtl.M)t.i.l. ISo iMimbnr. filth vir.uiicB. Cor;-.i-ondeuci-conHa:nil. sliibsla .L.i;r i3ecr, rrom uio ii ,1 Tailor's Trimming, & is ki own a3 RoUntree'k Di IV 30 Ot ' lio 3d i 31)1-. 304 STABLER -Julyi-lm tcp?3-