'he Wilson Advance. LiOX, "I Friday, August 12, 1881. I03IE xVl FARM. ! that by the vlow would thrive iiraielf must either hold or drive . ytX correspondent of the Htatesville --"(bnark says: "White big tales are ' I of fowls, I relate one that can be vcn. There Is a turkey hen on farm of Dr. P. C. Jurney, of Olin -kwnship, which hatched 10 young ' Vrkeys thtespring. The young tur n's are 6 weeks old and the hen has .id another Utter of eggs and is set rjgon them while the young turkey ' t around, and then they all set to iler at night. The young turkeys ' to have m instinct for setting, all go on at times during the "J and set with their mother." Sheep Husbandry. ' 'I believe there Is money to te 7; wle, not only from the wool, but i the mutton. I can sell any 1 entity of lamb and mutton at from '!': 9. or 10 cents a pound, and why uld not there be a profit? True, V ; dogfC are a nuisance; but if a man I go into the buisiness apf sheep . jing he can afford to have his flock ": "irded. I have killed six dogs, af my sheep, during three years past; t have lost only one sheep. My ighbors lost about all of theirs. I " 'i going try it, any way,'" so .,itesR. W. 8., a young farmer of '. mance. not old enough to vote, old enough to follow the example -us ancle, the late D. w. Kerr, in iking (arming to pay. Your head level llouert. A flock of 100 of the Mt quality of sheep In a grass-grow region will pay their expenses in r ways; 1st, by their wool; 2d, by lr Improvement of the soil; 3d, by ' ; ' sale of their lambs; 4th, by their . dtton.Ihrmer and Mechanic. Preservation mf Flowers. One of the princesses consist", say Belgique Hort?crt in Inclosing the rt-nver or flowers in a glass. jt.r proh j led with an air-tight, hollow "ground glass stopper; the cavity of nich Is filled with quicklime wrap- 'hI in leather. The object of humidi t; already existing in the jar or which 'night enter on a removal of the stop r. The dry air, deprived of its car mic acid, occupying the jar, seems j brighten the color of the flowers id preserve them in the natural col The Wiieat Crop For 1881. Hi wheat crop of 1881 is, for the "sent, an undetermined and unde- . a. rminaDie quantity, The prospec YH outcome of California and Ore- 3 and the improvement of the &ter wheat efop in the 8tatea of ' io, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois, lUicate that the crop of winter and pring wheat together In the States in l , If favorable weather for maturi ' V ana narvest shall prevail and be -ntinued till housed, will not be nre than SO.OOOjOOO bushels leas than !i. output of the crop of 1880, with . a .slbl supply on this coast of old Meat on July 2 ot about 16,000,000 isliels, and 25,000,000 to 27,000,000 ;-helsof old wheat on July 1, 1881, in California and Oregon. In addi tion to the foregoing amount of old a heat there will be an unknown iimntity of of old wheat in the hands fthe growers and middlemen. The Hfipts old wheat at Western lake iTtH are now about 1,500,000 bushels :erweek. The old crop of spring -heat will continue to. move during JtJy and August, and this move 'uont will probably exceed 1,500,000 bushels, so that in July there will still '" ltween 50,000,000,000 and 60,000, 'hhi f old wheat in the country, which i more than the probable deficiency in the crop of 1881. I The Scientific American says to make h trong paste that will not sour, try 1 m following: Four parts by weight vf lue are allowed to soften in fifteen irts of cold water fnr - w ww-av livi laAOa n I then moderately heated till the solution becomes quite clear; 65 parts i4t)iune water arenow uidAd wifv. tirring. In another vessel 30 parts of tarch paste are stirrpd up with 20 ; arts of cold water, W that a thin m ilky fluid without lumps is obtained, 'uto this the boiling glue solution is : urea, wiui constant stirring, and the .v iiole is kept at the boiling tempera u re. After cooling, 10 drops of car U s. ic add are added to the paste. The j;i-te must be preserved in closed bot to prevent evaporation of the wa--, and will in this way keep good for ars. wl. Slop th Flew efClted. Housekeepers, mechanics, and oth- in handling knives, tools, and i.r sharp instruments, very fre- ntly recei.ve severe cuts, from V iich blood flows profusely, and of r t.inies ehdanerera life itself. Blood uj .i to cease to flow as follows: Take ri'ie dust of tea and bind it closely rh; wound; at all times accessible i t asily obtained. After the blood i ceased to flow, laudanum may advantageously applied to the iuJ. Due regard to these instruc ts would pave agitation of mind .' running for the surgeon, ; ' MEDICAL" DRiDUnS'lBa Treat all Chronic IMae-aac, and anjors natioo , aj isytattos) throogh th ourtua of eatJictl f aaea. WDlSCffOWEXPOSURg?i ZrtwcLTot Um blood, akin or bonoa, treats with 0 wa. witbwrtttaWMmimajHoa"--YOUNG M E 11 V4ft9rtnetVWmiaOe-U aaaaMaMa3bMaM ol a dawaae that nnfita Ita Tic tima for boaineas or ma.risffa, parman.nl enrod. PATIEHT8 TREATED rr'!! SSaaaaaaUuaanSr7wbJCk H FR1I ' as. Li f qupl10a. Im am owri by ,!. d...rHi InM fcnl aiaitra frta u aa; sMreu aa apolieitloa. ... . Tiwaai artaff frsai aaatan aaaala ataa iWrrfta.V nrA taara ilhlni la Ikdr aaiaatat. It b aat a Iran W CaaatnkatKm. ttncilr caafciaatial. u4 ihoaM W aodrnaai DO. iilTTS, 1 Aartai tick SC. 4H. tla, Ha. A it the recovered disjicptc. WUioH eof fere, victim of fertr md. and ajrn, the lrjer- curial diis"ej ;iiient, how they recoverd health, clnrful spirit and rood, adnetitn they will tellrou by ikin SIMMON '6 LIVE It REGULA- J TDK. TIm CktMMt, Purest, and Itctt Family iTlediciae Im the V trld. ForDYSVEPSIA. OONSTIPATIOV, Jaimdiee, Billioug attack, SICK HKArAi:HK Colio,7iDe-rirr-a-ion of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn. Ac c. . Thi unrivalled Southern Remedy Ik warranted not to contain a single panicle of MERCURY pr aay Injurious mineral eabstance, bnc ia . PIKKLV Y ll KX A IB E C, contains: those Southern Roots and Herb, which an all-wife Providence has placed in countries where LJvei IXMeasus most prevail, ' It will cure all Dlseaxesi canted bjr De an ranyrement of the Liver and Howela. Tho SYMPTOMS of Livr 3ompla4nU are a bit ter or bad iate in the moath ; Pain in the Hack, Sidetor Joints, often mis' taken Tor Kheumatisui :' SOlMt TOH4 II Ixa of Aprwtite. Bowel. Alternately costive and lax; Headach, Loss of Memory, with a pain Alt senssftivn of having failed to do something whfch "ought to aavt 3n dune; Debility, low Spirit. A tefck reltow appearance of the Skin and ere dry C'oturh often uiistaKen for I ;fnsn intirinn Sometimes many of the symptoms acted th tils ease, at others vry few; but the Liver, che largest crrau in bod v. is generally th if not rernlatdd in time, (treat sufferiuc. wretched' an4 Ik rap if tlii ' CAUTION. a . . 1 astnerearaa number of Imitation offered to the public, we would cautikm lh colnmunii y to i;.J-4v,. " OI r,p"e NsiMorcs liver nrnuLAiuKimieM In whUv w.apers, has the "mmfiS "aJ"rtartarruut. and is made bv J.Kt Zt ILlii dc CtK "We hrve tasted s Virtue, personally, and know .l . 'Jr"PeP. Billiousuei.!.. and Throbbine "i v acsiiueuicine tae world ever saw We have triad forty other medicines before Sim lTi" fa I t 'Am 17 at xila a. 1 a . . i uiatui, uui none 01 iiifan gave us more than a temporary relief; but the Ri?irnlator vyij r-,-nt-ea uut cured nsM nd: Telegraph MANUFACTURED OXLY BY J n.i:ji,n to, PHILADELPHIA, PA. i SOLD BY ALLV DRUaOISTS hum INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. JatpintfiaHea Jjoesora Nausea, bowels eostive. tho back tbaduUi oasation In grtta6ffl irifli" 11 H i eenng 01 baring neg neaaat night, highly eolored UHneT- H THESX WAwrnros ass ttitheeded. SEROUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED TUTT8 PILLS r especially adapted to eaaea.one dose effocta raehachanm . - of feeUna; to aatonlah the auffinrar. hnfll-flZy th and mom the ZZJZJ9 MeaaL thus the avmera la IT, f' 'P Ml"- MtMla are pro- TUJT'S HAIR DYE. cT etnitle application Jx thla Dt. It ZJLtml '0'".ir' ItaBUieolT. C35 Murray SU New York. TE"? a fataabW Uhwlh. mm IWal Baaa, wia fc, -alM fUI aa toe. for tit. . . . Jt "A""' vmenvt 'Ma 112 .J' U "todl ita ao palTorlnoo tUre t iooa anokl rM j taa mind to BtoDDlna- where treaU and hi aiae !aoSa?l!J??.-4 fwraa of taacnli arooba.thatht vail MatraUoaaJ tebe rta. ry praraiant re "ar hlpvtaala aMtrwDS aad The Berned laaiABie bozaa. of tbvaa a. Jta l.laaooah S5?S??.3, ..y? eaaaj M: HoTs. eln win accompasT XACB Boat HARS5I3 It ESS EOT CO. KTt CFJSSI1 BirkctaiUeaiSU. ST.L0UI8.f5o MISCELLANEOUS. i DOUBLE TWIN SPRING BED. f - ? ? ' ' ' ' " " ' 48 Bessemer Steel Springs, for $5 00. TERRITORY FOR SALE. The best Sprines ever made. We are the sole agents for these excellent Kiii-inm fur Wil. bob, Pitt. Wayne. Johnson, Greene md Craven. urnury lor either coun ly, exeept WUOB, Adilreax. J. G. RAWLE8 A BTIO.. S Pj:J4gjiQer the should: ' SjJgSeMator eatinir. withaTdUlrT. Pawon to exertion of boHV J TraJeMTrfc v t w e. AND SFERMATORRHtEAa 'aahi Mi wi VT?--yi.yw ewxuai View. r v. .""irr"'. aaisneaeof mm ut lew u rvrr aarara au. Julyl5-3m Wilson, N. C. MISGELLAnrS . S 'a ttOtflper dav at liome. Eampief ca, mmW worth U free. Alre Stinson k Co., Portland. Maine. CHARGE AND DEVELOP THE FOF.ft If shrank wholly or In part from nature dis ease. Advice free. Describe esse and send ftstnp ta P. De I. Co., AtlsnM.Oa. No liumhiiir. Hiftt cst reference. Corrti. ondence contidecttal. c AL! COAL! COAL! 3For theconveniencf of onr Wtl!3a friends we liaoe :i j j ..itn-d Mr A. W. Rowt).iid Apent lor tb sale of our Conl at ihat point: All orders en trusted to lnm will have romp attention, at same prices we sen u m,.Port.mou and Norfolk McBLATR A CC . PWtsmouih. Ya JunS6m. J WIRE RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. IDXJFXJTR &: CO, 26 NorUi Howard St., Baltimore. j Wire rAiling for crrweUTies. lawns, gur dens, offices and baicohies; window guard-, rrt-e guards, wire cloth, sieve?, fenders cages, sund and cal screens, iron Bedstead, cnairs. -ettees, tc. sep26 12m JVOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator oitne estate of J. R. SELBY, de- ceaseu, nciore tne Frobate Judge of H'ilson County, notice isherehv tr i vfn to all persons indebted to the estate of tsaui ueceasea to make immediate pay ment, and to all persons having claims ttgmnst me deceased to present them for payment on or before the 25th day of July, 1882, or this notice will be pieaa in Dar of their recovery. H. W. WAHAJJ, Administrator. FJuly 29-4t.J GET YOUR DINNEH WITH ' (THE ONE AKM SOLDIER,) : -;V AT GREEN FROriT DINING ROOMS WELDON. X. C. a csoon if for so crntn SAM HODGES. II. 1IODG1-S HODGES & HODGES ii WHOLESALE ! DEALERS IN Hats and Caps ......AND...... Ladies Trimmed Goods, 49 COMMERCE ST., NORFOLK, VA. s'p24-tf UOCHCAWK 1QQ1 MARBLE WOKKSlJOl feycam ore Street, retersburpr, Va. GRAVESTONES of every description, made to order, ranging in f;riee from $5 up. Designs sent by mail postage paid with stamps enclosed for return. When orders are received they are filled and forward ed. If the work is uut. Witis'fartnrv purchasers are requested to return at MY EXPENSE. No pay reqiiiri-d inui; tin- wrk is I'xamiii v.'orrtMnvV;nU solicited from all pait. ol tlie coiintrv. ' i fub 25-ly CI FAS. M. WALSri. iM.LYtnT VAnlLTT W. PINE WALNUT MANTELS, ttfiUttliiS 0. STEVENS. - . t . Mm.. no. 49 j-ig:nt street,, BALTIMORE. SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FARMERS' "BONANZA." Maxlxa. a new rul.e from 8. A..fli(frrtae from nrthln avar rre rn br. drlicioea raw or rookad. Sevt Mat by mail JOcU. a naprr. Soya Mmii of Jaoao. half baan kilfun ...Ik. ,.. Fine lonuer plant, a wo. !ea. IA cts. a paper: Cuban , ur.n . itrm.im.niH imported, lari ever crown in O. S.. firm. lnHi-ion, crisp and snrary : bt o keep or whip. 26 cts. a paper of 20 aeeda.C papers for $. Very scarce. Ijoz of-Wood lararoit vafitv musk melon. iara;.t known, s to 3 feel lonr-nre qoalltr. early an I prolific, is cia a paper. Climax Tomato, richest flvor. earlr, prolific. oli1 u equaled In evry wav.Ur. n paier Thit K-vp-tian Com ffrom th Nile yield immen-tefy in Hie South where o her corn Ciil. fneonaled T.r table or utock. 3 ct. a- paper. 74 rta. a ponnd. Toi lite, one plunt rrdaacnwtwodav: 10 lo 12 ft. 'fh- PPr. Cm o Corn. rrai'n I In. lonr, In. broad. Sed will brinr fnhu'o s prl-a IS eta. a panr. All the alpve ant for . 3 nfearb for 2. Ad'hvssr. R.II.BF.RT . CO. Atlaeita,aw Atlanta. KPierence: Hon. W. L. Calhoun. Wrn.A.BARBREY DEALER IN SEWING MACHIE S NEEDLES, OILSfC. j Tatrboro Street. Wilson, jy. C. ""'PRIOEijST. NEW HOME a4!t .J r.1 .T."J?:s t .... 3.-, no Hi j t, , 9 on " E ED, .. .... oa nn ' AMERI. !AX.. . ..... ... no wheeler & wii6x 5S S2 i D711ITTP, " " ui i ixr. i on rw. x.rHl4. (UteSt JmproTed) 30 00 J .... 28 00 Any other a Cheap m can he hourlir HI the SUt. If Oil want a MaHn'n. 1 ... offer metho th. I will deliver. aud keep up warrant. - '1 be above prices are for rwrl dropleaf and two draer, including I tucker. Jobdston RulBer, bemmers, Ac. ! AffenlS WANTED. A' rrceipt worth senile-agents for 25 cms -mixh riUr t(', , ati tt arm I rhoulil atnlv f-r i j ' a :iHjK& i jj'JN, i.t'. V : bcx "; 1865 s J-R WELTI Y, Ac Uaa Young"s P. P. Glasses " aJ saVfe 5't)hr eyesight. J. T. Young & Bro. DKALER t!? FINE rKATCHES, DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, Manufacturer of nil kinds of Plain Gold Jewelry, Rings, Badges, &c The 1xst 10. castor, and $" .00 clock ever sold. Anieriraii watclie at tlie lwst pricep Solid silver spoons, forks ttc, ch-aiw;r lhati ever. Your ortk-rs are so licited aud will be )i;.miprly attended by i J. T. YOUNG & BKO. Fetersbuko, Va. oct 30tk '79.-U :inbiiiti mso Arthur ,.C. Freeman, .,. Dealer in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 144 Main St., Head Market Square, NORFOLK, VA. Offers his large Ptock at harjain. Lndis double case gold watches as low as S14.00 Ger.ts' stem wiudinof. double case $35.00. Solid gld sot of jewelry for MUm-s $-".00 Fine f;oM plated ;cts for ladies $5 to $10, Solid $8.50 to $40. . These are but gome of the many induce ments I am offering at my new store. Wedding- and Engagement Rings always on hand, engraving free ot charge. Witches and jewelry repaired and war ranted. Ser.d vour orders to me aud they will be promptly filled. A. C. FREEMAN. ep23- ELEQANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To Introduce our new itytes and Influence trade we male the following UnbarallclaU offers form abort tluve: "The Berlin Packet rotitain.i a gold plated watch chain, agate ahawl pin, ladr'a wla Kn t aet Jewelry , sen ban on If buttooii. ceral neck lace, aetnf agate aiuda. gold tiUte band rinij, collar button, key rlnc, pocket Tx-ok, Iniltailea silk hantlktM-chlef, pen. pencil, comic euvelopex and Ylaltiiig- carU. All these mailed to roa for 35c. In stamp: 4 packet for fi.oo. T be tot can be re tailed at from 3 to S.00. The Koral Cnaket contains onesnperb amethyst rlna;, elefnt coral broueh aot ia box. fant-y neck lace, coral sleeve buitonn, engrartl Bold plate bracelets, tom scarf pin. rold (ilwtcd ludy ' set. gold plate sleeve buttons, heavy rold plate studs, lovely rnmeo scarf pin. raniiiiio Tarisian diamond sttjd, Malteae -roa with 1. diamood center, beaoiirn Jet sleeve billion., plxtet f-oilar button, plat'd link watch chain, plain rold plate rlnp, hobby cameo riBg, MUm enr.rlnKs with P. diamond aettine, rents' full eotnb. atnetbyst eel, ladr'a fall plated aet with white Motie selling-. Jet and camro soarf pin. ene. cold plate sleeve buttons. The whole of this niairtiilicent collection sent a--i.-re oy man ior i, i wx 1.70. lor K. This lot can be reulia'l easily at from tr to 110. Addrees N. V. 3KVT KI.HV t'T).. Atlanta, ui. ' Thk Atlanta OLohr says : " This enmpaay la perfectly reliable, and the amoftut they rive for your mosey ia aetotrndln." MACHINERY, Ac. TALB0TT ft SO K 8 Shockoe Machine WORKS, RICHMOND. VA.. ManufacMirer of Portable and Stationary ri.ineK ami uouers, aavv All Is. frn Wheat Mill, Shafting, Hangers and Pulle Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factorv Machinery, Wrought Iron f ork. Brass and ron Lasting", Machinery of every deaciip ion. GINNING tr TI1R EXITING MA CHINES A MKCIALTY. lepairing Promptly and Carefally Done Talbott's Patent Spark Arrester. The litVeutlon of'tlte Age. It dH- not jleitroy the draft. It does not interfere wirh -.tanlnr thr ubes. It Will not Choke UD and rrnn1ra nn ckaning. Jt requires no direct dAmpern to be open d when raisiiar-steani dainoera belno- nh. jectionabie, as thejrmay be left open and allow the sparks to escape. It rerjtilreb no water to extinguish sparks wlr.ch, by condeusaiion, destroys the draft. Besides, when water is u.ed, if neglected, th efficiency is tlestroyed by evaporation of the water, and the boiler is kept in a filthy condition. It ii simple and durable andean be relied upon. It can be attached to any boiler. No planter should bo without one of them. Insurance companies will insure gins and barns u lie re the Talbott Engines and Spark Arresters are ued at samerate as charged for water or horse power. fSTJfend for illustrated circulars and price list. Bianch Hou-e: Goldshoro, N. C. - A Hauser, General Manager. T. A. Grainire', Local Manage!. noi4-12tB or Kiirr CDnrtNKtAL. 3mt4 ftr CWaatayaaj AM CGS231I12 arT. - KMM J-Jrie.rroPuy uatKOBoasucsjs and cheapest WITi 1 icai ta the raaee-l-i,. t asearae 2reMiy for EE rgvhmr Separator atettMtiA SEPARATORS. a-r r"? V,r f Spinal WeaSlfJ Mtnaded and all disorders brouelit en by Indie. Any roerat has thiBJZ BTnAixi-Tanjia, . mm m w ( rhtl rrrrifcna, Bsaapaai if Maasav JW'asei.a. pniXTixa ad Binding. iflroieraisuo., Printing Binding1 RALEiart, N. C. Raving the most comptrte establish ment in the Suite solicit onei's for Litter lleted, .Hole lledx. Hill llesidw. IrronHlMiiles, in o in ii t It mej. Card. i:iiTelpeM, Tug, DoilgnB, Pouter. kc. Insurance Print ing, Kailr;id Printing, Book ami Psmpljlet Printing School CHtalougfK. Circulars,etc. PRINTING AND BINDING OF ANY KIND. JPlaln or Fancy Orders'msolicited Edwards. Broughton, & Co. Ppinteks and Binders, RALEIGH, N. C. BOOK BINDING AND M A N U F A v.T U R I N G . rfe rebind books of every kind in the neatest ht3rle of tho art. Blank books f eyery Mze and quality, made to order on short notice. Ife have a complete Bindery ii charge o a thorough competent man. Reconl Books. Dckeirf. IrtfleT Rooks ledgers. Day Book, etc.. mado at ' New xork prices. ' Send us your order and we will gire you satisfactory jobs and prices. LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY STABLES. V THE BEST IN TOWN! THE NICEST AND NEWEST BUGGIES AND TIIE FINEST HORSES FOR HIRE eT sejljbj nnos' - . Livery St ablet. We have just completed our stables and now have a nuni- ocr ol fine horses for hire. I 1 1 1 r farma r, i l aiu us i-asoiiaoie ' as those of auy first class stables and we guarantee to please all our patrons. ; T Af fl ' . iijou desire a nice turnrai any time call on us and will give it to you we SELBY BRO'S. "WILSON" N. C. CARRIAGES. New Firm) NEW New Prices. STYLES GRIFFIN & MURRAY-. Goldsboro St., Wilson. S. C. Jian.ifacturers of Carriairpa. Riio-o-,.. a . Uart, Waom. Harness, uud all kiuds of Which will hm ... . - - aw arc UWOiniC UQrPI. We hate now on hand a nice and select steck o Our prices are as low as the loweet. Be "ur andentll on us before bnyin j. Satisfaction iruaranled in eTery cae. Kepairing neatly and' promptly attended to ' 17 BLACK CREEK W. S. ANDERSON, MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS. CARTS, And every kind of vehicle for riding. HARNESS i . Hfurlo anil nttoinul I a l . . ...uvnu ucu in imp most ap-1 SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED Bend your order to V. S. ANDERSON, BLACK CREEK, N. C. M r. p o v ELL. FA8M IONABLE BAKBEX. r TARIJORO T., WILSOX, . C. xissMng openea a firstHrlass Barber- niiup boncit-s tne patronage of thone who wish Rood work dofre. Satisfac tion Guaranteed. Jul v 15-1 it racELT .y iaot:s advehtisemext. ALIlfiD WILLIAMS. ALFRED f ML IlttS & CO Pttblishers, Booksellers and Stationers '.: : ' RALEIGH, X. C, T.-"' ALL North (Carolina Schools, whether Public or Private , f Book,, at Kaleigh at prices' a low as akk ofSked byTnv vJS Schoo! I DEALKKS. Aft AORTHtR.y e have the largest stock in the State and fill all orders promptly itarCoMPLETE Catalogue A 1 f BOOKSELLERS, July 15-3ni RALEIGH, N. C. Liquors, Groceries, Confcctionaries, Tobacco. Cigar., f :, Bottlers of Philadelphia Lager Beer, From tht ' Largest Brewery in the world, Wilson, N. C : . u e .have just erected a refrigerator in which fwt. beer before bottling, and thereby retain the gas wch m ak,; as nurn ns ih r r. i, i r . ... , . wn cn makes it fcummer longer than any other We keep, from the finest W in Wiispn, which will 'AU orders for beer or ceive our prompt attention. son RE EE H Q Merchant Tailor and Dealer in Gents FumishingGoods, ' Has removed to what Store on Nash Slrpt,. . . -f I0HN CLARK, JR. 4 COS SIX- CO R D FOR Machine or Hand Use. -1 : 0 THOMAS RUSSELL k CO., SOLE AGENTS. FOR SAf.E IIY Hines, Hadley & Co., WlIOX, N. C. FORHITDBE k CARPETS S. A. STEVENS & CO., XOlif Ol.K. TA. 'J- -'-'::.'.'.'- v '- - - Tli largest establishment -.in (I Prie-i are smnmxed M0w as Nt-w York. ( Kvervgrailen f furniture and riiii known to tlie trade. We invite r.M corryapoiidence from txirchast ra fcr Uir rill flml a, to ibeir lnUTet. Uur Iiow. U will known in North Caro lina, a tre have during the. vn M-Yir.fMn ytare drne a laiye CaroUna trade. urderfi solicited- S.A.STEVENS&C0. IV OK FOLK VA 3 4tf. ' "i m iJtLiX" SOUfM EUGENE G. HARRELL Sent on Applioatiox - ADDRESS re d W i 11 ia ins & C o., axd STATIONERS. 4 beer that is boUled. the art A T ! ' : be nuStrntT'- liquor, u' lslanee "ill re- etnei Smith, Mvlkk h 2icce Goods, Tiii.or's Trimmings, &c. is known as Itountres't Drag Wootten & Stevens, FWURE DEALERS AND f Par,0r nJ f treT1 'at' SJfiST01 X0TieSy wi cheap. twSSMi!. anl Promptly done, nndatidion ffuarantee!, the chft ie best bronz iaes. Heji7-iy, Daniel Pratt Colfon Gibs. na for the sale of the Dantel Pratt Cot ton Oirw, Feeders and - Condenncr, The best maehineu in the world fr.r Ginning Cottton,-4:iirw ; faster, Gins Cleaner and we guarantee the ma chines to give better satinfaetlon tf an any in use. We arc ailtr. 8f u UlJih Carolina for tho l. 01 tne tsciiui I ELD' Maxm ,i( Hand, Horse. Water and ntJtnt i-f v- adjusted Press inuse. ; If you nrt5 iu wlrV2n 011 write to ns. WILLIAMSON UPCHURCTr, Refer, to Raleigh jBank, ' ; Jnn.li-Z-m, -. j , KittrelFs Springs. Female iHiffh Ccliooh KITTUELL'S 2f . C 8wion begin 4th August 1W1. - The Baikiinp itnd gprings havtf been purchased b the Principal Can aocomdate 200 pupils. Will be thof oughlv repaired. We leave the ToL-. not school, the spring ewion of which numbered 73 mrbolars, 23 ef whom were music ThudIIm. lWr vttrtrms muma chief among these are BtmauoRiTV of Br ildikgs, erEcmrAi ir ati:ks i-uke aik ana a desire to establish a Practical rrMl HefaMi .r rh f IfChV. f rude. Tatlte to Kefutorftmra tfitliBorrd Session.! twenty wmb o extra charges. For further information ap' ply for circular. H. BARXES, Princiral-

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