? pjv Z "vy 1) -l.-.:--r"-"'' .L--! -.---1-; ; --. -L -L - ' j -',Vr ' : - - - -- - -7 ... . . r- - - ; - . -", ii . ..... .. - '.i-?1"'! " i''r i iT fitiiiT By The Advsnce Publishing Company i-ET AlATHE ENDS THOU AIMST AT, eHY'dOUNTRY'S, THTGCD'S, AND TRUTHS' Ti J "it ft - ' i - - jrtitf ,HiyfiUi. tit ...... m iir & -7 - TnEVtTSON ABVAKCE; I.- j "r ' "WiLaox, - Fridav, August '2G, iSSl. POETBY, tibe: two ciiitisciies, An -old gentleman, Witlt "coarse lothev but i,i)ue the worse- for wear," i duiace i ti he, in a great :itv on one.i habbik:!i morning; and, Avhen the "old . t f .-, ' ' -. bell.i in thv st(.(n. iw..r,,n thirilhf'xDm didn't . seat me .'way t'hiiniM for the meeting,'' h strolled into a church rear by with thoughts.; bent on worshin. Tt hAm.ened to bo a 1-1 u ril Ji-u i,m4U 1 4b...wl kv t ; i - . . , 'i n "styffh one" where. Fashion went, -i ll V i n u ""i i,u m; l?romptiy respond, and the directors, Traelitish widow had, by law, a ...ruu.ha, :h w rsup us.own ; ir t; -f v .f- m, , ,1Mr,, i alter aeciucnng - per cent. oi. tnoier Gf claiming in marriage the gotaess niyie witn all tiie pomp anti " "7 " " 1 enHHeferl ' send' tba iUrco"ta ei i n i i eircum-ita ice of Da-niM't-fd nri le to find a pleasant pCw. i w-w so couecttu, scnti ti.e, oaiante, to , er 0f her deceased husband, in w That afternoon flu- n t!,,,,,,,. : . , V . .., JlL.mya" -JWAP .juarrie.a.inejcase, as the nrivilepre- was tr; iOjiirnnnlcate V with hLs wife; and in i 1 IT!1- , e sul?m lt hu1 1 company is expected to do this if it is ; to the female, that of the female w ..... . . t hr ii i tin rtmi- . i ... . . . . . . . ' lines lull oi vigor and grace and taith, ,,:" ' . ::,'?.',., A 77 ;' governed, uy -honest principled ot Dusi- i lik-pwUn tr.msfp.rrpd t.n t.hp mnlpl J.:; V: ' V ' ' VP !! " V "riThi- tune was donation" ani o!is made tlierebv. On the next ? Sunday, ho- ftniud another church) Which he called the "model one;" and J iii another communication,-, he ilc-i tured, with the glowing brush ;f l'er- j Vid )Owy, tht- beauty, the t':i(l'fne-s iiulthc so!e:nnity oi'thnt pui ..'sweet i hour of f'eep a:id earnest wrshi, ! over which perhaps the ll-tening an- i gels bent and heardth'en. 'aught tht strains and niii.gled flir'm ink thf rapturouH rvthm ininsireisvj wnicn-. Dreaus iu endless 1 ripples urimi f throne of God. The linei a;-e bt'autift.l, and their very choes WilPlii.gr in' the ht'art lo:ig after the words are dumb, .and will make soft niuH' there, yea'like the sweet inulerrnn rpf stlie ' rmnifnful Voiced dep" wl.en the v, imis?hich ratii swe'yt it, goe.- , ' , ! i . i in: t;Tvt.ffcji oxr, '.Tn ...;r.. tt.... I i,uii ,1ijj'. 1 I'll v I il'i w t TM'llI Iff llllif. .1 I- 13 i I , w " : , ,-. ,. . ' : V A?. u .I Vl v I llf 1 II ICII "II Hlltil"!'', . Vou would have beMi'sti.rpri.sed- v's.ee what I there saw to-day,, 'rhe sistei-s wre dressed tip so nef they dul'nt how to pray. I had these fws -lothes 'of mine much the wo:vc for wear, Jkit then lhey knew was'nt not one th y called niliipnaire, Ho they led tbc'old nian to a seat way f, liK-k liehi'id the dot.-', ' .,TwiMibojkl(i-s and unciMhVned. a reserved ysat'for.the tw? ' j ,. . ... iiey led him tp a cushioned sef? far vciii.itx'.i t.- (lint vuuiitiiH tiiifr. .ti. I. .,.,,1 ,.1..M.!'.. in advance of mine . Jt did'nt look exactly rbjht to seat liim up so near, Wlien lie was yoking ikI was old and very iianl tc bear. .. - 7. Hut then, there's no aeco'irptVvg for what some nronle do. The line.- t clotiics nowa.Iay the ibiest pew. W ill get 3ut wiien we rea'h the blessed home and undeiiled by sin, -We'll see weaith begginvfat'the gate; while poverty goes in. . 1 fdd not'hear the sermon, I sat so far a way . kv rriri-iiiirii rno tiniir ot kit w. cii i Only watch an.l, privy Watch the doings of -the clyiislnvns, near. me, round ibmt, JTrayeri GctVty.mak tirm pure- w?h - in -ax they wpt? pure without While I s:t tlcfe Wingi upon the rich and g'fit ' ) wits thinking of tYc rich uan- and ' 'thn? hegAwrMs g.frtfU How all hut by (V)gsgkmf the beggar's fo-ri-j grew iw, '''. When angers iof? liis jMit , k ian- sions buiirf gokit ' 7 Itow at J?st tie ?icfvi '"perkshnl and his spirit took to flight J'rom the purple and ftne linen, to a home of endjess nighty When he learned,- as lie stood gazing at the beggar in th'Sky It is not all of lift live" vt&f- 11 of deah tf (uv t ,- - I doubt nk f hrt"e-f e?atiy 'ftwn in that religious fold. , Who went upfrom theif dSvlings like the Pharisees of old Then came baci,k from their wors?Jip, with heads uplifted1 high .To spurn the hungry from their gates with naught to satify. Out, out with such professors, they are" doing more to-day, To stop the weary,: sinner frmi the i-jtoPs vbitiinf wav ". Than oil fVi hAnks of infidels thjsn all that has been tried Since Christ wa born pv Bethlehem, since Christ was ciFlicfVd.- jkow simple are. the works', of Ood, and vet how very grand , , the shells in Ocean 'Veam fhe flow ers on the land- - . lie gilds the clocdsj of evening with Kot for the poor mm only-ncforfhe goiu light iron? 111s- wiroiw, aiuruflre - . ' 1 . .: r r r It I w .i A, . ut . y A nte 'hy seKt him in the pooftsf pew be- cause hfe clothes, are bldr . ; -X heart -ith nobWEffftvyv'a '.iaYt fftwt God ha?.ble.-f ' , Stay bebeatmg Heaven's mt?Ic Hn?lth a 'faded coat and? st,- . pin old, I may be Childish,' but' Hove Simplicity, ' . I love fo see it himng on a christian s purity: , : . ' , , jTeus told us in hi? sermon on Judah's mountain wild, tfe, who wants to go to heaven, hiu-t. fiiit belike ? child. r-fourhPAdro rowin gi'ayiibar wife J circulars anct fetter U, "Sni Jo-'taM g 2" the .Aliihter will callui2b,4 lor us to iro. f-11irt- whrfwef fpftcli" Hie pes 1, unci. look with joyful Qyw, rl v trate f tVeMl sec'nb Stylish worship ill that cU'jupie m inesKies. i's'.-j, ' ,'.- j-'-iTj . H i-r- . . . . . ..4. ..If v i WelK wile, , 1'yeV found the nio,left?ipaiilo nif as niuch ...... i i - chui'elv,' 1 Yoysh.ipped then; fo-j;iy; j Out of tills $4,000. paid iiji.-iht agents It tniid6 m$ think of gool old tinies, recei've their very large percentage" for 4 y 'HlUrriiVrlie gr?- i:- cominiionSi SRV-l.K), and the.bal-. The riloatm' house- M Us -iixed; -more i, - 1 7 than they-were Vesti-sjlgo, ? d?"?- Whenever tiut then t" felt, when L went n, it 'anv onP niember of class A is married, Wivav't L'uut lor show, , i !iick TTto,t!u 4(")r T , , ' V , r Huluew taut I was old and deaf as oul PV L(i all the ikh)iIo siiifr: the limbic upward roiled, Till -1 thought I heard the angels striking all tfieir harps of gold. , , - fy deafness seemed to melt away, my spirit caught t!ie fife; , Ijoii.ed thy feehlef trfinbling voice with llie inClolious choir. I san as i;f youthful dilys, "Let gels prostrate fall; H ' U and lhinrf fortli the rova-b diadem r rtrii rfj. ww- it (Va me good to smsr t'" the hymn oiv.? 'HUii'vi " . i J ft'lt like a' v.ii-ckcx! : mariner, who gets a,S'l'mrse of shore; ' I almost want ed tfl lay aside tJhis weath er-beaten' form, ' And'anclior in that blessed pcTt for ever trtfo TrMn storm. Tho preaehm'! Wrfllf I anft just tell iih Urn the pre?eh(.!r srtid . I kno4r it wasn't wt'ittenj 1 know it ..... . wiifin read - itr. for the lightitinNrUiiseye Went Is.-inK long frcat pt'w to" pCv'i "nor -passetl a ! sinner by.- The ' Kcrnton wasn't rt&we'r'y, "'twas si niph:' gospel truth; It lifted poet' ;M ?e:i like me; it fit- ted htm 'fid Vouth; '.'''.... 'Twasfiill of (isolation. 'to'' weary hearts that hleel; . ' j 'Twas full of bn itatioh's 'to Christ and not to Creed. 7 . . ., .; k " " Tiic preacher made sin hideous, n Gentiles and in Jews; ! u shot the. Golden sentences down 5 I v " And thouirh t "m't see very well I saw thtr falling tear, That toldjnehMl was some wy off, ? a:;d hertven very near. How swift the golden - mom within that" holy idaeej How b'mhtlv beamed, th' lti?ht of Heaven from eThrtpy face! ' .' Again 1 longed for tht sweet; time 1 ! Ill ll'M III .V lllflllIIIllltslVIII-t l - .1 wjicli incud shall meet with tneiul; 1 - - . . , . , ir. When tx.nznMiin4 ne'er break up, I Acros 111 tn0 neXL epumy.Leniga,' and Sabbaths. h?ve no end. ; . two young.peoplewre inarried. Thfcy , 7 k ' 'I " ! belonged to dillerent companies.' In I hone to meet thatminlster the co;-s hirt v avs the' fought Aid IrfufSfc beyond he skies Separated, 4 but the proof.of tlndr s mar that sbiiK from Heaven's blue. ri:gc ;had been sent into the home of I doubt not 111- remember beyond , flee and in due course of time each re i?.- . . . - yrh(t hnnnvhonrOf wcrrshin'in that I iiiodeicJiurClT kHVyr , , 7:.- 1 )ea wifv tin? fili I will soon be fought, tiii victory be woiv; The shin in' gol s just ahead, the race is 1iwly run?. O'er the rivfY w M-e Tifarm', are throngin' to the shore, 7 - Tcr Hhout our safe arrival where weary weep no more ; ( thev (' . ,,. tne " "(" 7 jf "..Marriage in trance. is becqniing m contatrious in Pennsylvania and ad- joinng states as deatn-oeii, insurance, andtbve is likely. to be m mui-lr criti4 ). cism of it. 1 some cnmtif's the j judges efuso to grani 'rliarters' to th-ffl marriage insuapce comiKinies, lnt i the parlies who ate refusal apply in a I. neighboring juried v'.t ion and are suc cessful. They remMTy procure a char ter or lveew.se to go . into the "business of guaranteeing single young men and women one inoustHiu uimms, "iwc u .wnii hy m'5 ' , Soliciting agents find it yey pli sailinL'-in the ' country dwtricts and ?1'leniwikrahie busn?ss wnong. t?'- vonnfr women by nssuring them that young nieu seeking wes hiyariabiy lar He Eas dung woman whohs, had,,?" lifnj(? hf ' can very, fuly- get j fir3t'ih place of hay1ng7g60d food' to. .busincHS tact "and .judgfnffat-her and he;will do so rather thaivfbuilcfnp his cohsititutioniandthe rt-- select a y mi about her to ' get!- herself 'hifured in time. MTie The ronsenn.ice M-that the voung women pay over their hard- u .V' J . .M I A.. . fc. . . ... T.I --fl-ttrn. )LfcA-iA in tfi .ihop3f fhafivii sOoii jCyiung niiii will . ri-r alonGT nuiiuniJ W : , lie; mill t: ... . . - ii ' ' : 'in I tit A'.-i Jwill select her?- tnarane wjii get i,uwj compiy, and that lrUiV jfortuie.' wit d;, to hav' in' the hWise "to i .... , .vrc n!V a liarioraiK I'f.-iot-Fin a horse, a few cevs aua1 t mr.hiv n ds "'""J an They liieil people e.ocapitatiVreqiiiredto ipanvmore thaii. is required! a charter; furnish an office, ! startacomi ,t'o pay for pay. for the print in :.f a lot of blank-, A ends to start maYried iifc .wiqi.- 1 opine ciass as soon as iney are - mar-1 fr0m the gallows By proving oatp sur- These! concerns,. moJe. p)pc-7: rief. , t f e skripiy .do, the. organizing j gery.-but, I yfonH not-gtfa; step tosee libuld be eallel 'guaranfee'cbmpului aad collecting and charge a small pe?- hiiii, he -paean't to IuU'Garfiekl; tbut' only do business witti tinmar--, wrifi1(TP f v(1 lMirfrPsnlf' are at i the latter snouia nave.nau uinwem- heads,' and Htrfrt , 4- fe' hundred w13lfi fe'lfCilintf ' .geiHs-cpurfnefArtitlti tt6uite a nice sum in tlmcj couutryj scatter the splendidly worded i ftfi'd i'h,r,;jit'''rfew'(i i ' r ,-! . : he or she sends in the. certificate of marriage, --duly witnessed by the-local agent, and the .company at nce 'pro ceeds to collect SI from each of the 099 other members of that class. They ei.cu l ie . uiwiius. i ui-ei v neany ? inBievery memoer wno tin 1 i ' r i " 1 marries, as tneir cliarge lor collecting the assessments .nd retdrp about to tire beneficiary: 'Tht better kipd of company. charges but 5 t'er cot, .The person marrying drops out of the class and as fa? f as marriages ocenrj new Ine.njbe'rs are substituted to 1 keep the cla: s l,'1 full. Some successful cfln pahies have three full classes going. Children lt years of age , are received as members aiul assessed so muclv . kThevYouiiger.tha pewori the less the late, and the -older the higher. The oHicials ipretPntl to have a system, based upon careful calculation, as to marriage probabilities, just the -ne as the old-line life, companies ?vo as to de- prohalwlities. i " llence "wili be seen that a young rnsirtl&igagecl Id be 'married n year Cixnii ,tiUe may join ; company, pay initiation fee,- run the chances l of hall a dozen assesshient, and when she is married she will rec?'i'e, if she's farly dealt with; alo,ut''S00uV If ber intefnd- ed.is smart j hef too,- will join it eemprc nv and he', tb, will receive SWO sixty or liinev '-usri s niif i iiiin.-itn i pioui.i have oen received of h.s -lnarriage; , Thus far the. experiences , of some young men and young ! women in the marriage! insurance business is inter esting A Schuylkill, county young lady -'lft her boine b.eta'ie file could not bear to be ridiculed about her iikis-i fortnewith her intended. ' She tbongHt fie was to be inarried last ... .1..... . . . . tM . . . a . ..... t . ? ir(nit.hf but the young niaii ran away i ani left .her, . 2ST,w she l-.as neither math? kOoUt- voun24 ie)tie luive i have been imposed utkJu, as we he'ar S ioUiMelSf Ai - aii'd uiMiW : eacJi tat of, and which you Kay you also Itdvri atinir ftifmners. rsome ! neara nnonii nut ncany an ir.e coni- iits tk-dP,0 sc v'oult' 'iave received.nor. -s 'i a husband .--i --.The cletaiLs of, -'hep bal ''ii-.-. !.' . - v-'- ;. . ; : . 1 .. r lu-'k ieakeir out, ana jsii.e went to l'hu- a(.k?ip.hia to escape the Uaunts s her'rUdcr acimaintaiices. and ceived the amount of money due, and im ;re now scpar.uei ...euj m it. The y'Aing woman is off on a tnp J I A Kurop.and the young man started a Jiampss--making ; shop. Thre are nnwy who now charge that tbe young wran just marneu to get ner money and never intended to live as a wife to that man. Somesav that she boasted j of tile trick slw? was going" to play to 1 get money7u(-ve. Paris. ' . 7 ' : ' . - A young woman )f: Lehigh county i was Compelled to withdraw from her thk.rneiaLblfVhip . ljecausv she said, ! lshpJha5l'lsess!nents.in two month. 1 aqd; U. p j , frv each was a tax-; -" vwmVi .,wn. v r iteenis to. nie'aidh'e, -''that'all the niembw ..of 'our class were getting j married at once. -Mjr Mher lVfused I to help1 me any further, so I wrs coms polled to drop, out of the .class" after . had paid B;l." An industrious young - mechanic working tho shops'- in Ibanori; joined a company sixt ei months ago. Three 'months ago fce was mar rietl, and yesterday" he received SHOO, wJ uc h he is usi ng t o . i m p r 1 v e hiune. dl5"tikfe .-fl -am about; 5 v -0 aiieaa oiae luvesYmeiu, uimi 1 coiisaf- er myself kic kv It M V tight 'for8 ; 1. 1 A 1 -. J . a J L i-A .1 ypiinmaitgo iiiP'If hlrl goes continue to pay-. the heavy drain of stenwiu-w-rut 1 nuxu - tu. wonniStt.'caii'.f gb-tiourtMg' aid choose; a hufrl and sn man ea a 1 wife.' If. case y' conxHtion of h4s tempera--shehasa fall on V with" her intended,- tureP Th pulsation tfde not cmiourt tor he deserts, heshehas got to wait f ii. .il rtnit 1M" iii'Ui ixtTur. 3 j . . " v. . -. . ed in the busing made ,this tate- ment: "The4 business S perfectly le . critHiate.- .- thousand unmarrietVlTsTCMitrjit aboiif i-Wri-.- ''"'-' , - ---3-. pelvic asfrse louav-ri lofncu niciiiwciH ( . w - - . . wld. : v i k drn l- .u - death-be-r insurance, so-called. ; iomo .jompaniei have it .; arranged i- - - 1 J 1 A . . -. . . va- ml m m - m j that if persons do not g'ft marrje4 in j a. certain number of vears thev will be : 3 i - I i it ". which the company will pay.'1 Thei( may'Tw'sorrie' ' companies that may panics' are very strict and do ho't uike people without an chitracter or whd have no respect for the marriage' voyV The cmpajiie hereabouts hoiie'st lind tfilst worthy The custom which refvds the right ofproposing o the stfonger sex is not so universal as many suppose. An pow- broth- hich ansferred as He iaa the power of refusing:; the refusal I ' i . . -- however, was attended by soniq mor- tifyitig circumstances; the woman whom be had thus slighttfd was to come unto him in the august presence of the elders of the citv, and td loose the shoe from his foot and, spit in his face.. A custom somewhat similar to this remains at present anidng some of the Indian tribes. : When be wife! dies the husband is obliged tt? marrj the sistery or in her stead the' vrdman whom temUyxf thp decease wife Vhall choose' for him. . In the state , of. New, Granada the right of askings is promiscuously ex erted by both sexes, whd, when , they feel th passion of love, .declare it without the least embarrassment; and among the Cossacks the same thing is said to be carried on still further, and the women mote generally court than the men.- When a young lady fall in love, with man she is not 1 in the least ashamed to go to" his father's house'and reveal her passii in the most pathetic manner and proii submissive obedience if he will accept l ui'for a vvite'J iKhoiiM the s hiiint nre- . teiid any excuse, she tells him she is resolved never to go out of the house till he gives his consent; and accoding Jy takes up her losing there. If he obstinately refuses her, his case5 be comes exceedingly 1 distressing; the Church is coinmonly on her Bide, and to ttirn her out would provoke all her kindred to revenge her honor; so he yields or flies. , ; ; , ' 7 As the two sexes in Greece had but little intercourse with each other, , and aiover was seldot favored JwiMf an opportunity of telling his passionto his mistress, he used to deck the door of thbi-liouse where ,hls fair one .lived with flowers and! ''.garlands; to make libatki)s of wine.beftA-e it. In the man ner that wjs practiced at' the temple of Cupid: ' Wleii loe affair did not prosper in the hand of t Greek, he did not lavish fortune in presents or be-' oome assiduous in his attentions) but immediately had recourse to 1 incsmta-" tvm philters; in composing and dvs- Deilsin2 of wllich the women of Thes' potions were given by the women tr the. men as well as by the men to th women, and were generally so violent in their operations as7ufor4qme time to deprive the person who took- them of sense, and ixt uncomimnly of life. .-."77- ; 7" - ' Ir.- Ifomnmnd's Talk He Says . TE;:it tke President is Doomed to Die,' .t. vviitmui a. : nauimuuu was Hqen this morning' in reference to President Garfield's condition. He said: "I am sorry to say I hve' great fLKUti for alarm. ;In fact it is 'no - use disguising tive -matter the' President is dvig slowly) and' tii ' ' rnyj.opf nion f f the' dispatches 7 corfecty Ke'f will j notiive mo?e,:iiian twoor thref djvys,- if that- I am sorry. to . say so. 1 The statement that' he is nmv suffering from dyspepsia is, all mnshine; he 1' ml ' . . .9jj""i 1 r i7a JrSfi Imffer f 4nV ! nothing - bUi but pyiemia, and Vias been .ever, sincf M' . . . ' - -.- . - m m tr5, severe MvwfsMi i! fntce ' . J, a 'wb4eh was 7 folScnverf ' by oihers j He'hftrt:been simply starved from the 'suit Is he is seVtmtjMitfc pm!f 3feh X f0 mucheven ifit varki from1 100 tc 4 :i ii.' S U Tr.' T-i,. i- 1. ijuoui is iiwi w; uw, ,iw nouij TlvKmtion.. tc the preenee of the tbaii'; in ' thd" . srfoecji'; knS. ; f&V b ; - - - r. --i - fi v i?ooa lawA-er emHcrsirs e u-uneau I O V - , . - . tmitmenWaud theullet shonldnofi have been where it now is. TNo, poor felloWf he is bound to die, there is nol help for him now, .Wed Suw in Colorado; . .;;! ii;;-!-'!1'!1 1 1 T -"Vi l!'4 Thn Iknv&r,H,lwu 1 .ml HruinAi GJasirtgiN-estho 'tolloirrsf tiipUnft-i it anbears Is not rtn nnmmmn h:rikAntv.,iPAi4nH.LntlKi itojifetkwi in the m C40lofadaf.'ltay8t hrlve sometimes bf plidiiouuieiion, which about the Iolyi (Itom pWce are the onlV6nori: iii which it 1-4 known itf the ynited 3iatep, thdtigfa , ?'X ' ' ' 1 7 1 ' ' "' ' " ' . m . ii is an every . ay .8iatie regions, !:lmve returned- counts bf its ! The cause i or this blood-rert w ,.ha. .,..,iai :., . .1 visible . . only tor the micruseppej but though ; a : microscope can , re; veal them, nothing can give afiatifi factory, account of tle i source frtfm which they coinei: or the reason Irjf : 1 1 - - their coming. The red snow in the IIolv CVOss dWritlt mav.be seen in paicnes 01 various sizes ana -ainer?m shades from deep scarlet - to delicate pink. Held iu the hand it dissolves!, leaving' a' clear, red water Which rhak nstain. .The reel h'ow Iii tHis regionj has come during the last two yearsr &a old , prospectors: before" that time never noticed it.'-7' It isan inter- from Avlmbvpr snrt tho " The Garfield Coolinjr Machine. - 1. Tne machine by which President Garfield's room is cooled, says Kijyri - ton, was furnished by Mr. Jennings of Baltimore. It consists of a civst-' iron chamber, abcrwt ten fee't long and three feet wide and tiireeVhigh filled with, 'vertical . iron , frames covered with cotton terry or Turkish toweling. These screens are placed, half an inch" apart, and represent sdjne -StQPO feet of cooliug . surtace. Immeaiately over these vertical screens is prhbed a coil of inch iron pipe, the l?f side of which is filled wih perforations. ' into a gal vanized iron tank holding 100 gallons of water is put - finely ran ulated' or shaved 'ice.' This water js sprayed upon sheets in the lower tank con- stantly. Jnr each end of the iron chamber are opening) thirteen ' Iriehes smiarerto the outcye"nd of ''this chain ber is a pp efqTinectink wrtli . itn out-' defer air condtfctoi ' Iff !thfe'..efprosite .end in connected ti fmih pip4';lead- irtg'intd an- k5eT;chb;lfaii from the WttOm. 'bf-; the) : jajoaei pipe lesi.l to su nll exhawit fctnr and from the' fan now Cfftd nd dry air is forced dlretetlyJ'nf5 lhtf.'jPildnt;; room tkrenigh flue some jtwenty ' feet '1n leVgth. ThcUiiir received at ninety n'ne degrees temperature 4s supplied r$ her niter ct 22000 cubjereet pr hour at tr rgistifr in the t'xesident's, room at fifty-four degrees and - with the windows and doors open the tern perar, hire at the President's bed, twenty five feet avay, is maintained, steadily tt se eny-flve degrees day and night. The Pica. This insect belongs to the genus Pu lex. When he gets on your ,7 arm you pull excitedly at your sleeve. You are anxious also for the insect's leave. The flea has a strong love for man, but he manages to get ; over hlsattach ment. He is a leper, In olden times they used to drive the leper out of the synagogue. When the flea pete tm you, he sees sin agog fn your. heartl The flea is a paracite. , You have, not got to cross the ocean, therefore, to, see a Piwis sight. Fleas are very plenti ful ; You remember, that ,Mafy 'bad k litf !e" lamb whce fleas were, white as snow.- Jn ancient timcfy however, the golden- fleas we're' Very scarce, and con- sequentlymuch STght'" after. There canba'-tt 'doubt nbout the habit of th is soekt insect,) for doe? not' Bfle speak of it as the t4flea from the wrath to comeT'i dliiabit is referred fhy as the ' wriKed ilea" w men -nc man pu-uethV r lint we prefer nflttodweU U IWsUitject.- eAWroV W wibi to have this subject dwell on us We mieht ere long hae alfles?r in? cr. e$5 shctik we net sep'.- -t Tue 'far PjisioW. 7 Tbe following touching fombstohe. Ascription appeared in a retebi imirfcelr of thfe' Chicago New: ' "f Ui tj If he hadmififfcf iHtle sister - ' iniead of mVe-stuig his money in a Miaverv common Kiht. nampiv. rv:wnai tofiawith fifaitrviv. iabh iitrd r ,, banintbejeighborbopciof ..Mount 7 ' Lwin -you'd give ttie .as much water as. T nin drink tAfM I un .ti froltt which travellers eot a pitcif of Oe'dr Y!CtoVHwvwldOi:r with very vhthtfaa fafiaftw tinted isfiTttifehMB strange appearance roore-r be td Wn he. ould ! have I it 1 4 I uiejr.vcc.uunume,.oxjvny tneyiouncj, , 3 yuaio, va going tO-cCUft a resting-placnder the-Aliaiy Cross! i dldnTt youf. NqV f'get.-ouWI'rai i Ire w ould have been playing mumttlei 'corp: ,ty-peg.in the back yard witlt Johnny Fitzgibbdrw to-lay. ' We hope to meet him where there are no Fire-Works.- A 1 FerefaV&ilf TVho Callodfor Cold i Waferf ." Tjl. ! . ... ... .V-mm (r .MwL Ulla 4i)f a man! '. he. iJrf.. .fimb tM, to fcad ItnVonhim rinlfa .rilUn ii I ll'l I I IJ M I 1 f 1A1 1 11 . .1 j j 1 . y - s l occurrence urwwr miMUU JandHtRf IfldfrtK5 Mlal i.iXi . . I 1 . - ' . I . mmmmw WKLM U KUHU man He dias,, throwing a -.btookelUwui ilJLik.al 2.l&tr7.Z . tt wheaeyer.he ptWd it, hemtlm- I ' . i ,i' ' . ' ' j running own on .Uie ..Upor ; Abt ImidnlErht the . man , feHf . lriritwtta uwwr raiuRm.flayr-c iT, 1 j'.. 1 ... . .... ",f 6V"i H'iiV ,iWM. nl!-fMtW Wie ,t1f al flo;fUHi(4iaineU the tor exclaimed W .'t h 'v. . vj x f WeU; it, aiiis was iu itVm-MeuutUK iimem.i.. 5h"V j. raie 01. .mo -raenigto was MSre'wtthottt I iP foV.f Mat and feattf 1 lofntfel iae' upofci thenW,".htf iHer hov with many ffsighl KeVfiaff Jerusaleml hold my tlflttt -jSfy. . Ijppatfer fiClehed-J was around hqr Jittte waist, 'hfld I got ready her Ups to ti&tfef boivbetteWrp"' VVim?7Ttr ., do a thing so hastef: nevter'anl'tfr .the.Sfa YeA-ghM with rUt4 i blitrt inolimm tit&t ijseaqd fcalc thatburlsj ysktdt myrCimtHa AM whaouabcamti glyoi ,m girls they mako -ndthW ifJ the othei, : But felvto tw'a''Vii&fa lips .aad kias-youdaackV -K " ; . . r 0 b rl .i. .4, .v.i, uJM .- I pressed Mattie's rofm tdtfthiand looked down iu her ttyandso ltook herJrwulin, Biine. iuddent breath6?c,7',uuwl,u.u"c Wjrv for sighs. ,.. . . Ij - aw am T,-?nr t,J re,'Jeems, tm ysnee , , ;,: : il: Who VTIivreli Matt tbat i.' mafreid tp wmaa iibf j few .TliTlilrSi-l Alii V4 fnni.lA i T. 1 f.n 'e. m. I ein, anu no one jtnoweyn wnilJier u .IL 2 'Lj ' .. LL'- In -! V., : i ..1 gVeth. ne riseth up, lotbej chilly pmen"ygjt an4(ee, etlt' the'Somholent "paretcoria .where wrcn.to peju ine. coucy ppwej.oie. iKtfa t -viii' 1 laLM rtI" aim uurui- iv jy vr we uwum , vt sun family, yet hVbimself is'seen at the tT.f th citxr&rith :A-,nH,dir. Mf HffiHlTiKrfiT, rnv F.. ..j,,, nyni.wii u.ipimBii.i. . - . . . . -. . . - ' . fuofjtthf?Q4ivri: ! uproot? goln. bat ,TrtphL,;!, flfia .bit 7af v4 veh.it! i mm' 'ifn p-rct a j - M ....... wena aenti?r exztsetsan osa Une-. . . . . . .. ..... . . m . . . BhAm9t&tfa& WeHnfhcrowtfi fKe'ctt heWtrhYiotf oraeh - a ..... . ' - - : H. mwm Ifi.t... Il l r irnwia tsootti.' a jaw-rreaji er liitiMHSWHi -Imb,'. j.Vdf I'm xH iirwTi'fMW Wfein toursue Tia wffcTIntA oththee'oft'MKrrsl of ;ce-edA2 tforia' inoTjSTrerRrre.rrai:' f never j-. - jjfor fir waves tobr1tik;eVetber V.tn&icii!t tLTtAik' but 'i 1 'navel seen wWhan',rii4fiIhet white atTns,:iIft man rroratne Tnire or aegraaaiion, nu hold him to her bosom as though he was an angel.- v saa'bhKl aVtti7irwere I fririi&U that Onsnt ta ; pftJS ayii?AP,5Sii5 oy ao-a prfnlcWne of dc fiffynt!Vf tfrmmMmml mo: 'v- w;ii : in m 1 u 11 nna . nn thbbtfoWH-RrT: 1." . r t , --v P ' "rT" -f?r, trouble brfuniWe aYia? L. - iLJ. f -f l An A .1.. . . .. rood- UPOB - IIMo point pant laid '6ul lhirttu1ir44 U9 rtfa feWi H-'fciiU-rfiU mA2mLHLxjUatitmt" ' home and awaited WlfinowS vL.k.,tiin .-1 bM4 uiiixiiwproouvvii&i nor'vLjrj r7 . . .... . . . tM'tofil.CJ Yisited lkce KKlStefn.atZ.H In thd th biterJteottieTt4fiblLll and -W::;'- I'llflftfi-IHf h&'i'iWttt&rmfr thm ISSSSfiK"?: --- -" y J " .iv ..w wnv 1.11 mm liw ll botrt e'fforW'tbfefTimto Kltinna IU IW Wffirafr?f vi.- nOem-xtt. -hbVrbilnt wwYiii a vneume nwDisexpv. uioim ...'J. A.K iiLitj j ' f fmA peTAOTitr - pKntheioTiimoTi that i-. i;t TOrre eveninsorur'iU'lrt epre6 tWetf lnftgncssUJofWmHbSiffi mpt tfaeWe'luW1fi HftfeIrDdfuwli f the pxperiwof aUettttslbSUaW a thousand mUe from wHsbiiC -foil lady khfle lindef the'lhtulce1 m, t . kbis fbr VtyiodW lWferJrh youilftoy V&fbofiB rfui&nder naorTortrntten ner Dure:"h"ur,WA send (h -kwicMntf tetfilC i . - . , nr;?.t, next ?. a fnentl- TWIMtowlny'day tnttfllBI" "eulluiUUU and pr- Ufowhjcb aha yahl3a it ax. attract ipcfour tftuxel!sstihf t lrrfir twrvarv vwumamm3im bv Yu 1 JJST "5 1 J n,i lea Ftoh JrfJ.lY . i .krf d .M m. i moro., lily jhpjffKj vMrntrtftlB nt rra4 lty tnat shapes our end." ! Bald men. are the coolet-heded' men in the vrcrlj:- she JlS 'a HerV '1rirhim ' 4 6 f" m th4 dentbrtrrh'1 innid&rrtelEioakl hot Tbsistthb UfitWailmih9 a thtfWfliieHWrlasMJ,

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