i v. ..': , ,. -- '."'.''..--' r . .'... " ' - - ': ' ; . - - :.-."'-, . i ' W"""awiMW - ? 1 1 J I I i p &y The Advance Publishing Company LET ALL THE ENDS THOU A1MST AT, BE THY OUNTRY'S THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH S-' -Josephus Daniels, Mant$tr ' WILSON Ni C, FRIDAY, NETMBE!!, 2, 1S81. 3i .tlonl'-it Sl.OO. V A- i x -V U A 'M T rI "ITT 4 I'H Il Ui! lit'- ii. i in- lit- i iiann 1 11 Lt Ml lYlt ;Ul 11. I with ynurs Jm" but ground for hope. I 'd- links smallest Two ipinl OilVii-- in tu ISmi jjlwry aititl .!. '" : 'f"T 7 TTo ,: i ..44.vcaliilyurf;elf;le:is nothing ! ,jay; lun?nill, Wilson, 1- riday September 2, 11. ' oss thannotliim?-to me, Diantha that jim (jn01 love, ttr.'l duty? and tenderness of the w ife 'and mother tunic uppermost iu an instant, lusing erect oeiore mem shrieked Moil- firmlysotting her lips against the ox- FOETKY. A XATIO! 'PKAVEKi' . . itY ir. wri.KV. God save our wour.ded Protlentj. Ahd span him yet while; Stretchout Thine urnii Omnipotent, And cheer him with Thy smile. Our community was at tin? 'nloe colore iiasic uti io niKTiipt. I pvM vjralnd who '. has infested our ,,,, irn ; ,1(,t foiieM,, ,11,.: hois There ww something sepulchral i" ,.tUwn for some years, -had attempted truing to live. I fee! i know it. (io Uhabod's voice when next lie spoke: ; r.,,Ml .... f ( a Vour"' white '"iri in the Uv-k to ynur post every one of you, "My lifehangM on the qustioh Ttam I familv uf t. O. CatheV, residing on Bill Ai on llic Ti-agcdy. I'm glad the President didn't die. I like him better than I "thought I did. A Strange, illurder In llurkd Comity. On -Friday, August - 12th, A Live Vonng Curolialaa. Announcement 1!: S V11 MT He's nothing more than anvother man working the road Ruling iron, Mor. ored, the one- 4t(;;,ut.;iellf you .shall not "give tf n anil leave it not until every remedy is M illions bov before Thy throne, i n-.-i iv in a jut.: ins lywitiTvis iu ui'ili, ( Prepare him Lord to wear a crown, ! I 'lo you lOVC iTlt. ' i tlin net- - She Wrs viv onndlv. anl The answer came in a voice so still f;reenlee had iiljnst sueceedefl in'tmt and small that Watt Wemyss's ears, raging herMfor tfhe awoke, where strained as they were to catch the I U.M)I1 shehegan to scream and he ran. i slightest sound, failed to hear it. lint j nu hud lived on the lot awhile, and f the sequel made it easy to devine the ' U ;1S Well known by the girl. Some i purport. ! time agr,;: about .daylight, -he entered? ' our words have thrilled my oul ; her room by the door, ami awoke her m for nnv bodv that a 'Pm,ton to lrimlloton, and fthout ?ix brute tries to. assassinate, and I Wish ' f1""1" Morganton, a man nanic'd the brute could be hung for it, crazy ' t alker was klHed by one IVasoi or'not cr:i7A. Its them kinl Pi eiAzv j The tict, as we learn them, are as 1 l ..!!. . IL .i ... ti . . . . . . ' .ll,-...'. I '.t I . . f exhausted until death itself has set i UU1 u,ul 5im 1 nuen to live.- and it :4"1"'" 1 xu wua ms a( was his seal iiiHn him, for I will not be- ! nly shortens-their lives a few davs bout lo chop a - shaIe or fruit treoj em, about to ask! Uo not, T. entreat you, j r.lin street. He forced the window uuswer ! Htrlitly. Adorable creature, ; ti i.r room, entered. ' and attempted lieve that he is dviner. (io hack and ! to hanr ,.in. fn f :,,;n.,M -x.i u.L I when Walker snid: "Don't bai k th i I - -m - . i . --... M. tl" ui ------ One ofihe uluefciflst TrtrhJ n. while" Kvhf ii.t . vjil olV.v. r ...... .n ivi tun itui vtl OMW IH - r make home tuul fort lib d abroad MtiiK Hortue ,11. ltowiiind ih -About, t wel vo y ears ago he went from - Ili'n i?shtL tuaorjreasiheri it was small vilhujet He wu amerfl triulinjjf ihaivith A bttet,ejcieTtenc a" a Ul:'ug t lerk,Ht f With , a rofutii beurti , l!c !itrrallyrw bp with t.irtU ill) until the end itself is upon us.'' "In this style, "-says ('apt. Henry, 'she met the first stampede of the doctors." A Faithful Vife. And till his heart with holy zeal. with joy!" cried Ichabod, in ecstasy.: feeling of her ami and boUv. The A darling wife, aiil mothw's tears, Mi pj.ress'o in terrible suspen.-e, Watching . ou through hope and fear,: ' i rusting in 1 neetneir sure aenmce. i :'Come, darling, let ine ' clasp you toio jri proves a good character, having this bossom. henceforth to be your i,een in 3r. ("s family fur some four AND A HITSJ1AX1) UKCLAIMl-l) l'lUjM l'OI.ITICS AND WIirsKEY. sting-phice!" i years. fireenlee is guilty of burglary Watt conld bear to hear no more. I .nl moe both eanital Oli'enses. Mon- ; 1 - - j more butlontgive u'k I am iZl ZtTV"' 1 he . Js crazy i 11 rX " j thrtvl HfUtf city, mafingV hnlUU wife and I sav that we will not give:""1 v. lls lunv : " . ' 11 -l up a hrg ddirilt ?'u5ine. b me Miim aris or v.(iiKiing or . Arthurj . ,."M'imii swKer w nn or anybody else in responsible for it , kmU" cutting his throat so that h any more than the rebels were : ; ie.,unute.s.. ; -rearson got f Agricultural IX'partment ttf procurd ; ",r hisiing Air. i.in- ' " " "'"" iiuu ui t mfomiation, which thv did wt him the devil and mean i u51th Carolina, whither he was iur- i nin t, -....ku'.-. J . ' mM jnf !liijite- lf the interior of af-v." i. ; coming an aldern'utu ant ; leading eitU' " 't'l zei!. T-day he wmt with ine to thd .' 'oltii It was the devil' ami. mn (South Carolina, whither he wa whiskey that got into the feller and .! sulhy a deputy sheriff, Nhiff Drit that'sthe whole of it. 1 believe that j tain not bTinsr MolL uiuse cdald CieneraJ (iarfield was going to try to ' bo a;;cri,HHl .'other than jealousy; I.,ast purify the administratmnof the ov. j wi,lte the.v had both courted the une woman mid alker had won. j His first impulse was to rush in and 'day the Oram! Jurvtook the matter, business was one that his vif; could some years ago there lived in l'lui- i ernment hut lie wasn't gointr out of S:Um ndelphia a thrifty fair; the husband's j his party to find any helu to do it. 1 Thl!S was tho nrst link,! mtv vt. I'earsou h said to .have Ttre "tntfrnfm lingers by his" Hide; I . . :i i . I ... .a... .1 . ..1 ' xi-Vi V V1 VSi i V T r , Mes Diantha iii his arms; but on re W ith trusting, faith in 1 lim that died, ; . ' lie niunriiirsj Lord, Thy wiil be ; " H-uioi - ar a trapping throttle his supplanter with the faith-! jn hand, and returned two bills, one assist in, so she was in eve'y way doiie! The churcli. bell rings rU sweetest ijrawney telfow, whose prowess hau more than once been proved, he gave ! way to his discretion, ana maue a ' ranid advance homewards. set Lr to-duv. Asheville ( ''Jizt . chime, ;, Calliiiir ' thousands bv the av. Ami tM:,, rnrl,L:inn in f'liHi JiS I it i mi. ) "'i' I'll t .i. ' , - - - - -- - i . .1 r And round the altar watch and pray (U'spairaiul strvchnine." Watt wise-p,UiHur' u pu ,,,UNtu 111 "WV" IV conclude!, after an hcnir's cool re- i ;iua I t tw (lays bciore ner oeain Tl ut Thou wouldst "spare the wounded chef; Ibit jiare him' yet awhile, And show a nation iri its grief Tliat Thou upjuiv-; Thine own cait smile. ! not let her drive me to j his for burglary and one lor assault with ; helpmeet, besides being Ins houskeep iatent to commit rape, His trial was er and his saving hank. They were happy and prospering in their own little jiouso the Philadelphian's pat ent idea of comfort. After a time the man grew ambitious to get on a more showy" footing. lie took to politics as is the duty-of all citizens when this , means oolitics and water. Unfortu- Ney Haven. h; been the cene f a mysterious death which attracts great attention. A benutiful- girl, Jennie V,ratt - Weinyss's Kival. " Theirs had he n astormycouriship. Watt Vemvss wins oiie otSvour fidgety. ... . . fiection in the juiet of his chamber. "I'll bear it like a man, and let her see I .do." - The ncNt evening was that of Mrs. IJloiuit's . palrtyt It wan a grand af fair. --Kverybody was invited, Watt YVemvss among the rest. He was to have been DianthaPrew's. escort on 'the o v.hLoii; at t i it w.i vout (ifthe:ques tion now. Of course Ichabod - Uligh would sii))I,v his place. .Still he wusn't going to stay away. lie would put- Ken-tormenting .sort in lovers, and jealous whv. had .Miranda lieen his xwoetiioart, ten !to one hut he would ! "'utilF upper lip and go, If if it wa have scented a rival in tlu- "iVeckh'd, hag-born" ('aliban. JJut his sveet- was ce rtainly a virtuous girl, was . nAMy politic:S and whit,key in found dead on the beach near New j j., c-iejthsoit of ward politicsthat i Haven on the .5th. Tlie evidence w:is j c;irrj0!i ou in H1Uor saloons. lie grew at first conflicting, but now James and j t)) jH, such an important man in this he caretl heart was Diantha I')r(jw, of a temj.ev -widely diirerent: from the gentle ' Mi randa's. v Her moods were a capricious us an April day." -Seldom or never was hapless Watt al;!owrd't: l)Ukover an hour at once in smiles. Her the up hhis work, htantlv on tlic the sunshine of her bijy il keeping a lover was to keep him con-rack'--:iot : qii ite to r.earci to show Diantha how little for her defection. Watt's get 'Up wis sometiiing stunni'ng; aid there was a noticeable swagger in his air as he strode up and down ..Mns'Blou.vts capricious parlors. Just let him see Ii:tntha Drew; that was all! Wouldn't he t'fQeze hft- with a stare? He had been keeping one on ice all day for he vi It was already late when Diantha made her Walter Mai ley,- nephew and sou of Edward. Malley; a wealthy and highly estecmed merchant, have been arrest ed on the charge of "murdering her. They .played a deep gamo to accom plish her betrayal,' bringing over a New York woman to help them, and druKged her with wine and perhaps narcotics. It was originally suppose? that she might have Committed .kip cide in remorse; but the arrest of the Mallevs on the charge of murder seem "combination" that he could not at tend to his private business any more. If this were the story of "Mulhooly," the rest of it would be that, in spite of his empty shop and unfinished orders, he went on getting rich: But X was not a high politician of that kind, lie was vf the sort that is used not a master in t lie political trade. His wife, left alone in the shop, did .her best, but for the very fact that she was alone, that he w as never seen, cus- to mean that the theory is abandoned, j tomers began to suspect something. Mr. Edward Maliey had offered I',()UO j ()r(iers that he IumJ taken went wrong reward for the arrest of the nuu-(ier-i (.n,mn.mfs we niKle of lost gotls ... . : w lrive him to dej-i air, 'lut tht to the verge of it tlu better. More than once Watt had - seriously looking anything but hoerfiil. sibly shed;.ad been crying; at her ves looked red enough. 'And r.i wonder," "if she had anv debated the. n-v? a:vl cons of turning appearanre. She didn't come with Ichabod Hl.igh, .after all, but in t'ompnny with 'her jaunt, and los- loast i ers, and now his son is arrested. Great interest prevails about the matter, f;? the girl was betrayed under circumstances'-', calling . tor sympathy. She was a belle and'a great beauty, and while not prudish in her deportment, had always been careful and circum spect. Shohad.jono rale which up toj 0ven mo business the fatal night, two days before her ! death, she always, adhered to -aever and his back 'on the freakish beauty seeking souiegiooiny solitute wherein to sleep away from her parents' house. that had been .trusted to him. She had ti) make them y ob II ore again, the story ought to turn that she built op the business he-slf again, and put up her own name a sole trader. But she was a poor heart-broken woman. ' She wanted to reclaim him, and not was as important to her as what had. become of her bus band all the days an had stayed away j don't think he would tolerate '-'eh a crowd of thieves and plunderer's as Grant had around him, and therefore I was hopeful of his making a pretty good President. May the good Lord deliver us all from any dynasty con trolled: by Grant ami Colliding and Arthur is 'my prayer, and if General (iai-field lives I shall feel that the country is saie far awhile whether the: Democrats get any offices or not. .1 wish they could get a few. Good sakes ain't it been a. long time since they got a nubbin cut of the national com crib. But its all right I reckon or it wouldn't be so, and its' best to be reconciled to what we can't help. Maybe if we had the unices, somebody W( uld be shooting at us, and that's a perquisite of office I don't like. Now if Garfield had been away off on a lit tle farm lie wouldn't have been shot at, which proves that it is safer to farm than be President. Young men, go to farming and take the consequences. bee"n a tjnui- parative stranger in the county, hav ing recently come into it.-Muc Ilkfje Bl(Hk: An Attemps at 9uJciir. O 1 Suyings. I nights tbt be from her.- They thought Watt to sit, like a lovesick Yohiey the ruins of iiisjhopes, and sigh away his days in ipelaneholy brooding;. But just at the jiritica' moment Dian tha would vouchsafe a gracious look one so full of tender loVaning, s irre- istahly -enchaiiting, 'that btifore be imid 1 Wemyss, i oe ii ii; m consk-ience!" was thrown away She broke this rule and in. forty-eight j wtn-0 half starved, lt she kejt up a ill, kept her chil- A greedy man God hates. A great mark is soonest hit, A hasty man never wants woe. A honey tongue, a heart of gall. A hungry man is an angry man. A great ship must have dc'ep water. A great reputation is a great charge. A guilty conscience There was quite a sensational at tempt at tmicide in this city Thursday night! A white lad, some eighteen years of age had been observed to act in a somewhat strange .manner in the afternoon. 'By sollte nieas he procured a two-ounce vial of -laudanum and late in the evening went down to Tucker's meadow, halt a .mile from the city. There ha , swallowed the poison, and laying down beneath an immense poplar tree", fell into a stu por. He v as found about 11 )'.- M.f by some young men and taken home. A physician wajs hastily summoned and soon appeared with that utkrly romantic instrument, a stomsKh pump, with which he yotntriMLv'di 1 t VB1W V I.' 1 V.J. V'tfcO UIUq ItilV'; UIUJII lilt, would-be suicide to . his sp,J.s.- Xo cause for the reflicidoiis end rash at tempt to take his life is givC by the lad, and hoping that he will make n more such attempsweoiuit his name Seics- ObJcrccr: ' . .' , tt'nv Texas. lie 'hrts 2fUK) fccre o i lan ,whh1! he prpoVr to put iri gnt??, and haa'feady K'fuml a num ber of v:1riHies but naturally wlthw to get the best. Horace U going1 to establish arfmebrt for tho pUrje8 of, utilizing eonu of I'iftjileetiorw which are siMiieUm'- made in cattle; Thi will enable hi itl tri ifive full vent to ; that tireless energy which has made him wealthy in a fe .vhirnl placed ; him ina coniinandhig potiitionia a business niani I le h:wl with . bin hlaj wife three children and his wrfe4s ter.-. They are en route tdTea rtoi New Vofk ant! G'hicijfO . Jlfr low land is t br,tther cf A Wi Rowland, Es(i., of Wilson tlM well-known druggist Gohlshoro' 'Maiieiia'cr't . Cotton Muiiurtirturiii in - '' t. v-.-vsrln.; ..; (ieor A Model SpcecSi. "When in the course of tnre on Diatlia, who was sweit into thei crowd, and Watt saw her no more till sotoe lomrs later. ' ',.'.' At last there came a lull in music and dancing, and th word hours vi'iv with the her. found dead on the beach, smell - of laudanum about dec? n t a p pea ran ce dren clean and herse lf tidy . One day .a strange thing A I I fir Suii lie I in . happtMied- This respectable, neht woman, with her two pretty child rem made h?r tiw. v There hi one man at the insane asy- I ltarance in the tavern where this man i w-.s v- iV- V V : ; ; spent his d.ivs. Shei did not make a 1 vl bNapoleoi Bonaparte. He gets out I 1 . - , , l ,. , , r:ie knew he found himself again at her passed to the guests that if they would feet, and more Jhan ev;r her submis sive slave. .. i V ' :. One day Watt, after a lonwer thai: assemble in the .main parlor there was a little surprise in store for them. Whej.i all had found places, a curtain io did not cfjme for that. usual season of calm bvtweeiv Diantha at the farther end was drawn: up, re-j vealing a minature stage, with appro priate appointments, and a lady "and gentleman entering from awing; Watt's heart, in spite of the discip line he had put it through, leaped to his mouth as the two performers turn to face the audience, and he recognized Diantha Drew and Ichabod Bligh. But judge nS his surprise w hen be could himself aymeh what a -loving heard uiem repeal me very .mamgue gentle wile Dianha's Aunt Kliitor had. that -had l:een such a gall and worm been from the llay Abdiel Metgs led I wood to him thb day heforel He saw hert() the alt;ir till death did them j ami' heard but little of the pby; lor lie vet many could recall the woes hung" bvs head, overwhelm.'d with and himsolf,-.ref-olved to make an 'end j of his worries; that were; worrying ' him to skin and bone bodily and to a green and yellow melancholy mentally irf to know thej reason why. He would jpluok up courage and ask Diant ha to 'name the day. lit ran iw the family he had heard it said, to hi- shrews before marriage and angels afterwards, lie down at it before he returns to hi room. - Another ini.vgines. that he i ipole earlv in the morhinr and with a corn-! scenc- stalk in hanl .charges across: the quietly took her seathere and waited grounds crying, "Charge! Bring up ! for h5nK Peol,1 Kl f l,I to Il0r ail(1 the right wing!" and tires himself i urged her to go hdns, saying, that this low drinking place was no place for her ami her children. "Wherever to be hung bv the sheriff at 1 o'clock 4 their father stays," she replied," is unless he can win ! up a 'spider web the place for his children and for me." o- Ol course he was ready soon to go , " . lit,, events it is netvssiirv to- be or not trade s a handful of gold. A jest driven jk)o far brings home hate. A handsome man and a fool may wear the same cap. A great man's foolish sayings pass for wist on?s hand saw; is a geod th.ing, but not to shave with. A joke never gains fln enemy, but often lasers a friend. A j?yful eveninap may folknv a sorrowful' nor))ng. A great man and a grpat river are often ill neighbors. A hand ful of sense is worth a bushel of learn ing, A great man will not trample on a worn nor npeak to an emperor. part of Abdiel's wooing, and now- be .Von- r confusion, and felt more like a donkey fessed.that he-bad gone at last, with a dose of ratsbane. in his pocket, .deter mined, if the froward fair one didn't put an end to his suspense,- to end it for hinielf. Diantha Drew lived at her Aunt Elinor's, and " it . w:in thither that than hp had e.ver done heforo'.- Tle Wa? to4' completely abashed to risk meeting Diantha in' the presence of speetatoiyaiul took advantage ofj the rush to supicT to steal away 'un observed. lie made an early call not morning, Watt Wentyss hied hi steps, big w ith though, and hiade a clean brenst f the resolve already mentioned; how he had played the spy on Dlan- Could he see Miss I h ew? he iiapured ; t hit's avxl Ichaboft's rehearsal, and, bv that time; and there he sits goin . -" J- . ' thrones!? the motion with all his might, and cries if spoken to, "'"Hush! don't hot Iter mo! 1 must have this done and it is most one." A lady who wears a trailing dress shaped like k peacock's tail imagine herself--the .Yirgin. Mary, and to every visitor she says, "Touch but the hem of . my gar ment and all thy wounds shall be healed." DeJaniette is allowed the w "hole grounds but st'lys with stony gaze in his room, indifferent to every thing, and considered by all clearly insane. He scarcely ever leaves the room, brooding, brooding all the time. home. Some men would have been brutal have struck or cursed at her for interference, but this man was on ly weak, not cowardly. The next day he went to another place. She follow ed presently with the bright little children. This was kept up for some weeks. The .tavern-keepers grew un easy. They couldn't stand the mute witness of the man's weakness. They TIjc ISeKson PeopSe Drink. human he, a decent respect for the opinion of mankind .com pels us to declare that as far as we know evil communica tions corrupt good manners Th'boy stood on the burning deck wbei there there was a sound of revelry by night. I still live. I know jiot what-others may ask. Bu s for me, give me 'liberty or give me death. My name is Nerval. On the Grampian hills my father makes his . pills. Whether it is better in the mind' to suffer the stings and arrows of Outrageous for-1 tune, or by opposing end theni I toll on thou deep blue Ocean, roll. 'Ti sweet to hear the honest wtch dog' bark Man. is prona to evil a the sparku fly- upward. ; Vox populi. Cur bono.- Quien" Sabe? : There is no safety safe in total abstinence. A stitch in time savesnine. But there's" as good fish in the w-a .'as ever was caught. "'"Remember me. -'Rending mends the mind. Act well thy partj 'tis there true honor lies. Olf with his hesvl! So much for Frothingham. My terms are cash and -unconstitutional Mirrender. Up, guards and at the m. England exiect every man to d his duty. Eor iiction sjK'aks louder than words. Time and tide wait for no man. Blow, winds, and crack your said .nothing only sat and! 3lr jr. because he has a friend come I cheeks.' All honest labor is honorable, Mr. A. because he hates to refuse a friend. . . Mr. B. because his doctor has ordered him not to, and he hates such quackery. ' Air. just taxes a drop because : he's dry. Mr. I). drinks lecause he's wet. Mr.' E. because lie feels something rising in his stomach. Mr. F. because he feels something sinking in his. - 3lr. ir. because he's going to see a At C'lumbus, upon what is thought to be" he finest water power in tha land lire now the largest cotton mill in the' South; Ambnl tli feutcrprLHes there M Joriontt?en flitch haaffrown from vne ltle mill4of two hundred thousand Willrs capital in;(Wj patt half deri years, to a company 6ti ve nitlls toMaj- with n jftlid up capitfd of fne "milium two Hundred imd fifty thoand doMar?f paj'iiigtM enty pe-r cent. Other niiUs, Imve been hailt up urounoj win ena are enjoying a muc eesful care?: r xt""to ColuinbuH C(mres Augusta; wi Hi Kr splendid ca nal ' witter power; In 1870 she de-' claretl a dividend of twenty-eight ptr cent, on eight hundred thousand dol lars invested iti factories. Klnbd that time a ctimpany ha ben o1rganl!if'r there with a capital mt. he inRrfOir dt)llars to Inanuftichite cotton, toa; with privilefi to increase iWeupitalto' three million tlotlars.' Anbtlier "mnn .uft.'urir.g.vmpany of the :,aur' tly have increased their c)ita JftAi) , hundred thoiisand rrlhtrs tobntfihiil- Tion hilars.5 The m't' at Macon aro' being enlarged. Another . eplndid iatift'ir hi to be built at AOftntav v ,fcero tWrf ts'rtie of tHr fWt in thte-l'th lKi he ChattaiKMiche milln ? at West lAflnt,. recently destroyed . by fire, are rising Phoenix rikc froni,, h ashes, and will so?n bo in. operation again. Columbus has tho only lag ging fiictory iu the'.State, which mate ten mills in all in that city. : jTfte 1 terprif' m il Is of Oeorgirt havo rewnt h ou( l ther ,pJ?ety. i i f nd .v":- - ' -. . : -i TiQiri' A rnbtini crtitth miltf? 1 could not complain of her, for she did j irimd off for Europe. Tlie kieioine or::e Wliile House. of the servant who answered his ring. Miss Drew was engaged just then, the girl believed, but. if he would wait, she would carry in his name. - He icoultl wait, and for that "purpose Was conducted to the front parlor taking for real, had fun away in a mad fit of jealousy. Then Diantha up and told how she had cried , her eyes red-he cause Watt hadn't come to' take herto the party. Then they both Accord in vr to Capt. ; i lenry. of the, Presidential household, the first statu pi'de of the (loctf ts occured eni Friday a little after noon. The syniitom were so extremely alarming that they held a--hasty consultation and made one more effort to struggle against what appeared to be the kievitable deree of fate they could ! -nothing, : watched. "She did. not cry or ..entreat while her husband lounged up ,to" the bar to drink. She simply sat by, ! pained and intent, with the two chil- dren kept very close to her, as if she ! would shut out from their eyes and I ears such talk and such eights. No I tavern-keeper cmld stand it.1 One af ter another refused to sell liquor to a i man so guarded. Finally it began to home from China. ' Mr. I. because he wants to, Mr. J. because he's so hot. Mr. K. because he's so cold. Mr. L. because he has u pain in his. head. Mr. M. because he has a pain in his side. Mr. N. because has a pain b.i i back even to cutting off coupons? from gov ernment bonds. --Beware of entangling alliances. .'Marry in liaste and repent at leisure. Wine ,is a iiux-ker ami strong drink is Old Tom and Holland gin I would, rather be right ; than be President.- But if I cannot be Presi dent I will not do rigid. Fire is J;ir j gfo'$ servant but a hard jn-aster, and I. KIlTVieJge fS JUSltlju m:i v.Jiiitn.-i tell on .him this gentle, faithful - 3ir. I. beetiuse he has pains all over , ln eonclu.ki, fellow citizens allow ii.v o I.,,'. 1,0,1 i.;....k'"." 1 1 to!;'."! c-r in' iU ' oatiT.t was ra-nidlv sinking, and bis : again, uh nnniy 1 , .i.i.- k..; i..e vivii . .'. '- i',. i tenure of life oiUy a nest ion of few nove to anotlK-r plate V tmeueu n M.ieu loerouut. tu Vn, , t t eacKother again; and a mniun i - ; - - v . , . i ..!. fttnrt He i now prosperous, u- u ii... . 4i..,i!...n..ti.i;i1...rv 0 ' i minutes or hours. 1 he irreatost crisis uean sun. x- i lny- i'V"u- b UIIL UIl LIUM11I IT I.IIMI 11 IU IM- JIVKIi t ' . . . -, , t " i alter they were married, ana lnauuia arrested his attention. r . - - i .... 4-u ,r 1.5-c wiainv'! made as good a wife: as Aunt Elinor a . in jj. iiit- ici ii t ti IV lUV'.o rose. to a white'--. heat. One of modu the , had Iven voices .was -l)iantnVs, as softly kited as aeooinar tlve's: the ther -it maddened him to hear it was ftha- to the late Aboliel Meigs bod BUgli's,!deep-toned, impasioned4 earnest, like that of' a plesxluig Jovev j on his knees ' - Watt had kmg suspected Ichabod of being none to good to seek to be' his rival; but good heavens!- lvvd it come to this? Had the villain presumed- But hark! ."Perhaps there is anotlrr?" hoars ly queried the voice of Ichabod. "No, let me assure you there is no other," answered hers, with can warmth. j ' "Because' Ichabod furiously, thun flered. "if 1 had thought that sne.ikin A maiden wlJo livet ift Accorit j The right of a spider abhorred. But her lover mad bolder? ' ' Brushcnl one frqffi bt shouldcf, ' And he stixx1' hini a kisj in reward. N'xt night ash' sat by hefside, u?1 let his rm "artfully glide Round bet trim belted waUt "Oh '.iecff&et now nnke haste Aid pretend there's a Kikier"' sli ', saitl ' - watch. He stopped drinking, orpi- : ni,n i me to remark, that if elected by yonf ped his "political" associates that bad, Tr.O. because he feels so li'dit iHid ! to the high, and hclK'aler office' to ite, In soiie of everv trtfort i led him to it, and b-g;m to turn over a ; ;vluv ' whifhl' aspref T will do all I can, I make, it si'eued that -fhe! Ieivf- .He.pi'ked lip histoid buskj lf: I because he feels so hearv concbKlexl to; avM niisi.rable. r . - - and make rtj ir; s. because he's !iiarriet Mr. T. bccauo he' not ... . ' i i. .1,.. T. .4- ... - ' of all had aooarentlv arisen. Another: ana nis expeTenceis noi uiejeS.:i i-.t, .J. ,w.t ' . consultation, and it was decided, that of his gains, Th was the wj we;, - ' ,,m,e be Hk to w t-aiVjUnUl ury fcndts, Mr- i J-.rfioT.l tK.nil.l Th- 1m inr-,Titit.l v , BOIlliUl rewni-'eu -lis. Ji.fUrtiio, ' : ,- . e- i. ...... .. ... j . J III? IIR-HU?C notified to. prepare for thr worsts never, a spoKeu to m.v.j llavina come t this fVterminafvon shanvel him out of hv-ruin, by letting' hiosee that whatever he sanK all I ! first for iyself, and st-crnhi .f-r my county. My country, 'tis of theo. j Brathx'S there a man with soul so dead who never to himself hatli s:;d,- this Within th" past nix month an Ohio" man luus sfarteii tt?C tpindle ;hum ming at Tuscuirrbfa, Ala., , bplnnjng yarii1' direct from lire seed cottony am! says K? will 'niaK'' twerrty-ftvper cent m his invest iiieut the flrHyear. A ftv thousand sjiindlo mill teffclnz erected at Montgoniery, , Jft(f .Xca-. Uhksx iiiHfa J r4rf iwrits ordvra'. Uian they ran' till MKl.Taut to double the! f" faciliths. 11V He'Iinfa mills aro ,4ifuc-' ces; and others w ill shortly bBcTec-j tod tlfere I unt'rH? wil Mixi bnvo a fine cotton mill; ff to jti?fchnt of which comes from ItWAle Lnkuid and invests his capital irt that .hand- some arKf healthy Utth eity knows tliat it will pay; . , iiir ' - jj otioii ITlilH lit ArK&msvut j is my own,-my native la"ird7 " Aoi'ri" V lovf! thee' two tf their number visited Mrs. Gar- t A 1 1 1 1 1 field in tier room ami plainly ; lfiid e-! there she ana xneennewn v ere - mm. fore her what they Itlieved to be' terrible favts th 'cfeV They xe to btv and thJt even n dangeY or' siui ! nfVp'she still k-ed tluf to protect I Mr W heeause - he hiisi no (fK-h(f tn 5i, il tr!.i. 1 1- li 5 tnrl f. ! t. .. . i ti'.i i ' - i t Z. j tyi J 1 r,"- . .. ...... ximiei eo.-ier on e uhik k youny- 1 t r v- t. ... i l . 1. r . i .ir. A..ra-au- ms uovje xeii juju .i . i.Kiv relative of lw icon's wifCi to ml- ' - ' tasK. lor Aveimrt srr.it sieevi-s ana an : A rkrtisas hiiis ?Ver'a1 rflccessful cot bm factories whA,lf haS'e beett ljullt vhn 'iat few ' years; ThflT largest rl nf pfopeT6ir of tiHeso' are at Lft fie TUkI:, and capftaH-t 'have ad vert le'i for bWs to erect 1 an' other toill there to contain 5od,000 bricks. - Jinn muff H a,$3W,(HJ0cot irAi manffiWory on foot? with 'trrorty tlwni one-hf rf tho -atitarf wrist Fort 'mrth n buihling - SW,Hteot tou seI oil in til.-. At ,Kfr!'ston In Pk'tgunt v; is the oldest mill fir the strie.- ji pay rani!nrriy imct me irjwners rc nnxR.W Uentttg! Urn 1 that it w;s usiess to struggle" lmiger; that t-vflv what tlwy . rJni do was Mttle, and tlv limtion f sursfery hadbeen reachetH.- ThcV sfrted the Mr.-Y: because'his aunt did not. Mr. Z-.-( We juld Is happy to in- ?rrrad verted en b;re' arms. , "Why, Mr. Webster!' exvlaHlufed th'. young Ait ALitrtma Cither commit teir 'ui- eile lieoufe he th?ught tliat WjfWtf T . 1 .. i iif.iisi.tion as tA'.Jv'jm oossible.- and mannooii,-anu a erj- asked that sb no longer delude h ap'p. to the manhood of all who stood 1-:Verv tra has its spetkil disease 'lf -with the kle:i of there - being any around, of who dropped hi I saA-s a writer on health: n ml then he! opfof recovery.. This was -etUly.ot a crying woman i - - 7 . married mm anu even w neu ue o,w. - - v- . . r ; - , . ..... ;i wi uT.tahu,uut: tWmt. Ui AM w.thpre- wonbl" rhW And his HHnkin, lrf rtwuftwnif him he great ex prmnuer ot inc ' muwon - y rVjZZ kL, children be. It was an appeal to his , was fuuml t be tw rimk to answerj t uiiCnnfortaile . .. - v.., . . -- a . iu , f nravinir one. as an our iuum - iesi ! acais: "ITlllters USUailv nave Hie ine nisi -uiiie irwv uirv ii. m ii-iaiii.ij i o . . M-flnm . i , ii I, , , . ... . . ' ir ....i,. but, -by mute appeal of her pre-ence. wnijUt ?he was not very well, j naroesr type, probable on account oi given up uie ce.- xt as u.tu v . -fiuallv ..onu,ering for decency: . w n n ftv - the amount oT "dead matter" lyijig $ the pluck of this , brave little yoiuan. antl happiness again.-Pliiladelphia! " ""fc v w g'aroimd, r . ' Unnne to the surface. Every feeling of ir, i.nu.swrum,. thTM Vnr hetf eT fri wJrse j sWe had III V , - .. .... L- arried him, and even when he took form our read- as Zs reason for , lady, 'U'imymisiier mm ine - ,,,. V&a - ,tr,-.1 -Avh-it ! f vditorni girl , htic&vieH her . should object to bare arm . , hat trly a WOr0W who wa i n.i iii. c.v.t.uiiv""& ' .- i jhjiio, a ivrujue isihiiu , yiu-on w tion to do with.it?? growled" Daniel; tj cause b eatelesly built f.vaff!t of , . , i , j. x t 1 which thp vmin" ladv renlietr P uiiidt a ie"jrgia negro 'mxxuik no iot even a ; he remarked that xw euppol slit- eon Id and fered with?" History does not record the effect of this shot, but v ebster, died that sauic-yeur.- - ' ' 1 " ! ...1 -frA kM.4 j.,,tViMan "lx,esnt the fon,titntion say that the ..... i .. . i,. i... -m"" J r" " f.v ;-r z .T-trrrrm T see : was fond of ethnology.- She said she - OCf,r ur,n w "", r" .farmer because, a balky horse exaier- atef hmr, a Michigan Jbrtao oe- canse her hnbanI ofthrec day wore at her, ami a Nebraska editor IrWratise a man callel bira liar, -.- 7 9

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