Thk Wiisox ADVANCE. Wilson, Friday, September 10, lssi liiH-al department. JOSEPHUS DANIELS, T'mr-j'Iay Cotton lit cats.. (it, to Bawls A- Williams to cheap goods. ; - 1 1 11 v .It M'l th,". notice of Feaeo-R fa up astray. I at 10c per yard at L. Hcil- 1 A '.rent - ( 1 "vv ...itches an I cloi-k" . ? 'i wells'. na 1 alive .--v gooyls of nil kinds at L. Hci!- bro.ier A Bio. Agents. Largo sto -k iof 6rb II Mtlu-oaer v-B.o. Ajr JfOOli at L. ; Humor says marriages will ti;'ul in Wibon;thi winter. , .. I.ei Just examine tltosu nohhy suitr ut L. IleilhroncrA I iro. Agents, Tresh -ilt-edire hutter, and --other' fine jroc.;rie : at 'Joe McCraw's. Mr. L, J). Iillett is, wo notice, cot ton buyer for Branch, lladley mer. -. ; l5)0 vercoats which niust:he mih piiec'at L. Ileilhroner -vjejts. ife. Fiir- sold at j .V Bro. ! Tiuistpr'n of last Friday the craps in this i .11 to tent. 1 1 1 da'ita,'.' 1 1 o:ne e.- A ri assortment of and children's sliiKwat A Bro. Agents. It ad notice of A. 1. sighee, oi K. (. X'oe lali 1,: e-c .S'nnnson, 'as iV C 1 olt'eriii' a stock of goo Is at cost. It'-ad the advertisement of If. (i. (bniinr,, ottering a tovi Jot for sale. ' L. IB ill)i"fn Bro. Agent' have tie; lea lia W'ihon. cio:. ling e-tahlishmeat in For Medic.'n mery ; n 1 i hrngs -Voye v Xad il. Stationery-, Perfu- SandriC.s go 1 J. J..llayl it- Bro. are selling t cheap st,and best sew 'ing iuachiu ..; tow... ' . .': Toba:-, Snutf, Cigars, Mi:c. ' "Water, I'ure Medicinal Liuuor. .a ltowland s. . Iltss' fid line of hand and -machine made ge .tsjtine snbes at L. Hcilbroner & Bro. Agents. ' J. A. Clark's Ice I louse will be open on mi n I ays lrom ' to tro'ii -1 to li o. 111. lo.-;o a. m.,. and . Mr. J. F. Farmer offers' his dc-ira-ble re-iK-iice in tow n for -.-.alt'., : Bea d his a Ivertiseinent. 10 imine I i. Age, its, 'clot hiii; 1 1 dlhroner A before lutving Bro. else i hundred dollars- t Tvii.) will jiioducca sewing espial to tiie "Xew Davis." any ma one hine Mr. ). lijpmrm has r nte l th . -ne vt door to Siiiij)son a- Sinitli'. wilt soon hegin huiiiess there. lOl e and . Black eashuieres! Idac'c cashmeres! bl .ck cashmenv! all prices and quali ty at L. Ileiibroner & Bro. Agents. , Ilea 1 the, notice of F. A. Woodard, Administrator of Xelson Fatnian, oIr fering porsonal projerty for sale. The prettiest suits of youths, boys and children's clothing you ever saw at Lu iioiiut-n r A iiro. Agents- : uVt:cin.-s-:i. ' 'obb .t Co., are the sole PIT MVts in Wilson for the sale of Zeigh r 03 7 L:iln , uents and ' misses tine iiOCS. , . - Tiei "Xev f)a vis" Sewing Machine will d ) twenty varieties if work mor tlan I any other machine, all Without baiting. - j S ik and satin dress trimmings and fri iges, and cords and tassels,' all of th ; latest novelties, at L. Jleilbroner !5ro. Agents. U-'ad the ntice of Wm. Crum pier, Aministnitor, otfering valuable land,, situated in Spring Hill township, in this county, for sale. Strayed.-rAbout the last of June, from Wilson, a Light B"d Cow; any information as to her whereabouts' will he -thankfully received by A. "W. Itowdand. 1 Mr.-John O'lLugajj has purchased' the store next to lTuintree, Barnes y ('., which hasBevn occupied bv Mr. .1. B. I lenients, business there. and will soon ben in store will be A. W llowland's drug: ipen and in -fuflj blast on iiext Sunday, ani tion-1 ypu torget ita lull stock of everything usually kept in a Drug Store on hand. . Read the advert isoment of Young A- (iorhani. which aj)pears in this issue. They are energetic, enterprising, d serving young men and we feel sure wiILdo a thriving business. We heard a prominenjt gentleman,! irom a neighboring wife's teeth had just bet xuw 11, w nose m filled bvDr. iA. .- .ioyner, say that he va- !the most skil ful dentist he haJ evCr seen. And so say they all! Dr. arner's Health ( orset, is icknowledged bv everv j lad v to be tin best and most perfect fitting Couse' made; It. has been awarded th. . highest Medal over all competitors. For sale by L. II. Fulcher. SciH'itnc American savs: . .Owing ' apparently to its feed ' motion the 'Davis" machine possesses ai asfon- ishing power Vff passing over, seams ; and other irregularities and acconK 1 phshes with the greatest ease a re, markable wide range of work." We call attention to the merchants. Norfolk- -Vs u-ti..i, .' -' ircwicn s ko., commission lears in tiiis knn nf Lrn tiri x-.ts .!'-i i - , - , .".,.......,!,.- we tXrtZ ' tbm W parties shipping cotton to i orfolk. .! . We lulvise! everybody wheb thev want nice Lemon and Vanilla Wafers. I Hntter-Cup, llonev Jumbles, Leriionl UI-..-1 l " . . . ' ' and soda crackers, '(Hiurcr snans to 'o: oo 3lc( Vaws ibr we have just had a ! fauipleof the above kind. Thev are tile best in toWll. uUt nrnv.,,1 i-..f-. i ,1,.,. . , - ,. , ...... vv. .iv.-iti- --.T, .c m ine ;ue nice ami lresii. ... :,H- ini received a large li.'t of sotifvetjonuries Crop in P. It. i". :..-.' 'j I A representative of the Amv15 ; made a short tour through a portion 1'itt county l;bt week ami va.- triad to lind the crops in sin h good condition. Mr. It. 'K. Cotton ha-, we learned, the j linost crop in thv county. - It N griti Editor. ' fving to know that xmi'-whr-rc in this ; section then- is a gor I outlook for line ; ej-op, for surely jn some wctions of ilsor. and Xa-hth 'outlook i- any thing hut encouraging or hopeful. Tiie Inferior Conr ' " ' - '. At a meeting of the 7?oard of ?faer isi rates held Monday September - A I X TV' I . t an., .i. u . l.aiv'.i-icr l,-o., v;w e tod Pri'-idii'ir Justice, and . .1. I oc a v- lor and It. M . o-. were (.i-pi a-s-- ciate. Mr. Il.'. Mn-. u;h ele t(:ri i Clerk of the Court. Xo'ticy was ri ven that a motion would he made at the! not nieetih.L' to uholish Cue court. 1 -. w" . L . ! r ! v 1 11c colored people !::lla in:'Piin in . tint Coi;rt House Sat. Sep. rd for the lurpoe of cohoctinir funds to scun rouiai. ana ounain. tor tn viI-son. .vcaoeniy. .- small nu - iher only ' I'loeui Dm .suoscri -tion tOTJiel !1 II 11 .1111 f i .i' Cntiii ....... - I Another meeting for the same object .will l e lu'ld Saturday Spt.eiii'h r 17th., w'h"n it is hoped nior, interest will be manifested and a larger num ber Will Ik in attendance. .TJee;:n of tac o;ht ix;o:iers. The county Conpnissiojiers v her(; in MojuhlaV Sept. ")tli. Me -j-, Job:, H. Ba11.cs,: li, A. Howard and W'iiey I leans were present., Mr. John II. Barnes' was ma le Chairman- r-t tcjit. Mr. T. II. "w:as appoin ted as a member of the school com mittee in place of Thad. Berider. Dis trict Xo 11. License was gir u 1 to II. (i. I: I is to retail liipior.iii - :own 'of 'Wilson, tor twelve mon. 'IVie usual - accounts a:sd allowances w ere allowed ami the. hoard adjourned to meet tholirst Monday in October. C'vof. -IT. .11. Hargrove. ' ti'cry: to state that Prof. Har ' -.-.v '''-'M one of the. teachers in e :': .:'' v .. ;! this place last has . 1 - . r- - Jion and accepted a j .: :-- ' i ! w j 'arollna ZMilitary In-! ' - 'i !'a;;!otte.. Xo gentleman! v i;.i;ui- v: -'-doh more iugh-l;A 'rec- e:---,i .';:' L'rof. Hargrove, an 1 ! r' A i ' l.... oar- midst he u -e :t - ' ;-. e- datienar.dprove i - - honorable, educated,'; lute... .'. , an I i.e h is son who re: I' . high-toned gentleman. ' na le niany friends in Wil ;ret his' departure. ve3'iid tellers. A .."list, of letters and postal cards written remaining in the l'ost OMico Sept. l' lth, IS si. B. Bryan, 'Miss Lue V. Barnes, Miss A-dline"Barne., .'lames. Christie, (iray Drams, Miss A 11 pie' Exuiu (2) Miss Ceorge Faritier, MissSeriiiia Flowers I). T. Farmer, Miss Flier Hunt Miss L Marida Picket Miss JNiollie Wall, Miss .Jahic Ward, " ' Ifth.e aliove letters are not called for i:i foi.;r weeks fheV will he sent to the Dead Letter Ollice. M. C. Dan ii.i.s 1 M. 'Flu I, jrciis.- (ld John Robinson's eircu will ex- Mi.vt 'IIihjiI-it 'I'... 'nv'fc wv.-wi l iUii.M.i illU I'tv-: per.s all along the line wliero it has ex.-1 nibited speak, very highly of tii. per- 1 fprnianc, aiid well ol .'the men c ted with the circus. Old'John llooin- son's is the oldest circus now t:ave I ing in the south and it claims to be j the best. Tiiousantls of dollars have I been expended for rare animals from ! all countries and the exhibit- in this line issaidtobe very good. The day fixed is next Thursday. Our adver- tising conini!is tell about the niar-vj wonderful exliibits tliat can be seen on j that day, and to.ill circus-going peo- pie we would say, don't miss seeing Old John Jlobinsoa when heeoines to Wilson. ' i The new school year of this excellent institi.ttion of learning ooened Mon- dav September the 'ith. The patrol.- age 01 the school nas been somewhat , deceased by the; tirade. 1 School' but j we believe that1' in the long run the' establishment of - the graded school: will be beneficial to the Institute.! We think the faculty of this school to j be equal to that of any school in the; State and we know, tliat it is descry- ing of a' very large patronage. Know-' ing tiiis we recommend it most cordi- j to parents who have children to educate, ha said th A distinguished educator -'d guilty and judgment was suspend- at it was the best equipped l in C':VS 'vpt one, in which he ; he State a id t!iis ougipjwas sentenced to pay a Mineof $00 and school in th t( commend it to parents. Xew ! scholars are coining in almost everv 1 day, and, we trusCjhat the school w id l.haveouite as large a number of ounils this- vear as attended last session. Personals. -ML H. T:. Stephens is absent at S---en Springs for his healtli. . 3Irs. F. T. Bynum, of Tarboro, i-on a visit to relatives in this place. Miss Alatuie Adams of (ioldsboro is on a visit to relative in this place. 3Ir. Walter Woodard accompanied 3Ir. T. J. lladley on his northern trip. 'Jiss Lillie(?ayi who has been "on a visit to friends in Ya., has returned home. 31 1-' ,..-t. .. Uountree, who lias u - .-iyats in Xew York, ; tV-ot left Monday with :u 'v iiite and out? col- '' ..aary. .'" - bv us, who has been to relatives in Xorth i urned home. ule... ;M : . ampton, n.-ts r 3Iis Kstelle I avis after an ab -en e of about two weeks on a visit to friends in New York has returned home. . Messrs. -M. Kountree, T. J. lladley, ldvnrt 1 -e i a""- A- Voung are absent in north-auertisc- 5... .: i. .; -..n em Jlllll Kl l - t'iuciiii--iii men i.ui stocks. 3lr. I). P. ( hrictmau lias ieen al sent this week in IMleigh. 31 r. Wm. ; Tu.vlor applied his place during his ; absence. ' i Lat. Williams, who h: been north purchasing goods lor the tirm ot , (ltK - l-'ireen A: Co., returned home j rC . w 1 . . - ........ t Tuesday evening. 3Ir. W. N. lladley, who has bnen i I 1- 1.. 1 t. l f "'., 1 : 11.:. .... ..!.... . ; ' 1 IlilMUg K-MUmilllB I IOS1 1 lOl I 1 lil.s fe-j position has turned to-his home in Ba t;ranc;e. ':" Coming fe "Barnes were ffo busy of opening their large and u -ell-selected stock u goous 'tisefiient for To prepare tins i-ue. an adver Tlieir ar iiouiicfiH'Mt will appear next v. eek .Mr. J. T. Cobb has return" 1 from the north after having pnrcha-o 1 a very large stock of jroods for the popu lar firm, of Atkiuon, Cobb v Co., .which they are rt-ceiving daily. Look out for their new advertisement next week. : Creo. ). Green t Co., are how busy openiuirtneir fill and winter sleek goods, ejus is 'on? of rir best nrms 1 and th -y wl!l next.- ir: .r read- rs. Know the p''H " r"!;- the will oiler verti,-eni! I 1 -' thi iap. hi. fo -ir At her residence in this countv. threw nale,s west of Wil-on, Tueihiv s5it3uil)er l-itii, of heart drop-sy,- Mrs, Martlia Fanner, wile r Mr. A. J. about twenty-eiht leaves a .husband. Fanner, She w a- years old. and three yn;;ii'' aim.;-' m i uvv. euii'lie:i . , 1 . 1 . , 1 . r 1 1 and many friends to -mourn their oss s oss. mi.- was a. levin'' wile, an- a fait li ful friend .'and her death has sent a .' )a..ig to luany hearts w ho j knew fttal loved her well. 1 Si her mother residence near StantoLnsburj-, ( ireenc coiintv'f-Mondav Si.tember tne lth, Miss Matfte FM urjiid son, aged about 18"tvear.vJ.' She was a nmst estimabl- young lady and we tender our sympathies to a large C r'-le f sorrowiu- f:-.e;ul?. w hove In. urts are-bow a;d dnvn with grief at this sad disjensatio!i of providence. w ho knew !'i0r well has prepared an obituary notice which we. will pub lish next week. Saic l';a;i oftliv 'aziri E::::i. (uite a scene occurred ih the court. ! room Wednesday of court wei k when' ; Judge Shipi sentenced a colored dam ! sel to the penitentiary for two years, for the alleged larceny ol a bonnet. r violent demonstrations of grief r. and her vehement protestations 01 in-noeen.-e caused -the . purpose of the Judge' to relent, and with the excla mation that he couldn't stand .such a scene, he remitted the .sentence to six months in the county jail with the suggestion to the. 'sheriff to hire her 0.1; . Mer cries brought iln excited c ; u the court room to ascertain e of this unusual -disturbance. -vi ' '! ''icnd the Judge for his big o . uaaity in thus . dispo.-ing -oti tiu i o;i;Ls Atkinson, col, n i having the fear of an incensed wdfe ocibre his vis i.i, .and aj'reciatiiig the blessings of female eudearhieuts led-the life i f a Jarvin the-.'Biehmond bier mi t and induced a yo;:g girl thirteen vears t Id1 to assuu-i'.- toe .iuues of a marrieil w, - ui.ui n iiinMii , a 11 . oieemeii ; ir im- j useless lornialay, 01 the .marital rquireiuent.-i. But tiie minion's of re the law had their Aiirus eves ui:on him and his doniestie felicity was rudely broken ui, and he had to face the an gry countenance of those whom he had outraged... "yhile he 'was 'in' (lie c juvt room ready lo swear like -a .' Tro jan, tiiat he was an'innocent man, his tir.-t wife appeared upon the scene, as- MTti:!?-i; ; sne was ms lawaii . w He. l ie again d v.-lar vl that b? was inno- ce:u, out tiieproof of his g'.iiit being -o o ci iieiruing li' c--iii.j.f ; 11 u... through tin' scathing ordeal of a cros - xammatio:i. and ie . 'began to give to WMips oi conscience and was one of 11k oking men on tiie stand we have ever seen. In ad dition to the charges for which he was arraigne.l the one' of perjury- vas add ed ti) the li.-i. lie w as placed in jail li! 'months' for tlie first -charge - .'of en ticing the young girl-to live with him. ami th-' charires of biiramv :iml norin . ry woro pae'l on tlu c.dendar of the (.;)urt flr whR.h h,. wiH i, .reafter Jmve to -inswe'- a colored man bv tiie. name of Stott took two pounds of meat, from Air. Di..eii w linoui iw-; consent, and up-. on being mdict-4 I he concluded to l!ay blind, thinking perhaps that would soften the rigors of punishment. Mr. Connor was assigned to his de fense, 'and when tiie jury saw that it w as not meet to convict him, the dark- n f-'JI f;-om the scabs of his ey s the 1-1. . ii i . .. light returned to .t ; accustomed i!ace. aad 31 r. ( 'onnor who conducted t!e ca-e, was pronounced by the Judge to be a hr-t-class oculist, inasmuch as he had acco!iiplished sucli a wbiuk'ifdl cure. J .'sse F. Brow n, who gained notori ety by retailing liquor at the big Au gust at Cpper Town Creek 011 Sunday, was indieted in a number of cases ami had a hearing .last- week. He plead- 'co-ts in theotii.T ca-es wliich amount- .' SlT.".oi. The Judge reprimaiit id , 3lr. Prown for the gravity of the otl'-cn-e and sjtvd that but for his wife and little children.' he w ould send him to jail, and captioned him to be. -'exceedingly careful in the future lest the next judge -should send him to "jail as these. judgments s.ti!I hung - over his head. "- Xed Mercer, col, for selling cider at the same place, was fined S:. and the costs, a- was also To: 11. l'itt colored. Jona ( Jay for an- assault upon his step-father, an account of which ap peared in the Advaxci:, was lined ?10 and cots. llartles- Dawson, whose name seems to. he appropriate,' was ; lined $10 and costs for cruelty toanima's, he having hot his own ox. Wm. 3lorristtv)k sn;iif from Iloun tree, arncs A: Co., lor his sweet-heart and the judge thought that a stay of five years -n the penitentiary was 'nough "' r him. : ' : Mosfs ' ' .rmer, cot., being of a very candid of mind, trok'V pounds of 1.- ! i - ' ; canity ior wnicn tnejuoge pive mm " years !n the ie.nte:itiarv one yi , .1,mn;i w., ...."ino in. it will nud his, candy rather exin-nsive. Buggies and' Smith, charginl with keeping a 'gambling saloon, were dis charged upon payment of costs." Several other minor offences were tried and dismissed from the docket : on payment uf cits, ilio xiv Iras a fund ,f humor, notwithstanding' bis dignity which often breaks out in16' lightful ripples upon the -sombre bos - onv of judu ial streams, like sunlight pi-c. PEE3CRIPTI0HnFEEE For if poei1vi ubo riui!il v eakn-s. i.ot Manbofr.a ail disor.lrs I rotight tin by ini! rrMimcrruw. A tr. lru Jgi-st has tb trsT - ieg AtUjpeM. Or. V. JKHVt "0 SPECIE NOTICE SuhscribeTs to the Wilson Oraded 'School Fund are re uested to pav tlieir lt instalment hy the l'.th in.t. M. T. J.)YK,-SiT. to .'raid. WANTED , One hundred head of heef cattle and 'and hundred head of shoats on the! nooi, aeuvereu here, for winch f will pay four and a-ha?f cents' net for the cattle, and ten cents net for th w. m. cay; of , shoats.fSepOlmo k IOi Safe. I itfer f r ?a le for cash r ( m t i me a p .. 1 U'e-.itle lliT-e, -eyen years old, that will worK anywhere. Alsoairood huiry an! liarness a:xd saddle on the same tOriil-. Apply to . J. K. X. fiOUIIAM, Sej.t '2 tf . Wilson, X. C. i NT0 T'l t i W ilr b sold at t h; earthe "' !'o Sep. iiouin of 11 uu ion -1 j ou-e m 11- i I'Jth, lsSl , between tii and one o'clock, for cash, to the high est bidder, all cattle .now in the. pound that have been taken up within the toHvn limit;; under ordinance No. 20, if not red ecu red by the owners of the same before that day. . I. P. CFntlSTjAX Town Const. TOWN LOT -FOR SALE -. : I offer my town lot situatetl on Lofle street, ad joinidir the lots of II. .. Cohh and Dr. C. C. Peacock, for1 sale. ( food well of w ater and good garden on premises. I. K. Xorman. I For terms apply to II..!. Cobb, Wil- j on, X. V.j ' Seil)4t. j For Sate, I offer iny house and lot in the town of Castalia for sale. .-The house? is.' a roomy one, containing eight rooms, with all necessary out buildings and goijd water.- This includes four acres of good land. The location is a good one, iii a pleasant neighborhood. Good opening for an enterprising merchant, to carry on rt thriving business. An other advantage is the daily mails. For terms apply to ,11. X. IIABBISOX', Wilsn, X. C. or .IOIIX A..HAUBIS' X. Se t.L'-lm ! Cast;.. o a . ( M BS. JosFPH s. .1 ox' HOMi: SCHOOL, W-A I?RFX CO., X. C. A classical and mathematical School lor Boys aind (iirls. The next session w ill begin August 1st, and continue for 31oniiis. Tkums: (." inonths.) Board and washing, !?")0,00. Fnglish Braiiclies, l(i,uu. Languages, fitch) &-,M). Drawing, 10,00. 31usic, 10,00. These terms are adapted to the st ringency of the times and the scarci ty of money. T'ay.mkxt: One-half at comniencement of Session; balance at close. This School lias been in suc cessful operation for fifteen years, and w ill be resumed under the mana"e n sent of M r. ( L HJiOltM AX, a gentle man, in every way ipialilid to instruct. Locatiox: The location is healthv, retired, ami at a convenient distance 1 from either Henderson, Itidgewav or arrenton, to and from which Depots pupils are conveyed free of. charge. Address, 3lRSi. JOSEPH S. JOXES, AugS lin Bkodik. X. C. A ICl'iTA riCMAi.KMKMIXAHY -tX '-STAUNTON", rA. 3Iiss 3rARY J. BALDWIN, Principal Opens September 1st, 1SS1, closes June 1st, lSSU. Unsurpassed in its location, in its buildings and grounds, in its general appointments and sanitary arrange ments. Its lull corpse of.superior and experienced teachers.". Its unrivalled advantages in Music, Modern Lan guages, Elocution, Fine Arts, Physical Culture, and instruction in the Theory and Practice of Cooking. The success ful efforts to secure health, comfort and "Standard of solid scholarship. For full particulars apt ly to the Principal for Catalogue. Ii - hu &o!flsloi'o liisi i. Mile. For Young Ladies COLDSBOUO, X. C. 3IOMlSCll.OI., IX WAYXK COCXTY, I? ir Cu jm n I) D f,,s "y M Cu v ' '. J , ' V' " " .", -Nor.TU CAROLINA. j 4 I lucipiiis t..: r 1 . This School re-opens. (I). V.1 loth. September, lsl..'' Limited number of pupils, so that almost the entire teach ing is by the Principals. Xo "assist ant" music teachers, kvki:v pupil being under the 'direct and thorough instruction of M. ii: La Ckoix of Paris, whc-e Instructrons, vcx-al and instrumental, are fully up to the re quirements cf the largest city schools. X o Seh(hl in the State offers supe rior educational advantages. Aonlv for circulars, during July and August, to Bev. Dr. Chapman, , Asheville, Buncombe lYainty, X'orth Carolina., after 1st Sept. to Dr. Chaimian, at July!-3m Goldsboro, X". C. Best Equipped School IN NORTH CABOLIxl. So Says a lisinterested Professional Expert, of large and successful expe ience, employed by our State to visit and address all cair new w hite State Normal Seools, in reference to the J'iba Cimls blite (FOB BOTH SEXES.) S Strictly X on-Sectarian,... Able and ex-; perienced Faculty, Exten-ive Library! and Apparatus. Spacious Building. ' tltl-.a iilinifl x. k ,tv ";u ; 11 i lu"" ; " 1' ' ruon,e' Kr:uV1' ilitar - Dischdh f V'' "i' txTIUE avekai.k exnsks, S17(. per ykmu xiie iu.i.iuie is uie s ai ot one ol the ,u.CmI not exceed $ijo for the niiia Xew state Xornial ScImk.Is. ; months se-sjon Fall es don opens 31onday, Sept. j For Catalogue, giving fu.l particu 1SI1. Address for Catalogue, ! lars, address . S. HASSFLL, A. M., Principal .; W. W. BRXNETT, Prcsi len . V .- H-un,X.C. ! ju'v inicx ' Cotton Gin' I desire to in6rm ftlie 'fnifclic that I lam preparetl to ( Jin Cott n prompt-: ly and speedily. Having jut put in :C . New Matthewa Gin with new engine., I am prepared to gin cotton to suit anyone. Bagging and Ties Furnished at 1 10 : Per Bale Svnd in your Cott mi, ' JAMES CAY, Tarboro Street, 7 Opposite Chty V old rin ; , Sep 2 A For lie at. v 1,, M voperty known :vs thelC. 1J. Strickla.. pn.pvrty situatJl about one mile from Black Creek U'pt. It consists of a tore and dwrlliutf hou.-e and six and a half nrres of Ittud ! It contains a good orchard, good well 61 water, and is a very desirable place. It is a good opening for busim-ss. For terms, apply to Sept 2-1 m J T. J. ItOWK, BIiK-k C're'k, X . CL t Py virture of a decree of the Su in'iior Court of Wilsoi (tmtv, ren dered on theoth day of Auguf, lssi, I will sell at the Court House door in n nson-on .Monday the :5rd dav of October, 1 SSI, the following land: tract 111 the tow n of -Wilson adjoinin-r the lands of (Jeo. I), (ircen, Calvin Barnes and others, containing one hafl acre, more or less. Terms cash. H. (J.COXXOlt, Couimissioner. Wilson, X. C, Sept. 2nd, SI -Iw : Head This. The undervigned fakes (his method 01 lntormmg Ins friends and the public generally that he ha- . built at his old, standav(-ry. large and commodious-! n III Hi OHSewmM'-' he proposes to gin as -heretofore for' foil and having ample pow er and new and the best machinery upon the. market, he f( l confident able to do work in just the same satisfactory expeditious manner that has charac terized his work-in the past. He carries insurance upon all cotton under his roof for the henelitof his customers. He has, and keeps on hand a verv fine lot of Brick and Lumber, Lime, Ceia3nt, Hair, J'Jooring. and wcathor-boardi ng dtcifi ed and iriatcliexl when desired. ' ' C. BARXFS, i 8ept2tf I . Wilson, X. C. I -,' .'"-. 'i'-.J gists and :'-' ':.'' r- ge;:.-." ' -:- -.c-.-'V-,-; to this most : '. 'v-'. o stands be- I .;! :'u' ; -.(' :. .lical duality ;u. ;:'.. ; :, c::r-.- -for Fever and Ague, .Biiious and .Remitting FeVer, Dumb Chills, KnlargelSpleenf and all diseases arising from malarial, or niiasncvtic poisons, . It is no quack nostrum tr patent humbug claiming to cure oil diecses, but only such as arise from malarial poisons, wliich are very prevalent in -Eastern Caroli na. Containing a very valuable prep aration of Iron, it renovates the blood, promotes the appetite and- is a most potent Alterative. Certificates of its infallibility from .some, of our best citizens w ill bo furnished upon appli cation, and if it tails to give satisfac tion w hen used according to directions the money w ill be refunded. Prepar ed only by liENKY aSIIAXNOX', ' Druggist and Chemist, - W Wwt Centre St., Aug24m , (ioldsboro, X. C. cnowan Baptist Female INSTITUTE. M U It F 11 E E S 13 O B O, N. ('., JKH'XDKT) l.X IS IS. The next Session of this popular In stitution will begin on Wednesdav, October oth, HSL Its location is singularly fortunate, in aquietandnealthy village, on a site of rare beauty, and within an enclosure of 28 acres. The free use of its proper ty, estimated at $o0,0!0, enables it to offer superior advantages on very moderate terms. Gentlemen of experience will have charge of the departments of NATURAL. SCIMXCE MORAL. rJIILOSO 1MIV, KXGI.IS1I LITEKA I I KK, LAT IN AND MATIIKMATKV. An accomplished laiy who has has' had special training for Tier work and who can speak French and (ierman 3 ill teach EIXXTTIOX, FRENCH,- (iKHMAX AM) (iYMXASTIO. MRS. S. J. MYRICK. Who for years, hastlirected the 3Iusic partnient. and who is known .to the trons, as the most iopular and suc- ces.sful feacher ever connected! with tie fM-nooi, wun assix-iates 01 ex ptjrience, will continue in cliarge of j this Department. The Art Department is under 'the di rection of . MISS E. L JESTER. A lady of experienceand ability. Itiis ju-tly popularand offers superior iwl vantages. 'Board and Tuition in full l'nglish course, ier Session ofO months, $1 Other charges reaonble. For prospectus aldress, J. B. BREWER, Pre?. RANDOLPH MACON ASHLAND, COLLEGE, VA. Tiie Oldest MtlKMl,t ye it United fit at v. Charter '. Organized ls'?2. -15 S.; 1881 'C.r-. 'iction in all ti -; - : .. ; ,1 v'iui ation, lead. .et" '.egrec--. Ash : ' pleasant village, - .' ... ce-s, si Unite I P miles i.oi tii of Bichmond, on t!ie main railroad line from Xorth toSouth. The expense are as low as they can t be made, considering the extent and s nimpleteness of thewmrse of instruc- tion. With proper economy, the net- ; iJfV I nlli.Tn 'Ihil Iw.iiilll It l lilt 1-1 V W. T. BLACKVELL & CO. UMrnam, n. C. TOBACCO ilackwel 11s Tin; fixtiT, priiKST, ukst. and most i nu-oiim i;i:amof uvox ToiiAceo T i imx nn; mai.kv.t. MNTJF OTP . Durham Long-Gut and Durham Cigarettes. Tf ouds We otter uuder an Absolute Cmrplfi h 1 1 !' T l"1? (IoVki: iAUuH. iflttt i - ' i U 1 tM'-t""l ln-igs or.-Ch,icaN uf anv kind " c iaH 9 i luvy ,oll1t uf m ToIki-'co, and purt n,'e t matl? st l it g 6 S2; 2 o- t 1- V2, -01 c P 53 1 : c r 1 151 9? 'I I J. 1 - J nr w n j Our claim for merit L bacUn j upon the ftu-t that a chemical analysis proves tliat the tobacco grown In our section is better atlapteU to make a GOOD JMCTKE, satisfactory smoke than AXY OiniER. tobacco grown in the World ( and being: situated tn the IIEAttT of this fine tobacco section, AVE have the PICK of the offerings. The public p preci;M this; hence our kaIcm EXCITED the pro!" of AILi the leading manufactorieu com bined. BrJrA or.6 rrnuins t.nJ it i btars 0i trtuie-mark of Le BvSL mi a. r ' 1 . -. -""I 'I 1? mi 'S i .. ' Mrrnl '' Vs, . ' - -: 'tiC''.ir:'1" "' -'. ' - '. ir

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