4 i' i i '1 ' . i I i t- i j i i in '. i,- 1 HIE Wn0N iinVAJMJ&. rxrric i flkon,Fmn ay, -September, 30, 1881. .W. fcASCASTEB, ---J Elftn W I X X . THE ADVANCE- ft pnblfrhod eWy FrWay mornins. nt.' V.'iUon. K. oT Hnhnernuion 1'iice : 2.'M p r. year, 1,0 J 2dr rtt rtonJhs. Ar.vBKT)MVO R ATK.. Onn "Square, me 1 m M Oft: SO cnt far eiu-h giihn:-nt "V?1 l'!J?n Jf fcyawii muni''--"- - '. ' . " 1 12'' I n i CrywMrtfATion rcmmnnicattonti on inter efeting topics add ur I'.em olicii-i1, . AUCommaalcalttoaMlimdd 'b addrewed to ' TlIK WlI.SO kTVAVCB. Eaterfd in the l'oit Ofllco mvond class niattor. .- at Wilcox X. C. as BBEAK3KG fiROlND. . We auk gratified to learn that the Midland North Carolina Railroad Company commenced work at Golds Krm n.t MoiuLiv. Ground was hro- 'ken by Mb." Best, President of the ; Company, with about sixty laborers, which number is to be increased as rapidly as they can be obtained. The . right of way having Leen secured, the work, it it said 'will be pushed for ward vigorously. We are gratified to note this'evidence of good faith on- ; the part of tho Midland Company, and j hope that they will persevere until they reach Salisbury. The multipli : cation of rairronds and railroad facili- fle, is what we need in North Caro- lina, and any corporation is to be re ; garded as a benefactor which inver ts it capital in those enterprises. The much abused Richmond & Danville Company have conferred incalculable benefits upon the pooplo of this State, by railroads , which they have built anrharo building, under difficulties whieV would have deterred a less energetic and determined Company. Surmounting every obstacle which ' w been thrown in their way, they re irressing forward to-day with al most super-human energy to carry out , rheir contract with the State in good ihlth. Let Mu. .Rest and his Coni- pany do the same, and the people of Ufo State will forget failures of the past, and award them a full measure f praise for all tho'beiiofits they con fer. Hut ws want no demonstrations for mere effect and to cover up ulte rior designs.no paper railroadsprojects to aid in accomplishing an unjust and inequitable purposes. Fair play is a Jewel which cannot be too highly prized, and we greatly mistake the temper of the people of this Stato if they will tolerate any actual or pro- ' meditated injustice to any person or corporation that acts in good faith.' It may bo said that they are averse to .being humbugged, to having expecta tions created that were never meant ; to bo realized, and that they will not b Bwil't , to forget any attempt to practice upon their credulity. The time has about arrived when they will no longer -"Lintt'Q tMhc vrfcmf (Tie olinrnier. Charm tie uever ko vi.Mly." 5JNG Tit A IKS. QriTR a mailia seems to prevail in different parte of the Country, for wrecking anl robbing railroad trains. In' California, Missouri aiul Arkansas, train robberies have been of such fie qnont occurrence of lute as to become quite alarming. An attempt was made the Other day, by highwaymen in California, to wreck a train for the purposo of capturing millionaire Faiu, whom they exjecteti to hold as a hostage, until a lieavy ransom was paid. The robbery of a train re wtly near Kansas City in Missouri, by the JaMeh' Brothers, and the more recent daring and successful robbing of the Express ".arent and passengers on the Iron Mountain rail road in Arkansas, in open daylight by nn undisguised band of young men, hovs how popular this method of raising the wind" is becoming, and calls for prompt action and severe punishment on the Jnrt of the civil authorities. A few instances have oc curred in North Carolina of train wrecking, in all of which we believe the guilty parties have been prompt ly arrested and punished. Our laws punish severely and very properly attempt to - jeopardize the Hveu of passengers. Occasionally we hear of a rock being thrown at a train, or through the window of a passenger coach, and sometimes of an obstruc tion Jeing placed upon a railroad track, but such instances, to . the credit of our people, are of rare occurence. j Certain ambitious representa tives of the Smith family have been discussing through the columns of the Xetct-Obs:rrer, the question, whether speculating in ""cotton futures," is gambling? John maintains the af firmative and Peter the ngative, and so that wbrld-renownetl and ven jrable house is dividwl ngainst itself. Without venturing an opinion upon this delicate question, which has divided the laity of more than one ecclesiastical body, we thing the prac tice is very mucl to be deprecated. The smiles of the fickle goddess are hard to win, as many of our friends, who have been indulging in this spe cies of speculation could testify. But really, are'we not rapidly becoming a nation of gamblers? What are the stock operators, grain and provision speculators, as well as lottery dealers, bui gamblers? '.'.'.- as to changes likely to be maclcrby Presi- dent Autiiuk, in the present Cabinet, aiKiaiSDasw im i-.v.. ....... iaf i,n A t this- early day, and with scanty information jwieji has been authoritatively furnislied, but littlean be predicated as to tleu ture course of the new Preident. Ke- j longing to the Stalwart Aving or xne Republican party, which developed fucli strength at the (.'hiago Conven tion, it has been feared that Okaxt, IjOOax, CoxkIjIno and Cameron wo ild be able to influence hiin to discard the policy of )ns immediate predecessors "nd hwwgtirarthe j "Old Guaxt Regime.", If he per mit!? himself to be influenced, by . the general sentiment of tbe country, a nuhviatecl in the resolutions parsed bythe (Convention of Governers at Cleveland recently, public expectation will.be satisfied; the great Iojjs which country has sustained .'will soon . cease to be so keenly felt, and all sections will heartily co-operate with him in making his administration successful and honorable to himself, and a bless ing to the country. The resolutions to which we refer, will be found on the first page of this pajer; General. Ohaxt and Kx-President IIayix atttended the funeral of Pr&si deht Gaiifiei.i, at Cleveland. Gen eral GjUANT it is wild appeared to be absorbed in thought and maintained a stolid, vacant look during the whole of tlic ceremonies. He received but little attention, - and -President Hayes, stHl less. Neither have pat ronage or place to bestow now, and may occasion the . difference which both must feel. ." Wickehness. rNot a bad heart, but a diseased liver," is often the cause of violence of tempe?, vindict iveness, and sometimes crime; for, when the spleen is 'affected, the heart is clogged in its better impulses, for want of action to earry off the bile. "I have-used Simmons-' Liver. Regu lator, not only once but often, and can confidently assert it has done me more good 'than any other medicine for diseased liver made in the world Jany of my neighbors have used it, and will say- as much if not more than I do for its virtues, John J. Alien, Bibb county, Ga." IllANilFfiCTURFDflT PRVfTVi'LLE, ALABAMA. - v e are sole agents in North Caroli na for the sale-of the Baniel Pratt. Cot ton Gins, Feeders and Condensers. The best machines in the .world-for Ginning Cottton, Gins faster, Gins Cleaner and wo gunruntee the nia chines to give. better satisfaction than any in use. '-We. arc -aso the sole agents in North Carolina for the mxle of the SSCI 10 FIELD' -MaconGeorgia, Hand, Horse, Water and Steam Pow er Cotton Press strongest and best adjusted Press in use. If you are in want of a gin or Press write to us. -WILLIAMSON & UPCHURCH, ltaleigh, N. (L Refers ito Ilaleigh National Bank. Jun. 17i-m. f'.Mtnbli.lrl ImSO Arthur ,0. Freeman, - Dealer wi DIAMONDS, WATCHES, 1441 Main St., Head Market Square, NORFOLK, iVA. . Offers his larare prock .it; ha rgnins. Lailit-s double ae gtlj watches rs low a $14.00 . - - (ii-ris' Ptem winding. dnbl case $35.00. Solid gold sr of jewlry for Mi-wjsf l.OO Vina srold plated sets for ladies So to 4lo, Solid A,S..-0 to $13. 1 : These nrv but. some of I lift ma iv ioducv nu'iits I am otlerin at my new store. Wedding and Engagement Ring always on hand, enjrravine freo ot ciiarge. b'jitches and j;velry repaired and war ranted. : . , . . . 8er.d tour onlers to me nd they trill b promptly filled. 5 , ' A. C. FREEMAN. JB LACK CREEK Bi'ECULation is already rife Daniel Pratt Coil I IS W. S. Anderson; Co. MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, CARTS, And every hind of vehicle for riding. HARNESS Made and repaired in the most ap proved style of workmanships SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED Send j-our order to W. S. ANDERSON & CO. BLACK CREEK. N- C, v Valuable MjGZ2X2r sate . I?y virtue of a 'power, of sale cor ferred on me as Administrator cu n tl.f. .y-Jt't tjwtnmnnt fif K nc ion f Grumpier, .ii Catef,x FJiau oner ror sale on .the premises, on Thursday the 20th dny of October, 1881, a tract of land con taining one hundred a"nd fifty res, more or lessy lying in the township of Spring Hill, on Black Creek run, in the county of WHmoh.- Thesnme le ing the premises lately owned and oc cupied by Kinchen "Crumpler, de ceased. Terms of sale cash. WILEY CRUMI'LEIl Administrator Cum TestL.Annexo. SeplG-4t. ' v:,: A. BRANCH. V.: J. FAUilElU HADLEY J. F uneven A CO., Grnrnil ommUiuii .Tlercltuntx, (OFFICE IN GWATHMKY'S BUI LIU NO NORFOLK, Va. '''-' ! ' ... .. . ! " BrLiberal advancements made on consignments with bill of lading in hand. ; ' i Sep 16 .- ; JAMFS W.; LANCASTER, ntii -'.'lit rusted c )iih!it. hftn in Hollin's Institute. BOTETOUT SPRINGS, VA., The.Tith annual session closed with most satisfactory results. Seventy (70) Diplomas were awarded in Eclectic, Literary, classical, and scientific courses of study under most approved stand ards.. The Department of music num bered more than one hundred pupils and made a chaste and impressive ex hibit on Commencement day. Art also was conspicuous. The -facilities here afforded for board, varied and elevated instruction, the advantages of locality, climate 'and comfort and especially the care of health, morals and manners' of pupils are most invi ting to thoughtful parent. Eighteen officers and teachers, seven ot whom are gentlemen. The 3Sth Session will open on the 14th of September, 1881.' For particulars apply to the Superin tendent. CHAS. L. COCKE, Supt. JuJy 1 -am i JR. R, W. JOY NE It, Knroti I)-ulil, B-Has permanently- located Wilson, N. C. All opnerat-ion will oe neatly and carefully performed and on terms as reasonable as possible. Neeth extracted without pain. Oltice Tarboro street next door to-Post office. Jan 3 12m. j Wootten & Stevens, FURNITURE DEALERS AND We have on hand a large and well selected stock of Parlor and Chamber Furniture and are constantly receiving additions thereto. We make cheaD bedsteads and mat tresses a specialty. .Picture frames, mouldings and pic luree in great voriety sold cheap. Reoairhiir - neatlv and uromntlv done, and satisfaciion guarauteetl. itosewofxl and inelauc burial cases from the cheapest to the best bronzed cases. sei17-lv. 4 iWinnMnX?-? IN tvtn I YAH I til - W.P!r C-F INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LSVRB Iiossof appetite, Kauae't.bo-'vel.s costive, i'tk n intheHfad.g t.i a dull fer. sVioi! in the back parFTl-fttrj u'rr.ier ths'sbpulder ble ftiUners after atinr, t? iih a disin clination t o e x e r t i o n ofjb ci j c r m i n d XrntAbiliivjf tempe-, Jow" spirits. Loss 'of memory, with a frelin of ;m,ng neg lected same "dMtjr'," weariness. Rizzineasy Muttering of tb"Wear't, n'otr before th eyea, V elloW fcJiln, Heda lie, ifestPss nes at nigbt."liigbiy coll1.- 1 Unne. -IT THXSE U3SEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WIU SOON 8E DfVEiOPtD. TUTTS PILLS " epecilly iMiaptod to nrh rn,an dose effect tath a change of feeling m t-m Mtonioh the ufffrrr. They Inrrrmr the A? iel'ie, and intiw the txxiy to TnUt on Flrae, thiw tbi vtrn V neurt'httt.fttvl by th- irTonle Artieeifrhe IHpiUTrOrniM. Rfn'i.r wim: nre pro fnc Si ivmt : mrn, t., S.X. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. Oka V HTIorViTitrTf-i rhnrer-J t n f;tnfY Bi-M-K by a r.':ei-- , : u: : t fc J v I: imihJi & iwtu:! Iii-t:nit- i t-..iiv hv !rC -." .1 r . . . ,' ..: ': OfTlce, rurrcy St.: Kev York. m Dr. TV T1 HAM V1, -f "i alMt! !-f. rotate n4 V CLEAR THE TRACE FOR ITH the greatest bargains ever seen in Wilson. I takQ this rneth- l iiKhnriPN and thamibiieat large, tnai i have returned to this place to again lead ths market in selling the very cheap est goods, the greatest bargains, and in fact to again assume the tit.e ot the. ' CHAMPION OF LOW PRICES THE ORIGINAL. I was fortunate enough to procure the most select variety of goods at the lawest imaginable price?, and am therefore prepared to wtonishyou with tne bargains that I am offering. 1 have exceneo an my ionner triimu, for this season the very largest and best selected stoCtror goocLs and hereby rVnllo,irru tho oiit!r tr'irlo timi'illil' t with me. I am determined tj carry theday"a the Original Champion of the low price system established by me at Wilson. r A DOM.IR SAVi:iHS A MI.l.St 3H 1 K, And I am satisfied that even in the small pet-haso of only five dollars worih of goods at mv place, I can save you the above named dollar ior i am determined to sell you anv article in my line at least twenty per ceiit cheap er than the same can be bought for at any other store in town. My aim now is as it ever was to give to my patrons the benefit ofsbargains that I am ever receiving. An expeiicnec of nearly twenty years enables nie to know just WHAT TH l'l nLEC H'ATM, And where to procure the same at the very lowest prices. My stock of goods for the fall trade is unususlly large and varied; and embraces . i 1 i DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, 7JOOTS, SHOES, HATS, and CAPS, LADIES and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, LADIES HATS, Ml LLINERY FANCY GOODS, EMBROIDERY, HOSIERY, NOTIONS,. TRIMMINGS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, TAiLE and OIL CLOTHS, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, Ac, In short anything usupally fOnnd in a first class .Variety Store, , and each branch is complete in all its details. To give you an idea of what you can expect please note a few of my prices: Oalicoe AlpaciiN w wo ted llleaclalaar .4lniHc llnfl Spun Cotton ' Counlrrpiinrn Linen Towel ll'hlte T'tM Cient Wliilr Shirt entM I'iidrhirt.t GentN Irarevw 5- ivr yunl I'ront 13c i from lOc np r om 5c up 00c per ISiiiick SOc pljoyM lliitm lYwma5e,,SIen - Slat- 10c It piece from 5Sc up front !20c ; from 90c up1"'1 Glove In short I will merely sav that no matter at what price you are offered any goods at any tther store, come to the ORIGINAL CHAMPION and get the same goods twenty per cent. less. I am in earnest and will do just what I tell you. I therefore advise all in want of goods to avail tiiemselvos Of my offer and standing challenge. Come and satisfy Yourselves That I mean io maintain my title of the old and only original champion of low prices - ill t ie I Sept 2tf y7"E have pnrehased for this V which m variety of styles elsewhere. Our stock of GJUOTHIJSIQ- Jh complete. Don't buy until you have examined our stock and low prices in tne line of BOOTS AND SHOES, A large and varied stock of men's, ladies, misses, boys, yout!is,and childrens. ZEIGrLER SHOES Hats and Caps, Men's Fur, Saxony T hats from ?1.2 to $1.50, New Styles. jx.ui.vmcu uuiauiiuneu smns colored and lancv. The I) I A M O N D S II I 11 T, TRUCKS VALISES AND SA: ;i i'LS, At price which defy competition. Staple pry Goods. bunef DRFsIs? r7S'i?fl 1 UiatJS Ulra,te, r "ne of prints cannot o fcurpnssea. iiti5f5 LrU( lower than ever before. 8IIKETIXG8, BLEACIIIXGS, PLAIDS, C VSSIMFRF cottov mrc ND FANCY GOOmoirlfl1 A full line of aRoci BAG G IN G AND iT I E S. We will H you a good bedstead rint? matfras? for $5, We pay the highest cash prices for cotton and all kinds of Country Produce. ".Yon enn find anything you want at our store -t extremely low prices. ATKINSON, COBB & CO., 0 PPsite cKrt House Square, Come-Xash and Goldsboro Streets, " "Vilsoxi 1ST-O- I AH HERE- AGAIN. .adir. Ho8 .len'j Iluir-IfoMf i ."e'Ile t !" Sr n pair Oc n puir t pwpe r r a pxper 4 tor 13i tlnlk-rcliiefi Mile k. tulle UU Scarf 5c u ptrce 23c n piece SOc u pircw from' Oc np Irom 30c up 49 ccnll .i-e, i.iie shoe ,JcntM SLioes Hop lids season an immense stock of goods' and low prices cannot be duplicated A. SPECIALTY. Cool and Boys. Splendid line of stiff Young Men's fancv hats RIE8 Edwards, mlj OiUlUa Are now opening a nice lino of Dry Ji 0 O T S A , V.'' " , . . j . ' - ' - . 'C ',. vi-- " - E. C. Burt's of S'ew York and T. M-!os !t Sons of Phi : special ty in Lindies', G nts' ami Children's. 'e h uidle the- QUAKFli CITY; Sir, I ! ' -' i ' .' - Laundried and unlaundried, and sella good shirt for one dollar. Cotn ana nee inem. uiee line oi 'fe.-'GL'Q.THIN.Q1;'"'. T A large assortment of Dress Trimmings, Silk Surahs, Satin, Plata ft'lk, Brocaded Silk of the latest I'atter.is, Ties, Laces in great quantities. Span ish and Russian SILK AND BEADED FRINGES. Nobby Hat a Specialty. Call and examine. No trouble to "snow g;VoJi.' Our tfttx-k is entirely new, having been purchased in the ;. L A S T T II 1 H T Y D A Y S. Call and sec Us before purchasing eliewhere anil And Oblige ' . Sep so. Cor. Til ed by Robii. gear, all ne good wboat aid , -.:' VIf, will seli qv ciibli or Reason for soiling: I have not tho time ; from' my businesf to attend to it. . Distance from Wilson, f 1- 2 miles- For t.eriiis. prie, :c., . afiply-.to ? T w -. i: Aug "f, ly 1 - ' Manufactured by 83 A AO A.SHEPPARD & CO., Baltimore, IWd. ' ' K1 by 1. GHEKX &, CO., VUon, K. C. ALFRED ; WILLI AMti. ALF R ED WILL JAM S ' - j PttMisIicrs, Icoksel Sers aiul H.:. ,':,: '.RALEIGH, N. C, ' -co; ,:- ... , i ALL North Carolina Schools, whether Public or Private, can obtain SkhttA Books, Ac, at Raleigh at prices as low as akk oi- kkiu-d ry any :,-okths DKALKIiS. We have the largest stock in the Slate and fill all orders prom ptlt. CoMn.KTi: Catalogue 'Sext; ox ArrLiCATiox.-a. ADDRESS '. Alfred W i Ilia in & Jo., BOOKSELLERS, July 153m "HONEST COOLS AT QUE Merchant Tailor, Is receiving his usual large, and well-selected ' J PALL AND WLMLR STOCK To which hei Cleaning awli; I L BRO VSN'S A TRU" TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHOCR. A SURE Rr,VjVErT: IRO:r BITTERS are l.-.r a certain anj cflicicnt t?iit is'. Jlrr.j, lifaiU efAppetitf,Loei. cf ttrcnyL'tjjac'; cf Liwr?j,ctG. . lnricl'.es the LIcmkI, strcngJisni.tue musclcsuul f i ves new life to ilia nerves. They act like si charm on the digestive organs, rcmorinj all dgrpcptlc eymptcnnx, sucli as 1'astinj Vie Food, EdtuUj, Ileal in tie Cioizch,II'.ar:!,um,c(x TIic only Iron Preparation that will not blacken teeth rr fjive headacliCrf Sold I t n.l dra-i?.ti Wri f r t'- ! c T2 pp. cf useful and ,ciaucnr rcad ovtr... iincVU C :::::.1!CAT CO., Baltimore, ?IcL Be Oat an Iron Bitters aie m""--1 .r7?-r-rr Cts -r-rit C iici VwcroeaedltS tsnocw ir. - l- j.. - cf i '-'ilv- Goods, Notions, Hosiery, F1;muK - jV. -D S F I? V. S; Tarboro & Nab Streets, Wilson, N. C Mm ii Contentnoa Cieek, lornier.y ovrn . i in f:nm! or.ler wiih ne'.v ruruiii -:i the llvnlev Water Saving Vhlr; ;iU vaw mill and Cotton Gby, oxcliaiige for a good filrm , - Ni' Vi WTI SO v. rc. C. i mm i THE BEST IN THE MET. , tUEAtfcK& FEATURES: !' Wo Wwl ; poors, Taicnt Wood raC A' -stlMc sihnoi".- Intorfiangof.le Anf- r-ic Sh.'If. rnil:r.fj Ioo.r, i winging TtrettV F'at. .',v:V-::irr ' fyi.e-Ff.nn. I?ev'-ft-i?;Jo , (:-.fT..!!e.r:' Csrren, liiufatcftted I;ita . 1X--.7S. ?.:;ktl rnolffi, KirktA Tnclfi, fto. Ulquakj l.i llcX,, la n:.:,Ji, Jtiul in r-er-tloii. axi) STATIONERS. MODERATE PRICES If O-D ' tion . Jeiisurcis' taken and Fits Guaranteed . promptly done. ' M' . .woM Wilson, N. C. S31 S .co;i.icadttl fjr r.li diseases requirltig' T'irTlTUIV'J . 1 tTJ s 1 rj. , M m t 1 1

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