I t j i i I By T-i3 Aianca Publishing Company 'LET A'. THE ENDS TH JU AiNTST AT. BE THY COUNTRY'S. THY CCD'S. AND TRUTH'S." Kl i Io.at!i Sl.lM.. Vii-so., av '"... ',, j time to see that convivial soul roll off. ugly as " - I his own ,'doors-Jep into 'more oblivion.' "HoM, thns Bor .lu-O v er-kii)! 7 -: - - -- - - - - I : He tried to r uisc ljim, but the only There-stands my Al'mira: and whoev- u.ven'd..er,--l, 1881. ; auswerdie got'wa- a snoro- .'like a con- .er say she'., ugly fie." - -- - i --rto?bass.',ns. . '- j "And lot mo'tell yon, Tony Blake!" At last an urchin on the creek bank, shouted Berelus, without so much as I bobbing for crawfbh with a pin hook looking at the lady, "whoever, says - : ai.u a jnvcKrliireaa line, gavesu...ciet.t- nsv Hi. : y. .1 h 1; -v . ; i g.ri 'if i.-a year.- of , o- ..'.nounee.d by Miles O'lteiiiy a - i ie.hi.e-d verses hej'vor read. He ,n!i!i-hed them lour times and de ci.i;:' 1 he liked them better every II ly lucid directions to enable 'Jriah to !i 'rvi-Mr, B.ake's. i'h'- ho;.e was large and of resp.-c-iable appearance -evidently the ub od e of well-to-do po..ple. lie lias got to answer to d me. ' . The fit. The young lady and was just going to l.rbdi rushed bet wet n two "'ad vane with doubled b.-gaii to -cry, scream, when the voukl-be They drive home the cows from the pasture,. l',p through the long shady lane,, Wri. -if tiieipmii thistles loud in the a h'at il-id Th;it is yellow with ripening grain. They find, in the thick, waving grasses Where the scarlet-lipped straw berry U'-'oWS, T!i y gather the earliest snowdrops, - A:;d the lirst crimson buds of the ro.-e. :" Tliy toss the hay in tlie meadow, 'i n.; gather th elder 'bloom .white,' TIh'V ibid where tlie dusky grapes pur-' In the soft tinted October light. Thy know where the apples- hang rip'.-t, And are sweeter than Italy's wines; Tut-v know, whore the fruit hangs tlie thickest - ' On the long, thorny blackberry vines. Thev :iittier the delicate, sea-weeds', And build tiny castles of sand; Tlr-y pick up the beautiful seal-hells . Fairv barks .that have drilted to bind. They wave from the tall, rocking troe- " tops, Where the oriole's hammock-nest swings,- -' And at nighttime are folded in slum .er ' By .- ngthat a fond mother sings. i!i ) i- who toil bravely are strongest' : Tiie humble and poor become' great; And from those brown-handed chil dren ' Shall grow -mighty rulers of state.' "Mr. Blake is not at home," was-tho combatants and held them asunder, answer Uriah received to his inquiryf" "What do you think, 11. V" cried the elder Overskp, as soon us he beheld Tony Blake here i-av.s van ungu- on. borhood?" .-.-.. 1 ' . "Yes, there's B.pjire Abimelech Blake on the hill, over by the creek," said Hi., with a hearty laugh. for .that gentleman from a tall, Jar, not very young, and decidedly 'not ; hi- luindsomo lady, who met him at the i didn't leave m v. letter!" door. , '(.' "Jf this is -M.r. Blake's 1 certainly "When will he return may I ask?" j didn't leave it her,' " s-aid It:. "If "Not till to-morrow.". there another Air. Brake in the neigh- "Could I see Miss Blake?" "f am Miss Blake." Now, had Miss Blake in any wise1 resembled Ids , preconceived ideal of her, Uriah woidd have found it easy, enough to introd uce himself, and might have spent a very pleasant half hour " notwithstanding the .paternal Blake's absence. As it was, he hiul but one desire, and that was to get as gracefidly as ossihle out of a position, he began to.Teel embarrassing. "I have a letter for Mr. Blake," he said; presume l ean leave it?" The lady bowed and took the letter,-, and Uriah bowed ami took his leave chuckling, as probably he would not have chuckled had he known c.li that was in the letter. - A few days later Berzelus Overskip received two letters; one from his son, and one from Mr, Blake. Thus ran the former: Camping near the town, we secured our stock and then went in. Entering ! the leading store, I introduced mvself! to Mr. hitile-, orjo of, the proprietors ami the postmaster. j "It's now half past 2, and at 3-there's j to be a-wedding down at Jonas Bur- j ton's. Old Jonas is a rough old coon lb. at -we ( lectc'd justice of the peace j about a month ago, and, as this will be ! his firt attempt at marriage. I thank we will have some fun. Come and go j wit.n me." We found liim poring over the stat utes of Wyoming, sweating like a horse and looking terribly anxious. After greeting us lie said: "Utiles, the galoots, that got up these yer laws hadn't gumption enough to la-rt 'em overnight. I've run through j this 'blamed book a half-, dozen times, ; fur Lu- AaYA5i-K, BEAU CIllEEK. THE NEWS IN A NUT-SHELL. There is a shady little creek ' Neath Carolina's sky, Winch I was wont alone to seek In bovhooddavs gone bv. squire's cahm. The International Congress of Soj cialists mei in Switzerland Ia'?t month. The American-delegates, gave a mor-t ! -'desjotident jueture of the feblencrs I of the socIaU-tTc party, in this country, i Oft have I jumped into the boat ! n north Alnca there is continued ; And drifted witli the tide, .corhict. 1 heT emi?ian war is raging ; And watched the leaves and bios- wuh ":crea-ed f. n city, and the rage: soms l'.oat ; of tae natives ugainst tlie Invading ! lake wee boats bv mv siUe. i chrbtian- i iia rea-ed by their lerpe-j ' t ration of freh ntrqeit its. The Saltan - Then would I jar mv old canoe ' t 'till semling troops t. Tripoli. i Tosethem ride th eas, 1 r.arthiuake shocks have been felt at , And when the ritful lfgbtwindsblew - Gal!iK!l f "d . Adrianople. Balti- J They'd whirl and catch the breeze J ""V is Joiportm- cablmges from Ku- rop'.- -I ranee uJUvw s her .President- 1v; i-, 4 .... said the other beliite'rent, on - whom i an C1U1 1 nna a-UiUI "iaea word about light be-aa to' break."- j it"niony, or how the hitchni' iroc- i.v o,.-M. ,,-i,,...,. t !,. i,.f!)) ess is proceeded with. I've iust to iut a i.v ll' li nr.:- i it-it i - - the chimps on this couple, hit or miss, ..,.rr.T it i i tr Tiie light bad fully -broken now.- Ci u,'u 1 OKU, c,u 1 iegai l caivt Berzelus Overskip and Tonv Blake ' helb , ! - shook hands warmlv and laughed at; "Oh," said Stiles,"just do the best their recent quarrel. The voung pen- I ou van- ' An.v ldil(l of ceremony will pie were Introduced, and, in an in- jdo ia this country, for people will not credibly short space of time, canjc to ltion the legality of the thing. I'll a thorough understanding. Marriage Extriicrtliiiary. The pen -of the -author and statesman .The mum- and wise of our iand .! suord -and coisel and palette Shall ik- beid in ihe little brown Hit 1. 'I 'Dear1 Pa: I called at your old friend's and left your ' letter. He asu' L at iiome, but his. daughter iron. .Now , j a, bow van you.be such a quiz? Its penectly disgraceful at your time of life!- Ilandsoni-e!T-well, I won't call her fionielj. So mild a term would be downright, ilattery. It might have (iescribel i.er several years ago; but note ugh! "So uuicii for Miss Blake. If it's all the same to you' I think I won't go there again. "B.it iiow, pa, brace vourself. post you as well as I can. Stile.-, then explained to him about how he sh li "By the way, Ui., niy old friend, .VuMiony Blake, lives down. that way. He's Liol a line farm and an only d m.iU'i-, e.cecdiukly pretty, they .say. .'ii give you a letter to him. Vou un?t want to be all tlio time .popping awa;.' at the snipes or -throwing deceptive-Hies in the way of ui su.pecting trout, and ..might tiinl . Wiiivc thing.-d'or a change than occa- sioiiuo oi oj -p.."-g Of -on Tony give you a iiciiity .. 0h-o:..e, V au-i it o;t a.i-i- i.ie "daughter. u a'ii any 1 don't iiiiidi either up' by t. ilari.i A re you." ready? v ell, here goes! I've fallen dead 'in lorn' I'd've written to ask your leave first, but there wasn't time, it came like a Hash. On my ay back from Blake's, I met an an gel! an angel on a brown filly. The tlHymust have been of this world, for she sided at a rabbit skipping across the road, and was on the .point oil plunging down a precipice, to the im minent peril of the angel's neckwhen 1 gra-ped the rein and "checked 'her. 'You've no idea how beautiful a scared angel looks,"', nor how sweetly ?he can toank her deliverer, though he he but a mortal. "Such eyes, such lips, sin li but no'. I give it up, I won't try to describe her. To be realized she must be seen. ! "1 h aven't di'.-co-vered her name yet, ibut shall never rest till I do. '-'I'm sorrv to (iisaowuint you in the lio'li l5; jvtter of'Mi-s BhuJe; but, like Tony .i sureH i.umkin. woiiitl le niuch sorrier to should t oisappomi mysed, tl.eme.V h ".VUi tlouot er-iimalilecreatiire my unknown encnautress. Your aiiectionate Hi. The other letter inclosed Mr. Over skip's own, and was in these words: ":-ik: An insolent puppy, no doubt youi . (rthy son worthy of yourself, . at least leit at my house, ,in my ab ! sence 'yesterday, the": vulgar and in- An extraordinary marriage ceremo ny recently took place at Portsmouth, England. A Miss Mainwariug, tlie (laughter of an army officer, was about to be married, and her trousseau had been prepared and all other arrange ments made, but a few days before the time ti.xed for the bedding she sick ened and died. Xeverthcle.-s, it was determined to go through tlie 'mar riage ceremony a i far as possible to fore the interment. Her body was, therefore, taken in the collin to ehuren, ! followed by her fii.-nds In wedding costume, tlie deceased's wreath of or ange blossoms being placed at the head of the coffin. Several clergy men olliciated, and, after reading the marriage' service, tunMbr funerals was roceeded with, after which tho; cor lege proceeded to Portsmouth ceme tery, where the interment took place. uid proceed, and the old man finally thought he could worry through inj tolerable shape. Ere long So on adown the stream I'd lloat, I tee lining in the bow. "My. old-oar crossed across the boat, O! would those days were now! But alas! I float down another stream Full of rvoJboats and men, And this one is no pleasant dream As the one I sailed on then. I am floating now on the stream of life . j " - - - here storms and passions rage, W $2oO,uOo a year. The wheat! crop j this year will be loo,nn!),nno bushels f: short. ;-CuIored Cadet Whitakor, of ear notoriety, is a negro concert muna- i ger. Ye-auor pndkts that this! winter will le a mild, open one. "W. 1 II. Cheek, Worthy Ja-ter of the "N. i '('. State (grange Patrons of llusbaud-i - ry, is delivering lectures in the.AWM eni States in the interest of the order. Judge Tyncr's resignation as A.s-si-taut P M. ( Jenera! has been accep ted, and 1 rank Ifalton, the editor of; fiSfc 7KE GREAT 'here avarice and penury and strife t,le f11"?10" bo.en Stain thocurm of our'age. ?il'J"t; V his place 1 he ne i j m the 3hssi.si)i river stdl continues. E.-(iovernor J organ has'decliiurd the Treasury portfolio tendered him by Arthur.-- J lid ire Porter, of ill assist tin: prosecution in the trial ofUaiteau; on the applica j.tion of the counsel of the latter the ! ease has been' postponed from the Tth,' I to the 1 !th of November. The Xa- J tional Cotton-planter' Association in ;e,-sioii at .'Vieksburg, Miss., -'invite Manv predictions have been made as ! farmers and planter- throughout the 1IT-Illll.il li I1HTI- llil lli- .ASS( lailOil III ! Atlanta, Dece uber Ot!i.- -August Yet this one also has its joys, t 41., 1... -.1 II... ,. I. in i.iii' i.umi ai'.'iiy; me swoio i . , . . And Beauties which no stormdc-i'V'V strovs. ' ;.ew ork, xy Where is jieaee forevermore. i I: ' . S. 'i"2ac EudofTc World. tlie couple1 appeared,,, followed by a but unlike most other prophets, Dr. ; 1);lyis h b0en sentenced to be hung crowd of citizens of the cimp The Howard Crosby, of Isew York, rests i at New Orleans for an indecent as- eandidaks stood up before the" squire, hl" prediction upon the Bible. Hi,, j sauit upon a white woman.Tiie th vvJl.,. . ' Sunday evenhiir expositions of the lunx) wlun t theAN oman;s C hris- who began "Feller citizens, thiri yer -man an' this yer woman have appeared before the court to be hitched in the legal bands of wedlock. If any galoot in the mob knows of anythinjjshat mout block the game if tuk to a higher court let him now toot his bazeo or else keep his jaw to himself now and forevermore. All in favor o' me oer- cedin' as prthorized by law, say I.' Everybody said I.' "Contrary 'no.' Nobody taid 'no.' 'The motion's carried cnan'mously, an' the court rules1 fhaC tiiar hain't the A Word of Warstsis?; ny evenmg expos book of Itevelatious are attracting pe culiar interest, and the congregations who listen to them are induced by L-nmvlodrro thnt Hr . fv,hv is mo nf Seuth Carolina -is on trial in Ohio for the best O reek scholars and Biblical rtudents now living, to place much confidence in his interpretation of a book of very deep mysteries. He is tiaii Temperance Union met in Wash ington, I). ('., last week. Mrs. Fran cis E. Willard delivered -the address. H. K. Scott, Ex-OovernOr of the murder of Y'. (l. Brury in Janua ry ls'so. The Emrlislr arliiv in Ire- land number oO,U(o. -r-Nine ( Jovor nors fere present at.th(; "Atlanta-Exposition- last. Thursday.- Secretary now giving an exposition of the part j (.he (:a!;iiK.t ionfrer li;in Doceml,er 1st. of Revelations which relates to the! -Judge. Folger, of New York, has present age of tho world. According i been .nominated by the President as to his view but two periods of prophc-! ;'' "f the Treasury, and his r iflii, i ic nomination lias been confirmed.- cy remam to be fulfilled, the hrst ex- Jamos ,)0en contirme(, iVH lv.j j -tending from the completion of the blaster ( Jenerei: Tlie.-e h no Letter as l snouiii uo cx up 'Ut mat no c III1 1 1 I i. , IV.-.-'.' ' So i.er.eiu--. Overskip to his- son, rr:;in. as-.-thti latter,' w itii the iornier's hies -ing, as setting out- for a for't- nigi.ii'.s'' . .d .ecieatio... .d.-. :'';ersk;p v.'e.it to ii. tU'sk aud -. l' ! , w. . prop-Oi, (.'.,; v ami cuption : t . .... A 1 'ii:Ai: HiUkk: Bet me introduce ; suiting missive nerew un leiurneu. hiv -en, Ki. f lie to carry havoc; "The impertinent.' reference to my thr-.i.gii vour meadows, and depopu-' daughter is impudent beyond endu I'ute i, r briH.-K; at iea.-'t" such . is Ids .--ranee, and shall receive due ackno.wl u. ," si: . .'.i!W"e. lui't be alarmed, .'--lge.ment in the shape of a sound bio,.-;,. J4 ,(. so mucn a bags a torn- borsewjiipjiing shouldyou everchance i.i er he k- a sti. ic.ehack 'it' more to encounter ' l t.i.ia' e ...... i 1 i ours, w nn in, ;ort oi respect, ami : A. Blake." . Mormonism'is spreading, rapidly.--The Utah Annual Conference of the M.'E. Chinch, Bishop Wiley presid ing, passed, very strong resolutions against polygamy and declared-that it is spreading and threatens to possess itself of other Territories besides Utah-. It is said that 7.",(MK) foreigners have already connected themselves with Utah and' polygamy. Their Book of Mormon has been published in French, German, Italian, Danish, Polynesian aud Welsh. Their proseiyters are. go ing up and down in severed of tho States preach ing their obnoxious doe. trines and persuading per-soas to go out to Utah tolndulge in their ini'iui tous practices. Georgia has found it nece-sary to , pass a law forbidding such methods of proselyting within the bounds of the State. But what is nothin' to pervent the trvin' of case. Grip yer fins.' Tiie candidates joined hands. 'Amos Py.body, do you solemnly swa'ar that ye'il freeze to '3Iamly forever an' ev ever? That ye'll love an' pervide fur 'er an' treat 'er squar an' white, ac-.-ordi.o' to the ruloa an' regulations sot down to govern sieh cases in the law of the United States, so help yer God'.-" 'Yaa;s, sir; I do, sir.' 'TJuit fixes your end o' the bargain. 'Mandy, Tliomas, do you solemnly : NsvrafgJa, Scrctica, I Backache, Sorcnozs cf fV .? Ck t . Quinsy, Sara Throat, $-c,r'--.'. - Sprains, Burn; end rr " V-; Gcncrd Bodily f -h i Tooth, Ear and Hjadach?, f r-t' .?V. and Ears, and all ciher i'i ' end Achat. - A . S" rroarit!'-i cn c.h!"i ninh Tw;y '.. t. ft ''' nurr. .i..V r:l ; i.; ; .' .. A trial oitJai-s l-ia iln -.r.ifftnitiv : - ! v .' ! i f So .Vint oii,l -ry i.no on!. . ( . , c.i:i h.tvc i'k-',; nr.! .ltivi' J.f.wf -:..! r ' " .. l'irer-M itiit ia itti -. r-n I-TiTua.-f. " ' BOLD BY ALL T)2.T7eoic-.TS AHD Hrj-l.T-X ilIEUiCLSU. A. V0 GELER (z G i . , ' Jl'iliimoTc. ?' ;., r ..t. ;iMfm2$- "-- ; XT! . t TALBOTT & SOfiS Shockoe Machi no present period, in B'ij'V 11 thousand years, and constituting the millennial age, and the second extending from 'Zz'M to the year 3000, at which time Dr. Crosby believes the end of the world will come. There are few emi nent Biblical scholar'wlio venture to announce scriptural authority for a man in thexsjuntry- for the positio:j' and Arthur has a .ted wisely in re taining him in the -Cabinet. -The prices of Confederate ' hoVIs havo ad vanced; large salt s are reported at ! The X. ('. M idland roaxl has re-elected j the same ollicers.- -The President j desires Attorney General Jc.Veagh to i retain his position until after the trial pecific date as the end of the world, I of the Star Route cases A nieino- .- I therefore Br. Crosbv's prediction j rial t Pre.-ident. Harrison in th? napo m a .uet.iiouist cnurcn is to no will attract very general attention. ; A Sew 3IoJacr J3;;ii. When lawyers fail to take a fee, swa'arthat ye'll Jnng on to Amos for And juries never disagree; all comin' time, that you'll nuss him .When politk-nins are content, . , , i . Aud landlords don't collect then m sicivness an' be squar to him m AVhen parties smash all tho-mac wellness, that ye'll be always to him a good, true, honest, up-an'-up wife un der the penalties prescribed by the laws for the punishment for such of fenses; .do you swa'ar this, so help yer tied? "I swa'ar I will." "Then by the power in me vested as justice o' the peace, in an' fur this precinct, I pronounce you, Amos Pea- bod v. husband, an' you Miandv Thorn (l15!1 ii;i nr-ifl i"i I an.. i in'inrt-mt to i " i .. , . ... . sich now an' fureverinore, an' ye'll stand comniitted till tlie fees an' costs ho a" sti. Jviehack it ''ill.' - . l !uo oif the ' hi bhak; i I've promt.-eti him your kind reeep-j tio;r f ,r the tdd block's sake. It he f ' Mr. Overskip swelled with conflict-take- asiu-!otoyourhandomeuaugh- ingfinotious'. That; his old friend, tcr-- and ten to one he dees Tf sne's ; Ant,R . lihlko shoidd have written hah a-, pretty as tnev say don't you . , . go to g-itiag down the family shot-1 such a letter iied him witn sorrow as gun and warning him olf.the premises, j well as rage. -But; more perplexing Ivenieuibcr vou -were twenty-one yourself once. As for Rt,, I'll warrant him gei.;iiv hind ami true, and spec ially titled to work well in double har ness. Vour friend,. . Bi:i:zi:lus OvkuskiI'. us is that in several counties in North Carolina these proselyting agents, of A f . v . . . .-v I . v v bni-.v b'irt . . All' 'il f i t i in iom i avi' i ee .to a : iii v ii . . i i . v . j m the ease oe paid in run, an' mav work. Many of our young people, es-' .ow., . i.n.J, penally, are being deceived by them ir rent; When parties smash all tho-machines, And Boston folks give up their beans; When naughty children all die young, The ercL-ted at 'South Bentl, lud. Virginia ReadjUsters claim that they will Jiave 1 o.OUO majority.- -Four duels have occurred in Virginia - lu- ring the present canvass. Ex-Gov. W. V. Ilokloo has b(?en ordained a deacon in the Missiouar -lhtptist church.- Tlie General Conference of the Free-Will Bapti-ts of North Caro lina will be held with the church at Howell Swamp. Greene eountv, con- Aud girls are horn without a tongue; j meucing Thursday, Nov. 10th. Dr. When ladies don't take time to hop, j Bliss want .?2o.0iji) for attending the And oihce-hohlers never Hop; i President during his three months of When preaeherscuttheirsormonsshort j iHn-Ass. -Blaine proposes to inve"t And all folks to the church resort; largely in southern enterprises this When back subscribers all have raid, j winter, it i-re'.orted, and to let noli- wobe: ' RICHMOND, VA;. MonnfaeMin'i-H i'f Portable md -uVisjtx:f Krisfines unit lloile r. .S:iv Miilt, -r" ' Wheat Mills, yii-:dt iag . Uam,i'.rMy! V'.ff' Turbh'iP -Walfr Wh(.i-f?, Tohapef F. .r. MjchitiiTV, Wrought Ii.o-.i Toik Jijt . . , 1 Iron Casilngy, Machiia-iy f tvn v w'-i ! f tiou. ; - ' f ' '' GINXJXG fy Till! ESll ISO Ml cm :r4: . a sphci.vi.TV. - " - Hepiiiriiig Piyiiif.lly a-.d 4,'arcn.iiy h-a, .to be CO-'C- ;i s ' 1 ia ' .. And editors fortunes have made; Such happenings will sure portend, tics aloue.- Ilon. Francis K. Shoher This worid must soon come to an end. j ate. oi Salisbury is Chief Clerk of th.e Sen- S. Snfde has ad A 1 1 a n t a K .'. os i t i 01 1 proving sucn a success t!iat it is The. U. I journed. The is and !y their persuasions and misve resentations some of our young wo men are being carried .off to .Utah to awake too late to the shame and mis viy of Mormon life, i Such a proced ure is shameful and ;our next legisla ture ought to pass a law positively foi st ill was lti. bidding any Mormon agent, or any confession of having j other person, from persuading any one .1 this union with his heftiest blcssin'.-.' The fees ami costs were adjusted, and, after receiving the congratula tions of the assembly, the newly made husband and wife departed for their cabin up the creek. Oil City Derrick. A Vamiif Poisoned. A girl in Springfield, Mass.T while ; thought that the time will be extend walking along the street, suddenly ; ed to March. Mr. H. Sparrow, a trippetband saved herself from falling t carpenter in the employ of Y T. ... , , , ; xiaciv vi 1 tt vu., i 'tii 11.1111, wjoieui in run i.ff.rf H hn T-nenT-nrt' WflS Wl ' ' ' - .. ...-..,... 11 ,1 4-U.-.4- .-. l I iVciuiJvv iiiinif iii.iL it mil ffiiuiiy,vi 1 nroKOiUS c who witnessed it fell in love with the wise' injured. triri. ami in a short time they were Yvnw has more inoney in manu marrieo. ssow. me stranger iueiccuveiv . .0 -o , w...,.i.,.. . e,.u - nn.i . i uiuA.i ii'ui. -.i . 11 1 i ia , i':ii iiii't rich Stranger ; hroke iis -!!. ir-I.ooe: Mori ii-'H otlter- It is c'aimd that Talbott's Patect Spark A ; .,;. T'I'Iii Sivilioti llli-'A v r . It tliM-s not -ik-.-trnv Hi': dnih. It dooi not interfere vviib lubes. It -will not choUu tip ail''. cli unhig. It rc'i'iircs no dirrrt d.imtM : cd when I'aieUig hti-irm ('l uiui. ji'ctienaUh', as tln-y ntny tu allow th pr.ik to c:apf.J It icpi'i es no wntiT to vktlrtirst'.t: aj-v k w liich, by Cfitditvatin, ih-MKyu, ut. i.i-Mili'ti, Uiit'ii walt r fa UH'd,.-:: i-lnciency is dciMevod i f tlie wat-r. and l!.e boiler : lildjy ciUriii.:u. . 1: i hiinpic durable an ' : ii'fti. It can be atLvhed to iv,y ! X piaiit'.-r hhoufd Im v. tin-in. Iiisjranco re1";'-1'' gins and barns ili-'ry tli Ta!' and SparK Arrttcri ar'; u-i"I as ciiiirgt d lor w;tt t' or hoi-.r ; fifciri-iid for iliu.-lru'" ! pt ' 1'it.t.- IhaiKli llon-e: Gabl-h - -'laiiMT. (initial Manaei. L ... Local Maiidiji'i . ii-V- Of ' "t ;-t 1. A, iiili$t ?. r .i.t i,: ... . ,1..... w , 1, l,lv. L U 1 1 I li; lll..illti.l tV liltiri ' the. st:.;, iin- ntiio . 1 m- v i i-'-.n lit; k . - (Jimp I visits sprmgneici is astounuea ax see-', 7?oi votes in. Ohio in the recent e!ec-ing-girls of all ages, classes and condi- ! tioi.- Tiie voters of Nebraska will tioiw trinr.in.r. -md fallinp- and catch- hlecIe at the corning elect ioti-whether " ii-o " - women of that Stat3 'shall leave th"; mg themselves as they walk along the . . ht t() vot(..A ,5M wintt.r i4 re. streets. Some of Uicm acquired ?ueh dieted by meteorolo i The Ke- I laving secured the sj-vi . of r ny town ri good tailor- a man of yar f rr. -c t-.iiirti. in in--o with i woman whose ! wiiatever into nwivgamy. vre ouunt vnrr ',,". -.w h.. fl i.bi't ;t:imv. M r. ( )vcr- to take hoid of this matter at once skip-resolved to go at o'nec and have ! and "nii all such work in the bud." ' ; it out with with Tony Blake, and at j Some may think that we are unneces- i ! j.i i: :e :.-.:ki, 1 T 'ri r. 1 ! .i ril v -! I -i r hi t 1 tint tiliv; 'Tf'ilt : kiw his .tuiKw lishiiisr-tauklo, and - " ' K " . .," u,....! 1. J.... i;r- .. iii vomiting. I ho pcrxms at thcta- ' - W ....... f I',,'-' rTT.T- VIV II I I I il 1.1 I I t 11 I III lllll .-IIV ...1 All, llllll." lllll V '. 1 . Ul.Tn.iiiB ' r A special dispatch from Hannibal, Mo., says: while. the family of Hiram West fall were seated at breakfast yes terdav morning they were uddenly cover grace block. ' proticiency that the'ir can trip and rc- adjuster- are appealing to the itepul-4 fullv ten times in going a Jieun'ior money io carry 0.1 i:ie cani- : - ! paign. Marshall Jewell nas promised 'them $f),oi i.i .The Banti-t State Conventio wiilme,-t in Win-toti, Wed- Nvnod ion M rrr.rt.d pay -2-3 cents each to ' hear what she r,r(e,,t.- Th" North Carolina (Vn- .-i l .. . ..v., OIl fill lO '. lllIIil'-l 1.1 V 111-LOII, CVra B. V.'HiCtornond, a spiritualist ; nelay, November lth. The S i- t ,, i. vo t of North Carolina is now in sesi medium, nuluced hdO ( nicagoans to S:U54)Urv. i:l) iMe rMi , nrii rej valie safely stowed in the cab called to take him to the depot, bade his '-rovcrnor' good-b-y, jumped in, and as rattled' off. After a day's trial of his -luck with bis gUU and another with his rod Without oni'oiir:UMm results. Uriah - - - 0 - - , ... himself of his father's letter. "iiiiai his letter, Uriah was scouring the j be overturned. We lift a warning country itensibly far snipe, but real-j voice and call upon the press and all ry hoping do gain another'' glimpse of j good people to agitate the question the fair equestrian, when, behold! j until the last 3Iormon emissary shall there she was alighting before a spac-i.be driveu from our State and until we ious ilw ellin said was an address by the spirit of ference meers in d)urhan:, Wedhelay Garfield. She represented the dead November 'J. rd. MiUn Palmer, a President as s-,ying that Lincoln av negro eu;p:oyed lit 'cotton, gin of 1 K J , , Bvnn AO iiin-j ; m S akecountv, was t the tir.-t person he oeheld in the spirit ti.VriUKr ininrA,! ,-.- ,.rL- r,n a rn i-vi. symptoms became more violent and i j j .,ml t;i;it tolrether they, accom- dav that his turn i'bad io ho amputs- .ur. v estian, .,,,;,) th fuie-ral train from' Lonir -ted .-aturday. 1 uo -teamer Calcut- ble were Mr. We-tfalb his wife, a voung Iadv and a hired man. Their death certain when wlune attack seemed the lightest, ! jj,. tf Cleveland. He afterward fiu ...ntwl liii linwa. nnVl e'liiniiiir.o.l i . . . . . . .... , j . all Oil bi Hi d,; tU 'lit tV0 K dlin.r on the veranda of whicllf have a law that will kc-eir them out L7J X 'l L I. ! J"efl tne uaMiing i,..,,, A: French m?' ' . , , , . . pnvsieians, no immeuiaieiv uieci- i Infr at M-a another svfrprisetood j forever.-fe Aca'e. ! t,d the cause to be the eating of irA ence in the buinei- 1 am t -rv jifj-' pared to do all kiiuis of work Vrt tut :. , best po-sinle nianru-r. A large variety of-ample- )' r.i! ' and jfo'Kl.i'wIwtetl from thee .'Xrr ples will be "ordered irnrnediit"dy made to order. ' . MAKING, CirriTNG, UVA' .' I !! 1' :j andcu:aning donk at S1IGHT NOTICE. I am also prepared to- Dye and rteijai: any obi clotbi--, and T can 'iti-sk- .a old huit of clothe-, bok like ne .f o;:v. T It V M EI ikjiciting- your patronage, I ,.'u ' Itepectfuilv Vou: . Merchant 3. B. CLEMEN-; Pail or, Tarboro rson, and Adam- An-jJhcr IrIific Woman. shoi-k iii.id...l lii iiip-prnfwlmni liin, not auger Tiie tean foundered; i number, Doulhev co.Mriiitted suicid ' hi'Tarbo- over E. C. 31"r r' Store ro last Friday.-- Witrren Jlemorial Oct. 14 3 mo. Presbytnri in church, the fttus-t in St.! I.o ii-. burned: it -o-t . I .r'.00 I ; '.' ' . 7" Great loss of stck and corn and duce by triejjreaK at tlie levee at 'I he ii'-ina:i I for.'(Viiv We can federate Bonds continue-. -The! By virtue of a decr e Of the f- Ca.-hier ot the Mechanic Nntional ' or ( ourt of V iL-iin eountv.. r Q T I G J: 'thought himself of his father's letter. i - - - ed tlie cause to De trie eating ot pji ."Can vou direct me to Mr. Blake's m-re-pectca parenr m animaieu ton-j - i sonous food. Mrs. Wetfall died hist -.Mr. A. Blake'sV" he iuouired, re- versatum with a gentleman of about j a a t feow at Wrights- i night and the hired man is not cx- beshing lijs menutry by a glance at :theameage. r town, Minn.," wrote to a girl, that' he pected to live. A dish of oatmeal ! av mentioned last week that there the superscription. .: . ( ! . ., , . ;, J would hang himself if she did not mar-, which had been prepared by a" color- j was a negro woman in Gult township nibal, Mo "Yes, tir' you bet!" returned the -uu- ' , , ,1, ,' , , i' rv him.' As he was a stranger, she ed servant with whom there had pre-! v-i f) i a, nineteen children . i lit k s i i'H . ii 'iv i- n. an iiitiiiiii. nu.-i t v v i nouoiv.1 m.-j iiivuHtu iu i t- . . ..i r t i i t t.it" t iifcTi : l ii t--f hi , . . ', . . i- , vou capable of writ ng such an an-; ' : ,' ., tl . , " . - - , -4, - ,r, ;""" v..... . .. Ba.ik, Newark, N. J., is arlefaulter to f Kdober 14th, lnl, I will . w.di tt ad leadin' ouiaieoi a :joke, and replied angrily that he have lnVa poisoned with arsenic. . Xhe : woluan nQar Lockvitkv.v1io in twenty- the extent of '' '0.1. An earth-i Court Houe door in Wilson, oi vl. - ,, .. . i , , v . . . , v . , . .,. suhi ui nil it'un. ! . . . . . . . , i i . i . . i , . ; . . . - .... . - . -. . . . . .... "P uie mil, uut don't rouptne nui, ' T " - ' , . tta an ,' , i would please lier greatly oy cnoosing servaiu leit tne nouse, out n "j four years- had twenty-one children, (make shock Monday m New JIainr-1 day the oth day or Demnhcr i.f i., . . i .i i . -- . t lI tell vou Ivor no letter anujtij ... - - , , - i.i i.. j.i . . ; - ,.u:,. n- .i . r,.w .a i. ... "ji uirii.io ver leu v nur me roan . - :. , -sthe tree wlncli irrew near we whuiou nwn arresieu. oin? tens inmia-wr . u-i.,. n(.vt'' i hatlrvn JOx-orri. i .iij-t m i.i- whu i .iiiiv vii. ii.- uwi uj tv.ji uj splits. Then dust ahead till you come no answ er., returuuiuit oimr, 'wunu-1 rW)m, When she looked out ry stories ami tiie evidence points to . ' ir the crick, but don't cross the erick, 1uiuu luu", : . ; uet morning there hung his lifeless her guilt. butnioSyright.onuit.tillyoueone-, equivocate, Tony! . . to a hous,. vn tit'. not RlHke's ed to be a man ot trutn. nj nert - UUi rev 'Jest take that nu house, but Bije Boozley's; an' ef you happen ter ketch liije te hum, au' not dead drunk which more'n likely you won't he kin tell you the rest of the " :'y to Blake's." Uriah reached Afr. BoozJey's jutt In my own son's letter in which he says j - he left-mine at your lwuse with your , .The Louisville VonururcUil clU-f- the daughter. vBy the way, maybe you k-ae of Capt. Chas. Corri, of that city, think her too good for lti. If so, at'sKvlioWas cured by "St. Jacobjs Oil, some consolation to know what he : after suffering for year with rheuma thinkj? of bcr. He says here she's as j tism. York (Neb.) Rspub'Aciur. thirds KlgeieKl,S."C., destroy 1 by fire Sat-! Wilson county, liiack Crek town'hb, -: unwy mgni; !i jn.vw.- m. afijoinrng my lands oi i';. rs('a, "I have used JJr. Simmon's Livef York .hot and killed his nttf Thouuis l)r. H.'E." Cox and other-, -onli!'niCff Kofulator mvself and mv Xanilv for in Whitfield county, Geonria; themur-, seventy-five acrei more or les, ii Ix- me aerer inaue in- e.-cape. -jhi ik "1C m,"i :ni'"nefi ei me ntr - -A Kentuc bytheju cheai? inkstar nva; liOt ! vp'iN and I oronounce it one if the derer me? made lus esape. -Jetr ing uie lana allotted to the htr , kv editor bought his ink most satisfactory medicine mat. can u hi.-. wa ac iuuie-i oa a new iria. at .jam..-. .f.nn.) i innin isioii rr .... , , , . .. hfn-ed otiunnr W0U1O inuua mo nuwiviuv, i"i me Limutr oi jh i-mif ifrmg ioi gfull, because he eoulu get it ot u- . - , . rw.0Lnictta all George Franklin; under a former con- intaid division. Terms cnh. a. r, but hiswifc went to fill his mv frio.)(j if th..v want to sei-ur - victb n f r the -am- e-im - v. -:s . ' Wefi'HV- ld one morning ana found it - health, to a! .vays te-'? it ".i e v i:..?,.. -..,vyu . v oimni-ivi -.; ;: mK oy ajuguui. u -n;,,,..,....,, , .J. Hth Jf. It : 1 i ' 1 - - i' '- .1

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