IW A MOM- . nA .JUL 1.1 By Ths Adance Publishing Company "LET AU THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S. THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH S." Josephut DinlelYISsnager WILSON, N. C:, FRIDAY, XOVEJIBEItrSSl. VOL.. ll.-3'O. i Ax month (l.OO. Wilson, Fr l DAY, November, It, 1881. South Carolina VotKfooism. Premium List. A REMARK ABLESTOUY OF THEftl'PEK v 8TITION OF TICK XKOKO. POJtiTllY. tub k'ia iu t:ut ha r. One of the in criminal. most, remarkable cases ! annals w a tried by I I tlic court of general sessions of Sumter j ! cou.ity, on last Wednesday. . It was J ,the St.vte vs. Johnston for the murder! PREMIUMS AWARDED BY THE EA8T--KRX CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION AT ITS FIIWT ANNUAL FAIR AT HOCKY , MOUNT, OCTOBER 2GTH 2ST1I, 1SS1. so of the noon alar of Joj,n )xw on the fifth day f last ' otn'hi' H' the prisoner and 1.1 j 111 Uiv iirtim." w mi; j. i"'iivi ii). Through the drowse of tiu rme droning the Ar; : v 4. In. tlirrrtill thi nA.i. fi... -.iMr:Kr th.it foniMs of faith. ' victim were negroes, and the trial de- lie neither had thought nor care, j v el o ped the system of vondooism, or j Though the Hp of the .scornful Greek 1 f,.ti(.nisni. to which their race is still i might curl , - " Tl addicted in the Southern States. The! Je Brake, Wheat. Or tno insolent r rumv num, i;vru. . . 4.1; I 44 , i nrjsoner. before his trial, made the ! "In the name of the Prophet, li!" following confesfn, which w as put 1 Cllobe, A traveler, loitering near, ' in evidence: lie stated that he wivi fJe?5se Ur.ke, -Ham, Half M-reeiied in a nicneV deep re:ess, -n ,oVo v itu tho NV-fe of tic decea-ied, (i V Winstead, Stock corn, Turned languidly round to hear. - ; . , Too T. liako HmiH mm Hut warce naa tne rai im-vseu . .1- " ; " . - lire 11 ripple, that seemed u sigh, . j the prisoner being about forty; that Blurred faintly the calm of his lip.s and ; s!i repelled hw advance?, and he DEPARTMENT 4A,' Ag. Div. 1, ClMA 1. Jesse Brake, Kx. Com. Sup'rinten'nt. J. II. Phillip, V U. 8. Wimoerly, Judges. i Ja. II. Kxuni, j . - fl.'M) Turnipn, Norfolk 1.00 broke Iu a haze on his dreaming eye. "In the name of the Prophet, figs!" !! listened with u downcast lace. "This Moslem," he fatd, "is brave to own 11 is creed in the market-place; " -.f. t ...:.K ........., t ti-i,f HU 1. Willi iiiihi;hh-,ii mini, nought tlic aid of a c njurer, one Or ange Itaac, an aged negro. The so called conjurer gave him a charm, known in the language of 'negro witch- i craft as a "hand," composed of various articles, viz: beeswax, fox's hair, a ii it Table Peas Stock 44 Iluckwheat, Chufas, Sweet potatoes, Bale cotton, Hay, crab grass, l)i- .25 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 .1.00 5.00 TV.r H'i 111 1 riasi SRhin A flrAtsi. ! N J Pittman, Southdown sheep t ftO Col C BKillebrew, CoUswold ram 2 00 DrJnoR Mercer, Sheep 200 A II Arrington, Cashmere goat 1 00 Dep. 4C 1)1 v. 2, Cla-w d, Fowls. LathaTii A. William?, Importetl ' 1 Irish (lame Fowls " T I 00 Joshua Bullock, Coop of bantam' chickens ' ; 1 00 II B Ityan, Tri Cochin Chinar ; 1 00 Mrs T II (Jriffin, Coop Frizzled I'm .- chickens. ' f r100i Josh. Bullock, Geese 100 Jno 11' Phillips, Trio American Domini. 1 00 J Jno W Phillips 44 BronzoTur- kevs ' ' f Pi 1 100 J J B Vick, fJams chickens Diploma j GC Battle, White crested black Poland China I 00 i mLhs Corlna Everitt, koit counter - - pane I gold Thhnblc 44 Ann jseal, knit rushing In dies jiencil fl it Snider, counterpane Ladles . : pencil Mary; Travathan, Trimmings : Silver mug MM Virginia Thorp, bushel dried apples 1 00 Miss II O Worsley, (7 year old), , pair socks, gold Iocket , 44 Nannie Strickland, needle The Grant Itfattslon la Xew York. twork gold Thimblo L DEPARTMENT 4K.' Dr. C. IKillebrew, Ex. Com. Sup. ' N. W. Boddie, V ' Miss 3T:ig. Whitfield, V Judges. Jfrs. W. L. Thorpe, ) Mrs J II Thorp, oil painting, Min- ature pin Miss Grilfln, card receiver silver Thimble " Emily Lancaster, oil painting , landscape 2 pr. gold ring mm Dorsey imttle, minaturopin Dr J O F Drake, oil -Pi". Iloma. Cleojas Parker, Texas grass, 1.00 ntue aanu irom tae snoe oi me peou c j c n Killebrew. Irish Po- Anil a hope that can know no shame, ' intended to be acted on, and a drake's tatoes 1.00 Not once in the lwiust or tins mum- root au SoWed ui in a small cotton v '5110.11 wfit nr.f - tude Have I name. thought of my Prophet's 'In the name of the Prophet figs!" No vagueness about tlie way He honors the slow muezzin call, When his hour has come to pray. It matters not where he be, His worship his faith reveals: "Would I hive the' manhood amid these crowds, ' To kneel as the Arab kneels? "In tiu? name of tho Prophet, figs!" It sinks to an echo sweet, Yet tloats to me buck with a jnmgent sting Of reproach In thin foreign street. It hiils that, with faith as bold As-tho Moslem's, I bravely do ; All things whatsoever, great or small. In the name of my Prophet, too. inpjuaa for A Brifle. A STORY THAT WILL SERVE AS A ItASIS FOKA DIME NOVEL. Mansfikd, Pa., Oct. 14. Miss Al ln, tho seventeen-year-old daughter of a well known resident of this village, lias for a year past kept comi'any with tJeorge ('.'lark, and tiie courtship re sulted in an engagement. Of late the irirl's narents have shown mucJi oi- poitiou to tii march, and Clark was j no NVoru it upon.his person bag. He was told to wear it for one week, and tho woman would love him. lie did so, and at the end of a week reported to the conjurer that the woman had confessed her bve for him, but had refused to accept himtis her paramour unless her husband separated from her. The conjurer then gave Johnston another charm designed to alienate the husband from the wife. It was worn the prescribed! time, but he roported that the woman (and her husband continued to live happily together, and that tho charm would not work. The conjurer re plied that Davis, must be .possessed by u devil, and that he would give John ston a charmed bullet, which ho must put in his gun and tire at Davis's head as he passed fioni the woods in which he was working towards his home at sundown the next evening. Johnston objected thatjf he killed the nian'tne law would hang him-' if. he were found out. His fear on this heal were al layed by the conjurer giving him an other cnarin, winch he said would be proof against the law, and that, no judge or jury would convict him while Thus lor- Oats, 1.00 44 Pumpkins 1.00 44 Cotton stalk, . .20 X. tt. Strickland, Bu'l flour, Di ploma. J. W. Powell, Leaf Tobacco, 1.0'J It, A. Ellington & Sons., Manu. . factum! Tobacco, 'Bonnie Kato' Diploma. ll A Davis, Meal , j 1) W Thorp, Millet seed. 1.00 ll II Hicks. Paumas rice. 1.00 N B Killebrew, Golden millet bunch, M J Battle, Hay, Orchard Gras Diploma GC Battle, whito -4 white Foland China 100 J E Haywood, Black Partridge Cochin " 100 B D Armstrong, Trio Isarsery ducks 1 00 M A Knight, 4 white Colorado Turkeys ' 1 00 D Abrams, trio Puddle ducks 1 00 Dr C S Killebrew, trio White Brahmas 1 00 M Y Moore, Dark Spanish Friz- - 1 00 11 11 it ',k.K;ii..i fhn hnui "rnit in mot 3iiss H'l 1MIUV II " " " Allen iu public places, and frequently lnootiiu's were arranirod at the house ofa mutual friend. At length the! . 1 ' ? i i.. ...,..;,1 ' wjui'io iieiermint-Mi iu et iimncu mi titled, Johnston shot Davis through the head 0:1 the; following evening, killing him instaiitly, and covered his body with leaves in the woods near .pito of the parents' objections. atTair was arranged by Miss Kate Beach, and carried out by the couple, agisted by Miss Beach and George Morrison, a voting law student. One lay Isst week Miss Allen attended the county fair with her mother. .On a pretense of going foradrink, Miss Al leu left her mother and went to a place where young Clark, Miss Beach and George Morrison were in waiting with carriage, in which all were taken to the house of Lyman Beach, a relative of Clark, where the marriage ceremo nv was performed by Bo v. E. E. Mor ru, of Jainesburg. The samo after 'noon the newlv marrietl couple came to this village to make arrangements to go on a wedding trip. )Vhiio they were at the depot in the evening, and ju?t before the arrival of the- train which was to take them away, Mr. Allen put in an appearance, and alter attempting to whip Clark, he marched his daughter home and locked her up. The hride-irroom, by legal advice, pe titioned for a writ of habeas corpus, and Associate Judge ltetan issued the writ. .Meanwhile a large crowd had surrounded Mr- Allen's house .ami threatened to rescue the imprisoned , bridc.At midnight the young husband appeared with a deputy sheriff and the writ. Allen refused to admit them, fwuring the crowd outside, but the paper was read and then passed through the blinds. On the day fixed for a return to be made to the writ, Allen asked for a postponement until Punday, and while making arrange ments for this Clark went to a hotel near by, where his wife had been left, and attempted to speak w ith her, but her father, returning, interferred, and the voiin hi id w:is hurried into a vragon and driven off. She rose in the wagon, however, and waved her handkerchief at her husband. She .was kept concealed until Friday even ing, when, by a settlement between young Clark and Allen, she was al lowed to go with her husband. Early in the evening people legan to suspect that something had oecured or was about to occur. Watching Clark, they sawhim drive up to Al len's residence about 10 o'clock, and when he returned a few minutes later he had his wife with him . They were met by a crowd of citizens Who un hitched the horse and drew the wagon' through the streets, headed by the eollege bras band. Cannons and guns were fired and a general jubila tion, was indulged in. At the resi dence of Clark's father the crowd of fered their congratulations, filing past the happy pair, who were stationed in the parlor. The .self-invited guests were then 'handsomely treated at the bauds of th elder Clark. The j the .pot where he fell. He then pro ceeded to the house of tho deceased, an1 rorniveil and welcomed by the widow, and domiciled himself in the place of the dead man. The broth er of the deceased, suspecting from his absence that ho had been the victim of foul play and finding Johnston in possession of his house, had him ar rested on suspicion of murder. The body was found covered up as describ ed on the fourth day after the killing. The prisoner confessed the deed as Oats " 44 Peavine 44 " Corntops Jno J Battle, 41 Clover 44 bale Shucks JCColey.Jute Ja D Jenkins, Grass-nuts 44 Brown corn T P Braswell, Ground marl J J Sharpo, Rough rlco department 4a' Div. 2, Garden. Willis Eason, Oyster plants , D Abrams, Bi'k Spanish raddish ; 44 Carrots Jesse Brake, Boot 44 Red Pepper 44 Parsley M C Moore, Tomatoes, Mrs A J Cotten, Garden peas Mrs Jas D Jenkins, Lima beans 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 i 1.00 .2') 1 .00 1.00 U. S; Orant ha occupied a conspicu ous position in America since 1W, and Ls yet endeavoring to keep him self prominently before the people. He has purchased a mansion In the city of New York and the manner in which It Is lelng fitted up L mov ing the society of that grVat city. The Cincinnati JZtqttirer give th following description of the furnishing i of the Grant mansion. That paper says: There is quite a flutter lnsoc!e ty owing to the announcement that General and Mrs, Grant, aro' to givt an elegant reception a soon as tlielr new house is in perpect ordor, and every day w orkmen and artists are. bripging near tho desired end. I . un derstand not a single article has been Iwught or ordered for the fird floor oil ixrt rait oil gold Pencil Flowers 1 00 1 00 1 00 BJ Howell y largest Garden seed display of DEPARTMENT Horses. 1, 2.00 Class 1, Tt. H. Ricks, Ex. Com. Sup. Judges, 4 Jno. P, Arrington, W. G. lowis, , 11. J.Lancast-r, Joe. L. BraKe. Farm horse, $3.00 J M Braswell, thoroughbred Stal lion, 'Cashier' 5.00 stated, and was placed on trial beforo pCG Armstrong, saddle horse 3.00 3.00 under 8 Silver mug Judge Mackey, at Sumter, on Wednes day last. The trial drew an immense throng of negroes to the court house, where faith in the power of the con jurer satisfied them that the prisoner could not be convicted. His faith was strengthened by the fact that t wo of thejurors empanelled in the case, one a negro and the other a white mnn, were taken suddenly ill, and others had to be substituted in their places. The jury, as finally organized Consisted of nine whites and tnree blacks. The prisoner wa ably de fended by Messrs. Barron & Beard, and the trial occupied the entire day. The jury were out but ten minutes and returned with a verdict of guilty. The verdict was received with exclama tions of surprise j-from many of the negroes present.; Judge Mackey, who is not sensitive to charms of tho class described, at once proceed ed to sen buggy J W Powell, colt ovor 2, years old j W S Battle, colt over 1, under 5 years old Silver mug D II Barlow, colt under 1 year old Silver mug W S Battle, brood mare 5.00 W H Whitehead, pair driving "horses 5.00 M J Battle, best display in depart ment B, Silver Goblet Dep. 4,4 Div. 2, Class 1, Mules. Col C BKillebrew, mule colt over 2, under 3 years old . Silver mug Col C B Killebrew, mule colt over 1, under 2 years old Silver mug Department.! 4C Div.l, Class 1 ' Domestic Animals. . zles chicken Jas S Battle, wild Geese '; Mrs Jas D Jenkins, peafowls' W C May. Geosc Joshua Bullock, yellow Turkey k Joshua L Horn Jr, PlymoirthRock chicken v. "f-.f 100 Col C B Killebrew, best display' of ? poultry Goblet The premiums in department 44D" may bo changed owing to artlclesrnot in tho published list, getting premi ums. The premiums have to be awarded approximate to articles of similar nature in published premium list. Not having a price list of jewel ry before me, some premiums may be changed to articles of r more or less value. Secretary. ' T DEPARTMENT 4D" PUvl JQliViS 1, Pantry Supplies. . , B. II. Bunn,Ex. Com. Sup.! 7 G. C. Battle, ) V . Miss Mary Parker, Judges. 3rrs.M. E.GYiJiin, j ,- . Jno J Battle, butter T i ' ' Churn A C Thomas, Soft soap , '- -. ' 50 P C Taylor, Cano syrup, 2nd pr.! 75 Miss Marv Ricks, bread '- : Mrs S T Cherry, Canned Apples i " 44 41 Tomatoes 50 44 4- best lot dried fruit 75 44 C II Jenkins, Apple Jelly 2 pr. To 44 T II Griffin, Tomato catsup . . 50 44 44 Apple jelly 1 pr -100 44 D Abrams, Pres. pears, bery ladle 4 41 - 44 peaches 2 pr. 75 3iss Virginia Thorp, preserved citron Bery Ladle J W Proctor, syrup amber cane 1 00 .Mrs M J Battle, crab apple jelly 1 00 : 44 T P Braswell, eari'd peaches 50 44 J R Reives, pickle beet, Pickle Fork 44 T 1 Braswell, Canned Ap ples, 1 prem. ; 50 " S E Porter, Sweet pickle wa- termelon rind .Pickle Fork 44 A J Cotten, ctm'd tomat's2 pr. 35 44 J r Phillips, dried apples 50 44 44 peivches 50 44 44 Cucumber pickles Pickle Fork ' ' . "j - . 44 S E Porter, loaf bread (home flour) . Miss Bettio Battle, Biscuits Mrs C II Jenkins, hard'soap 44 S E Porter, German pickle, ring . ... Mrs Dorsey Battle, gold ring J W llays, crayon portrait 2 00 Miss Carrie Jones, crayon, fdlll life design 2 00 rw?nrv itullot-k. 2 tr. 1 50 Miss M G Whitfield, pencil draw ing 2 00 Mrs F M Griffin, pencil drawing 2 premium 1 '50 G W Proctor, painting on glass 1 00 44 2 pr 75 THE NEWS IN A HUT-Slftll. Gulteaus connel ak for further time In which to prepare the . Hon, Sackville West, the new British Minister, arrived In Nevr Yorlc Frl daw The Inindon TSmt ! says that In Bank of.Exigland: holds no money fur tlie payment of Confwleratc Bonds.-. - A Tea hfgeToIlHT ha been sentenced to tft years in the ien- itentiary. Itlot In Mayo wunty, Ireland; result, one death.' Thve-st-igation into the conduct of the Nlntlt Massachusetts regiment at Klchfnond. Va., on their visit to Yorktown, has begun In that city, by a committee sent South for the purpivse,- -Oultcau is anxious to be ttled.- PJttston,. Pa.tlierc are over one hundred casos of small-pox, and the excitement U great. The scarlet fever ) is In Newbeni.- The ninth annual ses sion of the North Carolina Statu Orange will te held In Weldon, be ginning Tuesday, December IStli. - Mr. T. C. Harris is making wood cuts the eighty cases of magnificent j to Illustrate a "Life of Rfnlnn'ttd, th presents presented to the. General on i Outlaw."- President Arthur plain- 1 00 i Mrs N G Whitfield, Pencil draw- bis foreign tour furnishing them i throughout, as well as supplying the rest of the house with objects of art of e very conceivable sort. No two pieces of furniture In the parlors and reception rooms w ill 1h alike. Curiously ealned chairs, vel vet and gold embroidered divans, and ebony and Ivory fauteuil, uphoLsfcred with - Gobel'.n tapestry and hand wrought brocades, w ill take tho place, of the modern set.- TTin frinntal hnn?r!iifr nd Persian ing2 premium 1,50 L.rnnt . wero lnaie for tho ex-prsi- 44 W D Bryan, minature convex I dent as.gift,t and Mrs. irant will tn- , . picture pvucu cur theevoriasting envy of women by HG Worslely, vase dried grasses I 00 usinj; thennefit and most exquisitely Miss Nannie Fowers,wall pocket.pencd W()Ven Imli.lcashmorc!, for the dra S W Everitt,fox horn, gold tooth pick of ,u,r own l)OUU)ir. H R Thorp, Bird eggs Pencil The tabios and stands are of buhl II G Worsley, bone jewelry, 2 pr 1,00 ftnd mosftlc worJt. the mirrors liang Miss It Braswell.wall basket, pencil . PI1fi0.lslv K,rVe 1 frames, cut by tho 44 M Jarriot, hair work, gold thimble jack.knivc; of the skillful Swedish 2 uVlses PearCo, case hair work.pencil carvers. Pictures of every variety Miss Sallie Chambers, toilet set, pencil ftnd all of mcrit 5n different degrees m Strickland, Picture frame ,.1,00 uive frames in themselves works of Miss Jane Marriot.card basket, 2 premium Siver Thimble 44 Sallie Griffin, wax fruit 1,00 44 44 44 44 flowers 1,00 m E CAstex & Co., New Davis Sewing machine, art. while statuarv and articles of ----- j vertti ornament the rooms lavishly In General Grant's prlvato dressing room stands a miniature house of five stories, and nearlv three feet In Miss E D Kirsey, basket made of musk melon seed Io0j Department 4F' Machinery. E Cherry, Ex-Corn. Superintendent. J. L. Home. Sr. ) J.m. Neal, Judges. Jones Mayo, j Sessum's,small colored boy, j ' made engine W Bobbins, Water power, (model) Diploma Division z, i iass l. Diploma heijlht lt -lA of R0iid silvercuriously G beaten and raised in queor flowers and odd birds. On opening the vari ous doors and windows that led out on comical little balconies, can be discovered cases, of frettel silver con taining bottles and flasks of carved ivory filled with diflerctij and delici ous perfumes. Tins was presented to the owner in China. A pleasant re minder of India is a pair of superb HackneyBroi; daybuggies.diploma elephant tusks neorly six feet, in 44 44 best wagon 44 length, the polished ivory set off by J L Horner,Sr,doublc cultivator 41 Division 3, Class 1. Remington Manufacturing Co. (b. 1 A rmiitrAiiir A irf I liorsn turn nlow. ' diploma remarkable Japanese picture a hunt Remington Manufacturing Co. (n ing scene. The ground is of cr?aniy D Armstrong Agt) display of Si.tin. and the subiect is worko I out i . . .1 1 I Rocky Mt Mills CVtton Yarns (Jiploiila S K Fountain A Co., Rocky Mount foliage standing out as In roal life Cotton Plow diploma and the colors exquisite and naftiral. Hobgood & uro., Ltility cotton How exceptional a memory Gen and turn plow u,Ploraa Grant bar is shown in the fact that he jeparuuui vj S T Cherry, Ex-Com. Superintendent. ST Jenkins,) M J Battle, V Judges. ? fi i JO Bryan, j C II Jenkins, display of apples diploma K k : ii ii .i i Cioblet J S Brake, concord wine 1,00 elaborate gold mount nigs. v i . The wall n one side of the family sitting-room is nearly covered by a ly says that the jstar route th-?Se must bu prosecuted; Good Brigadier Anlereln- has been a p Minted (bivern or of llavanna. A heavy frost at Paris, Texas, killed th- top crop of cotton Wednesday night. .- Tho Methodist Committee has decided to give $07o,O00 for missionary purposes. -The Atlanta Imposition pro nounced by Edwin Atkinson tho most complete ever held.;' Trinity College bus 110 students. 1,200 horses in Philadelphia are suffering from 4,plnk-eye" and pleuro-pneumo nia. y King Kaiakaua I tlt ranu wich Islands cullesl on President Ar thur a few days ago.- Arthur will make no removals rrom ornce until after December. The -WomanM National Christian Tcm iterance, L n ion met in l ounndry etlitxllst Onirvlr, Waddngton, D. C, last week; Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, addressed them and tendered them a reception. The Raleigh Graded Hehuol lrt 490 pupils. TheGoldboro4ratleil . .School has 417.- The telegraph lino from Shanghai to Tientsin ts n jw In course of rapid construction, and will probably be In use before ttpi end of the year.- - Juptm is agitated by adeadkx k in her silk trade. Kaviwan, in Tunis, North Africa, was occupied bv the lVnch, witlrout resistance, October 2Uth. Tho damage bv the recent flood in tine up per Mississippi is estimated nt about S3,000,00t). Ex-Governor of South Carolina was found 'not guilty of th murder of young Drurj, ut NapolHnt Ohio. A negro man named Wil liams' was lynched last week for com mitting an unmentionable crime on a little orphan girl nino years old. (?ork trees are suwssfully raised In Georgia. Tho Arkansiwt cotton crop was never so great, Georgia reports only a quarter crop of . corn and cotton. The orange crop of Iuislana is a failure; The yield of rice, sugar ami cotton is heavey. Florida tinners aro plantingvcoeoa- uuts. j. Rothschild Jot K0,WK,o00 francs in October, and that caused hU death: On Wednesday 2ti7 vic tims to Jormonism urrl,vwl'ln this country from Europe. Gov Jar-. vis says that wheat from Alamanco county at Atlanta was deemed bettor than wheat from Kansas. Tho Colored People's Fair was held iu Raleigh lust week, and was quite a success. A $250,000 Hebrew Or phan Asylum is to l-rected in New York.- Senator Hill's tongue is The ( ommltteo 44 44 knows at a these thousands of gifts came from the name of the city, honor and the circumstances of the presentation Ho does not exhibit the least com placency in their exhibition, but Mrs Applebrandy . l,0iHGint snows a woman s imiuni Bir Honey Rum 2 premium .d flcation In them. . - .:. I 1 1 . . . S . it ijrs. 1 naruv, jnaeivirrry wmv m Braice, cmer wine, j m Amngwa mvtiinfr rir -i ...s tts d . r. ...... enerry w me, j jt us, oiiiiiyciuuiij .-v ' ' 1 A A. S mi. wine, eiumcuio notice. . irri...Mu.inW-tJ4.8.i n.l- n nv. . : T . in nmn ,,,S 50,-"".;' VVj; Uilinnf romlv for dintheria. The v . raK.e, w ' ' 0,1 The nremiums will be delivered at disease is declared by Mr. Greathead, gold RK-ky Mount as soon as possible, of Australia, to be a hydrntfMl growth, This- report is hurnwllv written and and the fl )f it nicelv healed. nt from Massachusetts to Investigate the alleged bad conduct of the Ninth glance where each of - , fl u u,7 xerv damaglngtestiniony swtrn to by loilios and eentlemen. Col. O. M. Jur- ww DeP.44D"Div2, Class 1, Dry Good.. " j ASM). J E KKTNS ' Seer. T. P. Braswell, Ex. Com. Sup. J. Howell, ) ter, v vS, J B W A. II. Ricks R. Carter, Judges. teuce the prisoner. In response to the question from the Judge, whether ; X J Pittman, Devon bull he had anything to say why sentence ; T P Braswell $4.00 2.00 of death should not be passed upon; him, the prisoner replied that he had had a fair and impartial trial, but there were powers at work which the jury could not understand, but intimated that those powers would yet interfere in his behalf. He requested the Judge Jno J Battle, Cow A cal, Alderny 3.00 44 44 Grace Aye. 2.00 44 3 year old Jfcrsy bull 2.00 Dr Jno R Mercer, 6 year old Jer- nybull 4.00 G C Battle. Cow and calf , 3.00 Grey Armstrong, Fat ox 2.00 Mrs N A Braswell, Counterpane, 2 premium Silver mug mIss Pearce, Quilt .Silver mug Mrs E L Parker, silk quilt, Ladies Pencil 44 Harriet Proctor, Rag Carpet, gold Thimble Miss Kliza Cherry, home-made fT rug, Mrs C S Killebrew, Carpet Secretary Blnine. germs ol ll iioaxmg aoouv certain impure atmospheres are hi haled by human beings: l or a grown person four drops of sulphurus acid diluted in three quarters of a tumbler of water, w ith a smaller dose for chll dren. The effect of this treatment Is phv shot ami mortally ''wounded GS Savairc. at Hot Springs, Arkansas; Savage was understood to have threat1 oned JAlrphy's life.- An inch of snow in tho mountains or rennsyiva tiin. and the thermometrr 12 nbovo zero. " An extra session of the - loulsiana lejcislature ineets In New Orleans on the 1st of IHtember. An unknown man was murdered and robbed near I lenrfetta, Texa-, Friday. to give -him as long to live as the law j Mrs M E Griffin, Devon Cow 3.00 would permit, saying with a very per-; Jesse Mercer, Devon A Dtrham tinetuse of the argumentum ad homi- tow nem. 44IIow would you like, your i Dr m B Pitt, Yoke of oxen 3.00 5.00 honor, if you were in my place, to be hung in a hurryr" juuge jiuvkcj, nnnreciatinlr the force of this argu . . . j Dep. 4C Div. 1, Class lx Hogs. I II Griffin. Native boar v 2.00 ment, sentenced Wm to hai on , R ucrkshire boar 3.00 FHdav. the twenty-fifth day of No-. . . . , , ' is liatcneior, ooar -nu pair uioma 2.00 v.miwr inxt" The necro faitn in their system of fetichism. or the pow-! B J Lancaster, Sown A pigs er of charms, has been strengthened ; n y Dupree, 44 2nd pr Diploma by the fact that the sheriff of the coun- j j L waver. Fat pisr S.00 A . I 4- in Tri m o ni 1 1 ifr : - iv. a ruiiuM limit i" v- v 44 u o aa dropped dead within three hours after j , n the prisouer w as sentenced and few j R II Racks, pen Jersey Reds (11) 2.00 minutes after he had expressed his j G Reives, Sow A pigs, (Jersey abhorrence of performing tne painiui isow) 2.10 ??JL.E Watson, Opossum Diplom, credit of the prisoner that when In-t J L HorneSr, I lg formed of this death he wepUdtterly. J G Rei ve?, Jersey boar I '. Mr. Blaine has announcel his pur pose to visit the South during the eomincr winter. Tlie South will re- o ceive him as the exponent of the broad national policy that distinguished the iiOfc ; brief administration of Ms lamented Castor chief. , . ir. Blaine has recently ex- 44 Sue E Pitt, calico quilt 2 pre- pressetl himself with some decision mium Gold Thimble ! and cmpliasis as favoring the absolute "Josh Killebrew, Home made I and final removal of the Southern coat Goldf Thimble question from national politics and a! IJJ 44 Josh Killebrew. home made , m.aAtr.finfiiiitinn of the sections, i s" ft VhimiPl A dii7. k-nivM and fork, ' . . .i.. ki- atrio e ! these sudden recoveries - j vs VIIV! ivjiini:iiwiun;wi .....t j. : r tt i .1 Mrs. Josh. Killebrewyt Blanket, 1 8entiment there can be no doubt as to! placrsl on record, with full and satis f pr. V Silver mug r.int!n Mr. Blaine wiU rcceivo ! fitctory results of the performance of 4 I." II. Griffin, Calico Quilt I pr. ! la the S titlu Silver mug 1 1 m t Miss Lucy Marriott Crochet, Ladies pencil 44 Dolha oay, Counterane Terrance Connely, of Newton, N. nutter dLh. Cn . who commenced lasting more than Mrs Elizabeth' Thomas Bolt. Cloth j a hundred days since, in order to cure A Sew Core for Consumption. instantaneous, the acid at one de- de-st roving the parasites and the pa tient's eoutrhin; up the obstruction. Sufferers have recovered In a few minutes bv adopting the Greathead . V m u treatment. Children almost previous ly in a dying state, were declared to be playing about within ton .minutes, computation some forty or tity of have been this wonderful, infallible and quick cure for diptheria. When necessity demands you to arrctd thU dangerous disease don't neglect to test the virtue of the Greathead treatment. An Indiana man has Invented n rollinir pin which is bound to win Hsvrafya, Sciatica, Lumbtgo, Baciache, Soronosi of ths Chest, Gout, Quint, Sard Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burnt and Scalds, . GsnBrel Bodily Pains,, Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frostfd Fact and Ears, and all other Fain and Aches. J Dox. Knives and Forks his consumption, has concluded to go ! 44 A C Griffin, Blanket half doz. ! back to solid food again, having de- goid opinions from certain male In- Knives and J-orks . Triced much beneflt from the sUrvmg Uiividuals.When the domestic utensil Mrs. Dr. Bullock,Silk Embriod- J process. For forty-three days not a Jf, ufti abovethe head a peculiar eon-1 cr-tr I jidiort Pnetl: 4 rrMitJfii1 nf sinvtK!nf uivp water i i.n.1. A ! Premiums made Special bv Judges, touched his lips. On the frrtj -third ; the weapon to give the woman i , w7Iir..ipwid i day, at tho earned solicitation of his j n .imTt ran ca 4he oeciout. and tlie ! Ti1; dtTSAC iiiu&c, ituuic iiichic . tirAA innth tttlr - u i , ,i- k-. i tcr he drank. ,Vs the brandy .'did; . rr not agree with him, he left off-taking J. W. cass, Counterpane Fruit dish day, at tho earnest solicitation of his j a sraart rap on the occiput, and the friends, he took n little brandy in tnc husband escapes the blow. It seems like taking a pretty mean advantage of a confiding and unsuspecting wo man, and we shall not commend the new invention Korriiton Htrald. that, and on the sixty-third day took Hime beef tea aud ster, out finally gave that up. of so Owt. tM rrr ee nfltrtn. th p enn hve rhp and xtrAiiv roe4 f il claim. IHTfJrm la EJcrcn L4nw. BOLD ST ILL DSUGGI8T8 1K9 D211SX3 17 xEDzenm A.VOGEItEH. & CO.,. 2J)0 y i . v

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