i 4 .J Tb Advan38 Publishing Company LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOFS, AND TRUTH S.' -Joephus DanliU lJUhAger WII.SOX, X. FIUDA1, DECEMBER; lO, 1SH1. YOL.11.-XO. 47 TinvWlIK)Nl)VAKCE. Wii-soX, FnlDAY, December 10, 1851 pOETHYr.-'- ' BII ITEB THAN UOIA). 11V 1AT11 Ell r.VAX. 'In what bank, pray?" 1 it nccesary to specify that?" "Xot essentially,, but " "Then I 'prefer 'not to do it. You Ree, I don't care to let anyone" she added, with a sharp look at her inter loeutor, ltkiKAV; more of my, affairs than i indispensible. - Can't I just leave all I have in -a Jump, without ! going into 'particulars?" , ' i;ertainiy," sam.-.ur. werewiui, inwardly approving the lady's circu tlt speelion. ,. ; " " Imtii iin vnii nronnso niakim? the i objects of vour bounty."' ho iiiqiiircM.1, Wheeling to nice ins ucsk, nu iah.iug up a pen- - ' "J desire to bequeath my whole fortune in trust for the relief of indi gent female Hottentots' in good stand- An Outlaw's JSwcetbart. i imiXf;iNG DOWN AjBIT OF COIN WITH A HIFLE AP RHfi KID EH AT FULL Sl'KKDl 1 You ii Fool. 11 -tier t han grandeur!, better than gold, Thau rank and titles a thousand "fold, I - a healthy body and a mind at ease, A n 1 si m l h I I eas ' rs 1 1 1 a t a l'vay s p 1 ease; ' I,,. . i t Hint ran feel for another's wo'. Y iihsymp.dliieslnrge.'noughtoentuia ing." Ml iiiuii :vi brothers,! better than gold. If Mr. AVerewoif did not perceive j- , 1 the superioity of the claims of impe- J'.rttcr th -.in gold is a conscience clear, cunious Hottentots to those of Miss Thouirfi toiling for breal in an hum- , Daglock's bereaved sister and her Ii'u-.-sphere; i children, he was prudent enough not I),,ul.Iv blessed with content ana health, 1 'r.tried hy the lust and cares of wealth, Lowly, living and lofty thought Adori. and ennoble a poor man's cot, For mind and morals in nature's plan Are! he genuine tests of a gentleman. 'i'r'tter than gold is the swoeCrepose "i' the sous of toil wJien their labors do.-', Better than gold is ' the poor man's sleep, Ami the balm that drops on his slum bers deep. , Hringing sleeping droughts to the downv. bed, Where luxury pillows its aching head, The t .nler simple opliate deems A shorter road to the land of dreams. IMter than gold is a thinking mind, "That in iivthe realms of books can find, A treasure surpassing Australian ore, And live with the great and good of vore. . . Tli sage's lore and Hie poet's lay, TiT' flories of empire pass away, 'fiie world's great dream will thus en fold, . ' , , And yield a pleasure better than gold. ''1 it-tier than gold in a peaceful home, wi..'... .,m !,. Un.i.n I'hfiracters come. The shrine of love, the Heaven of life, H tllowed bv mother, or sist-r, or wife, ib)vever hunibh-the home may be, -' ) trie(lAvith sorrow by Heaven's ue- 11 ... H? nor soki, , And centre then G SI 'I M J M II mi "jfut it's not unlikely tlutt a lady of your youthful ne and personal at tractions 'may some day choose to' marry; in which case you might natu rally "wish to make provision foryour altered circumstances." Miss Daglock paused reflectively. I f I ninrritul nml litd !efore 111V husband, without a will, who would be my lawful heir?" "Your husband, unless there "were children;. then he and they tgether." "V ell, sujtpose we put in a clause that the will shall stand only in case l don't marry. If I do, 'and my hus band doesn't prove satisfactory, I can still cut him oil" in favor of the Jlotieu tots, can't IV" "rost assuredly, madam." , 'The will was drawn accordingly! and duly executed before witnesses. "It's plain that woman wants to marry," said Baruch Werewolf to him self, wIkmi his client had departed, afterpayinghis fee. "Jiy George; she might marry me" he exclaimed, giving his thigh a smart slap. "A hundred thousand dollars in bank stock! I wish I knew the bank. Hut bank stocks are pretty much all alike, and first-class investments, too. Hy jingo! I'll try it! JTwoulil no a burning shame to let a hundred thou sand dollars go to outside barbarians. It wouldn't be patriotic, either. True, she's not a decided beauty. If her ancient- namesake hadn't been any handsomer. Samsoni might have kent his hair and died at last in his bed like an orderly citizen. - Hut, after all, handsome is that handsome LW" taken the t no time in her at a! cheap boarding-house; but that, in his The robbers used frequently to shoot at targets m conjpany with their sweethearts, in the .shooting the girls making sometimes almo as good a score as the men, and the yells that would rend the air as! one's ravc.rite , )e called u to vote a 11 IV U(l I Nil 11' 1 HI'l llll lilt": UiLlli dollar as it fell to the ground would j to Jfra. Garfleld. It will be remem have done justice to a border scout. 1 bered that when the illustrious Lin- Nor were the young ladies behind j coin Was assassinated. Congress man them in equestrianism, liss ityan, m particular, often boasting that ho could drop the nickel as often in the race as any of the boys. It may be proper here to explain the modus operandi of the "nickel race." A nick el or other small coin is placed in tne forks of a tree, about the distance from the ground, that a man's, shoulder would he while on horse-back. Each party has one shot at it as he 'flies by on his horse at full speed. The ladies take their regular ttirn, and Miss ltyan has been known to drop the nickel three times out of five races, and that sho is indeed at home in the saddle is demonstrated by the fact that when alighting from her favorite horse, a powerful black charger, she Bimply-rises in ths saddle and leaps to the ground, while her horse walks to the nearest hitchlng-post to await his rider. hen sne is reauy to remouui her intelligent horse comes at her call, and taking the saddle by the pommel she byunds into it and is off at a fast gallop, the only gait she ever rides. Cost of President Ciarfleld'n am. - - . ... I An exchange has the following item President Garfield was shot on the Uvhidi mav seem to Us all ritrht. but 2nd day of July, died on the 19th ofwu-g0t some young fellow's lack .Scptcmberf and was buried, or placed broke yet: in a tomb, on the 26th of September "An Illinois Justice has decided that In all eighty-five days. Congress will courting is a public necessity, and be called upon to defray the expenses must not be interrupt:!; therefore ii a of the sickness and of the funeral. It young man wanted to kiss a girl he ! is also understood that Congress will sum of money WIT AND HUMOR: A ffooil cafie for the divorce eurt.-i" ! A'Howton rleryyman who i ftnd ot tiogs iMnignt h couple, of pup or rr breed, while on a visit to2'ew . York, and left them with ft dog-fancier to triiin. On returning homeone day, he found his wife,; netted by her mother, alxtttt to emit hki house and annlv for . " a divorce, n the basis of the folloAViui; i . r a i l . . r. t ? M leiegrani irtni ine iog-iancier, wni.cn had come for him a few h(urs before: "Flic little darlings are doing' well, and looking lovely. t?end money for their board." room might put her father out of the first if he liked." The publication of this may cause some smart young man to do uoihe- . u ...:n . Ti.A.ltiiFii..ini... jira mini ,( uilllK lie niiornu j 11c rn.ni-nmiv- .,! t, vnto hU widow a npiision of ; mi; father of a girl may come into the $.VH) a year. It is quite probable ' Parlor some night and find.thewarm V. ... x ,r Vi t- u i haired youth on the sofa with the girl, that Congress will vote Mrs. Garfield and wnen the old man of it the full salary of the President for the J being time to put a stop to such non vp:ir which will irive her. sav. $25.000. 1 sense, the young man, with the above An effort will bo made to irlve her a indicia! decision in his mind, will tell pension of $5,000. Should that be his prospective father-in-law to wipe done, a demand will be made to in- oil' his vest and go to bed. The old crease Mrs. Lincoln's pension to' that j man will then spit in his hands and amount. Mrs. Garfield is now well j grasp the warni-linired young man by provided for; an income of -at least the county seat and tie him up in a $12,000 a vear is already secured. If j double bow knot, and pin a scarf pin lrinlunn minium TlUvilllll SI ions Mark Twain on Spelling are better 'than gold. ula v'liaalfl Mr. Werewolf, who had H8K- ULUGIi Jfair Doliliali's address, lost mtl : WlllnljrtUlihir onlier.5 lie found u i eves, was no disparagement, for his Ttaruch Werewolf, I mpure, attornoN '(lelifrht',l in economy. rsnd counsellor-at-!av, was truly in the strictest scriptural sense 'an hard man.' UU business lay .chieiiy in the collect-in-line. About all the law- he knew, or cared to know, related to the meth ods ofdoaling with delinquent debtors, iki knew by heart, to a knife, fork, spoon, exactly what the head of the family might hold exempt from exe cution, lie Luce levied on a debtor's bain 's coral, claiming that the child's .;eeth being 'already cut, the article had ceased to be a necessary; and - an other time he got an injunction to rotraia a husband irom puxun ft handles on- his -dead, wife's coffin in fraud of .his creditors. ' A! r. Werewolf had risen forty, and was still a bachelor. Not that lie was on principle averse to the conjugal c-t-tte There were rumors, indeed, of his having aspired- to more than one fair hand, w ith a moderate dowry appurtenant, though unfortunately ho 1. id never succeeded in getting ."mre than the mitten. He was not, if the truth must be told, a strikingly hand w.,m.' man. His lace was sallow where it wasn't freckled, !,.,:- HLo liitor's. ; ii n t i o n t l.is lrcciie l hi was cross-eyed, The courtship of two such m'atter-of fact fact people was little likely to be romantic. As might have been ex pected, it was brief and business-like; and one mofning early Haruch AVere wo'.f, the crown of his hat barely 'reacliiug to Aliss Daglock's shoulder, led, if in any sense heould be called the leader, that lady to church, where the twain were made one flesh. The honeymoon passed, and. the bride made no allusion to her bank- stock. Several times iiaruch dropped hints about it, but they met with no encouragement. One day she went outaiidleft the key of her trunk in It he lock. Hafuch had reason to sus- pect tnar me siock wasm ib nuiwv. " The re can be no harm in looking at it," he said. He turned the key and raised the lid. Sure, enough, there was the bundle of certificates; and they footed up a hundred dollars, just a his wife had said;" but and there was where the joke, didn't come in-k'tf' lank had brrkm year before! He dropped the bundle' back and let fall the lid. - "I see it all! The confound will was only a trap to catch me!" he groaned; sniff rwrh:ins he,' never said a truer ...... j . . - . - ' niireon-tt h-'s. In and his his;ti,:n4f seenu'd but a He bore the blow without complain- i iiPs'tnixl in wholesome iimber-iawed, ! m. a niiizonian wife, and didn't lit? ; isure oil A short time since there was a spell ing match at the Asylum Hill Con gregational Church, Hartford, Conn., and Mr. Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain,) being called on for a few preliminary remarks, : spoke as fol lows: ".Ladies and Gentlemen I have been honored with the offlce'of intro- cing these approaching orthographical solemnities with a few remarks. The temperance 'crusade swept the land some time ago; that is a vast portion of the land where it was needed, but it skipped Hartford.- Now comei tills new spoiling epidemic,, ajid this time we are stricken .Ho I suppose we need ed the affliction. I don't say heeded it, for I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. AVe might as well make all .lotting !lik-e and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleas ing. I have a correspondent whose letters are always a refreshment to me; there is always suen a oree , un fettered originality about his orthog raphy. He spells kow with a large K. Now that'is ju..t as good as to soell it with a small one.. It is better, it gives the imagination a broader field, a wider scope. It suggests to the mind a grand, vague, impressive, new kind of cow. Superb effect can be variegated spelling. Kow, there is Wind Tom the musical prodigy. He always spells a word according to the sound that is carried to his ear. And ho i on enthusiast in orthography. When you give him a word,' he shouts it out put all his soul into it. I once heard him called upon to spell orang outang before an audience. lie said 'O-r-a-n-g, orang, g-e-r, ger, t-a-n-lg, tang, oranger-tang!' Now, a body can respect an orang-outang that spells his name in a vigorous way like that. Hut the feble dictionary makes a mere i io .,r Mm iii tho n!d times peo ple spelled just as they pleased. That ,,-oa tho Ticrht idea. You had two chances at a stranger then. You knew a strong man from a weak one by his iron-clad spelling, and his hand wri ting helped you to veryfy your ver- diet. Some people nave an mea m correct sielling can be taught and taught to anybody. This spelling faculty is born in a man, tike poetry. .. .mil art 1 1. is a srilt in a. inu" who obtains a nension of $:1.000, her regular income during her life cannot fall short of $15000 a year. In addi tion to this, the widow will doubtless have about $100,000, and in a pecunia ry point of view, she will be vastly better off than' than the widow of the lamontcd Lincoln. Mr. Private Secretary Brown, who has attended to all the purchases of the President's sick room and receipt ed for all the iroods received, estimates .h post of the President's sickness at 100,000, which would be at the rate of SI, 250 a dav. Ut tim cost tne doc tors' bills will form the largest item, say S5:,00a. Of this amount Dr. Bliss will want 925,000,. Drs. Agnew and Hamilton 12,000 each, Dr. Iteyburn, 3,00, and Mrs. Dr. Kdson, 1,000. Drs. Woodward and Barnes will get nothing -unless Congress chooses to recognize their services as being not strictly in the line of their' duty as ar mvofficers. It is thought that the to tal cost of drugs will not exceed 500. Such thiiurs as beef extract, kou miss, whiskey, brandy and wine all donated, and 'there is said to be a vast accumulation of drugs, patent medi cines, liquors, etc., at the White House from all parts of th country, which will doubtless be given to the poor of Washington. The Pennsyl vania llailroitd moved the . President to Long Branch, brought the remains back to Washington, and took them to Cleveland, for which it is under stood, no charge will be made. Tim ovvionso at Klberon are set down at 1,000. The funeral ceremo nies at the capitol are estimated at 1,000, including the decoration of buildings. The! cost of the trip to Cleveland for- Senators and Repre sentatives, hire of carnages, etc.; is es timated at 5,0;)0, cost of telegraphic ..-i. .(! I. undertakers' bills are estimated at 5,(100, and it now looks as though 100,000 would meet every demand, but there is a possi bility that much more will be required. TheState of Ohio pays all expenses of transportation of body, escort, etc., after passing State line estimated as follows: Pay of troops for 4 days Transportation Subsistence Artilery service V Transportation of body Miscellaneous . 5,000 8,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 .....v 1 .... I I on him and throw him out on the path to the gate, and then he will turn and slap the girl where the dress is pleated, and she will go up stairs with her hand on her heart, as it were; The young men of this country have gall enough about visiting girls in the evening at their homes, without, till ing their heads with any such ideas in regard to their legal rights. There are very few fathers that would quietly submit to beine- told to co awav by a young man with a striped necktie, and pants too short at the bottom. T hese snarlrars are looked unon bv liareuts generally as a nuisance, and often thoy are right. Nine-tenths of the spark ing is done by boys who havn't got their growth and they look so green that it is laughable to the old folks to look at them. And yet marrying is about the first thing they think of. A green boy without a dollar, present or prospective, sparking a girl regu larly and talking about marrying, is a spectacle for gods and men. He should be reasoned with, and if lie will not quit until lie is able to support a wife, and to know how he' loves and the difference between love and passion, he should be quarantined, or put in a convent erected on purpose for such cases. Nine-tenths of the unhappy marriages are the result of green hu man calves being allowed to run at lanre in the society pasture without any yoke on them. They marry, and have children before they do mous taches; they are fathers of twins be- fiM-ri tlim- rii 1 iroi irierorn of two ' 11:11 rs AW Y. V . . V . . V v'j'. - - j. of pants, and the little girls they mar ry are old women before they are : twnntv venr old; Occasionally one )f these L'oslimr marriages turns out all riyht. but it is a clear case of luck. If there was a law against young galoots sparking and marrying before they have got all their teeth cut, we sup pose the little cusses would evade in same way, but there ought to be a sen timent against it. It is time enough for these bantams to begin to think of finding a pullet when they have raised money enough by their own work to buy a bundle of lathes to build a hen house, imt they see a girl that looks cunning, and they are afraid there is not going to be girls A strong hint. A -Parisian lady called on her milliner the other day to "take up" the character of a servant. The respectable apionrance of the lat ter was beyond questioning. "But is she honest?" asked the lady. "I am j not so certain about that," replied the ! milliner; "I have sent her to you with j my bill a dozen times, ami , nlic lias never yet given me the nney." Definition. A schoolboy being asked to define tho word "admission," said it. 'meant twenty-five cents. "Twenty-five cents!" echoed the schoolmaster; what sort of a definition do you call that?" "I don't- know," sulkily replied the boy; "but I'm sure it says so on the board down- there at the show." "Yes," said another boy, "and children half price." Ilaring pui chased U of till ' - - . machinery belonging to tho laic T. A. WainwiTglit. avo arc now prepared to build neTT, and ro pair all kin da of m ; M AC II I N K It Y. We keop constantly on. Jiaud pipe and fittiiig Also valves j of all kinds. Special attention given to fitting up Mill work. Total . . . ?4,000 At Cleveland the expenses are esti mated as follows: ( Toss-ex v , jiiii'-v. .i""'"' ijnvp ni nis jviii.i'.i'iiiiiM ..., ..cd, and bad parenthetical 1 car? to conio to explanations which K- 's In ins iiniu'i-iii-ovu wv.. 1 Knew inusr iiin oi c iiht - towered to the height of live, feet two, j the In0.insj,p bad employeil in makin and in a tall hat loomed somewhat j h discovery. '! r.,000 5,000 150 1,500 1,000 1 : -.1. mum!.. , , 1 One morning Mr. A erewolf reach el his oillcedate, and found a lady waiting, whom ho at once conducted to h is inner sanctum. "Miss Delilah l Unlock" was the name by which she kmoducod iierself. Her age, after nuking the usual discount abowahK t . mature maidens, might be placed at thirtv-nihe of course, it would never do to call her forty. She was tall, thin, and angular, with a beaked nose, .bush v brows, and rather more th in a suspicion of mustacne. Her yes were black and piercing, ami sho wa well dressed. ' "What1 can 1 do for you, madam. ..,.v-r.,i i.,,.,,..i, u-iu.ii he had.giveu his dear." he day' "you mr original kock to the Don't von think, mt ventured to remark one might as' wellVarry out y intention and leave that t llMttontuts?" "I think I'll leave it to iyov, hubby, i dear," she said, with a chuck to his chin which he wouiu gi;tui dodged. - ' Catafalque l viit;n Transportation escort committee I UllCiai VOL Decorations Horses ':irri:ires . . . . 2,500 Music . . . . 2,0C0 Extra police . . . . 2,500 Accommodations . . 100,000 Kloral decorations on catafalque and arches, contributed by private iiaTt ics . . . -,oou enough to go round, and then they begin to get in their work real spry, and before they are aware of the sanc tity of the marriage relation they are l.itVhorl for iife. and before they own a cook stove or a bedstead they have to get up in the night ana go auer u 1 thut tliev run them- Oi; IIJjlUW"v - - - - selves out of breath and abuse the doc tor because he does not run too, ana when the doctor gts there he find that there is not linen enough in the house to rap up a doll baby. Peck's ,Sun. i - ; A Connecticut pastor declined an addition a hundrud dollars to his salary for this reason, among others, that the hardest part of his' -labor here tofore had been the collection of his salary, and it would kill him to try to it . .1 i l ti collect a nuuureu uouars more. Ttbishincr honors A wit savs of 0 - .- - - j the red mwo of :i well known member of Congress, that "its blushing honors, ... .t . - l 1. a: .... r- iiko tne stars .ami uecoraiions ui n French general, are trophies ot past victories the colors won in dinner campaigns." - Considerate. A man being awak ened by the captain of a passenger boat with the announcement that ha must not occupy his berth with hi boots on, consKierateiy replied: -uii. it won't liurt 'em; they're an bid pair.'' "It's a mean boy," says the Phila delphia Xcu:, "who, knowing that his sister's young man is still in the par lor, wilf slin down stairs near mid night and gavly ring the breakfast bell." . ,. Sweet and modest. A young lady being asked by a rich' bachelor, "If not yourself, who would you rather lie?" replied, sweetly and modestly, "Yours truly." rrho vcrrtwm en frolienllv llllldc. that it is impossible to arrest the flight of time, is altogether erroneous, for who is there that cannot stop a min ute? The president of the fat men's club is said to have grown so heavy, of late that the other day, whil walking out, his shadow fell on a child and killed it. AVhat feature, of a storm at sea re minds one of a certain attendant upon a hospital?' It is probably the fvrgeon the bosom of the storm-tossea aeep. Geo. H. WaiiwrMt & Co r i I Dec. 2-tr. WI I.SOX. N. C. ONE PRICE STORE! .. -- f -. ." , , A. AV. AltltlXGTON . ..--" - ItOCKY MOUNT, X. C. Ifs bought a nlco assortment of DRY GOODS '; ';.-.;. CLOTHING, SI10KS, HATS, . ... i - . .. .- - - - NOTIONS, CARPETS He bought for cah-f marked on each article a small profit and doo not deviate from the' one prioe rule AH of hH' old custonujrs and iuli are invited, to call on hhc Nasbys Carpet Ba; Murtlcr 'at he;by. A F.ffli( MAN DKATH. BEATS HIS SOX TO tlegree only need to see n word once . in print, ar.ait ismreverpnuiwBi"!""- i"., . . ' .. . upon their - memory. They cannot Same contributed by other citie.- forget it. People who haven't it must be content spell more or less like like thunder and expect to splinter the dictionary wherever their ortog raphical lightning happens to strike. There are one hundred and fourteen thousand 'word in the unabridged .i;!rtnin- T L-now n ladv who can ii 1.- lmnilrl nml eitrhtV OI them right. She steers clear of all i,e ret. She cant learn any more. So her letters always consist of those ,.rmt intlv recurring bne hundred and Xow and then, when Xasbv writes to the Toledo Blade: r hov inventid anew carnet bag for th0 eBT,ehl vm.se nv natriots and ag- an muaintance itaters. It is made uv thin Injy rub- herewith a fnime that folds up into n small convpass. Yoo take that carpit W W. EDWARDS' SALE AND EXCHANGE STABbES 1 Inif J W ' V v . . . - I t treat the passengers? They should J have a proper deck o'er 'cm (decorum). I AVhen scandal is told it is apt to . rV. nAi i i nrn n j uarnpa c t.rin sorrow, and so is a bell when it; Cor. Uoidnboro and Harnes Mfl. is tolled. . A question In men.nrement What are the dimensions of a littlo elbow room? Train up n child in the way ought to have gone yourself. The flirt practices her heartless upon the artless heart. you art Wilson. N: 0. Having juft returned with Pnij and well eelcctcd lot of ST OK am now prepared to fill any . . - i i . oi tier ii 'iin ou 'u-i'-'v in iiiv The barber is always ready to scrape , '',u,-, 11 " .. J 1 " - way of ?tock. '-- want uf a rcod MKDICAL. 1 jMWIJ ' tllKUl tjj.i''.tr.j. . t Decorations on public huildings :5,0tM) hajr aud blow it till it bulges out at Decoratrns on pnv'te ou uings ioo,vto , lhc girlos ez tllo it AVUZ. fl,u ot cioze . , Ui",0 1 and things and walk into a lodging Total ... --- MJ ihouseam(lenmn(i rooms with conh Thee figures show a grand total of; deuce. That carpet bag !ustin with expenditures for sickness and funeral ; valocibles settles it. It looks solvent of I7,fi50, of which the United land everything is in J f States will pay, say, 100,000, leaving ; on the huvtliat bag ami he. r landlady vour meals sent t' your live fat. Presently yoi wants money, and con Siii'.i.hy, N. C, Dec., 10.-Amos T Torn, a negro, aged forty years, was "' for a horrible crime, per- i I t Ii!,, mni enn. Hurt. llOril I i a lad of 10. He indicted upon the j blows with a ptick, and also ; SCJ- r .J" S fci;a him in .ho noruo. nn . , . Ui. :.,;;r h.Jnvr so terrible that the, in i-.n-i'ik-ii'ic rll:lll-. '1 w i.-h to have my will drawn,' she answered, wun nouv i . . J SI , . , 1 ..ay-vM "Wit vousuess with which tiniui uuu suici-, .y ?247,05O, for Oiiio, ClVhind, and pri i i i :..:.!... i , vate iiuuiuuai?. . --:, i. un-h thsit camit basr. can't pet TfaAitAnraMffl tn C Uf1ioVPfl 0. ' 4 twi Mlth it. for tllclt " W eigmy uuu3. -v.v . ' Lhmvprof Miider webs fell at ureen her anker ana ner m she finds l!erself obligcil to write upon , ho er of spiaer m OVCning voou go to lyour rK,m, a subject which necessitates the use of Bay, is., a short time ago. The t,ie wilM, Sut-'Uv it, fold it up and some other words, she well, don t webs, apparently, came from the up-1 jt y(mr coat jHX.kit, and bid her write upon that subject. I have a, air androntinued to descend for ,,,M)d eVening, telling her yoo shel Ir relative in Xew York who is moU I . . . inHlze nomc t.arlVj aml she may light the fire sublimely giftod. She can t spell any. ' sfxtv feet long, at JO, and the place tluit knowed yoo word right. There is a g-ame called ; some V1 ' V?, V. f ir wnnlt knows voo no more furever.- t , . , . . i ft . -r--jt-, i FA11 08SE If n mule will find it to their ad- ,v.mtage to examine my Btoclc before bn3'ing elsewhere ! Refurning thanks fjr past I patronage and seeking a cou ! liimance f the warnc. I I am Very Respectfully, I W. W. EDWARDS. At Sucrs A' Kd ward's old Ptau-L 'MtSW-1 -: Take Xollcc-.!- Anjr icraon lililW ! Jfirh.gaWfaw.ly or .Wring word right. There as u ; - hithe air as far as wun.-t knows yoo no more lurevr ' . - ' Verbarium. A dozen people are each and lJt Vesburg, a The first dark place yoo come to yoo j - provideil with aheetofpar.Hcro-s tl webs are i idow it up agin, and go on boldly into , TOECR?J.?I Hlf Ihe top of which i-wr,tten adong, i ywdf(- ! TRllIM nPfJC I U. word like kaleidoscopical, or omo- j mm w myNe annoyed by , in comfort ef not in luxury." ff l I If. I I if 1 1 H thing liie that, and the Su i BL1 llllKil IlLlflEa U Ml who can make up the most vords out , tneniuij fa fa A Louisville girl starteI to elope w . , xi v n $ -i ; . A most wise precaution, for thue ! . rn,e f:VCts in the case were ofthat in three minutes, alwa s be- , ej e. . ..,. .Um,, vounir roan. The .1 , t.,cii r . - ' . .. . .1, :..; ;.-! LIT Or OI I 1 1 UII ...niv,..- j r. thft word T.st Sundays bull-dog dashed into flr.t thinr he 'did. naturally enough U .Mil. I 'Vl 'ii- . . - . ' olinreh in Aieniohis. went IMIOSeil luiivnt""" ----- ; u ULfw.v 11...1 i-.r-ii.wlv had built irom A most wise precauitw., ; i,ov tiia. - Tho.iaeis wi uiv kw w. , who have property'-, whose - transnus- .. a roner jury. The -;.n-thev desire to oireci, viiuuv-i . - lv defer aethiir in the premises." remains nau oeen - - ; ;" . . i i f II rn- Tl.n pnmnllU WPfB I Cion was exeiifit. i disinterred and an ex:aimnation made, Which showed the horrid wounds, ana ; made plain the gilt of the unnatural ; father. It was found that the stomach, j spleen and left side of the liver sere " ' i -..: ...1 " Thp neorroes OX ier and two children ueuiMi.-. ; swollen uuu uim.-t. - - , i,,i ,iii i i, .. nit to-iuoiow. .1 am Uii x ieiintv re greatly excitoci, una i ,t a l.tr. T li-n-o iii- ...nnna nnnn the lUUlTUerer. uuorinea inai everj uiuj, ""-. - , swear nioV.n.i- "r matters stand, would go io iu It makes me shudder to think of it! "I quite sympathize with.your feelin-s," sai.l the lawyer;-and it s probable, from his character, that he uida't lie. "Of what noes youi iMyr- r . LOU i ust what I've said to myself, re- j cion Was excited tuvned Miss i Daglock. '.'I have an m!v sister, von see, who disgraced htr favnilv by marrving a dry goods ihfvk. Over-work and lack of ar threw him into a galloping consump tion, and he I recklessly didd, leaving her and two c hildren destitute. .NOw, Hsurclgis, , Sciatica, Lvmbag; I horse, call hny liim at myStable undtr a gtiarautc. ; i ... 1 1 . m - HARDY 4 BROTHERS, j (KhtablU-d in V j "coai.uMiiio.t tir.itcM Arf' 1 r ' v For the iale of i.: . v.,, u- ion he foun a COIURT viiujiii -' WHSIU KIM i.cii " ...... . . i r ii ,i'n;f tho nreneher and ,.-Ki-i.-i- m In breath. he declarf-l the ! Ave fo twenty words, except ldraLnred hira out. The dog held on arrair at an end, eanea a ikuh.o-.. . j , . fifllrf. young lady. She had only one worn s rfhe o who though , her al(1 got into another rc,a, TtKr.d n turiiMi a monu'iiL aim, .. i. t-u. iiri L-iiiwvefi u....w. iinmimw . w iiu irwiii'i. iiLiinsr. norm i iiiuui. - - ,)v iin niuv..vv. : . t ipv wf re utiiui'i; u"nv avun . -- . l. - . Lr ii-t ...... is nn in ennpr- . , -.H W IlV.lliric i-- '-I own a hundred thousand dollars in b ink sto-k. That is all of any con- s('4lKMiro." ! M r. Werewbif opjua I his eyes i'e- nctfuiiv. alf. men mi .i. ,."-- -- -- dam.' Then we examineu ner ini.. To the eternal honor of that unm- ulrerl nneonsciOUS. SUDlimeiJ -.Oi'ic-' his brains out. A Chicago woman has just -given t ! Mrth to h twcI)tyUhiWL Chi- Vii.fri tf ahvlwdy- here-i eago women seem to think there uuil m (kof i T-t,,lu...iif1t rtt-ftr. enn snell calf more senmiy u. kios - i,r.,,n a moment's reflection, recall to; Strains, Burns end Scalds, mind scores of noble girls who, if they , General Dodilf Paint, had acted thus wisely, would have e- TMJ cnd Hadach,FrosUd Ft6t caped untold misery- d gar,cn all ether Pahs u urniia how woulil vou like and Ashe JLAll j " - ' The New York CWir lately cited ! the case of Captain Jacob Schmidt, of; TompkinsvilleStaten Island, . j who had been a great Fufferer withj i.....,.;ni f,!r nmnv vears. lie! lllfuii.nii'i" ......... usihI St s Jacobs Oil with splendid suc ce?s. . i-j. u:J. fl front iui(l take hi iei iiiui s i v j ' i -... ... . , milk. The insurrection will now begin-" to have a moustache! iior veins has ever sirke been very sour in her disposition. From the Atlanta (Ga.) 'Sunday ; Pnonoqraph: The editor of the , Pike roflfee drinker shouU tmI the al c, m v IvL ha, iK-en cared of rheu-j vertisementin another column head-nudi-Mvv St. Jacobs OU. cd C Coc. inli-i (india" Xi-rrsf? rth cfts nf i .iti v "Oh vou horrid hrute! I low ; x iHai iti tut. th " " ran vouraj suniaiini'h. "-- - iirii'ft been ver " - . " .-., r,,- hut close to (lO llOl lll-iJU ' J "--', - - ! your lips:" Julia-,tOh!!!!" Cotton, Lu ruber, Peaaiit'i atid othe And dealers fci Peruvian ' Guano and other ' I ' i ' . - - - ; ' STAXDAltD FKUTILIZEIW. . ' . i ... . . . i i . ; signments, Prorupt u.Wn mud quicte- Itiuni.-. r i HardyV Wharfr Norfolk, Va ov 18 am. . ! The "irl ircssl the leaves,, fctit the j boy pressed the girl. The press is, 1 mighty and imijt prevail.. ean hT hep on4 i-wfirp proof of te cUim. Iniction in Elron Lruc. I0LD BT ILL DiUOaim AID DSALE13 U MEDICIIE. A.VOGELER c CO r. P O W K L L 'ASHIOXABI.E UAIUIKR TAKIMlKO KT, WII).V, X. C. Having ojiened a HrKt-clas Ilarher kop nolicitft the iatronage of thoee w ho wish good work done. : Sat isfa lion Guaruntecd,- JulyJ.ly --1