da The WILSON ADVANCE. Vrwo, FiuDA.y December, 16, 1881. Jjocal Department, Mr. J. B. Clement desires to give notice that his store Ls headquarter for Christina good, lie invites ev erybody to call and Hee what he has in the way of candies, toys, &c, before making their pufthftHtfsc : For useful Christmas presents go to J8SEPHUS DANIELS, Editor. ,'ote. To injure, insertion our advertisers must send in their adver tiernwuts by Thursday 12 M, 1 Xotl.C. C. Daniels, at the Pot Offico, authorized to collect and re ceipt for subscriptions due this paper. Thursday Cotton-11 cents. Bweet cider at J. T. McC Brandy finest at The Wllrfn CoiUtt rctry. The subscription books of the Vil son Cotton Factory will positively be closed January 1st., irrespective of the amount subscribed, and parties de siring to make good investments should subscribe at once. nice house. The Protestant have about finished their church, aud now we have three new houses of worship in Whitakers worthy of note. Mr. 1. Newman, one of Whitaker's oldest merchants will change his base and run a large business in Knfteld Warren fc Barnes. Mustache cups : 6 VW la; already been subscribed and i where he is building a large store. told us on the train last Friday that raw's. Har for medicinal French grave'. ":"-' -: ! Carpets, pretty and cheap, at Itos- J enthars. Fine Whiskey nt Han-rave' 1000 pounds of candy, will be sold rh up, at Fulcher's. -t Deid watches and clocks made alive atChurchwell'. . lV. W. Hargrave's drug store will be open next Sunday Imported Gin, for medicinal pur ple, at II argrAve'.-. .Just opened, some very pretty cloaks at liosenthal'a. ! New lot of rvady-made clothing just rim vod at Rosenthal's. Crockery, a largo quantity, will be ?1(1 cheap at Fulcher's. ItlacJv aud colored satins, a new lot opeueq tins morning at Rosenthal's. The old reliable N rtj Carolina Al manac for sale at Kowlond's drug store. Mr. (1. F. ProcUo has opened in the tore furnif rly occupied by K. O. Noc A Co. A lot of the rcry best silver plated ware at Church well's and going very chcap. Boots, full line of best maice, and every pair warranted at E. Rosen thal's. ) Our "Druggists Best Medicine" b i 41.. ! . .r K. ......4 ..:.... II Rowland. Work baskets, vases, and French china sets for holiday presents at E ltoaentlial'. Jaderia, Sherry and Port Wines, for medicinal uses, jat -Hargrave' Drujj btore. A flno and larje assortment of T intirrd TVir iiiaHiimmuI tiitnin uf Jiartrave'e. In this bad weather overshoes are in Ertat demand. Atkinson, Cobb A Co. have all kinds. - . of at and saucers, beautiful vases, nice lot of gentleman's neckrware latest styles silk handkerchiefs a idee lot just in and everything else good and useful. If you would - enjoy the Christmas holidays to the fullest extent be sure to have thattooth that pains you so extracted; or, if your teeth heed fill ing, have them filled before Christmas and you can join, in the festivities with more joy than you could if you neg lect this good advice. Give your sweetheart a Christmas present and thereby make her heart giau. mere is nothing: more appro priate to give than a good photograph or yourseii, ana wo advise all young men (and everybody else, for that matter) to go to Alley's photograph as , soon as the amount rear hfe 575,000 a meeting of the stockholders will be held and another opportunity 1 the work on the road from Halifax to win not oe oirarea within a vear. to invest as the capital stock will not be increased during that time. Now is the tpne to mako a a profitable invest ment in an enterprise whigh, while benefitting the stockholder, will prove a great blessing to the town and county. gallery and have their bofore Christmas. pictures taken Fracas. On last 'Saturday evening Augustas Driver and Henry .Taylor enjoyed themselves in" a little fisticuffing wjien Driver haying had enough drew; his knifo and gave Taylor a very neat lit tle cut across hisbreat, although not very deep, for which he was bound over to the next term of the Superior Court. The ClrndfM School. The Graded School continues to grow in public favor. Prof. Tomiin mhi and his corps of able assistants "are doing a good work, and their efforts have proved highly successful. We have the bust Graded School in the State, and all our citizens are indebted to the teachers, and the board of man- sger, for their untiring efforts in be half of the school. iTIarried. 1 ! In this county Sunday, December 4th., by Irvin C. Eatman, Esq., Mr. Wiley Gardner to Miss Patience Da vis. We extend best wishes. In this place Wed n-sday, December 14th., by Mr. W. F. Mercer, J. P Mr. Asa Hill to Mrs. Mary Braswell Mr. Hill has long been a subscriber ami mend to advance, and we re joice with him in his honey moon. Just received a new assortment thofe pretty mateiasse flannels Rosenthal's. Died. At her residence, near Hilliardston, Nash county, Thursday, Dec. 1st., Mrs. Tempie Hedgepeth, at the ad vanced age of eighty years. In Cross Roads township, In this county, December 12th., little Silas, infant son of Y 11. and .blizabeth lass, aged thirteen months and ten days. "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for or such is the kingdom of heaven." For lumps and Christmas goods go ro Moye A Nadal's drug store on Tar loro street. ColTcc lrinkers should read Ihe ad vertisement in another column .head til Good C'tjFce. Fresh lot of very pretty calicoes and new line of worsteds, all colors, now open at K. Rosenthal's. - 1 tell you. C. (.'. Daniels has . the nicest lot ol Christmas books ever brought to our city. Atkinson, Cobb fc Co., liavo the trreatet variety of overshoes which they are selling cheap. Zt'igler shoes for ladies, mise, and children a large quantity at Atkm 'son, Cobb A-.Co's. H l t l (i to Fulcher's when you wish to save money. Ilis coodn are marked , down, down, down. Several runaways in town this week. ' In two of them doctors took a hand. No serious damage. Bear in mind that Warren & Barnes' xtore is headquarters for' shoes, for both ladies and gentlemen., The Messenger Opera Ileuse. The Messenger Opera House just completed by Mr. J. A. Bonitzt Editor or the lioldsboro Mttngert will be opened next Wednesday night. The celebrated Miss Claire Scott, a talented actress, with a strong support will ap pear on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th., in the following different plays: Wed nesday night; Bulwer's "Lady of Lyon," Thursday night; the thrilling emotional drama of"I..eah,or the Jew ish Outcast," rriday night; Alexander Dumas' celebrated emotional play "Camille, or the Fate of a Coquette," Saturday night, the famous "Romeo and Juliett" will bo produced. Re duced rates have been secured ou the railroad and a number of our Wilson people will doubtless attend. Of the Opera House itself we have not space to speak. It is an elegant structure. and GoIdboreans owe a dbt of thanks to the enterprising Bonitz for having supplied a want so long felt. It is a standing monument to the go-ahead-itiveness of the most successful editor in the State. Scotland eck was progressiaj rapu - ly. They have crossed Coneconary Swamp, and have already brought a load of eoUon to Halifax. The Caj tain was in fine spirits and feels confi dent that he will havo the road in running order very soon. We met on the train a few days ago th; famous I,u Lu, of Couj,'s circus, who was on his way to Bridgeport for winter quarters. lie will travel with 1 a n urn's show next year and ex pect to perform wverai feats of as tonishment in his next visit to the south. 1 Melvillk. FOR SAIjE! I ofiVr tot sale a house and" lot re cently owned by 3Irs. Harriet Barbee, containing three good room and pan try, good garden, situated on the cor ner of Barnes and Spring street, ad Joining the lots of W. P. Wootten and J. B. Clements. Possession given January 1st. Terms: Cash. If not sold by private sale befoTe January 1st., it will be sold at public auction, Monday, January 2nd. J. B. CLEMENTS, Dec. lG-2t. Wilson, N. C. GOLDSBORO. Sectional News. CASTA LI A. Ktttrell Sprinss Fsiale flii ' '. - ' . - '''."'.-'. ' : Are offering a Large and Varied Assortment of Gro ceries for School Personal. We were pleased to meet Mr. F. B ticks, of Hilliardston, in town this week. Miss Battle, of Raleigh, is on a visit to Wilson, the guest of Mr. A. J. Hi ues. Misses Bettie and Lizzie Leo of Raleigh, who have been: on a visit to Wilson left Wednesday to ; visit rela tives at Whitakers. Dr. Eli-ha Battle, son of Mr. Wm. S. Battle wits in town this week look ing around with a view to locating tor the. practice of his profession, in our thriving little city. New Advertisements. E. Those wanting Christmas and Hli day presents will find a nice assortment at Hargrave's Drug Store. ' Christmas falls this year on Sunday, a'ul we suggest that our merchants observe Monday as a holiday. Full line of envelopes, stationery pens, ink, erasers, pencils paper fast euers, &c, 4Ci., at ltowiand's ! . i Mr. Walter P. Williamson has been appointed ioit nuuter at Tarboro in the place of LVr. H. H. Shaw, the present incumbent. i Prof. Julius . Tomlinson, Princi pal of ourGnuled School, spent Tues day of this week on a visit to the (loldsboro Graded School. Fou Sam:.t A splendid StiefT Piano full size, nearly, new. will le sold cheap for cash. For particulars 'ap ply to Jrs. Martha Clark. Tf you want to knov when it will rain, or snow,, go to the Post Office and get one of the old reliable Turner North Carolina almanac; fiive your friends Christmas pres ent that they will value, such as rockr ing chairs, brackets, Ac. Be sure to buy thoni of Wootteix i Stevens Mr. Thomsvs Selby, of Selby Bro's., returned Tuesday night from the West with a fine lot of horses and mules. Go to see them before buying. Warren & Barnes have just received large lot of reversible over-coats and ulsters which they are selling cheaper thaii such goods were ever before otter- eu in N llson. Notick. The undersigned will keep on hand afall times first-class oys ters for the town and country trade at 83 cents per quart. Call on us. Simp son & Smith. Parties holding policies in the Univer sal Life Insurance company may learn , Honiething to their advantage by ap plying to A. B. Deans, Attorney-at- . Law, Wilson, N.C. - Mr, W. W. Edwards has returned from the Western cities with a very fine lot of ; horses, and mules. You would do well to examine his stock before you make your purchases. . My friend, don't be fooled into buy ing second-class almanacs, but go to Read the important notice of P. Hines, Mayor, in this issue. Read J. T. MeCraw's new advertise ment calling attention to hi large jtock of Chrismas goods. Mr. M. T. Moye, Secretary, publish es an important notice which all friends of the Graded School should read. Mr. J. B. Clements offers the house ami lot formerly owned by Mrs. Har riet Barbee, for sale. Read the ad vertisement. .' , There arc no better printers and binders in the State than Edwards, ifroughton t Co., whose new adver tisement appears in thi issub. Kittrell Soring High School, under Prof. Wm. S' Barnes, is deservedly among our best schools, and is deserv imr of a very large patronage.. See t ie new advertisement in this issue Deau Advance: The farmers in and around here have about finished housing their crops which is all of a month earlier than usual, with the shortest crops ever made in the recollection of the oldest farmer. Our farmers have acted wisely this fall in planting a large quantity of wheat. They have a good stand, and the prospects are bright for another year. May the day of retri bution rapidly hasten upon the unfor tunate and oppressed husbandmen of our good old State. And right here I will say, while the whole State is al most engaged in nd grading railroads why is it that this portion, say Nash aud Franklin, should be behind and left out in the cold? -with all our per sistent efforts, backed by tn or fifteen millions of dollars, by n reliable and enterprising gentleman of Oxford, who has succeeded in building other important roads. And the people are reliably informed had not the charter been opposed in the House of the last Legislature, the road, beyond a doubt, would now be graded half the distance from Henderson ria Louisburg, Casta list, Nashville, to Rocky Mount. The young men around here have set Friday the 16th inst., to have a Tournament and Coronation Ball for the first time, and practicing " for the the queen the successful knight will net a fine bridal and saddle.. .Lots of fun and pretty girls is expected. Come and see them. Cupid ha.s begun his winter work again, and on Wednesday 'last, sit the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Cyrus Slcdire. of Nash, led to the hy meneal altar Miss Mittie Deans,daugh ter of Thomas Deans, Esq., of Frank lin county. I congratulate them and wish them much happiness and pros perity. And on Thursday 3lr.lt. J. Walker, of Nash, to Miss Jessie May, of Granville. Others will do likewise soon, of which you shall be apprised. Mr. J.-A. Coppidge, of Cedar Rock, had a bag of cotton stolen from his gin yard a few nights ago. The cornet band of Nashville will furnish music for the Tournament on the lfcith instant. 1' Plain' Tom. Dear Advance: I There was more cotton on the streets yesterday than I have seen since my residence here. A runaway now and then which ends in doing no greater damage than wrenching a lamp post, serves also to enliven the streets. The marriage fever to which reference was made m our last is raging .with una bated violence and has now assume an epidemic and dangerous form. It not only affects the crowded mart of trade but has extended its ravages to the thinly populated country. Among those occurring in this city it is with peculiar pleasure that we mention the marriage of Henry C. Shannon to Miss Lila Galloway" xt this place, which event took place last Thursday even ing at the residence of the bride's fath er, Capt. A. J. Galloway, Rev. W. M. ivobey performing the solemn cere mony. We tender our congratula tions and best wishes to the happy bridegroom. Hk is man enough to appreciate and wear with loving ten derness the jewel he baa won. We wish the young couple a safe and hap py voyage over the tempestuous sea oi life in which wish we will be joined by Mr. Shannon's friends in Wilson. Last Saturday evening Mr. J no. W. Edmundson, and Miss Mollie Millard, were united in the holy bonds of mat rimony by Col. Washington, J. IP. Tuesday at 12 o'clock exactly, John Powell was married to Miss Cole, ! of this county, and Tuesday evening a romantic runaway couple from Kn fieldj whose names we failed to learn were made to rejoice, and departed "two souls with a single thought, two hearth that beat as one." We learn that Dr W. II. Moore died this morning at 7 o'clock at the Insane Asylum near this place, of which he had been for some time Su perintendent. He was brother to Dr. A. D. Moore of Wilson, and leaves a host of friends who mourn his death. Dec. 15th '81. D. KITTRi:i.L C The Spring Session will begin on tho 12th day of January, 18S2,- and continue fortwenty weeks. Atten tion is called to the following advaiw tksres: Thorough Instruction, Practical Teachers, Pupils Required to Study, j IlKAI.TIIYLOCVriO. Mineral Waters, Superior Building Plenty of Substautial Food? jfearTuition per session in Regular Course with Music and Board, (In cluding Fuel, Lights and Washing) not to exceed $110.00. Sjecial dis counts made on Tuition to Ministers, Teachers, and all Pemous sending more than one scholar. For further information apply to W.S.BARNES. Dec. 16-tf. M. T. MOYE E. M. XADAI, MOYE & NADAL. Wholesale and Retail i DRUGGISTS, WILSON, N. C. Dealers in Drugs, medicines, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Stationery, Patent medicines, and Chem icals also keep CIGARETTES CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Pure Wines, Whisk, Rum, Gin, Ap ple and French Brandy for medi cinal purposes. Proprietors and manufacturers of WOMAN'S rillEXD, NEURAIOINK, FK MALE TILTHS, JAANESK TDOTII ACHK DROPS, INDIAX COX- ' SUMPTION ANI COUGH REMKDY, AC. (live T in I al BY NUM. DANIEL & CO.. wna.ox, x. c. Y. T. BLACKYELL & CO, Durum, n. c. DU KHAKI TOBACCO Onr claim for merit U ...... . i npmi tike race max a coauau atuJjrsU proves Lb At tiko tobftooo Itruwu In oar ctloa U better adapted to moke GOOD JUIIE, atlfkctory smoke than AJCT OTHER tobacco crown In the world; and beta situated ta the HEART of this fine tobacco rtlnn. U l' have the PICK of the offetinca. Tho public ap- nreclate this; bene our-i EXCEED the products of AXXi the leading manufactories com bined. IfiT'-NVm protutu iJcm Uar, A trodmarh tf lis M TOISNOT. The Itocky IVIount Fair. ( We are advised that thero. will he a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Eastern Carolina Agricultural and 3f echanical Association at Rocky Mount, December 21st., to revise the Premium List for the next fair. Merchant.-, manufacturers and others wishing to offer a special premium can haye them inserted in the Premium List if received by that time. A pre mium of $10 each will be offered for the largest yield of cotton, wheat, rye, oats native --and"-cultivated grasses, .without the use of any commercial fer tilizers. A specimen of each to be ex hibited at the next fair. Work -has already begun in earnest and we haz ard nothing in predicting that the next fair will be a great success. Advertised Letters. A list of letters and postal cards whollv written remaining in the Past Office Dec. 14th. 1881. F C Adams, John G Artis, J W B llrvan, Jiss Cate Barnes, Mrs Alice Beauian, Jamci Davis col, Elbert El lis. Mrs A F Farmer, O Gordon, Cra mer Godwin, Jess W Hinton, Dr Wm H Handley, Mrs Marr HartHr, James Howell, 'Wm Joyner, Henry J Joyner Adrian C Jackaon, 3Iiss Lacly lAng ley, Mrs Betsy JcKinsey, M C JZath cws, Jrs El in Nural, Wm Pharaoh,-C It I'ender, Jfrs Nancy Sugg, Miss Mollie A C Suggs, Miss Mary Suggs, Bryant Thompsont Randolph Young, ' J no O Warsley, Neverson Williams, ! m --' f tl til 3irs mnie i imams, vtniuey Taylor. . If the above letters are not called for Dear Advance: Our little town has been visited again by the cold touch of death, and 1 can but shudder when I announce to you the death of Daniel, Fanny, and Nora children of our townsman Mr. j C, L. Land, w hich sad event occurred on Friday last. Little Daniel and Nora expired about the same time, and a few hours later little Fanny breathed her last. This was one of the sadest 6cenes we have ever witnessed three sweet lit tle children of the same family, laid in one cold and silent grave. BwX a few days ago these children Were full of life apparently, and seemed to re in the bloom of health. Oh! how uncer tain is life! Mr. Land has another son quite sick but we are pleased to hear he is slowly convalescing- We sincerely sympa thise with the bereaved family in their great loss. The Missionary Baptists who hold their meetings in the Academy, have commenced the erection of a church building, which will be completed soon. Mr. The. Hobgood, editor of the Sunny Home hasjust completed a nice residence on North street and will oc cupy it very soon. A of our young people are looking forward with foud hearts, for a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Spencer. WILSON MARKET REPORT. REVISED AXD CORRECTED EVERY Till USD A V BY BYNTJM, DANIEL & CO- Cotton ' - - - lOiCHJ Bagging - - - - 11 & 12 Bacon, N'orth Carolina Hams - - 15 (Jt, IS Shoulders and Sides 12 J (a? 15 Western Smoked Sides Shoulders - - 11 12 Dry Salted Sides - - 10 11 Shoulders - - - (a Bees wax - - - 20 (a, 22 Butter - - 20 40 Coffee, Rio - - - ; 12 20 " larguayre - 16 ( 25 " Peaburry - 18(or 25 " ' Java 30 33 1 " Mocha - - - - 30 33 Corn, per bushel - - 80(,100 Corn meal, per bushel - 80 (4 10 Cotton Tie ner bunch - 165 (al 200 Etrsrs - - - 20 Flour per bbl - 700 10 00 Hides, Green - 0(5, 6 Dry - - - 1012i Lard - - - 12 15 ..lolasses - - - - - - . 40(4 50 Syrup - - - - - - - 50 (it 75 Potatoes per bushel - - - 40 ( 50 Peanuts, per bushel - 75 100 Peas, per bushel - - h - 75 (A 100 Rags, per lb - - - ; - 1 ( 1 Rice - - - - - - - - 8 ( 10 Tallow per lb 6 (a) 8 Turnips, per bushel - - 40 50 Wheat, per bushel - - - 100 150 State agents for "Dobyn's Sure Cur r Catarrh, Neuralgia and Hoadache." for t&- Prescriptions carefully com pounded day or night. MOYE 'A NADAL, OcU28tf Vs Wilson, N C. Blackweirs Durfiam IS THE FIX EST, 11' REST, REST, AND MOST IWIFOKM RUAXPOr MK. TUBAtX-O KVEK PI T l l'ON THE MARK I T. MANUFACTURERS OF Fits Guaranteed. Having ferared the services of a good tailor a man of years of experi ence in tho business I am now pre pared to do all kinds of work in the best possible manner. A large variety of samples on hand, and goods selected from these' sam ples will be ordered immediately and made to order. MAK I NO, CUTTING, REP AI RI NO AND CLEANING DONE AT SHOUT NOTICE. I am also prepared to Dye and. Repair onr? nlrl Hnthfts. and I can make an ohi suit of clothes look like new ones T R Y ;M E! Soliciting your patronage, I am Respectfully Yours, J. B. CLEMENTS, Merchant Tailor, Tarboro Street, vr JS. iN. fiercer- c5ior. Oct. 14 3 mo.. PIANOS 225 ORGANS. Grand Special Holiday Sale. For Chritm, 1SS1. make yourself and family haupy by th tift of a PIANO or an ORGAN tbat will (111 your home with mnnic, not only f'ra day but for a lifetime. Special Holiday ale. 300 flrst-clas Infrmnents from ix bet.maktT!;' 1S3 style, all grade, all pri ces, bnt no competition with cl.eap makers We rell none but Iteliablo Instruments, from Old Mak er. Other may deceive pnrchasers with ofTeml of 1000 Piauoft for and -S7-fltop Organ for $6.1 but we won't. Gold dollar can't be bought for cant. True economy lie in parhasof a Ueliable Instrument, ctntt what it may. . Bet Inatrumeota for least money. n onr claim, and in this we compete with the .werld Send for Catalogues and Special Holiday Sale PrCfS. Addre. Ll'DDEX k BATHS. Savannah, fa. Th Great wholesale Southern Piano and Organ Dealer. ALSO P Durham Long-Cut and Durham Cigarette These Coedi We effer nader an Altselate Cairantee They are the finest and Purest Goods upon the market, h'hey are free from Drugs or Chemical of any kind. . :They consist of the finest Tohacco, and purest rice papr U Iw m .A.T s. s. ATTORNEY AT LAW Battleboro and Enfield, N. C. fSrl will hereafter be at Battleboro on Frid.iv and Saturday of each week, and will be glad to serve tho public of Nash and Edgecombe counties. Oa every other day will be in my oflftfe at Enfield. Oct Ttf.J , HARDY & BROTHERS, (Established in 1828.) COiniSSIO flFRtlUTU For the pale of other WIIITAKEBS. Editor Advance: The town of Whitakers is one of the liveliest little places on the Wilming ton A Weldon railroad. W. II. Cobb, and his GraQen Moo Notice The Fall session of the Graded School will end Friday 23rd inst. In order that teachers may have a short time to visit friends and the pupils recrea tion,the exercises will not be resumed until Monday January 2nd 1882. Owing to this arrangement, the De cember installment on subscription will be required two weeks earlier than usual. To facilitate the collec tion, we hereby give notice to all de linquents on previous instalments, and those owing for this month to call and settle by the first of next Cotton. Lumber. Peanut and And dealers in Pcnfjian Guano and other STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Make liberal cash advances on con signments. Prompt sales ana quicic ; returns. Hardy's Wharf, rsorroiK, a ov 18 3m. Vc' respectfully announce to our customers and the publi n general that W have now on hand one of the larjext itotki of Clothing Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, tire. Our Siock of .Clothing U second to none in th4 raarki td Mens, Boys, You-tlis soexdi Oliildrona CLOTHING-. OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS Of all Khida and Price to suit Everybody 'Our stock is Tlargc and more complete than ever, jtogetcr with a full Tine of silk and satin trimmings, huttoiis and fringes. Special attention has been paid to that line, and respectfully in vite the ladies to call aud examine onr stock before purchasing ftlsewbere. ' - CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND SHAWLS We have the largest bottom prices- stock in town rnd offer them at roe k- the Post (Mice, the place where they I i" fowr weeks they will be sent to the have. so niany nice Christmas books, ! Dead Letter Office. .-- uiiu in me iu reliable iur ncr'ri N". i '. Almaiuu M.C. Daniels P. M. M. T.' MOYE, Sec. to Board, Wilson, N. C, Dec. loth, SI. 4 i E-3., the aent at the depot, , asf l.stant, Mr. John r. 1- ord, are the I week by Thursday at the farthest men say they shipped for the month of November, 1137 bales of cotton with other freight In-proportion. This de pot should have a regulor assistant I during the fall season, if no longer. CMUita Ulaus is seen in every store aud shop window, and from all ap pearances the little ones will awake on NOTICE. On Motion it was ordeted by the Board of Commissioners, that the use Christmas morn with full stockines oinre arnrus. lire crackers, and fire and glad hearts. j works of all kind be prohibited on The Jfethodists have commenced he streets from this date under penal their new church. Mr. T. Taylor, l Jt forth in former ordinance, the contractor, informs us this build-j j T. E. HINES Mayor.-'-, ing i-i to be quite ayk, expensive and lH.tl-2t. -i " . POWELL, FASllIOJf ABUE EiVRBER. TARBORO ST., WILSON, N. C. Having openel a first-clasa Barber shop solicits the patronage of those who wwhgooa woric aone. csaiisia tiou Guaranteed. JJulylS-ly NO T ICE BOOTS AND SHOES line of the we'l known Hess Shoes; men, boys and Every pair warranted. Also a ftHl hwj of Laies aad Children's Baltimore City Made. A full vouths. HATS AND CAPS, The nobbiest styles. , - Don't you forget we are $oie Agents for the only Pearl' Shirt aud the celebrated Coraline Corset- boneless. Price $U Bv virtue of a decree of the Superi or t'ourt of Wilson comity, rendered runhr uih. 1R81. 1 will tsell at the Court House door in llson, on Mon daj the 5th day of December 1RS1, the sii...n lonii- Oni trart of land in 2&Witto1--re- as we wiU hot be undersold Great iaducements offered to cash eus- - - J -it. AAM ii.lni n-v Dr. It. ri. -vx ana ovnn, vwiimm" seventy-five acres more erlea!, it be ing the land allotted to the heirs of James Newsome ia the division of the UnAi of Amos Horn, being lot Jo. 1 in said division. Terms cash. F. A. WOODABD, CommiMi'mer Reipectftilly. ' r? L HEILBRONER & BRO. Arts;

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