CARRIAGES. " MTSC'ELLAKEOt'S. New Firm new I vEW STYLES I a" Prices. medical. GRIFFIN 5c MURRAY. Ooldeboro St. Wilson. X. C. Uam.faetiirer of Carriage-. Bugtiea, Carta, Wasrons. Haines, and all kiuda of riding vehicles. Which will b sold at the lowest poeaiWe flferef. We bare bow on hand a nice and select o price are a lovr as tha loweat. nrt and cull on n before baying. l is faction fitrantea in erery. ease. Beyairina ns&tly aad promptly at leaded ta .17 UK in eyehMbiety .V W. PINES WALNUT MANTELS, GEORGE. 0. STEVENS, 3No. 49 Light Street,. UALIIiriUKti S. A. STEVENS & CO., NORFOLK. TA. - t Th largest establishment in t lie SOUTH TAIBOTT & S05S Shockoe Machine WORKS, RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturer f Portable and Stationary Engines and Boiler, Saw 'Mills. Orrj and Wheat Mill, Shafting, IlansersancI" Pdlleyt Turbine Watrr Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machiiu rv, Wrought Iron.. Work, Brass and Iron Casting, Machinery of eTory desciip- lG INNING Sr THRESHING MACHINES SPECIALTY. Repairing rrewptljr end Carefully Dona Taftott'i Patent Spark Arrester. XJae lavf utlou ftbe Age. It doe not destroy the draft. It doos not interfere with -'aning the tut. It will not choke up and requires no cleaning. It renoire's no direct dampers to-be open- d when rais'iMg steam dainnera being ob- ectionablc, as they may be left open and allow the tpark to escape It requires no water to extinguish, spark which, by condensation, destroys tno draft. Besides, when watrr U ued,.if neglected. tlH efficiency u destroyed by evap'.Tatioa f the water, and tiie ,Dtuer w h.epi in a llllhy condition. ' It 16 simple aua uuraDie aim can o reucn upon. It can be aftaenea ro any, power. No planter Bhoald be without one of them.. Insurance companies will iniiie gins and barns where the Talbott Engines and Spark Arresters are ueu a. aiuo riu as charged, for water or horse power. JSSTlfend for illustrateu circulars an n price list- . ' Dianch Iion?e: uoitisnoro, r. i. Hauaer, General Manager. T. A. Grainier . . . l i i ; . lO'ialJaauagei. . Ge. H. Griffin, Jr. Agent for Wil son, Nash, and Franklin counties, at Wilson, X. C. - As the recovered dipejtc, bitliiHis mf-fr-, victim of fever iiul.anil ague, the mer curial diseased patient, how they recuverd health, cW.-rful spirit and gtmd adfwtite tlier will tell voo 1T 'akin,' .SIMAlON'rf LIVER 'REGULA TOR. ' The Cheapmt, PnrMt.ani Ifwt Family Jledicinc in Hie World. For I)YSFKPIA, CONSTIP.ATIOY. Jaundice, Millions attacks, SICK H KA J'Al H 1-, t olic, lie of Spirit. SOUR hTOMACU, Heart Bum. Thin tiiiriviilled Southern Remedy is warranted not to contain inle particle of 31KHLVH.Y or any lnjarious tniucral substance, bucis ' p i; i: uf, V v i:g lta ii i e, "containc those Southern Root and Harbn, which an l'rovidt'iup ha plact'd la countries wbraL.irei DiKoiutw most prevail. The Wusos Advance. Wiiaox.'Fbidav, December, 16, lSl. Stfffl Ban! HOME AX D FARM. H-that by tlic plow would thrive Himself must either hold or drive. Are w opening a nice line of By Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Flannels, cas- re I'lece uooa?, . . B 0 0:T S A K D S II OES ' The Old .Aorlh Stale. .rr1oos are gnaranceed aalow as New Yrk Evarv Kradus of furnilura and carpeting known to the trad. We invito a call or - correspondence from purchasers for they will find it to their interest. Our houso is well known in North Caro lina, ae we have durinz the past seventeen years done a laire Carolina trade. Orders solicited S.A.STEVENS&CO. NORFOLK. VA. 8 4lf. S. S. A L S 0 P ATTORNEY AT LAW ,i Uattleboro ami Enfield, N. C. ; - BSrI will hereafter be at Hattleboro on Fridav and Saturday of each week and will le triad to serve the public o Nash and Edgecombe counties. Oa verv other dav will be in my office at Enfield. , Oct 7tf. WHAT NORTH CAROLINA 1IAB AT THE ATLANTA KXl'OblTICN. ' It will cure all Dlacasea canard by raaeuionl of the Liver and 12o vreln. The'STMPTOMSof LiTfrr ComplalntJ! ar a bit tr or bad taste iu tli month; rain in tbe Back, Bides or Joint, often uia.ken for Rheumatism: - SOllt STOMACU Iss of Appetite. Bowals Altern.ttely costire and lax; Haad.ti'h. Jaw of Memory, with a painful nsatln uf ha ving failed to do aom thing which ought t.o hav 5hii done; Debility, Low Spirits. A teick Tollowappeirancn of the Skin and eyea, a dry Coujli of ien iml.-inun for ('onsinnp'.ion. Sompiinips many of the symptoms a tied the dis a.e, at othora very fw; but the Livwr, cho largest organ in body, i generally the wa:it of thu disease, if not repulat Jd in time, preat sufferiug, wretched . ess and i10AM'13 will eaeue. CAUTION. As there ara a number of Imitations offered to the .public, we would cautiion the community to buy no Pot ders of l'repared SIMMON'S LIVEK liKGUbATOR unless in white wiapera, ba the rrl li-tttr 'f. and Mortar in front, and is made by J. 12. XFIl.l- 6c CO. 'We lieve tasted its virtue, porsonally, and ltnow that for Uvspepsia, nilliousnes. and Throbbing Head Ache", it is b'.'st medicine llio world ever saw. We have triad forty other medicines !m mons Liver KoRulitor. but none of them gave ns more than a temporary relief ; but the Regulator not only rcltev d but cured ns," tad: Ttlerjruph and Messenger, Macon. Go.'- j . MANUFACTURED ONLY BY j.if . At o, PIIlLAlELPIIIA, PA. SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS, SAM HOPOB8. Jl. HODG K8. HODGES & HODGES WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Untm a ii cl Cap Ladies AND.... Trimmed Goods, 49 COMMERCE ST.,- NORFOLK, VA. sep24-tf A. BRANCH. T. J. HAD LEY. J. F. FARMER. BH.1.YCM1 a CO., Gienral Commission 9Ie reliant, (OFFI CErrN G WATHMEY 8 III' NORFOLK, Va. Fits Guaranteed Having 5ured the "ervicea of good tailor ft uwn of years of experi euce in the business lam now pre- iarod to do all kinds of work in the bent miHsible manner. A larce variety of samples on hand and goods selected from those sam plea will be ordered immediately and a 1 maao to oraer. MAKING, CUTTING, REPAIRING AND CLEANING DONE AT ' SHORT NOTICE. I am also prepared to Dye and any old tlothee, and I can' make an hi smit of clothes look like new ones. T R Y M E! Solieltlnf youratronage, I am r Respectfully Yours, J. It. CLEMENTS, Merchant Tailor, Tarboro Street, ever E. N. Mercer's Store. Oct. 14 8 mo. Liberal advancements made o consignments with .bill of ladi n g hand. Sep 16 . I FOB AHD SPERMATORRHOEA. A Ttluablo IM sec very and New Departnre In Vfd- C&i Suiitaee. an aotiml V New mad nosilivel. nfiarum Ivemei'lT for the stxtsdv and MrmaruDot nra of Serai- Dai Emiaalone and xmpotency by tba only trua way. tu: JJirect application tottia principal Seat jpooiuc isuuenca on tha Scmincl vesicles. Ipai guleace, an entirnl; of too Diaeaso, attiog by Absorption, and exorting n-z spooiueisuuencaon xno ascminci vesicles, jsua tuatory Ducts, I"roBtat Gl and, and ore Mir a. The PST We.mtmueo net as Solicitors for Intents. Caret, Trade Marks, i opyrlplits. etc.. for the I'tiited State runatui. Cuba.: Kutflaiid. France. Germany, fir. We have had tliirly-live jeans' ex pcrience. l'attirtsohtaiiitHl UiiMnifh us are notimt in the Pci KvrtKic Avkuk'ax. This lanrn n:d splendid illui-n-ated weeklypaper.$S.20ayenr,slioWKthe ITovrress nf scieniv. Is very intervntins;, and has an enoriiKnia circulation. Adiinaw.MI NN' A CO.. Talent S!icl h'n. Tub's of S lKSTinc AMKRtc.vx. ST I'ark How, New York. Haiidbmih aliout l'atents fn. Best Equipped School IN NORTH CAROLINA. ioSnys a Professional Expert, ot large and succefsstul e.xpe ience, employ etl by our State to visit and address all our new white State Normal Scools, in reference to the Wbn Cd!:?;.: Ir.iiiii, (FOR ROTH SEXES.) . Strictly Non-Srctarian. Able and ex perienced Faculty, Extensive Librar. and Apparatus. Spacious Building Healthy Location. A Pleasant Edu catiohal Home. -Moderness, Practical ness, and Thoroughness,, our Mottoes Military Discipline for Boys, Parenta Discipline for (Jirls. ENTIRE AVERAGE EXPENSES, $170 PER YEAR. The Institute is the seat of one of the New State Normal Schools. Fall session ojens. Monday, Sept. &th 1S81. Address for Catalogue, S. HASSELL, A. MM Principal Wilson, N. C. " - JJR. R. W. J O Y N .E R Snrceon DrnliMt, aseof the Itemed? Is attended with no pain or lnooa venienea, and doss not interfere with tbe ordinary pursuits ef life; It Is culckly dlssolred'and soon ab sorbed, producing an immediate soothing and rstor rtive eUect tipen the ne-xual and nerrous oranlza t ions wreoked from saif-abuseaad excasses, stopping . i as drain front the fi 6t-om, rstorin t.e raioa to i ealth andsund memory, reniovlnj tho Dimness i f bight, jftervouq Debility, Confiwion of Ideas, Aversion to Society, etc., to., and tho appeamnco of prtiaature old asre usually accompanying this treuble, and restoring perfect Sexual viper, whenj It has been dormant for rears. This moda of treat ment has stood tbe tert In very oersro cares, and U "now a pronounced success. Drugs are too much pre scribed in those troubles, and, as rcany can bear wit ne to. with but little if any permanent good. There is no tsossense sbotft this Preparation. Tractloai ot ervation enables ns to positively sruaranteo that It wiil pivo satisfaction. Durlrg the eibt yoars that it has been in cooerl ne, hav0 thousands of teatl pionials as to Its value, and it is now conceded by the Medical I'roreraion to be the most rat local means yet discovered of reaching and curing this very prevalent trouble, that is well known to be the oaa4-of untold misery to ko many, and npon wbora QUacJca prey wiva ia tut on in neat boxes, of three f to last a month.) S3; ila. S, (sufiicient to fctfoot at their useksa nostrums and big fees.. The Remedy ree Fizes. Js o. 1, (enough (sufiicient to fctfoot a Der- taanent cure, ur.lcss in severe cases.) s&; Zio, a, restore viror in the worst oases.) 87. Sen eaiea, inpiaia wrsppo using vriu aceomptvR (lastioi? over throe months, will fitop emioloBS aoA rifor in me wo n plain wrsppo Till ftrKimnnr.v R. Mrmlin1 Seated Descriptive PampH-. plaia wrappers. Full DIRECT. IctBjfi eiiio A ualomiml M I ttxtrtttivns 1 rid itiiN9flt, rni fit rt ll renWtiM thtt woit KhrnHcal that they pun ee. rrmtored to perfeei tna nlxooa,ana fit- ten or t nm a icisc ieal that tttet .aniu. life. Mwver atfectetl. Sold O.VX1T by lie of life, same cas if I M.T. MOVE E. U. NADAL MOVE & NADAL. i , . Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS, WILSON, N. C. Dealers in lriigs, medicines, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Stationery, Patent medicines, and Chem icals also keep CIGARETTE SMOKING TOBACCO, CIQARS, CI I E W I NG'AN D Ihtr Mlnet, Whitley, Jtum, Gin,' Ap ple and French llrandy for medi cinal purposes. Proprietors and manufacturers of ROMAN'S FRIEND, NEX RALGINE, FE MALE .PILIJS, JAr.VNF.SE TOOTII ACMK DROIW, INDIAN CON SCMrTION ANIXCOL-QH REXIEDY, AO. t-jT-Has permanently located in AN ilson, N. C. All opperations will ne neatly and carefully performed and on terms as reasonable as possible Neeth extractetl without pain. Office Tarboro street next door to Post office Jan 8 12m. i i JAMES W. LANCASTER, Attorneys-Law, WILSON, N. C. Office in the Court Ilonsa. Practices iu all the' courts' (extapt ta uferior court of Wilson cnunfv) and will Cive prompt attention to bu.iiiRa antrusteal to him in Wilson T y y INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A . TORPID LIVER. Loggof appetite ausea,boTrcla oostive tarn in thellend.with a dull sensation in the back partTTPain un.ier the shoulder blade, fulnefs tfter mating, with a diain; cUnaiop to exertfonjofbody or roindj Trrvtabihiy of temper,- Ijow gpfrita. Loyg of meoiprjj with a feeiing of raTing neg lebted aerne duty, wariness. Dizziness, Sjutterin oftnelTeart, DpU beforejhe ?yiYelloV Sk inrtjgad aclia , "Kestle a a iteta al luglilTHigEiy colored Urine. IT THESE "WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED. I U IT'S FILLS r especially adapted to nrh dose effects each a change of feelixrfc as to astonish the sufferer. Thjr tnerenee tbe Appetite, and cause the be-Jy to Take on Flean. thns th m-stem is woarttii 1. and by tbr-irTnnfe artinaon the (filTMiir wrtrauia. nrgaiar iteel are pro- ice ; c4 doced. Iric ' cents. 3i Tl ll rra j aft and adjoininjr eennties. State agents for "Dobyn's Sure Cure for Catarrh, Neuralgia and Headache." jSrPrescriptiom carefully com pounded day or night. -, MOVE at NADAL, Oct 2Stf J Wilson, N.C. C B. Aycock, Of Wayne. F. A. Danie La Of WiUon. AYCOCK & DANIELS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GOLDSBORO, X. C. Will practice in the Courts of Wilson, Wayne, Lenoir and Greene. . Collections a specialty. Mr. Aycock will be at Tremout er ry Saturday. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. On ay n Aia or Whisk km changed te a Qieer Klack by a slnK'.e appliratiun uf this Dye. It Impart a natural color, acts Instantanaouslv. ti4 t t Dri:cci".r e:.t b i;.rr, .q raccipt of iU OtTlce, 35 Murray St., New York. Pr. rrrrs mt u. TaiMhw i.rmaih ..i CufcJ al;W win auUr rEKX apltrsitw.f E C Burt's of New York and T. Miles Sons of Pliilatlelphia. ty in Ladies', Gtnts' and Children's. We luxndle the A special- HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC. CHEMISTS. IHarkotan(18th8U. ST. LOUIS. Mo. OH. BUTTS' 03Si) Treat all Chronic Diseases, and enjors n nation al rapatotiDn through ths enrtnn of complicated cases. ectioos of tbe blood, sicia or bons, trenteilwith suc cess, witbPut usinc Mereurjor Poisonous Medicinm. Y OiJ N C M EN wtl0 Br sufferinpfroni th effects I of a diseaaR that unfits its Tio- tims torbuKioes er mntriaai, permanently enred. ITS T R E A T E D Mai " KlPre fern; ctAsJltioa is jircterrcs, naicb i FRiS ftuSji.viC d. IJi( of que.tiuMs-to be uswervd br patte.u de.iric trut luent fflutc (rvc to sny dMtn on afipljettioQ. PrnB. .aaVtiae frm Raptur .bonis wm4 tlmlr4dcw,V mmi Uarn owetiiif tadr avanisft. It W n.t s tnui. Convi.uieAtitD, ,tnctly eonsJiiti.1. and lbou)4 6. iiHrrinsil BU. lttn B, Vt Sarth 8th t-, tit. Leuls, Me. The Old North .State should be proud of her exhibit at the Exiosi tion. Mr. McGehee, the commission er of agriculture, has made a highly creditable display which is in the west wing of the railroad building. .Yes terday a representative of the Consti- tntion made a careful examination of the exhibit. The first thing which at tracted his attention was a glass case filled with silk in all it stages from tho cocoon to the. hank. A beautiful display of woolen goods is made. These goods are from the factory of F. fc H.' Frie. of Sitlem. Along with this exhibit is a beautiful display of blankets and varus from the Klkin Valley woolen mills. These goods are particularly attractive and should be seen by' every one who feels an in terest in the resources and manufactu rer of North Carolina. . One of tbe most attractive fcaturt? of the display is a set of hand painted china, the work of Miss Isabel Wil liams, of Fayetteville, N. C. The painting is done in a most artistic manner and does great credit to the talent of the Iadv: Four paintings by the same young lady are shown. The display of marls, guanos, etc., is very fine and cohiplete. The display of wheat, corn and oth er grains is especially fine. The sam ples shown are equal to those grown anywhere. Grass seed, peanuts, rice and all kinds of grain in the sheaf arc shown. I There are several fine, speci mens of jute from which cotton bag ging is made. The display of sugar and sorghum is" highly Creditable, Ofthej woods shown there are 112 specimens. In this connection it would be interesting to give the read er the benefit of the following table which, giving the number of varieties of each kind of valuable tree in , the United 'j States, east of the ltocky Mountains, makes such a fine showing for North Carolina : 1 QUAKER CITY SHIRT sell a good shirt for one dollr. cenae Lnuridried and unlaundried, and and aee them. A nice line of A large'assortment of Dress Trimmings, Silk Suraha, Satin, Plain S'lk, Brocaded Silk of the latest Pattern, Tie?, Laces iu great quantities. Span ish and Russian . ' i--'-ir''T-a T-m 11 1 ' SILK AND BEADED FRINGES, ' NobbvHata a Specialty. Call and examine. No trouble to ihow good. Our stock is entirely new, having been purchased in the LAST T II I ..'ft T Y D A Y S. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere and - And Obligo WARR Wood Oak, . . Pines, . . Spruces, . Elms, . Walnut. . .Birch, j. Maple, ; . Hickory, Magnolia, i 2 ! o 3- a " d a- . J 2:1 19 . J 8 8 . J 5 4 . .1 5 3 2 2 . ') 5 3 . . 5 5 . . 8 G . .! 7 7 The display of minerals and stones has been collected with especial care, and embraces 180 varieties, including iron, gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, emeralds, the recentl- discovered gem, hiddenite, beryl, marble, tale, kaolin, from which crockery, is made, and a great many other interesting and valu- le things. Some of the finest' cot ton ever grown in this country is shown. I ; l The display of tobacco is very at tractive, and embraces chewing and smoking tobacco and cigarettes. The display of granite is very at tractive. It includes some fine Scotch granite and specimens of lcopardite found only in North Carolina. A lino" display of fine wines is made and attracts much attention. Some fine -fecim ens of writing and wrapping papers are shown. ' With the exhibit of a display of graphite, from which lead pencils made. . A splendid display of plaids and sheetings is 'made by the mills of the State and shows that the Old Nortli State is not slow in manufacturing. Altogether the exhibit is highly cred itable and worthy of an inspection from every visitor. Atlanta Constu tion. ! '. Sep 30. EI&BiRffi, Cor. Tarboro A Nash Street, Wilson, N. G nwrj's mM IS" A TRUZ TONIC A PERFECT STRENOTHENSR.A SUrlE REVjyERJ a cci -am :i lnd.nuJ.icn. JrP. JMavniiUmt r'ot.J rA2--petUf.IM.t cj Zrcr. ji.i,lAd:oJ JLrvrrj,c:c. .rm-i!?3 i..o btoon, s'.rcn-i'.ns tuo uiu3ciss,and gives U: to ii.c no-rves. They act Lko a i'-frc t.A UrroetirA nrrrntiK rcmcti'iw all awntJii ic fVKXttom, tOii as Tasting Let I cCxi, , . . . j i i. i ' - .. . nlch;nj,lIeatmtJkr4muKh:xiriyurn,is. Ihc rn:y Iron Ireparxuon that will not blacken tfio tectli cr re heaclaho. ld by s.l Rrukts. Wri-.cs for t'.e A P. C Bock T-2 tp. f UBcfuf and amufn'' rctfc iaz)Kntfree. BIiOV2J CHESIIC At." CO., Baltimore, Md. Ceo h -t a3 Irrra Bitten are m- fi by Bo-r 0Ti-, tCrawl b-Te oro-sed Ted naos on wrappea. ESWA3B Off IMITATIONS. I MISCKLLANKOUs. 865 CCKA1K Ml RB LE Wo ft cr 0 Sycamore Street, PetirsbUrff y GRAVE STONKS of every description, imvl ranging in price ffoni $." tit. . 'n nii sent by mail postage paid with t" enelrwfNl far votnrn V1,.,'. ; !llP" - " tnirs sr. received they-are filled ami forw,r ed. If the work is nut buti,;"; purchasers are requested, to return ? MY EXPENSE Nn pny retnnr.-tl ntu Hit- wi k i5,mh id. .OoiTcapondents solicited froha all of t lie cotintrv. ' 'r, CHAS fM. WAUa. febSo-lv "Willow Xonie cr-OB- -INFALLIBLE CHILL CURE. The attention of DruggUta iji Dealers generally isealled to this ret i ' valuable metlicine, which itandi i -fore the public and medical feculnf undisputed as a cure'- for Fever a Ague, Bilious -and Remitting " Frv Dumb Chills, Enlarged Splet n, ai A V diseases """'"b " IW.inai (if niia'iiiatic'poisons. It is no quak nostrunl or patent humbug claiming to cure all diseases, but 'only mch as arise fnm iiialarial piisinsf j,-jcjj: are very prevalent in -Eastern' Caroli- ' na. Chmtainiug ft very valuable prep. aration of Iron, it renovates the l,i00d promotes.the appetite and is a ine.t ' potent Alterative. Certificates of us infallibility from some of "our brt citizens will litfurnished ujion ai.pli cation, and if it fails to give satisfac tion when usetl according to direction the money will be refunded. P-epar ed only by HENRY O. SHANNON, Druggist and Chemist; GO W'Mt Centra St., AugSn1! Goldsboro, N. C. I0HN CLARK, JR. & COS mm. "HONEST GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES." Hak saE BEST SIX -CORD ,FOR Miicliiiie or Hand Use. THOMAS :Q:-I RUSSELL k CO. SOLE AGENTS'. FOB SALE BY - ,f IIines3 Hadley &C.j ' WILSOX N. o. JEWELRY, Ac. Use 'Young's P. P. O lasses' eyesight. and . st. -j.r Merchant Tailor, Is receiving his usual large, and well-selected FALL AND WINTER To which he invites yt STOCK our inspection, easures taten anu r its Cruaranteed . Cleaning and repairing neatly, and promptly done. . eiw Wilson, N. C. J. T. Young & Bro. x I'KAI.RH IN- FINE IK A TCI IKS. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. S I LV KB W A RK, .'... Manufacturer of all kind of riaia Geld Jewelry, Rings Bai?es. As Tlic beat .810, ..castor, and $",il) -dock, evprsobl. American walche at f lie- lowest price. Solid silvt'r MVn, ''. furkr-- Af., ci leaner I ban ever. , Your or'!r are u-liciti-il and will be jji-otnpilv aitritli by J. T. YOUNG & BKO. Petkrsh or ',0th '79.-1 1 ne, X.. Ciool ASvico L'titlle. to Sellers of Ilct-r ALFRED WILLIAMS. EUGENE G. HARRELL ALF RED WILL I II y CO Pablislsers, IlookHcllers and Stationers, RALEIGH, N. C. AIjL North Carolina Schools, whether Public or Private, can obtain School Books, &c, at Raleigh' at prices as low as are ofeeked by any kokthemk . f I) KA I.KHH. We have the largest stock in the State and fill all orders promptly. - TOEftAILnG ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS, T3TJi?'Ui & CO, 20 North IIowar.1 St., Baltimore. Wire railing for cemeteries, lawns, gar dens, offices an-4 balconies; window gnard, tree guards, nire cloth, sieves,, fenders eages, Baud and coal screens, iron Bedstead, chairs. cttees, Ac. sep2C I2in Those who raise and feed beef cattle will find it of great advantage to mar ket their own stock, by shipping and selling it at some one of the great mar kets of the country. Where this is not convenient, the desired end may be accomplished by making a person al visit to some of the extensive stock yards. This will especially be of ad vantage if this visit can be made du ring the tin.e their own cattle are on A gentleman of my acquaintance, who feeds a fine lot of cattle each year, and who, for profit and- convenience. sells them at home, quietly gets on the cars and visits the stock yards about the time his cattle are to be in the market? lie says he finds this of ad vantage in buying, breeding, and feed ing. The lessons are so instructive, he says, that it pays in dollars and cents to pay railroad fare and take the time from his large and extensive business, j As his j cat tie command the highest! prices, j froni their quality, and are: readily 4'old sometimes six months I before dtlfVery and there is every evident that he is making monev, we 1 haverealson to believe his methods! are good. - Farrners too often sell to' local ship per?, who, for the purpose of buying at xue lowest possible rates, misrepre sent the state of the market, as well as the quality of stock most in request and commanding the highest prices. Acting upon such" information alone, a breeder or feeder may make an ex penditure of time and money that would be wrong, ami take years to otherwise find tho error of his ways. Complete Catalogue Sext on; Ari,LicATio-.""a . ADDRESS A I f r e el W i I 1 i a m 8 & C o.. i July 15-3m BOOKSELLERS, a xd STATIONERS. RALEIGH, N. C. . J. W. BE AS LEY'S Sewing Machine and Repair Office, 105 Chureh Street, Xorfolk, Va. Coffee drinkers should read the ad vertisoment in another column heads ... t i i.j . Where cjan be found any of the leading first-class sewing machines at BOTTOM PRI CES. Send fo price li-t or call oi me before put chasing elsewher and save money. Needles, Attach ments and parts for all makes. Old Machines -thoroughly repaired and made to work r - S!iul your order for all kinds of JEWELRY, - TO Arthur C. Freeman, 144 Main Street, Head Jtarktt Square, Norfolk Yn. T shall beat th4 Weldon Fair with full assortment of Jewelry, Vatcli, Ac, and shall be glad to see my old friends. ' ; I "When you go to Yorktown call to ee me. . ltepairing promptly done. , Send your orders by mail and the will be promptly tilled, A. C. FREEMAN, Oct.7. ly. ; , LIVER? STABLE. as grxKl as when newi Good se "ndhand machine in perfect order J-fr fair dealing I refer to most a any nusiness LIVERY STABLES THE BEST IN TOWN! THE NICEST AND NKWEST ; BUGGIES AND THE FINEST IIOKSE3 ;F0il JLIIKE A.T j " ' ' lAtery Stable: house in N orfolk! or Portsmouth. J. W. TiEAliLEY l0- Church Street, Norfolk, Va. AVe have just completed" v;r Stahl,oi arid now have a nuni lcr of fine horses for h!lf Our terms are as roasonal!e those of any first class stalnei and we guarantee to plea ll our patrons. : " . If you desire a nice turne d any tiie call ou lis and "n.e wiil giG it to you SELHY" BR0;S WILSON N. C. ct.29-Cm.

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