' r" ... ft . I , , "' ; . : ; . , .' .. : ., . " . . 1 " - " .'" ' .11 , ;. - -l 1 : : ! ' : '-. : : -y ' -::-. '..' i r - -7. t . - ' ' v : . . . , . . :. , - - , - -. Y ' ' i' " . ; ' 1 1 -. . y ' Y ; y" i , v - , y .--...:. : Y" . . ,.'Y ' . . . . ' Y . ? "I t.' 0V T.i3 Adaji3$ Polishing Company LET ALL THE ENDS THUU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THX GOD'S, AND TRUTH S." -io.ephus Dan K.ar.ager ' ''f r-:zr;i-.Y L f erm:3,05 ifarYcai 51 Si. V i . r-r ' 6 r : i . - . . - - - r . - - - . . A 1 ! . '-. . i rr n - - . - .' . : . . : --. - : - : .- ... 7 . , .Y !Y ' - i j ( ::1 TiiivWilon Ajvakce. Wijs, l'nii).Y!, January 182. ; "FAREWELL.- :-: (o liv.Vo'i.i' In't'.v lif! In after yjcwrs M iv ! ni'i'norrcsj cjua uiuaaen , v.un 'n'r.t Oil-tea " . - -t. , 1 : . .. rik.df thfougli -storm -u n- sun-.ninc "'! ';m l strife f iKii yrjtir hoart Go, live youi liap ; An4 !? Ah, wc '. to mo . it :iasl been To stan I i;i lif-U ni-iij nn J i Oil V nt-l look with wistful its clear, Y j 1j 'xiit oiv my peart but.nicniori-i for my iart. ' No help, the hatSri i,do:ie. TliC un- seen powers jox ram Have led me blindly in the darkj and now Does .f t so tra in his. creatures that thev have Ttic 'iMvVi'r to loj e only to make them Av,1 1 -am hitter Ashes! Ashes thai silt upon m S'Hll! Memories' that Vitli despair in tireless ( s..veipinjf biflo vs riMi, 15Ut i? bitter; but) I'l'iii' hit: '.uMsifika this cojll hardly V liyedii'dr.:iiv.-- ..' . ''. " -: , ' t: - r v; f "ir h x;Jy w Wsi Ilancef Jrth. . f e;'iT V;t m v ; Y ' Y.) ir f r it -w litfi-s'i jt i I liki a ghost .s'l vll i i n !Tp ry b H -( !!! ar 'h ir 1 1 ili uY. tintmoat: t.i'Jii V 1" s'l lUlt 'f I : - ' - '- -.' t tr.)' t ivfit r n f h i nxn tvm? nly un:uii wjaxli.ij; cry ' " - the 'wounded Alas!-1 k-i w ii; w'iy jrh: r heirt h'Vil :;iYi leaves t-- uch one r ifiiTe only hit all v0lli4 lady with; siuwy hair A haughty ,.a:id jet blac': eyes; a younger.:, lady-, who was.lik,e bnl tl; t her hair as A..ih.g,' arid her 1 -Vdack as 'any a OU till box. the re I -.--rosette on i.ieir hat S whieh was all the'Crafton livery; I tlieelderlt )iiclied the hand of the r , it...u: ... 1. t Vountr r, atu lUSififil "Lo.k:"; ' The daugh f f lier Tiiotlie .'.'Oiir.Alfre know the gir r's eyes followed f tliose she ' said, v ."lip you Uli is walking witfi?" - -"No," n. ,i ae.i uut -mother, -one is vpt oa of oaf sot.Y)m; comnmnish perso i; Ljinj- airaiuj .vim ... cloeMie wals to her.f; : Y ' "He is In lve witlrdier," whispered th 'Yiister. VKvery. line-of his face tells it." ':.!' ' ; il "And tha accounts for . his eyen- i rags,' s ' -u-iid , mo: aor. " n.u a ter rihl.. tri;ll sobs afC - Ti,..,. .,vili. vfv -hlivt. lest the sef- vyfnH oti t!i box of the open carnage should hearf but if those personages dui not beaf, they saw. Not a move 'nent bctraf ed the fact, however. Thev-were too well bred for that. Af ; tenvard, in he stable, John said to .Thomas: , ; ' i , - ! "That vS the young lady I. earry f lie notes tofsonietimes that Mr. Al fred was Wilkin' with." :: - "She arn'l one of our fainl-y set. InohiredTl-lcnas. ;! , - . ' ''Oh,' no; fhe paints flxnsfor aliyiog. and tlowerscm ribbons, andsieh' van John. "( nlteel, but not 'ristykratiV.' Me vnw'dfe. mothar and daughtcritn terviewed the son of the house, . . "We snwl-ou, -Alfred, oudidnot us to-day. -Who;'; were yoowith?" "Miss Kttk FavV' replied Alfred. . "Sh's prlttvi" iv Rled the sister. " IVv, i tiiink,'4 acquiesced the ' 'tiretU.r.. f -! ' 1 ' '"- '"- ' ' , -i- .'Whatisfher family?" asked ;Irs. (.'rafton. i. '- '' . -. ! ' i Y -'"':-, t "Her fatlibf kept a stationer's store. lUtth her iareuts .dre,-dead. hhe is - l'uite aloit'eln the wdrld and paints on '..filk to sMp'i4rt herscilf," said Alfred; "Oh' p v4 child'. ! You would not ' flirt with liraud break heT heart,,' rai 1 -Mr-. H'rafton.l "You aro veryi .'h-Au.x. Imv: son:. You resemble Jill tp:Wnt yon must renlem-'i-in tMiasro her ntfections, your o oif i iitr th if iFx-imi p-n'ritro rvun ouit- tivnocentlv, you may harm -liera-i l ke. her from marryinsome YxivinSt person in her own Walk ot 'life:"- i i '" . ,.4t, . -"Inle-livou might, nice little :il;ing," Hi- l t'rdfto;i. 'laui- ma is citutolrisbt." ! ' "lcann4 help that, mother' said Alfred, "i do not 'want her to marry the exepllc4it.persOrt you allude to, for I hope to Inarry -her myself.' Y ! n,.. flr.ri.vl vmirsnif. m v 1 lit VU ! ULT v. V ' f son-; kril tli-p'.n I T Il IUOLI1C1 . "Not !vft.".TaidT'Altreuf T'btu sne Uiiderst:Yiias-T think'" UThen rl-rhaps she ir.ay not accept von. AifvJii -iiii.f If. U voirw io may havedrdkeu heart," ton over 1t shoulder, said Miss (Dra as she left tho r"m. ' "1 ' ''::. ': ?.-"-' '.'."' Alone U tho'tnother's dresssug-room the two livHies spoke again. .-. . . , "This is:lterrible, said the mother, 'but ouo!Qhst always managea man for hYowiji good. it K impolite, to fiuiijs a t l uer ('j, :i'j! V, k:r.vs I love vet- to w?l " "".'" To wit l m w r.:.l ? pour on ymr hoarf a d-illo.s f inril knell. ' if. m i) Vvifei. . inf Vuirlo 'MM- i ; - f .. . . zina. . ... j . i ! ttttt i m 1 TlTtTtTn TiTTi iAj h Vl P I II ff naii " liuijj mut . s I ! "' Jls,,:.;,,Vl.Mil.'r;nu.ethe Vrars i she arose nnd, going to herded -took :Y,,t k!imv ww. to- J. The man f 1M,nliirr of a f i .iwi.i.'' '-e-.'-- - ; funnvit a rllicilosiwt of oa-j"r and. - 7 l '. - i piraiiou ci uio eiiuovviiu-ui ienu- Vs between thenj were too -nauy ' to sup- j ! !" lfu't!. 1 e wlmttt ' with" the samples gets'off at the same beaetft of'$l,o; shall be paid. Thsse V n-o them sijtrs:-a' stranger wouhr' lu ' f ' . .1 , station. I.iolluxv nimiwit;hout a .word' h0nehts are paid upon certain condi- I i vn wii I ItVl ince YThev 'at in .'. C'itAFroA;-Tius i4 fo sa good-Hir -a tremor. He calls to the . -"bu- tions, as follows: .: " .,hae sud at Ja glan. 1 " j b forever; r()itV . .intanee has drivel by. name and, orders him 'b.j A person Who shall marry at the . - their carriages -a -.splendui auair4 - ,, .-.. ,vlu..,t. uut. I jii-ust.rPMiu'st "iret wut of this." as sooii as we are i f,n,i ..r f(li,r W.-nths-sifter heeominir a ' with crinisonlnvi with t'vo servants tv . -,i . t s ...bf,, renew it' liseated. And when I folloV him I am1! nember shall be entitled to l-i2v o try to command, .intt vulgrdrjalso. Et- triule her nnmo will hp isi the -'oirefto-ry, doubtleis. We will call there. Alfred is safe for to-morrow. He 'lis going out of town. We must takr a cab notour own carriage; and leave all to me. Hhe ifiust ot know us.",' Ktta's name was in tho ! clirc lory. and having: found it at'their dr.u rffitV next mormnjr, tiiie tw steppe I into! their cab jand drbve to t!u plain, bui thoroiiglily respectabb-'. one, j Kcnption. lie?.,- in a.! front -room Son iue wcona-jioor, surrounaei ,oy , her delicate haiidiwork, at -the girl t'.iey Had seen, walking with Alfred the (lay belbie. ' - j ; We haveeen sonio of your fins, Miss Fay," said Mrs;. Crafton, smil inr,Manl we ara anxious to hive a a. m. .. 1 r . - ; littld of your beautiful ' work." And then they examined the specimens, made their purchaie, andj pui lpro- Me:Vnwhile the mother had been ex- amiriing .the' foom, and 'had see;i an object which would materially ail her in the purpose for which she bad come. As she took her purchases in her hand to depart, and arose to go, she sudden ly paused before a table, took from its easel a little painted,; velvet framed and earnestly regarded the photograph whic'i it contained an elegantly col ored on of her s a. , Y"Miidred, dear," she cried, "what a wonderful, accidental j resehiblan 'e! Pardon me, Miss Fav,f butl this is xo I lHe a relative of urs,; young1 Alfred Crafton. Your relative or friend must be) his image, Duar boy, I I al ways think him so h a idso-iie. l! have' said, twenty times J.iely what a ': handsome, man Alfred is g!;-ving to bo. Your brother, is it? Is he not called h.uid 8om?" ' - 7 . i " i ".Every one thinks him .so, I be lieve," said yi'ni Fayj bfukhtng scarlet. "She -does n jt mean fd betray bis ident'tv she is shruwd," (thought 3Iiss Mildred. Y . ' "My young f.-iend i engaged to a most lowly jrirl Mls.4 Virginia iiie,H. said Mrs. Craftoin, Biiiiling hweetiv "on a 01 tnoso rair creac.ires (likea lilvi I only hope i lie. will be Uteadir when thev . are married. . II t - i rtlways flirting with onie girl. 1k ( . . ....if. . . . 4,tW nn(.Ai.i.i ir n .t they are n.it liisstcial cpiyils. I of en saiy, wliy are h-i'ido:ne men alway..:.so unreliable? Ii sit th(!re I see you are i looking at m., Mildred old .worn -n grow so garraious'Oat ai Miss ray does not kno.v the" parties it do.i't niatter. ,Go nl-afternotin, Miss Fay. 'in sura I s iall never have the h.u't to i se' your lovely -fan. 1 1 .shall have to put it under" a glass case in my rtrawinir-room'. (hind, afternoon." i. J- With pale f.ice '-.and trembTmg 1 hands Kfta Fay bowed heit . custodiers iiont, loCWed the door 'and dropped Lhave given orders that you shall not I be admitfe l 1 1 t:ie house. My reasonst !-t i. : -i.i- t.. i.,. i.itnlf . ! k llillf il MX ill n. iv-i iu mi wii. j They are good o.ks. i . r . liBXRJEJTTA 1'AY.. .These eol 1. commonplace lines were written -by a hand burning with fever, gazed upo.i iby eyes that were too swollen to see theiii, dictated by a heart that svas bre iking. . i .ilIt will kill nie," thought EttaFay, as she lay sleepless upon1 her pillow that night. "1 ! loved hfih so well! 1 loved" Iffn? so wellatfd be Was .only flirting wb'li 'me!" ' jY Alfred c vnie' home! from his country trip.td fin I Ett i's letter waiting sfor hiin. He lvad it in his own rooni iuul instantly d fslved out;ofth and sought ne',' homo. l?ut the door was, as sne said, closed agimist him. He wrot. The; letter was returned uhopenod. Feeliiig .sure that Etta loved him, besought for days 'to'gifiin lier ear. to explain i some monstrous mistake ..under .which she must be la-j boring. AM m vain. - lhe insuit-eo. girl who fancied herself the dupe I of a b:vl man who had no resieci for her, 1'uuliug t tat she was, as sho believed, still pers cuted,eiranged her dwelling place, an I in a ft;W weeks removed, with ev ry ' precaution . possible, to avoid d.scovery, to a distant city, where sh ; once more began life; and as honest industry generally succeeils, was sucivssl'ul. ! j ' "! Alfred, feverish, mfseivtble, wretch ed, foun I lifo a burthen !to him. He plunged into dissipationi he forsook .soeietv. In vain his mother -invited to the li )use her fa vorilt beauty beirevs. Virginia Vane. The girl her- self saw that be cared not ung tor her,! and soon gave her ha-nd to another. -At i-Ait one mornibg 'a servant, with f shaking hand, knocked at; Mrs. ( ral ton's do r. i - - - J; i ,. 'iad uney'lie .said, "! with t rrible lU'WS. M nave come. Alfrrtl is i very ill. He has shot doctor is with him. Oh. says if you wish to: sea nmself; the Mr. alive you must come now The frkntic mother and s daughter" n - - i lion i iiooii in .wv:-..iiiv w i hurricd on their dressmg-gpwns rawijaa teacher: in a puone scmxTi. - - lie wasdving. but he -knew them, and could speaK, iuw ot-suco io no ..ii.vm with thorn. hen this wits ITIU vv. ....... . fii-mot . " iM itherand Mildred," he sighed. "forive inc. Iifei was too great a burth3n to p&Tj one e.se k niw no one must know, but you shall. Et ta has cast nie off; cold, cruelly, re morselessly. 1 will give you her nets to re 1 1. 15urv it with nie. I could not live without her. I do not know lier reasons. I only know she loves loves mo "no more. !l cannot bear it 1 V-Ohi forgive nie!' ! l'-''Mt TI . mniift! haelC Oh 1110 PHIOM . nVvsou!" mv son!" cried the motl er. 'H)hi my son. live! afid you shall have vour Fta. understand all. I I can explain. Oh, Alfred, dor not die!" '! ...-!,- it Alfred was alccady dead.-' -: People do not wonder (that 3rs raiton and .Miss Mildrea Have sut themselves up from society ! after such a los iji such a tragic fashion: ami many believe that Virinift Vane niarria&e was' the cause iof Alfred Craltou's suicide. No one tan know how the mother paces her room at mmnmit. "Ohf uiy soh! I have murdered mv .h!" Or how the daughter can knowJ not how to qoinforjher mother ilk, XEUZIO MIOT. t- AHM KD-KKU03 TAKB -POSSE5WIOX OF 'THE TOWN Or PI.YMOtTlf, X. C, AXD Tint at ex DEsTitt" c'Tiox to eii 'E and i'uorF.UTY--THirf f)wx j OKKICEIIH ASSAUIiTi:i AXI), STAB- li'Zl) OSD MOKTALLiV j WOUXDEI) -TifE SirEKIKJf' ATTACKED AND rRLsoxEits it n hi; as Eh gov. .tau- V I R A 1 P K-A I E 1 1. TO I OIt AI I SKV EltAIi,: OMPAXIEH . OltDEJtED TO TJiE ToWX.8 '!'"". v ! Is oi'iFolk, Vc., Dec. 20i-.-Informa- i tiion has been received here of a threatened' riot at Ply'-houfli, N. C. Hundreds of armed negroes are in I'l'.vn swea'riiig d.struetion to liiV and property. The Mayor telegraphed to (jrovernor Jarvis today for a , military lorce . io suppress- violence.- uu trouble grew out of the hwoting of a constable by two negr.oes' who . were resisting arrest tor a -breach of the peiico last Safurdav, was stabbed and some less injured in the ensuing '.affray, (ireat fears are felt in the tjown. UAi EKiir, X. C, Decelmber 20. Later dispatches to the' XeiC3'-0't.vsrver from Iv.iento:) give the? following de tails of t-iie Plymouth' riot: 'On .Saturday jiiio negroes were fighting among themselves,, .when the town constable interfered to stop them. Jle was wounded, one of hi pb.-se vas mortally wouiided and an other stabbed. On Tuestlay-arrests were made a;;dsom ';of the, parties Were.bound over by a hiagistrate. On the Way to jail the sheriff was -attacked' by negroes and the prisoners release.-!. They are still at! larg.-.-.The '-doctor' attending the dying man was attack ed. Toe rioters are armed- and defy the" civil 'authorities. Great excite ment 'prevails in Plymouth, and Gov. Jarvis has ordered several companies J in the town." . Tile Conanses'eiai TraveJer. K J. r.UEUETTi;. What would 1 (hi without "the How often, they!' have been me vitaolv certain to go; to toe oesi i ho:ise in the place. - He shouts to the i clerk by name and fires a joke at tlie landlord as we go in. He looks over : my shoulder as I register after him, and ha ids joe his card with a shout oi recognition. He peeps at the regisTer agaiii and vatciics ' the clerk a -sign. no to t. "Ninety nothing'? lie shouts! "Who's in 15?"; The eierk says he is. saving 1" for Judge Dryas dust. ' "Well, he be blowed," says toy cheery friend.. "(Hve him the. attic and' put thin gentleman iirbV' And if the clerk 'hesitates "lie seizes tho pen and give.5. ms. 15 'himself, and then lie calls the porter,- orders bim to -carry up my baggage and put a fire in 12, ami tiien in the same breath- ald-: "What time will you be down tovu,,--per Mr. Burdette?" And he waits tor me, and, .. seeing that 1 am a stranger in the' town, he sees that 1 am-cared, for, -and that the; waiters do hot neglect iiie; he tells town, the p-onlY and about the best 'rooms m all the hotels; he al- wavs-ha a kev for the ear seats, andr turns :t seat: for himself and his friends withiiut troubling the brJ!emaii, but he will ride on the woodbox or stand outside to acco'.nmodate a lady, or he, will give bis' seat to, afi old man. I know bin .pretty well. For three years I have :leen traveling with hiai, horn Colorado to '.Maine, and I have seen the worst and I know the best t lust t of him, anj 'ar outweighs the He is-breezy, cnefry, sociable, t nil oil out 'hi ade-boro, m the store ocru newstories; always good na'turcd; he bv Mr- ii: p'j i()rton, on Ituthl-r- frisks with cigars, and overnows v. iiii ! , . -' ... . .. . ; i k, "thmisand mUe t ckets; be knows -.dit-tl ftreet, and tlxmgh discovered be- andUvor.-t I could hardly get alpng with- l out him, and I am glad that he is so numerous, ., . tijii:sg It s, VffJancetl aiid lliaic:f. Tiien UmmtrrtKIU Me.. D?C. LiOOIl i "lC.wa . f Hds ' mtdfvU as 'V K ' Y " '. -f . ZEZ madanie,;";": '.hh Alfret!1 iev "e-71 l V 2 .i , , .V , 1 Misses Eester, loss ? joj; no ipsu ""'"j -phis afternoon at -'about $ o'clock he rariee . T Vcalkl upon bistlfiaticed, Iiss Belief-4 q, J rmMrm". Ios S7JK0j insnranee j t'ushman, rf; estimable young -ady U-mmnts Oftho house were startled by i reports ut a insioi iiwui iin- inw,n xii -hi-h fhr viTranir couple were. - nnu. ii.T...-. -- -a - - . ' -1. noon fwii ( ""n ...v- . . ..rt... nir olvirTtllltllT. llTtV ibund Miss Cusbman dead and Mowe ;jast alive. 3iss Cushman had.appa house had reached the room supposed that, actuated by jealousy.- i Ire killed Miss Curtm-iv and tiien shut l hiiriseif. Coffee drinkers should read ..trte - 'ad vertisement in another column lKa- rem ty open shw .f1'1". ." f rmed that the employees oi the ixmse ; rn . ' " tlt Nw York-' chair near the window, .the ball lv- n which it had iM origin.state tin no i ing entered lief lead just bacu of thv flre in thc store on Tuesday niglit. it ?hctts o? the IaLrW ' iear. -Moore w lying near the mid-, T, , jy facilities fbr - lMt- uS ! die ofdhe room, vnth a bu let lulc : ti ,mt the scriou,iy fejt, hi tT 1 1 tinder his t-ve. ' lie exiuretl in a . few j tf 5?to,i ith thps the fire kllU(l . b he. a'-.Ju'1; , Vy! i minutes after the occupants 011!, sulidued iu the truild- e.? Vr Jr.'i 4 r 'the Oaze al.i::r-liir!s 3Iah. Among the large city, and curiositiw of every especially -about the; holiday season, Is the gaze-at-the-girls young man That he finds ( his put xuit agrceabld is eyident from .'the way in which hqlticks i his business and lhe rApidity with which he mul tiplies. There "is no trouble; in identi fying him. lie is his own .identifiea tioiij -From shortly before noon un til dusk the ga:'-e-atjthe-giris young man may be seda .on the leading j thoroughfares. Kvery pretty facd that comes aoug claims h attention and he at once proceeds1 to "investigate its chirms. He doeis not this iuietly and unobtrusively; not e. i'he gaze-at-th.c'-girls voung man's chief stock in trade is tha- power 6f J I gazing loiig and inipudently. . f Then the gaze does not go alone. With every, gaze goes a smile, r a pe- j euuar simlc, a sort of a cross between the lopsided smirk of a Guiteau nnd the jcslhetic sirpper of a Punthorr.e. This combination is bestowed iavirh ly. The modest blush is brought to the cheek of virtue by the 'insole-ut glare of the young mail. He -brushes against the girls and fairly forces his ga.e into their faces. Thegaze-at-the-gil;s young man will stoop to " look under a Gainsborough hat in order to discover whet kind of a face is bidden beneath it Ho has-no hesitation in dting all norts of uncivil things in when ' one mauJkrder to Jatisfy his g'h'l-gdzing, and o others more xrThat H iw ij n(,tc(l for impudenco, impoliteness ana i-iupniiiy. . . The.gaze-at-the-girLs young man U ordereitobo arrested in NewJ York 'whenever ho is caught adding'1 some insulting words to his gaze,; which i-s quite often. It would be well if the same order were issued iiubther cities. A few weeks behind tha bars would do 'thfo gaze-at-the-girls young man good. 1 le would be careful where and how" he gazed thereafter. .. ' IIai-j-ia-re Snsurance Caiajiaoy, Adiliv incorporated co npa:Ty ha been organised by which a inan i i'paid a certain sum of money-upon' hi: marriage. An' agent is at G reensboro d soliciting -members! and from his ad-vertisem-jnt wo learn the followig: "THE SOUT H-W EST E UN Plix EFIT ! Y GUILD is the n imo of an orgaaization recent lv establishednithe city of Meniphis. The objects of the Guild ,are the creation of Nuptial and Endowtnent Funds of Which, upon the marriage o. one of its members, a Nuitial Jieneflt ii S2.000 sua! be -taid, or in. ca-e o; $2,000, or l(Kr, r each a Iditional four njonths that be shall remain jin gle he will be entitled to! iGS1 for is .months he would be entitled to the full benefiJt of- 2,O0a, the highest amount wo pay. At the ;eel "of Jour years, if stili ingle he" passe 4 into the Endowment Period, winch period lasts five years. If at aay time 'during the endowment period ho marries lie gets a Nuptial lijaefit of ?2,0i0.. At the end )f the Eailowmcnt Period, if slill single, he draws 1,0 )0 and severs his connection' witn the Guild. T'he Ortimated cost of a member is S27 a year, Th l organ i2at,int is undar the trol otthe most reliable business of Mc.nphis' ; , ' ' Taae Vi4abstoiro Tire qon meii ' I On Tuesday j t ?re making Hauies soon reached the adjoining building, and before the progress o. the fire could be arrested eight busi- uessuouscs NNt-ie LiHimiit-u, vii.a. - ing the wlole trout of the r.piare, Nvith the exception of one corner icr.-storo. ue - low will I Hi fenmd il statement of losses sustained by the parties na Wd: W. A. x yr. A. Murr, loss ,yoo; in- . gurance $l,0.Vk I ienry Mensing, loss 1,000; no nisu- ravnee. . Geo. P. Horton, loss ijpx; lnsu- ranee SI, 500 Wv N. I'mkiton, loss 51,000; no in-i surance. . ; '' --. : -' ! I'.J Dr. 1. B.'IIorton, loss t,uO0; i in-1 sura:ce . j - - ' Capt. aonn yrg-;Hi, more nouse, . m t ti w . . a - i- . . . Irggan, oif - uii: iioiiiHic.niu. Willia ns A I'ar-cerjow and damage, " -f- ; A(. Broner.- Ios and damage, 1,-1 i T' ir ix,trf!, l.!n0: insurance ;7(;) - . t. ir, .. cti- i ! 1, J). iir.Ii W rtllllit n; V s imio: -no inur;vice. - I i ' -. . . - . - Ti.nfipoiiiimtwp.l tf have ofk'1 . All4- .1. ' ' ' 1 t . - " ' - " haUsl from a stove, but we are in The IK Moines (lev. a ) 1,1- WcsfJ' Tribune, savs: "A Hirn-burg, Pa., i journal nientwns that Mr. Dj Beng - j. er,. No. Market Siuare, thut city 1 rurea by it. .Jaco u.i oi a vioi ' ttwcK ot Tmtifnatim. niglit, the 27th of De- the business. eemb;r about tei'o'clock a -fare bropce j 1 1 . U 1 4 1. imicii neaua, iuj 1 xsikiv it , j j t . Jntruc.tinjr the child how to i A iiijr-SHELL. -i i Guiteau savs he had a nie Christ-: mas dinner, with fruit, flowera "and " V a g.,i ti-iu-r ;eomliy, A plot to kill the E:n- j eror of Itussia has Ixen diseo en, '; conspirators were nr- If V"! 7 1 n Win rested The government has de-! tvrnih ped to proclaim lHiblin atiew' arms makiiu .it illegal to lossvss vitlHht license t'ohn A Co., i,:a-- .i'vlkirs ,.f Me'nphik have as- i siurned; Jiahilities ?Jt),(MM( Itev. Dr. Leonard Bacon is dead. Scar let feVer, in a malignant form is i. crcaing in Iscw York city. -7 O. K-ans, I'resident. of t'he John Mutual L n ion Telegraph -Company, died iu New York .Sunday. An Italian boy, jlayii k with a pistol, at: Charles ton, South Carolina; accidentallv shot and killed bimseif. Col. lliicy of Virginia, ba recei ed a beoiiest of Ji't,'J K) for saving Col. preritou's little, boy iroin dro.vuing many Wears, ago. -V A lire at Si.ihvai!, llidi.'ii.li des troyed isome twonty-live buildings. rTwo cutting and two shooting af- -frays took place at Atlanta. Geortria. Monday,-and a colored woniah wais niurdere 1 liy a jealous lover '...! Tvxo llam- men shot at Alabama. At' ilton, " iKentuck-y, P.vc.l 1 iimpkins kilted one man, cut another - .severely and escaped by ,'swimmiug the river amid a showen of bullet.- Six men shot in a fiumilv row at Helen- ! wood, Tennessee; three of thcyi were i killed. Dr. Uosenbauer Was assas- sinated a-t Litth urday evening, itoc'kj Arkansas, Mat in some one who shot him through a window. Iii Frank-' Ihi county, Arkansas. John I tolt kill ed Vance liureu. - Twp young ladies; were brutally ' putrfigel and murdered at the residence of Mrs. (JibbojhSj, hear Ashland, Kentucky, Friday night; a brother of one of "the young ladies was also murdered; the other jm embers of. the family ! were ah sent; ihe, murderers burned'the house; a re Ward of 1.000 is oifered for "their capture. A ialtiniore'and West Pointj. Virginia, steamer was blown up atjthe latter place Monday; sixteen colorcid men were killed, and ii number of otjiier persons were injured.- About six hundred ncgr?es passed through Augusta, Georgia,- Monday, on their way from Edgeld South Carolina", to" Arkansas. . (The At lanta I Ex position eloses Saturday . -- Two inen chargefl with a double mur der and arson in Southampton county, Virginia, are reported" to ' have been captujred.and hungv In the -Guiteau trial Tuesday, Dr. McDonald con cluded, "is Uvstunony; Dr; Barksdaie,j superintendent ot the Insane Asylum near jltichniond, Va., and Dr. Cullen der,' Supcriniendent of the Tennessee State! Asyiunji, were examined as. 'ox ports all of these believed the -i'son-er ty he perfectly sane. A de structive tire at Morgan, Texas, Tues-day.- lu Jones county, Ga., Mon- lay night, a young white farmer was latidly Ktahbed by three negro broth ers!, liit shot and kisle l all )f tiiem li-ftbrO ho died.: The John P. King; Manufacturing Co., organized at .Augusta; Ga., capital $ I, '.);):),);.); Chas. Este4 president; tire yesterday morn i ng oil -Broad street; loss !.M)0, fully lusurpd. r- One hegro girl shot and Killed anothc lor at Decatur, ,"Ala. Wadesboro tire Tue loss by the is gi've'.t at $2o,000; insurance $0,000. . C. Ml Fenel and W. D. Jartin and his son John were fatally shot hi au aft'ray between the parties at Bellfoat, Ala. A fire on Camden street, Ilaltimore, desttroyeil lh,0'0 worth of jroperty. In a fight with? knives in Upson county, Ga., Doc. Wilson killed his half ijrothcr and Brad Garland killed A. Bl. 1 la.rris, there was' a murder committed in the sauic place a "few vvock ago.- - A nbted Indian chiel j and his baud 'of marauders- killed by Mexican near Chihuahua.- An Ex press messenger is charged with rob oery!o,f a train on the Southern J'aci.fic ltailivay.- It. 'A..Brown,Ja" prom inent citizen of Americus, Ga., com mitted suicide.' A fatal type ol smallpox, .. resembling Yiilague, is inr m Dak-ota; some ot the victinis die in twenty-four hours after being attacked; Pittsburg, Cincinnati and New York report from .eleven to twenty-five deaths each fr jui the' dis ease during the past week. Leon ,; - , . ... , hi sti,rPthort nnd hini- ZXtihCum i r. . ... -A postal car thief from j Benning ton, Vt.,1 arrested at i Cbatiniooga, renn.'- - ' It is rumored in Washing ton that the jury in the ease,' with one exctption, are satisfied of the guilt and kvspoiisibiiity of Wie prisoner; the tweit'th juror hiaildains that .Guiteau iscry.p- Two convicts, at work on the Texas 1 pacific Uailroad were killed by the guard while attempting to escape. It is rumored that Flipper, the colored lieutenant recent ly ' cjurtmartialed at tt'in Antonio, has ."ceu dismissed from the serviee.--l'w workmen "on the Per.h-ylvauia It. It. cruned to death between cars near Jersey City.; - An escaping 'negro murderer from Mississippi kill ed in Memphis by a iolice orlicer. Competing rail 'ompetiug railroads are cutting rates j trom Chicago to New orK and jios- tin. Mrs. Terrell w:i3 assassin aio.i ai - ' hcr home nearX,ogaii, 1 her home pearXiOgan, Ohio; the sii-! ( posed inprdorer was arresteil and jail- S ed.-i Herman Erlichs, concerneti ; . 1 eu.-i "vmw' - j-.v. , ,.;; i ., i,,. l ,,.. i ! Ill IIFUII1I lliv .ilimimi ..., potoliK'e - i . . . , . ....v i oi rc ri-i-crci icttcis. ii.- wvc n auf.i - 1 "4 ,c",v,,-, 1 . . 1 . - : .11 llUULWll. W1I1U. uiiviv m . . . . . ... . . . j had been intruding the child how ai ii? t:ie e :1 - r to ' 1:1 1 SHI (lOi U Oil 't'v : v-h thtJ - ! 1 Y I. ' i y1 1 ti4.4rit u-'U hnded. V v. -. " I- . iT AND HUMOR." A rer having betMi invitrl to IeIyor in a mo.intain town ) invitutioh: "I am inform that tho ! roads lead.nir uu i- . o :. - i jfiteep a id rocky that even a donlcev? C,UI. . . jL. . u : j mus: exctse me rrcm m king the at- iu. ik ...... ..iiinou v ;ev -. d. The Texas' ivs: MXot ldnsr ."".a ''family moved hito rf hoftst on A.ustin uv""' r. After i week or sb a 1 1 friend of the family c died , on the m, nl aked l ow they liked th? 1-iditVi 4 -uy weii." -"Have v vou,'eallel oii ;n,1 of th.neiirb.btrs vet?',' "No, Vljt ! I'm sroihsr to fftlwtW !j anv more! m ! my firowootl missing." i . t. i j rouclujiff, hut Amhiuons. n enu.cant who frequents the line St. 1 iionore, raris, Jrpw the following an- i I'ans.Jitas the following ah- j nnnn.uii..A.a Mau 1. : M 1 i . . .wiiiiv run-in nui.Mti 10 iys uirfii; i "isnndl lather, of four children, and husband. of an-invalM wife, the rwult -f iiiuuiu lu'iuuMii: . ; Tlio beer-drinking s-ailor's iuotto--I ! love toe ia schooner coming over the ' bar. Y'On inpiiry," savs the Cay 1 Vnunfy Iinnl,; "we learned that verv I large glass ol beer and then we wer :u this joke." A gentleman from the Southwest lately boasted that the imnors irv Ids ! vilLa-re nay so .much attention tosoeie-i tv matters, "that u h'udiix fitiro'n i-.n not go h(me sober late at night witl out having tne fact pubhsht.il as ' ah interesting item.'? Y. A school-teacher in Patterson. N.J told a little boy in the spelling 'class to write "forbears," ai'd he at once made a picture of our bear.; on his slate. PerJuips the teacher's pronunciation needs locking after. .' No longer loifely,. The young man wh i was .'"lonely since-" his niothv-r died" is all' right now. His father married a widow with five grown daughters, and they give a party - ev ery night. . - When a certain kind of man wants a job, be is ready to "accept a sit nation.' riie same kind.' of man, on beine" kicked outj "tenders bis resignation.'.' He likes to put it tenderly. A recipe for leinon pie, after stating the ingredients, adds: "Then sit on u hot stove and stir constantly." How could one help ' stirring constantly while sitting on a hot stove? '- "Jy son,", said 'a shrewd old lady, "be caTefu! how you! marry a cashier's laughter, or you iriHy I'.'-Ve it visit your father-in-law' in ja'il.." . "Are the squirrels very thick this ver?" askel a gentleman ol a hunter. "Weil yes," he said rellictively; "leastways the One I got was." Use of. the birch.-A writer on school! discipline sa.ys: "Without a liberal use of the rod it is impossible to make bovs sm;trt." .- . ' It is difficult for one man to give aiiothpr apiece of li-.s mind without destroying the peace of both their muds. : A new'era Tn (ireece it is not the 'iolden. Age, nor the Silver Atfe', mr the I roh age, but the Brigand-Age. It is often difficult for a man to live" within his income; but it is still more difficult lo live without it. . "Do you write'books?" aiil a lady to an accountant. "Yes. madam, I right them," ho answered.- ' -t . - - -. A c?fSrt!onal report supposed to be call(Kl a canard because one can'ardly understand-it. The man who sat down on a pajer of tacks said they reminded. him ofthe Tiicd)ii'-lst.i'. Tuneful Eyre. A nui who broke his engagement. sic-teaeher! H The best time to t a'ch soft water is When it is raining l ard. f MEDICAL. i i Htef aljia,- Sohilca, Lumbago, Dac'lfashs, Sortinoss of tho Chest, Gout, QuMif Sp'ro Throct, S welf tags and ' rair,3, Burns Qna Zcaias, Gsnoral Dcdily Paint, Teoth, Ear end Headachy, Frosted Fc:t and Ears, end all oth si Paint Y end Aches. ','.'"-. ?" VTKtn'.Um on irth .-t. Jjliti 0:t s a ""-, Mummtmnl end rhttrp' External Ju.n?t..T, A 'u- tnsils t th cimrian.i'.yiAy tr!5Tiif ' "' et-m. fi-nY ctctv ,4ip' tvCmivr. lth --... jr-i LTii j-' if ;tc j-nxf ff Zst:iUL: 0 i&m '. . tSert:lincre, U.l. A -". "- Y am ' rim "Ipll.'- cas iiiMUiir i.ir ii n Y. - i'- ' X'OFt - '-..' . '. . N HAV. AD VJ-.HTISliMKMk KAHllloXAnLK BAK11ER. TARBORO ST., WllioX. IV "av,nJr?Pen nrst. llnrbefi 8ll! H't! the - patronacre cr.thiM ho, "KwxJ vo -. v no u lhii good work done. SatlnIacJ JJiiiyl.Vly Fon Sa Two Rood Farm Hordes. Alply td ' r U il. WIlITKHKADj K 'OR SAL1 -The house and Io(ooipring Ktreet adoining thrdots of vrfj. JianiZ Hoe has Wms ' !: buildimrs, Am.Iv t.V 'VV buildinirs Am.lv 1 I . (j 11' llini'vn' 4 Wilson. ' V V ivt iwti, ii 11 on"N-eM Ht. lsth, msf. tTt Homer Sehool lhe next seson of this PHrticulHrs. apply to the principals - ' M J. C. MOKNKH. For safer1 1 1 f A ""ttry Shoj with h trade of fronl four tosix thousand dotlars per war hi j the town of Dhu k .tWli S ' nitiMiini' iti ii r.i.wl l. v. . 1 ' , opening in a tfo(KLlilitv t, en new Iniggies.on hand whU'Iittfll be sold cheap. Apply ut 'jtmt'lvitt ; - W.SANhKUSdX; Black Creek, N. C. Nov 2.f tf. it1?. 09 m'nvi of ,ho bath Of (m u ii. unlit n it becomes neei'ssiirv to eti tie the business of the lirm of GHftlh 4. M urray. . All persms Indebted to said hrm will please call at their place of business and sett le at once. V WM. MP It HAY. Surviving partner of Griffln Mifr t rav. Dec. inf. ':'' -. - - .' '' vr- Valuable property for siiie, Alrf hg: ton's .Mills,- one mile east of Illlliilrd stdn, N.: C. Two grist mills, otto wheat null, n :o. 1 - saw iffill With snnfung af tMclH for a gin which 1 will biuld if purchaser desire ii all run by wiWer power; ScctlOit noiod ior ocing , jreailhy. 8.L AllttixcittJ. H.Hlldrdston, N.Cr- . ; Dec. 9-!f. Mloitst iPt Sale I offer niy houso, with jfofnl rooms, in the town of Black Creek for sale. The lot ij a. large one, contain ing two and oiKvthird ti. tne acr in strawbf-rrwhicl! give a tti' yield. Will behold cbehi f Mv ren-' foij ior sen mox. g is thai I .' goiuj Ur i Add re : W. S. ANUBltSOTX," JibK-.ltCfeekN.cV Nov. 2."f tf. By virjue of a AcCrtti of the Superi or Court;of Wilson .count v' rendered ' Nov. ;;oti, IKS!, i will' eir on the premises on Monday, the 2nd day of ' 3anuaryHbHi, the following land: Or k trace of Jaiid in W ilson ciMintv-. Croi oa;ls tenvnship, hfljoining the laudu' - f H'Mouel 1 'errell,? Simon Newsomej I Jacob Reiitfrou- 4n VM.l I j tabling one hundred - hr.'1 f'Ttiv ?"fea 1 more or less. Tef msi One hundred months with eight per ve.'d. interest : iron i date. . 1 - Al;. BBOOKS, Adniinhtratorr . j Connor A- Woodard, AtVym i iec.2-tf: .- , ' V . . -. y rt, V4 it, fl i VII N O TIC El; j I ofTer for rent my entiro premi.erf j in the town of Wilson, containing hv ien acres of lanl,iiated onasteriif .f Vance and Pender Mreet,. lot hi It 1 high st'-de f eultivntion, well set in" choice fruit trees.' 1 Iouc has.lx'com-' . jiKdioi fhU With pantry ahl hatlf . room, with all necessary out house';, ' and a good well of water; cohtiguotiK j to excellent scIhkiJs, Normal, Gradl I ami others. TlMselesiring.to.eiiicittf th-ir children or enghge n businf J will find this a rare op port unity to renl ")T leaei Firther iVsirticulars unnee., jejsary as no one will invest without i -et ing for themlves. " All nearly" ; jifw a- pjeinis -uet in .original for : est seven years Pgo. - . ? K. 1ED'ML'NDSOX j ot. 3f, '81. H.) - ! ' N 0 T ICE . ValuaiileTowx IOTF'lif'ALL.- Bv virtt:ovof a power tt- -ah eon ?tainl In a mortgage rectdfd by If. .AV. Edward and w ife, to ine, tS- f?io . :llt dav of Iiecernber, ''1T," and re-' i-onhslVm Book No.14, Paee .rhtf in theotlleeof the Ileglst r of DetU fur Wilson county, I hhyll eil at public auction, at the Court House door, in, Wil-im on Saturday tlie 1 ith day f f Ja'nuaf.v, t2. the'lot pt land in" tho' town of Wilfon, on Tarhoro str-t, ad j -nb g' W. 11. Mrrrist, John T. Harr.i s j WiNon..N. C. Dec. WrVI.-2J 1 i. 1 J i !! ."t 1 - I