i : - . - i ! . '. - . - - . - AJ;a.:3 fyilUhinj Company 'LET AL THE ENDS THCU AlK'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'STHY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S. Josephus Daniels Manager -k 4- WIlSOX, C, FItIIAY, if ANlfARV, 13. 1SS3. i V T .1 -. I'im day!- Jajumry lil, Wii Th'' h ray if rost liJ.t, J " vl luvi W eyes arji' iicarninK, s falls me.MittU liinr,. h thy rtois nj e loaving ck; ltire Hint fright,' , i. . I a . ..i: ...... . ; Says .lie t6-aiirht.'? j;;.. uorl 1 in winch tljiuu iriovcst ! ; , -vV.W'i'u Hi IhT tiioUf luVt'st f 4 i:iViiiL'leifie;r . 1 uiv- t'-r thy ifcrm grbeting, nii:e'iM her'deiigl't; Tiy ;tle roice eittreat ingly, "Loa't stay late to-night. worhl, so folded Inlv.iifcSn viyfil'l spurn-thee if tjioii fall; '! , f,oi 5ojir jWoM.-au - t Oi :ti:i-ts and snajSnes tnem all, tliyriul iren will tpiiigioufid thed, -j'.ct lute be dark r bright, ! At iionie no shaft tll wound, thee, Tik-n', "Don't sti' lilte to-h!ght." . - L . i ' i rp,in 'lirAitrh iVno vc That evening Mr: ChetwVud tscort 11 UC llll Ollgil. I Cai ha the sister home. Tlif net day, 'il V MA KO A I'. I.TjT 1Z BLOfXT. "Sifter Klsle, wll you 'ho so very coeu as to let me let Bio ear.jour topaaiKl cross,, tomorrow evening? . (liiUiiond Ail Linden- Hill will be at the recep tion, to-nieet Lionlj Chetwynd, aud J vAiit to look my of eohrse. W1k knows but that I ;iiiay be'the fortunate if (ip.e'to win hinilJ' ' iRiHiitv, lalighingHf, said the young- is she rifled her Aster's jewel-cask tj and tried the ef- ft -ii ol'thef'cross ajgainst her -niorning dress of navy bluejj'fljMiuel. " "Who knowsj. nkleed?" said ,Els:e i Mart-, pausing oj 1-f her sewing, to ink at' tne.yuungl; iister to whofn she irul litfn as a iitulhdr lor the iast iil- AViu'ii Lionel' i'hetwyiid had left lull, poo .Moiing and hopeful, it 1 to 'lcek -his iortuj so," Edith Clare hail jti.t heoiiV'p':r.-cd lvjherdyiug mother, hn lni'iuii, in. her ('inter's arms. : Now siH'-wa.- nil.ifile oi. sixteen, with the lain t and t'r -jiest of faces, "aiul a sunny, joyijus expression, taac accon. ed yvl w.ith heriKibep-biue eyes and ci.riing, gohh-n itij '- j "What am 1 Ifsfde her?" thought ' Klie, half s.adlyl.iU'biUviy, as she gia'm4 at t.iip'- 4eilcctiim of her o wn titougmuii hu'D ill tlu.' mirror "oesiue riiat radiantiy-iM-sh ' loveljUess, iuid tiuit youthlul, 4'hdcr grace? How fail l iaame Liobil ii he .iea es me tot her.' It is luolisl,;r.o doubt, for me to n I'lK iuher apd 1-cjjy'upun what he'sau in Jtliosej (lays-ajd if t was wb' j 1 sii'Jiih not go to iliis party, only, ter i'.nps, to receive ai indilierciit weicome .fro in 'him.. Ytt;hi 1, not, bound to think hnw true tifd I i'md him fa s.? Aiiu tun 1 to iff Jvaloii's of Editli? Never!'- 1 f lie shfydd learn to love her, ! will -le the lirs to wish him sucews. And iio one sliaif! ever dream how 1 : luivt' thought of him, ai.d prayed for 'him, ioul. hoped fpr his return, durir. all t (Use weary tlfteeii vears." ' ' . Wliile she iiuijtcd, Edith ;as tigur-g-uway tietoreihe; grass. v .Now the It- t lainii'd, c"ivi'ssui',,lv: V ti uiunvii,- caresuigty: 1 ?Veu are making up ydur - miiKi to !'t iie wear it, : fcjn er us.' it yoiii "'i uyVv-r have yjA: wl-re'-uibahy' ti'u-'ii.-' i t ,yUi.-- :a are you mot. , lI I il. hi L-1 k ti- " Oil t. 1 1. ..t7t.t IjV tt , 4 worn it, iiin,-snce It was: given wjuu evpsake lrom a dear hieiaL L 1 tnink vMr it t;iiy sc-li", mv I wouhl like to ilear, ; tomiorrow lll'Mlf." . ,i ii uie lecepiionr yire you u.uif K-h, there, Els;reV" said , Edith, ; in a oi ie oi. -vu 1 1 in' is urnrw! u. i klo vou thinii nie too old for ..... . Slll.ll. tayetii-.-."' askeki. Elsie,smiling. lha there; as ;weUTKleU feeling in her time, and Kdith wars quick to do hvtit. : l ,-'"-; .: .' ' . j"Xot too old by iahy jineans 'Tno wise we will say, Elsie. J ; IJ-ut I am very glad you liire to bo J; there to see the strife of the candidates for the h.:tu'e of the vyii.l.'' wealthy Eionel i net- "Let nu beg thit"VOT will not join n it, V:dith,' -aid her sister, seriously t here is nothing so1indeiica.t, so nil- whiuanlv!" VI know; hi; lerai tact," J of the room.-' '; tv unfortunately it, is a lid Edith, waltzing out .. ' , . . j hi the nexti evening, the niagnifi- coiuly-f'urmshed rooms of 3rs. Har- ! lonhefg,. 6h Liw4eh Avenue, were tiileiUo pverffiwiijlg with the beauty ;.n,i fTwiuon )' the ieighborhood. "-''ohspicuoirs aniong'the thronftorr 'Tvl the tall form df the hero of the --yenlng.,. Fifteen lyeai-s before, When ht left tlu village,! hi$; third cousin 'rsilfardenberg,-iiuul".'not so for re jheiiihered his existence as; to wish good-by. 3ut circumstances .liter cases. rrh 1m w nwrso w:is. in t'iii . case, the "tircunustance" that insured the wanderer this eonlial leoiueat the haruls of . ins - relatives aiul frieivdsirIt was quite possible Jtlhit he aoorediatis'I it at its .nrooor - ; v a ! i ! 4 f ( i r h e i f ( ok (;d o n f e w hilt t i red """i.iKtred as ie aijair; progressed, and nu.v lrightenfxl hp into animation wiiea the Misses i Clare entered the '.Jealous eyes w-re watcliing his " ,VIT ,,(kand hio.veinent. 1 j 44hat chit'of a sthoOl-girl!" thought -'5jUviUid anotlier, detecting the cause .'.'Uhe suddHf chajnge in Mr. Chet 1 T'v'Hrs. manher. 4jrotty? well yes, :"- ccrtainlj- i- prelly in a sort of a way, hut quite unformerl. Ari'Sit'Ir. ('het wyiul is. sent to Congres, as j he undoubtedly will be, what kind of a P.jur'e will that bn'ad-and-biittjer iniss cut in Washington society, prfly?" , leanwhih, Mr. ChetwyiiirJ made the best of In??' way 'toward the end of! the room where the "bread-and-butter-miss" was standing, j .j Jvlith Clare was lready knowij as tlie irettiest girl of Linden Mill, land naturally -had a small court; ; arcjundTXIVaii (whose name Mr. Scoville thvj vi it? soon a.i sue eiuereo, ma pne oi j whojn felt disposed to make Kvav- for the iiiillioiutire. ' j I ! Nothing daunted, he kept on till lie rearhedMiss Clare hrrself. iShej was standing behiial the circle of heit sis ter's young admirej-s, entirely un noticed and overlooked. (She; was tastefully drt'sstd in black silk, with a quantity of expensive laeej," and on her bosom burned the topaz una dia mond cross. - . :" j - if "Yoii haWnot forgotten then, Elsie? ! oii have been true to m through j years a r have been to ybu?"i Lionel -Chetwynd, he bent above her outstretched baud y l h js makes amends, my darhngfgr a!I" . It was soon over, that .riioiTisntous meeting. lii the dense erord, no one .had nitieed it. ThJ- next niOnietit the gr up around Edith Clare had ijarted; and Mr. Chetwynd . tstood eonv(Wsing with her l'orsome time--looking ad miringly, and even iondly,; so said the gossiis, upon 'her lovely, blushing face. ' '. I-'- anatneiay alter, ins satiaie-norse was seen standing at their gatii Sd that, when the. beautiful .-estate Of Hay view was purchased by him, and eh'jgantly uf)Jic hpillial, took hut one UirLction ana - 'EcUth,wa,s alternately tca.'jd and tormented by her youthful friends. "He" isiafereat deal, too old fot you," they w ould spy. "But thin he is-wo rich that it. is no wonder thiit you were tehvpted." j j "is it now?" " Edith would say, laughing with sparkling b ue eyes and her dimples all at once. . ' But beyoud that she Vould make no admissons, and contented jherself with bidding all acquaiiijtiinccs to the house-warfniyg at UayViev intone week's time.- V . , j ' j "Then and there to be introduced to Mr: Chetwynd's bride," she - will be inlroduced'to Mr. Chetwynd's hrid;," she would say, oraculariyy and: would say 1.0 more, 1 " The w eek oon passed aiyayi The eventful evening arrived.! Carriage after carriage dro've up the loing elm avenue, and halted l eioe ti: grand old mansion, whose windows Mazed withli-dit, . i The rboms SvCre all' thrown open at thy save ouct Ji. small bohdoir end of the long drawing rooihs, was reserved, jmd evpry eyejwas hpon its. closed, folding ' doors, as 'thh". clock truck nine, and the band struck up the well-tciiown weuaing.marwu. The door.. Hew Oien. Between the and the bowing servants a w hite-robed veiled oroeesion advanced ih;o iirst lira wing-room. j Edith Clare was conspicuous among those lovely girls the queen j rose of the rose garden, in her jw hite shim mering robes and her. flowing veil. -.- Motou her blonde cuils, .iiowC-wr, did the mystic oraiige-tUow(rs- iet, but on the smooth dark, hraub, of ' her eider sister, who came 10. nit-hw . . ... i . , 1. i. . . - , irircsts J..-- luiniiiir nit thoiirin tf hfr 11 lis- ttsl Ml 1 - " I The diamond' and topaz cuoss was; on her. breast. OnMier small, white f bi0 to care for his horse, and was some tL ffi" i what alarmed to'lind the animal miss. cheeks "were Hushed, heir large, dark eves wereiquid and suu khng, - and ' ...;'.:., i 1 ...;.,K.tL. .e i Hill ma e the late discovery- that direction, sent a man to Earrp to head KMc Clare Was quitccas handsome as ; the thiet ott in that directionj and Jate her sister, "only in a di0ere,t style.":" the afteriiOoii was rushing to the "lHit w ho would havi drtianied. of printing office to get out posters lor his choosing her in presence1 to Edith his. apprehension, vnen a .moments.. riMiy otlu" of these pretty young reiieetion broughttne true Uteotthe Urh-V- said the -os.ipsJbenind their, case to his mind, whereupon! lie. pro hni. "Mv dea?,.;he iWiist be thirty ceded to the , post , office, where he v .r - old if she is a dav! " ( i fouml the animal hitched to a ring on V9b rhr L k vti ruM. ' the or.nosite side of the road, it haw lutiiiisuiru.inft'M,',- v-v-.; w ynd p:e ids guilty. UUl til 'tlU- V V...J ,r i.. i .icoa band she is still as( lair, as rta ,v h(jh thfiv ,,,irted . , Z": - " , " : A hslv- ... .... J t i -i.i I !. 1 1 11 1CI I . ! I ' llll'lljril'U 111IJ . ' ' ... i .. ....it,. .VH f.,.if f.iTO TrllTII TOW111C1I. I I MUC IHll null, tt.iv could do to separate tnem, ,they both so true tnrough yehrsi ! v . , . - - , . - were fucxcusnble KccltBessness. ' - ;' . J - j...,. :l; . ' -. Clary Tyson, (col.) ;aged 14, shot last Tuesday and insaiitly killed ny a oau (.iiscnargeo iiuih vj.Fi.v 1,1 i$e hands of Henry Cair, (ijolV) aged 1(5V The boy vas '.visiting jtlfc jgirl, w ho lived on the Wrii.j Snnth, farm, ! i Vnrmville township, and Was hand- 4oL carelessly J of course,: and . it went off just as the girl was coming in the door the ball passing through her head. The coroner's jury found and rendered a verdict-that she came to her death ' by the accidental dis charge of a pistol in the! hands of Ilen rv Carr. The boy hid 'run away but has come back since the verdict. For such inexcusable recklessness the law ought to be called upoiL-fCriwmWt: J-JxjjFiiis. . .. ,.';. . . j , Superstition About Cats Sailors call Haws. on j the surface the water 'cat's:paws.- ! Many them believe that a storm may of of be are brought on, when the 'cats-paws around, by fubbing the fur of a cat the Thftpf, it ft- Hungarian t romb that a cat dces liot die in proeioinai n , i u-ttor nnd that its iaws disturo tne surtace. The stormy north-west wind in some parts of England is called the "cat's-nose. In ChiuGse superstition, "tigers cause storms, and the Japanese "w ind-god" has claws like those of a tiger. In Germany there is a proverb that a sailor who makes an enemy of a cat w ill bjp attended at his funeral by rata ami rain j- A Bid for Utilteau'g.BodV. - f- AX OFFER OP $1,000, l'HISOXEK TIIIXK8 MAbE $2,000. 4 WHIClt iTIIK OUGIIT r.K ASJiiXGTON-, Jan. Cth. Mr Jan. r CO j ville has received a bona". fide troosi mm iron, a mecncai gentleman lor tne body of Charles J. (iuitcau. Thwn- ciines. 10 nuiKe puune at 4reHeni nas:- onerc-a to pay down immecliateiy. 51,-;. 0K, the aihmint of the purchase iikon- ; ey, oucondition that he shall have the ( body of w. a pruon'er as scon as tip c.V actions of the law hiiVe been met, , to dispose of absolutely as he shall see fit. i He also agrees to take his chances ol ' waiting -ue month or twenty vears for the coiisumation of the .bargain on i Ouiteau's part. This somewhat! liber-1 al ,ir0p0on u,.u fwla" was submitted to. UUI' J AIL til ijUliC ltl uiawit vitn icuvvviu a moment he suggestsd:; ''I think I ou ht to bril than thatt j Per. ,;afM 80me..Jther fellow will oiler j haps 52,000; then I can pay my debt?, and if 1 get a new trial that miserable Corkhll can't bring on , a lot of fellows just to swear how much. I- owe them." The only person admitted to the prisoner's cell to-day were J. V. Oui ;ynu, his brother, and" a friend "Who ac c mipanied him. ,The bnthers Jield- a long con ii'enc in the etfort ito ar range the drtler of the arguiiients to be made before the jury. Uuiteai$. nr't only insists upon speaking in Ijisown behalf, but in making the closing ar gument for the defense. He (;annot, he says, at'this last stage jeopardize his bv aliowing Mr. Scoville to have i case the last say. Mr. Scoville is perfectly willing to'let Guitoau makej a speech, but wants hi:ii to make it first,l(-o thJii ilid Mr. Sc'ovilleJ can eomincut upon it if desirable to the jury . tiuiteau was busilv eniraged when his brother vailed to-day in the preparation of his argument' and had already covered four pages of 'foolscap. Ainong otliers, the following; awards were made at the Atlanta Cotton Ex position: j ! . ' Cla-ss. 2yJGntry fj92.-For bst and fullest -cTdlection of minerals from the State of North Cavolir.a, certificate of award and cah preihium ot$$d to the Itichmond-& Danville Railroall Com pany.,. " 'J-- : . j; Class 248, Entry 520. For superior collection of forest products, hard, or namental and useful wood eq:tilieate of awaid to North Carolina Agricultu ral Department. j Class 240 .For superior, individual collection of hard, onuf-neiital and useful woods, certificate of award jind cash premium of 3.roto W- IE" Snow, ifl.gh i'oiht, North Carolyn, j Oiass ;is, Entry 1,7;5, t'otf.on seed lilauter, James Lyncll, Liu'iinburg, NoTtn Carolina. ; " r Absent-ai aided 4Ciiticmnu. A good joke is1 told of one of the busr iness men at'Moatpelier, w'boj stcpiicd into' the post office the other tbrenoon, leaving his horse outside out he; walked a slurt distance with a cuntli'man. conversing on business, place ol r . j which he started for Ids i .vv business, anu at noon went nume On reaching there he; proceeded t,b his sta mg, and of course supposed been stolen lio immediately a shentt. whom he dispatched it had, sought in one ... , (.. :.- i,.,i- 1.0,1 1 !' L'VlUmillS SUlllVU llUillUJ UUI . C9 - - - . " , . -1 been stopped by Some one. Mr. J.GV McElroy; of Bflks coun tv, Georgia', tells of v desperato' cotq bat between three chihjreu and a large hawk, on his plantation, near Harmony Groye, a few days agoi WThilo his thrcd boys were playing in the, house-yard, the haw;fc swooped : ' dow n, and, seizing a chicKen in nis The boys were very much excited by the occurrenco and follow ed the haw k for tome dis tance. To their delight, the; bird drop, ped his prey, and the oojs soon ofin the world. It weighs forty tons. standing around the chicken. The littie fellows did not supposi that thf hawk would be hem enougn - to at tack them. Dut the bird was so an grv at the loss of his meal that he ch t ied around' the heads of the children, and finally pounced down upon the tddest of the boys, whose age y. as ou lv ten years. The hawk listened his talons in the lad's chin, and beat the poor little fellow's head l With his w ings. The othef boys went - to the i riseue ' The hawk thrust oiit his dis- ' omrHLrpd talon, and caught one of tnem bv the aim flapping his wings mean- Nvhite. anil necking at his prisoners with hi beak; The third boy got out his knife and gave a tnrust, which seeuied to take the hawk by surprise, frtrhthfn trtM'l tO g-Ct ttWtfVi But the ccmrage Of the boys wsts up, and tMy jj "fat uutii they had killed - the ferocious bird.' Mr. McElroy, w ho measured tlie hawksays thrfthe was twiiitA-;fiiir inches from tip to tip.- i - ? i. Jf E; E Gartman, the business manager of the Evenmy JJp(itnt oi . . ':''-'. York Pa., w as cured of neuraigiaby . ' ; three applications of St. Jacobs Oil. ., ..Coffee drinkers should read the ad iifn i Uff.ojtA Saturtkiu 'lheuing Ex- vertisement in another column head- Allaiitd . Exhibition SOMF. 'OF THE FUUITS OF THE BIO ) HirdW. N FAV BXT F.KPKI8ES TO COMK TO ATLANTA; . , On yesterday a Constitution rerofter asked Director General-Kimball what hc thought'' would be done with the Knan Evinxsition Buildinff wheu the show was elosed lie replied: "I have no idea. Mv impression 't that it w ill he sold promptly at ahscP iv,te pale. The huifdings eost about d hundred thousand j dollars, hut of! course would not bring over a third of this aiiiount at f.t-ced sale," : ,Do vou think it j probable that a nti-t,t,T ,,.511 i,n mn,),. nf t!. tton factory will be mado of the mam building?" . VI cannot sav. I have heard sever al suiTirestions 011 that , line, and it i said that a company is forming for the purpose of establishing a factory there. One difficulty in. the w ay is that it would require a million dollars capital to till the building ; w ith the proper machinery for spinning and weaving", audit maybe difficult to raise that much money. I should not bfc sur prised if some company did not take it, establish power at the centre and lease the wings with the shafting and power to various enterprises and make the great building a hive htimming with small industries." "Do you think many new enter prises will be established in! Atlanta .because of the Expoi4tion?" "" "Without any doubtr Up to yes terday we had a list of twenty-seven different exhibitors who are going to establish houses or factories, in Atlan ta. On yesterday two additional ones toldme that they intended to do the sau e thing. Thesd covnpris'eMiiainiy small Jiianufacture, but each ofttKjm will fill a new held in ur city and in duce others to come. I have no doubt that during the next year there w ill be fifty additional factories, large and small, established in Atlanta directly because of the Exposition." . "Do you find it general desire to come south?" 1 "I do. The exhibitors are astound ed at the sales they have had, and I confess that I am also. Take one of the firms that make windmills; the proprietor told -me, that he had already sold 80 wind-mills since he eame here, and had sold 100 tanks to 6ne railroad company. His profits for goods sold here are Already over ten thousand dollars. He wtis amazed at the ea gerness with wvhieh the Southern peo ple bought goods. A firm that manu factures harrows told me two weeks ago that ; they were already eight thousand dollars ahead of expensed in the profits on goods sold here. So with the cotton planters, the gins, the cot ton cleaners, Ac. - Mr. Moulton of the James Smith woolen machinery com pany had sold over $90,000 .worth of .machinery-"before; his exhibit was .fair ly., in working order. Davenpor, Johnson & Co., you remember, put up a Sign w;heh t1-io Exposition Was brire ly a, month old, show ing the enormous amount of belting they. had. sold since the show, was opened. This is the universal testimony.. . The exhibitors say uiinoii f.w-q.uwi uui '7 '-y the sales were so large or the purchas ers so eager. This applies more es - peL'ially to inakers of and dealers in machinery that will aul in tile indus trial recuperation of thrf Bcmth, tho fair beginning cf which . is nsarked by the exposition; 'The amoudt of im proved machinery sold in tho South within the next year or twO will be enormous. i A Kt-markabie Feat ofStrensfh. William Hood, a colored man, of Seymour, Indiana, was noted for his feats of streugth. Once he was em ployed as a teamster,- and on a certain occasion was told to haul a very" large, heavy saw' mill shaft from one" point to another. On the way, the team canie to a steep hill1, and the oxeu'stopped, unable to draw the heavy load. The white 'men of the party wondered what w'as to be done, fearing that they would have to send back a long' way I for another yoke of oxen. But Hood solved the problem, immodiatly. He shouldered the fron shaft, carried! to the top of the hill and replaced it in the cart,- to. the astonishment and ad miration of the spectatars. ' A huge steam-boiler was built re cently at Wiesenthal, in the Grand Duchy of ZSdcn, Germany; In fact, it is believei to be the largest boiler Upon its completion, a few weeks ago, th builder gavea lunch to the work men. A table was made inside the boiler, and thirty persons sat down at one time to eat in the prison of iron. To get into the odd dining-hall, the men had to slip through an opening in the top ahout . three feet square. ; Candles furnished light. It was cer i taiiily a remarkable lunch, ; for when- eVer anvone would lauirh the echo ! ever anyone would sound like a roar. t r ' - - ' . Thi3 is the time of tho year w hen the man with a new suit of . winter clothes goes shivering along with his hands in his overcoat pockets while the man in the straw hat and summer suit leaves his coat Hying open, aud goes sauntering down the street with the air of one wio would . use a. fan w ele it not so rr!uch trouble. tcFoof Coffee. The THE NEWS IN A NUT-SHELL Oxford will have a public hall.- Wake Superior Court is in session. - . Lafirauge Iligh School has 100 pupils. ! - Small pox ha broken out in AVin - dwelling, house. Trains now " run i in five mih's of Paint Hock.- The ' Suoremo Court lias iust adio'jtn.xl f,r . T the term. Iieaufort ships clams to Northern narkets. - The Opera House at Durham was opened Inst The hotw! at Beauftrt w ill week be opened the 15th for six)rtsmen. J udge .Settle is again spoken of for position on thy Coart of Claims. . The Statt 'Treasurer I issued niersliceNseson December. Warm Spring and Salisbury are connected by telegraph wires, Kailroad from Tarboro to Williatnston Will be completed by Miiy next. Two new gold mines in Cabarrm J Li ' L -- county paid ?v00 m the past pix months. iiefore the holidays' 108 bills wero introJjjd into Congress from North Catolina. The .Aidland Extension has been graded to within; a mile and" a hall of Smithfield.--The farmers of Nash have seeded more wheat this season than at any time since the war.-" The Hornet Nest llitles Avfll have a fair in Chart lotte beginning February 2Uth to last one week.- j Mr. Hattle has recenU ly I)uti:5,000 wiorth of new machinery m nis .cotton hiills at Itoeky Mounti A colored man went from this State to ltostoh a tailor and has made -0;UiH); Ho employ over 100 en On Oates Mehodisi so:uU'd om 'f the apprentices. 'W a church Slow at pSr!lot?" PmPya-kol the old m workmen Circuit and was dedicated but two vears agU Senator Vance has introduced a petititioa of citizens of Warren county, praying relief against tiio discrimiiu tion and extortionate charges of rail roads. - Judge Advocate General Swain declares tnat the court iliartlal df Cadet Whittaker w;iis illegally coiji stituted. Attorney General llrew' ster has aisuined chargo of the Djy partment of Justice; tne prosecution in the Star Kouto cases will begih work in about two weewsj and expects to lead off with ex-Senator I'orsey aad his connection with the service. A :W,00i-l fire at Jarshall, Texak Three brothers named MeDonahL in jail at Graham,. Texas, for miirde I j An ingenious man in Harlem is en made a desperate attemitt to escape, ! gaged du this problem: Is there any killing an otlicer and wounding au-.c;oimoction -between the universally other; in an aft'ray that followod with admitted fact that necessity is the citizens, ine finree iMCDona us were kilied, whil4 several citizens wvre w;ouaded. f - Gilpbons, suspected of killing his children and setting tire to his house, hear Ashland, Ky., h,is turned up with overwhelming proof of his innocence. Neanv one nuuu.v-Y iv"Vr. "w,'B.Y.ie5! r: juruu oy iiiu uimug uuiiuing at sjhanesvillei Ohio.; two were killed and three fatally burned. V. E. Graham was taken from jail at Ells worth, Ks., and hanged by a mob for murdcr'and robbery - A freight engine blew up near Tnomasville.Ga.i killed the engineer and scalding the tii;emau.- L Thermometer from 10 to .15-degrees below zero in New j Hampsh'r .Mftiidi.y nuht. vno v ' v ; at Petersburg Virginia, Sunday the depth often inches; A 150,000 fare at Philadelphia Sunday. J T. S. IJoyd, a manufacturer of maps from Tennessee has been arrested in Noriolk, charged with obtaining some 20,000 on false pretences. A lighter with-' . thirty-seven bales of 'cotton burned in North river, at New York, Sunday night. McKennyL chief clerk of thej Choctaw Council, Indian Territory, Wasshot and killed by an Indian named Lucas. More than 1,000,000 were expended in the con struction of new buildings at Denver, Colorado, during the past year; mole than $9,000,000 have been spent in the State durinjg the same period in the construction' of. railroads- Three men buried unc Kunareu teet deep i a snow slide near fvlvenou, Colo Ine Charleston .tVetpj ctmi vounrr has beensoid to a joint stock company 100,iKrcivsh? no change of 1 management:--' One man killed and a number of persons injured, some fatal ly, by a railroad accident near Kehue-' bunk, Maine. I wo Mormon missionaries mobbed in' a loudon suburb'. France and , England assure the Khedive of Egj'pt of sup port and protection in tho event of peace being disturbed or his authority overturned.- A negro killed ifan other at Walhalla, S. C, because tey disputed orei i piece of pie.- Gov. W. E. Cameron was inaugurated at Richmond; Virginia, Wednesday It. Ti Adams killed Bob Burn,, at Selma, Alabama Jay Gould has become President of the Wabash, St. Lojuis & Pacific Itnilroad. rThe deadlock in the Nev York Assembly continues, and the? body is unable to organize. At Quincy, 111., a- panic occurred in a church, ami ten persons were kuiea m trying to escaie. A eoliision'on tho Nashville & i Dc catut.' railroad caused a 'frightful wrcrk. .Two employees were burned to death. It is annouhceil that the Pope has no intention , of leaving Rome.-r An attention- ws made to wreck a train neirr .Timericki whichj had it succeeded,- rould have destroved many lives.- - Steamer Grand Tower sunk on tlfe MissisHpd ;river; three leck hands lost their Uves. ,on boat $-j'.,ooo.- - Joe j Royd killed his uncle, Th . Boyd, at j Sweetwater, Tenn., in a qriarrel over I MiuuurpnvrCom;i GlL because .Murphy dethamleil a set- tlement for some grain he sold the former. Gen. Joe Johnston ' de hips that he accused ex-President Da , . .-,,- i tu. I.i Yl! Ul ni'iJiuuuaiiuK iuiiu; Jk 11113 luic Confeleracy.- Fourteen men. six women an four children massacred by fndians in Sonora; Mexican troops are in pursit of the hostiles. ;Twoj men were caught in the machinery of a siiw mill at Munice, Indians, and crushf.1 tod'.nth. . V.: VIT AND HUMOR: A Thiers IA'io.-A man who had I thoi committed a theft was f.nind bv police, and captured in a nen or i L '- j -wa . r x-ctaies, iw.x on in- your lionor -w ill aiknow:ltHliro that when a in an !s in Fmnw lu oiiisf tin as the-t rench do and when , he's in ttnsjatid.as tin- English do?" ''That's ir..,. 11 r I 1 . t 7 i HUG VIIUURII, - NIKl IIU . JUSlil'e. "Then," r turned the prisoner, "when i you're with thieves you must do as ihierc 1 do." "And bo" Irted as thieve are treat tl, responded the jus-J nee, w ho gave him six months in the penitentiary. f'JoIly Particular." ? sailor com" plainest 01 the power f tho captains; uoaru neiore no was ueao. ?ot:ie 11:01 says, "YoU ain't going to bury me alive, are you?" "Oh," sliy the con tain, "jnu twrdtSi ue sh jo'jy pdrticiWf tu a etc itinut4lu ' A prutentious p?rson , said to the president of a country VilE 'How- would a lecture by ,ni ;e on Mount Vo siivius suit the, inhabitants of your vil lage?" "Very -well, sir; very, Vlf, imleetl," answered tlie president. "A lecture by yoii on ..Mount A'esuviui would Slid them a geat ileal better than a lecture by you in this village, sir." "Young men," raid a tinsome and ; Intri.sive old .muil to a g o q of ap- prciitices '-yjung nun should always begin, at t he i nit to ni of t hei t busi ness and work up. i can't it it," re- hy muif. s vver- ap.jmit.c Type-setters should er ertfid tu j dip tiieir fingers into tleright i)oxes. Out west an editor lias been ued for libel, in having published that a tor tain Mr. , Harrison was aVell -known houseiijnaker. The defence of tho editcr is that he wroto horse-broil or, wiiich the plaintirf is by occupation. j Iieason for an cxchange.--An Irish lieutenant, wlio had exchanged from the twenty-fourth regiment . to -the thirty-second,) was aked what in duced him to do so? "Because," said he, "I had a brother in the thirty-first, and I w anted to be near him." v mother of invention, and tne univer"- sally known fact-that ttte majority of inventors us e and die ioor Extraonlinary luck.A young man, on putting on an old vest, that he hadn't worn for some time, -found a 1 -i.M if mirvtmHnff r tvtt art him dred dollars in out of tlid pockets. i Not one of the bills w as reefcipt k1. . ; "AW" said an old sea captain, mus- ingly, "They've, got education down to a tine point now-a-daysj Even hawsers seem to be taut oftener than they used to be!" "You should never love money for its own sake," said a moralist fo a voung'iady. l never uo," she rev j sponded; "I always ove it for 'hiy ; ow n sake."- What is the tie of connection be tween a joke and a boiir -..They .'aro UKtially thought to be funny when they arc on somebody, else; ; 1 ju; uuity t . m I, " - MJ c'tii wrote a enti'iiental 1 .air-dresser, "i that mv hairs shall never be 'able to sny that I dyed poor." A w it savs that Carlyle's notio i ol cultivating an acquaintance seemed to consist altogether in harrowing his feelings. John aniLJane were not married, after aWfior though John wooed, Jane HouraJgia, Sciatic?, Lumbago, Dackaeha, Sortmt of tho Chostf 6oof, Qjinsy, &ora Throat, Swefng$ and ; Sprains, Burns end Sea fds, j Cohatd Bodilr Pains, Teblh; Ear. end ffssdacho Frostsd Ftot and Ears; aria fi'liAor Paint and Asnii. - 5 ' n- r-t!i on e.nh woTiFt. Jirow.Qrt m - ( a .., r'ipaB.l '3iith - , I.WMllIUUlintruir.pi. .ti-.i.'i . hare cheap ana poiUTejTOfcfiuuAiaj. Dircdotis la Eeren Language ; SOLD ST ALL rZTJGQIET3 LWD VZkirtS 15 . .. ..KTD2CT5S.-. A.VOGHES & CO., W rill 1 mmt w 1G drum- nndlspoke bitterly of the characters of! c" u , ' ' """J- -. The the skinner of tho dav . "Whv.V Vfl... !.i- V!1 . 81,(1 ,Joh!1 llnv i 1'iaiiini in 1 iih ihiu r 111 .1111 f"iiiT ii ny now vid he, "not long, a-o, on the coast of buildings. Applv th . one oi ine crew mat was avin-r over- vn xt , . - r , . . '.. r. r "iinwii, .1.V...V ci. min. im. ii- - in f ;J : : ; : i I I rxllit. rY- t. r t- , . yULDIU.VL. . j fife- ' THEQRtAT r yEttmeiBl mwummmm u. w. s cj wm. r . s v. v - - . Mf PJI P. 1 OWE L T. " FASllIOXABI.l'. BKBEB. TAUnORO T., Wl lOS, Jf. C.'.r IIavingoened 4 firsi-clsd linrbcri shop solhitrt the pHtrtmng fof. thoso who wishgoikd work done. . Satisfao: tioii'(;uarantiKHl.. .1 JJulyl5-ly FOR S.fJLU. Two good - Farm Horse. Apply ti II. G. WHITEHEAD, . ). Jir U. U. Green JL Co. - FOR Tho house and "lot on Spring .Ptnyi Homer School,. ox i o!ti, . cv . The next se-r.ion ofthischHl begin ; the second. Monday in Januftrv.' For circular giving. terms nmt oth'er particulars, apply to the principals , J. H. JL J. C. HOHNKlt; For Sale! A ruggy Shop with a tnuie of ffom four to sixthousanil dollars per year in the town of Hlaclc Crwk. A irnott opening in a g,Md heaUty. One doz en new buggies ou hand Which will b sold cheap. Ajp!y at oiice to -' s "Vi: K ANDEItSOX, Jilack Creek. N. CJ ' Nov25, tf.v . . . In conseiuence of the. death of Oe.' II. Griffin it becomes neeessnrv to sii tie the business of the firm of Griffin 4i Murray. All persons indebted .taaid firm will please call at their nhwa . ftif business and settle at once. ,' NYM. MURRAY," Surviving partner of Griffin'' fc Mur rav. . - .-- -. Dec: 9tf. . ; I Valuable property for sale. Arrina" ton's Mills, one mile cast of Hilttard- ston, N. C. Two grist mnisv one wheat mill, a No. I saw mill with shafting attached for a fifin, w hich I will build If i)urch:v-ers d?sire it all run by wafer ..power. Section notl for being healthy. - - " B. E.' ARRINGTON, ' , ' ; Hiniardston, N'. C Dec. 8-tf. : - - House 'For Hale 1 1- . ;-' -. -i v - -I offer my housoj with , fovea:, good ' rooms, hi the town of Black Crcelt ffr: sale. The lot is it large one, rontain-' V ing two and tfhc-thTrd acTes. One v acre in HtrawhcfnVs whiCvfi given goot yield. Will b t'old '.cheap!-. My ;re.V " soir for felling ! that I am going' tb'-. move. ; - .." Addrr-ss,' tf. VNI)ER30NV l$lack Creek, XC' Nov. 2.5, f f; : By virtue of decree' of the Superi or Cdurt of Wjlson t:ountv, rendertd Xov. :.-$0th, mtr 1 will mcII on th premises on Mohday, the 2nd dyof January 1882, the itdlowing land:'6tf tract )f land in W'ilson county, Cron Roiivls township, adjoining tho lands'" of Samuel Ferrell, Simon Newsome Jacob Itentfrow and Noel Forrell,crn ... talning one hundreil andyforty ecroi more .r less, j Terms: One-' hundred dollars cash, hilance on a credit of tn . months witli eight". per ccaE' intwrewt fon date. if . in i?, Aoininwiraror, Connor & WCodilrd, Att'ys Dcc.'2-tf.J " Is-: ': h ": '"-.-V'' . .' ' ' . ' ' ... . '"' N O T L.C E . I offer or rent my rntlr premise in the town of W!lon,' containing en acn.'s ?f ljrrr?i,'Mtuated on eat efMrner of Vane and Pender sir et, hit' in a high Mate of cultivation, well set; in choice fruit trees. IJ ouse has six com modious rooms with pantry and. bath room, with atf necessary out house ; and a good well ut water; ;mntlgnoij' to excellent schools, .Wirn al, (iraded anl others.- ?T.insed.irihgto educate their children change in business will find this a rire o.Mrtunify to rlnt or Ieae. Further particulars unnec essary no rme w ill invest withoat. ist'ing Tor .themselves. All iifarl new si pfennseswere In. original for ?ift seven years f)go.v V .-?:'. - R. W; EI)rUNDSOX. Oct. 2L.ti '8I.rt,1 ; f. r 1 f . - ;". r ' 1 . N O T ICE. Valiwcle Tw' It F-SkSalf." ;- - '; . v - i . By virtue of a , power of ale .err.-" tained rn a iuirtg:ig exccuteil bv IE W. Flward- ar wrfe, to iiie, on the ! Cl?-t day of Iccmlcr, 17, and r iecnhrl on lkKifr No. 1 1,, Inpi Wl, fn the offlre ?f the RgiitT of DedU ftr j Wilson county, . I shall fell at public f auctior, at the Court I f ousloor,v . In. i ; " nson, on .aiuraay ine run aay j Janyarj' Ithe lot of land tin' tho ' a ; a : - : fc 1 joinniff . II. Morris, John T. Barnes and Otliers. Title gOO l. Termi Catl. ' , T. T. GODWIN, J , ' . , :v -. " '.-;. ',.- Mortgage" 'lv ' By- Connor A Woodafd, Att r.v- T-, K TX t1 HI .. " - A' f XI f :'! 1.-" rt .--

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