f ." -. " ! j . ... . . ' .- i ' 3 -.1 - 11 ; ; 5 I I ' 1 ' -it. i , . :i - ; '.a t i 3 .! CARRIAGES. New Fikm Prices GRIFFIN &MUBR AY: Goldaboro Si Wilton. X. C. . Wanwfftcturer of Carmzp. uJr?,e; Cart, NVaguns. Kaincis, aud all kinds ol lidin vehicles, i : v '. "! , Which will b.noldal thelovrt possible Hzer". bar now on Uud a nii and eU-cv toK o prtci r as iow.n t!i lowest. aidcaH '?fo j ?i n.racii'ft, fuara'td in ' "fT af. KopairiiiJ nraily ana.; . jrrotnptly atieiided t " IN EVERY VARIETY1- bg ? W. PINE fi WALNUT MAHTELSJ GEORGE 0. STEVE1TS, No. 49 Light Street, B A LTIMOBEi SJ A. STEVENS & CO., NORFOLK. YA. 4 T-h lar;re;t es(ablihEiCrit in the Prtr-JB ar orn:vr4iiicpe(i alow ns New York. Everv gisds of fiiriiiitir Aiid J CHipetiup known to the trade. We : invit n tall or corp'spoiiili'ncr from piifchasers For tlie.v will tind it tn ilu ir intrrcat. . Our lioa-o U wi-11 km)ti n iti sSortli Ca'O lina. n we lifivtv durinj'tli past scvetitt-en jearn done a lai? (.'arol'ma tradf. Oi'der solicited s.atkvens&co. NORFOLK. VA.. i s 4ir. W. T. MO.Y H . M. NA DAL. MO YE & N ADA L. Wholesale and Retail DRUGCISTS, i WILSON, N. C. Dealers I: in; Drug, medicine?, Jye Stufl'Sj Perfumery, Stationery, s Patent. medicines, and Chem , - icals also keep FINE OIOARS, CKi AltMTTES CHEWING AND SMQKING TOBACCO, pie p iid ir ench lirandyfor mtdt- ' cinal pttrposft. -J, .;. . - i . Proprietors and manufacturers of TTOUAX'S ritIF.NI, NEURALOINK, & MALE PILIJS, JAPAKF.SK TOOTH- . t 1CIIK D ROTS, INDIAN CON-. . , CUI'TION AND COUGH 1 KCMKDV, 4C. State asrents for "Dobyn Sure Cure for Catarrh-, Neuralgia and Headache." Prescriptions carefully . com - pounded day or night. ;- j MO YE NADAL, Ots4 2Stf K :--.! : ; Wilson, N. C? W. W.jEDWAltl)SV EXCHANGE STABLES Cor. GoM.sboro 'aiiil .Barnes Sts. r K Wilson, X.O. ' . ; j ' Having tjyst returned with ? a fine and vel( sclec!el lot of . am how prepared 'to fill any order froin $75 $200 in the ' way of stobk. vliiy person in want uf ;i rood !, v or mule willfind it to their ad vantage tolexainine j my stock Lvforebnying' elsewhere '), Redurning thanks f.r past patronage fan d seeking a con linuance of the same. " l am Very Respectfully, W. W. EDWARDS. At Sugg'tV lEdward's old stand. Take Notice.! Any person .desiring a good family or driving horse, can 3uy him at myStables under a guarantee. P. P o w i: L L , ' rASHIOXARLE liARBEB. TARBORO. ST., AVIIOXt 3T. C , Having opened a first-class Barber hop solicits : the' .patronage of those "nio wish Koorl- work clone. tion cJuarutrteed. j JJulvl5-lv OiXl JilillJ ; I0UTM ! i - v. ; : : - y :. ! 'v FAiinOltSE MISCELLANEOUS. " TAT.P.OTT & SOKS Shockoe Machine RICHMOND. VA.. Manifac.iirTrs t.f Iort:ilj!e - aiiJ Stationary EngineH niul I$oi!M-, Sjiw Miils. Cm ami Wlint Mills Shafting. Ilaiisers ami PdUt-y Tnrline Water Wluels. 'lijbircco F;tctorv Murlrinci v. Wmusrhr Iron Work. IJrass and Iron Cafclir.Sf Jiachnitry oi ecr uis,tnp - tKMI GINXING & TUliKUIIXG MACHINES rver-ftirin? Troinptly and Carefully Done Talbott'a Patent Spark (Arrester. The Invf fition ofllio Age,; It do-8 not 'duntroy the di-afu It docs not interfere with ' - ailing thf lnbe. . - ; It will not clioke up and irrquires no dt reoutVrs no direct damper to 'be open- . i rd whdii fHisiR-r strain daniner-beiiijf or jrctitmablc, tb-y may be left open and allnw'ihn parks to cseapi'.J j It rqniie no watrr to ext intii-li sparks wliich, ty (;irdei!ion, d.-rt toys the drafi. IJcsi.l.rs, when' water w. ux'd, if n--li t:t-H. ihi. llicicncy is destroyed by evaporation of the water', and the boiler kept in a filtty condition. It is simple and durable andean be relict? 1 1 pen. It can be attached to any boiler. No. planter should ba withonr. one of i hem. . liisiirancc coin paiiw-i J w ill iiinre gins and baniB ihere iho Tidiotr En-jin'e and 8parK Ariestt-r are u-ed a; aroe rate aH "chared for wafer or hor.e power. tii-end for .illustrated- Circulars and price list- : r L liiaiicrh Hoii-c: Goldshoro, X. C. J. A 'Iatiser. Gtneral Manager. T: A. Grainier LocalManaKei. ' ' nol4-U Ge. II. Griffin, Jr. Agent for Vil- on, Nash, .unci Franklin counties, . at Wifron, N. C. KST A I L I B 1 1 K D IN 179;?. Pre-Emineiit In Among Southern boording schools for bovs in age, numbers and area of pat ronage. .-Messing club J oT a mHe from Barracks for , young men of small means. The 176th session begins Jau uarv 1 1th, 18HJ, i For catalogue giving full particulars address ; . t M vj.' It. BINGHAM, Supt. l)ec.2.1-tf. ' Best Equipped School TN NORTH CAROLINA, i fo Savs a disinterested ! Professional ExwcrLof large and successful expe- ience, employed by our State to visit and adflres all our new j white State Normal tScooH, m reierence w me Wis CoMlii liilnie. 8 . (for Born SEXES.) Strictlv Non-Sectarian. Able and ex- "nrirncerl .Faculty. Extensive Librar and Apparatus - Spacious Building l. A Pleasant Edu Ilealthv Location cational Home. JNjodemess, Practical ness, and Thoroughness,, our Mottoes Military Discipline for Boys, Parenta ... Discipline fpr Girls. ENTIRE "AVERAGE EXPENSES, $170 I'KR YEAR. ! The Institute is the seat of one of .the New State Normal Schools. Fall session opens Monday, Sept. 5th 1881. Address for Catalogue, 1 S. 1LVSSELL, A. M., Principal Wilson, N.C. WILMI86M &WELD3NR .CO CONDENSED SCHEDULE. , 7 Dated jkn. 1st., ;18S2. (JOING SOUTH. No. 48, Daily No. 40. Daiiv.' Leave-Weldon II 37 p m, ti 15 p m Arrive Ilocky -Mounto 09 p m, 7 23 p m Arrive -Tarhoro S, -' P m,- H i" p m Leave T;tijlro 9 0 a m, 0 00 a m Arrive Wilson . 5 4S;p m, 7 3" p m Arrive Goldaboro t 42 ni," 8 ID p m Arrive Warsaw . 7 50 pm. ; - Arrive Burgaw - " .) 04 p m, Arrive Wilmington 9 .w p m, 10-"0 pm - t;oixc; NOKTII. No. 47, No. 45, r-. ' Daily. jDaly. Leave Wilmington 6 40 a m, 6 1" pm 7 2 a m 7 OApm '8 41 am -8 28pm 9 4h a m 9 o4pm 10 4: a m 10 "snm Arrive Burgaw Arrive Warsaw Arrive (Joldsboro, Arrive Wilson Arrive Kix'ky Mount 11 23 a m 11 41pm Arrive Tarboro Leave Tar loro H 2- p m 1) 00 a m 1 10 a in 8 00 p i A-rrive "Weldon- j 12 50 p m 1 15 a m Leaves liocky Mount' Tuesdays, Thursdays,. and Saturdays. ' t Leaves Tarboro, Mondays, Wednes-days-and Saturdays. ;j ,. Train No. 43 North will stop only at Ilocky Point, Burgaw, Magnolia, Warsaw, Mount Oli ve J Dudley, ( iolds boro, Wilson, Rocky Mount, Enfield and Halifax. j Train No.' 40 South will stop only at Rocky Mount, Wilson; Goldsboro'and Magnolia. Train No. 47 make close connection at Weldon for all points North 'daily All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No.,45 runs via Richmond and Washington, and makes close connec tion daily to Richmond, and except Saturday nights for allf points north of Richmond, j -Train No. 43 runs daily and makes close txmneetion for all points North via Richmond and Washington. . AU tr.iiris run i solid between Wil mington and Washington and have l'unman l'aiace iSieepors attached l ' . 1 ; JOHN i. DIVINE, Gen. Supt. 1 A PPETCuMerHl PacnjEr Asrnt. 1 : " AfVtUl"' V T . t t 4 -. f i - -v . ' . ' . ,'.-"'- I i Ask ( rfcovred fij. TH'iinjn of ff wr mflfanil ax. the titer CiirUl di:lfd pnlieiit ho' tHey, r-cuvc!l iialtli.. ch-tIuI Xl th.-v- w ill U-i! von l jikmi SIMMON'S3 LKEU KUULA 10U. 1 t ;i The Clcnpe.f , IMircvt. ami I'aiully i-dit'ill(- i ail be World. ' For MYSI'Ki'SIA. rON'STlf .VTIOVj.Ittuntlicff, r.tttioiM- attavkF, HICK UKAliAClIK.SL'r.-lc, iht driz-ioii of Spirits, SO I, It MOIIAUU, lK-ari Tlii" unrivalled Soutiirti TSedy i' ti-arnnlwl nut lo coafaiii aii; iai't:cl of . JI KUt'tHY orauy ''ljnrious uiiurr.il sul.-.;j.nt'f, Uuct p i; k i-:e - Y v !:, kta k tin, contain ihosn Soutliurh R6ot and llerls, wliicb an. all-w I'ri ideufe hu pLvc'-d il ieoatttiies wlnrre Livei iiifeaec uKuljprcvail, ' i lt rfsrc nn DKctis canxcd lhr runjcuii'ui ui me civcr aua JZtf-.vt.-ls.- ' '.JHl1 '! Sidoaor Joiuit, oftt:u ;ui-laken lr KUoumaiism : H j VI ij it til" oi'i ii a m itiu aia 'a Mii;i' KiiMiiiu Io of Appf'itn. Bowels AHernati'lv costive nnd lax; HH'i.ifli, Iuss of Mem-jry."--Willi a pj-iuful sfnva' mn of ii.ivinir filled lo du Eoaiffiiiioe wliic'b ought to.liavi arf-a d'jiie; A teirV Ti!owap)r tranfc cif iho S'iiix aa nyes, a dryt'oi'.h oficii niii:i:ea fyr ('wistiNip'.ien. 'Soiaetiii.ies many of Hit yjiiptonji ailed the dig eae, at oih-n v.irr f---'; hu? ihe Liver, ckv I'lrees' crau in bon. is (rjiicr.ill t tiho st-ii. of tiif i!iease if not rt-iilt.ji in li;iic. r-al suift-riua:," wretched. rest auu Uu.llU mil easus. CAUTION; As thro ar a nnmhor of! lraifttioi offered to the ))ub!lc, we wo';l;l miuii tlip coniiuuuitr to bay no Porder of, I'reparc?! SIMMDN'S LIVKR II l-.i 1 'LATUK -iivjexs in. vmo w apers, hi the red letter '. asiil'Jljort.i'r iu fi oni. and. is'irt tdo by J. IS. Zt'ILJ X A: t'O. V i ' i "We hsve tiisti'diits V"irtucv personally. Had know thai for" liviK'iisi-i, liilii:iisiiu!. and " JTii r.blin ir lle:iu Aclie, ii i- b'H- liieaioiB-tin " wort I "or snw. i we nivt? inact tort ouier iieiiciiie. oeure sint- mons Ijiver lt-Kiii.itor. but itiwti: of tln-m K-ivc as more than a tfinr:iry rt-U but tlm pteKUtitor. as." Bii: Teltyrpph nutuiily relict id tit s cured and Mussenyer, Maco't. Cio. 'MANUI'ACTVIIKD ONLY BX " .iIIILArl)ELPlIli,.PA SOLD 15Y ALL DUlfGCJISTS, V8 W AND SPERMATORRKSAJ A ralnabl (SHacovery End Kow HepBrturn In ItoJ nl s,:iece. an entity Keivaod pns.l;iTely blfa-tiro lyame'i'y for tbe cpc;-ly and psrajaneDtCuro f Bemi r.al E)nission auci .Jmpotencv by tha ooly truo W,aZ' v.;7 : Appiicatjoa to ths principal S'at tf tb l)iseaie, acting by Atsovption, and oTQrtii it; tpwilic iafiuer.c a the 2 jrainrul Vesicles Eiau ulatory Ducts. V'rostats Gland, and Urethr.- Tha &ss of tho IlemeWy 13 tta-3'id wiih no pain or inooa- oniencc, and do-yj not intrfera wicb tii ortiiaarr pursuit tsot life; it i-s !ulsh.ly diesa!vod;tu B.oa !v f orbed, procucmj aa iumoiliate sctotLinp ad r&atop- , un omcci. up-a tcs somai e.; j ncrrcits orcanizv-vonswrM-ted irom self-abioso aad txee;sscs, gtoppinj ! le drain from t ja system, restoring i'sa mind to ' aitha4civ.aa recnory, roisoviai tbi Eimaeea f Sight, forvovis Debility, Confueica of Ideas, Aversion t.7 Society, etc., et., and tbe srparaau if prtraature old oga nsar.!ly eeeomoaojing thi troublsvand restoring perf&ct EJiuui X'ipor, wbexo It ha3 beea dormcct for yearn. 'x'Ha cioiisof troafc. icrat bis ftocct (he t3fc m Tf-Ty esrere casns, and la nor. pr.acucscd co83. JJraps aro too much pre scribed ia tese troKl'is, a.-:d, a mca can Sxr wit- is do Isonsravi aL.it hl'. Frc piritiosa. Tractlcal 00 tarvat:.Ln cn.-b:i-8"ii to pnsiiivci? eaaraatce that 14 will idvoEMerr.cSar. u.iri-tr f - nir-L. t.ire ths ps5 in, wiin uut ik ; Je 11 ny perAaaeatgnod. 'lljera H ha bfcn io ircpiralane. tvo have IVs-.aandtof teJtU rnoninls ac to 11s vjiise. nad it ia nowboncedad by tho .Medical rrc.'r slop to L-n ' !-.o mos-t ririona! .aoamynt 3iscovBr?d of rit ir.jrar.dcurkjtiiiayoryiirevaleok fcpubK, th.ti K2om to So iho CaUiO af untoH misery t o so rjaort and cpoa whom QtiacV;3 pry witii their uolns no?ui3 ca- big foci, 'it Eeniedy is put up in net bo;-.. eft tree r.lzosj TTo. 1. (ecouci to last atae3lh,) 12 ; 2 o. 2, (sufficient to eUact n p maneat icura, unless ia ssvere c.asws j S5j Ko, 3, (iastine orw thrt-o rcontiu. will Etsri c'n:!.iioe anA restore vipor in tbe worst cs-),) 87. 8nt hyjaail. It'tegieiua A:tntCM'ral Illustration lit the 7f4-t tteMni that MrifMtti z r9r(f fanrr'frtiiisiiAMiffail Merer ajf eeicd. SolS OAXf fc V HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC CHFfXSTS. MarXcUndStfiSts. ST. LOUIG, Ma 13PENSARY treat an L'iironJc XiiseSKea, and enjoin a natlna ail reputatyn.t bro5thv earing of coioi.lioBtdce. ' LK" niM-M..0.. 7i mi ni? ' ' i? ii . MdT r ectiona o tho blood, slrio or bon, irer.u-rt with (Ms css, without nii;Mrvar or PnisoBOun Mrdicina. Y O U M C MEN "ho aro Fafff)rlifroai trelfwcM UTTl him nn n i ii i in, uf n di:cue lht mints its vW T tii3 for baKlne ttr xa a rri a cc. wrsidBrntly canxl. PATIENTS TREATEDr!''". pnsoLii cauiulutmn is preferred, ivhicli n SRSS m iai( ed. I.iit of uestinnsto be lowered by palM ( ic.irii. trut i M!nt m.rloil fr.c lo any a!4rss nn anplicati'-ii. - Frftt. .nfTpHiee; frnm BMpf urr .Itnfl4 Kd Ibrir jiit!reM,V a4 li.rM .fn.vbln; to lueir ndtiifne. H I mtt a trifew." Comwuiiirvnih-sfritily confidential, m.J r,uli t Jdrcjed lIi.lilXT,ia?.or!Jl8lh6U6t.Lata,M. IHDORSCD BY j PHYS1C5ANS, CLERGYfiUK, AND THE AFFUCUDJVERf WHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TR,ur?1L5l!iP TORRID LIVER. Lossof appetit?.Neuse.boweis costive. Piti in the "r . pox i mujuijer vnc ciiouwlvr-. Wide; fiillnest after bating, Wtth a disin tTination to e tertionjof boidy orjaftT,, Jrritabilitjf fernper?Xow BpiTits. Iiosi qTraeniory.jwiiii & fttellngb raying neg lecteel setrtie duty. Wearincr,' 'D'isEinem. lattering of the Heart, Iots before tha ?7e?i Xeyoia. H eadanhe, KestleBs ness at night, highly co.lored Urine. IF THESE WAENISrGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIDUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU IT'S PILLS are especially adapted to audi cases.uiiadose effeets surh a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They I nri-enecthe Ai peiUe, and cause the ho!y to Take oji nmi, Ui;.s svslem la BotirKtipTl. an i by thr irTmiieA-tltion the plB-rktlvrOrncanB. ItrcularKlaoli are pro duced. I'rir-e is oon'.s. Ss Hnrray t Sf.Y. TUTT'S HAIR! DYE. Gray Haik orXV'KiBKRKs rhahgeA te a Riwtv Hick by a sinsle m.piitatiou of :thi Dyk. It imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Bold t.j DrcesJiM'.cr r-u ' rs, rnii, rt-rpipt of $1. umce, 3& Murray St, New York. m or. Iirr I IJUI talaal. Ufbrmattea i Vu acccipu mux ulu- IS , : a aaUraUM. T i WIRE RAILING AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. DTJPTJR 3s CO, 2G North noward St., Baltimore. cgf k, sand and coal screens iron Bedtead. T?G I2m ensns. ettecs, te. V. () . Trade MjC . 'l ' ' 1 . t j n m j v i tr. WirentilmgrorcerBeteni lawns, mr dent, ofiicesaHd balconies; Hiudow guarcl tr.-e, guards, wire cloth, sletcs. f..,i-..,." 7 twimviw TiiE Wilson Advance. Wilsox, Friiay, January tlT, 1SS2 I1073 1: AXI FA1I3I- "11 tha by th4 plow w 1 Ilimsclf must either hold or drive. j . GREATEST OF THEM ALL A KVf PLAIN FACTH ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA, THE (iKEATZST STAT 3 IN THE UNIOxi Iurham, N.j C, Jan. 19th, 1832. Editor Gold eaf: Just for the motto of your paper, ' nrict Hie senti ment it inspires in the heart qfaii na I tivo North Coroltnians "to tlie spirit ' and the manner born," I give you a few facts about the 'products and ad-. vantages of the Old North State, not generally ksownj . It is the only State in the Union that produces the agricultural products of every State and Territory in the Un ion, and ttvo counties, Hyde and Cur rituck, produce more corn than the whole State of Ne w York. ; The largest tree, this side of Cali fornia, (stands on the banks of Nutbush creek, in Granville, county, Ion the lund' of Tom Turner. It is fifteen feet in diameter ten feet from the ground. The largest cot tern stalk ever raised in this country grew on the farm of Mrs. Cheek, near jWarrenton, in 1S64. It was twenty-one feet high, four inch es in diameter above the ground, and was on exhibition in John White's I stol"0 in Warren ton, for some time, and may be there yet. Tlie largest garden cvmblin ever heard of, was raided by Warren Duty, near Shatter, about six miles from Henderson, and weighed one hundred and one pounds. It was as large as a flour barrel, and was sold at Duty's sale to Green W renn lor one cent a pound. Thir was in 1S15 and Joseph Allen, John Smith, Vincent Vaughan and all the neighbors were there to a public sale of Warren Duty's; who was selling out to move to a better country than this. I was but a small boy- at the tirn, but it made a lasting' im pression upon me, that any: farmer should wish for a bettor or more, pro lific coufitry than where cymblins would grow to weigh oyer one hun dred pounds. Next to the ' Jargest lump Ol pure gold ever dug o'ut of the earth, was mined in Cabarrus county, N. C, aftd s yet retained in its original form by an English house, I believe. This is the very best timbered State in all the Union, and in tho Variety and excellence of its many species is unequalled. Wild locust,, so valuable i y ship building is found in perfection I near Asheyille, Buncombe county and boards of this rare timber aro fre quently seen twenty' feet long, twenty inches wide. 'without knot or blemish; and since the oppning of the railroad quite a business has developed"' In. sending this with other valuable tim ber to all parts of tho country. i Just before the war, two ship loads. L of timber left Wjilmington; N. C, fori Jerusalem, with1! which to rebuild Si omon's Temple;! and since the recent revival of that project by the. Crowi Prince of Austria, aided by the Sultan of Turkby, for the restoration, of tfie Temple in n;i its) ancient glory, we see it proposed nct to send to Hiram ' for the cedars of Lebanon this time, but to the Unitefl siates for the long leaf pine of North Carolina. "So mote it be."' --'v ' j-- .;'.'.' ' . . The best whe Turkey, are to stones this side of be found in Ofamre county, near Chapel Hill, and j before the war they were quarried and ped dled by wagoners over the country and sold for one dollar a pound.? The highest pricad raw silk in the world is that raised in North Carolina, and the silk factory. in Pattjerson, New Jersey, is offering special inducements for its production. The iworms aro healthier and sj-in a richer anci strong, er thread 'than any where else. Eas nach, in Raleighi sell;! his extra eggs n France ad China at sixteen dollars an ounce, with frcight and insurance added to this price. The fine gold leaf tobacco that grows at your doors, takes tire premium where and when ever brought iii competition with to bacco from othr parts of the world, and upon, its rising fame and increas ing demand the sun never sets. In spito'of thtescj facts North Caro linians are leaving their native State daily for other parts of the country where they "can do better." , If all the people now living, fhat are .natives of the State, could bo brought back to North Carolina, she would be the most populous eevtion of our country, j There is something rad ically wrong, what i-- it? Here is where the old and new flow er comesndose together; the birds mi grate not; the harvest and the seed time mingle time and time arcundthc year; there js no ix'stilencci in th tliousand voiced wiud-hiirrw r k.. vales, the fofest,nd the storm. The ciuuu ana ine sKy go floating over us to the music of health, comfort . 1 1 .,.! . 1 security; t?eseiting dangers and an noyances are reduced ti house-fli ! and wood -ticks i i, i . . .y uo iney eo. and so few, their place? stmngers come to take -p. R. Smith, in Gold Leaf The Babylon (L. I.) South Side Sin ned quotes from a Missouri paper: Mr. W F. Qumlan, Crystal City, Mo., suffered occdssionally from rheumatic piwiift in ms kb, ior which he cessfulty trieI St. Jacob-Oil. suc- SPECIAL ICDTIcE. WILL EXCHANGE Oil FLOUR FOR W at my Dealer in General Merchandise, ' I - 'm ' LSAD!!5C; FEATURES' . emlmt'M PauWe; WooU r.-,r3. . Pitobl Wocxl Grata. : gMPm Adi-tsftb:, : r:,,r.;. .Inter. kangeabl A , Manufactured ISAAC A; 8KEPPARD ' A Daitsmc, uka .c t .ll. P. t-UK5i i ' .".. v i; .. IBROVJM'S 3 A TRUE TONS A prRF"?CT STISrNfSTKCMER.A'SUftE REVIVER. .-IRON . RITTLLik-'J f.:ciug' .-y.- i--" -scascs requiring a'ccr;aia ana t-lidcat tonic: aWiatiy 'Uduon, Jjscp9ia, Jntiimt 'i.--vi f : --. rriTisr-'if!! nd t ivcsf.CT in? to c-i tlil diosti ve organs; reinovlnj ell dfmcpile ejmpicra,?ttci as Tasting CeTocd lidcl Ln-f, ileal itCVc omMhbtirnx TIio enly Iron Preparati? n thr.t will not -blacken tho rretk or fjve headaclio-. ;Holi 1-v h!l -:ru" .-jftts. w-i-" for t'r A B 0 Book:f C2 rp: of useful and r.ir:t:sm- rcau-isS)-.:5 free. -iiZXmil CnOIIGAt. CO., Baltimore, 3W. A Large Stock for Send For ALFRED WILLIAMS. ('' -! RALEIGH, N.C, ' . . J:' ALL North Carolina ??ehoo!sj whether public or Privatey can obtain School Books, tc., at Raleigh at prices .s low As auk ofkelld UYany ortiiijpn !' 'i -V.:- I'KALKKS. '-'v.;,:". ' . - '- ' ' ' We have the largest stock in the Stato and fill all orders fROMPTLY. fiC'OMPLETE CaTALOGUK Sk'T OX AlTLICATIOX.-lfJa : ; . -ADDRESS A 1 f r e dl lVi l ! i;a in s & C e., BOOKSELLERS, and STATIONERS. RALEIGH, N. C. July 15-3mJ W. BEASLEV'S Sewing Machine jind Repair Office, 105 Churcli Streea, Norfolk, Ta. Where can be found anv of the i leading first-class sewing mac h me at BOTTOM PR , CES. 1 SentJ f I price list or call o me uetore pui Needles, Attac! mcnts ! and , p: t for all makes. Old Machines thor oughly; repaired and riiaale to work MEAL EOlt CORN, STORE THE BEST 13 THE KMKET. iPoartcsH..C!.rtTt:t';sIsc kintt Tiro tSxi with Enar3oW1 liewnrotM. AdeW to r.nd prk cil to ruit alt purses. Pi.- - - T: v -Cr-vs 1 r;....r "! f it-'.'. Kn-iH -?-irikol Ur.vnualt:.! h: L:.:a..U. iu operatic -p.. '"':'-' -' L'r.riclics tho Licod, tli2 nerves. Thcv act like a charm Glari stmas Holidays Ciroulari I. - - -V-5 - -V. ' Hanff '&D Son OOLDSBORU,N EUGENE G. HARRELL :o: as good as when new. Good sec ondhand machine m perfect order from $10 to $15. For fair dealing I refer j to most any bn f n ess house n K,rfolk or Per sm ,wth. J . v . ULAbbUY 105 Church Street, . Norfolk, V, MISCELLANKOUH. 1 M A R C L nv 0 R k c I nn I Sycamoro Street, Petersburg V GKAYE STO Of everv desprintinn morlh . - iuiv i - orarr -i.SiiiK in price irom . up. Doirni sent by mail ptista-e iaid with stamp onclosed for return. When ordirsar. rmjived they are filled and forwari J. If the work Ls not satipfactory purchasers arc requested to retura A No pay required unti; tlu- w,.k u exansl . . orl' 'lx"riet solicited ficm ail ,,-r,. of the countrr. - 1 "? fcb25-:r " CIIAS. M. WAic.i illovy- Tiii 865 r-OR-C-- - 1 ' IKFfiLLIBLE CHILL CURE. The attention of Druggist aa' Dealers generally is called to hi r. t Valuable medicine, .which sturi M fore the public and medical fa tjry undisputed as a cure for Ftvsr w . Ague, Bilious and Rc'mifting Te crj Dumb Chill", Enlarged Sploen, Rt.i aij ' diseases arising from malarial , :or ' miasmatic poisons. It i no quKck' nostrum or patent humbug clainiV.g to cure all diseases, but only 6uch jss arise from malarial 'poisons, wtficii! arc very prevalent in Eastern Caroli-i na; Containing a very valuable pi aration of'Iron it renovates the hlool, promotes the appetite-and is a mot potent Alterative! 'Certificates of its infallibility fl'otn Rome of our ;bf.t citizens will be furnished upon at. li cation, ahd if it fails, to give satisin - v" tion when used according to directio ' tho money will be refunded. Iruar ' ed only by .,' HENRY C. SHANNON, i ; Druggist and Chemist, .'! '..;' 6ti W.est Centra 8t-.,-- Aug24m v (ioldsboro, N. C. JOHN CLARK JR. & CO'S BEST 5 X - C OR D Miicliino or Ilaiiil Use. .: 0: - THOMAS RISEI.L i SOLE AGENTS' CO Fon sAi.K r.Y Ilincs, II adley fe G., WILSOX. N. ;. fief. JEWELnY,4c. Ue younj;' r. P. 01a" and ur jr ''' eyealjht. ; t ' i; Ti Young & Bro. DKAttlMN- FINK rKATCUKS. DESMOND.0.. J K WL LliY. SI L V Ell -ft A K K. MarmRictun'r of ail kit ids of - Plain Gold Jcwcliy,' Ciigs. Bass. it Thf ,bst $io. castor, stud 8V.00 r tiei eroll. J ineilraii: traicliei at the lowest pricr. rj Solid' 'ilytr tpooiu, forki 4e., cheaper haii ov-r. Your or'lrr ure o licitrd and will bi promjiilr witended bj J. T. YOUNG & BUG. : . FfcTKRSBUKO. Yx.: . "r Uth '79.-! f ' 1 Send your orders .for 11 kinds of JEWEDIY, Arthur C. Freeman, 114 Main Street, Head Jarkt Square, Norfolk', Va. I shall be at the Weldon Fair with p full wsortment of Jewelry, Wtliw i' Ac, and shall be glad to see ti y ok friends, Whetj you jfo to Yorktown call to ace me. -. ' Repairing profrjfrtl doiie. ' Send your orders by mail and' th will be promptly filled. " Ai Cy FREEMAN, Norfolk,' V. Oct.7. ly. LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY- STABLtS ' " - ,'-''-''"-!' ' ' - ' " : ','-'':' ' '' ' THE BEST IN TOWN! TUK NICEST AND NEWEST, ; BUGGIES : '. L. AXD TME FINEST H0KSE8, FOR irJllE'-lT very Stables. V f 119 IT CI , . , . her of fine horse for 'hifi. L'ur terms arp no ...a.i. ; those (i T n n ;... .i - v.-. and we guarantee to please all our patrons. N If you desire a nlr.- t..rnA..t ttih gne it t yott , i WILSON N. C.

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