r -; - if By Th3 AJ1T33 Publishing Company LET AL THE ENDS THOU AIM ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." Joiephut Dtnieli Kintjtr I Trm:V2.00 prrYcai WttSON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBIUJAIiY, 17 1882. VOL., lJ5.-N6;!d 1-4 4 : j'"-- ' ' ' - "- .. ' - ' '. ; : 4 i i i- . , ; ; ; L. t - ' ' . X ' 1 r. . U. 1 1 I -. . The Wilson Advance. Host Friday, February 17, 1882. POETRY. 7 HEARTSEASE. 'ofwll the bonny buds 'that blow, , -I.u bright -r cloudy: weather, Of all the flower that come and go, -The whole twelve months together, This litthv lirple pany nriniM -; Tinn.jrht of tho "sweetest saddest ,. things. - ::. . - ! ; J ' j ' . . I lul l a little lover once Who i..-c:(l to'fjive'me posies; I ! eyes' were, blue hyacinths, : iTjh were red a itwe'; A pel c v eryhody loved to praise Hi )rvtty looks and vinrome wys. Th girl.-t that went to school with me Made 1 ttle jealous, speeches, ; J IIcciiuHc he 1 rought tne royally The lii -t jdiuiift and peaches; And aiujavsat the door would wait .Ta.carrvi fo 'no myibook and late. " ' "n.: : L - m - '. -'; -v -"Thev could uot see,? with pant and "The mighty fascination . A'xuit that little snub-nosed thing To win shich admiration; . As iftluire wertMi't a doKe-n girls With lncfi- eyerf and longer cnrin." And t r , ,rc. they, And never could sees clearly, v n. ii.pt' lii.. iiiiiim in May I should hie lovel.Ho learly. Mo once 3 asked him why; was this? He only avsvere,d with a kisij. i - 5. ' Until I teased hi n3"Tell me why " I want Q know the reason;" : When from thegardt-n-bed close by (The paiisies were in se:vson) He plucked and gave a llowerto me, With svieetand bihiple gravity. "The garden is i n bloom," he said "Withjillies, pale iiiid sh nder; With rUes; and' verbenas-rod, And ft.liisVs' purple splendor. But over and above' the rest This little "heartsease suits me best.'? . j T. -' . "Am Lyoiir little heartsease then?" 1 aflkefi kvith ilushiiig pleasure; JIo answered' yt&V and "yes" again "Hoaitsone and dearest treasure, And nVund world, and all the sea Hold uwth'm haitso sweet tt) me.'! I listen" I With a proud delight, . To) rare fcr won Is to capture; Kor" ever dreiuued tliat sudden blight W'ould iroriip, to chill niy.- rapturo. (!ould i! foresee tin? 'tender .bloom, ; 'Of pansjies rouuda littk-tomb? Iiife holrls soiMcMern experience, As .niosjt of us discover; ; ' And I've had other losses since I lost niy little lover. . But stiltf this purple pansy brings; Thoughts i oi tlif HWeete.t Haudest 1 things; .' v,-' ! - ': . - i ";"'.--'"--! - . Yro I y&uio res" Mont My r::f " ' ------ ' ; ' 1 -o- SIMKi KECSN'T HITMO ROt'S AND lltknTl.ESS OCVUKKF.XCKH," AND Tim LAW (.'DXCEKMAO j f Til KM. , Not ' the least curious thing about the. attractive subject of practical joking s that whenever, through the stupidity or brutality of a humorous Vuffianj a person is killed or disflguretl for life,' the newspapers cirronicle the occurrence ! undt'r . the heading: "A Warning to Practical Jokers." If the wii"- had been maimed or slain, or if 7" - .j ." . the neighbors had flogged him or lynched him, then there would have been some excuse for the headline. The practical joker's doings take a a wide range and are performed at the expense of! all classes of the commu nity. :..-' I' : :" '';;'' ". '.'' : An industrious New York newspa per nin lias J collated t he following quite recent illustrations: ! . ; i In jlnuarv last Mr.W.T. Timmons, of Soifh Carolina, ;f having beert. re joctedjby his sensible sweetheart, un 1 dortoojc to move her heart by writing a lette to tliepressfin another person's hamej announcing that his lifeless Ixnly had been found at Adams' Run. The only person seriously affected was m brother, who. instantly bought a coa at Charleston and traveled to to the spot to discover the hoax. At Jefferson City, Mo., a stranger nut no VffhR Monroe House and sold the landlord a pair of new boots for three dollars. T lie landlord's intimate -aud 'waggish friend induced a humor ous shot-maker, named Joseph tuck, to sro and claim the boots, as having . been stkilen t'rohi him. and the hotel thpin in), and when sub- . Mviuentlv he encountered his guest, had him'iirrested and summoned Mr. Flick; as a witness. Then the joke came out, and Mr. Fiick had to pay twelve! dollars costs while the guest has an kctiou pending for damages for "Use imprisonment. I n Chicago the other day a somewhat similar but less serious comedy was enactor!. - liierrv lawyer gave a sa- loon-keenr. who prided himself on- hiexf(cfiiessinnnahcialaffaiR,atwo- uomt t,uvteceiyea a oi.eHioilar bill in eh kuge, th en li e snowea in e artist knother twiollar greenback, and went otf feiyiy g exultation. All vent i ell till onls next visit he gave the saloon-keeper a five-dollar hill, and the saloon-keeper kept the dollar Out of it. f ; i . ' In ew York City, on election night n juviiil politician desirous of amusing himself at the expense of a saloon keeper that claims to rival any bank cashierin the detection of counterfeits, ; undertook, for the delectation of a ' party of friends, to "rine in" a ba-1 V on the busy Boniface, and was hor rified when ere the bill had fairly touched the counter, the barkeepeV caught itupeaying he"wantod change for a ten," and paid it out to a fourth party. The precise liability in this case offers an interesting theme for discussion. . i ' . The late Count LBellatN, and emi iient mathematician of Padua, some time lefore his death preparel n letter to a friend dated a: year ahead and dfc-scribing his experience in Hell, and left it to his executors to be mailed at the expiration of a t'welvemonth. August 19, 1880, la number, of New Yorkers were hoaxed by a com muni cation to a uiomingpaper announcing H the writer's intention of shooting him- self at three -o. m on the rock in V the lake in Central . Park op- jKsitc the Malh 1 Unfortunately he failed to keen faith with the Dublic. Mr. Fairfax Williamson, whose persecutims of the! Hev. Morgan Dix wid be retwernbered, and the unknown man who sent Mr. H. P. Brooks, ticket agent of the, Baltimore t Ohie Railroad in this 'city, wagon aftr wagon loaded with meat, fruit and vegetables, C. O. I)., were common place imitators of Theodore Hook, and much less "able thin the 'fiice.ious young lady of, Philadelphia who sev eral years ago issued a hundred or more invitatons to dinner in the name of one of Mr. Child's near neighbors--skillfully arranging the list of invita: turns so as to include fifty assorted 4airs of mortal ' enemies-rand' then kindly ordered a magnificent dinner from a restaurant for the occasion. A decidetlly pcnsational practical j ike was perpetrated in Brazil on the occasion of the introduction of a new safety-brake, Domf Pedro, who was on the train, being an accomplice. At one part of the line, where it passes through a cutting founded by rockn, a gigantic construction of lath and canvass, painted to represent a mass of fallen rock, wasrplaced on the rails so that the driver would catch sight of it as he rounded a curve. He ciid, and stopped the train in a hurry, so that both the joke and (trial- were succe ss ful. But suppose lie had jumped off? When the steanjer i'otosi left Jly mouth recentlyfor Australia a practi cal joker cried out: "Man overboard! A'life-boat was lowered, but the falls became entangled and live men were plunged into the j water, two being urowned. 5 j At LiuthwaitCj England, John Dis kin, a boy -of sixteen, thought it would be great f un to scare his mate, a lad of llfteeti, by throwing a rope around his neck and putting the end of it around the machine shaft. The ob ject of the joke vas dashed to pieces. At Sixty-fourth street, inCew York City, in August last, Pietro Franchi's 1 ates undertook to wake him from a nap bv wheeling aitruck with a niau ! ;i . r i- I.: I T ,.t-..,.. ..... ol 11 HK!llI,st ,,,m' i''-u'-R- tne nean ana Kineu nnu. ' At Chicago, Mr. M. B. ; Uould, a Uould, a prominent business man, resolved to scare the janitt r by overturning things in hisroom iand hiding in the closet. While he vas chuckling wi h a companion over the success of thtdr stratcgem, theanitor, having vainly summotied the alleged burgfar to sur r ;hder, fired through the door and killed him. "j There died at the Indiantown (N. B.) Asylum, last 1 winter, Miss Clara BanalLi young lady upon whom a waggish caller pounced one evening arraved "en diable." She fell in a fit and became a ravins maniac. ; I n Robeson County. N. C, recently little James Phillips' young friends undertook to cure him of being 4icary' lw visitimr the house during his parents' absence 1 trying the doors, etc. The fright killed him. At Denhison, t)., an American hu morist srave a little girl two railroad torpedoes, telling her they werecandy packages, to oe oieneu wiin a. nam mer. She lost both eyes 111 opening ing them. 1 At Bomhav. in Ot-tober. a school bov came beiiind a young companion, put his hands over! his frund's eyes and bade him "eruess who it was. The bov struggled to escape, the joker tightened his grasps ana tne victim was fairly "gouged," the crystalline lens being broken, rj ' In Brooklyn, E. D., the favorite loke is stretchiiic a line across the W - . . Ktrept to catch nassers in th6 evening under the chin. After a girl had been thrown down and had suffered a fracture of the skull the authorities took action and the next offender was finer! fiv dollars. ! ? in t i nnis it costs one dollar to place a split cork on the nose of a sleeper, ornament it with matches and light them. I , ; . James Stewart, a saloon-keeper in New York Citv, kept a galvanic bat tery which the unwary were encour age! to believe was a! lifting-machine. 1 i.ni-iul it rrr-ont nttlUCtion Until OTie ..rtha ihiM'ts suel for dauiasres and got two hundred aoiiars, wun one hundrel and fifty dollars costs. The Court at West New Newbury, Mass., rendered recently a curious de cision in the lay of practical joking. Isaac Ilibbs and sundry of his com- nunillUK HlllLLfU IU . ut v. B ' q q ideatnat it w ; - ana ne cuun .. as t)iAM i a rift ianftnlt ' ghost there m as no assm- "I will shoot j-ou, 1 DeiieNe, nam, said a playful young lady ef Matagor- da Countv. Texa, to Mr. iiammon ! . 'vw a a Uinrlev iointinr a Dlstot at him. Tho Kugley , pointing a pwioi mtu ball struck him in-the inroarana kHledhim. (P. S, She did not know it vas loaded.) J fleman by heaving a rock through ,his iJXSfftoS eTue window. He overheard them, hid in , Lnfortunateiy tins result ensuea. the shrubbery in his undershirt, and ) henevei -the. wither became damp pounced on tLm. All ran away but .! or my system-absorbel thesl ghtest Hibbs; who knocked the old man ! cold my ankles pained rae. This went down several times The old man:n at internals fer over three years UOBU, , . iTfKKa ioHi iand I could not obtain relief. Last brought action, but Hibb pleaded , winter j applied theSt. Jacobs OU and that he 'thought it was a ghost, and it completely cured me. I have not he wasn't going to run from no ghost," since felt a return of the pain. - -" . ' i vularl thnt if rt W1M i ". A Teacher Killed by a Pupil. Iu ah altercation growing out of an attempt to preserve the discipline of a little country school acrqsH the river, In Monroe county, Illinois, on Friday afternoon, ltobert C. Baily, the tutor. an estimable young man, resident of I M.".ltr"x' was siaoDea in me region i 1 . m t At . I of the heart by James Emmett Me Bride, a pupil, scarce 17 years of age, and, sinking into a irhair, expired within a few minutes in the pres ence of a score of terrifif rt boys and girls. . The scene of .the tragedy wi s what is known as the McBride school house, situated in the settlement of Yankeetown, six miles southwest of Red Bud, Randolph county, and about thirty miles from Louis. From the statements of II. C. Hincklev and T. McDonough, residents of Monroe coumy, jne particulars m me trageny were obtalnHl. Mr. Bailey, the teach er, had occasion to reprimand the boy McBride for a grave violation of the "He of the school, and, according to the statements of the scholars, strucK him twice in the face, either with his hand or clenched fist. The boy wAs in the act, at the time the punishment was inflicted, of sharpening a pencil, ard held an open knife with a small blade in his. hand. In a towering rage he sprang to his feet and a scuffle en sued, the teacher forcing the boy to ward the door. During the struggle' the lad was,seen to strike twice with the knife. The first inflicted a slight wound over the eye. The, second penetrated the chest above the' heart. The teacher and boy ? were near the door at. the time. The former was seeti to relinquish hisi hold and the boy Tan aVay. Bailey walked to a chair and said: "I have been stabbed; go for the doctor quick. I shall prob ably bleed to death." I The affrighted children 'vflcd in terrdr. Mr., Ander son, one of the directors, being in the neighborhood, was the first informed of the tragedy. He ran ,to the scene, but the poor school teacher had fallen from the chair, and lav upon the floor of the school room dead. The boy McBride rail home and told his father, who sent a messenger) to Renault for Dr. Cheuing. He responded prompt ly but could be of no service. At;the inquest the testimony of the pupils was alone heard, and,; on the finding of the Jury, the boy was taken by his ather to Justice Church, who, altera preliminary examination, accepted $o,oo) bail for his appearance before he Circuit Court, which i convenes in March. After the release on bail, cer tain citizens were not content with the. action of the Justice, and a war rant was issued fori the' rearrest of the boy, on a charge of murder in the first degree. Bailey, the j dead teacher, lived, at Waterloo! andj leaves an aged mot her ana sister; Jle was a young man of" great promise, jand very popu lar 111 the circle in which he moved. St. Louis Globe-Vemocr (ft. ', TSac Talk of the Tou a. - - ' 1 Columbus, Ga. Feb. 4, 1881. H. H. Warner & Co.: Sirs Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure beats all the medicines I have ever heard of for kidney and liver diseases' It has cured a genuine case 6f 2riirht's Dis ease herein Columbus i (Judge F. M. Hrooks), and that is proof enough for me. It is the talk of the town. J.N. GiiJbert, M. D. A Snnkc in his Stom'acb Mrs. T. G. Salisbury of this city, to- frlay received a letter from Miss Cora Lee, of Butte. Mon.. which contains information of a .remarkable state ment. , The writerjis k daughter of Win. C. Lee, a former well known res ident of Minneapolis, i After stating that his health is much-better than it has been, for some time, .she says that about a month since her father was awakened from his sleep one night by an unpleasant sensation in his throat. Feeling in his mouth for the cause, he pulled therefrom a live snake, eight inches long and as big as his little fin ger. The reptile lived for more than an hour, and when disturbed would show fight.. Mr. Lee thinks that he took the snake in hisSstomach five years ago while in the employ of the government in the Yellowstone re gion. Those who are acquainted with the writer of the letter will not ques tion the truthfulness oft "-Minneapolis Journal. he statement. A Smile of Satisfaction. This from the Cleveland (Ohio) Penny Press, carries its 6wn sujrgev tiou: Recently nieetlngr Mr. H. G. Keffer, treasurer of the Cleveland Her ald, our representative I inquired of that gentleman, after stating his mw- i sion, if he personally knew , anything j ahout the Great German Remedy, St. ; Jacobs Oil. A smile 'played across I Mr. Kefler's expressive face and his eyes twinkled merrily a;, he replianl in the affinn.itive, I will hot re'useto state my experience with it, and' you mav use it as you think best. Four ! years ago I sprained one of my ankles, ' an accident which,? as you are aware, j entails ruuch Buffering and sometimes ' leaves the limb in a condition to re- i , - ... - a Tt a , . ; . , a i. maiana nas ner own whj oi ueaiing wun Durgiars. un lasi ounaay nign ; nrtfwiere tried to enter a house i a . a rf-V - A I X . Tn'lkim ln that 8tfttp. ami in- of getting plunder gtt a load of - - - aw a 1 a A all.a.1 lead, l ne taie is srnon. au xnree were killed. That was speedy justice. . exen;nt from barglarSf and te way to keep so is to be quick on the trigger should 1 they appear auioug us, j THE VALEXTIXEi My Valentine' a page of gold. Upon it, by the morning's fight, I trace new hopes and fancied bright So aweetly is the story told Th old, old story yet so ner v JA little song of love a voicti . Thattjids myflatterjngsoullfjoice J A nromisn to bo ftVPrtriiAr Oh iQve.sweet love,this hqnest heart, unknown to coquetry or fart, Hath sworn fidelity to you." J . And to my trustful heart I press My valentine With fond caress, And now the lojur,lom? years fia veiled But still, as sweetly as of old, I read the treasured sheet of fold What tho' my love, alas! be dead! And as I,read,- from yonder skies An angel with a radiant crdwn Comes to my lonely chamber down A d bids me dry ny streaming eyes, tio, in the soft decaying dayf I think of him who's far awy 1 Whose body in the churchyard lien, And to my broken heart I prss My valentine with fond caress. . j. - I - The wheat is looking as fine at a gal in this section. , Everywhere it verdure and luxuriance show it to be on a sound footing "When a man gets excited ajhd rants around we say he is vehement. If a woman should do so, could we say slje was ve shement? I "Dof not marry a widower, said the old lady. "A ready-made family is like a plate of cold potatoes" Oh, I'll soon warm them over," j said the damsel and she did. f ; "Twenty years ago," says K colored pnuosopner, "niggers wasi wuth a thousand dollars apiece. Now dey would be deah at two dollars a dozen, It's 'stonishin' howale race am depre- I'lorin' i And this is the song of the Wilson county candidate: !.." "Howdy1, howdy, howdy do, j How's your wife, and how are you? It fits my fist as no other can,! The horny hand of the working man." The Trenton (N. J.) Gazkte, men tions the; case of Mr. John Wr6od, with the American Pottery Co., that city, Who was cured by St. JacobsfOil of an attack of rheumatism, which! had con fined hiin to j his bed for seventeen weeks. ,He praises it unstintedly. George, do not come to night-: I would not cause you paiti but oh! I must command thee darling, go; And when the pale moon's light Doth shimmer thro' the waving trees And on the softly dancing breeze The nightingale throbs his refrain, Come riot again forgive tho.pain George, do not come to-nighl . Nay, must I tell thee why? I And dost thou doubt this loyal heart? 'Tis better, George,' wtj shou)d part; ior, u my aarung, 1 j Discover by the pain 'tis riiaking That horrid vaccination's taking: Yet i f you'll promise on youi knees You will hot tease me for a squeeze To-night, George you maylcoine. ' j ' i "Warnings to tho Vaccinated. In these days of vaccination, chn the points are in general deniand. it wilf not be amis to remember the follow ing: 'Don't pick your nose with the fin gerthat hasshortly before comeln con tact with yaccine matter. A man in a neighboring village act edf contrary to this rule, as a result the matter took kindly tojhis nose, made thesacqu. Lit ance of the membranes, spread all through his head, and he is just able to leave his bed after a confinement of more than two weeks. A Glen's Falls lady scratched the bite of an insect on on foot with the fingers thatf had been toying with her vaccinated arm. Thp following day her foot swelled. She was crippled., She. was crippled for a month, and pined away over the neart-renamg prospect or wearing a No. 11 shoe for the remainder of her days, but filially she recovered. These be practical points on vaccine points and will bear the caution they point out. ' .' ; . ' . " MEDICAL. ' Houralgia, Sciatica, Lambago, Backaeha, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, .am am ajaf a dft J ilumsy, sore I nroat, weumgs mm '-. Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodilj Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and cars, and of I other rains and Aches, j Ho rrrpantion on aartn equal St. 3 opb Oil aa a (MV.jm, adaaaWaacd eaWars Xxhtrnal Kaataar a arUVMtadta ant ttia HiaiMiaiiTflT trtClag ooOay 00 day ean hara cbeap and poaiUTe proof r;iteui-na. af SO Caata, an4 rwr one cutTerinc; -aith fmtm Directions la Eeren Langnarea. gOLD BT ALL DXTJQQnT8 AID SSAXZX8 H aaXDIGIVX. A,TOCKEXJ2Il & CO, raiiDEtiif. mm TOTT'S IP INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEW, AHD THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. of ppetlte.y nem,bowl coitiy. Win in theSad,withdutI n"tion the bkolEjpart, Pain u3er th TeqJV' BIfa. fuffaeM "after Ung, with TdUin clnAtion to xUen of boTy "or ln Tmilylityef femyVj:lw&iu, tSTJf a... A,- m,.. TttnTBZ aM at mgiiE. mtii7 ooiora urint. 17 TH2SX WARimrSB ABJS UBUUSZ9, SEHIOUS DISEASES WTU. SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUIT'8 PILLS cpeetally adapted t iicli eaaeaMoe doae rlTecta lacharhaaa f feeling; mm to aatonlMh tha uffrr. TBr lnn mii tint afyMU, 9 CaM tM Wki4 V A rakkA ataaa VLmU Ikm I Ka Bra to 'ratat ana Wtrim, woa uir .rataa rtm 1 r anrt BlV thAirTaaaala- AMlaMM IM Ornun, KyilritnU arapra r -1 oant. St Hurra; Ht, K.V. I- Auoud. Prtr TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OaAT Hitior Whiicku rtunftii ( Ouarf Black by a single aipll-atiD of ttal Dti. It loiparta a nalaraJ color, act 1 astanmnaoualr. Sold by Dru((i.ta,sr xrut by iirra reipt af fl. OfTloe, 35 Murray 8t New York. rasa aatakwaaB.iT TTf-T3l fU8 W AND SPERMATORRHttA. , Anhaabla Dlaotrrary nod l"aw Dapartarfl hi Ib loal aiMot, aa aatiraly liaw and poiitiralf acatta Kaaadr for ttaa aoacdr and Daraaaant Can ot Baaaa- tto jpaeific UfloaBoa aa tM Samlaal yeaiclaa, Kjao olatary Sacta. Prostata Gland, sad UraUkra. Taa asa of toe Hamad? Ja atteadad witb ao pain or taaaav raaiaaoa, aad does not tatarfera -ariUi tho ordinary porsaiU of li.'s ; it la quickly dlaaaliaiaB4 aooa aa- rnrbad, prodarinx to liaiaadiat nrbad, prodaeiiur to likiaad ttaaoothiaeud ;;tita auac '..ona srrae Mac qpoa tea aatnal mad Barrens ercaautb i aa drain from tha aratana. raatoiina? tha mind aa wracicaa from aaiMoasa uo aieaaaaa. ataoataar aaltta and aatind memory, Tamoriaa tha Planiaa i anbt, Jfervcua SabiUtr, Oonfuaica of laaaa, ATe.aion to Society, ate, ate., and thaappaaraaaa 5 prematura old a-gra asoally aopoaapaajrac 4ada R nas ooaa aaraiaaa I or roars. 'nia nnun an aid hu stood tha teat la Tvry aarara csaas, aai sroDonnsad neceaa. Drug ara too aaach nnat'.w enables as to positively aruarantao that H will sire aatiafactlon. l)u rina tha aicht years thad It has Dean In renorati ooials as to its Talai (dicairrofacioa to aioaoTatvd of roac Ulna and enrina; this vary prevalaqt traabla. that ia well known to bo tha causa of aataM misery ta so maay., aad upon wboia quacks pray with their assise Bfctriiata and big- foea..Th8 Baawdy ia nttt an ia naat boxaa. of throe sixas. Ma. 1 toiastamoBth.) S3; No. S, (sufficient to eflect a ras. aai.mwfi ;iant to effect a aaa.' niMnt eura. vtnlea ill MTflr .caict S Wa. S (taatias; oror threw months, will atop tnisaioaa and rastoro rig or in tha worst easosj 87. Bent br pssll. aWd.ln piaia wrapper, JVU DIRTSCXIOKS to lef m aivinm Auatot I nil I llttwtra Uim ' erMS m wmm , l'Miinaiiii, arJMri ait( raw aHwra nmmt aJcwjararstt tHmt f Jaajt raa few twraat tm yiraet aarwlaaat,aTat fU for I Me rfwfarn ar lia, aaMM eta 4 rJVateal. motA OMt.lt mm HARRIS REMEDY CO. HTL BESSL Harkctaatf 6th its. . ST. LOUIS. Mo. DR. BUTTS' DilS Treat all Chronic Siaoaaoa. aad aniors a el reputation through the oarioa of eomulieated INDtSCRgTIOWrEXPOSUREy-r actiooa of tha Mood. :in or oonaa. treated with i oeae. without naina MeraarT or PoiMinoos Mtdapiaaa. YOUNG MEfT7ln are suffarincf roan taa eflecta SBBBSwaiaawawawaBWaBa a dl. that aanta Ha ia tiaaa for bnoioeea ar meariaa. T-oraaanratly eored. lATIEHT3TREATtlD.T'- MrwaTceewlimtire n titalecfea, wakb FBBS eea iaa aa. Liwef qautioBla bcaa.wena ay pmu iixim tn4r an at m.Ami tm la any aMm. oa eevtMat.. afrwaeaa aaaVHaa areai Uaatarv .beeM aaaa IbHr ailiuia, aa4 ban tolas ta their eataatea. It aet a anaavP Comm.uicaM.n. mtkiIt enMaetlal, .as aala b. aMrvaaea BSL BVTTH, lb) Narth Sth U St- ' Having pui chased all of tho machinery bclonyug to the late 1 - ''- .- ' ' ' , '"'. : ' ' - '' T. A. .Wainwnzht. we are now prepared to build riersr, and ro- -' pair all kinds:of machinery: , We keep constantly on hand pipe and fittingi Also valve of all kinds. Special attention given fitting up Mill" work. ' Geo. H. WainwrigJit & Co., WILSON. NT. C. Dec. 2-tf. CHAPEST BENCH DRILL II THE WORLD- Hundreds in use. Hardware, rinemiths and Blacksmith send for large cut and cir lars. Special inducements to fiiet buyer in each place. SENECA TOOL WORKS, Dundee, N. Y. Address, JanSm MANSION HOUS15 f XOKKOLK, VA. 1 M. 8 JAMES, Proprietress. ENLARGED, Remodeled; Refur nished, Centrally Located, Good Ae coramodations, Rates Reasmiable.2-2tf LLS AJ -TrTv-iT-a. - j ur a v aal BmiaaJona auad Xmpotancy by aba amir taraja war. Tla : t)iract AppUeatlon to tha prlaelpal Rut of tha Diaaaaa. atina hv Abaorntinn- ud uwtiw dow a rroDovmcaa raccesa. juruca ara too aiaca ara aerfbaa la ttaesa troublas, acd.aa maar saa bar wtv Bt4.rithbatllttlalf aay parmaoeatcpod. Tlkara taaa Koaaanaa abanaVtola JWaratioa. fraetioalah. Machine I In conseouenre of th dt l rf n. 1 1 1 ;? ilun ' onir ncesary to et- tie the business of the Ann of. Griffln A Murray. Al persons indebted to aald ! .-" " F"w aw tneir piace er; buaineea and settle at once. WM.MURRAT, 8urvlvin-r partner of Urifin Mar- ttf. House Mor Sale! I offer my home, with seven rood rooms, In the towa of Black Creek for sale. The lot is a large one, contain ing two and one-third acres. One aere in itrawberrle which give a rood yield. Will be sold eheap! My rea son fonellinf la that I tua rolnj to aaore. - ' ,j Address, W. 8. ANDERSON, Black Creek. N. C. is or. 39, w. D R. . W. J O Y V E aasrsra)saa Dhltl(, t&'IIas permanently located In U'lUne t ail t Ml ...un, .1. v. vppvi niiuna wiu o neatly and carefully performed and on terms as reavsonanle as possible JSeeth extracted without imin. Office Tarboro street next door to Post office Jaa 12m. NOTICE! BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT of the (Superior Court I shall sell to the highest bidder before the Court House door in the own.of Wilson, on Moa day, the 6th; day of March, , 1882,, the tract or land in Wilson ceunty of which WILLIE TOMLINSOX, riled, seized, and possessed, adjoining the lands of C. F.Finch,Jack Morris, Amos Pearson and - others, containing one hundred and forty-four acres morer less. Ternist 1-X cash on day of sale, the remainder nine month from day of sale, carrying interest at 8 per cent. The purchaser giving bona for the purchase mbney, title retained till the wnoie amouni is paiu. , -1 1 Li. ... i ' L.D.TOMLLNSON, Jan2Q-t Administrator. PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS I HAVE) ON HAND FOR HALE low 'for cash i?onie fifteen hundred cotton and turning plows and castings for same, amounting to fifty tons. Merchants and Farmers would con sult their interest by supplying them selves with these Plows and fixtures at once, as) no such opportunity for buying at such low figures will again occur after the present stock is sold out J. A. TYNE8, Receiver for r Farmer A Waixwmgiit. Br. Crovs'i Brut Hist .ricil ' fkj! THE TKAOXOY OT t ' - ADatAllAN ll.'-fCOIv5t -p Ort TH , RlsaaifWIl ar afcaf-raaa DTla. A Trnthful account of the tionary War with the Secesh Aboll-Rebel- union. (Khakesperian Style, 5 acts, 18 scenes, 54 pages.) Princjtau Characters: Abraham Lincoln, William Seward, Edward 8tant6n,Ulye (irant, W"m. Sherman, - Benjamin Butler, "Parson iieecher, Horace Oreeley, James Fisk, Jr.i Fefferson-. Davis," Robert Tombs, Alexander Btephens, Pierre Beaure- Krd, Stonewall "Jackson, Robert E. ie, Humphrey JAarshal, Jack Mosby, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Lincoln, Jafrs. Sur- ratt, John Wilkes Booth, Harold Attzerott and Payne, Frederick Doug lass, Pornpey, Priscy, and Dr. Mary w aiaer. . PBiifclrAL Scekkh: White House Troubles; Bull Run Panic; Richmond Calico Ball; Pom pey and Priscy; Andersonville , Her rorV Richmond Burning; Lincoln As sassinated; Booth Bulleted; MrsSur- ratt Strangled; Davis Reconstructed, Grant's Jubilee Speech, and Grand Grant's Jubilee' Speech, arid Transformation Scene; "Let us Peace." have PliCB. lScTS. (Send rostageStanpe.) Dr. C.TvVfldenTPubiisher, . 182 Lexington Aye., New York City . Dec.23-3m. N. C. F O R A G E ! H3) fliP? Stiaw carefully IpUVlS liaudled and firmly compressed inta bales, 3 feet lonp, 1 1 -2 ft et widt, and 1 1-6; foet thick, weighing from 120 to 130 pounds each. Ten tons can b3 shipped in a ear. ' . , EigbM Forap For Korses, mules, and cattle for leas than half the cost of tJ'; Nayassa Git Co., Wilmington, N. C. Iec.'-5m.- for Sale? a Khm okAw - four to six thousahd doIUrs per ytwtr la, . the town of Black Creek A reod openinr in a good locality. One do en new Duerte on hand uhlrh win ka sold cneap. Apply at once to W. S. ANDERSOIf, Black Creek, Jf. C.' XorI,tf. OTICK. THE, UNDERSIGXKD, have fcrra ed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine In the town 6f Wilson and adjoining country. Returning , thanks to thel patrons for their liberal pat-, ronage, they solicit a eontlnuance of the same. Office on Nash Street op posite the Court House lately occupied by Jas. 8. Woodanl, Esq., where oaW or both may be alway s found whea not professionally engaged. r V. c. peacock, m. n.; W. 8. ANDE1WON, Jl. D. Jan282.-Iy. -El t-TR- TVOTICE THE UNDEILSIONKl) HAVIO tiaalifled as Executors of the last wlU andtestauient of LAM.Y NKW M)3IE, deceased, befr the Probata Judge of Wilson countv, notice la hereby given to all ierou- Indebted to the etate-if said tlecetv(Ml, to make ; unuiwiiaw paynifnt; uiul to all hold ing claims against said estat to prt ! sent them for payment, on, or before iuf win uay oiJMiiuiiry, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . . ' F. M. M. AYCOCK. ' J. I.. NEW.SOME, $ Fremoat, N. C, Jan.2i)th, l42-t. NOTICE. Having been appointed Receiver ef thelate firm of Farmer A Walnwright, all persons Indebted to therrt are here by notified to come for war 1 and make' payment, and -the holding cUluis against the same will present theaa properly authenticated for adjust ment. v J. A. TYNE4. Nov. 11th, 1M1. tf. When Planters can ny a truo Ammonlated Super Phosphate made chiefly from Slaughter House Meat and Bone for f 25 per ton at the factor, eaf-h, It is folly to pay out money for the high cost Fertilizers. HaugH' f 2 Phosphate is of, guaranteed stand afd. AniUysw oil every bafc same t on circular. . , , The past season In the south Itao clearly shown Planters that the low cost A mm on in ted. Fertilizers paid hest on Cotton; there has never been, in tho four years of its use, an unfavor bp. report of its action... Every poand of Ammonia and Phosphor! Acid ia Baugh's Phosphato U promptly available as plant food. I'lautert caa make their own figures as tothesavipg. they can make by using this artfelo and at the same time be reasonably sure of a good crop. Send for circular giving full guaraa teeil Analysis. BAl (411 A SOU, j No 103 South St., Baltimort, Hd. Manufacturers and Importers of Fertili zers and pertil'zing Supplies. s MYERS, : PETERS iURO, VA.t lie-Distiller, Refiner and Wolle Liquor Dealer tS3 Sycamore Street, . Keeps fonftantly on hand a full stock of Iauuor, Winep-, Ac. Myer's-matted Rye "SUNNY SOUTH" Whiskey unurpad. Order solicited and satisfaction cruaranteetl. . Feb 10-3ra t E. MYERS. a ' a f ' iry'' SatV na aa I" IbK 't a S-S-a Ww aaaw T H E LT.AW(1 Wi-ItXTlVM OK TO-OAT, ' arrrr thai lauel tllara-e aca rtBuaU T-T fTiaar dnred avKlu-ra or Uirr If. ibpr.'nrili jwfctaoya and L,tTr arc s-jt la ijrrtavt wrir. brfecl health .M ft (V.. x. Tkia . tk a.-- ..... . j " ' . mm It aaf W a abort lima' ajfj l"T yrar i at-oar Wl' boat taint abb lo Sad rHief. l-ka au Sad fdkf. Taa du- ' ...... nf W -. rmr m it k bln.. ..JM...11.. wtaiiui a aa w era ia tha- tmi men t ot I la-aa IrtfMlafea' Xado from aatnl irupatal 1-af of ar , slave, .t 0tt jat th rUnaaoUi aacaaarr lo ataariaav aad tar g trat' boih of lavt-aa great araax, sad aaferr ntor ami kata ttwra ia aplrr. a a fOS:T.K EEMKUY Un all Ikva daaaa, ttMt eaa paias io ia lowrraartof l bad "for Tor ad Iawt HtHuhu-hr Jaaadacc--iixta atrrar l vt, Afu Mal-irwl 'e-r. haU a 1 diSlcal liaaof Itta Kaiv!T,l t- fr aaxi 1'rmarr trraaa. i Ti U aa xcril-ataal sa(e reran! jr U l-rnaWsila la; lirsaae-f. It will eutitrwl MruaimiM sad a iaTlajilr d ivncurrtxttt or IMuig ( ma wotitb ' A a Blur P- a Sr ii a uaewna a fornraTM itf orxxnm that aaaka tha Uoaaf. Tbia rraai'lr. wbieb Ij.tj dotM4, voolr b rut npiailirl.ARf;rTIZKniU)lTI.Ka mmv na tlkiaa apaa ika-BtarW:tjiail X ubt hv rwtbaa ami all draWr. at flMC UUI.L.AK AMI TWto., T i -n IS t tiuVtS par 4- Kar lMhfra. mmJf- . q nirw iut aAUALa 9 zua w r. UlAKTE!Ct1ia. It ta a ranlTlV Remedy. I , h r wu:n firo ,R(Hh- it, v r,- : n t til m i 14 r " l -a ' m i Ml 1. i i i t r ! i ! f 1 1 i - i ! i I, 1 i

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