THE HITHOVSC ' fi k aYMw.vrfn.a Mia.: J. E, HARDY, Proprietress. KOAKD $1,50 PER DAY. ." CiOOD rooms and attentive- servant. Hack meets: all train. ?. IJanSOtf. TJURCELLJ HOUSE I r ii WILMINGTON. N.C.. RECENTLY refitted and under enti re j $3,00 Per day. 1-6 BL. PERRY, Proprietor., CARRIAGES. New Firm j tvumK j Prices, GRIFFIN & MURRAY! iA ' 6oldboro St.. Wilaon. N. C. Manufacturers of .Carriage. Buzgi- Tart, Waonk. HarncM, aJ mil - kinds of riding; vehicle; Which will be loU at the loweat poMlele flf ret, e kiiuowon hand a nice aad aelecl tea o prte are a lovr a leelowee.. ur and r)l on u.b.foi beylef. Ilfactin ruaranted ia rrf a. I Kialrlin naily aa; prowptljr atieaded W " ' IN EVEHl VABIETY W. PHil&wTUIUT MAllTELsJ GEORGE 0. STEVEHS, -Jo. 49 Light Street- 1 niun.i M.T. NOTI h ! V K. M. XADA1, MO YE; & NADAL. Wholesale and Retail DRUCCIST, yILSON, n. c Dealers in I Drugs, medicine?, Dye BtufTs, 'Perfumery, Stationery, Patent medicines, and Chem icals also keep FINE CIGARS, CIGARETTES CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Five Wines Whiskey, Bum, Gin, Ap ple tind Feneh Brandy for medi cinal purposes. Proprietors and manufacturers of WOMAN'S FRIEND, N EUR ALOIS. E, FE MALE PILLS, JAPANESE TOOTH ACHE PROPS, INDIA COX eUMRTION AXJ COUCH EEllKDY, If - AC. State agents for "Pobyn's Sure Cure for Catarrh, Neuralgia and Headache." jGa"Pn?script!on carefully eom pounded day or night. f MO YE A NADAL., Oct 28tf Wilson, N. C. TV. W. EDWARDS' SALE AND' EXCHANGE STABLES .lis Cor. Goldafooro and Barnes Sts. Wjlson, N. C. Having ijust returned with a fine and well select ed lot of TOCK 1 am now prepared to fill any rder from: $75 1.0 $200 in the way of stqek. .any person in waht of a eod or mule will find it to their ad ; vantage" to .examine rny . stock i before buying elsewhere , Returning thanks for pa$l I, patronage and seeking a ion linuance of the same. I I am Very Respectfully, "N.-W. EDWARDS. i At Swg? & Edward's old stand. .' Take Notice.! Any person ? desiring a gbod family or driving I horse, can buy him at myStables i under a guarantee: . .. ! Best Equipped School ' IN NORTH CAROLINA. So Says a disintereeted Professional Expert, of large and iucceesful expe ienee, employed by our State' to visit and address air our new white State ; Normal Scools, in reference to the (FOR BOTH SEXES.) Strictly Non-S?ctarian. Able and ex perienced Faculty. Extensive Librar. and Apparatus. SpaciouSjJjuildingJ Healthy location, a Pleasant 1-xlu rational Home. .Moderness, Practical ns, and Thoroughness,, our Mot toes Military Discipline for Boys, Parenta Di!"cipline for Girls. EKTIRB AVERAGE EXPEXSES, fl70 rER YEAR. ' Tilt Institute is the seat of one of the New Stat Normal Schools. Tall aession opens Monday, Sept. ith 1B81. Address tor Catalogue, - S.HAELIi, A.M., Prineipal ' Wikon NC. . Full mm i i i ' . 1 .' . " - , i i t i . G-ET THE BEST Farmers Look to Your Interest. THE OLD STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANQ-THE LEST EVER Offered for sale. They are the first ever old in North Carolina and in Wilson, and for many years have maintained their superiority over all other competitors. There is no better GUANO in the mar ket than the following brand which we are offering this season: BRADLEY'S; WHANN'S, PRESTON'S, PATAPSCO, ACID PHOS PHATE AND KAINIT. JC-Before purchasing their fertilizers; Farmers would cor -wilt their interest by calling on lis, as we can make it to their ad vantage to buy from us. FebSif ALFRED WILLIAMS. 7 ALFRED WILLI AHS &C0 Publishers, Booksellers'and Stationers, ! RALEIGH, N. C, ; r v -ooc; ALL North Carolina Schools, whether Public or Private, ran obtain School Books, Ac, at Raleigh at prices as low as ahe ofeerilD by any nortiieux We have the largest stock in the State and fill all orders prompt j.. ! t3COMrLETB Catalogue Sekt on Application.- 1 -ADDRESS i Alfred Wil Hams & Co., I BOOKSELLERS, ant STATIONERS. Julyl5-3mJ i RALEIGH, C. kJJ1 " 4 AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATE W UAVIS0&C9 BALTIMORE Avau.Pho3.Acid 8 tdIDX Tom Bone Phos. 2Ath 30 Ammowa 2Xtd 2X PSA Potash 2-n2XX . 118 W. Lombard St., Baltimore. C. L. VPSHUR, Of Virginia, Pres. FOUR GOLD MEDALS, issi. OF NORTH CAROLINA, SUPERVISOR OF AGENCIES, m , NORFOLK, VA. FACTORY MONTALANT. 0PP. NORFOLK. Capacity 30,000 Tons Per Annum. " " : - ' ' j . . - - , : : . . Manufacturers of Standard Fertilizers and irnporters of Kainit andChemicaLs. BYNUM. DANIEL & CO. AGTS Feb 3 '828m NASH STEET, 1882. M. B. Atkinson. Atkinson k I. i DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, COorner Nash and GoWsboro Streett, Wilaon, N. 0.331 Keep constantly on hand a laree an i ne1Uloo 1 V- 1 DRY GOODS GROCERIES, K&mxKW0tk" ZEIGLER. SHOES A SPECIALTY. frafoot f U' wUl be P' to .ee hi. Rountree, Barnes & Co. i WILSOX.X. c. EUGENE O. IIARREL MEfflOEY! DUY FOll CASH. BELIEVING the past season nas con vinced thciintelligent class of planters, that it tvould .bc Uctter to buy for Cash than Cotton option, we ofier this First-Class Fertilizer ... (IUVtLSOB TAX 1-A1T.) " direct to the Tlanter for $30 per ton in car 'load Kns. Les quantities $32 per ton. Hid Agents. I Those only ho Can p&y Cahh, need write for prices. Farmers' C lvbs, Grangers and dealers arc invited to visit our Wotks or write ur. ' Wc also im port and manufacture a full Gnc of k Agricultural Chemicals, such as Acid Phosphate, Sulp. Ammonia, Nitrate oda, Kainit, &c. All poods subject to snrJysi of Trok. Daenky. Piroctor of Ag. Exp. Station. C f If mrm ubIuiowb a you ycor liaokoi about as. I E. N, WTILCOX, Of North Carolina, Sec. -4 Treas WILSON, N. C. 1882. 3? 1 1 a W. E. Warren. fmi The Wiison Advance. Wilson, Friday, February 24, 1882. HOWE AM) FABST f thr by th pltv wV-iM thrivs. V Miiiiiwir miiRt eulier hold or drivsl I LADOR. Fair work for fair wages! it's all that !i we oak, For Labor is richer, aud Labor is II health; And Labor is duty on earth, ; And never was honor, or wisdom,! or But Iabor h:is been at its birth! The rich in his father, his friend, or i himself, ; ; ;' , By head or by hand must hhvo ! toil'd, , ; V !.' . ' -f . And the brow that is canopied over i! with pelf, t By Labor'8 own sweat has been j soil'd! ; . ::.- I II Tupper VANCE'S SPEECH. The North Carolina Senator was, as usual, entertaining, his speech being full of sarcastic allusions to the Re publican party for its 1 advocacy; of protection, and abounding in ridicule of that protection-needing infant, American manufactures. , j In the middle of his speech Mr. Vance was interrupted by Mr. Morrill, who wanted to know if the Senator from North Carolina did not in 1860, as One of the; South American party, vote for a tariff bill. To this Mr. Vance re plied:! "I don't know. I know tftat in my younger days I kept some mighty bad company." He present ed many figures in support of his ar gument, and roost vehemently Re nounced the existing tariff as oppres sive, prohibitory and unconstitutional. His speech was very amusing, espec ially when he came to describe the infanti American industry, which ihe s lid was weaker now, at one hundred years of age, than it was at birthj ai perfect enant terrible, becoming weak er as it became larger. Likening! it to Aunt Jemima's plaster, he paid, "The more yon try to pull it off the more it sticks, the faster.'? It had de veloped an enormous abnormal growth, and was now entitled to (be regarded with its insatiable appetite for more protection, as politico-economical tape-worm. Mr. Vance touched his best point when he allud ed to the Southern manufacturersjas feeling the oppression of the tariff j in their. efforts to develop their resources. The protected infant was afraid of a new infant in the family! In Noth Carolina they wanted to! build some j j .1 factories, and they were' desirous j of getting their'machinery without pay ing a burdensome duty, f Pennsyli'fl nia objected, and North Carolina must struggle along without protection for hfr;fmtflmrist.v Mr. Vnticfi riflicnlprl h,o rJict Torifr nx.0r,lir. n ! the recent tantf conAenjion in New x orx as ine meeting 01 semsn pro- tected jmanufacturers, referring to one or tne speakers, an iron man or Penn sylvania, who preferred that a com mission composed of men! selected -by manufacturers should revise the tariff, as being "a friend of infantile ferru ginous swine," which was accepted with laughter by the Senators as a very humorous term for protected pig-iron. ' lie favored th abolition! of internal revenue taxation, believing that the Government could raise Suf ficient revenue without thus interfer ing with the States and thus depriving them of the opportunity to tax their citizens for internal improvements! N.!iY. TtmcWashington Letter. A Boy's Lack. The Norristown (Pa), j Herald in a recent issue referred among others, j to the following cases of special interest. They are their own commentary. Mr. Samuel C. Nyce, resides ;at 308 Mar shall street, and holds the responsible position of journal clerk in the Penn sylvania Legislature, at Harrisburg. While Mr. Nyce and family were In the country recently,- his boy, aged three years, fell and broke his leg. He recovered, but a very troublesome stiffness set in and he could scarcely use the leg. The injured limb vrsLS rubbed several times with St. Jacob's Oil, and the stiffness was so much re duced thaf the boy was able to nse his leg freely. Dr. Knipe said it was the use of St. Jacobs Oil that cured the stiffness. Mr. Nyce himself used the Great German Remedy for toothache with good effect, and also for a sprain and pains of rheumatic nature, and always with good effect. Mrs. Nyce also says she thinks the Oil is a splen did thing, and she always keeps it on hand. 1 . , Try a 1 cloth wrung out from cold water put about the neck at night for sore throat. i Try breathing the fumes of turpen tine or carbolicacid to remove whooping-cough. I 1 Try taking a nap in the afternoon! if you are going to be out late in the evening: . J Invaluable in the Family. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 18. 1881. - ., j H. IL Warner A Co.:! Sirs Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is inval uable in my lamllv and I would not xron Age Uuitivatfvra. f WfAn l;. -"J"v.u'"0 iran. m.V " i ... r..mnnv be CALL AND HAVING purchased the Btock of poods of JOHN O'HAOAN, I desire to call the attention of the citizens of Wilson and surrounding country that thene goods are very desirable, and will be 1 am Katisneu that the stock is us compieie. ana win oe soia as iow an iney can be bought anywhere. CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING, and you will save money. An examination of the stock is all . Mr. E. L. Jordan is wit"h me, and will take pleasure in serving his friends. s C. B. Siickland, Next Door to Rountree. Barnes A Co's. Tarboro Street, WILSON C. -1 : Lumber. ninura! 1 Parties in Want will with me AT K1Y If in want of Dry fectipneries j&c. I j bbing all kind of GIVK ME A CALL AND OBLIGE, Jo crra Dealer in General Merchandise. 24 A 26 Union Street, MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND HARNESS OF EVERY XIHU Extension Top Carriages J Jump Seat Carnages, Jump Seat i Top higgles, Side-bar 1 2-2-ly j . Surry Wagons, j 1 WALKER BROS., BAKERS HKD MAN UFA CTURIRGCOiNFECTIO HERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFFS, , FRUITS- NUTSi VINEGAR. CIDER- TOILtr SOAPS-4nnw4 21 Union Street, 1 i K 0B FOLK, VIRGIiaA Feb2'32 lyj Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. , iHiAia IThe Merchant Tailoring establishment known heretofore- as B. Green wood, has changed its name to GREENWOOD A BELSMEYER, Mr. JBels- meyer having been added as a partner in the concern. The senior partner will go north in a few days to purchase a FINE STOCK OF GOODS, -- ' Exclusively for the Fine Trade, consisting of Foreign and Dotnestie Suitings, Trouserings Trimmings,., and then will come, out with a bie advertilV nient. p BThanking the community for past increase pf confidence and trade may ' ; Manufactured by ISAAO A. 8HEPPARD A CO., Baltimore,, ffid. . u Mi.e ty bKO. D, (.aBKll A. CO., Vl'lK.u. THE LAEGEST Warerooms in WHOLESALE AND 913 Main Street, Only First-Class Instruments, inx7ay Whickering, Hallet 4 Davis, Fiaher, Grovensteen A on. ?.AtN?' Ma9I1 A SaraI,in Brdett, Woods, Shoninger.Erben Pipe Organs. All Instruments sold at lowest factory prices and fully Wawanted Feb lOthly . FARMERS FRIEND P L W W $n NO. 15 SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, "A.f ' J- S. Gary, Majaetger. j ! . . tm-' . - - . l Genuine Farmers Friend pirttt.. en m . . t .vr., nuiiuiri r nwt ma i EXAMINE.; sold at OKE ATLY REUUUliU FK1CE8. ; please leave orders STORE umber. Goods, Groceries, Con make a Specialty of Goods. !ggH Norfolk, Virginia. 8ide-i?ar Top Buggies, Panel Door Rockaways, Canopy Top Phsetons, ' Pony Pha;tons, Side-bar Oen Buggies, Dexter Buggies. OF FI ?. ? 9 $ jl Greenwood & Belsmeyer. favors and patronage, I hope that an be tendered this new firm. B. GREENWOOD. COOK STOVES! THE BEST III THE MARKET. rourtMn tilffemit tiaec an4 kind. Fir law with' Kiiameled Kwrnrotra. Afrate to all requirements, aud priced to suit all panes. LEADING FEATURES: Pouble Wood Doon, Pa6at 'Wood Grate, Adjustable . Damper,' loterrhanireeole .auto matic Shelf. Broiling Itoor, f wisflaf Hearth Fkte, gwlagdij ftae-Stop, Rerendbl Gu Bnminjc Long Crow ; Hece. Double Short Center, Reary Ring Csven. Illuminated Tire oor. Kickel Kanbe, Kick el Panei, eto. Uncqualed hi Material, la rir,!-h. and im operatioa. the South RETAIL DEALERS, Richmond, Va nTLAIMU & Ltt, RICHMOND, VA. MISCELLANEOUS. 1QAG COCKCABR 1 IUUJ MIEBLE Wlfi8l(i)JJ Sycamore Street, Petenburr, GRAVE STONKS of every, description, made to ranging in price from sr. ?,.Gfd 2 bZ?V"1 Pf tage naid with uSJ enclosed for re'turn. Vhen ordenij; received they are filial mH ai ed., If th. work fa not MtlVfiSSV purehasersare requested to rtur I MY EXJriJNSE. pa; umi; thr wr.k j, XtMi ' of Hi coiintrjr. rn m " - w v a I I 11 a , -e w mm "WW JL onic o or a -i INFALLIBLE CHILL CURE!. The attention of , Drus-?iat -j Ta.1.m fMn.p.l1 la li. i r". . . "et valuable medicine, which itan . fore the public and medical ft eji.t undisputed as a cure for Fevtr in 1 Ague, Bilious and Remitting F Dumb Chills, Enlarged Splwn, ana li diseases arising from malarial or miasmatic poisons. It is n0 aujiclt nostrum or patent humbug elaiminp to cure all disease, but ortlr such, m arise from malarial poison, which are very prevalent in Eastern Caroll jia. Containing a very valuable prep aration of Iron, It renovatea th Moed promotes the appetite and is a rnat patent Alterative. Certificate of iti Infallibility from mmi of our hfi citizens will be furnished upon ap )j. cation, and if it fails to give aat tion when used according to direction the money will be refunded. Prepar ed only by " I I HENRY C. SHANNON, .i". .. Druggist and Chemist, 66 West Centre ftt. AugS4m Goldsboro, N. c. JOHN CLARK, JR. & SIX-CO R D FOR Machine or Hand Use. :0: THOMAS ..RUSEU?.;a 0 FOR SALE BY Hines, Hadley &C, WILSON. N; O. JEWELRY,4c. Ue 'TeuHc's r. P. aianea' ana . jtnx T. Young- & Bro. PEAI,KR IN KINK rr'ATCriKS,' DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. LVKK v a HI. Mahufacturrr of all kinds of Plain Cold Jewelry, Rings, Bai;ft. v Thr bfat $10, caator, and 5,00 e!nk everKOld. American watfelioa at the i..wr.i pric. Slid aijr nrxmna, fork At . cht-aprr than evrr. Your orlr are ficitffl and will b prunopilj aifendwd bt J. T YOUNG A. BliO - PKTMltflBllRe. Va. Dtk 7.-t LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY STA3LLS THE BEST IN TOWN! 'P f I I? X 1 f Oin a ere a e.ew Q BUGGIES AND THE FINEST HOUSE FOR UIRE 4T Lit try Stable VTe have fust completed our Stables and now have a nuj- bcr of fine horse for aire. (Illl fAVma a a nm renC.nnlJa a m those of any first clas stablti and we eruarantee to nlease all our patrons. If you iesire a nice turneut any tiie call on us and wt will e e it to von SELBY BRO S. 1 . WILSONN.C. WIEE RAILING .1 AN I) . . ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. 33TJi 'UJ fe CO, 28 N'orth Howard .St., Baltimore. . ird railing for cfmtTip. wiu, dene, office and baleoriiec; wlnrlow fiard, tr guard, wire cloth, aieTM, fenleri caa, xand and coal aerteria. iron Bed". riaire. .ertM-e, MTABI.I8HED 1864. Davis, Koper &. Co. Wholesale Groceries and General . COMMIS8IOX ilEKCHANTS, i . PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA. KEEPS on hand a large stock ot Gro ceries, thev offftr to Houlre an low " any market this side of--Nv York. CO'S BEST Jan i ,- E. A. EAeoy. fJftfe

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