advance Puhiihlrg Company- 'LET AL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S, THY GOD S, AND TRUTH'S-' Jtsophus DanitU Manager. i ! . " prTNpii t sis .-ttautJa i.on. $ it.. - : ' IB IIWIIIHI I II I IB -- i , ; ,- t- ; , . ? The Wsof Advance. Fr.i d.vy; March 3rd , 1882 T.I.7IE TO H2, BY CHA HLF.H SWAIN. . Tim? to mo this truth has taugnt. 'Tis ft truth that's vtrth revealing. More offend from want of thought Than! from waut of feellmg. . - . ' If&dvicc we ould ponvey. There's a time ve should convey it, If we've but a ' vordjto say, There's a time in vnich to say it. Many aj beauteous flver. decays, Though we tend itf 'p:er so much. Hnmethinr secret oni it i)Javs. Which no human juijl can touch. So, in many a lovinshreai, J '' ljies smoconKer-gritii concesueo,. That, if touched, ispnioro 'oppressed, Ijeft unto itself iheale !. Oft, unknowingly, tfie toMgwo Tin n.: nn n rhortl so he'n r.f. That a vo'rd, .or accent, wrong, I Fains tho heart to 'hi most breaking. Many a tear of wounried pride, Many a fault of huniau bl indue, s. Has iWn oothvd, or, tur.'va i, By. a p-:iet voice Mt kiii i:i"-s. :.- - :".- . H . . ; -; Tim? tiriiie this tr.utiy has taught, ' "IV a truth tliat's ;Worth revealii.g, Moreotfenl from wakit of.-, thought, Timu from want of feeling. . ' A S'siH-aritF'lTKVitoiriiosa. (Baltimore Cor ClUiijo imcs.) '. A special dispatch from Hagerstown MdM to-day gives the particulars of a singular psycololog cal phenonemon which has beeu mad e public by the Rev. J. Spangles Keener; -"of - the lie formed 'Church. The story of the minister is that bnej night about a week ago ha was summoned to the bedside f a man named Torrent., To his great ! regret, wheihe reached the, a mils. 'distant lirom the town iu tf:- n tain?,, he as informed by 3 i the wa tvisiling physu end. lie went jan that the man t the room I and ti htark aiid ... i ... ...v fk,. Ku.1 rig "itorm i the Wipaf hd, the i er jaw fjdleit, the- ahy pS I lor of deat h on tht i'acf. find the body it was i a.out 9 o'c ock in the , ev- ning when the minister arrive; :.;-' The family were tenriblyj grief-striekeri. A so: !ni:;..rt:cu!ar whs inconsolable. 1T in! pil 1 -n 'lis.fathUr, begged him i: back, 'and with difliculty to come could be keot away, from the 'body The clrgyTnan re hifa lined until near 2 o'clock in the inohiing. At this tiineKwneu the pastor.1 was thinking of lea Vina1, the son. who seemed to take the death h6 mucft' to heart, was keir-ed with anotherl jaroxysm of Srief, threw himself on the body of is father, embraced him, called him, called him, bathed the j cold face, with tears, shrieking that lw CQukl, not let him go!;-that he must flay one word, look at him just once iniore ; that he must riot leave him" without just one more word and one mre look. As if the agonized voice had pene trated the silence of thk other world, the lips (t t.he father! m ve'd, tiie eyesi opened - and ' cast sal, reproachful look on the weeping '.ana in tne welUknown v)ice ;csme distinctly these words : "Qh, whj did you bring rae back ,- As soon as the awe-stiaken group co liLd" regain tjipir presence of mindafter this appalling scene, they immediately administered restor atives to the patient, Wlien the min ister left him, very weak, but ' still alive. ,hp wiusfit'iii wiMj uiu lamei , tne nxi aay,. wno , gave mm , an ac cout of his death (as h' evidently be lieved it had been) antl his experience ' to the tinie when he was apparently recalled to life. He saifd : "When5 1 died I first jfelt a sinking, going sensation. ' I iknpw everything going on in the rooip, Uut I .ceuld not p peak or s move mOpps. Then all was blank- The nexj; thiug I remem- -ber was being in a dense darkness, seemingly in a tunnel, through which v I was being pushed., Thore seemed to be. two forms oiiejon each -side, pushing -'me along through the tunnel, and I appeared to miKv-e as if I was floating, 'touching not ling above or below. At last it apearetl to get lighter, as though we wre nearingthe end of t he passage. It rew brighter , every moment, audth'esii I seemed to bse.rve skiping, leauiful forms on each, side1 of. me. I lnd a feeling of perfect peaces and ; Wellbeing, ind heard, as though it 'wasia part of the space r floated in, the most soothing and delightful musid t have been a irreat sufferer, and the fee e feeling of rest and freedom from pain jwa the thing I noticed most in my now state. I re mained a short time? in i this blessed state, when it seemed tt be disturbed by a voice; in pain callii g me to come hack. r If they had knoHi. how. much better I was they wouljd never have wanted me back in this weak and suffering body." V i ' ; The man lived , several days and then died, as his faniily Isincerely be lieve, a second, time, and remember ing his solemn "words -ds! to his first experience, did not cffll him back. Whether the man was'irt a syncope, from which the piereingtlamentations f the faniily arousefl him, or whether he had indeed aroused hfm, or wheth fir he had indeed been pefmited to re turn after a glance at thd glories of the great - unknown, none pan answer Dutone thing is certain4that for the pace of. several -hoars, " tjcl all intents and purposes, KofafasthJ( doctor, the Pastor and the family wcafe concerned. and so far as ' all outward indications " rf, Agrtsd thftt the manjjwas dead. Hf mpeoie to a Toait on Wmcn. I ' Mr. President, I think the most sensible thing ever done In the world was, the making of woman. It ought to have been done before it was. I presume that Adam, when the rib was taken out of him thought it was pretty rough, lie did not know what was going to become of him. But when the job w as done and woman ! was sent down, and the moat put on in the right place, Tain satisfied that j he looked upon the Job and said it was the boss. I say it should have ! been done before. The ideaof AdrTm's remaining there al) those years alone, ' without v . , i ?nJ &lme h,m j home from Scotch banquets, and to ; ask him why he" didn't stay out all 'night, and come home smelling like a smoke house ? I can i imagine Adam going to the grocery after codfish, and building fires himself,!and cooking his own meals in the bachelor's hall. It . has tru;k me that it would not be out of place for the legislature to pass res lijtH;.s of thanks for j the 'making of . wo. nun. It is to be hoped that they will attend) it this season. If wo ! man hadn'tneen lliade at that time, ! I am satisfied that a great many of us would not have been here to-night Tf it ' hud nnt'f or.fiirf-1 tn thlp Alinio-htv to make woirian, I don't believe the - j Republicans could have got 15,000 ma jjority in this state to-day. Women i are 'the boss." I don't know: as I can explain it, but the most of you know how" ,it is yourselves. There isn't a man who hasn't felt the elec tric influence of woman-when taken across her knee, or wheh in love. It btats all. Some of you probably know more than I about . woman, though I have been exposed moife or less: Tin1 highest ambitions of inan are stimulated by love of woman. There' is likrdly anything good or noble that man does but what hh re ceives his -inspiration 'frQin woihari. And iiv everything of that kkid that we do, it is for the benefit of woman of mothers, .wives, sisters, cousins I won't go any farther than cousins, be cause they are the darlingest of all. Every man has a guiding star, and a cousin makes a good star to look up to. It is good that it sis so; and the lovelier guiding star he has the better. The man who has a pure good woman to.fe-.-f: proud of him a : id lovehim, is indeed a-happy man, and he can work harder, enjoy hi work better, and be nobler if he knows there is one that he is responsible to for every thought, one whom he loves till his heart gets in a few extra beats when fie thinks of her, and one who considers' him "the boss." And all of you have such dear ones, gating on you always. Peck' Carrying Bundles. Have pity on the youth who is ashamed : to a, be . ween carrying a bundle. Such a- youth will never climb the hill ; he will never grow up to be honored and respected by sensi ble, solid menJ And yet how many there are who have the - failing. Do you remember the story of the young man who came down from a country town of New Hampshire, and entered the great wholesale establishment of the Lawrences Abbott and Amos in Boston? He had money enough with which to purchase, a certain quamty oi gooas ne was f a young merctiant, just commencing business -and he would like to get as many more on credit, if they would trust him. . .-'. ,' ! Mr. Lawrence shook his heatl. The young man could offe? no security, and the old merchants ;did not con sider; it good policy, to trust strangers, especially those young iand untried. The youthful customer did not blame them, lies id he should probabiy do the same himself by one whom he did not know. "However," he add ed. "I .hope T ; may grow ' into your confidence one of these days." Then he, paid for the j goods he had purchased ; and when they had been done up he was asked where he wouk have them seut. "I wdl take them myself," he said. "But the bundle is'heavy," said the elerk. "And 1 am young and strong,M answered the customer. "No ; I will take them on my shoulder. I cannot earn half dollar more easily or more houestly.' And he had taken the bundle on his shoulder, and had turned towards the door, when Mr.v Lawrence came ou from his office, Where j he had been a spectator of the scene, land called the youth back. "You can have all the eoods you want, young: utan. Make your own selection, and set your, own time for payment, ino young man who is so willing to help himself wil not betray those who givehim other help?" I And the old merchant was not mistaken. That young man became one of his most valuable customers and one of his most valued friends. When Jerome Napolean Bonaparte, son of the emperor's brother Jerome, was a student 01 Harvard college, in Cambridge, be was one day carrying a bundle of clothing from his washer woman's to his dormitory, when he was met hy a companion; who asked him with much surprise, why he had not had the bundle sent to .his room. "Why should I do.that ?' he asked, honestly. : " Whv,w vaidthe other, with a', little touch of embarrassment, "3ou know it doesn't look well to see one carry ing hjs own bundles,'; like a common laborer." 1 - 44 Pah!'- cried Jerome, laughing, "I trust I shall never be ashamed to h sppn bearlnff an vthiner that belongs t n -a Konanarte !" Thatis the true life-lesson. Have that respect for yourself that you shall - . . never be ashamed to he seen Carrying your own bundles! : . -: . .. 'i - The potato is a susceptible vegeta- ble. It Is constantly getting mashed. .... -4 ' - i BATHER ENTHUSIASTIC. Th Wilmington (Del.) -Daily J2e pvbltcan lately contained the follow ing item of popular interent : -Dr. J. F. Kpeck, who is connected jvith the Wilmington TJvery . . Evening, ppeak rather enthusiastically of fet. Jacobs Oil. Dr. Speck states that he uses the Oilinhis family as a household remedy, a sort of universal panacea for all aches and pains, and has al- ways found it to act most happily His attention was called to it bv the many testimonials in favor, and he one day used it upon himself for sore throat. Two applications were suffi cient to effect a cure. He also Used it on his little girl for sore throat with gratifying success , t The same child scjiriet fever mis winter which left the tendons of one lee much con. tracted. The little prattler couldn't walk without assistance and suffered much inconvenience 'and pain. Sev eral applications of St. Jacobs Oil re stored her limb to itsj normal condi tion and she has not experienced any trorible since. Dr. Speck states that he has also seen the Oil act charm ingly in toothache, t He thinks . St. Jacobs Oil is a-sterling remedy, and does not hesitate to recommend it for rheumatism, etc. t An editor was made so happy over a dream' that he gave, utterance to the following lines: "1 had a dream the other night, When everything was still; I dreamed t hat each subscriber Came up and paid his bill. Each wore a look of honesty, And smiles were around each eye, As thpy handed ont the stamps, Saying "How is that for high!," : ' j '.'- . - - There is many an editor who would welcome the exact; fulfillment of such a dream with rapturous delight. The Legal Value .of a kiss. Mayor Broderick of Wilkesbarre, Pa., has'fixed the commercial value of a kiss at $1.50. He fined a man $4.50 for kissiug. a pretty girl three times against her will. A Woman's Deed. A popular preacher in one of the or thodox churches at Sainera, a town in the Vo:ga Government, gave umbrage thellevxjlutionary Committee of that city- by vehemently (inveighing against the murderers of the late Czar. A tew hour later the committee held a meeting for the purpose of deciding what pumsnment snouia oe inUicted upon the priest. The . committee re solved that he should be put to death, and its members drew lots for the executioner's oflice; which fell to a girl of I'D, affiliated to the organization only a-few days previously. Upon drawing the fatal lot she exhibited some agitation, but accepted her mur derous mission with. the words : "The committee will have reason to be sat isfied with the mjner in which its de crees will be carried; out," Nextrmor- ning t he doomed priest "was awakened shortly after day break by the report ot a hp?arm, discharged in a room contiguous to his own bedchamber. Upon entering the room in question, he beheld hisonlydaughtar'stetched at full length upon the floor near the foot of thebwd and weltering in her blood. tine had just strength enough left be fore expiring-to confess to him that .she had pledged herself to take his life but preferred killing herself to fulfill ing her oath. Exhorted to reveal the names of her fellow conspirators, she refused to do,auddied without hav ing afforded auy clue that could lead to their detection, t Clarke's Biff Swindle. OVER $100,000 OF A CHICAGO EIRM'S BY- A MOXKY MISAPBOI'KIATED ' ' CLEKK. .' CniCAO o, Feb. 18. William C Clarke, formerly at i the head of the wholesale paper house of . Clarke; Friend, Fox fcCo., has fled from Chic ago, and is known to be in New York It appears tnai ne not long since bought out the other interests of the firm with promissory notes, and speedly transferred ithe. stock to a ri val dealer for $175,000, of wkich 1112 quo was in casn or gooa commereia paper. Complaints j by , the origina creditors of the house caused an i nves tigation by Friend and. Fox, which showed that $118,000 of the firm's pa pers was still afloat. Of this amouut 40,000 ; was promptly paid and the liabilities will be honestly met. General WasSi nton !evs. Washixgtox, Feb. 18. The War Department is informed by the Indian IJIireau that there is danger at the San Carlos Agency from the Chirichas Indians returning from Mexico. Gen. Sherman directed Gen. Wilcox, corn- j mandinsr the Department of Arizona, to give proper protection to theagency. French is much improved in health, and will probably resume his official duties on Monday. ! Beaumont J$. Buck, a cadet, has been reinstated at West Point by order of thp, President, upon recommenda tion of the Academic Board. Buck was dismissed for ; incompetency, and is the cadet who shot the son of j the Hon. J. G. Thompson several t months ago. The Jsew Jersey delegation unani mously agreed tc-day to petition the President to set aside the finding of the court-martial in tlie Pits John , Porter case. i 1 Confederate JTTonument at Zasli- . ... vllle. Nasiivtllk, Texk., Feb. 18. The . 1 I U n.nt - six mre coiuins . , tlT. building m tluacity, , which isnou be- ' ing torn down, will be used for a mon- ument to the Confederate dead. The : mnnnmcnt wfll ' hn rMl In 'Mount olivet cemcterv. 1 " , i .1 WIL.S3r,tf. CL, FRIOJLY, MAItCIf 3, 1S8.52. WIT AND HUMOR. How Tiri! Widow OAt'nriT Him. A gentleman of an. autobiographical turn relates! how he wa Instrurted in the custom of taking toll,-hy a upright ly widow, during a moonlight xleigh ride with a merry party." lle say?: The lovely widow U. fsat in the same sleigh!, under the same, buffalo robe witftme. "Oh, old jdon't" she exclaimed, as we came jto the first bridge, at the same timel catching me by the arm and turning, her veiled fate toward mo while her . little , -eyes . tw inkled through the moonlight. 'Don't what ?' I ased.; J'I'm not doing anything. ; 'Well, but I thought you were go ing to take toll,' the widow replied. Toll!' I rejoined. 'What's that?' 'Well, I declare!' cried the widow, her clear laugh ringing out above the bells 'you pretend you don't know J what toll is?' I Indeed I don't then M said, laugh-1 ingi 4 Kx plain' if you please?' 4You never heard then, said tho widow, most provokingly 'you have5" never heard that when we are on a sleigh ride the gentlemen; always that is, sometimes when they cross a bridge claim a kiss, and call it toll? But I never pay it.' I said that I never heardof it beforabut when we came to the next bridge I claimed the toll, and the widow's struggles to hold the veil over her face were not! enough to tear it. ' . At last the l veil was removed, her round, rosy face wa turned directly toward minei and in the clear light of a frosty moon the toll was taken, for the first time in my experience. Soon we came to a long bridge, with several arches. The widow said it was of no use to resist a man who would have his way, tjo she paid the toll without a murmur. But you won't want 'toll for every arch, will you? she said, ; so archly that I could not fail to ; exact all my dues. And that was the beginning of my courtship. j A cat when pursued by a ferocious dog may not be feeling quite as well as usual, but nevertheless, she pre sents a fur-straight appearance. Soap-rnsdWs may give each other the lye with impunity. In other lines of business it is safer to be a little cautious in this respect. Some men are born poor, others achieve poverty, and a legion more start newspapers, '-and live on cord woodand promise.,'" Vi . The difference between a defaulter and athief isA-ery simple. One steals enough' to hire good lawyers and the other don't. I . " ; "-.!!-Frederick Locker said he knew a ady who was as homely as ugly- well, as ugly as sin, and almost as agreeable. j . The rubber slings used by the little boys are getting to be as dangerous as the gin sling handled by their dad dies. . .- . I " . -' "': A soft answer turneth away wrath. Not sowitha aoft misssle a tomato or an egg. Take care of the poor Indian, and he'll take hair of the white man. To keep a kerosene lamp from ex- ploding never put any oil -in it. We hand folks over to God's mercy but show none ourselves. One touch I of rumor makes the whole world chin. Led astray the bullet that failed . - to hit Guiteau. ! - - I - : , I Bologna is the link that unite man with the brute. A cool swindle collecting the ice bill twice. i! : , -. '. Rum-antic m arryi ng a heavy drinker. MEDICAL. THE GREAT lit ai nfls n H f-t Pi I' Z lit mm FOB Hsuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbcgo, Baekaeh, Sorenett o f the Chest, Sevt, Quins, Sore Throat, Swrelling mn4 S oraias . Burns ami Scalds, Bsnsral Bodily Pains, i Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fsti and tan, and all ataer rami and Ashes. 4 Kn Prananffon on earth equal St. J On. aa t-f", attrrw simpl and rhexmp Bxatrnal KmeT A nial eatafla but the camparatiTdy tri2iBr oullaf -af BO Cents, tnd vrr cm uffierls P0 crm hT cheap aad poa4HT ptaot ft tf5- ? PtrarIal3aTenLannase? ..". 20LD ST ALt'D2UKJIST8 AID ISAUEJ II '; .. .. : j KZDICLSZ. , ;,.v A.VOOBLH11 &CO., I "I i! l U Vf II 11 LLS IMDOP.3EO BY PHYSIC IMt CLERGYMEN, ARi THE ArrLiCTlD AYtSYWHtRL. r THE GREATEST MEDICAL1 TRSOfvlPH OFTHE A6E. ; SYMPTOMS O? A TORFED LIVER. IcUi4 i5e duty, tfcrjoope. DlxaJea, KlattferiDj of tn- Heart, loks bnfor 15 1 ness at tjjfhthiehry coljd UrlaV. fj ! IF THESE WAHNTJTGS ASS SlfHEXDED, 1 StRfO'JS DIStASES WILL SGOS St DEVELOPED. TTJTTS PILI.S are cseciAlljiidaptttd i snrh cMMK,one done oticctA such a ehiuip of feeling nn to ostoxiirh ttie in(rorr. , ; Ther Inmnit rtn j r 1X1 M, m cn U) I IXKly in TaEi on riown, thr. lb nmwa in ( . nUT-1.ti;t.nn,t b-v UirirTanlv XrUomon b ! OlavMive 6rnn. toernttr t!l n pnt- ' duow,l. erina rnl. fc Inrri) mt.. M.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, 0t Hiiftof WumtfiRH chang-S t a Ltsr BUi by a ingl- a;iplti-aHu uf lhi Dt. It . impart a natural culjr, aeu IoiitaatAueowrijr. Sold by lriie(if t, ur it hy xpri on reet)t ( (U. Office, 35 Murray 8t., New York. Dr. TM'rtl H 1 K I i.L r TkiMbU IaMiiUM wj AND SPERM ATORRKIA. A vahsable Dleoorery Rad Bew Dapartaro fa Ve4-1 y. vix : Direct Arplioaticm to tne prlaeipAl the Diaeoae. actiaar tw AteornHim ud ti 9ft! ttp specilio Ufluenc on She Seuiaai Vesides, Klio- j nl&tory Ducts, Prostata Gland, and Urethra. an ot toe Kmi iaattcndsd with ax pais or Laooa- t-.mchm, ana aoea not uteriara -!tti taa ordin. r fcrbea, producing a a immediate eoothioc asd neiov- unuiH m tu; u qoiofiv aisortca-Hna aooa u- 1 .i'ce Tracked freia telf-abusa aad esceuoa. etoooinx acatn 1190a tne etuu aa Borrsa srr He drain from the arstem. reetoriac Vhb mind to ' i-alth uajMucd memort ramerlng tb Dimseea 1 t-f Bight, Mervcue DebUity. OonfuaJoa ct Ideas, ! Aversion to Society, etar, ta, sad h appoaraaee h premctMre old tig ntwtJif uceoropnojiag this mobie.aad reeterint psrfea Sexual Vlhr. rar h. has been dermet tsr Jra. Thi mada oi am, an t trae sie 4ta eet la yc'i'na'fcm 0&?!araul fee mw a pronounged oc taaa. Drue are too mochpre.; sribnd ia these trouble, and, many an beax vtt jAs to, with bat litOe If any permaoeniaosd. There MiOBaMimahotlU.re9araiioa. PraoMeei ot KMratumecutbleeea to BosiUrely g-marantee ttualt -ill clve satiaf aetlen. Durina; (ha eighi Teare tiut t haa beeo in reneral in, we ksv iScSetunU af toxM ,vKnlnJ6 m to (IsTalBe.asd It ia now oovcaocd by taa; !tUral rroforakm to be the most raU-soal Bana jrwtj Siaoorerid of reaehinjr and carina; this ttt praleai totrable, that ia woD icown to be the ca-tae of netold '(sdy to so many, and apon whom auas pre? WU& -tialc useless aostrnaa and biff foeaTbe BmsV; ui.rutttpin neat box,cf three siaeo. ! 3. 1 foaouur to last a Eioath J S3 j STo. C, (samclent to effect a per-' naaest core, waieea ia aerera oaaoa S&; - 'Itar.Lmr ovrr three months, mill eton em'jmlcM aa- ristore ylfOT la the worst cawU i f. ent bratix, Mhl&d, in plain wrapper. STull SOX . 'iMT amc wen rat it iHsfralwwi fiMcy, flt-i ri rot H MttaN Ml (liar fAeiii tint aittie of Hfm, mwm mi W HARRIS REMEDY CO. KFl 1 KukM mi m St. Et. Lou:l. Mas ; i I Treat allChrcmla Disease,' and aajor a aatioar ol repotation thronh the earlsc ef eomvUcatad ri a m ectiecs o the blood, tkia or boaea, treeted wih ae- wttboat a8a Heraarr er Juianneua lieeicinn. fOUMC MEN WBJ ar "ritl frou tbeatUut Uoi5forbofciuNi maariaae. penaiancntly eired; iti-ftwTtf iiirtiAsl.V fjtyjtfm r .oo.l icmjI1'j..d ia pr$rr4, wiiich a fill M ? tt. Lit ef suction to at aiwir ay f' . fipat isftUtNl frae to any aMirM on tivlM&iiau. ; (?cmw taffirii4 O-aoi taytur .kaald ikJ Uialr l iii. JStyXXS, HI lMrlH 9til kt. OU JTOTICE. In consequence of the death of Oeo II. Griffin it oecornes necessary te et- tlefthe business of thelirui of Griftin V Murray. All persons indebted to said firm will please call at their plae of business and settle at once. ! i j ; WM. MURRAY, I iurviving. partner .of Griffin A'-lSlur bee. 9tf. " . - f. ; -'"- ; ; t ' .- : r CHftPEST BtHCH DRILL IN THE Hundreds in use. Hard ware Tinsimithsand Biackatiitlis sond for large cut and cir lars. Special inducements to first buyer jn each place. SENECA TOOL WORKS, Dundee, N.' Y. ; Address, Jan3iiiJ ANSIOX HOUSE ; NORFOLK, VA M.w .1 amw, I'ropnetress. EMiAK(ihl), Hemoflelwl, lletur- "nlshed, Centrally Lecated, Good Ao- eomBiodatient, Kates Keaionable.2 IJtf F6r Sale: . W .11. . m I four to six thousand dollajM per year in the town or lilack .w-k. A? gooo opening in a eixxl Kicalitr.- One doz - $ 'a'Hn'T&e! 5V-' I1 a disYl ass fcion Cha bjek'trta-t 1- aic uflrfer the ahoulclsr-i Vlt eL fulTp ess fier ut, w ith a A isii-1 c2jiciatoii to exer tion of bot?7 or ljiiuJ1 Ij-nte'b'Uit.r ctmpei Tow 8prr' t's. Log A memdv.vrith Al-eJiTc: at riwf.r rTi " lew itm pi ii 1 1 ttl far Nauftier bH. BUTTS' 1 ' "UH6'" " Him-imiiiwiidi, IVIIK, X X ' 111' TIU, RilU sold cheap. Apply at once to W. S. ANDERSON, .Black Creek, N'.C. Xov25,tf. NOTICE Having been appointed TtPceiVer of the late firm of farmer ..W ain wright, by notified to come forward and make payment, and thoe holding claim against the fame will present! the properly authenticated for . adjufr- ; ment. -';'-- '. jy -.,-. '' ' ; "-- ' . J. A. TYKE55. ,Kor. 11th, 1991 . tf. :i ; T IK, UNDEIlflinTCED, haY5 fbrm d . partnership for the practice of md cine in th to n of Wilson and tdlof dug country.- Itetundng thank I tp th irpatron fir their liberal pat-Ug ronag.. they solicit a continuance "of thesa oe. onice on Nah Htreet otv! iKwitethe Curt 1 louse lately occupies! ! by Jai. S. WooIarl, where one, or both may be always found when! not profes,ionallv engnge 1. j C. C. I'KACOCK, M. t., j W. S. ANDEIWOX, M. D.i jaa5Z.-iy. fIff permancntlr located In Wilson, N. C. All opperntions will De neat y and carefully performed and on tonus aj resonabre as posiblr Teeth extracted without pain. Office Tarboro street u'xt.dor tt Fust i3lc Jan S 12m. 'PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWg! PLOWS I HAVE ON HAND FOR SALK low for cah-o!rie fifteen hundred cotton and turnitiir i-lows and Ca.tim- Jot Kame, 'amounting to fifty' ton. " iierciiani ana harmers would con sult their internet by -'Rupplyin t!in- eiven with tJitfce 1'low .1 and fixtumii ittuiive, suca opportunitr for buyinj: at such low fijfuris will attain occur after the prweut Rtock is nold out ; J. A. TYXE8, ... ' . ' . Itfcciver for Dr. Crows'i . Est:ri:il ; 1 ' THE TIAOIDT OF -'' - .... , OR TH1 " BlftCttftaif of JflVmM I)stI. A Trathful account of the Aboli tionary War with the Secesh Rebel union. (Shakesperian Style, 5 acta, IS cni,84 pages.) - . . Abralmm Lincoln, William Seward, Edward Stanton, Ulysses Oraxt, Wm. Sherman,; Benjamin Butler, Parson .tfeecher, Horace Greeley, Jam eg Fisk, Jr., Feffenon I)avi, Uobert Tombu, Alexander Stephens, Pierre Beaure gard, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Humphrey Marshal, Jack Mosbr, Mm. Davjs, Mrs. Lincoln, Jrs. 8ur- ratt, John AVilke Booth. Harold. Attzerott and Payne, Frederick Doug lass, Pouai y, Prlcy, ad Ir. Mary walker. V;-pRirfCipAL Sccxsa : White House Troubles: Bull Kun Panic: Richmond Calico "Ball: Pom pey and Priscy; Andersonvllle Hur rors; Richmond Burning; Lincoln A sassinated; Booth Bulletwl: Mrs Sur- ratt Htrangled; Davis Reconstructed. Gramt's-Jubilee Speech, and Grand Transformation Scene; "Let u have reace." - ',- Piicv, 15 th. (Send Postage 8Ump.) Dr. C. W. Selden, PubliMher, 182 Lexington Ave., New York City. Dee,S&-3m. tfSTWhen Planters can huj m true Ammoniated Super Phosphate made chiefly from Slaughter House Meat and Bone for $25 per ton at the factory, tash, it is folly to pay out money for the high cost Fertilizerjf. Baugh' $25. Phosphate Is of guaranteed tand- aru. Analysis on every Dir save 1 -a-' " ' n c ircular. :- ' The iast season in the south has clearly hown l'lanteri that the low cost ' Ammoniated Fertiliren paltl best on Cotton; there has never been, in the four years of itsj use, an unCvor abl report of its action. Every jond of AmmoniiaatuL Phosphori Acid in Baugh$25 Phosphate is promptly available m plant food. Planter- eaa make their own figure? n to the av ing they can make by using1, this artiele and at t lie KHinw time be reasonably sureof a good crop. Seiu for circular giving full guaran teed Analysis. 9 103 South St., 3a!ttm5re. Ki. Manu'acturcrs and Importer of Fertili sers and fertil zinj Supplies. 0. FOR AG El! Stiw rarefallj Besi handled anil c rmlv f-nnlnrpa if d'in tn h dl . 1 11 111 " Lyi"lJrt-3eM "a1", ( I 1-.6 A-t iL." t. - i - r UUCK, TTflRIJlUg irOm ! 120 to 'ISO pounds each. Ten tons cari bo shipped in a; car. i Excellent Forage Y&T horses, mti Aa aild Cattle or 1CS tliaa half tbe cost of haj. , ; .; ' V -!;'. sa Gra Co, Wilmin jtmi, N. C. i j De.9-m jjk. . vr. j o k m 2 Mas vol. O. Hons e For Sale?. leffer mr hna, with tertu f rooais. In tht tewn rfllaclc Creek tor sale. The lot Is a Iariro on. eont&IW two and onei-thini aeret. 0 "" In s'rawberri which iHvo a ro4 -.1 II ll'lll 1 11 i V'. .My re- on fwriaUtng U tht I atu tov. BUck Crek, 15. JL-VJSlilSS;''", r PETEHSiV'UG, VA. ; R-DIitiller, Hvfliu-r and WholegJ . Liquor Dealer 39 Sycamore JS1 reel, Keep cohKttntly tu hand a full utoek of Liquor, Winos, If ver' malW Hye :StJXN Y SCUTTII" TWhlkr , unnurpafeJ. .Order oliciUd aak satisfaction guarnctfvd. Kbl0-3m K. MYEftf. TALUOTT & SDKS Shockoe Machino KrciiMONiyfv'A.. iliriufacUirrTH i.f I'urhdtlw iul SuHwftry KiiiiiM muf I.iVi; Saw iiiiln. Cern twA 'h-at M.U, Shftin, lUuerrn Hint Pall 'Turblu WaiT iW ln.rln, .'f.-tLncfsi Kuctwre Mai hitirrr, Wrnnht lrii H'ork. Bnn a4 (rou CaMiojcs Macliiuerj ot eterj deacrifk Mt. GIXSIXQ if TIWESmSG MA 177LYX' A M'KCIALTY. roMi.ilf nuil Crfullj fhMrt, Talbett Patent Epark Arrester. I'Uf lUTrniUn el'lh Ag. It ilo not Heetroy Hie tlrnft. ; ': It do not inteiftrt) with .'iaiibj 0i t iit-. - - It will not eheke up anil icqtlrn mm eiranir.jj. - -: - -. ;- ll require no. direct !amp-ri to b fn h! wltvit rHiniajr steam lliiiiera behia b- letuit.e.iBlt1iirj liny h Minpati aVV It irquirea no wntrr to exiinjrniei prle which, by Cndeii'ilion, lktrnyt ttit rlrifV. JWn'ulcn. tt.n Watrr id tl'fj, If ntt(t(e4, th fOlcleiiey i ilcsfroyrd : by cTkKrftGa t uic wairr. ami liie Doner- u kt-ut m m tllilijr coiieiilirttj. - - It in airuple ftiii JorabU niean V rUil ipvu. . ' . . I - - ! ll can In at taehfcil to itfy bMlpr, No piantrr HlKtald L without n mt tli.-ui. Iuiiraiir 'coinaiiH will la.u gin and b;irnn Htirre the l'ilfott KtigiH and partt Arrntr are nd a? atn Tl a chari d for watvr r lwri pejwrr. krcud fur iliuftraied circular ael pricr lisL ' ;l : Uiuncli !!jire: (tQldi-hor. X. C J. A. Hau r. CuiKiil NUocr.j T, A. GraiaxaT Lca!Mauire! ael4-l)M) Ge. H." Orifla, Jr. Agent for7 'XflU on; Nah, and raaklia coentlee, t Empire PlastirTlVlills,:. WILMINGTON, N. C. We are prepared to deliver tite BEST KOVA SCOTIA FRESH GSO'JSO fLMTrL: , (GYP3UM.) iiow iiatkh'fok large wtp. J, P. BLOSSOM & EVAX8, 1MEKIGAN HOUSE-- -A FOKTwormr, va- MOST Convenient to all ItaiJrnad potn and Steamboat landing. Ratkw Flrr,tFoor, ,iK.r day, $2,00 S-nd FUKr, pr day, l,5o. ' North Carolina Travel U Ppect fullv Solicited, v , BUOWNLEY SIBTEiW, Prop'e. Fb8-'63-ly , , ?, ' ,;.is i 1 uiw that rtnal r tawa f dm- 9 !HKi.iBfTMWw U,ifcWfjriir Wnt .ljaB4UT,r,HrfrrtorW?In lert time ami ti; rr ir'te aiCrt rre e i arc.nv nubrmt tnt awe b1 ri irt. Tea mt : corrj-f Wrer Kafe Ejtn f a r.a U r f ar HMj from A idmjle tmMl f are raa. Vc mo4 tnTirrrrtii hr.tb f arr";' erxa,- M4 mHt Tt 1 1 r ,-m1 Wn x m It la ntlTtTK HhMKly f.r tit -.. Hut 1.trrr llistt-Ja.U. i. Orar ei Vrvvr. Aju ilalrfSl rr. st,.i ;1 dtlTWl-i-c tVe Kuitr,l.inrran. I". i t-rr liriana. It 1 an rxUAt aaMt aT rrmi fir bntbaia. f1"' rTf' -T- I wulowi"! Mta rtf.-le a4 A a H!eM35f S r It i uaja 1, Ur'it tv IT1 remofly, wliifh h.t 1 " "mmH oadrra, ft pot up ia the LAIMEXT filZFH JMiTTLK i( ur laedlrtae npa tha msrkrtuA l o!4 hy rnf rtatw t nd alt dtra at ONE 1JOL.L.ATI AM TVF. TT-UVKt'KNTS r-r oil. lHlhrire. iiitmfff VTA K VER S RAKE ULitl LTE3 CTTS.S. llutanunLKrii)4, t It. B. WA KMT! k fTO,; trVbVr, s. x. . i - J

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