I J it li til 15 ' By Tha. Ad?ai3e Pu'-.ilthinfl Company LET AL THE ENDS THOU AJM'STAT, BE THT COUNTRY'S, THY GOD'S,. AND TRUTH'S " Jattihut Bteielt Butst VOL. ID.- tiO. V nli Month if liOftv '' - ' '""' ' -' n : ' ... : r-t- : : - .. ; t : it Wiion',' i Fum A.Y, March 10th, UH. THE AMERICAN IDEAL. An ndependent young man; risrht kind of stuff younz man; cep comprehensible, Plaln-apoken, sensible, fhoroughly self-made young man. A not to be beaten yoimjj man; An up to th front young man; A genuino, plucky, Happy go lucky; j ; Try it again young man ' A amowledsre eking young man; A real wide awake young man; A working in season, ' "i Find out the reason, Not too funart to leant young man. A look oufor others young man; A practice not preach young man; A kind, .sympathetic, Not ail theoretic, On in a thousand young man. An affable courteous young man; , A know what to say young man; A night of true chivalry, ;--Frank in inJellvery, Making hU niark young man. A now a days scarce young man; A hardto be found young man; A' perfectly self iosH!ed,: Not always overdressed, Kind that I like young man. liMpt ExBiess. BY IJELEX FOREST GRAVIS. "Of all things, anight Journey is the most tedious, 'said Clarence Ilart field as he Irt himself fall heavily in to the ptiff, uncomfortable seat of the rllwtv rar. with its. faded velvet cushions, Rfid its Inirk at exactly the wrong angle for au?ht approaching the luxury of a napl I say Clifton, do vou thinkfwo mlghi smoke?' ; 'Well, I (rather imagine not' said I, with the motion of my head towards the othur passengers. 'There appear to be ladies on lo:ird.H i Hartfleld shrugged His 'shoulders. 'Such ladios!' ;.. , . . ; , . Well,' laughed T, 'they don't appear to be. particularly My lish in mariner or costume, but, nevertheless, my dear fellow, 'divinity of j their sex hedges them around like a wall.' 'Divinity of thvir humbug!' shortly Interrupted Hartfleld. 'As if these illdressed fdpwdiesi j with babie and band-boxes, could possible belong to the same wwrld with Beatrice Hale.' To thist I made no answer. It did not Mi vn to bo exactly appropriate to lug the name of Beatrice Hale into; a discussion f-in a placp like this. Yet what could. I do, except to feel my cheeks flushed and the , root of my hAir tingle? For I was unmistakably in love! with ll;e Haleaud so was Claronce Hartfleld. dm tf InV r I If. I were to waste -quar y. w ... reams "of naner in trying io aescrioe her manifold charms;-arid excellencies to the reader, it would'nt 'ilo any trood. Such ' things have been tried Wore and failed.. It.him imagine the Surest brunette the sun ever tdione oo'anii hf may come soiae where nearthoi mark. 'Suffice it tusy that ho was as beautiful lns a dream, and Hatfield and I were both slaves at her Which of us did she like best?: Ah, thut wa-i tlu tiuostion! It was some thing like ? the children's old game of nee saw: I Uil v:o n;id down you come. Ko'hetimolifaneied I had had a ghost of ii chaiifersoinelimes i 'was convinc ed th.it lUrtileld was altogether the nrffarrefh and that I hat better emi grate t Australia at one. MI!lo!' i tfed H r .'. breaking un ceremoniously in! upon the- thread of mv "musings 'there goes the - whistle. We shall botf directly. sThank good ness for that." ' i And he put his feet on the opposite seat: ami nrenared for as comfortable a four hour! ride as possible; Claron.'o Hlntfieid and I, be - it un derstood 1. were employees In the ex- temlvo business of Messrs. Jenkins JumpertoiiiA Co., auctioneers, and hii been dovnin the country putting uj up a sale of jswtimp lots, cut ' into streets and KquaYes Recording to tho most ap proved metfopolion methods of doing such thhijistf . - '' ' It had been a dismal business. No vember is lMtan inspiring month at the best.iantl a three days fog had con spired against the ueress' of Mount Mara Parklj as Jenkins, Jumperton .. Co had 'ch listened it he;' new specu lation. ye;we had done reasouaoly ell, and were now thankful enough to get baek to New York. ' A the tnim gave its startling lunge the door flelvt open, and in came a tall l(i ladyi jpia proiligioiis black boh- nand a fur cloak surrounclea hy a Perfect chevUwx de frirsc of squjrre leather hags, brown paper, pa ppr parcdls.-iand. sandwich boxes. She aa followdl cloelv bV a younger la dyi'dreasedfiYhbick. and rloselv veil -li and paukt'd hesitatingly in front of 'Ycuncf llaii.' mji id slip, in a low V(ice a- gruff as that Of a man, 'is this at engaged?' 'VeV siiid: Hartfleld it is. ,r r your? feet?' ; ; -o matte what for,' superciliously "'Plied the; i head clerk of Jenkins, p'uperton ii Co., 'please pass on old 'a(y. Y6u!ll find seats enough be- V- ! s ;: - v. tr m t,yi8 was a stretching of tho ruth. Thefe were no seats beyond.' . the Old ltnKr nnll oauilv normivP. uuless Bhechoae to sit directly oppo- on T&b site a red-hot coal fire, or upon one of,those corner arrangement close to the door,- which are equivalent to no seat at all. The old lady: heItatNl, md chapjrd hr hv- Mfii..t.Vn ft(it 'fre ('-- led hand to the other. I thought of my own dear aunt P,olly at home, and rose at once. 'Pray take this Heat ma'am,' Raid I A rA li .... l- : icv, nit? jjui uur up in ine racK for you Clifton, what a fool vou are.' cried Hartfleld, in an impatient sotto voice. Why couldn't you have sat still and minded your own business? 'It is my own business,' I answer ed, brusquely, 'to see that every 1 .dy is made comfortable as it is in the nature of things to be. Now the squir rel cage, ma'am it'll go very com fortable nderthe seat, I think. : Hartfleld uttered a contemptible grunt, but he never offered to trust hw feet off the opposite cushions, al though the younger woman stbod in the aisle, uncomfortably swtayiric: backward and forward with the mo tion of the train, I until a woman be yond observed., the state of affairs, drew a sleeping child into her lap, and beckoned to the other to take the place thus vacated. .-.' ;, Uy this time, my old lady had es tablished "herself to her satisfaction, and opened her sandwich box. r 'Much obliged to yon, young man,' said she It's easy to see that you've a mother, of your own at home, and vou're in the hahit of floine- reverence to hor gray hair. As for this person with the nod of her poke bonnet in the direction of Hatfield. 'if he's got a inother, I an't say much for her hrnging him up. Perhaps he maybe old himself, one day, and stand in need of a little politeness and consid eration from the young.' , 'When I am anxious for your good opinion L will let you know,' returned Mr. Hartfleld, rather flippantly. The old lady could only express her self bv a vehement sniff. And even I was annoyed at his manner. 'Hartfleld, said I, in a low tone, 'you miirht behave like a gentleman,' 'Ho 1 wrill,' he retorted with a shrug 'when I iind myself in company that calls for such measures? I -said no more, but leaning up against the side of the door, prepared to make myself as comfortable as possible until the train should stop at Stamford, its first way station, and some descending passengers might make room for me Header did you everstan'd in an ex press train in full motion? Did you ev er feel yourself s waved backward and forward, bumping one of yourphre nological developments against one side of the" car, and bringing the base oi vour spinal olmnvagiuusfc--4.io wnh a seat at the opposite swerve or the train? Did you ever execute an invol untarv pas seitl, by way of keeping your balance and then grind your teeth to see the two pretty young ladies beyond laughing at your antics? If so, you will know how to pity nie during the hour ana a hair between 15. ana Stamford. . . . i ' j Hartnehl went to sleep and snored;the old lady in the gigantic boilnet ate sandwiches and drank from a wicker flask Of jexcellent-smelling cherry; the young lady sat as noiseless as a black veiled statue; fretful babies whim perd; old gentlemen uttered strange sounds in their sleep; the lights -narea like sickly moons overhead and the shrieK of the train, as it flew through sleeping villages, sounded liko the yell or a fiery-throated demon. .Stamford, rtawieu tae conauctor. At last I succeed in dropping my wearv and stiifener limbs into a. seat where slumber -overtook me m just a minute and a quarter; fieri had been asleep on my legs once or twice,even in mv former disadvantageous atti tude, and I could scarcely believe the evidence of my own senses when we finally thundered i in the echoing vastness of the Grand Central depot in New York. I v Hartfleld, alive to the necessity of catching a car before all the world of t a 't-h'.es iou dcn.w.i n;t . it,stumlIe i over the old lady.s ankles with s nail ceremony. . - ' Oh, take ctire! You've knocke 1 the squirrel cage over!' cried she. 'Confound the squirrel cage?' f limit ed Hartfleld gnashing his teeth, as the ancient damo placed herself directly in the aisle to set the furry pet up again, thereby completely' blocking up his egress. ', . .! 'Serves you right1 Hartfleld,' said 1, and stopped to assist. Just then the young companion ; our lady advanced, flinging back her veil, .... . Grandma,' said she, 'the carriage is waiting. I'll send Thomas for the parcels. Mr. Clifton, I am very much obliged to you for your polite ness to mv grandmother, who is un used to traveling. As to Mr. Hatfield the : less said about his courtesy the better., And Beatrice Hale,s black eyes flashed disdainfully on Clarence's cowedvisage. "" , , T,r , , 'Miss Hale,', he stammered,' If I had the least idea who you were.' 'You would 'have regulated your .oniliiot Hccordiniriv.' impatiently in- terruptiHi Miss Hale; 'Thanks I prefer to see people in their true Jight. Mr. Clifton,' turning graciously to me, you'll call and see how grandma stands her journey, to-morrow, won't you? Oh, thank you the carriage: is close by.' I And to this day I believe that is the way I won mv wife; for Clarence Hat field was a brilliant, showy sort, of fel low who far outshone me in general society, and I think Bee hd been dis fMViPri nitherto fancy him until that ni"ht. But she was disenchanted now for good and all. And Grandma Hale comes to see us every Christmas with a hamper of good things from Hale Farm. : ' . . ' f A Rock Rapids, Iowa girl, shot and killed her father last wekk be cause the old in a ii did not fancy her si iter's lover. The; murderess, mntiicr. sister and lover have all been implicated and lodged in jail.. A Woma't'.H Heart. "Lemme see,V and the old man musing with his chin on the t end of bi an and nW.nV inr in ttv . snriM falsetto voice of age, "it must be forty seven years since; Ann Maria died, yet 1 1 can remember the very gown she wore and the color of the long curls i that hung down , over her shoulders and the red on.- her cheeks that was like a winter apple ! " Dear me 1 she has never faded a mite in all them years, but just sits there and looks at me, as she did when I brought her home. -You see there was a kind of romance tew it, and I've offen and oflen tiBhtMr-p and could rite it out it would read i berutifuller than a novel ; the fact was that Anna Maria had another beau but that ain't no wonder, for she was the smartest and I prettiest and best girl in the hull country-side ; but what 1 mean she favored mm ever so little afore I come around, and began keei)- in' hor company. Foulkskind o coup t led their names together and some of 'em to bother me,t hinted that she car ed a heap for him. Why you'd ort tew hev seen him ! He was slim and5 fine as a lady and wore gaiter shoes and had holler eyes as he'd never had euutfito cat. Ann Maria care for him? why,)thc girl had sense and knew the difference atween a feller as strait as a saplin with a color like new maho gany, and auch a melancholy looking specimen as that. Besides I had a mortagage fn the old homestead Ann Maria's father owed me -money, but I did right by tbemi I told her ef she married me I'd deed the whole thing back to her, and I did. Weel we was married, and we j made as purty a couple as you ever saw in your life. Ann Maria had a settin' out of China and linen and I provided the house. and folks said I had : tho best wife a nian ever had in the world, and I'd got everything just as I wanted it, and sposcd it would always be so, but 'from the day we S Were married my wife failed in health and spirits, and in six months Is buried her; folks said it was consumption, but it didn't run in the family, I was blind and full of pride then j but I've thought since," here the old lowered his voice, "that mebbe all the time she loved that white-faced chap as I, despised.! A woman's love I've found out is a queer thing, and lOvegoes where it is sent, out it sue urn? anu marneii me for a mistaken sense of duty why all I've got to say is, I've been punished, too, for I loved her. Perhaps I never unt it as much as I; did when I saw herlyig white --ami peaceful in her chintz gown with the violet on it, arid something round her neck that I had never seen before a little locket with some hair in1- it that wasn't mine Then I mistrusted that her heart had been broke and I sdid solemnly as I kissed her gbod-hy : "My dear I'll never have a Wife. but you if live the fourscore and ten ! and I never have, and I think mebbetshe will see tuat I loved her truly andforgivemeat last." Detroit Irte I'resa. , Sic Did otMince Matters. A representative pf the Lvnn (Mas) Item in a late ramble througout that city, gathered, among other scraps of interest and information, the follow ing : The first placelvisited by the re porter was the fruit store of Mr. J. Levett, No. (7 Market street, in re sponse to a rumor that the proprietor had been cured of the rheumatism by the great remedy.; Mr. Levett not being in,"the reporter had a talk with his son. Mr. LeVet: stated that his. father had been cured of an exceeding ly bad attack .of rheumatism by the St. Jacobs Oil. He) had the disease in his right arm and shoulder, which became perfectly helpless after being affected a few hours. His pain was sogreitt-that lie could not rest in com fort or attend to business with any degree of-satisfaction. After enduring this sort of thing for some time, he purchased a-bottle of the Great Ger man Remedy and began to apply it. He did hot mince niatters at alf, but just used the Oil for all it was worth. After pursuing this mode of treatment for three days the pain was banished and his ; father was in a perfectly healthy condition. ' He has never since felt any 'rheumatic pain. At the November ;elections to be leld in this State there will be five ballot boxes at each voting place, and the tickets will be placed in each box in this wise : ' 1 . Members of Congress, to be voted for in each Congressional District, (Should it be decided by Congress that the member gained by. this Sta'e is to be voted for by the State at large, the f name of 'this additional member wilkhead the Congressional ticket in each district.) , . 2. An Associate Justice of - the Su preme Court; Judges for the 1st;, 2d 3d 6th judicial districts, and solicitors for all the judicial di; tricts. -Each dis trict votes for its own solicitor, but his name goes on the judicial ticket. 3. Members of the. General Assem-. bly 4. Clerk Superior Court, County Treasurer, in counties having this office; Register of Deeds; Surveyor; Coroner; and sheriff, j 5. Township Constable, Horace B. Dick, Eq., associate ali tor of the Dekticare Cb. Republican, Chester, Pa., was cured by St.- Jacobs Oil of very severe injuries resulting from a tail. His arm appeared to be paralyzed, but the Oil cured him. Philadelphia Ledger j Biblical Recorder; Rev. N. B. Cobb, of 'Chapel Hill,t has accepted a call to the pastorate of the church in . Waynes ville and will enter upon his 1 duties as such on the 1st of April. Discovery of a Concealed Treas. lire in Alistance.Cenntj. In the southern part of this, county In'Newlin'" township, about ten days ago, Joe Woedy contrirtHt with a colored man, Ephriam Alsto i, to have some rails split, s Near sea or house uoay iuu aiiowwi m 10 cuv , a tree and use the top fer flifu- vood. Ephriam went to work upon the butt ut. uitn i xjk - kill.;? jkit niitwiii' "4' v imivi When It had been qUartered the next thing ' was ' to heart each faction, as practical rail .splitters undierl ind. In doing the latter act he struck! regular honnnzW. " and tvffntt-x or fell out, worth ten , uonars or more, s These cojns were coricealed in an inch and a quarter augur hole', over which the tree had grown, n tuick ness, about four inches. On t ha out- t u n ", boring of the hole, it is suppos d tnflt the coins were put there not later than 181. In diameter the tree wa about two feet, and it is not likely ! thxt the concealing dates as far back as revoju tionarylimes. The concealer of this treasure is supposed to have di.l sud denly without ever revealing his se cret. Alamance Gleaner. ALLEVIATION. Charleston, S. O., Jan. 29, II. II. iWarnerdt Co: Sirs my wife's peculiar I sufferings were completely alleviated by your Safe Kidnjy "and Liver Cure. - IlrC. M03LKY. . From a Chicago Ti-ibunc romance : "Just as 'she was budding ii-; .lie sweet beauty of perfect wo'ni.nshood just as life - had for her only hues the blow had fallen fall cruel, crushing force, and' the into which she had been loo .: Wit- Tutur . ing -.ifidciji tso'.at-- joyously, and with such e iiope, was rendered dark and by the pall of disappointment ivhich an angry, fate had so ruthlessly cast over it. jller father had told .-r, not an hour ago, that he was ruin 1 that a deal in No. 2 spring w i.-nt had proven the Circe which lure I him on to financial destruction. Th -y were sitting at the supper-table wh n Pizar ro Corcoran related the stor of Ins ruin to the, girl, and after , he had finished she did hot bemoan -"r fate; but only said in, Jowtender tone ; "How kihd of you, papa, not to tell me this until I had eaten the last biscuit. It might have takn away my appetite." Remember tlsat each day you are casting a healing or a hurtin , shadow, No man' liveth to hinu;f alone. There may be some poor sou., l.a.'k of you creeping along with tear ntid trembling amid the experiences .of life poor, timid and' heart broken.. 'You can not go and creej) with him, jou cannot crope anYid the darkness and dei pair with him, but you c m do one thing : you can lift up your v-oica and sing sonie song of holy., c mfidenco, some 'sublime- hymn of tru9-sind oi will float the sounds back to that hal ting sour and he. will b Che-'!-" ,nu strengthened andjsavedby your joy. , This craze must stop woml iw-i e or there will be another revolu i .ri. The Government should cut the holes out of the silvjer coin. .-A man .eius'ed.to buy a turkey on' Wednesda -;--;l-ecau. it had. a hole in it , ... A Wisconsin man stole f,iirty-nine sheep, and; a steer, but th - warrant charged him stealing thirty "nie steers and a sheen, and he left ; he court room witn all his reputatio restored. Talmage says "men of 'r -ilent ami commairding intellect are ver good dancers." j That is the first "tim have seen any public alius -:i to awkwardness in dancing. we our MEDICAL. ffaurcfjia,Seiaiet,Lumieg9, Backatho, Soreness ef the Chest, Gest, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Spellings mnd Sprains, Burns end Scalds, Saneral Bodilj Pains, Tooth, Ear knd Headache, F rcsttif feet and Ears, nd all etksr Fein? j and Athes. ' a wfr, ittr. timfJe and v'ij Exttwrsf-.L KEiy. K tnal CBtails but 0i9 compxfiT.y trifiinj ffi3T c.f SO t ent, end erry one wpffsiyK -tfa r- cn liiTe cheap and joa P"" ,ia e1115 DirecHons In EaT LaagrsafiW. j SOLD BY liL:i)EUGGISTS A1TB DEALSIS 13 ; - ! hediciib. ! " '- A. VOGSLER Ss. CO., :p g '. - ron E. L. HUNTER, D. D. S. OFFICE AT KK FIELD, N. C. JAKEN UP ASTRAY. SEVERAL MONTI IS;? AGO OS MY firm nun. '1T!I.... r I 4::. .f. .... . u . . . inreo neners, rach about two vears I "Id; One of them wa. a white anl i ':k lttc-andynother a light-red iU.u---lhe:lfer:itn havihgtheam-e mark crop off the right ear in . the shap.- of a half-moon.. There wasvwas no mark on the left ear. The third was a deep-red heifer, and was marked with a split in the left ear, and a staple fork in the right. The owner can ob tain tliee heifer.- by proving property ami pnyhig the costs. -! : Feb?; tf W. T, FA11MKR. II ATS HATS HATS & & CAPS! CATS! CAPS! HATS & CAPS! .'llATS A CAPS! HATS & CAPS! X X A -s . ! apsfifloaps, 1 A a accc T cc a .x Wholesale Peiiiers . X jC -Jl t 11 IX HATS AM CAP. XX ft ?f ?n fc- tmm fmmt ATO. ' L&diss Trimmed Goods. i H H N. 4 Coratuere Stret, XOKTOLK, YX.t ; ,i HATS HATS HATS Sr. & & HATS ti ll ATS & HATS & CAPS! CAPS! CAPS! CAPS!! CAPS! jO WELL A ROBINSON, I FAHHIONAILE BAK1IU. TAKBOIV) ST., WILHois, .X. C. Having opened a firt-class Karber sbop .solicits the patronage, of those who wish good work done.! Satisfac tion Guaranteed. f j July 15-1 y .:' J NOTICE.: :, In conserpience of the death of Geo. H. Grifiin it biH'omes' necessary to set tle the business of thefjrrirof Grifiin & Murray. All persons indebted to said firm will please call at 'their; place, of business and settle at once. ; WM. MURRAY, : Surviving partner of Grffiin A Mur ray. ' V" .' Dec. 9tf. ? - . "HSPE T BSiIGH DRILL -IS TFE WORLD- Hundredsin usp. Hardware, finsmiths and TJIacksmiths send for large 'cut and cir lars. Sjecial inducements to fir?t buyer in each place. SENECA TOOL WORKS, J Dundee, N. Y. JViittlres', JanC-,:mi 1 ANSION HOUSE!! I NOHKOl.K, VA. i M.S JAMES, Proprietress. KNLARGED, ltemoleled, Refur nished, Centrally Located, Good Ac commodations, Rates IU'afeonable.-2tr For Sale! A I5ugg' Shop with a trade of, from j four 'si.- thousand dollars per year in the town of Black Creek. A goxl op;iiit;g in a pood locality. One doz j fu new buggies on hand which will be i sold cheap. Apply at once to V. S. AMjKkSOX, Black Creek, N. . Nov 2o, tf. :.;: j : RICHMOND, 'A, M A X U FACT UP. E tv O Y 'Carriages of All 'Ms I Buggies, Phaetons. Six-seat Carriage, ,Trt.rr wjrons Top. and no Tort At HO .- &v T ' 2"-.. - - -; jxa.'i :' Esari ' "'ji "t 5. ''A ' i ' ?S HfO - ' . teszaBj . p ' '" II . fj:'.:CSQ ur r . w ! - ! THE, UNDERSIGNED, hare fbrna-i el a co-partnership for the practice ef meiticinff in the town of Wilson and ;aajoinmg country. Returning thanka to their patrons for their liberal pat- ronage, thfy solicit a Continuance or the anie. urmv .Ki Nah Ktrtt oi- poMtethe ( ourt House lately occupied by Jas. S. Wndard, Eni., where one, or both may le always found t whea not 'professionally engaged. " C. C. PEACOCK, M. D., W. S. .ANDKIWOK, M. D. Jan 82.-1 v. pp.. n. w. j o y x.x TT , . ; arllas iermanentlv Incut! In llsOll.' - f .' All nnnuroti,.... A . ..j.t: ...innm r in : oe neatly and carefully performed and on terms as reasonable a nossibl Teeth extracted without pain. Office Tarboro street next doer te Peat efflea I Jan 5 ixru.j PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! FLOWS! PLOWS I HAVE ON II AND FOR SALS low: for' cash some fifteen hundred cotton aud.turniug plows and castir.gi for same, amounting to fifty tons. i Merchants ami Farmers would con sult their interest by supplying them selves with these Plows and fixture at once, as no such. opportunity for buying at "such low figures will again occur alter 'the present stock is sold out - . J. A. TYNKS, , . . - Receiver for '.'..i FavverI Wainwkicmt. Br, TKI TttAtllDY CF .. t. in . 9m i nioLM - ' OR Till . A A Truthful account ef the Abell- tionary War with the flecesb Rebel union. (Shakesperian Style, I acts, It scene, 64 pages.) ' 1 Principal Chauacteiu!: -' Abraham Lincoln, WUlfam Beward, EdwatdjStiUiton, I'lysses Graat, Wrn. Sherman,". Benjamin Butler, Parson 'feeclier, Horace (ireeley, Jame Fisk, Jr., Fefferon Davis, Robert Tombs, Alexander 'Stephens,' Pierre Beaure gard, Stonewall Jacksou, Robert E. lee, Humphrey Jarshal, Jack Mosby, frsi Davis, Mrs. Lincoln, Jr. Sur- rtt, John Wilkes Booth, , Harold, Attzerotr ar.d Payne, Frederick LKug '.asjv'Pompey, PrisCy, and' -Dr. Marv Walker. : : . " .... : i' .Principal Scekfji: ''White. House -.Troublesi Bull Run Panic; Richmond 'Calico' Ball:." Pom icy an(i l'riscy; Andersonville Lar ors;' llichUK.nd Burning; Lincoln As jissinated; Bootli Bullete; Mrs Sur utt Strangled; Davis Reconstructed. irant's Jidiilce Speech, and Grand .rrauMforination Sceue; Pace."- 'Let um bave Puce, 15 crs. (Send fostageKtaaips.) Dr.iC. W. Sehfbu, Publisher, 182 Le.xi,ngton Ave., New, York Cily. Dec.i!8-8ui. fWhea Planters eaa y a true Ammoniated Super Phophate mad chiefly ,from . Slaughtor Houm Meat and Bone for $25 por ton at the factory', cash, it is folly to pay out money for the high cost Fertlliren. Baugh's $2" Phosphate i of guaranteed. tanb ard. Analysis on every bag. same M on circular. The past season in tl)e 'outh has ciearly shown Planters that the low cost Ammoniated Fertilizers pail best bn CVytton; there has never been, in the four years of its use, an unfavor able report of its action. Every pound of Ammonia and Phosphori Acid ie Baugh's $25 .-'Phosphate is promptly available as plant food. Planters can make their own figures as to the saving they can make by using thin article and at tho same time be reasonably sure of a good crop. Send for? circular giving full guaran teed Analysis. . ' CAIGII it OXH, Ko 103 South St.. Baltimore, Md. jia.natacturers and Importers of Fertili zers and'fertil ztnQ Supplies. N. C E O RAG El Sti aw carefully 'handled and fv my ompn fcSfd into bales, 3 !ot lop.ir.. l l z lACt wide. aiin I 1 G fet thick. Teighiug from 120 to' 30 pounds each. Ten tons.; can W shipped in car -: 1 .-' ' ; EeoIIbiI Forap Forliorscf, mule4-, and cattle fer lo tliah half the cot of hay. Navgssa Gcano Co., Ic92m WILMiyGTOK,' K..CX IfotfBt For Dale I I elTer my heaee. with : eerem mat , in the ow of Black- Creek'l eeie. Tie lot Is a large eae, ' tmtUw kig twe aael eee-thir4 mth, C& aere In trawberrlea whlck Hv fed yield. Will bt told iliutT U en fwrsellhif is that I in plig saove. , 1 -: . ' Address, . '. 1 ' W.i. ANDEMOV, E.MYKR, PETERSfirnn. vi : IU-DUtillr, lieflner and Wholesale j . Liquor Dealer ! Sycamore Street, I Keepe eonitantly on hand a full etotk iiquors, met, Ac. Mver's tuat .i liv snwvv bdcnni ..rt-i. ..... I .1, !. V"?. uniiii iun9Pii. uracil lOliCllM eatinfaction guarauteij fee 1ft- IALI0TT 4 fOn ShockceiVlachino RICHMOND, VA SUtll r.ft aiVl BoiVr. Kaw Mills. Cra 1 x ' i' Mi!!, l)afiin;I!iieriu4 PUe t,Iii Vt(r WUi-r?, 'fobacftv VmM.T$ V,hury WraiiKbt lr H'rk. Brut) f ii 'afciiuf, Uchiiirj of eterj dtmljy Win. , filSNlSe If THRESUISQ MA CM12T& A SPECIALTY. A KptiriiiC rn!lj mud Castfmllf Ttlbatt'i Fattnt Epark Arrester. 'l'iir lnviilIH fila Ag. It dt nol Itttror tLe draft. It dt sot iittrftrt witk aUf Ctf- nht. ' It will not kwk mp itlm a rn suing. ' It itquirrn n direct dtars te e 'd vrlieu riic uteairi dsnntrt tfue i'i'i-i.nlWp, a they way b left fwm aatf KiNor'ilie vpark lo at;. . Ii ipquirei. no water to extinniafe pwhtl liicd, by omJeit-iop. defirur ike 4riK H-'kIoi. wlieu walrr ia uc4, If aegleewe Um i-f?pieiey ia tfeatrured bj evsereisH "f lb wat.er. and ttia boilar ia keel ia ril'liy runiiiiiou. It it. iinjla ani e'arabla anlaaa ee riMarf "pih. It ran b attached lojanj Woilar. Nu 1 planter e!ie!d .be wilhoal J ii ui. IiiKiiiHiice C'iuiit!)iea will Itiue ::k and bra vrliore I he 'i'aibutt Xuylaee ami K Arrrktr in ud a? aata as clisin; d for wiift-r wr litire peerer. ifir.iid fur i!!u!ratd eireulae Ut m ch Hutira: (iohli!ior. 3f . CM . A. r. (Juieral Majager. T. A. Oralaur .'Manaret. ' el4-l Ct. H. erifla, Jr. Agent for WLV son, K anli. and 'raaklt esMetiea, a) Wilawii, N.C.- , . r; Empire Plaster Mills, . WILMINGTON'', X. C. We are prepared to deliver tke v -SEST X0V1 SC9TII FKESH GO'JXD fLllTW- ' j (OYPriUM.) v J. R. BimSOM aV EVAHI, Fth'Z Set wn,Mi5ttToir, n. . AMERICAN HOUSE roRTRMOCTaT, VA MOST Convenient to all Kailrea4JDe pot arid Ft earn boat Ijuidinfa. Kat: Firvt Floor, rr day, Second VUh)T, per dav. il, -t0. North Carolina Travel is-KeefeesV full v .Solicited. B UO W.N LEY SISTtlW, Pref'a. Feh3-'b2-ly , . . ; iiZ L.ZAVV1Q WTlK.TTLiT ur u-UAT trA Kk1aT er l.(rr tf. ikvra !rmim IKimt ml I,Tr r In pmrfrrt mritr, prtmmi kMl will III n ell. fmm trnk fc mi'? mn Imrrmrt a hsrtlieie B fmmf a-vle r4 rm ngrmr -wit bent btiug U- 4 rIlf Tn -eta. ff r of Wrr avaf Xtmmmj m4 tjwmr Cr mark a aaw (it tn Uir irii. t im. irvmmim. MU froia a tm m a-ejiickl l'f e'are ealaakU U eontai(i jni tn r1rm i aawe a4 taricorat arnh of rrai g.mm. mm afalv rl-T n4 in ia mrmr It la a POfflTlTK Rfr.T t-r mil ttoe fMi ibat eaaae pi in tfc kwrrtef the m4rtmrTrrw pl4 Ijer lieaaaeha JBa itjaia' Ore eWliHr, An Malr.l fv. and B 4iat Uria Wimmy. Uw9 n tnnirTldj. Ii la i axealleat aed rniMffiw fna!a4a riat Tfwmttr. it will oniral Maaatraatiaa a4 lalaralaahla 6r !nrrh ar fallia jaf iha wae. . A a Bloo rnt'T it la aaaaaJad. far 11 raa thaorrao ttat mk ta blooe. Tata ramxlr, wbifh baa annm nh wmaaa, pot rip ia h I.AROT 517W BOTTMte af mwttrlaa opea 'ha mrkt jia1 ta olt mr rrffia mm a!MMln ei OSI iHil.LAE iVftTk-Tr-HVECETSS vmr btila rr rHaketa. aw- 1 amra for W BNCR b K.rC TIA It tttk CfTSiL . rtwrMTivEaa.-'jr ' fmJUOt! ' -VX tJi sal cita n( T . i ! . Hi IB! I i m H IS it . A.- it 1 1 ' 4 t t