The Wilson advance, m! T.s(v. Fki dav, March 1 7th,- 18S2 a, oral iei2irtmeiit. JOSEPHUS-DANIELS, Editor. ai(fx !s IYcv Advertisements For Sale--1 A. Dan IHs. XuticeThos. Jeff Katmun. - ' 'otic-e4 Thos. JeffEatman. Xi St raved or Stolen. Me O. Moore. ' Viloiv Cotton Mills J. E. Clark. Agricultural Lime; French -BroVi I'atrouize Horwe Folks-H. F. -Murray for" Cotton Piedmont, .Guano and M'feCo. : Thursday Cotton 11 cents. Ked (" oil at HargraveV. . - ' $et ct; Cigar at Hargrave. . Keroseno Oil at Hargrove's IVarl safety oil at ljargravo'. liead iwatehes and clocks mode alive tChurlehweIls'. u . For al handsome and durable lamp gu to 1 iargraves. . j For fnucy and toilet articles go: to Iltirgrayu's. -' ' , ' W. W.. Hargrove's drug store will be opeitf next Sunday, j Buy our garden seed from Har graven if y6u want the best. .-'"!.- , The (Jrenvile Jisjlcctor comes to us enlarged and improved. ' - Another new supply of garden seeds just received at 1 largrave.s. Bishop layman preached yesterday morning at the Episcopal church and after thfc hit vices confirmed 4 person. Rev. J. 'H. Guinn, will preach at Bare o ts Chapwl Sunday morning and in the'Methodist Church at this place at night. - -T - If you wish J'our prescriptions com puundetl with cure and accuracy " we would advise you take them to Itar grave'si ' . . I. t -Among North Carolina editors three follow auctioneering tobacco as a,pro-fessior..;- This goes to show that' peo ple appreciate "cheek.?' , 1 Mr. V. 11. Morris, will build fyur ortive new prick stores on Tarboro treet this suipmer. Ho Is already get ting thiiigs in readiness togo to work. Vennbr predicts that we will have stormy weather on or; about the 18th, and 19th. Ave give the-prophet this lat chance to retrieve his reputatipn. Wts ae pleased to note that Mr. J It. Stickney and wife.Avill make "Vil pon tlieir. home .in the future. V plrtdly welcome such citizens "as Mr. Our enterprising and successful roung friend J. T. McCraw, will occu py the store which' Mr. V. II. Morris will shortly build on the Kast side of ' Tarboro street. ) Tin- (jioldsboro Messenger reports th it during the thunder storm week ' In-fore last, Mr. F. M. 'Hardee of 'reene county, had two line inujcsl ki!lii:l bv lightning. i I Having 1 finished the survey from Wilson t Florence Col, Flemming r;t .-j is now sur r't boro to Florence. and bestl . , , Messrs) J. & . (ICttihgcr are receiv ing their new spring and sumnier g'MHls" -'. daily. .Cull and see them. Their advertisement will appear next M eek. Io((.-c out lor it. ,Wv r.'rt'to I earn- the death of Mr. John mjitaMvly,a very highly esteem ed citizen of Nash county, whodied of I'nomjionia one day last week'at the advanced age of 7 years. W risp to ask if it is not tima for the Ladies Memorial Association to take stepj towards having ar suitable celebration ion' inepiorial -day.. This hallowed ciwtom should be perpetra-; ted. . : ' ' '. - An editor has . suicided in ;Ttome. The Itonians, -we fear ; do in Rome like other people ffail to pay for their newspapers and drive their editors 'to cek repose in the dark and dismal tomb.. ; 1 We are pleased jto note that the Monday Kvening Cliib purposes at an enrly day' "to "give a jseries of theatri for' thd benefit of the (iraded Hchool. With the talent in our town we xee uoj ; reason why the" presenta tion of these theatridils might not be th event jof the season. ; Atkiaiqn & Warren, it seems, aro deterininWl that people '-.shall drink good coffee, and they recommend all to try ThurbeT's No 41 which is the best niw ion the market. l?ny some No.41 coffee, an ideal .coffee pot, and our :- word for it, you will enjoy your coffee more than you have ever done before. Thereseems to bo very little in i . , t ... terest manifested in the approaching town election. We have not as yet heard oft he usual number of "patri ots" who;are lesiroui of Tunning for -Mayor,-'-and the. other town 7llices for "the good of the country. Is there less of patriotism now than formally, or why this Ictlmrgy?. '. "j ' - l; Moye AiNadal have bought a sec ond lot oflgarden seel.J Frjsli and reliable garden seed are the only dues to buy Moye &. Nadal keep no other kind as they carr' no old stock from year to year. See, that 18S2. is printed on each paper be fore you buy. Court adjourned on Saturday night. The two cases that jeominanded the frreatcst interest w'erd those of Mosrs; purchasehil stock arduer, and Edwards Bilker. Inj -the case of Moss ts Gardner, a .verdict Mr. W ile,y inn. rendered for the defendant and an j appeal-to the Supreme court was iuk In thecivso of Edwards M .Baker, the jury after only a few minutes con sultation gave a verdict in favor of tho ; upieiKUntj- Judtre tiumer, wno pre- ?ded at this terin of 6urCourt made a; fine impression on the bar and the People and made many friends in our midst. '--- -y- ' 'Sundav morning a most cowardly nrl brutal attempt at murder vas made a fef miles from Charolotte as j we learn from the Observer. Miss Sallie M. Moore started to hureh about 11 a. mJand was follow l? ed by a nesrro bov named Ben !?ed onlv about fifteen "hort distance from the house the boy t truek the'woman over the head with j alrge stick which felled her to . the ; Krouud. He subsequently cut her throat, and left her for dead. Pursuit as made: almost immediately and, .tlie negro arrested and placed in jail. j t'iuse lias been assigned for the aeed. The woman was alive thi. horning Snd may possibly recover, . - nre ; foiupanjv , M we, have said anq again .the growing Interests of our 'Erntten femjiining in the Post town demands that we have sotoe 0fficeat w4)n,?Mirchl5th 1832 tneansfof fighting Are, land we hone the t ' t ' " v day if. not far distant when Wittort At Jack Battle, eanboast of an active li com nan v IHll r f' SaYI? BV Dr' E unsurplinlheState. C01"Pan i . 1 - t. . w iviiiicvi. . ii iar- v.'.VrA'v'V nigtnn has been franco as: i l'ost- Mount rin 'l M is not a morea(rmo man in tno world than Totii Atring- imi umi we wish mm much pueeess nis mercantile career to which he now devote himself. Mr. Pennine- ton is a very clever gentleman and Ave hope that he will inakems eonr teou and elHcient olficeras his pred ecessor. . . ; t r A . Dr. C ' D. Hice'necial trnvenin' agent of tlmt old, reliable, and popular Life Ii'siirancfO)., of Hartford Conn. l.siwi our county for the purpose of paying three death clfim. ,TIJe ? r.i' nttuuu unusual success in ontaining a large line of new business, for the old .F.tna. The Co., paid I $10,000 during 'SI inleath:iosst in the Htatcf Jt is deservedly the lea1ing in C., and is too -well kndwno need 'praise at our hands- Died. At the re sidence of Judee T. S. at Wadesboro, March 3rd. XS82, trio A the beloved wife of James "What I do) thou knowest but thou shalt know hero- McNai r. not now; after." IloZiltins Mail, f Jas. Hatcher, the colored clerk in the Post Oi?ice at Goldsborolias .ben caged for robbing the niiuU which; 'fie seems to bave been doing very sys tematically. He appropriated chro mos, cutis and collars, ! gold lockets and chains, an ivory, handled pistol, and other articles too j nntnerous to mention. Wlien Jim gets out of the penitentiary : he can open a variety store on a grand scale, i j-.-,t c Tire t Cio2I(boio. On Thursadv niirht GoUUboro suf- fered ered from a fire- whicjh 'burned two rick buildings' oh Westj Centre Street, .owned by Mr, L..rRordeh, and occu pied as stores by IJ; Royal A Korb and by Mr. J. M. Dodsouof a Photo graph (iallery.-Mr. Ihmlen had 54,000 insurance oil the stores, juul Mf." Korljf S2,:")U0 on his sbuck of fiimiture. Mr. Royal had no,-insurance but saved most of his goods, while Mr. Dod.-on who had no insurance lost his whole outfit. We glean the above from the JJiS.-iCHrCl'. ; ' j Serious Accident. , !' ' We regret to learn that one night night hist week. Mr. p. j JL.Jiuunof Rocky Mount while trying to prevent Dr. Powell .from shooting D. CO. Armstrong, received the-..charge of Dr. lovel's pistol in his knee, from which it is' ft-arcd his leg will have to be am rut atcd.'flkYe regret very much i to Warn of this sr.d- accident, and trust j that it may not prove as serious as it i :. 4 '.. i -i - !...,.. ;..! ..;ii i !m.l.lsw,l,yni,thlxe with mil in jus anin;uoii. Cstuuicnct'iuriU Orator. Mr. Joint Sv Long, ofj New Rome, lias kindly Consented to; deliver the Annua! Address at the; approaching 'omnicncement of the Wiison Colleg iate. Institute', on Wednesday evening June 7th. Our citizens may expect a rare intellectual feast upon that occa nion. The most accomplished -litterateur of North Carolina, Mr. T. 1$. Kipgsbury, pronounces (Mr. Long the finest orator in the .'tatd.., ', r iflarried. F',?' .' ..'W In Williamston, Wednesday, March 1 5th, H. W. Stubbs Kspf to Miss Delia. R. Lanier, all of Williamston. Both of these young j people have many friends ' in Wilson who will join us in congratulations and good wishes r. , .'"'..;,. i- -. '" At the residence of Hardy. Boykin Esi., in Old. Fields Township,. Wil squ county, on Sunday March 4th., Mr. J. W. Barnes to Miss Adeline Godwin. , A lrIerJterx;oi24iiasjet. ,Th'e Xeics Oberccr whose opinion in regard to graded schools should be hijrhlv estimated sa.vs ofthe Wilson School .-'"the impulse which the cause of education has received of late finds ftsnlendid.illustration m the interest snown ny tne peppiu oi usiih t their grailed' school, The number of pupils has already increased, the total enrollment being 375, aiid oftentimes only one pupil being absent. The per centage of -attendance during t he past two weeks has beii ovef - percent. Not only is the school a benefit to Wilson, but pupils ..jfroin twelve counties .attend j and some families have moved to Wilson merely because of the educational advantages offered by the school. Two thousand four hundred and forty-nine visits have been made it during the last three months, and ninty-eiglit came to-look in upon it one day last (, week.' It has had visits from persona residing in thirty counties and from one hundred and seven teachers of (other schools. Truly, it seems that Prof. TomUnson has stirred up an interest in his school that must be of great benefit." Mi L. Ed wards lias gone Xsortm o Dniel is absent at tho South on business. , j Mr.s ('has: Gallagher of Wswhingtou is visiting relatives in Wilson: ; - ,c - Tlve Misses Tarker of j Warrenton are on a" visit to Wilson, the sruests of Rev. B. SiBronson. Miss Mary C. Ainbler, of W tltning tou Who luw been on a visit' to Wilson returned home Wednesday. T . afr. H.1V.I Mrs. Jas. T. .Cobb, have re- ; turned from their bridal tour, and. .are' at present domiciled at mo ins& House. j v Afr -K. llnsenthal is North purchas- 1 insr spring stocks for J.&, D 1. tJiiiiiiiseF ro. Oolds- Mr. S. M. W arren is ao ent at ,the norh purchasing a spring r a sPTinfKau" ods for the hrm oi and sum- mer stick of go Warren- fc Barnes. I Mr"-,,c Master' at' Riokvf 7? V r Harriet Arrintto SSl Ul!M9l4.H,urya'?ter, Harris. latin-and eleer tV W. SWV . ! . . , cutued bv Mr. A. G. Miss Ma nie Blount accompanieu i -u i tQ bv Miss Jennie Titiorp?,iovv v f Wilson, are, v i si .uug re"1?- " i IMBMjsiisfcPsfrsfss . ; time "Si oi letters and twv.o1 l A I- X . . . . j nes, .uiss .inas Utrnes, Isaac Bovt IP& fFroore, Miss SalIie! A-n Moore, J,s Vtn f p -v prks. J II Roberts, .W D f" Strickland, A P Standi, Mile Strick- ana, lienaerson Strickland, (colT) N 1 1 Spront; Bryant Thompson, MUs El iaTaylor MIss'tlla Thomas. Rph j Woodard, J M WarjUr ilf tha abovAMetters are not called for in four weeks they will be seut to the Dead Letter Oftice. , M. C. Dan iels P. M. 5 i I . it' Splendid EsttertalnuieuU r 7Mairch 20th, 21st, 22nd. OnMh evening of nex M-oday Tustbiy and Wednesday, tile 20th,?l2Lst, and JKiid. instants, Prof. Wm. t 5Mrsha!l,-of Fitcburgb, Mass,, will deliver, in the Chapel ioflheWibon ('ollegiate In stitute, three most interesting and magnificently , illustrated Stereopti coh Lectures, on the following sub- tst. "Ah Kvening in Wonderland. or The Great Yellowstone National Park," lndf Yosemite Valley and the Big. Trees of California," 3rd. Utah, or the Secret of Strength of Mormonism.',' 1 . These Lscturci. have been - repeated about 40U times, and in 2.J States, be fore leading Colleges and Scientific In slitutions, and are. heaitly cOitrrjgud ed by Cliarles Francis ' Adams; Dr- O". V, Holmes, Dr. J.f i. Holland, 'Prof. A. Guj'otj AVuk CullensIJryant, bom Pdro, Emperor of Brazil and others ad4y the principal Northern aud Western perodicals. l Admission 25 eents per. Lecture 50 cents for the course of three i Lectures; School Children 15 cents perLeeture, or 30 cents for the course. Tickets for sale at the Drug Stores ? Tho entire nt proceeds will bo da- ypuHi to charity, j.$ Kach Lecture will begin at 8 P. M. .'.I j i. ' ! 'J Z;fiifi Coffee Pot. "Our nttcntioi ha5 hen fcallel !io a cofi'ee pot called' the "IdfttUV AntL on examination we are inclined to the. opinion that it is properly t' named. Kight good reasons are given why you should use an "Ideal Coffee Pot." 1st. Because you will have Goffeo In all its purity, strength, and flavor. '2nd. Because! by joVrl'proces the Coffee - not boiled, hence you me nl- kee;pi in the v pot all the flavor, which is alwayaJost by boiling. 3rd. Because yipu can make at least one qtiafter more Colfoo from same amount of grain, thaii Is made by the old method. . - ' y . 4th. -Because the Coffee grain does not touch the sides'!-or bottom of the pot, hence the Coffee is neither black nor bitter. i iT ' otht Because you use no clearing matter whatever, as the. sack as a per fect clarifier. ; Gth. Because a simple 'arrange ment over the spout inside the pot prevents all escape of steam and aro ma. -; : i-S v v- - :- 7th. Because the 'f ldeal Coffee and Tea Pots" are ihe siniplest and cheap est pots in the Kvorld 8th. 'Because the are recom mended , by,. -t lie - highest dignitaries and besttknown pejople in the land, who actually ue them. They are for salei h' Atkinson & Warren and' we ad vwt house-keepers to exaiuine them'belNvingithey pos sess all tke merit claimed for them. x oner my iioue hiiji loi lor Faic. It in in a very desirably nMhljrhool, and will T -W.i. a-'tT: ' T . r . . Im 8old op acGuuioiodapng trrms.-" , ' KOSENTIIAL. ; . ... -f I - - U Officeof Wilson Cotton MHIs. Wilson, N. C; Mar. 15, 1882. J , A additional awmsmfnt of 10 percent, on the capital xJock of said cororatiou will be due and payable to tlie I rtannrer n or he fore lrftf Ayrth18Si;f Auy dolinquem-y bc yond lOd ivs. will Lt- payal)le st 1st National ISank-of -Wilson, with C0!t of colkction to Mich' delinquent.' Hj ordf r of Roard Diftora'!;" JAiKS E.AlJK;Treai,-i Mar.l7-2t.lii ' ? p - r '"Q NOTICE ? r On Tuesday the'l 8th dav of April naxt at tl-.ejt.e reRiiiVn.ce of (tflKM AN'. EATM AN, deceasedJI will fell to tli hiheai jhiddar the pergonal property belonging to the ,deceasel, cotiat'ftig of oni ninleliod' buggy, fogs, one cow, two oxen, 25 xbep. . household and kitchen fHroitur) corn, bact.n, Ac , &c' lernis: Lasn uttire. the nlu to the firop-1 erty is released, llus 13lh day of March, 1S82 ; rilOS.JEFF P.VFM.N, Ad Iministrator- Mar.l7-4f . NOTICE! . . Having qualifi! as Adminibtrator on, the, estate of GERMAN 1UTMA ddeasel notice nereny given to all persons mdeot ed to the deceased to m-ike immediate pav nnnl and to those holding claims ag:iinstthe deceased to pres-nt them duly anthenticated within the time limited by law. Otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recov ry. Thw 13th March 18S2. t f TIIOS. JEFF EATMAX, Admin. Mar.lf-li ' : 'i i'i -f ? - IGRICCLTTj RAI LIMK H and CARBONATE OF LIME Best hnd Cheapest Fertilizers r-tBliiLie' at SI .25 per bbL Send for circular FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, N. C. roR sale. : " . I . C.-.,,'J i The house and lot belonging toMrsL Kate J. Eoy, situated on Lodge street . next tQ tho okl Battle Hotel, now' oc- Person. , ror DANIEl-S, boro, N. C. Or JoscphuDanie, Wilson, N. C O'E ' 'C O Piedmont Special Fertilizer. i' Hi!! :..- JSTWE give bplow official 4nat8i of oar goods no offered to the PI an ten of N. C; tlier arc II lc nowi lir.n2hot the StaU ad w refer, tril!' coufidence to all wUo ba jiv. en them a lair, trial in previous eajftw j " " . Thenar carefully t- pwndia ofilw beet iiiartmT. ia the hnortion aboWn . br ex erience as requisite fur the ieceful arrowlK and maturinr of l be Cotton Crop, and w do "Ul 't-". Lunirans, qatiiiir ana re-tiiits euniJcretl. as to elieapucs, with anv braud on th market. lhy are offered by nir AgiH" at the lowe price the ct will allow, but we do no t undertake to co!iiite in price nar ton 'with auv and vcrvthinr'oflrMl for aale aa a fertilizer. Uaynn sh.Mild cmsidei thai the freiRlit and cha-teFxjfi Umi uf iofcriff gwu4,3 me vc ..nuv an on iuwo 01 nign Tame and R.r tliH reason ri no other Tine Best -re Tjhe Gheap9st - 4unlyi 3io. 1231. . j --j Water at 212 Soluble Phchiori Acid 3:94 13.63 Revet ted" 4V9 ToUl ATail. IuMoluhl, Hitroeo, Potash. Pboapboric Acid, 10.89 pr oant.' ... 1.99 per cent. C.1AJ per cent. e7MKiiciAi, Vai-tk Per ipa.) Ulias. . Dabnoy, Jr.; Director. Yoy Sale by Aud by our Agent throughout the Htate. i'ii:d,muntmuano a.mj:"u caj., ..... v , " : 3i Charles Street, llaltimore, Md. TATlLoRiElTT ., -; -'.i . WI1QJ.KSALE HARDWARE (JlUNS, Ac, COKNER MAIN HT., AND MARKET SQUARE. IVben You go to Xorfolk Stop at th8 IIouso Eetaiirant arid Hotel Jortfaii NO 30 WEST MARKET SQUARE , . BOARDING & LODGING $1 .00, $1 .25, $1,50,. PER DAY i ; MEAX-S AT ALL HOURS ON THE EUROPKAN PLAN. The Jordan' Iloftse i" centially located ortion of the city, and within a short distance of all th public bniiJding ad places of amiiaemeiii.'. Thelocalion w especially desirable for thoe having bnaine in Norfolk, Mich as F meri, MerchanU,Comiuercialrr:ivellern and pfcfil nal people. To those desiring a Hotel .Table with home comforts t'hii hunae eti ptfoialiy commends itself- TIiim Jm.-t been refitted and has now a eufficunt number cf rooms to the demand, ! . c JORDAN J HOUSE, Amos P, Jordan, Prop. Korfolk. Va- BILL OF FARE: a bplexdid dinner tkom 12 to 3 o'clock only 30 cts Fred Beefsteaic li... .25 Fried Beefsteak ami Onion.... Fried Beefsteak, Onion Had Putatoe Broiled IieefHteak ,. Fry of PorkMeak .. ...... Fry of Ham and Kggrs Fry of OytexsX. Fry ofSaiwage, .j ............... Fry of .aiiMage and. Hominy ........ ... 5 ..25 ..25 ..25 ..25 ..25 .,25 ..25 r rv of 1 .h;.. Fry of Veal Clioig. ..... H'oiled Mutton Choj Fry of Liver ....I.... Fry cf Tripe ... .Stew of OfHters ....'. Milk Stew f (.)ylters... Bread and Ooflev-. ' Krc Cakes and (j'orlee. Fry of Soft ;r:jbl, ....... 25 ..25 20 .25 .25 . 25 .30" .10 .10 .25 o- lsroilwt ihii ken .i... All the above order with Coffee 5c: extra AM OH P. JORDAN, No. GO. West Market Sq rom 11 to 1 o'clock. ; Sev ed every day from Patented 1S79. Will Plant Seed Witliout Preparat'on. . ' ;: -!- : t ' -, -' ' -:. IS VKUY DUKABLK, . STRONG Jan b EASILY ADJUSTED. i - - i " If arr Econortiieal Machine, theiquan- tity of iieed to - be sowed can bo , regulated; by the screws un . der the bottom. ; It can be ruh as near to the ends of and as nvar stumps as the plow caa go. , ( ; 865-As there is about 1500 of the Edge combe Cotton Plan ters in Use in Wilson and adjoining counties we do not think it necessary to publish any of the many flattering testimo nials we nave received. e re Bpectfullv refer to nearly all of the practical farmers in this section as to its being the simplest, , best, ana mast practical Planter on the mar- ' ket. - i ' - " : :: ; FOR SALE BY ' K Branch, nadley & Farmer, Agents for Wilson County . Mar.l0-tf - - 1 ' ' - " ? patronize HOME FOLKS When They Can do as rell For Ton. Hutjii F.Murray Repreaenta die larRTt, cheapest, aafeM- and oldest Regular Life Insurance - Company doing business in Wilson. Give him vour business and he will spend hi money here among you. Mar.l7-tf, TIIAYED.OR STOLEN. .. I ''t I . ll . On Monday hieht, March 13lh, 18821. 'one daik Iron Gray Horse, about 15 hands h'n?h. C yeara old; unshod, good eyes and in g.xd orfer. The person giving infinrmation tliir. wiif.lead to the; re-t-aptnre of the horso. will reeieve a reward tA tm dollars. , ,u- Mc. G. M0OHE, Eocky Momt, '. U. Mar.i7-2t. J .... i lipis V Cotlsar Planter, la ON. per cent. Kqiiir. to Ixjue' Phuf ahaU; 2.7 . .4 ti ' j 77 pr cent SO per. cent AiumonU 1.91' per 'tent Tos (2,000 Liw).'' 33.07. TyT Hines. Hadlej & Co.V Wilson : -WELLS & JJAILYToisnot, V CIIAS.IL KING, Tarboro, i TTERS. DKALERU -.IN CUTLE RY NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. i i -Niarcn iuui, o'uientm. Hulf Fry pf Bcefnteak,. .,.... 15 Half Fry W Het-ftfteak and Onion 15 Half Fry oCKoefnteak, Onions and PotatoeslS H4jf Order of Broiled Steak 25 Half Frv of Ham and Half Frv of Ovsters.... E 15 15 15 1 5 1 ') Halt" Fry of Sausage......... Half Fry of .Sansajre and IIminy Half Frv of Fish Half Fry of Veal Chops Ha!f Order BrotledMuitou Chops...... , Half Fry of Liver ....... .. Ihjlf Fry of Trie ...I.. Half Stew of Oysters'-... ... Half Milk Stew of Oyster.!.. , ,Uu!ck wheat- and Coffee ......... ......... .... Half Fry of Soft Crabs...... .. ... All the above half ordr with cofiTca ..15 . 15 ..15 -15 .20 ..10 ...15 cents extra. uare. J..ti.Vl FOR flJLE Having been appointed a commissioner of the Court for that purpose' under an order of the Superior Court if Wilson county, in the case of K. S. KINSMORB and wife and other, I shall sell to the highest .bidder be fore the Court House door in the town of "iViUon, on Monday, the 3rd of April, 18S2, the tract of land in Taylor's towfcship known a the White L:ind.-ljoiub)ff ' he lands , of the late Hamilton Uazcll, .C F Finch, Short Barnes. Dallas Williams, Dick Kountree ann others, containing 75 acres, more or lesw. TERMS: pnetlirl "ali, balancs on 4iglu months credii; uote with interest at 8 per eent and title reserved until wliole purchase price is paid.. ,f ' .:'Ml- '-' ' G. W. BLOUNT, Commissigner. Mch 3, '82-4t ' S' TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NASH COUNTY. Before the Superior Court Clerk. Nevesaoa. JI. lion, jlaintiff, ! .. . vs;'. J. J. Q Vick and Ann Eliza r Notice. . Vick. his wife, Richard Bone V and others, Defendants. j To itlu; defend;.nt Richard Bone. The C'oDiniissianer, appointed t sell th land described in the complaint, having this day file 'V liia, report showing that he olfered trie same for sale at the Court House door in the town of Nashville on the 22nd day of Feb-uary 1882. When the plaintifl Bone was the la-it and highest bilder, the Amount of his bid being four hundred dollar, of which -he ha- p tid one third cash. Y u are hereby notified to appear I efore the un dersigned at his office in Nashville on the 1st day of May 1882, and show cau-e why s&id bid should not be acepted by the Court and the connrwied and further to show cause why the said Bone should not be al lowed the sum of one hundred dollars claim ed by him- for permanent improvement made on the land over and above, Mie. vaiue of the use and occupation of the same. Nashville, N. , March ftth, 1882. I BESJ H.SOR3BY, Mch2"it Clerk SMierior Court. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I N ASH COUNTY. Before tha Snperior Court Clerk. David Bone and Dinah Cone, his" wife, AVatt B.Poland, Laura M. Poland, Tinah 11 Poland, J-hn B. Poland. 11. Poland, William Poland, Nieholaon Po 1 landJ Joshua P. Lewi wd M. Lewi. Plaintiffi. r Notfee. ; f I - ;. ts: " t John Fiher and Mary F- Fisher, i his wife. Samuel R'nth ran and Eliza Jane Rathran; his wife. ' -j . ; ' .f-;'-; .Defendants. f -' ' ' ! " ' ".- " ': ' "'-." I in Una special proceeaing wuiuieu on tue 20th tf February 1812 to sell for partition eoparcernera certain real estate, lying in Urn .. county, whereof Uenry Polanii diel, aeiied, I poesed, the complaint has been duly filed f in Ihe office of the Sitpcrior Conrtclerk of thi icotintv, and the dfendeut above-na"ed are' hereby notierd o appear m smwer or a mur to said complaint, on or before the 29lli of May 1832: otherwise the relief prayed for in me compiainvwru oegrauici. i NasifvtUe, S. C, March oth, 18S2. ! I B.ENJH ' SO ItS BY. Mch 2614 , Clerk Superior Couri. oi 0 X PINE IOO TOWS OF BONE AND i FARMERS enro your barffnlns In time. Thaairve colebra Vx-Vp. f.J ua" n ' n ued for the past two .4N CREASING POPULARITY. . HijfhcU U-tlt?. in wwv turuiens in tins ana aijmng counties. A FULL Always on hand, which will ho sold ut LoHom priwifca BYNUAI,: DANIEL & CO., V. L BLAGKVVELL d. CO. Durham,?!. C. Earfkritnn of th Origin! ad Puij 0tlM IS THIS yiJTBST, PUBE8T, JJK8T, XSD f . ml PPM-A WM JB&QOO! BlackweSrs DurSi ! : . - .': TWBAOOO KV14K WV VftK TUK MA1UCKT. ALSO Durham Long-Cut and These Coodi We offer aader an Absolute Cturaales They are-the finest and Purest Goods ttpoi: They arc free from Drugs or 'Chemicals i ney eonsist oi tne unest Tobacco, uud P. Ul o - o 4- 00 0 00 CO O- '. , , . ..' Hl.DV--i.i:.::':id; 181 ARID r PBEUVIAnI: withii - fromS -1 ? "-; lonl l 1 - it SUPPLY OF t.r. i tl , Our claim for tacrit i bua w; uoi vuax is GJieaicju - anAljrU proves that tlic toVxcoo Crown la our o6 icn U ttx J; tcdtomaJaaGOCl,i-i;rait yA saltjflictory fax-jo t2Un AXZ? i OlllCIi totacoo rrora la tlvo Jn thq IIISAirr of tLis fine tozoo j sooi'oa, ATE LaV tk . FlCit of Lj t Juj offarlBCY Tao jyablio p- procf ato thl ; hencva t air fcal f KEUGD llio producf of AlX? t"ia laadln ir.criuCct-oricsfl worn- 3 7: J wLx Mi! ?7S am MCMT VN1TOCU BKA3flJ? &UoiC Durham Cigarette J; i the market. . of any kind. purt ri pupr mado. ' f r H H -i i-s -5 t cococc M7 -- pa 13 4 c r " - i ' - .. - ' . - - l '- ; . - . ' ' 1 i . .

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