1 4i . -4 .9 I - I 4 ? '4 ! , t i 1 i THE CBU HOI sn i , i . k k:ky mot;nt. n. c. Mrs. J. E. HARDY, Proprietress. 1SOAKD !) I'KH DAY.; JOOD roopitf and attentive -servants. Jiack cueeta all train. 4 JanSOtf. TJURCELL HOUSE5 I WILMINGTON'. .C, RECENTLY refitted and under entire new management: Terms $2,50 to J3,00 Per day. 1-J B. L, PERRY, Proprietor. .CARRIAGES. New .Finn styles I Iioes. GRIFFIN & MURRAY. Goldsboro St., Wilson.- X. O. Manufacturer of OarriaseH. Bujrsrirs, .Cart, Wagons. Harness, rikI all kinds ol ildin? vehicles. : Which will be sold at the lovrvit possible flur, t have now on hautl a nice und select dm k o r i prle are alow a the lowwt. ure and call ou ubfoie buying, tttfaction jnaranted in every ea-e. Rev'""'" uatly ud. promptly attended to IN EVERiYABIlTYTJ W. PINE 4 WALNUT MANTELS j GEORGE 0. STEVENS, No. 49 Light Streets BALTIMORE M. T MOVE 1. M. ADAT MO YE & NADAL. Wholesale and Retail ' DRUGGIST, WILSON. N. C. " Dealers in Drugs, medicine?, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, stationery, Patent medicine?, and Chem icals ah?o kei'p 1 CIGARS, CIGARETTES CI IEW I NO AND SMOKING TOBACCO, ritrc. Mines, Whiskey, .Bum, Gm, Ap ple and French Brandy far medi cinal purposes. . Proprietors-nnd manufacturers of WOMAN'S FKIliXD, NEl'KAWilXF,, FE M A I.K PI LLK, VX N KKK TOOTH , AC1IK DROI-S, INDIAN' CON.-. ; SUMPTION AND COUGU i .- REMEDY, AC. State agents for "Dobyn's Sure Cure : for Catarrh, Neuralgia and Headache." 1 .' '-T : : T - - "Prescriptions carefully com pounded day or niht. 1 i - JIOYE A NADAL, Oct 28tf . Wilson, N. C. WVV. EDWARDS' ; SALE- AND'i EXCHANGE STABLES Cor. Goldsboro and Barne.SfStaj Wilson, N, C. ; Having just returned with a fine and well select cd lot of STOCK." , Jam mow prepared to fill any order from $75 o $200 in the way of stock. Any person in want of a rood : or mule will find it to thcirad vantage to i exam me my" stock before buying elsewhere '-Returning thanks f:r pa.t patronage and seeking a eon linuance of the same. -i I am Very Respect fully, . W. EDWARDS, At Sugg fei Edward's old stand. Take Notice.! Any person desiring a good family or driving horse, can buy him at myStables under a guarantee. . - -. - t - Best .Equipped School IN NORTH CAROLINA. : SoShv8 a) disinterested .. Professional Expert, of large and" successful expe ience, employed by our State to visit f and address all our new white State Normal Scools, in reference to the WW Uls JAle. (FOR BOTH SEXES.) Strictly Non-Stctarian. vbleandex perienctHV1 Faculty, Extensive Iibrar. and Apparatus-., Spacious "Building Healthy Location. A pieasaut Edu rational Home, lodemess, Practical ess, and Thoroughness,, ourMottoes 0. Fffil HORSE Military Disciplme for Boys,, Pareuta Discipline for Girls. KXTIRE AVKKAGK EXPEXStS, . ?170 TER YEAH. " The Institute is the seat of one of the New State Normal Schools. Fall sessionoDcns Mondav, Sept. Mb USUs r Catalogue, . A. M., Principal x Wilson, N.C. i c E B. BLAMIRE, ! I4G' MAIN STREET, NORFOLK, VA., ' Agent for the sale of E. Iiutlerick & Co's, celebrated Patterns, New Spring Styles rceeived, Send for catalogue. Also opening new Spring goods daily, percale; Cambric: Madras Gingham in great variety, Sample sent uu application. ADDRESS March 10 Sm FARMERS TAKE NOTICE WRE(!I!. WHITEHURST Cc CO, Norfolk.. VirgirLisu 7t Wells, Bailey fe'Co.' V. It A 1 TT7 1 " lkT r . PiailOS HANFF & ; GENERAL AGENTS FOB Cliickerlng.it Son. Gem Pianof?, and JasonA Hamlin, Shoninger and Tolobet & Go's., Organs. - ' Wm. A. t J. W. BEASLEY'S Sewing Machine aud Repair.Offlce, 105 Imrch Street Norfolk, Va Where can i be found any of tho leading first-class sewing machines at BOTTOM PRI CES. Send for price list or call on me before pur chasing elsewhere and save money. Needles, Attach ments, and parts for all makes. "Old lachines thor oughly repairer! and made to vork BRDiyri's A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTKEHZR.A SURE REVIVER. IRON ClTTEItS tro higiiiv ,oui:r..uiiiU lor tii cisesues requiring a certain aud chlcicut tonic; cijx?.a;ij Inu-iqcstion, iJyspcpeia, JmermitierU I'cvtrs, Wani cfApctiic,Lo.i if iiircn?Ji,Laci: cf t,ncrpjtcle. ; lmchcs ihe Llood, Ptrensthens the musc!esj,and gives new life to the nerves. Thev act like a charm on the digestif ormms, removinq all ilitwpcptlc rw ptosis, such as TatLimn lit Food. BdchmnJIaatit!icmach.lIxr;burn.etc. that will not blacken t!ie toerli all r:nigists. Wri'e for tlvo A HCBooTv C2 pp. cf useful and amucinc read-: iV sent free. BliOWN CHE3IICAIj CO..Baltitr.oro,Mtl. Srethat a!3 Iron Bitter Jm-JK R-vti Chxxtc l 0. and h-w exoaaed red Uses on .- ' - - UEV.'AliE OF iMri. 1MM) 13. 131amire, NORFOLK, YA. . - Patentees and Sole Manufacturer! ot THE GOlD PLOW. I AND D amond Cotton Plow hav no equal. Give them a TRIAL. J D Wells& Co M -. SON Steiff. Mathushek. Arion and Ronthrn B AUBREY, Agent. WILSON, N. C. as good as when ond hand machine in perfect . order from $10 to $15. For fair dealing I refer to most any business house in Norfolk or Portsmouth. J. W. BEASLEY 105 Church Street, Norfolk, Va. TONIC Thoonlr Iron Preparation or rrive lieadache. SoW br IJIITATION9. i Organs The "VViison Advance. Wilson, Friday, March 17th, 1882. Smith Wanted What he Ordered. Some years ago an Austin merchant whom V will call Smith, .becan that was, and l8 the nama painted on his gignbl)ard, sent an order for goodj to a Newj York firm. He kept a very extensive general store, had plenty of money, kept all of his accounts In, a pocket me moranduin bookj and did'nt know the difference between double entry book-keeping and the science of hydrostatics. Among other thing he ortlered wu 1 2 groas assorted clothet pins, 12 ditto grindstones. When he ordered.the grindstone h meant io ordered an assortment of twelve j grindstoues., Thf shipping clerk of the New York firm was - tonf)hed when he read the brder. If went to ihe manager and said: "For heaven's sake! what do they want with twelve gross 1,728 grindstones in Texas?" The manager said It must be a mistake, and telegraphod Smith: "Wasn't it a mistake ordering so many grindstones?" i Old manHmlth prided himself on never making a mistake. . He had no copy of his order to refer to and If he had he would not have referred to U, because he knew he had only ordered twelve 1 grindstones. Ho She wrojto back; j I !'' I "Probably you think you know my business bettor than I do.j I always order what I want, and I want what I order, (bend on the gt indstones." 1 The (New Yerk firm knew Smith I 4 3 Jt- was a little eccentric, but that ho al ways paid cash on invoice, and was able to buy a dozen quarries fullof grindstones if he cared to indulge ;in such luxuries, so they filled his order as written and chartered ia schooner filled her full of grindstone, and clear ed her for Galveston. They wrote- to Smith j and said that they; hoped he consignment of grindstone by schoon er would keep him goinl: until they could charter another .vessel'.' Smith sold grindstones at wholesale; andj at low figures on long time for some three (years afterward. Now, when Smith's wicked rivals In business want to perpetrate a practical jok on an innocent hardware drummer, they tell him that he had better not neglect to call on Smith, as they just heard the old man say ho wanted to order some more grindstones! When the drummer calls on Smithy and, with a broad! smilo lighting up his counto- nancei savs, "Mr. Smith, I undor stand you are needing, some grind stones," there is a painful tableau that the reader can Better imagine than We could describe. Tex. Siftiirigt. The Itcpnblicahs and Pre IiilkitfniA i The' Greensboro ArtA State is look ed upon as the leading Bepublican paper jof the Stato. Dnring the Pro hibition. campaign it vigorously bp posedjthe Prohibition bill, and, tor that reason, the following expression of view's may not be inappropriate : "The Republicans of North Caroli na will most decidedly! refuse their consent to making their party a Whis key party. An attempt, looking to this end, has been made and we are assured a union with Democratic whis key k to be affected byjtho Conven tion by a resolution denouncing the Prohibition bill and pledging the par ty in the General Assembly to resist the passage of any Prohiritory actl The ?ober men of ; the? Republican Convejntion cannot be induced to com mit the party to such unmitigated fol ly as this..; .' It will be impossible to do this without rending the Republican party I The very men by thousands who Voted against the humbug meas ure ofj last August will nbver submit to bo made endorsers of whiskey 'and bound to resist 'Prohibition when a fair and just measure i( proposed. Republicans will be free they are not to: carry questions of morals and sciology into party politics, but they cannot consent to be made the tools of grogshop politicians These would; b owners of the Republican nartv are further mistaken and f their heads' must be mystified by their favorite beverage when they imagine that the earnest Republicans-men who believe In Godcan be forced! by partisan yells and the assurance of party tri umph to sacrifice their Hie-long prin ciples and their proud party Integrity and Vote for the creatures put up jby a Convention that has first been made a Whiskey Ring. If whiskey U to rule North Carolina if whiskey must ruin itif tho Vhiikey Manufacturers and Dealers Association j are to give the State; its ; officers, then, as a life-long Republican as a Union man Jin the rebellion we say 1st it be done in the name of the Democratic party. That is its proper due. The Republican party has no kind of virtue i t to rule by right of whiskey and by the . creatures of the grogshop men." After Twenty Tears. Memphis, Texx., April 13, 1881. II. II. Warner & Co. : Sirs Your Safe 1 Kidney and Liver Cure, in my case, cored' a confirmed sickness of twenty years. 1 believe it to be the remecly for all female disorders, and can cheerfully recommend it. J . .J ;, . Mks. B. N. Boston. MM TO THE FR01 WITII THE OLD RELIABLE JM CIFIC A CID FHQSPHA TK giv en up to be the best Fertilizer placed on ihe market, by the best Farmers, not only in Wilson county but adjoining counties. We only ask pound of MIDDLING COTTON perlou. And will plant by the side of any Fertiliiers sold in our market; even those at 450 middling per ton. We could give hulndredsof certificates from the best men iu the county, but our Phosphate beng so well known to our;Farmers and having been tried tor many years,aiul in every instance giving more than satisfaction, we deem it unnecessary. Uive us a call before buying and we will prove all we say: J. L, WEAVER & CO. SENDYOURORDERg FOJIJEWELRY ARTHUR C.Il'FREEMAN, 144J Main Street, Head ATarket Square, 'Norfolk, Vk. DEALER IX DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. OFFERS his stock at bargains. Wedding and Engagement Rings on hand, ingraving free of charge. Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted, bend your orders by mail and they will be promptly filled. 24"A 25 Union Street. MAX rFACTL'BXM OT CAKKIAOES, BVOOIES AND HAKNEflfl OT EVERY K UTI) Extension Top CarrlagesJump Set j Vrri"gcs, jump, t-toat Top ' iiucsries. Hklfwhur 2-2-lyI JSurry Wagons, WALKER; BROS., BMERS;iRD niNUFACTURIjllfi CONFECTIORE RS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN x TOBACCO, CIGARS, Sm?i7s 2iunio.S!llTS- NUTS;, VINEGAR. CIDER. TET S0aoS. m ' IKlrrdersS.1 LS!B COOK STiV Manufactured by ISAAC A. SH2PPARD A CO., E3ali.lrr.oro. Wd. mu ivr bt iAiO. li. CUKKJf &. CO., M kUou, i . C, FARMERS P L Off JJ :N0.1 SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA, J- S. Oary, Manager. K&Z pi..-, wi Z ' V- ufc!' Ill ll IjI T-A Warerooms ..3M:in Btrt,V''"..0P?,A,:E ! RYtlARID S LiEB Qnly yirst-Class Instruments, PIANOS, Stelnway, Chlckeclng. Fuller, ORGANS, Mason 4 Hamlin, Burdjett, Woods, Shoninger,Erben Pipe Organs. All Instruments sold at lowest factory prices and fully Warranted Cash or installment. Persons wishing information about Pianos and OnranV wmptet0 RYLAND & LEE, " Feb lothlyj 1 ! RICHMOND, VA. - !. .!, tnk I-1 Parties in Want Will wixn me AT WY If in want of Dry Goods, Groceries Con fectioheries &c. l JODDing an Kina or uoods. GIVK ME A CALL AND OBLIGE, v3f nr i max i . . !, saw . . r Dealer in General Merchandise TO Norfolk. Virginia. Side-.Bar Top ' Buggies, Panel Door Rpckaways, Canopy Top Phwtons, ix-ony i-iitetons, iae-bar Upen juggles, Dexter Buggies. THE BEST Iff THE KARKET. TonrUen dlffarcnt sizes anI kiuo'.v F1t SK pith Enameled I'.csorrAir. t&Pt4 to all reqnjreniwita, and priood to rait all puisei. LEAD6HG FEATURES: Foubta Wood Dooca, rttent Wood Orsta, Adjustable Iaiancr. iRtcrthajjgcablc Ante matiq Shelf. Bmilinj? I-oor. f-wlngir.j Ilooivh naU i-wlagiojr Flua-gtop, ReTewJHc Oa Bnn?J.p . Lon Orota Mcc. Douhle Short Ctaitr. Heavy Vnz rivers. ni?inunntd Plra Iors Ni. Jed Kuolw. Klokcl Vr.nU, vtc. r.aaaled In Material, in Flr.ish, and ia opntion. 'FRIEND VkH .7s n.r i" . Plows, Malta .Double vxnpn i-iows, narrows, Rteam Engines TinTtoMI' in ibhe South .MfAn, DEALERS j - - Richmond, V Hallet A. Davis. Flnhpr. nmv.n.Ln x please leave orcjers STORE make a Specialty of ffifrlTnlf!? - 2 MISCELLANEOUS. 863 1881 5I1RBL & WORKS Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va GE AVE' ST0N KS of every description, mado to orW ranging m price from $5 up. lw sent by mail portage paid with suS enclwed for rqturn. brdeTaS revived they are filled aud forwarZ ed. If the work 'is not atlalSrr purchasere rtHiuej.tetl to return at MY EXPENSE. o pay r0Huirrd uniil tli w..k is txaU, d. vonpondenta solicited from all DrJ f the country. 1 P"- : wjafcjaj fehaiiiion?y illow Tonit, jRFAlUBlTcmCURE. Tho attention of Druggku and Dealers generally Is callel tothl" h,. valuable medicine, which atan h fore tho public and.mpdieal C eitr nndisutexl as a curel for Fever and Ague, Bilious and Bniitting For Dumb Chilb, Enlarged Spleen, Ann aii diseases arising from malarial miasmatic poisons, j It Is no iiuatk nostrum or patent humbug elainAnr' to cure all diseases, but only aueh m arise from malarial jHsisons, vhlch aro very prevalent in Eastern Caroli na. Containing a very valnable prep aration of Iron, it renovates the bTod promotes tho appetite and is a ruM ' potent Alterative.- (Jertiflcates of iu' infallibility from so mo of. our bfc citizens will bsfuniished upon appli cation, and ifit fails to give satuu tion when usel accord ingo direvtioa the money will be refunded. Prapaxk ed only by . , IIENBY C. SITANNOX, Druggist and CheruiaL C6 Wet Centre St., Ang24m Goldsboro, N C. I0HN CLARK, JR. & COT BEST. S i X - CO RD Macliino or Hand THOMAS RUdSELL k CO. SOLB A.UF.N T3. FOR NAI.K Y Ilines, Hadlcy&C, WILSCT.V, N. . JKWELUY,Ac. Ue 'Toung't P. P. GlaNi" and navu yww J. T. Young & Bro. " . ': DKAtKR TNr- FINK JTATCIIK3. DIAMONDM. ! JEWELRY. SILVER .WAR! Manufacturer of all kinJ of riain field Jewelry, Rings, Radges. kt Tf brsl caiitor, Hini 85.00 nlok st sold.. J morirjiM watchc xt ttie lww4 prices. Solid silver Hpooiis fork Xa oheapr than ever. Your onW ar so licited and will. b prompt ly-attrnrjwl hj 4 J. T. YOUNU A'BKO. pKTKRsnt Re, Va. c mh 'TQ.-tf LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY STABLtS THLBEST IN TOWN! TI1K NICEST AND NKWJStlT BUGGIES AND TUB FINEST HOrSHS FOR HIRE AlT JLivery Stables; - - j . l Stablesand now have a num ber of fine horse' for . hire. Our terms aro as reasonable as those of any first class stab-e?; and' we 'guarantee- to please all our patrons. If you desire a nice turnout any tWie call on us and wil she it to you . SELBY BRO'S. . WILSON N.' C. erf-wIBE BAILING AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE WORKS. IDIJFIJPt & CO,, - - "- . ' . . . 26 Xorth Howard St., Baltimor. Wire railing for cemetcrjcu. lawns, Kr" dfnr, oAiccKattd balconies; window gnnrq'. tree gunrdis, wire clpth, sieves femWrj ca'H, sand and cal screens, Iron Be'l'a(1 ehsirs. ttrs. H. 'lit'i i?m - ' KSTABMSHKD I81. Davis, Kopor & Co.. Wholesale Groerios and General COMMIsWlOX MEKCirAXTS, PKTEIWBURG, VIRGIN TAi KEE1S on hand a large Ktock nt ur reriestf they offer to dealers a low any market this side of New "rKj Agenta for the City milling1 Ga;n panj and offer to the trade the best r ground bolted meal and choice'- ii"r at lost priee. yeblO-w0 fC3C

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