1 H FT, VVlT QfflTCr By Th? AJvai:3 Pj1Ji3.ji.T3 Company 'LET AL THE Er.'DS Tii3U A I VST AT. BE THY COUNTRY'S. THY GOD'S, AND TRUTH'S." Josephs Cartels forage- 7, rm-'v,2-,a P'Vai :- . dj. 1 t 1 T'!v: Wnsn Advance. Wi; s, l i:mV, .March ;i:lv !io?jr. io-dav. . i done the nv w 1 1,1. r I'l.Tov Mv iLi-i !-" 0:1 the jury's ipiihlill' m 1 1 i through - t watched the lawyers right and !,fl; and given "y verdict true; 1 p.p -k - long imt(t my chair, I thought I would grow in; And if I do not know myself, tliMV-'il vret !w t li;iri I'r'i !i jt now the court' adjourned for : fio'i, a:i'l I iiavp jrttuy pay, 1 ' ; a at Iast and thank th Lord, I'm oin;r houi to-diiv. f lu'ncliow f.-!t uneasy, lik since the first d.i.v I ca ne down; i 1; an awkwnrd "jjamo to play th ! j? ilUvnan in town; A ,1-1 this 'rr- Sunday suit ofiniup on) S mday rightly stiin; r.tit v lw:i I wrar tlie stutf a weak, ! it so iiLdiow ills a. id frets. J J'i ralher w.;ir my huinespun ri of 1 pepper, salt and j;ray--I'll li-wf it oT inhalfajiff w!ie:i I ho ih tu-i'uv. 'I'iir niornin' that I canir a wav w had a litll-' bout; I '-.m.1! took my hat ami left be-1 for' lh" show was out. i For u liMt I said w as naught vherat j -he ouht to tai ohence, And she was always quick at words ivnd ready to commence; But then she's first one toiveup; hen she lias had her say; j And she will meet me with a kiudj when I go Lome to-day. J h no doubt my wife looked out, s ell as nny one As well as any wo ini.i could -to seo that things wa.slone; Firthuiih Melinda, when I'm there won't set her foot out doors, fihe' very careful, when I'm pone to tend to all the chores: Kut nothing prospers half so well u hen I iro oil' to stav, Ami I w ill out things jto shape j when I feet home to tiay. My little hoy I'll give Vm leave to m tch him, if t iiev can; It's fun to see him strut about, and ; try to (je a mar; Tlie game-it, clieriet little ciiap you'll ov-t want to -e! i And then they laugh because I 1 think the chil l resemldes me. J The. little rogind he goes for me like robber for their prey; H''ll tnr i my pocket inside out when I g-t lume to-day. i My little girl I can't contrive how it; bhould happen thus - i That li'i 1 s i i il I pi -k t'ot w-'t. 1 lion put. and tling it down to us! j My w i fj, s!ie snys that lianVome fa.'"e j will someday make a star: ! And th-n I I.HUgfi, because she thinks the child resembles her. ; H!ie'll meet me half w ay down the j hill, and kiss u;e any way; And light my heart up with her! niie w ii i I g home to-diV. j i IT there's a heaven upon the earth, a; fallow knows it w hen ! He's been aw ay a week, and tlien ; gfU horn' again; j If tlu're'ji a hea ven above the earth,' t here often , 1 '11 be bound, I S'!i:i! hoiinvsick fellow meets his folk, and hi. 'Vein .ill around. J.;t mv creel be ri!it or wr.i.i;, or be it ps it may, My heaven isjust ahead of me - I'm inning home to-day. 'iirin Ji t.'l t'h. I Saved by a ICisa A vt'vy i mark h! cas-.; of whit eitgtil nce!lei !)ri:iging a child lai li.'. lavs the Louisville Cmi'lc . ' iff . " occ.irre 1 recently at tiio resi. of Mr. Jttseph Meyer. Mr. Mey " ii i" t wo ch i l lron, one a boy about vears oid and th other a litllo ut ; w o mo.it h o'.tl. This baby, ilwuyi appeared healthy, was suddenly ill one niht with in? like convulsions: and came w.Hi'n 'ase'll ':ntL v'-'i j r.car dying before mo iical aid c.i, n i be summoned. Dr. lL-mlj'rson w"i called in a:id gave the child ome r,i - il'SV, Me i "iii'j. to relieve it, not thinking, .'ver, that it could possibly live, he. i L . ' , but returned again tlie f i i ri a .ng niorning. When he reacheil I'; house the child was barely breath i: s. .t:i I in a few in nents afterwards r,q ir.d urn stopped altogether. Every ! ''f.irance of ileath was visible; the a-sained the hue of death, the lw dropped, limbs relaxed, and the j Wes I, ,r..-,D.l Tlie tloctorev- "11 1 Hi 'I the pulse a id lister.e 1 for th.'..ii r.'ht ' be said, lautrhing. 'I then ng of the heart but failing to tind ! b!l "i;ns of life, pronounced thochihl ! 'liid. It lay thus for ten minutes, v it!, t he members of the family group-' 1 r . i;i 1 bed Umoriting, as is us-i Usl i i such cases. The littl girl's j r ''h".-, w.D w .h just old enough to Un iTst.iiul t!iv situation, and w ho !ii..q to begreat y grieved, sudden-; "qn-e l from the circle and ap-; h r;i'ii,..j )Ui supposed corpse, leaned ' v r j . . ; , , . ,. : ,. ... I .. L- mwin t li : l''M,l t;. u!is. lit' toabv 's mouth was , iv open, and in kissing nor . v blew hi brvath dtwn her ' 11 r )..t . 'rim i o 1 1.. I i l cmliliMi I v mo vet I the il l crave several sudden iMsix, 1 then commenced to breathe fresh and damp breezes, and on land J;'Vly and very feebly at tirt, ami , jg at New York, he w as able, with x' gradually Vtroiiger until respir-; ,,u't assistance, to mount the hotel "hua hecamo'alinost natural. Every : omnibus, and go to the Astor House, 'around was terribly astonished at j called on hi n two days later, ami j!1'" unbaked for coming back from fv,uud him actually engaged in pack . "'d.-ad, and did not seem to realize j jng b,s trunk, preparatory to starting ".' bi' t until the child had been brea- J VYc-d f..r his home, tnat evening. Il!;'s halt an hour. It instill alive and With a bright and grateful smile ho ''D'Hy improving. wHcniel me. a id pointinir to a littl? IZo .1 The Mail in- girl, tall ami rod, le L-; "s as though s.:,r. were taking a;, i. predion in the chew ing-gum ,,f he nitivp Sti.tr-. The Massachusetts -drl kisses in the Oreek style, llavored witn brown broad. The New York. :rl go-s at it as it she w ere dabbling in a Wall street speculation- The r.is or the .sew Jersey gjrj tt).ry a a tate nf :pp!j iek, better known as Jersey li-htning. Little Delaware's irharc as soft ui t he pen.eiies which grow then'. A Maryland kiss h rich ",,(lJi"' - y as a terrapin stew. In the dominion y u an- met with a gen uine hospitality; the girls kiss" as though they wanted you to stay- The Ohio girl is described as possessing the comprehensive dualities nf t'.u 01,! wants all she can -ct anM tretn all sfn can. A Louisiana kiss issid to Im lik .: i uj sugarcane, whila North Carolina girl stick like tar.--AH. iUi ( 'uiistltuf Ion. And t.-te liku hoii'-y, you should have said. j Tt Hif Kdiiot nf f.'u li,'nttl;ln Ilij.'e : A late I'nite 1 States Consul at one j of the Kniflish inland ports, who is ; now a private resident of New York, I relates th following interestinystory. I He objects, for private reasons, to 1 having his name published, but au i tiiori.es the writer to substantiate hi i statement, and, if nev-tsary, to ref:r I to him, in ids private capacity, ar:v i person seeking such referene". I rin' to his willies, I hereby pro-i'... ; his statement in almost the exact lauuae 111 which he e;avt' it to me, '. M. Fakmf.k, 1 ('.' T.'i iril Aven-u, AVc Yuy':. my last voyage homo from. KnIand, so::ie three years a.o, in one of the (mard steamers, noticed one morning, after a few days out of port, a rouny man hobbling about 0:1 the up per deck, supported by crutches and .seeming to move with extreme diffi culty and no little pain. II was web dre-sed and of exceedingly ha.id-o ii'' countenance, but hi limbs were som wliMt emaciated and his face very shal low and bore the traces of ionjj suffer ing. As he seemed to have no attend ant or companion, he at once attract ed my sympathies, and I went up to him as he leaned against the. tarfMil I. nil.' i m r out mi t!n fo 1 ni 1' tri which thr steamer was making. t-". v i-i ;se me. mv vomi'i' frieml " I said, touching him gsitly on tii. shoulder, "you appear to bean inval id and liar !i v able or strong ennui f u trust Yourself unattended on an o"ean voyage; but if you require a iy u-sisiance I am a robus and healthy nnn and slial! bt glad to help you.' ' You are wry kin I," he replied in a weak voic ., "out I require no pres ent aid beyond my crutches, which en ible in.' to jiH IV :n my stateroom up here t get tie- beue.it of the sun shine and the sea bree.e," "Yon have been a great sulf u-er, no doubt," and 1 judgo that vou have been afrli-'iel with that most trouble some i.-case - rheumatism, w hose prevalence and intensity seem to be on an alarming incrff.se both in En gland and America." "You are right," he have been its victim for vear. and after failing answered.; "I more than a !o find r-'iiel from m V.ical skill have lately trie I Lie Springs of Caiidvil and Vichy. But they have done me no goo 1, and 1 am now on mv return home to Missouri to die, i suppose. I shall be content il lit" ' i spared to ma to reach mv mother's nrmer.ee. She is a widow and I am hr only child.' " t'nere was a patlio.s in this speech which aficetftd me pr a:i tly and awaUvnetl in me a deeper sympathy th..:i 1 had felt before. I had no word to answer him, and stoo 1 silently beside him watching the tnowy wake of tiie thip. While thus standing my thoughts reverted to a cidld-a ten year old boy- if a neighbor of mine n siding nvar my con-niaie residence, w no nad been cured of a -t r.bborn case of rheu- : niatisiu by the use of sq. Jat-obs Oil, . and 1 re'iitonlcro 1 t!i it Lie sLwardof I the ship had told me the day before ; that he had cured himself of a very i severe attack of the gout in New York past belor Ins last voyage nv using the l.- i .. i...t ..... sa m e i e ' 1 1 1 i.t ' t " " . i . i , on 1 1, friend and went he! nv to ti nl the steward. Inctiiilyf u :d him oifduty luit discovered that he nad a bottle of the Oil in his locker, w hich he had carried acro-s the ocean in ease of another attack. He readily parted with it on my representation, and hurrying up again, I soon persuaded tiie young man to allow me to take him to his berth and appiy Lie remedy; nfier doirar so I covered him up snugly in bed and requested him not to get up until I should see him again That evening I returned to stateroom ami found him sleep: peacefully and breathing gently. 1 roused iiimand impired how he feit. 'Like a new man,' he answered with a grateful smile. 'I feel i o pain and am able to stretch my limbs w ithout dllVi nilfv. I think I'llget up.' No, don't tli up to-night, 1 said, 'but let me rub yoU asrain with the Oil, and in the morning you w ill be abie to g. ibove. .,Mili... I the "Oil aain. rubbing his knees, ankles and arms throughly, Until he said h" felt a- if he ha 1 a mustard poultice all over his body. t then left him. To' next morning Hq,cn i w ont upon tleck lor a bree.y pro;Mena le, ai-cording to my custom, i f.,m.d mv patient waiting for me vtitli nsmiline; face, ami witlmut inn crutches, although he limped in his movements, out without pain. I don't think I ever felt so happy in my life. To make a long story short, I attended him ciosei dmrug tne rest ,,f the voyage some four days applv- u I nverv n i'di t . and trua rd;n r .;?,. aj-ainst too much exposure to the ho carefully done up in thick brow n paper, which stood upon the t-ule, he said : 'My -ood friend, can von c- 'ie-s what that is ." 'A i'rec:it lor "vour fweetlifart," I an-were 1. "No".' re lau-hed 'that is n dozen bottle's of St. Jacobs Oil, w hich I havejut pu r - cnaseo 1 rum innnuit, the druyist,' a-To-s the way, ami I am takinTheni home to show mv roo nmtlh.r 1. !...t has saved her s i,, and restore 1 Iil'n to l;er .11 health. And with it 1 would like to carry you alon- also, to .show her the face of lam, without whom, I should probably never-have tried it. Il youshold ever visit the 'tl yillajre ot Scvlalia, in M :-ouri, ; Charlie 'Fownsend and his mother w ill welcome you to their little home, ; -.- 1 1 1 In. .pt. r . 1 : . e .1 . 1 . . .. will show vou a bottle f Vt. I i-olVs Oil enshrined in a silver and ,r,,j,i casket, which we shall keep as a parlor i ornament as well as memento of our! me 'tinon Jhe Cunar.l steamer.' ! U4W- parted, after an hour's pleasant chat w it i mutual --ood-w ill and e-teem anl a tew u eeks ait.-rw ards I reeeived a letter from him telling me he was m erfect health and co.itaiuinir ma iy grateful expressions of his alh.ctiouatV rejards."- Ii, o .';?. t -J njl . : he talked likek burly pirate lor live Washington. Marc, r -Tlirouh ', minutes. tlie courtesy of Jen. Crocker, Warden: ... . . , , ., , , e . . .. . ' ; In tiie mountains -Arabella (whose oftl.ejail,a representative of the SunlHoxxX is wraj.ped in science,: "Cnarles, was admittod to (Juiteau's cell on Sat-i i.-n't lids ja.eiss?" Charles i .who is ur lay. The prisioiu-r has improved ' deeply interested in Arabella : "Nice! i:i appearance remarkably sii.ee his : n oU'iH'ioi'.s. tr;al. Ins complexion is clear and snows tlie '"'low ot :ea t l am i'nm ,OtVW fl livin- witlioi t ev..r wi.Ti-, wioie im.om : ....... .v. V V . i.j.v... I .1 . . . . . close lew there is a peculiarity m the expression (,t Otuteau eye, it is not i MilHciontly noticeably to attract atten-! tion und.-r ordimiry circumstances. "! He v, ears a new suit of dark clothing, j fresh linen, and a wide-brimmed soft j hat, kerquue; the latter constant! v up- i on Mis head, even in the prepense of lady visitors. Two cells are at hisi disposal, one of which he uses as an i olllce and tlie other as a .sleeping apart-! ment. Tin office is lurnisiied with several cnairs. a desk ami writnc oi.i - . . . . alized SJ." to J1. p-r day v tiie sale of autographs an 1 pholograpi-.s. le e - hibited four pictures in diilei ent posi - lion.-, recent I v taken, ng he pre terred those m wnich the 1 iced turned to the side. These give countenance an expression tnat h natural to it. The -proceeds of was ! the) not I thisi traiiic aiiord him t ie means ot sum me- various emotorts :owltho il.ilv ..-v. ....o,.i- 1 1,, i.,; . i... . I 1 1 d r i i 1 1 r i , v T ' 1 1 lenals. ilie prisioner said he wasiium. welltreated by everybody. IIhad ,4 ... numerous visitors from w bom he re- A a recent school examination the ny till lii- tr;al id the -liiits he ,as tm.-: ''"'' 1:1 ' """"' " ' pioyed to get along in tlie past, he isiwlialth" country editor who pub ni easier circumstances now than ha ! iihed Lor.gfelhW,s "lixcclsi,r" as has been for a long while. He reads ! the product of a gifted young poetsaid i ir, .T i i i ' . i .. I tit.it i , . . 1 t l w.. I about himself, and is verv fond ot : fruit and bovs:. -o-e-it t'e.,1 oi'if It..: j'.k.j nun il lll.u l.s lilil'nillll ,!:. ',r c...' ' ir I , wl'l r Vr t , .Nils. aiiie.d and 1 itioent Art.iur .... I !.,..... ;, ii .. .. t ...... more letters in his behalf. In refer .!.-. ... ; : ence to lus prospects, Oi.iteau haul confidently: " We expect relief from the court in barn-. 1 have retained (ien. B. F. Butler and Judge Merrick, of Maryland, as counsel, and wiil - cure a new trial." He hoped Mr. ( .11 !. I i ill- n , . i ! 1 .i.wel .t tlr.t,..il .... Swnren.r: Iteneb lor the t.ond of' tl,e! country, (iuiteau is anxious to have a new book uisblDhed. which will coniam a revision ,t nis work on the Bible, a sketch wf his life and an ai. stract of the trial. He is desirous that a Baltimore house rhould pubii-h ,t, and says he is losing s,.iii .uday whi.e it remains imprinted. At parting the prisoner said: "I w ill give you a sentiment." An 1 In-wrote on a slij of paper the words, "The Republiea,. party w recked by iariicld, saved by Ouiteau's inspiration and Arthurs t.-,. ... i.;,. 'v it i,. . , , . t terr pte I and .aid w th mucii anumi stad'snuuish p. le the icaoeis oil. ' , , ., ,, , , i ii i ii ii,,..-1 Hon, "I know , iapa. ' " e , w hat the ,S;! that lam well ami happy, i , ..' .. . ... , .. ' it . , ii.,.., i . , f- o they call it.'" said the fatuer. "An and have no a i e i.''imm td anv , .. -. ,, .... i , ,. . . i .. ,,.i ,' epidemic." said the Ut e one, proud oiiier condition eitner here or here- ,' ... . .- i . i. i after." II is manner is entirely free f.o ii anythirg that would indicate that he did r.ot feel ;is he spoke. lie replies to all interrogations with promptness and deci-iou, and speaks f oejy ujon any topic introiluced. When visitors appear at the door ot his ee II, ho invites them to enter, en couraging the timid with the as-ur-ance that he w ill not hurt them, lie displays the air of a busy man of af fairs, much earnest and entirely sane, entertaining visitors as would become a man in the position of a host per fectly at ease. A youg lady h.aving mndo tic origi nal remark that "the good die young" a conceited and bald ht aded old beau asked: "If that is so, b,,w do you account for me?" The looked ut'hD bald pat critically, ami answered:-- ( Mi, I suppose that you dved too!" young Senator Saw ycr is erne of the w. a'th iosf men in Congress. Not long ago he called his daughter to him and said: "My children, you know that I am a rich man now, but you ai-o ; know that riches are apt to takewings 1 to themselves and tly aw ay, sol would feel much happier a'bout 'your future if I felt cert dn that You could take i . . . i i ... caie to onise,ves ii islioUld lo.-e UlV money and be unable to provid vim. Now, to please jne, won't tor vou learn to make your o.Wn clotiies ami to cook a good dinner?" Not l"iig afu-rwards they iu ited their parent" and ;i few friends to an elaborate din-n'.-r wnicii tiiey ii ad cooked unaided, and on that occasi-.M they w ore dressy of their ow n ;i:aking. i he delignted 'a her g iveeacii girl a ciieck f ? ..".,0 0. No -patent required to catch the rhemausm. A cold and inattention to it, and you have have it tiie rieui ni uism. We cure ours with St. Jacobs i .ML C"V: ') "' - -tj -.'n- VVlT AND HUiViOR. A man is like a fog wln-n he i extreme mist. an Ca-sar was just as bitter as the Oaul ; he conqu-.-re j Frit, lias named his do Non Hi uuitur, her:". it does not follow. ; The "four- of ialut said the iram - bier, softlv, : he dealt himself all the aces in thV pa k. . What is t!:at mothe.t ItistheLe? isla'.nre, my child. What does it (to mother? It repeals acts passed by the former Legislature, mychiltl. , llif I'ninl t!i:it men fin in:iv lie 1 11- ' '''1 with their bones,,!. ut thecoilinsj ; of soim-men are not crowded 7'ro:ison Aicott says: "Tho blond' type is nearest to the divine likeness." ' .... i ' 1 cry few newspapers use the blonde Someone who has been .there re marks that a younjjauthor lives in an attic because one is r.iroiy able to live on his timt storv. j An aesthetic poet wr te: Th'tnus , eskiss with lips oi' tlame, but when he ; found the second word printeO mules the farmer, "barbed! cpeiise, but the hired j "Yes," said : w.r,- ience .is : man doesn't top a.e. i st ,oi v . . I,,. illlilllli -1 Wil lllf 1:1 null I. Ill mil' i ' - J ,ms t(, (.liM)b 1 Mustapha"l.ey, thvi ruler f Tunis, bought l(i(i,nno umbr lias while in Paris. He is iioui.d to havo'one around w heii wanted. Mustapha is evidently preparing for a long reign. The chaj who sent us a poem bo-j ginning "When twilight dews arci falling last upon the rosv lea," has i i since marrieo lv diiej K sa Lee, and now the i wet are falling fast upon - " ' s,,n (lt a ru:il oeaier was asked liow ' ,,1;u,y pounds there were in a ton. ! He w as s!iari eimug i to reply: May - : heyou liniiK I ingoing to give ltaway and get licked w hen 1 go home! The Philadelphia magazine editor w ho printed Edward Lveiett Hale's, Alan wit bo t a countrv as a new I'dlig prote ts tiiat an editor can't b ex eeovi looe iamiiar wnn everv- . i -Old Aunt Sukov, wh ) lives .... . , .... Austin Avenue, is Known to dc iih;. -llllt''t W.mail 111 tlie City. Old i ,r . , , .. . . , , AlOsC CUt UP a loUO ot toligll ViOOlF i tor h. a few da Vs ago ; in I she refused III P.IV I IMIM lll.ll iliMUIIU I. .ilium . .'. ;, , . ., , 'i i h:i! V' Ivj' i" T f1'!' llk."' i i ?U," ) 1lsh '.' 'l'1,a ,U, ! "'V Kll('U " ead (... Kim.;. ! ' ) '' tl; -V(tr nu'an' 1 Au; " ' ' ! ,ltl"' 'V VwU :,!'" YV'P' vt'"u ... ...... i.;... ........ i...., ..-.... ..i . had been libe ver would hah eat d luillajqile verself an' not gib Adam : " ",l ' " ' --i- i cllv, ni.n.k .ii.l i , icon i I lod. ltwii ti.- ! --A(ientleman (if Port Jcrvjs, N. Y 1 has a family of tree or four littie girls. Not long since the children wa re talk- : 1 i. ! .1 I I 1 iliUMil IWIll-. t MIC OI I I It'll I, .til elder one, turned to her father and said: "Papa, what dothey call it Iw Ikmi three babies come at'ouce?" A iit'!eoie, who was much interest - 1 ed in the conversation, and w ho had !. . . . i nearo talk aooui smallpox, at once in- roit fiyjrcljia, Sciziicc, Lunhago, Backache, Soronoss of iho Chect, Gout, Qjir.s-f, Zoro I h.-cct, Sivsf.'nas end S-rzins, Burns and Scalds, Cjnzrzl Bcdiiy Pains, Tooth, Ear cr.d Ihzdzchs, Frosted Fzzt and Ears, end all other Painz cr.d Aches. .'-1 . sititu'- : O.: . if '. xurr i sm :: 1 n r. in.: a .1' rT." .-. 1: . . i ) i'i'iie. :.. ; . Vu'y :: :..' r.v.: . : . J I IrOv'Ti :. ::i I.'.i'V'.n -:ns. ;1D HY ALL r?.T7GC-Tr Tr! Llt'D PZALLES Hi A, TG CtII-SR t CO., l,'. u is j i i.t, 1 1 1 i; i iv: i Minn nif;t j MEDICAL. ::- - . i ; i.,u-. ? i x'.-.-J A' A 'i" , 3 i.b -2.--i-..Y J. R 01IARA. ATTOKNKY-AT-I.AW, ENFIELD, N. C. Practices in the Coii'itu- ef II difax, IUg.' ei:id" :irul Warwn hi in th s'nprt me ant! Fe ieral i "tuft-M ef Neriu l :irt'im, Mcl, ; j ! ; 2)i W A Atlan'ic Fc;-, rt, Water Strer-i. Norfolk. 'a. Manufacturer of Every Description of Catiag3 Iron and Brass, At shnrt Notice and Baltimore prices. No Lxtra Charge for Patterns on Hand ef which I have quite an Extensive. Variety. tzry-IIiij.W.-i! Citth I'rii'i ;.Vo,- M-. tul. March 10 I vtr. To lh? filizpns, ir'ViNu:i aJ Ad j.icent Tou;is. Ve, lie; mi L-r-utud, L.-jj lt-.iv.' tu cd! V(Uli' :ltflilio:i to Th2 Eichatoad Ir-n TLvf Taint & Ccrnent Wonlil ft- i;l.td t' r..ri tx f . 1 1 i with vou n tlif Miliji'c "f oiir ev,j 'eitcrpt, Wt wiii wurrnii ji ti.lit K i i evt-rV inui-w a.nl will i n 1 ynii thu- ! - .f 'li-tiin(i.ia!s appi icat iorj, UtSj ec.fuilv. M.-.l cli 1 C-3ru (ioliihl-oro, N. To t.'ie Jivtwii of tfe 7iac! of Wilson Ojunfy: y berebv tio'if.ed to jneet in th the (urt House in the town of Wil- :ra.v- son on the fourth Monday in May! Dec. 'Jtf. Iss'J, to determine wiiether tlie lu-! 1 fv.i-i.ii- c.,...'t ..f w;l,,:, ',,. ',.,n k.. i " " discont inued. By order of the Board. a. (;. y; hooks, Chairman of the Board of Justices the Peace of Wilson Countv. of! E. . i v o g o.-en appon.u o la-cei ver m lAUiUyVT 1 all persons indebted to them are here- ir : i i t ... - r l,y notified to come forward and mak j payment, ami those holding claim 1 against tiie .same will present the projxTiy authenticateu lor nC i u.. j meat. J. A. TYNES. Nov. !lth, lSsi.- i JJOTIfK. r. Y Y 1 1 LT I ." K F A I EC I K K ( F 1 1 1 : siij.v.. ior l owrt i f N;is!i Cow itp.rove'J !v . i. . II.... I 1 . i .:l :. . " ; V lutax, 1: I,- t Lv l,r (iiaudi.-tn F. II. llunn.l!! ilt U.H' 'i, r staple T;..- m.ta-i-in.u-.l will nl-il h.-i-iro tie- Omrt i ffk tho, riF.ht- , 1 he tnyner can ob- liiiiisi 1 1 ; ii ir l :i tin It nv il r.T . :u r i . if t .ti Hunst.. di.or i.-i .'it- town t f Nasl'.vi;;,-, I-- " ' - i j M,..bv, April Hvi. tract of hud i in .V.xli CuT.itv, .r h C'.r:dii::i adj.dnin- lhe ia.u ,.f A. w l.itw ml ...her .ftll,.lil:i , on.. .ll;n.lrcil . f.n'irte.; i (lit' " . ... . , . ;ili'ij. Iii.ni ur l.s. Iri'l lo l!n: llmtT of ; M r. J II. i linl 'v. vtli't h h is Lien .(:- -'l. b.v midi! Mid inMiii'b. Ttrrins: I';:; TiiimI ca !i Fai:i!K-f .it eigl't uiin.tl'.s .' ii!t'if-t Ir'.in il.t.- ef K.ile at S t-r cer ' 1 ilie rf'iiu"i li I ('inchasc tmnu-v i.-. j -:i d . Il, II. ld'NN. ( J ;i:in.h:i!i ;:r.ii l u:i;ahiiiair. .m'cIi tt. cVO TICK j ii i i k . v i . - ' i s io. iiiji, i o- V C P ' .' I .' OI. I W 7. X. III. ! the superior c ourt oi Hson i ounty, made on the 17th day of February ! IHsl, and duly approved by the Hon. j John A. (iilmer, Judge, in a certain 1 iw.l It ii.i. lu.niliihr in t..'-l I 'niirt C.U.d " 1" " 1 " ' " ...... ; by .MARY K. CREW .. i her own i ! behalf and BESS I !i C. ' d S( )N, an j 1 infant, otl'ering by her dian, the ! 1 said MARY K. CREWS, I shall sell j at the Court House door in Wilson,! ! M I,,,, il... 'V.i ,.. .,i' t ico.i .1.... I -.on.1.l tie- ... i o.i. .o i o i umi portion oi me lot m me town oi n son on Tarhoro St reel, adjoining N. A. MorrNs, .John D. Wells, Wilie Daniel and others, beginning at N. A. Morriss' corner on Tarhoro Street and running with said street Is, feet, then at right angle with said street 1 F.. led : to . Daniel's Ime, then with said line ylmia Us. feet, ilien to John D. Wells' corner, then with John I. i ells' lme'JTi t'-et to N . A. Morriss' . hue, thence with Morriss lme pi leet, i coriH'iiiig- tin-lice w ith said Jorr:ss' , line -l I feet to tiie beginning, exclusive i of the building'. Also that portion of; saiil lot lying immediately bark -f: the store owned by .dove A- Nadai F eii.g i'l feet w ide by about P'ii f.-.-t leep. I'or more particuhir de-n-rii'tion ee the I. lot on tile in the oilice of- the rl Clerk ef the Superior Court. 'Ferm-: Si'iCO cash; 1 akiiii e on credit of nine iijonths ii.tere-t from tiato at per ! cent. Tith' retained until purchase ,' aii. 11. Ci. CONNOR, CAuiinissioner. i Feb.27-tf. I L MS I RICHMOND, YA. m a n r ; a f t t; n k i: ianr liuggies, phfrtons. six-sent Carriftg, J-gger agorts Ser.d for circular Toj ami no T PATH' xizi: mi.MK f - d V I 4 "tok V.lien They fan lo a mtII For Vou 1If n i'. Alt i:i:av Fe r. -Uf 1 l .' - ' I'i.V. I:.-,. 1"- ':u-f . ;.:.-l It. .-" :ir I.i'. ..b.' ir.-i:;.-" n- i:-ii'i-s ,,i;. 1.,, I J . i . . - V!i t. M.i.lTf I. 1.-.: E. L. IH'NTKIJ, 1). I). S., T FK K AT KNlTl.Ll), X. C. i "THI K AT -.-j w MO-Cm. VJAN'SION IIOUSE- XOKI OI K, VA. M.S JAMES, I'roprietress. EN LA KOI'h, Hemo,leh.d, Ilefur uished, Centrally L-ateiI, (iood Ac comjuodations, Kates Treasonable. J-i'tf i DOWELL .1 KOIUNSON, j 1 FASHION A HI. K P.AKHi:iW. J TAIU'.OI'.O ST., WILSON, X. r. j j I Iaviiiir opened a first-class Itarber-i shop solicits the patronage of t!iost?j ! who y h oof i work done. Satl-fao-' jtion Ciuarauteed. j July br-!y j Fcr Sate: I A IJiifrsry Shop with a trade of froTti j four to six thousand dollars per Year in the town of Black Creek. A irood j opening in a irool locality. One do en new busies on hand "which will be 'sold cheap. Apply at once to W,S. ANDERSON, Black ( reek, N. C. Nov iV., tf ' ; . j In co:seip!ei:ce of the d-at h of (Jeo. ; IE Oriliill it tiecomes !,ece.-s:irv to et- tie the business of tlie firm of Oril!iu Si 'Murray. All persons indebted f,,.,i,i j tirm w ill ph-ase call at their p'.a.-e of : business and settl" at once, j WM.Ml'KBAY, ! Mirvi VMig partner of (ir illiii A .fnr- wiiui.i:sal.k LIQOUR DEALER No. 21 Roanoke Square," NORFOLK, YA. - Onlers pn.mptlv attended to Hnl j TAKEN CP ASTRAY L. SEVERAL MONTHS AOO ON MY ; farm near Wilson, I took up lUstrnv ! three heifers, each about two years jold; One of them was a white and I black spoiled, ami another a light-red "" . heifer, both having the same mark j crop oil" the right ear in the shape of a i I... I .. .. 1 I mu I'll i mii i , i nere was was no mark i on the left ear. The third was a j deep-red heifer, and w as marked w ith onl1'" ' i ne-e nei lei S l proving property .." .1 . P.."yi;l l":';'- , I 1 '--, tf . I. FARMER I 'iJTtti:. THE, 'i 'N DP". P.S K;NI:D, have form-j -d a co-partnership for the practice of! i. - dicine in the tow n of Wilson in.d ! , ...ji.'iiiingcountry. Returning thanks! F"'' 1;t- ! to their patrons for their libi-ral pat-! I''.-!. Ib-ov: ih.Md- X. '.. J. A . j ronage, thev solicit a continuance of! l!l";,'r.,i",,'ul Mai..!r. I . A . . . u u-r thosj!iie. Office on Nash Street op- U" :i1 V,"": " ""1 1 1 - i posite the Court House lately occupied ! Oe. H. (Jrid'm, Jr. Agent fo" Wi! j by Jas. S. Woodard, Esq., v here one. ! sr"b Nash, ami l'rankhu csicutica, at : or both may bo always found when I WiLun, N . C. ...: II . l i liut jii oiessiona 1 1 y engagei i . C C. PEACOCK, M. D., W. S. ANDERSON, M JanIZ Si.-ly. . i , Tj H. W. J O Y N Nir !! Drnlbt, i: -"W-'i rs' '.a o--"' mm t.Uas peninlientlv lo-aU.d in w il-on, N. All opperations will I)n neatlv and carefullv performod iud on terms a-reasonable as possible T,.,.th extruded without pain. HYwa 'j-.irljrf) .lr,.(.. n,.xt q(or lo y,M ijt)ri. 'jan ;j ijn.' ' "' v. Mcrc-iy. II II. IJk.vh.n 1 T j r, 1 t 1 1 I lit. Man Having Ifjastid all rif th" machinery ht-loii' u to tho late T. A. V;tiHv. rihf , we are now j! f-pared to l;uiM new, arid r- : air all 31 AC II 1 X E II Y. We kteji constantly on hand 1 3 1 n - an and fittui'gi- Al.sO valves of all kind.s. Cun 'in.s littcd nji in lii.t-chiss Of'l-'r. Special attention given to iitting nj Mill work. r..stiniate.s ft i-iii.-hed op. all km'l.s of wurk. Or- licitcJ, and Jdointitly oers so execute'- Uil WILSON. C t ' -i : ) l!ljKt; House E'er Sa!r! I oTer my housvj. u it-li s,. en 'ot,i rooms, hi the town of niack Cr-k f.r . a!e. Tlie lot h a '.nric:' one, contain j lnr two mid cue-third acres. On i acre !;i strawberries w hich uive a 1 yield. Will be sold el cap! Mv ron ton ierteum is ;;i:it I i r?io '. am i:M!:i; fo i Addns-, W. s. ANDEIlso.V, I'dack Creel., N. : Nov. 25, tf. I'fTflATKii, Ya. Be-Iustilh-r, Ih tin. i- and Wholc-u: i Liquor I e;der 7.' Sc.-im..re Street, Keeps const tniiy oM l.:l:;. :, f;i oj Liquor-, W in..-, Ac. .Mvr's iniui e.l Mye "SI 'NNY SoLTN" Whi-ke unsurpa-s.-d. Ord-r, stdi :Uld sati-dactinn iruaranteed. h-b K)-:Jm i: i:i Shockoo fiachine j 11 1 ( i 1 M IN !:eaif:'( 'cm I t.f .?": Fi.m, s I'.i-i:. s ,v VA. I ill. I!. ' ' ru ni: ! h :e, I l'ol'n , K'l'.i F.tc oi , l . Fins. j v.-iy ijfnei y- Wlii-at MiIU, ? i,:,f; !.,:, j l''illili' W.-tti I U In-rN. I ; Matli'iif rv, U'iii':!,i fioi 'i Iron Casting.-, bicliim-r v ,f lien. C7.V.V.V6- s, rii-:r:snrf; ja :;u i: i A M'!. IAI. i Y. Ibq.-.ctii.g I'ioiiu.: ! .m.iI faicfiilly lJt,ri.,, Talbctfs Patrr.t Fp:rk Arre,t7. It I..-s net lii'.lfi.y ;hi. .i;:;. It ibie not ait. i ft-1 cj ui',1 . i " ' ; g I lib.-.. It will not cki.l.c irj. ii rid it-jul-r un el- niiiii. Il rcqain-s no .Fa..;t d.u. qn i l; V,. ep.n i'd wl.tn r:i!i.ig sli-ien ! d i;.i i ti - ln;ii.. .,1,. j. ctio:,:il.li'. .-i, t i;.- v m. iv Ii'- k-F. ejn-ii idl.ov I 1 C sj,:t , ,, , -c i .. I I : ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 c . I : '. . - l:i-l:ti s( .rk' I. i'.'. hv '0 ' . , . . ; . -' i . - ; 1 1 '.. i. t li i 1 1 . c i 1 1 c y . i! .: i ii) ni :. if ll.e Yatrr, ai.'J the Lei!t-r tilieUllol III I'V coii.iiuoti. It .s .siinp'.i- and i: :de am! can be n,!i-4 upon. It i mi tie Rtta.d,. .! r.i :t',y 1... ',.r. No iiKiii'.ir si i . b I In wulioiit uii'i of l 'liiaii. JiiMn :t:. e i i jUii ai. J b.ii lis li.- 'iiipao :.-. v ill ii.i.r : lh ) 1 I ii I : ' I - ', .,.' I,'.,- il -f. ami Sj ai k Am-st.,! .-o chnri d for -.:.:' Jf" S id fui ii 'I l- 4 1 4 I . i a i i.-i C I r at aul -j Empire Piaster fVlilf; i W I LM ! N'ti 1 )N, N. C. We are prepared t d. liv r tl,,j best vz'i scctia f.-,esh GoOJ-:d pls:ti. OYPSCM.. l.ow ka i i r :: i. i: J. R. BLO.sSr.M A liV ; IV1U''1mi W I I . M 1 N (. i ' V . N. j IMLRK'AN liocsi: a i "i; ; - ; . M )ST 'on vini id ; flq -pots e.ml Meamb at Landiie , N "ill, VA. Iro.t 1 lK- R. i i4:-: F ir-t 1 i .-r, Second Floor, per i .', .- i i i. North C.iroiin.i I ra 1 h IF spt.ct fu!!v .-oFe i-.-d. BP.OWNI.EY SISTERS, 'rjy'. Fer.r'vJ-ly W '; d ... 6d I.APIVd sc.'i.NI isj s OK J ii PAT I i z ' t.t ! i. ' ".t-'- r.- c t i". '1 r ci.a.-r-tT'-: 1. 1 I.;.r l;, l.-:- : .o :i. kit j Via t I.ivr .ir -l .n .-t. r: .i. .!.. j . f. r : 1.. -il . -i.ii 1 .': l: .!; t.a- :t' p k i m l I. .rt ! i:i.- 'ti.'l f -t lr- ft .. . rr-I.'l r IT .''-' 1 ' I -:. ' I . I .. I -r' ,: : 1. 1 .'.a L r:. ". rk n i;. I P('S!-1 K !; f : i r.v !; . h. 1. .v. i -i ii-.oi a-t 11. -f . r. r. ,' i.i a "i n." '.li. .rt tf. i T S. ! I'll i ; ii: 'li 'i P I. . i I in. li ! " . . p .i- . ami I a r Pi..:-.---. .- MJ i s a it ,. I :i -1 :i '. .I.-.. ! r :i ' l I I I 1 A ! s i -.i:-. t .- '.v u;vt i; s u k !:M:r . ! p:a 'f Mar. 1-tf.

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