t the Aivan33 PuMithing Company 'LET AL! THE ENDS THOU AIM'STAT, BE TH COlWiTRY's THY GODS, AND TRUTH" Josephus Daniels a. Trm-i'2.ne perYeiat I Six yfmtHm tl.. f WILSON, X. C, FIXIBiAY, APRIL 7, 1883 The Wilson Advance. Wifjwift Fp.idaY, April '7th, 1R82 POETRY. IIUILDI,U OS THE 8 AN D, BY KUSA I'OOK. "Tin vcll to woo, 'tis well to wed. For vi tho world hath done Since myrtle gwiw iind ro?es blew And morning brought the sun ; But have a care, ye young and fair, Be iiure ye pledge with truth ; lb certainthat your love will wear Reyond the days of youth ! For if you give not heart for heart, As well ax hand for hand9, ; You'll find you've played the unwise part. f And "built upon the sand." f '- ' ' ;; '-.'' ' "Th well to save, "tls well to have .. A goodly store of gold, i . A bx3d enough of shining tuff, , For charity in cold. X But place not all your hope artd trust ' i In what the deep mine springs, "We eahnot live on yellow dust . , Unmixed with purer tilings. And lie who piles wealth alone Will often have to tand Reside hi coffer chest and own "Tin "built upon the sand." j "Tis good to speak in kindly guise And Mootlie where'er we ran ; Fair speech should bind man to man. Hut stop not at the'gentle wordu- I't deed with language dwell, j Too one who pities starving bir.lr - Should scatter crumbs as well Hie mercy that is warm and true! Must.leiid a helping hand, For thoM that talk yet fail to do ' Rut 'bulld upon the; wand The First of April. 11Y HEI.KX FOKEUT GRAA'EP., "No I" sighed Mr. i?elton Rellew, d4'jetedly, as lie mixed a little more burnt - umber on his palette for the nut-brown trses:of the "Made Mar Uu" that he was putting on canvass -'hexlon't love nie ! She can't ! No woman everyet treated a man so, If sh ciireil two straws for him." Hutjt was not of Maid Marian he was thinking ; it was of Dolly Hrooke, tlie pretty girl whtw mother had rent a l the old brown-brick. Ivmse at the corner of the street, and whose eyet were so blue ami sparkling, and yet to cruelly cold. He had been Introduced to her, and "Jr.id met Her a great many time.-, that winter. lie had even danced with; her at the Blue-bell .Bociables, held hvr hand in the Caledonians, and ftood benl le her in Virginia Reel. j ' HeUd not think, from her manner that she absolutely dUllked him, but he was very sure that she did not care fur him. And this unreasonable young artist mvle himi icfnr.linirK'. !U hiisorablu "She is such tlarnng :" ne saiu w himself "iuch a hufnan - rosebud, -with coloring in her hair aueh as Tit ian never dreamed of land eyes that ralvator Rosa wmld have painted in ultra-marine,' with soa-blne shadows ! But where is the use of my mooning about her? I'd better accept Kay ' rnond' offer, and go to Koma with him, even if I have to Kturve there in a garret. Art will perhaps smile on mo; but Dolly Brooke never will !" And he painted on, i-j-sently d.ih bliug away at "Maid Marian'" round none, with a heart as heavy a-i if it weru moulded in lead. , t While at that .very moment, Dolly Brooke (her Christian name, was Dor othea) was dusting the parlor at home with her head tied up in a blue cam bric sve;ping-cAp, and her lovely cheeks heightened with true feminine exercise; while Norah, the help stood meekly in the doorway, with a mibbiug-brush In her hand; "Yes if you please, miss !" said No ra. "A letter from Mike an' if you'd please answer it miss, for not a wurred can I write !" Dolly left off polishing the base of the little statue of Ceres, and look ed at Norah, with a prettily-puzzled expression of countenance. "But, Norah," said she, n,how ab surd ail this is ! I low can I answer : Michael's letter ? How shall I know what to sav to him 2j" - "Sure, miss,?' said Norah, her hon st eyes lighting up, "au' that's 'asy eaoughj Just tell him, In fine, schol arly writing miss, that I love him with all my heart. . Thcif M'hatlam I want him to understand, miss; for "ure, ha ain't quiet in his mind about it, an he's way off in County lloscom mon, Ireland." r "Very well," satd Dolly half mil ingat the Idea, "I'll try. Come to rue in half an hour, Norah." I And Dolly inexombly locked out her two little brothers, who were enraged at their being debarred from the , fun of hearing Norah's love letter. "(ro abut your business, boyn," said IXlly,N severely. It's no affair of yours. - ; , Johnny and Billys looked indignant ly at one another, j - o . . . . I ... I . . A VeHl servo her out !f said Johnny. IIVU let her know !'V enisrmatical- ii ly responded Billy. I And these young lads, with their chins balanced on the: garden wall, like Raphael's chcrobs, betook them "plves to throwing stones at the cat, while they consulted as to the ppecial variety of Nemisis5 which should be vMted on Dolly's unconscious head. ". ,'i:v j-ct it.!" eaid Johuiiy, f-mitit;? hi lejr, at last. "Eh ?" Mid Hilly. hont Apm rWn OI Der" Pi"" i.Mr.Iuaicv rushed straight Ye" ; butlSi r'.aid Billy. ! ? "M "1l Jnf rick house, .her. "Ah-h-h ! aid Johnny. You al- I1)ollv .w:l tr5!" her hayaeinths; at way was a .aoftlv. Bill. I'll tell vou the window, 111 a In-witching little a - ... 1 ! "VM-t Xorah said Dolly, seated at the .tabic, with the fresh sheet of pa- 1 M with a clean calico aDron. that to plain like ? Make it a little sweeter, miss the saints be good to you : aiv jusv ten mm i mve lum true, though I haven't told him so be fore, an' I'll be constant to him to the wurreld's end ! j There 1" - ineher brows. "Keen still for a few minutes very still, mind !" And Norah, shifting her weight from one foot to the otlwr, scarcely dared to breathe, until atlat Dolly flung aside the pen and pushed back her chair, re.ding out what she had composed with all the grace of rheto ical effect. i "Will that do ?" she asked. And Norah, clasping her hands in delight, answereJ- Och", miss, an' book-print 'itself couldn't be finer I An' if ye'll sign it Your own true love," Mike'll know who it is true amj certain."' "There is mamma's be.ll 1" said Dolly, suddenly.' 'Uun, Norah ! We'll" inclose the i letter in an envel ope, and jwyst it after dinner . . ; has bee! n quit", enough time wasted in love-letter writing already." And then she Isat down, and fell into a srt of half-conscious reverie. .All the girls have lovers," she said, to herself; ueen poor Norah", .wiio can neither, read nor write ;- They all have lovers except me! Oh I wonder I wonder how it would -seem to have a Ioyer ?"r And instinctively . her thoughts wandered off to' Belton Bellew, the handsome, 'paled browed young ar tist, whose studio was on the next street. - -j . 4Ah," she. pondered, fhc thinks of nothing but his art ! lie has no tiint Ui dream of love. ! ' Ami if he had, I am scarcely vain enough to lancv that he would 'care for me !" txmi jioity unHiMicnr i a une, she did not know why the love-letter 4..1 IV II.. It- . I.. 1 . ! was goiu ' r Dolly looked arimnd her with ii frightened tUee. The easement win dow was open a little way to admit t!ie frsh M arch sunshine, and she could only imagincjthat the breeze jhad whirled the sheet out of the window. I 'i'mir Nora 1 !" thought Dolly. "!ie shall not be dissippointed." And s s!ie sat down and wrote it all over again as nearly as she could recollect the impassioned phra- e4, inclosed it in an envelope, slJn,d di rected it, circumstantially, to "Mr. Michael Mullauy, Blancy II ill county ltoscominon, Ireland.!' f And then she her.self carried it to the. iH)st-lHr on the, corner, tlirectly under the window bf Mr. Bellow studio. AVhile Billv larulJohhnv, in the wKMl-she.d at the end of the gar den, where giggling over the first e'opy"of poor Norah's tender effusion. We4ll kill two birds with one stone," said the praxiious Billy, whose rancor had been heigthoned by Dolly's refusal to give him three helpings of raspberry-jam at dinner. "We'll make an April -Fool of that Bellew fellow that comes prowlin g around to' see Dolly, aiid we'll, play a jolly game on, her !" Aiid .Tohnny sitting hugging his knesss on the floor, chuckled aloud at the prospect. - L " The first of April 'dawned, chill and bleak, ami showery, like any thing but the bright precursor of spring, and Mr. Bellew iwas just set ting to work on -Maid Marian," wheu4hc posman rapped loudly at the door, and a letter directed in .lohnhy's sehoof boy ehirography was .handed in. . ) Bellow broke it open Sin some le wihlennent, biit his facie lighted up when he sa w the well-known writ ing within. What-! had he caried a scrap of Dolly's writing the mere formula for some society game which they had played at her houses around in his breast pocket Tor six weeks not to know it now ? "My OWN SWEKTJIEAIiT," It read, "I am resolved at last toVast asule all talse prnle, ami eon tens how dear youire to me. It tit lowers me in vour opinion, I can but accent my lot in silence ; but if youJwill write to tell me that your heart indeed re sjKnds" . f; - (Norah IkmI esiecially jexaulted on this particidar expression, as - being "just exactly what she wanted Mike to understand") j "I shall be the happiest girl in America, I And so Isigtijmyself. Forever Youc Own True Love." ' Which latter somewhat abrupt fashion of ending hail also been the result of Noah's terventen '-treaty. "Hh'll like it best, mis," she had said "he will, indeed." Didton Bellew read the , letter over ointe, twice, thrive times. ' ,"Am I tlreaioing t" lie askel liinu self. "The sweet tlarling -she has rejul my secret soul 1 1 ?nnst have woru my heart on my Sleeve, for daws tt peek at ! Write indeed ! I will go to her at once- this'hour, this tins verv second-:77 A?mI. Ivirvirrg Mafa.'3lRdcii. star - l.V i . 7 , 1 ..u Hinna ot the prettiest surprise, as honest Nonth beRin ? l)ear Mike ?" - """J oii,i,nMi sm.lo, show- "Sure miss said Norah, who was ,,l1J,"V, w.Alw Pfr?r- -standing refined fully near the dor. ' I "?oll v ' tpii laiinetl, bwatlilexs- !. ... I . iiiU ar I he uncertain sunshine with oil her left eyebrow pink gingham morning-dress, with b?:ut v'lvt lmw-J f icfiniiwl i it- 1..... ami t hint. V , '-!r, IteUew rlii exclaimed' with - 7 ! own darling !" f Dollv tumetl pink iaml tlien pale, , '! doirt undorstaud vou, Mr. Bel lew," said slic. Mr. Bellow's eoiijifenaiice fell. ''Didn't you write this letter V he iamled, hoMmg;it -out withrt blank- expivssion of face. T "Yes," aid J )olly, gla nciug over tHie the laniilliar Words in extreme amazement.," "1 wrote it. Jiut - hut I don't know how it ever came into your hands 1 .' "You sent it to me! said the ai'tist. "No, I didn't!" cried Dolly, bursting into tears. 'As if t could ever seivl siich a lett-er as that to nnv5 gentle- i man? I I don't know how you could think so ill of me that!" , : L"DoIly," faltered boor B-.lt;m Bel le w, "didn't: you me.in it? . Don't you really care for fne F'j -'Whether I lne uii it or not, don't. uir'ifV il1i"il IliJTlv wit.Ti lwr i'jtfi j still hidden behind her iKK-kt't-haud- kereliief. "Oh, but it does?" said Mr. Bellow, g.Mitly obtaining posession -"of one of her hands. "Be.t:ause, Dolly, I love you dearly ! And it you won't love ine back, a very little. 1 shall be Wretched all my lite 1 1 didn't think I over should have had' courage to ! tell yon this, darling. but now 1: feci so brave that I am determined hot to leave this place without a deft nile aiuwe-.", . I . i How 'they settled it nolxxly e ver knew preeisely,not ejven Billy, who had his mischievous jittle. ear . glued against the key hole,; in gleeful an ticipation of "a jollv old row." But he scampered dowh - stairs,', three Uteps ut a time, to where Jolmy w.n libeling a lot ot April Ft61s, tor jt,l0 (l('cratiou of the i ..,,. i,.. acks ot casual ifi i-n .in vii "Jhunvtn said lie the tiling luvsnrt worked at ali. wa ;i mad worth a cent. 1 le kissed her, as sure as you're alive, and Mie kissed him b ick ; and lie mt a ring on her fin ger ! i 1 "IVil !v said Johiiuv. I've no p i-Look- here tienco with such trah Bill, I've printed fomrteeii of em don't you think think that'll be enough V- ' Wlien Mr. -'Bellew-wont away, A'el- ing as if he were treadisig 'on. air, Dollv camy down into;th-i wootl-shed, where her young- b;thr. evcil her like convieted criminals. "Bovs" saul she, "I've found you the was out. r I saw Bjlly'f writing on outside of that letter which mailed to Mr. Bellew' "It was only an April Fool,' any how '' muttered Billv,1 turning very red. ' " . ' ; ' "No fellow .think i 'anything of that !" addeUohnny.; ' ' You did very wrong," said M'Lss Brooke. "But you are two darlings ami I love you ever.soi much .!" And she kissed aiid1 hugged, both the young reprobates' and then ran away up stairs' quiFo unaware that the artful Johnny had succeeded in affixing a large placard to the back of her dross. "( I irU always- are April Fools when they in over !" sail the juven ile, inisanthrope. Nor was he altogether wrong : but perhaps it was worth the obloquy of the thing to 1h so very, very happy as was Dolly Bi(M)kc. Well Kndorwed By Cilizciie. Cur Own No matter how useful anything may be in itself, good endorsements seem td increase its usefulness greatly by insuring a wider field for the dis play of its special merits. We were thus inipressed in view of the follow ing statements' received by one- of our representatives from individuals coivoectetl with f yme of the largest enterprises in our midst. Among others whose testimony was freely given, was W. II. tStearns, Esq., Mas ter Mechanic of Conn, lliver -Railroad, residing at No. 2s Bbylston street, who observed : St. Jacobs Oil has had remarkable effect among the men employed here. One ;of them jam med his arm very badly, and by the use of St. Jacobs Oil was greatly "ben efited, and the arm was healed. An other used it for severe rheumatic pains in the knee, and pronounced the Oil a complete success as.be was cured by its use. Mr. A. B. fray lor, of the "Ray 4 Taylor Manufacturing Co." was pleased to say : "My aunt, Mrs. Pillsbury, of Mount Clair, N. .J., while visiting at our house tried St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism and neu ralgia, land found immediate relief every time. She pronounced it the best thing she had ever tried for the trouble. Mr. J. B. Weston, 45 Green wood street, Supt. Car! works, Boston and Albany Railroad, thus addressed our reporter i "I am one. more of the fbrtunates who have jhad the good lack to hear of that woiulerful remedy St. Jacobs Oil. I had rheumatism hi the Bhoulder severely and could find no relief until I u?ed the Oil. 1 ap- Dlied it and it must confess I wasi surprised at the results. I am almost i I well and exneet to be entirely o in a ft n ks." '.v;.-; ... Olllv out: 'udi. 'iflii' ain't t i.v 7 J'onung out i oot ii Jiautis "mvl ... WIT AND HUMOR. A bill to provide whipping poet for wife beaters has deer) introduced into the New Jersey j legislature. New Jersey lawmakers don't want a married man to Iiave any fun at all. Next thing we knowthey 'II pass a law requiring married mentolbe atthome every night not later thaiyhine o'clock . - . " . -. ,j "Mother, why . does call you honey?" "Because, my dear, be lovee me,' "No ma, that iiui't it.""What is it, then? "Wwno.VWrfl,5what ! it?" Why7 It's because rou have bo much comb in your head, that. why." The man who professes to believe. that evil is only the under fdde of good, the dark side of the moon!, and prop erly a component part of human life, will never have the satisfaction of dying from inflamation of jme brain. He is a man after my own heart, pa," said Julia reverting to tier Augustus, "Nonsense," replied old Praetial' "he is a man after the money your uncle left you. And then all jwa quiet. People are made up of so many contradictory feelings, that whn a person's conduct surprises jus we. for get how much circumstances have to do with the outward aspect of life. Those men who destroy a healthful constitution of body by intemperance and irregular life, do as manifestly kill themselves as those who; hanff or drown themselves. r i What a change, exclaims the novelist Roe,-one little womarr can ; make in a man's life! Exactly; and what a heap of 'change' she requires while doing it. As you travel around the country you are more impressed j with the conviction that the chief end of man is to patent medicine signs on the fences. j Stick to one thing until it i done, and done well. The man who chases' t wo haresnot only loses one of them' but is pretty sure to lose the other also. He that is good will infallibly be com o better; and he that is bad will as certainly grow worse; for virture, vice, and time, are three things that never stand still. At last accounts Alfonso was calling her Cfarissie, dear,' ' and she was retorting with 'Fonny, daring. Go it while you feel, that way, children. f Teacher ; Peter, you auch a bad boy that you are not fit to isit in t h e company of good boy on the bench. Come over here and sit by me, sir. It 'used to bewailed "moderate cririking," but now that science has inuadetlthe subject, it is regarded as "taking it in true physiological quantity." j It must have btfen a great relief to Adam after his fall that there were not a dozen or so of indignant neighbors to kick him after he was down. There js nothing marvelous about curbing by laying on hands. Hands laid on smartly and vigorously have cured many smart boys of badness. No school Is more necessary to chil dren than patience, because either the will niUht be broken in childhood or the heart in old age. , He that considers how little he dwells upon tho condition of others will learn how the. attention of others is attracted by himself. "Every thing fall and is called. A few feet under the ground reigns so profound a silence, , ami yet so much tumult on the fcurEa.ee ! ; The man whom-' you can hire to work for nothing, when you come to payhimoffis tho -hardest kind of a man to settle with "You take a lode off my mind." as the seller of a worthless mine said to the speculative purchaser.... .' I'll behanged if I don't," said the convict when asked whether he intended to apply fora pardon. Arir Orleans Pica- u J B MEDICAL. . FOB Maurafgia, Seteticm, Lmkp, Backaehs, Sonnet of tho Chott, Cooi, Quinsy, Son Tkromt, Swollineo iW Sprains, Burns mn4 SeoJas, Genoral Bodily Poms, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frottoo' Foot and Ears, and all other Pmm$ -y ( and iehes.. TXo -proparatton on arth equal f T. Jacob On. as mifr, nr., Hmpf and rktjt XxtermX Kmtirfy. A tnal ntaila bat lite eocipratiTlr m&inc ma&xj t SO fonts, and every one acfcrinir wfth can hare rhenp n.rxl pnaitire proof of Its claiaM, - - Directinns in E1to Lanriacea. BOLD BY ALL DXUGeIST3 UTS BEALBH H A. VQGEXXR & CO., J. E. OH All A. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ENFlEbD.N. C. Pra(iet in th CAnntM of Halifax, Edgp mW and Warrrn in th Siiprm and F4eral Court- of N,rth Carolina, AleliS W A Anderson. i Atlantic Fcyndry, 208 Water Street, Norfolk, Va. Manufacturer of Every Description of I Castings, Iron and Brass, At short Notice and Baltimore prices. No Extra Charge for Patterns on Hand of which I have quite j an Extensive A'ariety. BSTlfyh&t Ou$h Price paid for Metah. March 10 J yer. . To the Citizens of Wilson And adjacent Towns. . We, the nnJrr-ignecl, beg leave to call jour Ktttnuon to ; The Richmond Iron Roof Paint & Cement. Would be clad to correnpond with 'rou on the aubjeci of ronr own interest, VVe will warrant a tizht Kof in e?rv ititin asrl will at-nd you th Vet of TtMimonials on application, Reaped full j. ' ItUKC'B BROS MairhlC-3nt ioldaboro. N. To the Jiutices of tit Peace of WiUon J County: Yeu are hereby notified to meet in the the Court House in the town of Wil n on the fourth XTondav in Mav 1882, to detenu ino whether the In ferior Court of Wilson Count v shall be discontinued. By order of the Board . A. (. jKROOKS. (Chairman of the Board of Justices of the Peace of Wilson County. NOTICE. i Having been appointed Receiver ot the late firm of Farmer & Wainwright, all ersons indebted to them are here by notified to come forward and mak payment, and those holding claiui- against the .same will present them properly authenticated for adj ali ment. I - ' - J. A.TYNE& ' Nov. 11th, 1881. tf. BY VIBTCE OF A DECK EE OFTIIE .Sii)e:lor Court of Nash Count? approved bv the Hon. Julia A. Gilmer in motion Bettfe Whitlej, ii (nM by her Guardian B II. I5tinn. Theunder-iifHed will atll before the Court Iioime door in the town of Xahrillr, on Monday, April 3rd, X$'l. One tract of land in Nja(h County, North Carolina adjoining the land of lien rj A. hitler and others containing on hundred and fourteen (114) acres, niort or lew. Suhjert to the Dower of Mr Jollr IL Whidej, which haa l.ftn f aiened ly mill and bound. Teritn; ()n Third cash Halance at eiplit month with intetet frm day vf Mle at 8 r cent: Title retained till piarchai-r moiif j i atd. B. II. BUNN, Guardian and Couiiniionr, Mch 4t. .VOTIVE BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF the Superior Court of .Wilson County, made on the 17th day of February 1882, and duly approved by the Hon. John A. Gilmer, Judge, in a certain etition ptmding in said Court, flltnl y MAKY K. CREWS, in her own ehalf and BESSIE C. JOHNSON, an infant, offering by. her guardian, the said MARY K. CREWS, I shall sell at the Court House door in Wilson, Monday the 3rd day of April 1882 that portion of the lot in the town of Wil uon ion Tarboro Street, adjoining! N. A. Morriss, John D. Well.-, Wilie Daniel and others, beginning at N: A, Morriw corner on Tarboro Street and ranning with wtid street 18 feet, then at right angle with said street 142 fot to W. Daniel's line, then with aid line about 2S feet,4hen t John D. Wells corner, then with John ;D. Wells line 071 feet tj N. A. Morriss' Hne,jthence with Morriss' line 10 feet, cornering thence with wiid Jbrri' line 44 feet to the beginning, exclusive of the building. Also that . portion of said 1 lot lying immediately hack of the store owned by Moye & Nndal, being 21 feet wide by about 1 00 feet deep. For more particular description eee the plot on file in the office of the Clerk ox the superior Court. Terms:, SliMcash; balance on credit of nine months interest from date at iHr centJ Title retained until purchase paid. ! ,JI. u. mJrUK, commiseioner Feb.27-tf. I L Ms I i RICHMOND, VA. MA.X U F AC TUB T. R 8 OP Buggies, Phton?i, Six-neat Carriages, J agger. Wagons Top and no Top Ac. bend ibrcircular I , PATRONIZE HOME FOLKS TOuThey Caa to a well Far Yea. Hugh F. Murray Bejrtt tl:e iargt, chearn'M, safrit and oldtt Refilar Life Inwiram Conipiny doinf buiDi in Wilaon. Give in in your OOMtDcaa anu De ti:i ?peJ 2.x ray! . O-A offi;k at . -'ENFIKLD, N. C, MAXS ION HOUSE- - ,,jM.S J AME8, Proprietress. VA fEN IARGED, Jtemolell, -JUfur-nlsherl; Ontrallv Lbented, Oood Ae cohimodatkms, Rates RejUMniable.,-2tf i . IpOWKI.Ii Jt KOBINHON, Having openwl a fint-tlns Barber shop Molicite the patronage of thwe who wirth good work done. Satisfac tion uarauteed.. . JJulyl.,i.ly .'':V;;K.Jf?OrTjitoe'l': A Buggj' Hhop with a trade of from four tonix thousand dollms vor year in the town , of Black .Creek?! A pool! opening In a gtKKl Jocalitv. (hie doz en new buggies on hand which will be okU-heap. Apply at once to W. S. ANDERSON, i rIr.crHOy Hencv of e death of Geo. ii. Crrimn it becomes necessarv to set tle the busing of the firm of rlfliri Murray. All pewonh iudebtd to staid firin will plea.se call at their, place oi biminens anduottle at once. " ' . WM.MITRRAY, Survi ving pnrtner bf Griffin & Murray.--. Dee. 9tf. . - -" . S W Schlncr. . .. . . f - i WIIOLH8AI.K LI 0 0 U R DE ALE Xo. 21 Roanoke Square, NORFOLK, VA. R Order promptly attended to and MehIO-8 Satffation Guaranteed. OTICE. THE, UNDERSIGN.ED. hve form ed . eo-partiierrthipTotthe practice of mcaicine in too tuffn otiw ibou and adjoiningcountry. , Returning tlwuik to their1 patrons for their liberal pat ronage, they solicit a continuance of the same. .Office on Nash Street op posite the Court House lately occupied by Jan. S.-WorKlardj.Esq., where one, or both may be always found when not professionally engager!. . f G. C. PEACOCK, M. I)., AV. S. ANDERSON, M. IX Jan82.-ly. TR. R. W. J O Y y -- 4 Bellas - permanently V located In Wilson, N. All opperatione will pc netitly and carefully erformed and on terms as reasonable as iMHible Teeth extracted without imm. jf)ftlce Tarboro street next door to Pot office Jan 3 12m.J A,. M irRKAT. II K. r.tXTOK. lliirllillf llaring leased all raftcliiuicrj beloniiig to the late f A. Wainwright,- ire are npW prepared to huild new, and re pair all kinds of MACHINERY. AA'e keep constantly on hand pipe and fittingj Also valvea of all kinds. J Cotton'gins fitted up in firstcla?8 order. . Sxeciil a ttehtion" given to fitting up Mill work. ; Kstimates1- fui nished on all kind of vt)rk. Or ders solicited, and ; promptlj executed. . .. , - HimyiBBiitfli, WIIOX, N. C. Mar. 1-tf. i jVOTlCE. , f . . . . . .- ..- - On TucdaV the l&tb day of April ntt at 111. l4te rwdVpce of CKKMAX J-1ATMAN, ?dte.sI. I will 1JU thfc hi;U butler the pers nal projerty belooging lo the deceased, I conaiating of one mule'nd bupg j, liopa, one rrow.' two oxen, 25 bhrer. hnnho!d and i kitchea furniture, torn. bc.n, Ac, Ac., Teriua: Csh before the nrht to the proi- ertr is released. Thw 13ih day t)f March, 1882' ; , j 1 A K.V-. 4 A - - . J - . . t 2-KM51H. Slio s. House For Saiel I offer my house, with eereii tvod. room., in the town of Black Creek fm Mile. The lot is large ene, eoateia uig. iwo ana one-ihlra aerea. acre tn trawberrlee vhlak r4vav y iekl. Will he sdd eheap! Mr real move. , Addraaa,,-. .-, W. 8. ASDERBOjr. v , Black Creek, Nov. 25, tf. j .. - - PETERSTJlTlll- VA. Re-Distiller, llefiner and Whole! Liquor Dealer Hyenruore Btreet, Keep count nntly on hand a full of Liquor, Wines, Ac. Mvers ed Ry0 "8lNNV KOITTH" Wl 8 Hyenruore Street. full rtofk mal- klakava unurpaei. Order eollelted 'and HitiKfactioii guaranteeil. - Feb in-8m I ,.. K. NYB8A. TALB0TT & SOW - Shockoe Machlno RICHMOND, VA Mantifacitn i of Poriablv and V'ltlitiar Kr.einw nnd Bollr. Saw MHla, Cr tmk Whfat Mill-, Shaftiiifr, llanora and PIUj Ti.rhinf Water U h.-efa. Yiihwen WmoXtJ Maohinerr. U'n.iuhr Iroa Vork. BraM Jk Iran Caklinga, Machiurj of vry daurtaj 'inn. GINNING 4- THRESHING MA VB1HU A SPECIALTY. nopairii.jr Promptly ik1 Carafally T. T. Talbott'i Patent Spwk Arreattv. . 'I'lirt lvHtlM rihe Jk. mm.. It l-! not Uitroy h draft. It does not mtt'rfni with saufaaf ia tultc. ' - 1 It will not choke ud iiul miiiiM felfnlnc. .' --.. - - . It rinlrva no rilrpet Umpr lo ti tf I'd when rnUlajr atritin mners bvtug Ob-j-ctionabli, a they may tut Imh opmm om4 nll4w (he parka to evtr.J It rt-quires no :itir tu wtiirad apetWl wliicli, by rjiuliiiAiili(Mi, UeAtroyilhdrWU Hoidfc. w hvn wutr ix utd, If aeftealeA, lliu t'lllciriicy 1 dcatrnyed hj araporanem ( the nalnr. and (Im builer M kspft tee ni'hy coixiiiinn. lti Miuple and ilnrabJa andaan be reSeA iim.' . .,- It ctitx be attached tn any boHr. No plaulrr alioald b wiihoat MM tie-in. Iiisiiraiioe com panic will Uaure tin and lrna wlit-rv th Talbott Enrtn and yparW Arif-tor ar iiMid a: urne PMe as clinrectl fot'wator wr lior pwr. t&TSvud tfur iiluM ratd retihvn and pricv 1:kU s . Blanch IIone: Goldahoro, X. J.''-k. IiiiiHrr, (itiirral Manager. T, A. Oral near Local Malinger. elVlna (!e. II. Griffin, Jr. Agent for Wil on, Nah, and Erankliu countiea, Bt Wihon, N. C. Empire Plaster Mills, Wli.MINOTON, X. 0. We are preparcti to deliver the BEST NOVA SCOTIA FRESH GR0UX3 PUnil (OYI8UM.) 1)W It AT KM VOR t.AKOK IXTa. J. R. RLO.OM A RVAX1, ' Feb:lHi WIl.lXGTox, x. C. 1MERICAN HOCSE ' . a. imTMiouTjr. Ta. .AfOSTCtmvenlent to all Railroad jKjts and Steamboat Iandloga. Katx: ! irvt t Joor, jper day, az, ".- of th9Second Floor, perday, ili0. t North larollna Travel U Reepee fully Sol kited. RROWNLEV SISTEILS, Proa'a. Fcb3-'82-ly THE I.KAIlIXO SCTTttTimn Or T0-P4Y atrw thai nul (Iimvm ara aaoaM Wj aiaa " 4rri Kki7 or lAirr. If, there bmk Kiafa and Ltrt ar krjM in pertt enter; iRe fcaejtfc wiU h ike rli. Thla tenth ha enfe tin kaewm a nbort mne mod for ymn pvpi aaWr4 (reae acoay wMkml hring mkU to flai rHf. Tk m tovery of Wwnfr1! Hmt Kldaer a4 Uw Oaf main aaewera iaib (ruaaief tae troMBle. tA fnna a (hanle tromeaJ bf of ara t1U It ! nmitiTx jot ih -l-tn-M, t -rT to aartr ! iwl iaeixcrraJe bn'.h f thm grwm. enraae. ae Mifi-ir rior na inrn la urar. it m POSITIVE BEMUV (-r alt tho' AUrmamm that can )aia in Of Uwr )n of it 4er Te )m1 I.irer lWdju-hw Jr.rt lijra Ore . I tvvrr. Aru Malmrvil Krr. a4 an tftaaeaV M of th Klrfui-y . UT mfMt Vrmmrr Orcaa. Ill an r&rrllrnt anl f rmt dy tor fiim il An ting Prwiey. Ii will rooTl MutriaiiMi aa4 H inv.aluai.U for l;nirrM c fi!Unj ike waa. A a Liltort Puriflt-r tt 4 mMiald, fee it etirea tlrgan that mak tlM" Wood: , - T'.iU rruMXty, wbifli ki iiinw wdt,lt" pat tip In the LAKOJT SIXTH IIOTTI.K mf aee mediiue opoo t)w imrtttjiiMra d hr Dmrt ; and uii dar at UXF DOLLAR A?f Ii Tw. 1 TY-MVE'KSTr- per bij Fori I ... .... W.'V- . . .. . ftfvjg'rtt A R rig n 'gjg.-aT' ! 41 1 -i i I Hi r, i -i 1 1 i II i i

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