t I I'M 1 '0 .,f, I 1 I i i f ,1 - J I j : The Wilson Advance. rrTrffgN'rnniAY, April 7th, 18827 J. XV. LANCASTER,". Editor Wl '"w7h .1,.--" .V. . Kiitrrwl in iftfuat omc at.Wll . c. TH2 ADVANCE- TL: "- I f.uMi'Iied -verT VrW.ir .irvTriftns, at Viln. f N.;. Siib.crlj.llonVrice; .i.00 per. jror; 1,00 AitVKRTisivo Rtb;' .'One Square, one time OK: 3a vtit fjr !fU njbspquenl iimertWm.hy li month I2 00. Liberal lwcUiU--wHI b marie " Jj le Imxt .idiTertUemeoje anJfjr contract by the . ' 5 . -- j- - ,t.'oiitt;icjkTioii Om?maleslUni later- W5,,l(, topic and mjY i',om solicited. ,piiauiBUtlions should be adtlreed te JosiEriiua Daxi els, .Manager. : Tnic Kn.toK AdyA:b. ' . Wilson, N.G. ." :; .;;;.' , ., . .... a f jtUli JI&S OF THE TARIFF. t j : " . i l-'i w realize the bnr$er?H iiifK)seil j tyV)Uj.tlieiii hy our present tariff, hys - tern. Hi hey fell tiMi the ieople -in tlie h;ie of a -lireet " tax they an mei- ,feitilvftiirsf B)6n the t im iiidiistrv of hA,TMftli(kvffAii'fo:i'itfr.ict the t li e r r; enormity .Jrnioi. Vfv hen: 'JUWUi; ITU. IltTfll Ul .1111 111 llllltli . x m t- I k AV-a 1 I1V1 " .,- iwlitfeal kiiipiiiiis and through 'oc Nsunial peoc'hes in eongi'ess, lut the people of : this ' country lo not the roblx'rv to m hieh thev are H hirljjecceted, under the specious 'plea v f protect ion to American industry. The late speech of Senator Vance "njj'aone a great deal - towards on. ' TTgljfeMing tlie publie. mind upon this 4.jiirf ant subject. We. have here-; tfrii eomiu ended it to our .readers vnil :f)ubiishHl Kiu-h extracts from it rs tiie'erowded state or our col. $ ;:iffyvnlt. allow. T h c recent cciot llou. Oscar 'Tliohipsont- of ;Jltukly.npou the "snine subject is espi;llly deserving of the atten tion life-Very farmer, in the county. 3 V JJKik n ''Mhort (ex tract Jf'vom it to slliiw a feW of the burdens f the i iriiiei under this tariff. j-.Herise in the morning, iputs on JnV coiiimou flaiinel shirt taxed !." rti ixr i-ent his" coat, tjxed 57 per cent.: Shoes' taxed 35 per cent.; i and hat, taedr02-pr cent.; takes the water Tf'roin ivboclict taxed .'55 per cent, and . .1 . 1 ! ia'cc and hainls in a tin bowl t ixel ;. per i'vut. ilries them ion jj,"c!i('iv cotton towel taxed 45 - MirV('iif. Jle sits (1 uM ii to his hum- lUe meal and eats from f plate taxed A) per cent,; with, knife and fork' faxed '.') per cent.; drinks his eoffee evi ih sug-ir taxed (53 jier cent:; seasons Jilf food witli Kidt taxed 09 mr cent.; pepper, taxed (1 per cent. lie looks - l'oftnd.on.hi wife,, and children all -t-a&ttd in the same way; takes a chew "" of tobacco taxed l'JS per cent, or lights a cigar taxed 118 per cent. A1id, 'sir ev;Mi the 'sunlight from heavvu that, pours into' his humble dwelling miHt rome through.window iei" taxed 59 per cent.; and, yet he e 1 links lie livhs in the freest) govern MninJiiider lie;iveh. -Then he starts to work ; iu a bridl taxed liTt per cerrf.-.Qu his liowe; tlmt has been iJu(U-the nails used in shoeing leing - taxed 59 pel cent., driven by a ham mer .fixed L'O per cent. and hit lies hix4oa. plow taxed jttper cent.,j U6iUxe(V5 per cent., and hfti tbe h?y 's - labor " is closed and his faniilj? are all gathered around, ; beheads a .chapter from his Bible pevent and kneels to (iod on an huble carpet taxed 51 ior i-ent and then he rests his yweafied ;limbson:a sheet taxed 45 per cent. an(f covci himself with ' blanket tliat has jjaul 1U4 ier cent. Nor do these gracing manufacturers stop lfvj but eveh the broiun witli which .'Yds g. vl . wife sweeps the tloor is staxfd.il prr cent., and the etioking . Jsets u-jeil in preparing her bus band's frugal meal. are taxwl 42 ':per cint., jVndt-?Hsoda usi'd to lighten his bread taxed 59 per i-eut. She 'lowiLto her sewing with a needle ; f 2 iMtr;wn - 'ami: a simk1 ol tlkrf .i l taxed 74 per cent, to .make a c dii w drfiss taxed.. Is per cent.; or if siro wisnes to knit warm socks. to Piweet her- husdand ami chiM f1 the bitter cold, she uses vara tatol lper cent and thus daily aiVV.ttb&'.Jiara'enriiing of Unvlau e go to s:itisfy the maun: f.u tufer,4aad add to his ill gotten weilt!i." v WHO .MUST LEAD I This question ha- been qa-te ably diseased recently by the New Era a weekly luiwspaper pablisheil in CharlesfaMi S. C. ly a colored man. dltfV Jftoughtful iid dispassionate TMderation of the political'!' sitna ?ir,,it "??Vm&. the oiiuion that mttr Tiirongn tlie anl of the JUcn of trre South cm the colored race make; advancements, commensurate with their;need. And this opinion i3 basertriipon the teachings of history and the sober logic of experience. The-hirTace has not acquired its resiit emhzrrtion .without great sacrifices and long training. It can not therefore be reawonablc expected . . ... IXhat the negro, sbonkl - reach the highest point of human attainment ! without a similar experience. He has been ailrancecU to ligh and re. upousiblc poftitiona in the govern mentv since he'vas clothed with cit izenship, and in nearly all instances hr has f;viled t show fitness, and haaf IrandaTitTy demonstrated that the bestowal was; too early. - He. ha ad vanced too rapidly, and therefore is unable to appreciate the" unparalled ' advantages fee now possesses. The New Era is of opinion, that the prob. lem of hi future iu the South, must 1m worked out by the Southern white maii, who will develope him into a worthy citizen, and give him every riglit that h' is entitled to because it will be to the iuterest of the white man to do so. Assisted by those whiTknow his wants and his capacity, they will supply the one by not oyer- rjwdingthe: t:er. As the white man posesscs the intelligenw and irpital the negro must yield to these power ful factors luid co-operate with him in order to obtain his proper shires of prosperity; uTbe white men must lead' Kays this colored editor, they are the only ones that can obtain for the negro, the rignts guarantea oy jine amended cjoiistitntion of the United States. The Southern white man is determined that the former bmlesqe on government in the South shall never again exist,' and while they are not disposed to attempt to resist the United States, they will never .surrender the government to the same jwWer which formerly held it. Such are the convictions and conclu sions of the Xew Era, a newspaper owned by colored men, supported by colored menyand edited by a colored man : a newspajer that is republican in ixditics, candid in sKH;ch and pro nounced in its party a' ei iner, biif has the wisdom to comprehend the course of events, and the honest 3 to expressits views. H()X. A. H. STEPHENS. ; A : Georgia exchange says that Hox. A. H. Stephens, has announc ed his intentions of retiring to pri vate life for the fifth time, V but has been unable, j heretofore to resist it-he solicitationsWthe ',dear iMjopIej." Even' now at his advanced age it is intimated that he might lie induced to become a candidate for Governor. Mir. Stephens has often been com pared t( John Randolph of Roan oke, who, although always in a ''dy ing condition" managed to kee in the public service. There appears to be a fascination about official life, often independent of its emoluments? which neither failing health nor1 ad vancing years is able to 'dispel. The eccentric Georgia statesman has out lived the generation which witnessed his entrance into public life, and the questions which then agitated the country have, either been settled or shelved iiidefinitly, but he still lingers in the old familiar places, occasional ly startling the conntry by his politi' cd eccentricities, destined perhaps like Swift. ! "To expire, a driveller and a show." WILSON MARKET; REPORT REVISED AND COKRECTED EVERY THURSDAY IIY BYNTJM, DANIEL & CO Cotton -liagginir 10 (ft 121 15 ft ltii' 12j 14 & . 11 (A 12 10J(a 12J i 20 (a 22 20 (ai 4o 12 20 18 U 25 lS (a; 25 30 '(5 33 30 Ct 3C 90 (ft, no 00 (a, 110 lJo (a- 21H. 12C 00 (flUt CO i3 10(i: j .12 C 15 4iu GO ."W 75 "0 d, GO .- 125 io0 ( 110 11 & M 0$ 10 40 I 100 150 liacon, North Carolina -Hams! - -- Shoulders and Sides Western Smoked Sides Shoulders Dry Salted Sides -Shoulders - . . , Ilees wax V - : Hutter -Coffee, Rio " Iarguayre " l'eaburry " Jsva " Mocha Corn, per bushel Corn meal, per bushel Cotton Ties per bunch Eggs i - Fiour per bbf - llidoSjUreen Dry -Lard .idolasscs - 4 - Syrup - - Potatoes tr bushel Peanuts per bushel i'eas, ptr Imshel Hags, per lb Rice - - -Tidlow ier lb Turnip, per.bushl heat, per bushel . HALIFAX. X. n Watches, Clocks ami fine Jewelrv--repairing done neatly and with' ills patch orders solicited. Apr7-tJ.n NOTICE! IIainff qualifie.1 Arninfrtrator on ih ete of ERMAN EATMAX, decc notice n herebj given lo all nom ed to the decmicl jo mik imiiiedinie nar ramt and to tHoM holding claims a?..int the dewad to ).reiit them duly aoihenlicateil witkia the lime limited bv law. Otherwiw this none will be ple in bar of recov ery. Thi- 13th March 1882. TIIOS. JEFF EATMAN. Admin. ' Mar.li.lt.. 15000 aajmt. mwrsT A'Aj Farmer can buy a FORMULA PREP.ARFD CHEMICALS This ,wh-n ttuxc rrt home, v.nVcs Cr.cTcn ami .- e-jrisin c f nc-jfsi ce? .ro.'.siSi-4 -s 1:1:11 1 :h J h-bvi.5iaf.i- i i vJ e : : ? n s e . r..:i ciro tK.I,.:.?V e.-c;-l f.-S:- -:a:V.:I x. - T..: ' f!r;.' -r; :n cvr;-'t ti i-i ttcv.t fjTii :Jr , Ec-..rc . f ii -f , rc-:.E irKinon-. . i t b.:i.XituM, 'Hot. , liinaf-ctarers .f rc".ci'3 Tir Ten Don rrt:: liri TtUe stu- C 3 5 TmkJ. co4-. Hone t'ea!. Dissolved DonC. . Spring & Summer Stock Complete. . , . j . AT : v" : ' "' ' " Augii sins IV ri ght' i WHOLES A LI j DEALER IN' . BOOTS. tSUOES. TRUNKS, . VALISE, LEATHER,. , .j ' ; .'-. I' FiN'WXH, &C4 . v . ,s :, 16 i 18 SYCAMORE STREET, : Peters bnr gt Virginia.. .' The Largest and. most Complete, as sortment if (ioods-tobe found" in this City. Please 'Call and Examine.1.- M.u elr24 2m ' "..- - TM! Without Preparaf on. TfvVJIRY DrifAlJLE, ..' STRONG and EASILY ADJ USTEpi Ts an -Ecoriniieal Machine,' the quan tity of Se'd to k' svwl caii be regulated ly7' the .screws un- -ler the bottom. It can be run as near to the ends of tlie rows and as near .'stum us the plow can go.-' ' SZT As there is about 1500 of the Edge combe Cotton Planters in Use in AVilson and adjoining counties we do not th'.nk it necessary to publish any of the. many flattering testiniQ. .nials we .have; 'reeived. , We ra spectfullyrefer to nearly all of the practical fanners in tKis .'section as to its being the simplest, best, and most practical -Planter on the mar--ket. I' '. :-!. : FOR SU.K PY ' .'": Rrauch, Uadloy & Farmer Agentitfor Wilson County. Mr.lo-tf 1 i ; 1 ' We will not weary you with statistics telling how. - .'yESSRS. ' MAZE THEIB ' ' BET SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON, Or how much they, make daily, neither will we presume to give an opinion aa to its quality. It i3 more important for you to find out : Whether the thread is strong and will save-you time and annoyance? .Whether it will run on your Sfewing Machine? Whether the colors will match all the fashionable: shades, and work well on silk goods ? The . only rjossihla wav fto arrive at the truth is to. - tf1 -i ; USE THE THREAD YOURSELF I v- . i You will then know why it is called SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. YOU CAN 3TJY IT OF: AiKINSONL&V Cor. Nash and Goldsboro' Streets. WILSON, NC. i y : i nw?ST PRICES " ; i- - . ' - : ,, . . ' r . Will Plant Seed COATS Ml 1: '--"-" "r iillNESl HDLE Y & CO. OFFER THE FOLLOWINO STANDARD FERTILIZERS FOR THF SEASON OF 1S82: "CHESAPEAKE, "PIEDMONT," "OREES - v . v H Pii A ' CX i.M i '( ) U N J " 'KXC E LI j E X Z A , ' ' a nd last but not I - 'f- 5teJLr, "LEE'S PREPARED AGRICULTURAL LIME." : aJrlliUliLrC:AUi'i IN v.iteu '.'-' V 'I C.L.rPHUR, x i . I Of V'irgiuia, Pres. j 1 j FOUR GOLD ...v ,:. '...; OF.-NOltTII CAIIOLINA, f ACTORY. MONTkL ; . Capacity 30,000 Manafactorers of Btandartl Fertilizers BYNUM. DANIEL & CO. AGTS Fcb3;'82 3niJ NASH STjKET, : THE ROCKY MOUNT i Ifefiwosis Are now in full and successful operation. .Refjairod t s!ior n tice. Vernon Ohio. Iror: Toik. I ' . . , ' t. " I ilTUl a"l"H'll rural I m ti f.ix. n t j rS n-ui-- -.... : ::ri, J- L ji iiwimiuiuur new UVAIVI J1UU.1 lUrt.N llock j Mount ColJon Plow ;;v;: " :,,! i . .'.. - 1 . . " - '. ' ! V- mufco; a specially .,f 'tl;.. Ouri ' pIo?,- t.ok first Premiura at tile Eastern .larohnst r :nr ol lb81. I lu y iire said bv judges to be PERFECT. " . BLACKS M I T HI IM G $c REPAIRING Of all JcinA of nmchinery loh.e ut.uler our hwn mspervi.i.inaiMl our work Kiinrantecl V keep in ,t.,c k a full Itne of all siZesiof stenm an 1 water pipes :iti.l ownm-clioTjH. hr l.tt.n. for ,e lie .U rll a PLVNlX(i MILL, Ac. In nnkinS thtauiSeSS we ask : fthye -f the pqlronae fraia our friciuls an 1 tiie i.uMlc. . ,5. iv. 1-uuATAlA, Man. , . - -m area iy ; r FIRST IN THE MARKET S - ' " f . " ."'.'" .liliillSUll i' H illTl'll. have the largest and finest and handsomest stock of Rent's; Furnishing 'CSS M1? vhite Goods, Hosiery fc. iieep constantly ou hand a lare an l Vell-seleeted Ktnelr nf gMULlSll SHOES fM'SZ'iV' rV; Soliciting patrona-e, wl.jchVe shall merit by fair dealings Very KGpectftilly, " "1 5 J Jl 0 orAer Tish and Goldsl lit 4 . ;::sp niNor & summer suits. " v ' - ' " ' " . ' r- '.' i. . kVK AltE AGENTS FOR I TAILOR?, NEW YORK, AXD II AVE j OX UAXD oOO Samples of Casaimeres and suitings the latest styles and desims torbpnmj and Summer Goods, i We take measures and tniarantee fits. XO FFTpXp TAKE. Call at onr Store and exarnim - Giuino to call and SEE US"a 2E2m .. i i 1 N. WILOoX, ! Of North Carolina Se. ATT MEDALS, issi.. SUPEltVISOlt OF AGENCIES, ANT. 0PP.:ST GEFOLE Tons Per Annum. and importers of Kainit and Chemicals. WILSON, X. C. 'AH kind .of machinery made to order. Company, jAgents for (lie ce'elr;ite;l G & C 0cr Euine, of Mint W e are firettarrd to " " " 1111.13 I.I I Mi fUirill .:.... n ..r e . . vph. 1 e niiinim ui. lariucrs aiuvdal! m i I lAJ W , s und S. K. FOUNTAIN. W. B TAYLOR, Proprietor C DUNKLE, j ri s -r Tr vl. 1 ..... V.T, gomls, Spring and v louvre aii(J varied (ioods, Embroideries la- A SPECIALTY. . Pleased Jtoec his loro Streets, Wilson, N. C.Sl AVARREX & BAltXES. ' 1 '$ ; ." , Pr '''''' ' O C O EXCELLED BY - wn 4-r m:ium; r i. rr its vav: 1 row' no Fertilizer,101bs Cotton; 1 row 200 lUs Pocomoke per acre SGiu r i Nkwukrxk. KCJ.'licceiuW 17 V .1 made an experiment with rocoMOKE, applying it to Cotton nhl'i, -fln-rmerovr not iSprtllftem-lA'teili WitlTrlton: on the ,,f of the same length, and under. similar moke at tne 5 rate Of 200 puuhds per aere'I hindc 30 ppnuds of ed ('0tt H)" I- rtiftnirrwl with PnrnMniff nt tho ruin nf Jiutn i- "!, )b similar 'rows l.iade 4H pounds of seed cotton. 1 in made 12 pounds seed1 cotton to the,rv, ag:unst 3J piimtds on the eroluH manured. ' '.-' " ! - ," . ? Wii.sox, -XX-Nyvember 14, 11 I sold your pocomoke to about seventy five plants, and it i,a " universal satisfaction; the best evidenceof whicliiUluU thev all want it v'T-e I can report 625 pounds of lint cotton to an acre, manured with iikmo ' can get you many eel tificates. ; : -r-rf . v s f - $LV-A. Yof-vr -1 ' ! 'PocOniOke oyens anif hiaturesail the Ihiwls. ' ' Mi': ' "-' ' ' ' , ' Xkwrkrxe, X. C November 1st. ixi Lsed pocomoke on svnuip doubled the yieldjof cotton. I five I have ever used. It Oieus ahtT matures all the bowls, 011 the stalk''' - v Ttecommended to Cotton Plantelr. " VA-. '. '" : ..',. TakmoroN. C.,lXtober, 10 issi , I have used three kinds of Guano thisSpringj and lW-iixirtKK is mv r'h I expect to use no b titer nextye:ir, and ciui ntoniiuend it to nil Cotton 1 1 ers. ' " - - J.ir. MooKr Cotton bowls better and matures earlier where Piwomoke i usi-d .' Draieorv Cocntv, X.,'., "November 1st, lssi' T he ton fjf p(omoke purchased of you was used on' about nine r'r . land in cotton, and am satisfied it paid well. : The cotton matured enriiir r bowled better "than - where other fertilizers were used. I trot nw in aa where'pocoMOKE was .applierl, 500 pounds seed cotton at first nhkiuV- 1 from lo rows alongside of it ilnmanured, I got only 400 pound. 4 It sustains the Am pleased to report most favorable results from the use of vour hu fertiliser, under my crims thi seasim. J like itliefter than aiiv uther'-th.! i il.ave used. It sustains the plant during drouth better t bin other used. .Prefer It to any XJuatio, and wilb ue itagidn uext wwon . ' r uny eouai to reruyian, ana will double the quantity he used lat senu: . . T . . . vxv"' .; December 13th, USl. best, ful y eqal to Peruvian. I liave used maijufaHured Guano ver miil- l! war, and next season will use ten tons of pooomoke-IAMEH J. TA YLOR Analysis by Dr. C. ;W. Darxey, State Chemist of North Carolina . r . 1 ' ItAi.Kiii,;N. C, March i3, I8ij Ammoiua,, - - - r - ner ct. v5(.4 K.s.at Avail; rnos. Acaa, insoi. " . . ," ,.: - Potash, K. O., - - a- t Til . . - 8.80 - 1.(8 3.8 Freeman; 'Lloyd. Manufacturers uifaeturers NOHFOLIv, VA., and POCOMOKE, 311) - f WU,1U' feend lor circulars, Ac. For i ale by Feb. 173m J ; Oil THE, FARMERS. ESCAPE FROM II IGII PRICKS. Ail (he leadiii briuuls (f Guaiio now oflered , for sale r:r 400 Lbs. GT THE IB ZE ST Farmers Look to Your Interest. THE OLD STANDARD RRAXns fIF fill k XV TTrir' nrcT triTT-p Offwojl for. sale , 1 Ley are the 1 11 V, lor. many-years have main tai nod tlicir superiority over all othor competitors. ; There Ls no better (iUAXf) in the mar- ivcrt -uuin tne ioiiowinj: brands J s k A l ) l ,f; v 'S, W H A N X'S PHATK AND KAIXIT. V i -,,e?fore Purchasing their fertilizer Farmers would con suit their interest by calling on uk, as we an make it to their ad vantage to buy from us. - . , Rountree Febtf T Uhea Too te Norfolk Stop at the Jordan House Restaurant and Hotel NO 30 WFST MARKET SQUARE .S AT ALL HOURS ON THE KtfltOPEAX Olise l tent. :i11t Iiu-jIA . ,.r t r.i ",;"e1V" - j-1INGI.Oo,$1.2.j, ?K.T0. PER DAY WlUAlH Al ALL linilltH he .J nlti House u tent. ;iI1t Um-aIA .rf I tllr.biic bm.dmgH a. d.piarei.of amusement. The. lie lion u enllv dtr-ir o,c lMrinS.biineM in iNyrf.lkf miM. a, F, n.er-. Mrrcl.ant-. tmHerciiI Traill ;e,T "a "ljeV' 1 ,TC ''""S "otd Tab! with home co.nforW thi 1. Uicbm.ding a .d.riiare of amusement. The lie tion i- iU de-iraMe f r o.-c liaTins'busine- in ..rf.!V nl. u P. ci-llr commind it-df. Thw hoiua - . . " n vv alu iiu 1IUW a BUiJJLJ III rM.ii to Milr tjjedtnmiwl, ORDAN HOUSE. Amos P. Jordan, Prop. Norfolk Va ILL OF1-ARE. A siKXDID DIXXKK FKOM 12 TO 3 O'CIXX-K ONLY .'K)CT FrM IVefi.tes.x .. t. ............... ..2o hrfd lfeeC..k ami Un oti 2o I ried ft-eCieik. Oiuoim a.ul P,utoe 25 liroile ! If.tmk r. Fry f Pnrk-tMk ....... ........ w, ..-25 I-ry tr tlm rii4 Eg ;...- try oLtTteM,. . ...... .. 2: ry of Sauna pe, . ' ; i 25 fy. "fMil M1 Uoiniiir f ry or F.hh . .5 . 1 ... . . ........ . u try of Yral Chors Hroiletl Matton'CbAiM... - ' ' " 2Tj b rtr of Lier. ,... ;...25 h ry t f Iripe. . . ..... Mew of Omcis 25 Al ilk Stew t,f Oy.ter "...JZT..'1'i S"?. ,n1 cf--- ' ......10 KrB Cake, and CofTe v...0 Fry f .Soft Crab, .... V. .......o", Kroiled Cbit ken v ah ie suxve orders wUJi Uoliee ,r,c t-xtriu Scvcd every day from lLtu, 1 o'clock. MOKE 020 FOB -COTTON, 4'T"' cultivation, but manured . - -nrr m-. with .ur. reo. iAwisf nave a tpw J. THOMAS AVETIim v7:Jn. land, and ani satisfieil that its aiinitV. pocomoke nreferonee over un,- r...?..10 - : ; THOMAS nvMc . w. 1I.HWANXKR plant during Proutli. JJPAXCHV1LEE. ti Novenibpr 10th iwoi i r : ' .. -v,v.., J. SIM View 11.28' 22.(J0 l.5 C.20 i n it' j 1715, 21.(1 77.8 ii i 12!c. Cc. 8 c. y. Mason are MIDDLING COTTON. first ever roWin. rth Carolina ad which v,e aro offering this season: rRESTOX'S, 1'ATAPSqO, ACID PHOf &-Co. WJIwSOX,XC. T TUT.' l.- 1t ttv a V IT A V r.r .. .f . i . .i ( i. ...; m. .. .n.l l.n i... . Hilf Fry of heofrteak,.......w ' H lif FryV.f Iieenk and Ouin J5, Iall Fry of IWiVlok, Oniom u4 Ttityei 1 Ifalf Order of Broil! Sieak ..-2 Half Frr oflJjin atxl tLes - 15 Half Fry of Ort-rir.J ...... .....1. 15 fJIf r"ry or.San.iage.... Half Fry f Sanuasre and HomiViV'.'l.... - 1S Half Fry of FmK .t:... . , H !la!Irj;of vip 14 Half Order Uroilud 11 uon Choi.... f Half Fry of I.irer ....... ... 15 Half Fry ofTrii.. ...15 ...15 ;..2o ;...io :...is Half Stew of Oyster ' Half Milk ytc-y of Ovtern.... Kack wheat and (.'lR-e . Half Fry of Soft Crat....M..;.. All tlie above li ilf ordr wiih eofle ?Ki wP, JO,,tD,AX Weit Market Square. o ccr.tH extra. .:-t:'-,-"": .1 00

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