' ' " 1 ' ' .: fc.ir.:t-; a.iMTMrf : - 1 1 afr-" bVhK faB, j ; v ;l,; : tlnt AingpiUi&inaCainpiny . ; :v . , . r r , 1ET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUHTRY'S, THY COD, AMD TRUTM,S.''" l u l 4: , -JwcsUt Danltli Cui ; y -u;....: t t j-s t .y.,,,,,,-. j . . T ' ' " : ! . ' " " ""' '"-" "' 'ir . - - - - - - 1 . .' , . . . . - ..'1 .:'" Irf-t poet iitly Vlrean amTsing uw- t Thf Wnty of Jb win4y,MpriiiT Aul iii green fiHl Maying:-" letter by fiir is a: winter nigh ti: When Known lie Wp And hart I atxt white,-. - i -;..;';l:.":1:u,; " . '. And jitar.H lnok d6wn "with" twinkling :.lv tit On Nan and me" oat Kleighiiit The moonlitfttt makes a fairer day The, riKtltM! hour seem to iijty 4i()h, whv are you delaying, .. They Hpurn. the j ground with flyi ,mg The :loii;h ? lxll- 1 tingle rkar; and 2saiiie'rt and mine out Mei Meighing- f r : K ft. i -ji ' My love tlien ne.stles near." my arm, Aniong"flie Inrs ;o;soft . audwariu. ; : And F7 fn hwrc ulyiiig? i -Hi;' j liend down to teu lcr : bnnihg eyes lend down to cqto'h her, loving sigliK, And (A! the, timu Um Mwittly tiies When Namie und r . are sleighing. A For the m rn, when friend aTe by) Nannie is always stilf and shy ' She heart not Whsif I'm Wylng : Hut nestling iirnij- sleigh I kjiow She answerr every wbi jrer,!ow ; , . Ah me !how quickl vloye ran grow. 'Wheir' Xuhnieahd l'art rsiejgbing. i-.ZZ V'L i . " : f 1 woo?'d her iii the summer bright, . In .'fntiv.4ance- Und1- moon liht ' njht, j i And 011 the hcji sands stra.vihg ; ' Hut oh " for nil 1 1 would not mis The eag(WjoyiltieJerfef bILsi,sv The wlrisiHircdlYeH," the trembling -. kiss v . ; " . : When Nannie 'and I are sleighing. , Harper't JYeeklg, 'j : 7Ir.i i;vi:k fi:w lakdladt 1IT HELEN WHITNEY C'LAKK. ('I won't say leware of th window riicle Simon," laughed Mr.. Fever few's nephew, as he parted from his fesiectl nncle at the railway tu iioni Hat- willljijr .Uiewar rafl-tlie lan dVadTesr T$i ey'r e dangerous. All's lish that comes to tlicir net,' ami : you'll fctrh im onn hook yet it you don't l(MTc out." . a , ; Hum, hum ! psever AarJ Nephew Merryvane, nevr tear !'" j retorted iiis uncle. "It's! hard to 5 catch an old bird withcliafL" 5 1 Hut nevertheless he resolved to be on his guard, j - ! . f. I She's an excellent housekeeper,". muttered Mr, Feverfew, tohimsclf, as Im-finished his sitneer of htraw berries, wiped his mouth on the i'reshly-iit)i)ed napkin in his lap, and retired t his own room. I '"An exwl lent housekeei. liCTejcated j Vbut there's no danger 1 in -thatruarteK It is nire tohav the house always in applopic order, tltfi floor a y? kite as Koap ;uid elbow rtate chi make' em; hut I ain't a-goiiigtobe made a cat's paw, of, and marry I my -landlady, houHekcepcr or hc housckeci)er I She ain't mj style, Miss Sparsely ain't, anyway. She's; - every- whit as old :vs le thirty jsix if she's a day. N ow if she was young, smd pretty, like that girl on the train, with vel vety cheeks and a dimpled chin,: I mi;ht te done for ; but as it is, I'm sale . enough, i Hesirtes, there's a mystery here.; jl never ee any help alxnit the. house, and it stands to reason Miss Sparsely don't do all the wrk herself. Jilost likely she's gi)t Mmt nice 4r cousin t Ji a -t ftloes the heft ol'tho jWtTrk when f "ain't around. Snubs her unmerciful!, too, 1111 Ik bottndi H'mM must . look into this." 'i j "Not pone yef, Mr. Ftiverfew f" 'cried Miss Sparsely, mineinff voice, as she 'made her appearance with a long handled brush and a dust pan in her hand. uNever mind HI cofhe bai-kl again ! nftef awhil And she" whisked away returning in a short time to tincl t h ? ,rqoiu vacant.'; - 'VAfJ ' y He's pone !"' m nt t e r c.d Miss Sparsely to' herself; "and Won't lie, back ho fuorc till nooii. "Ucg'lar as wax works.be is, and dn'tt tfive no tronhle at all ; , Newr grumbles at the apple sass -nd Wit eat griddle cakes it they hev been, off the tV? - nye mumtesiiiThaf something for iu i(i,i;u'ueior jie mnw 'inrnere-i '.twtm't lo to 'be a tslinp the mornuig away like this : w nmst ' biake: hay ' liileMie juu shines' .'Wbere; kin Hiantliabe f 1 : if . 1 1 wanted two long honm till noonv The dew wasiutly-driel.onthe long meadow grass, and the morniug Klorien shatling; Miss Sparsely "a west lsrch, had not if et closed their purple 'Uis, wlien Mr, I Feverfew sauntered Miiietly up neat gravel walkbetween rw of - scarlet geraniums, yellow inarrigolds and prime .old rmtidish toueh-me-nots. ( h'-,-"''.."- He walked soltly through the fresh tnirtv napkins are scoured: hall, opened the floor of hisrc,arri;d awvlailv bv room, ami .started back in sur- i pnests. An extra cha: 1.1 c v lrisc : lor there, carefully arrancrinor "i i T 11 i - li ftand, stood a vision a lovely vision, with velvety red lips and a dimpled chin the very girl whose sparkling Yes and gold ,brown braids had at rracted Mr. Feverfew's attention on the trin. ' Mr-If yrJewrwwi jioi phuL rt .J cme ba?k for iiiv-. nw tMfM h& waiHjgoing to sav hot ehanr ' fpu uie wni i4 nanntercniex. dMft't k mnrM'ws firstN5slf rliadrcom ty Iw addetl, artfallyV !; , votr, I aint: conipnYi4' ' ' exptuiifvl the girl. rm only f)iantha-lMii HnarervVnleee--di'id I've been cleans higlfp your room." ! ? - T Mreverfew glaneeit aronnd ttie ' rooin.l "Tlie raif earnet looked brieht ;s 'A a button, alter daring one 'jta look at t liem ; arid the tall, braw candleKtickK had been rubbed till they glowed like : jK)linhed gokl. 1 44 Hut don't ronr ! aunt ' keen an v lielp !n - Ventured Mr.' ,'Etyerfew, .in dinuitiiiK tyn jit nic nine brimn finr wUk-h had accompluih. : "Nobody 'but me," aaid Diaiitha , brightlyr r. - uu j -I)iantha !" called a shrill -voicel The girl darted away, and Mr. Feverfew sat down , to eolnpoae Jiixa- Keif., ' . r;. ' ,. : ? Sins exactly what what I thmightl he 'muttered. ; uAnd - Miss Sparsely keeps that girl hid whh I'm around. Artful creature ! But I'll get ahead of lier yet." ' - ' - If it was Mr. Feverfew's intention to mr prise Miss Sparsely . aiidj worry her life out by looping in on her , at tbe most inopportune and unci pec t- e) montents, he was" eminently snc cwssful. For what with expectiug him when he did not com,,"she fwuldti't t skeerfdy tell f w bet Iter her soul was hey own," as : Miss SpaiSely expressed it lierself. She never, assereed riow that Mr. Fey erfe5v; was Mas reg'lar ra x-works., indeed itb'declarel thatT -lie Was as unreg'lar as a body could be, and must be petting unsetled :n his mind." Hut with all his manoeuvers, 3Ir. Fevertew never can gj t Diantlm denning' InsrotmT again. Once or twice she whisked past him in the hall, and disappeared likea willi the-wisj ami oiice he met Jier in the laiurtyiii.v si basket of red moun tain r finger.? ;ha'd picEVd. "And still Mr. Feverfew persisted. '. IHantha will you .be . my wife t mine to love nrid cherish while life shall last f" , f , ,Theywere standing tpgether,:aiikle deep in the tall orehard-'grass, by the pa-tim' barn- , The?bripht sua, sbim4 neririg rhfougii theleafy oakX rleclce! the bronzed-brown braids with their ruddy light. - 4ifx i Diaiitha tfropetl her golden lashev and her cheeks grew red as the vel vety ietals of an Indian pink. She was alxmt t reply to tho pas sionate question when ' Diautha h3IrsXHiarsely !" called a rhrillYoicer heres two gentle men here wants board. Kiu you tak'emfV;.! p;y It vas Misjf Ri)aVscly. Piantha laughed. ., Mr. Feverfew started. - ' t .She called yon Mrs. Sparsely," he said. What does she- meanT , f4! am Mrs. Sparsely," she returned, as they started toward the : hose.: ul am your land-hulayv" f c '-A f-Yori -you the land Jady !" stain inered Mr. Feverfew," hopelessly puz zled ; butbut yon ain't, you know." Uut I am. I' ain Mrs. Diantha Sparsely, and I have been a widow for two years. After my 'husband's death I did plain sewing for a living; but it nearly killed me to sit and sew all the time, and. I had to do some thing yoti know. So I concluded to try ltoarders, and, as I was rather young ami ine.erienced, I got Mr. Sparsely's aunt Miss Susan to stay with me and overlook things. Hut I "do most of the work myself." i - , . . . '. " What did I tell you Uncle Simon!' laughed jtmng Mr Merry vane, sis he hook hands cordiallj w.ith his new 1 uI)idn't I warn you to beware of landladies Tr IV ,)c O " IJirt 1 r; Feverfew looked in to his wife violet eS es with a smile ' of satisfaction, and bore the raillery without a word." ' ,- -. -file's a luckv dog afte all," nwt- tered the envious nephew to himself; and if landladies were an like Aunt Feverfew -I'dgo for one mVeJf.n ' r " ... ..There was a desperate affray ; iu New York, on Sunday night in front 0 N0. Eleventh avenue between Morris Gedhey, of 007 Eleventh av enne, and a ITIibctair Indian. The Indian got the worst of it He had bin two arms severed from his Ixxly his hoW broken and his head smash ed. Credney, at the'Yorkville Folic court yesterday, was fined flU. The Indian was a tobacconist's sign and the property of Mrs. Anuie llorack. .;At a New York restaurant f re rpicnted by Wall street men over pocketed and absent-minded An rAU I'HAi 10 iiiauv, a- . v. au uisues io cover inia loss. ! Kate Shelley, the Iowa girl who saved a train, is tnVw mun-irl tr th iKweenim? i the white coverlot ontli' . w-- v ' .t i i eircnmwances 01 tne noutnern ieopie, J plump bed. wa pQtlefia . neatr and j A , - i . . , ? f clean f the freli scoured Y .window ! tin?llt!,vl .atlv: tHtntctorH, and Ftaiir hrttre and Khimmeml a -if , w,nle 'g tliet HUiJenontioa or cb idnctor thereof. He will conduct ver' hopefjul state of affairs was al her to the alter and hereafter have read v attaineil in scholarshiiK for the privilege of providing the train as well a? lunnmy them. COLDSBOaO U10 VTTLCOW. JOL'K!?AL8AYH OF THE GRADED KCHOOLS. Every apecLd locality finally de H,S "WB I1111 tvJw of h1 ,lf 1 iiave long been 011 the lfc "t for the ronimunity, down Soutlx. Which sliould work out a tVn urjlj?Mt AroerRa;HqJiool keeping 8hduid wrirk ielfont into the iorni beit )ndaptcir for lionie ue. In the little cities Of Goldsborb and Wilson, ( N.- C we have lately seen two graded scnooLs wnicn seem 10 us? moieuioi a 8Vstem of (uHt instruction fortowns, uh careiui ; f conimonwhool adauted to the of f Jh i l$ L iextensiyelyjHowlil work aivastltl and most beneficent change in the educational life of thousands of. oin. tnunities throughout the length and bresxltli of our Stmt h-land. : ..:, r These txiwns are a fair type of a sirge nnmler of, country siiats in the Southern " Sraf eS f just ' recovering from tlie wreck of war ' anil looking forward to a new and hopeTul future. Crfmslor6 "contains itodhly. UHH), and WiLson UW0,people, of whoinf(3aroUna iue )reiKiring to try the ex two-third are whitei TJp to last year, the schooling of the; threepr four hundredhit cjuildrejti both places liad been conducted n the urregular and exiensivc way in which we find! it iii 4he t majority f of th ese towns perhaps a hundred bov and girls ofRthesuptfiec .fMniliegath ered in.twselescbopls tor costly for the(lany'and tob Wnait for effec tive teaching j,th aaemaihing bun ilitdqdistributeil ifl 1 ItttftT squads wliereVer aiiy body was j moved to open a jrefugi? for small children, or a church would establish little , ah nex of a parochial school; A few broad-inimled and energetic lopl ssiw tlieir wajr through this muddle to something better, and after a long contestLsecured 'a CchiijfteKempowf enng ine inv 10 ic . in iMiuiuuuni to the limited State stipend to sup porta free system of education. Un fortunately, the colorel ieople were lersuaded to opiose the movement, anil still roiriain under the county superintendence which, for the town, is generally a failure ; but, at last, the children of the white people were all gathered in one dargp free school. In both places there was a vacant school boilding, welt situated wbjfch was sectuel and'pnt 1 11 repair forlhe opening experiment. In both places a Master-superintendent was - placed in snpreme control of the establish ment, with full power to train his surboni inate tesichers, establish a course of study, ami 'organize the new machine. .Happily, .-in' both cases, the choice was a success ; the Goldsboro master being a yon g "Mr. Mows, jrom Tennesee, and the Wil son sui6rintendenta Mr.Tomliusou, of Nortb Carolina 1 1 Both were' ek i)erts, and both went to work W'UU a will, aupirteil at everj step i ? si committee 01 tne reuioHt men- 01 the town : while the people with i singular1 unanimity fell into linej re-! solved to give the new graded school a fair trial. f , When' we saw these schools they - - had been in operation some five months; W'ithViio disposition ri ti exagerate, we can honestly say we never saw so"rinieh goes! work5 jlone for a commdnfty in five months in any State of the Union, .-j Tlie chil dren were there in force, the atteud aiice exceeding that of the majority of cities and towns in New England or New York ; and the enthusiasm of tlie youngsters over their work was something beautiful to behold. The teacliers were irorking wjth greal energy f and liarnioriy, meeting ever week for instruction in methods by their siiperintenderity ." and doing their level best in the school-room. The difficulties of grading in a crowd of such -diverse ' material bad "been overcome 111 a remarkable degree r and the instmction- in all -'grades,' with the text-books, was of tbe best type. At the upper end of the school waa cuub of superior tndjenl rndcr the special 'training ,0 th master, which in time will W devel ,1RU1UIV 11 it lit 111 M Miiw iw iruru : prs on ' a iuignf-scnooi section. iui iri8 ,ni ..if,iraiuwi , , theunperintendent sent the greater portion of bis time in actnal super-! vision; under this arrangement, a tbcc Sout 1cm Itove and girls arc Wonderfully bright, ami -repay' good teaching ten-fold. 1 . Il But the most remarkable achieva ment waat.tlie pomtwlwrer S00U1 eru school-kerping lrs leen; weak, viz: ,the diseipline.7 "liv a most hai py adaptation of monitorial aud semi military organization retTpry? .room was handletl with complete snecess; the children, jit recess' and dismissal, kiiir exwllent onler; and the prob lem of discipline, the combination of frewlomrfpi work and drilLfor gov ernment, most remarkably, r .solved The hal been but oiie case of cor,Kr al; punishment, and that of im signifi. cance, in either school!;; 0f f toursd the moving xwer was tbo enthusiasm oitbe ehilren and tbe high : inbhc spirit in the school room; "but the in Lgenuity, - pC- tlwj imipcrjntendent i utilizing the Southern love of mili- V . S: f -' r tary organization clenched the nail ind gave an almost' idosd order in ie seluxl-iTKUn. The most interestiiiff sight of all wibeJbmuiHtyrin irrelationslto the new graded school. It lead be come the passion of the place; the sight to which the best people took teir,. Irven4,froi sibroad; the I fown talk; the pride of all classes. Every day visitors from other parts of the State were looking on with intense interest, and a dozen towns in North neruhent. fir is- Nlemonstrated that for fa,00Qja -ear, a . Southern town of2,000 pebpTe can sujort;- A finU efass gradetl seitool 'fiwr bothaces; provided all bands; will take hold a few of the best people will serve sis trustees, and an exjert master su&cr intendnt can be placed'at the lead, with. pweH$-$jr Jeit tjiiuiitan should be from the South,- and there are plenty of , superior young jnen and women who will answer the call for . this work.- There are already many excellent public schools in the Sooth, both, for white and colored children. J$nt no where liave We seen all t lie difficulties of the sitna tion so happily' overcoine as here. We uayise purN Jug Soiif u bv Northern friends, travel tle-Ralroal Coast Iiine to stop and lok at the Wilson and Goldsboro Schools; and every South ern town that is moving in its educa tional work will do well to send a delegation of its !est men and women to bring homo a report of the way to 1 ' -1 a e ? ouim up a mmiei system 01 - wje in struction of all its children, in a free -x 'r... .-i '....lt-'ir. gi aie Nci. WIT AND IIUHOR. i ' far - The strength ofari alligsitor's jaw " - & it' IS" .J9.-. has been found to be four times that of a horse. He lias to have some reserve X)wer in ca.e he gets hold of a darkey over 100 years old. A Georgia man trailed an old buggy for, GOO I acres of land some thirty years agoTandihe otlierlday he txk a trip down to the locality and found a village of 400 inhabitants. 011 his purchase. - " . ' V .' ;. ';;' Were there no rogues, there would be no limit, to Heaveir; were thero no honest hieii the devil s-occupation nucvi (iit-ut iiht iir til f-n.vMi;iiu ild be gone (Vhite hall Times, eacber to a small !hjv: mW hat would be Teacher : doeH tbe prf verb Hjiy aboiit those j who.nve ? ni' glass houses rT' man boy; . ,"11111 down the. blind?,1 . fllBEtlBI TOR omisiiDnaiFisn, Baekach, Sonntt 1 a Chsf, Qomi, Qttitny, Sorw Thibet, Sweflinas 4 Sprmins, Btrrns end Scalds, s t, i - GaMaraf Bodflf Paint. . ; r.k Fmk mm ummJkm Fd Fm and Fun, nnd mil wthtr Paint . Ko rwTrMrn on earth eqtls St. Joo On. m ms nrr. miwtpla nd mj External HaaaMy. A trial enteila bat the compamtircly trlli oatlar Of C'ewtm. and ctspt cne tuCerittg vith pala can tear eba and poaiUve proof of Ua daims. IMractlooi in Bern Langoapra. SOLD BT ALL DBUQ0I8T8 AJD DEALU H XESICTJrs. A.VOGEUCH iz. CO., rjr t"1 vKAM- 1j ' on Huggies, phaetons 8ix-st Cairrhtges, Jggor,Wagns Top and no Top Ac. Send fbrclrcular . i v PATRONIZE I VfeinxTf Cii do tJ well ft lea. Huoh F. Murray . ,, ! 4 RefrriM ttitiarcct, TlieaptM, tad olilrat , XUeukf Life ; luMnunc: XotubM doing -lxiMiia in . 'iUB. Ci Urn omV buinrM aud h will nnd hw mottf kr arnooj; Jroa.' . : , ; - ' Mr.i7-f , , . IGRICULTURAI.LIME5 Uk'M'iii. V-'f.i -- '-4 -.' 5 i-S Ji J 1 th . -v.-m.-i AD mi M .i1 CARBONATE OF LIME 1 Best and Cheapent Fertlllzera ' ' . h ALSO Building I4mt. at; St.25 Far Sarrtl ap.14-31 Rocky Point, NfC. HALIFAX, X.Xjr; Watches, Clocks and.flne'4ewalry repairing done nMtly and' with dU- patchr-orrlers solicitea.-vj pr7-Cm Just tTyeft'typmifa de posits a cargo of Genullie No 1 Peruvian jGuuoi, bici offer in North Carolina, having paid State Taxes. , t' j ,wmngton,y.C. Ranted. ' -'IzLV-'' ' By a man of over t wen ty years j ex Ierieiicej a position as manager f a first class Cotton r Factory, some where in North Carolina. Highest refereuceyS. ,: , ..4 , ; hr,- Address Manager. Box TM Williamantic, Conn. Apr.l4th4t w ANTED. A , good Buggy workman, of study habits to work in the Coach ; Shop in Marlboro, N. Appl v to " ! 1 1! ! FiJOYNER A CO., Marlboro, Pitt county, N.C. ' - FRENCH-S Superior n :Golosh6 I ha fragrant and lasting; perfume; for t.he toilet aud handkerchief, 25cts a Vial 4 I TcT?T!rtfr!PPKI VirgmiaTonic Bitters cures Dyspepsia, Chilln and Fever and all disordarsof the liver and stout - ach, 50 cents per bottle, : .. J .SiTT'Jt 1TB Never fails to cure.Diarrhea,' Cholera . Morbus Pains and Cramps in the f stomach, 23 cents jCvlal. FKBf?Cf If is the best for Khevmatfstn, Neural 'rf- ; gia, Headache, Palnn; BrUfsesdcW sjissasaswii ,yHwtMw ? 5 PKENCH'St Theibesr n' iha: W'orloPfor rrtenrflng broken! FunUt u teizToftt&Vt4vlfc i ware,. Ac. Price -2 eanta a- Vial. Manufactured only hy ; s; 2021 t - ROl Kaml RTE. an4 iPUWaCI47SJ-R- fAKED- C11KM1CALS, lr mtkimg -1f iUI.t4 K.-KRKKC1L'. wt If - xTim 'l'. L 1 11 "' ' - - GUARAKTEiml V O BE Tff E BEST IN THK JUAitKET. '. HAS THE BEST RECOMMEN DATION. FOB SALEBT THE PRINCIPAL MER CHANTS OF WUSON, TOIS AND BLACK CREEK. vlsTrricfrit t ita Ones liin ARNICA l: ilk ! ' f. "r '5 WOFTl.tr, A. .M. 8 J AltO, FtvprfetitM. Islied, Cetitndlr locatd, Wood ' AlOllABL BAItBIM. ' TAknoito n't wiiJKyy jr. c. Having oponed m flm-ctM - Carber ho pollcita th patronaga of thoae who w Jab good work dona. Satiafaa tion IQuarantaad: Julyl&-ly NOTICE. 7I conaaauenea of tha death of Gav. It. GrlQn it become neosraanr to aaa tla taabtnlneiwoftheflrm of Uriffln A Murray. AILperaona fnde!ted to said firnj will plaae call at their , placa of business and settle at ones. Burvlrlng partner of (Irifln A Ma ray. - bx-'ttc. , S7,VV?rSeidner: WUOLESAUI LI Q 0 UH DI A L E R, r, Ho. U RantaCquar ,! -Ordtrs promptly attended to aof Mchlt atetlsfactfan Quarant. ' 1 fit J. R OHAUA. - A' .NIT-ATLAW. INFIELD. M. C PrMtUai JMh. QmH JWifrs, JUga. mmUkU War ft. i ik Subthm, aa4 ra4ralUMrtr KwaUNlIal. ilek ilcsS iW A ijttIrrsona 1 ; ....r : - AMahtlc Taaiidry, I 208 j Water street, . iorfWk, Va. Manufacturer ofvery XeacripUoaxf Cattiagf,. Irta tad Iran, ! ;. At short Notica and Baltlaaora pricaa. NExtraClna ibr Patteras en Iland of ,whJeh I have qolta ? '-:-u rEtapiiva-rVariaty. tSFJIiphfsi paaAViM pUdor JittmU. Martk 10 I rar. - , Tt tt CKtssscf VTlUta tsl - aijactst Tawca ' Wa, tlia uadniSad.. laava ta aaU yaar altaan'aata The Richaoad Ir IWPaist t Ccatat Would a Klad n corret(oiMl witk roa ca tht tablet f yaar atra iaurart, Wa will warrant a tig kt IW ararr iaaaatt aad will Mad fma tat Waal af Tartiaioeialt at tHfJieatwa, Ratpactuliv ' Maitkll-tai Claldt WH 7b th4 Jtuites o tAi jvwe 0 ITUtaM tfctmfy.- . Yau are horoby notlMed vo maaita tba the Court Houae In the town of Wll on pn the fourth Monday la May 1882, to determine whether the In ferior Court of Wilsoix County thall ba discontinued. ; ; i 1 . By order 'of .JJia.JliitIw-..'-- r A.t. BROOKS.. Chairman of the Board of justices af 1 tha Peace tt Wilson County. Jlavinr been appointed Raeaivcr of tne latenrm or Farmer A, Wain wright, all persons indebted to them are hcre- tb notified to come fiinravrl ami maka - wishes. against tha same will nreaant tham Lproperfy authenticated for adJaat- 4 meat. -- . . .. . aft-'" . J. A. TYNES. OT. Utb, machinery belonging to tha late T. A. ainimglii, we ara now prepared U build ntw, and ie- ; - .t - - - ,' - y .... piir all kinoJ lot . , , j . n aChj Jf E B T. - ; - . - , rrrWa keao constantl v on Hand pipe and fittlogs Also ralrea of all lOndj. . CottoB pn fitted op ta tint-class order. - Special atUhtoiil gifen to r fitting up Hill work. faiirAi f ttii' ntshed on all kinds of work. Or ders aolielted, and prompt executed. - Wmu Benton, WILSON. X. C. Ur. l-tf. TJOTIGE 1. Meaaar. H. B. Baaroa. t 4 ' ' . - '- ' " fflilllllC ollU IS. nUNTTO,P.D.8; i otnes at . EX FIELD, K. O. l-lt-am. ICI TnE. DBRSmXEDL Kay ftn. ad a co-partnership for the practle af maaicina in th town of Wilvon and ftdjolofngeoaatry. Ratnrnlag tbankt to their patrons ft their libral pat ronage, they aollcit a continuance of tbe tame. Office on Nath 8trrt orv poatta tne Court ilouselaUly occupied by Jas, ti. Woodard. Kma- whm ona. or both may be alway found when not praiaationaiiy engaged. V. U. fEACXKJK, M. D W. a. AM)k:iLS)V . n aaaT.iy. PETEBSflUBO, -VA. RDistlllar, lteflner and WhalaaaW J Jquor Dealer . ,.- . gyeamore Btraet, ' Kaaps constantly on hand a full stock of Liquors, Wines, Ac. Myer'a malt ad Rye "SL'XNY ftOUTII" Whlskay uaanrpasaad. Ordant solicited a4 satisfaction guarantead. Fab IWra &' MY BBS. TALCOTTA S0V8 Shockoe Machino 177 BICHUUND. VA. Uaaufactarwra f ParUbl and Mlattataw ttriBflB and BoUvra. Saw If ill. .-It rirUal UUla,Sbaftiog, UaHfia aiul Pallaja urew naiar nawaia, iwoaoaw raatanr tttehiotfy, WnHicbt Iron Trk, Bract uA Irta Caatlara, Maahkiafy at awry daaarlp- tkm. , " OWN MO TBRISHWO MACHDiEt A Sl'tL lALTT. Rcpakiiig Promady sa4 Cartedly Daoa. Talbetf Patent Spark Arractatv Tlnr lavmla afUia Ato. ft dwt not dvatrur ta draft. Itoaca hH iaterftra wlih tAaaioffe IU It will aoi aLwka mp aad raqalrat aa tlcaiilaf. . It ixiulnif bo direct lampTt to aa eoaa- lad wliaii raUfair tUaiu idaaiitara batiiy aa MactiDdaUe, ma tbty way aa Ufl oaaa aad altaw tba a parka tu aaoapa. It raonlraa no waUrr u extlngaUb tpaaba artuab, by agAdaaoatlaa, daatroyc tba draiu Baaidct, wbaa water it a tad, If aectanUd, tha aCUnaaey la daatmjad bj craporatioa f tba water, aad tbe butter is keai ia a fllthr eudhka. . UVaimalt tad durable aadasa U ratted upea. ; . - '- i It can be attachad to aaj btller. Ae viauter alioald be wiihoat ana al ibata. Imnraaea eamiiauiet wUI laauea flat aad baraa wbara tbe TalboU Kagtaaa sad Spark Arraatar are ued at tataa lata aaeharfad far water ar bene pawer. OTsead tut Ulaetrated airaalart aaA price JUL Biaucb DooaarOoldabero, W. J. A. Uaaaar, Gueral jlaaagar. ;T. A Otalagar LacalMautgat. 1 aal4-lta Empire Plaster Mills, wilminoton k. c' . Wa are prepared to deliver tha CIST lOU SCOTIA FRESH CX03XD PUSTEJU ((iYPHUM.) IX) W RATRS rOH LAltOB IXTa. . . J. B, ULU8S4JX1 A EVAKI, FebSai wilmi.xotox, k. o. A IfEBICAN HOUSE " . I1BTSIOUTir. YA. MOHT Convenient to all lUilroad De pots and Kteuinbottt IandlDgs. - Batch: First Floor, per day, $i,00 Second Floor, per dsy, il,M. North Carolina Travel is ItetpaeV fullrHollclted. BBOWNLEY SISTERS, Prep-s. Febft-'tt-ly Trr tRADSfa sci bk runs or to-day arr Omukm Ilium are aaaa4 j Ciaur CataC KUmT Llw. If. taare jerrth Xla)M aat Livmnnt airSm irla, aat aealli wlrt a taw rvMll Thla rta aa aa fcMw a irin 4 r, y r y nfiw grtrat Mra)ilVH aUi Cai rWWf Ta m mf mt Weraar-e SaS KJCar a4 Llw Or taark a wtm MMlkrtmiMi af ifcaa Hiwliki. Wi frata a ilU Itiipaaii laaafata ralaaM H twialaa JaM Um aia atw-ary ta laaflaa aaA tavlaaia Wtk iaM grMt avaa. aa4 aaMr rxuri a4 Im tk ta artar. It h t rOfUTITX SUtrUT tor all 14 al tk aa ata ta taa lawaraait af tba aadj fur Tor a4 IJrrr-.H-artatat JaaaCfa Sa-aa Ora I rrrar. Aca-MalartJ Farar. aaa aS CUBa. Haaaf taa KMaajr, Ur aad Vraiarv t Nvaaa. It l a rstatlriM aaU aCa rawtf far ftinlnta rtaf rrrraarr. It wUI taanal Wanaaaaa aa4 2 telaTalaaaU fcc laauatihcanacauitaa-af laawaama. Aa a BlanC rrtar h t aaaaaataa. far t aaraa ' tW rraa' tkat Baiv Um Moad. Tata raaaadr. watch at eoaaaoaa wmSaaa. ta fi a la i aa LA KO EST SIX ED BOTTLE af ear aiMiwtaa i aa aaaa Um aartaC to aaM ar ! I Cata at OKE DOLLiX A WD TWB VKCEJCTS par aanla. Far laatMa. m- aaa alt i TTaVI VK ami lew WAS EX SAFE DIABETES CTT& f t ia a PCWriTE EaaMCr. H.H. WAB2rEfleO.,nortftr, T.

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