- - r v. A' ft By The Aance Publishing Company LET ALL THE ENDS THOU AIM'ST AT, BE THY COUNTRY'S. THY GOD'S. AND TRUTH'S. Josephus Danitls Managtr i " ' rr Sin SI lb !-. $ WILSON, X. FUI1AV, AVRIIi 28, 1882. VOL,. 1? A . - - - - . . : : : ; ! - aO. n Advance. yVii.son', Frii)aV, April 28th, 1882 POETttY. ASIKIA" A. The nitfirer atood in the! cotton patch, Whence all but him Had tied; The whiinetretfs In circles ar6u ind traces Hew ' id his head. -' Yet in-easy, slei-W and black he stood, As lorn to rule the. storm. TiieWitc A nigger of the blackest blood1 Of rough, ungainly form. The mule kickedjhe wiudd not go Without his Raster's; wWd; The master 'in ihje griisjjlaia low His voice noj longer heard. He called aloud: -'Say) Uiassa, say, Mas' I let dis jnulegory ;The master trembled as lie lay, And the niggt r hollered "whoa!" "Speak, massalTonce again he cried; "It I may yet joe goneiy N-aughtlmt whittling roofs replied, As fast the mule kicked on. Upon his browj lie felt their breath, And in his kinky hair: He l(K)kedfronitliat loile post-of death In still, yet Mi ve despair. He shouted but once more aloud: uMy golly- must I stay!" While o'er hint jfast a dust v cloud , In billows mulle its Way. It hid the HI gge' froiiroiir view, And tilled his shiny eye; And rose alove the cotton, too, Like clouds jacross t le sky. iijonstrous There catiie at last out kick The nigger -where, ivas he? Ask of those leilsf hat Hew so thick, For alas! we ould not see: The woikhand; all returned at last, Tlie mule cciujd not je;tbund; Death held thai nigger in his gnisp, Half buried ii the ground. Some of Uncle IteniiiV lews. The Uev. ,Ie ins Henry preac hes to'a' large colored cpngregai ion in Atlanta, and he is not only i spect ed by his own! litce, but by the whites as well. He jsjenerg'etic, jiersistent and devout, anjl in the niidst of it all, he manages tplkeep ail eye on Uncle Remus, in whole spiritual welfare he . manifests greid interest.' -.Uncle". Ue . mus is many iyjears older than the Kev. Jeems Hnry, and his -attitude toward the prelw.her is one of pater nal respect. The old' man, hovever er, is iw.ustou'ed to listen to the lev tures of his voting friend with an air of listless ami patient; indifference which, when .Uncle Keinus' restless and fiery' disposition is takn into consideration, i the next thing to dramatic art of a very high order if dramatic art lies any where in the neighborhood ff simulation. Recent ly the two melj on a street corner. Brother JeenU Henry was going fort h upon a misshifii' connected with his church, w hile! Uncle Itemus was gaz ing anxiously tit the cloudy skies. "lUessyoii,! Iliother ( 'Keinus! e .claimed the ii?eaeher by w ay of salu ration. "How! you come on this mighty long tinief" j, "MiiMlin' . Brer .lemes Hem v de- juiddlin'. Tin soine'iJs j't w .house en de doctor-shop, ' IX it de po' I glad ilum mv hear)idat 'tain't qo wuss." 'That'swhat .1 tell'em all, Biothei Keinus. TheV ought to Ik- thanliil tor ? hat they've got. I hope soon to'sce you Wfiji'kin' in the vineyard Brother Kemiis. The harvest "is - wait in an' dt lalwn-fevv.' ' 'Iat so,Bir Jeems Ilenrv;! stan's id vou dar, i sho. 1 Jut de mo'est w'at erole cripple nigger lak me kin do dish yer kinder wedder is ter set down en wait! waterinillioii time.' 'All t he sajue. Brother Uemus:th .Maisrel's wo'jfk' is got to lie doiH'." I ain't 'si lit in" dat, Brer .leiites " ; Henry, en I ain't gw inter 'spiite it kae w'en I sices you p'iadiii rouml cit proineinatin' up en down wid yo' i.uitiiii conai a siickcii iq, i'ii " ...stove-pipe hat a .sliiuin', eii vo' black tiiM-k coat. a (joppin', len itsM'm Iik Ier i ne I done miss mv calhn . lilts ICS. Heiii y. Y dry. en my Ii rpear fuin lis awav.k lrer--.leeme-8 ii in v bager 'meal run tie- rasher er bacon ds- dc culilH'rcd, w liar I -gwiiiegu any mo; ceppm .llll Will and scuttie limn' alter it. Kn vit, et 1 w ii. stoopiir lip'erds in yo' sIum i. liler .Iceins leiuv. lev am I Uin im niiicii ii v a s utVIe'.' ' I Ihotheiv Keinus!' aske with aii linear smih'. 'How so, ti' piea he 'Moiist'us asy, Bier .lecuw s Hen .V. Illoiist'l'ljji easy. I'd 'ten' d sM'iince met let drap 'cr ting, like ter-night, en hint, en I'd 'ten' d pi -iir meeting', like dav alter-, tei iioi ivr night, en let drap'.i u'er hint .v Sunday de scheme 'ml 1h' plum ipe, en deli I'd rise upen rap de con gicgation tc livin' mens. Old, COIIH en line our fc view de gruin'; en, umP kiv.iei er dat, I l sen roini '! ronti bid jon plate, en, 1 Immui' U, de lic Uime folks cine wistm ronn me, b M Ik- a latf er meal, en a i asher oacon,. eu a piji er iass-.s in de' -iiblM-it-l :il dev. would. honey!' 'iiudoiu vnii talk in !us lMth injiidice when hat style, Iliother He ie preacher. mus, viid t Ter de imtiafies er dat, lhei .leuius Henify xesponded Uncle Jfe- inns, '1 am t mix hole uii ii im in it I des bin tellin1 you Hioutj de ;raiiee w'at ano'eoujit ole nigger named Kenius would er laid out, nerwidin' (lilt ins streak er luck Had er lin d enk en breadt er yone. At this point, Brother deems Hen ry concluded to chanire It-he subject' 'Well, I wish you'd come to class nieetin' next ttuiwlav; Hi other Renins A lady lroni Libeva lis expected to make a little talk. She's at mv housi now, an' you might con e. down and get acquninfed wit h her "Bless aV. shil,IIrer . ceins Ilenrv! my 'omanin davs done gone. I seen de time, eiitain't biii so inighty long go lfer, w en I'd di jump at de. sli ver lady. chance feter call on i di entit'd a done po' hejai tj good ier ter blue phi j i ii on it time done see me s utllin riiiiii ter it- to er de barn : but d pa'. . Ain't dfsli er 1; kdv," conl iued the old man "ain't got a 'script ion paper 7 isli ver la-dv ong wid 'er ?" "I don't know if she. ; lin't, Brother Remus," replied Brotluj r Henry, a i ttr a pause "Ah vi ! dat w'at, I think Sin got a 'scrijition paper, en sin hail linn some s ciety er ii er, w ay on yan, w'at iioImmIv ain't neKer year, talk mi, en she'll git up dar beto' you all wid a bokay er cotlee Veels en peper pods, eil she'll natally l intrance you wid de nii-eness -r dar country ; en lien, lo en beholes, biijeby she'll out w id dat ''script ion- pjaper, eil .she'll iip'n say dat beinV how lem folks i,.... ...... .1 ... ,,;h; .i. ...;i.i.f.- L.if .fll tit r.m ll.ll llllll 1M lllllllA rw Hill der cotlee weeds en dejr j)per ods, she hofe ii tins' dat J eve'y body'll Hing in sump'n ef 'laiij't nuHin' but a ; thriu : en den Uier liastu's'll slap his han' ter his jaw en raise de chune, en de money'H rattle en jtngle, en de ,nex tow ii w 'at de ladv'll slrak, she'll strak it' wid a .bran "new -bonnet. No use to tell me, lirer .leems'iHeiiiy. I done bin dar. I- done bin uin. seasoned"' wid lirother .Iceins lleh ry here con- sultwd au ininiense silv Uncle Iiemus'weht on fer watch w liile ' "No; Irer .Teems Jleni y ; ef you see' dat lady en she ax alter me by name, yiui up'n- tell 'erjdat I sent 'ei howu'y, but don't go ho i udder : Den ef de; take yo' stan? 'puh lat. she take'n jiress de question, -take off yo' hat en tell' er 'dat . wiles you wuz raiii"ru"roun' you mef up w id er ole nigger w at go mo7, gray h;i is dan han he is-money, en djs ole nigger lie up n . lowed, ln , uac el ram 1 no fodder fiu de meetiiig'-house Jt-er de clfft' ken-coop in dat try dan Tw'at 'tis in !5tate er ( Jeorgy' den jioerious conn "dish Nu 1 1 it d dey s lot s cl trouble all Touii ue. wi onal, (luii 'ei lat, en let 'er go." As the preacher, srtiU ing i.n spite of himself,. turned to go lorrii upon ins . - i . i mission, he was follovj ed hv t he sono roiirf voice of Uncle Keinus "Put inv name in Vo' pra'rs, Brer Jeems Henry v UNCLE KEMUS To JfIorrtv. Youth is always counting on to- morrow, which oeconie iu nis minus - ii. eve a sort of fairv-laiid where all his wishes are to be granted; where his dent .will find recognition ; and be coined into tame ducats ; where he hall be rewarded foi the foils of to day, and its depi i :ititis. He does not live for the pies ut, but is always reaching forward toward that undis overeo country wnere. success ami . if happiness await him. In middle lift the tendency is to take the goods the ids provide wit hoiijt haggling about tii morrow, to, distrust - the - vaunted superiority of its privileges. To 'morrow 1 wil live.' ' I In- fool doth say. .Today it self's ton fit.- ; the wise ' lived yesterday" a discovery, which the Latin poet maile'iiiore than seventeen hundred years ago, "and. yet people have gone on -persuading t heinselves t hat it was haidly -.worth wli le jio think almiit VMipynig loday, al.oul reaping us little benefits, vl iciilto -morrow would be .-o rich in all j K Dorado alrea perspective. To ,ood things, such an l.v. be so I -;) lit 1 1 ill III sin e, t here is a pot-try a bout it Whuh en yesler day's realities -caiinjut approach. It rest'iiihles the mountain range whieli looks so jMirpIe andlsotr in the dis tance, but which -pioves so rugged and ditheult on acquaintance. We do not always remember that today is the stutl ot which tomorrow is :.!. tli:it "in ioda alrt-adv wakes to iiioirow," and We say with th liioden jMH-t, "To nidrrow shall Ik' like to-day, -but-' much (iioim- sweet, an iniproveineiit upon t he presf-nt, which never tairlv ineetk t he demand : although this niayj be a fiction ot j human nature, it has its advantages, j It gives an impetus to existence, trj if 1 1 1 -. 1 1 1 t us expected no more ot to nioirow than we enjoy today or pJ st-ssed yesterday, life would -lack : certain necessary tlayor ; and althMi-hJ the niiddU'-a,u'el M-i;suale 1 m-mscivo that they have 'seen- through the illu sion. thev never unite overcoui- th spell, and si ill trust more of'h'ss, in tomorrow, while dmlt inj; its en den t ials to lnorrow, w e (loiiiu.iiio- us 1 I A ' " A eredentials to morrow, which is ifoinlo make up hn all the -short-' Althoiijili Ihis eoimujis ol th' past! C4nfideiice iu the virtues of the future mav -ause iis to postpone the ''duties of the hour w hih watcliiiio- hr its arrival, on the other hand it is j tiito 11. 1 A . 1 ' . "1 asukciv i liuiucc us to "souare our selves for use," lest its -opportumtie: siiouio le wastetl on our lnsunieieiiev W'e do not quest ion but that the habbij of reaching forward may be detrimental, but it is a form of aspir- at ion J If we were sat is4ied with the things of to day, -would not invention cease anil progress crystallize ? latu Praising it. "Wfhile I wasiuTopekalast Winter, said the Hon. Arthur Edgington, 'I had a pretty rough time of it. 1 got a ..bad cold, and then that not being sut'lMiientfv severe, 1 was also attack ed with fheuniatisin. The pain was in.jilv left shoulder.- At timen 1 almost writhed in agonv. I tell you sir, that' the pain could not have been greater had my shoulder been screwed up in a vise. I was utterly helpless, and felt like I was destined to remain in that condition indefinite ly, friends ami lii physician were jroiisin their pescriptions and my roikm skhi hecame a nunature ipotiheCary shop, lint .nothing- unij me iinv good. One "uav some one told n4 1 w as enduring a great leal of needless pain when I could invest tlfty cejits in a I Kit tie - of St. .lacobs kil iihI be cured. I invested in a boti leof theoil, rublietl it on my shoulder twice, and in -two days forgot that I ever had rheumatism. Yes, that is a great remedy, aud no mis take. They "can't say too much in favor of its healing power." The above was uttered by Mr. Edgington while sitting in the orch of the Lalioiwla House, at Columbus, the other evening, and was overheard by an escaped reporter, whft is travel ing over t he country incog. Inquiry ieyeioiei me lacr tnar .ir. rouging 1 a . i i i . i m TIT , ... ton is one of the niost widely known men .in Kansas, figuring prominently in politics, ami acting as the respon sible agent of the Bradstreet Com niercial AgeiH'v. Upon subsequently making Air. Edgington jS Acquaintance the reporter was assured that all he 1-11 1 ;j . 1 i 1 . x ,,aM "eara was irue, ami ne was at 1:1.. . i.. , :.. 4.1... iniei i 1.0 use -u in iiie pupeis. s w;ego(lCah.) Jieinocrnt. Pungent Paragraphs. The man .who was above.board has ;ot married and gone to keeping house. in exchange prints a remedy for curing a dog one. e would pivier a remedy for curing .the dog liefon he bites.! C'ainels are said to thrive in Ari zona, wnere inev must creare mucn 1 . . . i i ast onishment on account of being al to go so long without drinking, V New York engraver recently m; de this mistake: ''Mr. and Mrs. respectfully request, your presents at the-marriage of their daughter.". . - . A Boston singer stopped warbliug and requested the removal of a cryi ing youngster. Some singers can't tolerate a rival in the same house. A young lady of rather indolent habits recently remarked that she was going Vest to live, eeause out there the tornadoes did all the sweep ink - r - " ' jespt every ImxIv's feelings, even your ..washerwoman's. However min-h yo'ii niav want to know her- address, never ask her where' she "hangs Ia writer in lJpinvotx' Magazine L..,. MVoman is primarily a Iieing who listens," ami a .graceless. 'ami libelous wretch at our elbow says', Yes, at a kexhole." Home is more to a woman than to a inan. n is ner i cm pic. . rne is us tldess, its priestess hut-. 'often- its janitor. A maiidocsn t look so long- i tit- " .1 .i :i. inuiy oacic ai ineoui iioinc, tiiougu u never cost him a cent, liought all his othes sod sent him to college. A njaii likes Ids home when, he gets acquainted in it, liccause there his stupidity. .passes for the profoundest wisdom. His jokes are all laughed at f rhoiftdi i( needs a ;lossary to --et at their meaning) ifhe only indicates the laughing place. When a man dies he is wept for. at home, but the cold world moves right along as if Homing nau uapH-uei; ioiio ioers conn to his graveyard even. ve;ir hits tomhstoiH smooth sitting on it. contract bad oetry and worse rheu matism, and burden the air with labial confectionery. I've heard that icie were skeletons in uianv homes 'I hey never get there unless they are Ml ought. IfollKKT .1. lil 1!1KT I K. OtH'oiri Til. Luther saitl: "If a man is not j t j andsome at I'U, strong at lUt, learu- 1 al 10, and rich at oO, he will never hainlsome, strong, learned or rich si ,,.- tlil.iiIFs eve as far as U-autv! ill tin World." Luther, no doubt,; J s reiiih, and learni.11 are concerned ,Mt iT. - la-l In hnv' an ortire hohh-i a d a cq u i red the a it f xa i n ii LT,t M H I :i c;ir out oi a saiarx oi ?.i,ihki;; heiire the li-maik alwait rirltes dosf ii. t tit now. " .':.' i:allier and Soti. CniA MIllA, S. , Feb. IC, lKXl. ! II. II. Warner x Co. : .Vrt 1 -iiimI ni vself of a kidm-v disease, and m v j Son of ( 'rioht's I )iseasi, hy the use i of your Safe Kiilm-y and Lier 'uie, j when every iitlier remedy had failed. I V . .John Agnkw. WIT AND HUMOR. Vhat wor4 is there of five letters that, after taking two away, will still have six! Sixty. j ' . i A wit leing asked, on the failure of a bank, "Were you not np.4et reiliel ; uXo I only lost my balance.', A servant with a turn for figures had five eggs to -boiland being told to give them three minutes each, boiled them a quarter ?of an hour altogether. Two loveiu lean across the gate "Aud go not yet." she maketh hioan. The tierce, far-.bouueing father coines- She swingeth on the gate alone. - ' . i It takes hut thirteen minutes to lead an elephant on a railroad train, while it takes twenty tor any sort of woman to kiss her friends good-bye and lose the .check for her trunk. "The Unseen Hand" is the title of a new book. Probably the other man didn't have anything better. than a pair of trays aud didn't dare to Call." A Uticaclergyman.had occasion to refer in ;a ..-senium to the prophet Jonah, and the report says tliat he tlehcatelv spoke ot huh as having "passed three days and throe iiights in the whale's ahem -society. "I am going to tell you a true story,' said Colonel Bragger, "and trutli you know, is ahvays stranger than fiction." "Yesthe kind that vou pu in your true stories beats fiction blind, remarked a by stander. : j t M. Prudhoinine instructs Ids grand child : u(lrandpapa, the sun is bright er in summer than in winter, is it not?" "Yes ; and it's w armer and enjoys better health." - "W hy. does it enjoy better health' ?" '."Because it gets up earlier." y "Don't go chopping away at the brammes,". said an old woodman to his sou. "Lav your ax at the foot of Lthe tree and then went off for a day's fishing. A man at (liyn Bay sold a span of horses aud gave his wife of the money. In the night lie got up to rob her, but the "good woman pep pered him-with a bullet and saved her cash. It is awful embarrassing (or ii ('oil gressman to have a' ? bill suddenly called up and discover that he has left his niemoramluni book at I home and he can't, for the life of him, Tecolleet which way he had Jigreed .to vote on that matter. f. When a newspaper now speaks of "the late was,'' it is impossible! to tell whether it refers to the 8oi(thern rebellion or to the recent oyster war in Virginia waters," i-n which the Governer of the Old Dominion achieved such a signal victory with his gunboats, and returned home covered with glory, mud and the rheumatism. i A little girl whose mother often talked to her of TJeaven in .fnch a way that she considered it a glorious shining place above the sky, crept in between the curtain and wimfow one evening, and stood for a lonjig time gazing info the sky. Suddenly she iM.umicu to ner mornei s si ic, ex claiming, 'Iother"f I kmiw now what the stars are ! (od ijiinebes holes in his noor, and that lets the shine down." The St. raid (Minn.). (H1 ob serves:. Things hail gone with him, and he wanted to he had the whole house around inighty lively, so we wrong ie ; yet la i ting heard, hunting for the St...Iacbs Oilj bottle, when the first twinge of rheumatism gathered him up. , ii rl B, tun Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Sorensss of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet ana tars, ana anx otner rams and Aches. ' N-i Prerfatioii c c-arth oqiialr T. -Ia'B- Oil. as A Mr4. niwttitl" Bli'l rA f.Mrjial ttt-lIMrjTV. A i bl entail but ilie o..niir&tivtly lulling outlay i" ro '. fcUll t-vviy OIK' UlliWlltff vmiIi iti -ha to . hi-atb iotivr t-n.-t vt lU tlilu. lHitH-tioH ia Eleven litiiiruttpc- 30LD BY ALL DEDOGI8T3 AUD DEALERS IH MEDICI1TL. j AVOGELER&CO., jUe2itinior,M4., U. S. A. f i- MKDKJAL. j RHEUOATIS hi RICHMOND, VA. MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages of All Ms Buggies, Phtons. JSix-eeat Carriaces. Jagger. Wagons Top and no Top, Ac. Send forx'ipcular PATRONIZE HOME FOLKS When They Can do as well Fer You. Hugh K. Murray i" Rcprtentrt the largest, ( hex pest, feia and oldext Regilar Life Inurance Company J- I ! s.. . . uoiiij; uuhmefs ir. nson. uit hi hi vour business and Itw will Kpend his money here among you Mar.l7-U iGRICULTURALLIME AND CARBONATE OF LIME Best and Cheapest Fertilizers ; .' ALSO . Building Lime, at $1.25 Per Barrel. Send for Circular.! French JBro'h., ap.!4-3t Rocky Point, N. C. Li. O- Qraxiy, m . HALIFAX, N. C. ' Watches, Clocks and fine Jewelry--repairing done neatly and with dis patch orders solicited. Apr7-6m r For Sale! ! Just received direct from de posits a cargo of Genuine No 1 Peruvian Guano, which I offer iii North Carolina, having paid State 1 axes.; . Chah. E. Smith, ; Wilmington, N. C. Ranted. By a man of over fwentyyears ex perience a iosition as manager of a tirst class Cotton Factory, some where in 'North Carolina. Highest relerences. ; Address Manager. Box 578 Willi amantic, Conn. Apr.l4th4t FRENCH'S Superior Cologne I is a fragrant and lastlnir perfume fer the toilet aud hanaKerchlef, Zdcta a via FRENCH'S cures Dyspepsia, Chills And Fever tod au disorders or the uver stom ach, 60 centa per bottle. FRENCH'S Never fails to cure Diarrhea, T'holera Morbus Pains and Cramp in the jstomach, '2 cents a vial. : FRENCH'S ARNICA LINIMENT is the bent for Rheumatism, Neural ina, Headache, Pains, Bruises, Ac, AO cents er bottle. FRENCH'S India Rubber Cement The best in the world for mending broken Furniture, Toys, Wood u are, , Price cents h . vial. Manufactured only ly . ' WM. E. FRENCH. Whiiltsale Drujfiot. 2o2 Svcttmon-Str-t-l. l'el-rhurtr, V. A"W.t tr Luwivnco A. Martin'x T')U) H( KsimI KVK, IDWhll l.'S lKK- I AUKI CUtMU ALS. for wakiiur irr tiU.M. m. H t'lti:XCII. nihly thi: Christman Plow. (il AKANTKKH TO l!E TII E j liEST; 1XTHK MAHKFr. HAS Til i: I JKrtT It K )M M EX HATION. 1 Oil SALKIiY ( ;) ; ! THE PRINCIPAL MER CHANTS OF AVIIW )N, TOIli NOT A NI ) BLACK CREEK. E. Battle, M D. JOtiVrs his profe-ioiiid M?rviees t thel puttlic Omce opposite Brigifs Hotel, ! AVilsoil, X. C April 7-im Virginia Tonic Bitters Gbotera aud DiarrlieaMixtnre MANSION HOUSE- M.S JAME8, Proprietress'. ENLARGED. Remodeled. Refur nished, Centrally , Ixeated. Good Ac commodations, Rates Heasonalle2-Jtf BO W ELL & ROBI N8( )X, FASHIONABLE BARUKKS. TARBORO ST.j WIT.SoX, V. f. . Iavine opened a first-chs Harl)er- shop solicits the patronage of tlmse who wibhgood work due. Satifa tiori Guaranteed. ijulvlVlv .vo tick. In consequehee of the death of (;( ri. unmn it becomes nessarv to set tle the business of the linn of (iritlin i- Murray. All persons indebted to said firm will plfease call at their place ot uusiness anuseiiie at once. WJJ.M UUUAY, Surviving partner of (Jritlin A lur ray. .- . Deo. 9tf. , WHOLESALE LI 0 0 U R DE A L E R -.,-.'." . - No. 21 Roanoke Square, ; NORFOLK, VA. Orders promptly attended to ami MchlO-3 Satisfactio! (Juarantetnl. J. E. OIIAR , . , ATTOKNKY-XT-I.A W, Pracl ices in the Counties of Hulii'ax. YAzk- oonil and Warren "np in thf jsniMtiiif '-anil Fe-teral Ciiurts of North Carolina, Mett3 W A And ison. . Atlantic Fovridiy, 206 Water Street. Norfolk. V:.. Manufacturer of. Every lK-s rijt ion of Castings Iron and Brass At short Notice, and. Knit i more ir'n--s. No Extra Charge for Pat tersi.s n Hand of yhicli I have -quite-an Extensive Variety. SG& Highest Cash Price jniidfor Mt tu!.-. March 10 1 year. To the Citizens of Wilsou and Idjacenl Towns. - W'ej the nciilerijiunl, In? le;ivr t-f c ill yopr attenlioti to . The Richmond Iron Koof Paint & Cement Would l f(ld tu cotiejp. nd with yuu hi the tubjeci of joijr own interest, VV e will warrant ft tight Roof io ever? irHtiuc and will Hod you the Wat of 'Tertiiuoiiials on tplication, Rfttl'ectfrtUr, , . llUFtCH l!P. S MjUchlO-Sm (Jnld- lv,r N'. To the Juliets of the Proce of Wilton ' County: Yu are hereby notified toum;,-i in the the Court House in the town of Wil son on the fourth fmday- in .M;iy 1882, to determine. vh-ther the In ferior Court of ikn County -It ill h dicontinned. Hy order of the I5(ard. A. i. .'ROOKS, ChairiniBi of th;liinrl of .lutii-CH f the-IVace of Wikori Coiintv. NOTICE Having bi''ii appoinp.,1 li'toi r.-r f the late firm ! Farnu-r .V: Waiiiwriht, all mtsoih iiidebt-tto thi-iii aiv hrn hy liotitled to come furuitM and iual: iyment, and th.s' holding' chdiiis ajaiii-t the same will pn---nt then phM-rly .'uutheiiticateii I'.ir aljn-t-meut. .1. A. TVXIOS. Nov. 11th, lssl.- ff. I I II K "V I t Having Ica.seil lUiichinei-y holon ino IV A. Wainwri'jlit, we nut now . prepared, to build lie ', and i -pair all kinds of M A O 11 I N K It V. ' k, Cep COIIStailtl V Oil lialOl W pipe and littiiipra Alf yalves .1 .. . : , O lyMllOII L'lllH III tCIl ; of all kiihU ILK IIli.:. all ol th tn the late - up in, mat -class Older. Jjpeeral ;t;. ohh.m n. urirn.r tu- )i-uTr- attelltlOII glVell tO lllttllL Up ; l-y. . r . At:..-uMalna IVr.. utJ .11 !iffitl-ff-ii ' . i. 'i 4- "' i in--f ilf Ki.1u.Uf. I.ii:r j'iuI riinr i Ml "WOrK. I.SlllIiaie.s I I r i, a ,uvlki,i .aft. rrtiw-dt fur f.-uaW4a- - I I : It I...." I i- I, ;i riui I'r.viisov i it uillcuairt4 l-uiruatM.a aa4 lllSlietlOll all KlinlS ll Work, til - j,. ,uval.ial.Wi..rt.iuHTlMcrtlhasf OtWb. tiers solicited, execuUd. and promptly Hurray & Buntoa, WILSON. X E- L- HUNTER, D. D. S. OFFICE AT ENFIELD, N. C. THE, UN DERSIONBD. have form, : ed a.tHvpartnership for the practioe of meuictne in the town of Wllon and adjoining country, lleturniag thank t their patrons for their " liberal pAf- r.nafre, tney solicit a contlnuanct or the same. Oftiee on: Naih Street oo- lositethe Court nouse lately occupied hy .las. y. Woodard, Esq- where one. or both" may be alwava found when not pfofe-ssionally enemged. i;..L l'EACOCK, M. D.r ; W. S. ANDERSON. M. D. .LUlI;H2.-ly. 1J-. MYERS, PETERS 7JURO, VA. Re-Distiller, Refiner and WholeI Liquor Dealer -8U Sycamore Htreet, Keeps constantly on hand a full toek of Liquors, Wines, Ac. Myer' malt el Rye "SUNNY SOUTH" Whisker unsurpassed. Orders solicited An satisfaction guaranteed. Feb 10-:mi) E. MYBR8. TALB0TT & SOUS Shbckoe IVIachino WORKS, niCILMONl), VA.. Maiiivfno'iiHT f Portable ni $uthm&ff K't.ii ii"A?sj and Boi)er. Sav Mills. Oern. teg W'?ii-:i Milk, i?lHfhiix, flHiiecniand Pully Ti.iMih' Wait-r Wli. i-k. Tobacco Fotorr M.i. hiiu i-y. Wiiim-hf Iro i H'orW. Brut tna lion I'n-i in-. Inrliiuciy ,f rvrry dotlp 0.XXI.S-G ,V TliRUStllSG VAVHIXEX . . A z YV.y IAI-TY. I! iiiii -ii.n: rniiiij.f y ami Carefully tnn Talbotf Patent Spark Arreater. I'ht- Iff vcul Ion ol'ibf Am. I ' liu s nut rt roy 1 h- driaft. It lii' nnt inii i rVre wjrh aulnjf lh , Ii will i,,t i:!i..kf and requires n '. eii a 1 1 .ii. . It i'K!iin. no ijiruct iunp4-rx lo b opeu- .I wliyu raising steam (Jiinmerf beluj; ob j i ioiuilile. a t hey may bt left opvir aud mIIhw 1 In-Kpi k.- Ip j'cape.J . . ft i ihre ti wah-r to eitiin'uih xpark chilli, hy Cinl'iiMiliii, dUuylhe draXt. Ht-.'nUs. vh n wat-r U gd, if neglected, i hv -Hicieucy destroyed by vapratiiHi r ihf waitr. aui the boiler ia kpt ta a tll hy coiidiiiuit. - Ii U simple aud durabla a ud aa b riM4 njioit. - L can be attached to toy bftOsr. No piuntc-r ihoald b wiihot 4' h tn. IiiKiuame comjank Will Utf hid hNin.4 ulun- rhV Talbotf Euxla4 Hii'l SparK Ait-lt-r-nr-u-fd a" aioa raU -.'s cli;H:',' l f.r. w lifer r -linrr --P. O-'iii'l for. ilimt i i vl circ'dara ul lilai ii llmi't : lii.lil-hMM. X. - J. X.- . !:oi-,I i.cinl .Wan-.ici-. 'I'. A. Ilrsiutfrf J f...H:iii-;-Mi;ii'i-! UoM'I'i't? Empire Plaster Mills, wiiiiiNcnoN, x. c. We :ire preparifd to deliver thw 1EST KOiA SCOTIa FrCSH SH0U10 PUSTtR ' . itiVI'SCM.) i iAtW'KXTKti nu: 1. IUJK IXlffl. J. U. IS1.os.som A KVANI, iM'bli mi Wll.MIMiTO.V, . c. 1 MKICiCAN HOL.Si: ft j liHTMOL'TK, VA. M "S TConvni-it to all ltailroait D-. pot and.Stc,aiiiiMat lindinJ. It.v i K-: Fir t Floor, ?r iliiy, U, Second Floor, jmt ay,.I,"0. N'.irth Carolina Travel M lUp-. full v Solicittl. ISIUVNi;KYISTKlWt Prop. Feb J-'SMv ! C .URLS VC3 Tii t ia;amn; si'ikmi-jts nr tviav :ro ili-ii iccKt iiiw- i.. xr -anl b diwr-i-ril KiJn- nr .-t II. ilior.. Jofetfc ktvktt atxi Iiv-r arc k-jt 11 p"rr.rt orUr, prfocl bmlit -.vul lit- tUr'T'-'tU- 1 ln trth l 0rn lwl I a rUurtU- an.l fr rr. ;l.- '..f-rl crml :i;'out lii.c :i !.'. i. fin. I r-Ul TU J; ivrrr ft'itiwr Siff Kiln-v I jrr ar tii:irk : ti-w r-t in v if. iiiir-il of ilw. lruutl. M:ll.' tr.ni ix .fuilo troi . -it of if- talubtr H j t-ui.tain ju- i Hi-. i.-m ttii- ii.i'o-jr ttf Bvwrt aii'l lustWilir Im'.Ii of tUctfo-al wri4. a4 !, at.-lt r.-tor.- a. tU-in in r.t-r. It la a A- u ftli Funtir it U uuni ik-l. far it I b oreuo thai ni iki- tl- l.btwt. Tbt-- r'-ni. dv. wlin U tia- ilinKul nmnWi, la uii iu ihf LAiaiKvr sizkii imrri.K mr iukiIu'iuo nKiu tli iitarki-t.Mil wM tr lrHtfftata ami all fi .ib-r. iui ONK IMilJJiK ANUTWIW IV tlVi;i'KXIS ,r tmt I hi. Kr iHtliriaa , ,iur, tur Vj1;.KK SAKK lH HfcTKS UdMB. ft i-a FwSITIVbKeiitady. --'. ' i 11 H WARN LK i (X ., Kocliivu-r. X T. LNUVCm. yoTict it